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采用新的均匀三点中心约束多矩有限体积方法(3-point Multi-moment Constrained finite-Volume scheme for Uniform Points with Center Constraints, MCV3_UPCC),发展了一个三阶正定守恒的平流模式。三点多矩有限体积方法在单网格内定义等距的3个自由度,采用多矩约束条件并通过控制方程获得时间演变方程。新的三点中心约束多矩方法能在单网格内采用等距的3个点值及中心一阶、二阶导数作为约束条件进行空间4次多项式数值重构,获得3个自由度的时间演变方程;所构建的新数值方案具有三阶精度,边界通量连续性保证了其数值严格守恒。为了抑制该方法的非物理数值振荡,引入了边界保型限制器技术,它能够把数值解控制在既定物理场最小值(最小值为0时则保持数值正定)与最大值之间。数值试验表明新发展的三阶平流模式具有良好的计算精度,能够严格保持数值解的正定性和守恒性,同其他高精度平流模式相当,在实际大气模式水汽等平流输送应用中具备良好的发展潜力。   相似文献   

A two-moment bulk stratiform microphysics scheme, including recently developed physically-based droplet activation/ice nucleation parameterizations has been implemented into the Grid-point Atmospheric Model of IAP LASG (GAMIL) as an effort to enhance the model’s capability to simulate aerosol indirect effects. Unlike the previous one-moment cloud microphysics scheme, the new scheme produces a reasonable representation of cloud particle size and number concentration. This scheme captures the observed spatial variations in cloud droplet number concentrations. Simulated ice crystal number concentrations in cirrus clouds qualitatively agree with in situ observations. The longwave and shortwave cloud forcings are in better agreement with observations. Sensitivity tests show that the column cloud droplet number concentrations calculated from two different droplet activation parameterizations are similar. However, ice crystal number concentration in mixed-phased clouds is sensitive to different heterogeneous ice nucleation formulations. The simulation with high ice crystal number concentration in mixed-phase clouds has less liquid water path and weaker cloud forcing. Furthermore, ice crystal number concentration in cirrus clouds is sensitive to different ice nucleation parameterizations. Sensitivity tests also suggest that the impact of pre-existing ice crystals on homogeneous freezing in old clouds should be taken into account.  相似文献   

吉林一次降水层状云的结构和物理过程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用机载粒子测量系统的探测结果,配合雷达及地面降水资料,结合一维层状云模式,通过对吉林2004年7月1日的一例降水性层状云系的宏微观物理结构和降水机制的定量化分析,对顾震潮三层模型有了进一步的认识.观测资料表明,该降水过程为典型的层状云降水,地面降水存在不均匀性,云系结构符合顾震潮三层概念模型,其中第1层为尺度很小的冰...  相似文献   

毫米波雷达测云个例研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
云参数是影响降水和大气辐射过程的重要因子,但对云参数的遥感探测存在许多困难。利用35GHz的毫米波雷达进行云探测,并进行云参数反演研究,反演了云水含量、冰水含量和云滴有效直径的垂直廓线,得到了6类云况的垂直分布。结果表明:1)不同类型的云具有不同的云参数分布;2)在低于-15dBz的非降水云情况下,反演的云水含量及云滴有效直径较可靠;3)雷达探测的线性退偏振比因子,可以用于判别云中的过冷却水和冰晶,有助于更好了解云的宏微观特征。  相似文献   

沈新勇  施义舍  王宏  张梦  韩静 《暴雨灾害》2022,17(3):336-347



A convective cloud transport model, without chemical processes, is developed by joining a set of concentration conservative equations into a two-dimensional, slab-symmetric and fully elastic numerical cloud model, and a numerical experiment is completed to simulate the vertical transport of ground-borne, inert gaseous pollutant by deepthunderstorm. The simulation shows that deep convective storm can very effectively transport high concentrated pollutant gas from PBL upward to the upper troposphere in 30 to 40 minutes, where the pollutant spreads laterally outward with strong anvil outflow, forming an extensive high concentration area. Meanwhile, relatively low concentration areas are formed in PBL both below and beside the cloud, mainly caused by dynamic pumping effect and sub-cloud downdraft flow. About 80% of the pollutant gas transported to the upper troposphere is from the layer below 1.5 km AGL (above ground level).  相似文献   

