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生态用地能够为人们提供生态产品和生态服务,对于维持生态系统健康与安全有着不可替代的作用。在我国城镇化进程快速推进的过程中,生态用地被大量侵占、受损严重,许多土地生态功能丧失。本研究基于1995-2015年的土地利用数据,探究长江经济带生态用地变化时空演变规律,并使用地理探测器和地理加权回归模型对于生态用地变化的驱动机制分别开展全局效应与局部效应分析。本研究将生态用地变化划分为5个类型:严重受损、轻微受损、保持不变、轻微恢复、明显恢复。研究结果表明:1995年至2015年,长江经济带生态用地面积呈现先增加后减少的趋势,但是总体的趋势是减少的,受损面积大于恢复面积。其中,减少的面积主要来自于林地和耕地。在这20年间,从生态用地变化类型来看,保持不变类型的面积最大,其次是轻微受损和轻微恢复类型。生态用地变化是多种因素相互作