上海浦东机场平流雾的统计和监测分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
袁娴  陈志豪 《气象科学》2013,33(1):95-101
利用2000-2009年常规地面观测资料、探空资料和上海浦东机场地面气象例行观测资料,对浦东机场平流雾的气候特征和天气形势背景进行了统计分析.结果发现:浦东机场平流雾发生频次逐年增多、持续时间有增长趋势.从季节分布来看,平流雾多集中在冬春季出现.平流雾天气多发于“入海高压后部”、“副高西北侧”、“低槽气旋”、“台风外围”和“高压前部”等五类特定天气形势背景下.天气系统在空间上的特定配置使暖湿气流得以稳定的流经浦东机场,是浦东机场平流雾形成的根本原因.此外,利用浦东机场2007-2009年自动气象观测系统时间分辨率为1 min的能见度探测资料,对能见度低于200 m的平流浓雾进行分析,结果表明:浓雾爆发不是一次性完成的,稳定的浓雾形成之前会有较长时间的能见度大幅振荡过程,在能见度图谱上形成明显的“象鼻形”先期振荡特征,这一特性也给平流浓雾的监测和预警提供了依据.  相似文献   

文中从台风灾害的致灾危险性和承灾体脆弱性两方面选取评价指标,利用最小鉴别信息原理计算组合权重,采用模糊数学方法得到台风致灾危险性和承灾体脆弱性的评价指数。基于云模型和风险矩阵,构建一个新的台风灾害等级评估模型。以1984—2016年登陆华南的50个台风为例,对华南台风灾害风险进行综合等级评估,结果与实际相符。与基于云模型—权重分配、模糊数学的台风灾害综合风险等级评估模型的结果进行比较,发现基于云模型—风险矩阵的台风灾害综合等级评估模型,不仅利用了云模型的优点,充分考虑了台风灾害的模糊性和随机性,还利用风险矩阵合成了台风致灾危险性和承灾体脆弱性的评价结果,比单一的模糊数学模型更合理可靠,在一定程度上也比云模型—权重分配模型结果更符合实际。  相似文献   

采用WRF模式与包含了云凝结核(Cloud Condensation Nuclei,CCN)浓度和霰雹密度预报的NSSL(National Severe Storm Laboratory,国家强风暴实验室)微物理方案,模拟不同CCN初始浓度条件下南京地区的一次冰雹云过程,分析不同CCN初始浓度影响下冰雹云过程的宏微观演变特征,以及对流发展不同阶段的水凝物粒子及流场、温度场的垂直分布特征。研究发现:1)较大的CCN初始浓度虽然抑制了前期对流降水,但对后期对流降水的产生有促进作用;2)CCN初始浓度的增加使得模拟雷达回波的强回波区域(大于40 dBz)缩小,中等强度区域(小于40 dBz)扩张。3)CCN初始浓度增大不利于对流发展初期云雨自动转化过程的发生,但是促进了冰晶与雪的产生,使得冰雹含量峰值出现的时间推迟。4)CCN浓度增大抑制了雨水产生,间接使得霰粒子更倾向于干增长,平均密度更小;5)较大的CCN浓度促使冰雹云单体的发展时间增长。  相似文献   

In this study,cloud base height(CBH) and cloud top height(CTH) observed by the Ka-band(33.44 GHz) cloud radar at the Boseong National Center for Intensive Observation of Severe Weather during fall 2013(September-November) were verified and corrected.For comparative verification,CBH and CTH were obtained using a ceilometer(CL51) and the Communication,Ocean and Meteorological Satellite(COMS).During rainfall,the CBH and CTH observed by the cloud radar were lower than observed by the ceilometer and COMS because of signal attenuation due to raindrops,and this difference increased with rainfall intensity.During dry periods,however,the CBH and CTH observed by the cloud radar,ceilometer,and COMS were similar.Thin and low-density clouds were observed more effectively by the cloud radar compared with the ceilometer and COMS.In cases of rainfall or missing cloud radar data,the ceilometer and COMS data were proven effective in correcting or compensating the cloud radar data.These corrected cloud data were used to classify cloud types,which revealed that low clouds occurred most frequently.  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料和NCEP 1°×1°的再分析资料,对2009年12月1—2日南京地区一次浓雾天气过程产生的大尺度天气背景、气象要素及各种物理量进行分析,结果表明:高空弱脊和地面弱高压的控制有效抑制对流的发展,为这次浓雾的形成提供有利的环流形势;地面弱冷空气的影响,低层弱的辐合上升及中高层下沉增温作用,促使多层逆温存在,为雾的形成提供有利的层结条件;前期降水条件、近地层偏东风场及暖干盖作用为雾的形成提供了丰富的水汽条件;另外污染物集聚,也为雾的形成提供了丰富的凝结核。  相似文献   

河北一次层状云系降水的微物理机制数值模拟与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一维层状云模式,详细分析了2009年5月1日中国中东部地区一次层状云系的微物理结构和降水过程。结果表明:此次降水为层状云系降水,云系垂直结构符合顾震潮三层概念模型和“播种云-供给云”机制,其中第一层(上层:4.7-7.0 km)存在冰雪晶,雪主要通过冰晶自动转化和凝华增长。第二层(中层:2.6-4.6 km)有冰晶、雪、霰、云水、雨滴,此层贝吉龙过程作用明显。第三层(下层:1.3-2.5 km)主要粒子为云滴、雨滴、从上层融化的雪和霰,霰的融化对于雨滴的形成贡献最大。云体发展成熟时,各层之间存在一定的播种-供应关系,如第一层向第二层顶部播撒雪和冰晶,第二层向第三层顶部播撒霰和雪。  相似文献   

An evaluation of the effects of cloud parameterization in the R42L9 GCM   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cloud is one of the uncertainty factors influencing the performance of a general circulation model (GCM).Recently,the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics,Institute of Atmospheric Physics(LASG/IAP)has developed a new version of a GCM(R42L9).In this  相似文献   


利用湖北省襄阳市2019—2021年3 a云高仪观测资料,统计云出现频率、云层数和云底高度等指标,对该地区云的宏观特征进行分析,结果表明:(1) 襄阳市全年云系覆盖率较高,3 a平均云出现频率为61.3%。云出现频率呈现夏季高于冬季的季节变化特征,以及白天低、夜间高的日变化特征。(2) 云层数以单层云为主(78.3%),尤其在冬季(80.1%)。多层云分布中,双层云所占比例最大(18.5%),且多层云出现频率随云层数增加而降低;多层云出现频率夏季高、冬季低,主要与夏季水汽相对充足、温度较高使得对流旺盛等因素有关。(3) 云底高度在1.0 km以下的云,1月份出现频率为26%,云系分布较为分散,7月份达40%,云系相对集中;而云底高度在1.0~3.5 km之间的云,1月份出现频率达57%,云系分布较为集中,7月份为24%,云系相对分散。(4) 所有的对流性降水云,出现在6—8月的占83.3%,傍晚前后出现对流性降水的概率最大;云底高度上,对流性降水云平均云底高度较所有降水云平均结果更低,低云所占比例更大。


Summary The Euler equations govern the behavior of a fluid in motion. They have long been used as a test-bed for assessing the accuracy and efficiency of numerical schemes for solving them. This study focused on advection dominated flows so all other terms in the equations are omitted. The study examined only explicit schemes and does not address the many alternative approaches such as semi-Lagrangian and implicit formulations. The schemes examined here were applied to test cases of increasing complexity as it is well-known that a particular scheme may work very well on some test problems but fail on others. To avoid such problems, we began with the standard tests such as the advection of sine waves and various other one-dimensional shapes, then moved on to two-dimensional problems and finally tested cases that have many scales.Summarizing, the results from the range of test cases, it was found that the schemes that perform best are high-order upwind schemes, with diminishing returns above fifth- and sixth-order.Finally, the schemes were applied to cases where scalar advection requires that constraints such as positive-definiteness be satisfied. For these problems, the Flux Corrected Transport (FCT) and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) schemes were also applied. Similar conclusions were drawn, namely, that fifth- and sixth-order FCT and WENO schemes produced excellent simulations. However, these schemes were more computationally expensive than the standard high-order upwind and centred schemes.  相似文献   

A dataset from two campaigns conducted at the Vielsalm experimental site in Belgium was used as a basis for discussing some methodological problems and providing intermediate results on estimating CO2 advection. The analysis focused on the horizontal [CO2] gradient and on the vertical velocity w, the variables most affected by uncertainty. The sampling error for half-hourly horizontal [CO2] gradients was estimated to be 1.3 μmol mol−1. Despite this important random error for half-hour estimations of [CO2], the mean horizontal [CO2] gradients in advective conditions were shown to be representative at the ecosystem scale and to extend only to the lowest part of a drainage sub-layer, which developed in the trunk space. By contrast, under daytime conditions, this gradient was shown to be more sensitive to local source heterogeneities. The estimation of the short-term averaged vertical velocity ( was the greater source of error when computing advection terms. The traditional correction methods used to obtain are discussed and a (co)sine correction is tested to highlight the instrumental origin of the offset in w. A comparison of measurements by sonic anemometers placed close together above the canopy showed that the uncertainty on was 0.042 m s−1, which is of the same order of magnitude as the velocity itself. In addition, as the drainage sub-layer is limited to the lowest part of the canopy, the representativeness of is questionable. An alternative computation using the divergence of the horizontal wind speed in the trunk space produced a estimation that was four times lower than the single-point measurement. However, this value gives a more realistic estimate of the vertical advection term and improves the CO2 budget closure at the site.  相似文献   

利用一架搭载云和降水粒子探头的国王350飞机对2020年1月5日邢台皇寺上空降雪云系的微物理特征进行探测和分析。结果表明:飞机探测时段处于系统发展初期阶段,同一位置垂直上升阶段和垂直下降阶段云微物理特征差距较大;云体结构不均匀,表现为云粒子在垂直高度上呈多层分布,中间有夹层。4 300~3 100 m高度层的过冷水含量最丰富,峰值达0.3 g/m3,对应温度约-9℃。过冷水丰富区出现在逆温层上方,该层最适合开展碘化银增雪作业。  相似文献   

We investigate flux underestimates in eddy correlation measurements that are caused by horizontal separation of the sensors. A common eddy correlation setup consists of a sonic anemometer and a humidity sensor which, because of its bulk, must be placed some distance away from the sonic path, leading to a flux loss (of latent heat). Utilizing an additional fast temperature sensor placed near the humidity sensor, we develop a procedure for correcting for this loss. The procedure simultaneously corrects the sensible heat flux for the difference between true temperature and sonic temperature. Our correction procedure, which does not depend on the shape of the cospectrum, is then compared to the widely-used procedure following Moore (1986), which assumes a cospectral model ('Kansas Model). Both correction methods are applied to data collected within the internal boundary layer over a rice paddy, downwind of arid land. Under conditions of good fetch, they were found to agree well. Under poor fetch conditions, the model-based correction tended to be too small, while the spectrum-independent combined correction was robust. The latter is thus recommended for situations where the cospectral shape can be expected to deviate from the 'Kansas shape.  相似文献   

在三维强风暴动力—电耦合数值模式中引入基于Saunders et al.(1991) 实验结果的非感应起电参数化方案S91,在此基础上,利用云水饱和度替代环境温度和有效液水含量将S91方案变形.对比分析一次雷暴单体首次放电前,变形后的S91方案和原S91方案模拟得到的非感应转移电荷的极性、量级、电荷结构以及与霰和冰晶粒子分布之间的关系.结果表明,虽然两种方案采用的电荷密度变化率以及每次碰撞平均转移的电荷量均相同,但不同方案中决定粒子间电荷转移的因子不同对电荷的分布存在较大的影响.加入云水饱和度的S91方案,非感应转移电荷的极性多为正极性,电荷结构先呈单极性后转变为三极性,并有进一步转变为偶极性的趋势.但这两种方案模拟得到的霰与冰晶粒子电荷分布的重合区的范围、大小均不同,这也是造成两种方案电荷结构和转移电荷分布不同的主要原因.  相似文献   

地形云人工增雨条件卫星探测反演个例分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
选取2007年6月21日陕西白于山区地形云降水过程,用极轨卫星资料反演高空间分辨率的云微物理特征.对云降水物理结构分析表明:(1)山前云区(迎风坡)云顶亮温(T)为-31℃,粒子有效半径(Re)为9μm,含有丰富过冷水,缺乏冰晶;(2)T=-20℃的低云在有高云参与的情况下,产生了较多的降水;(3)山前云区面积约400...  相似文献   

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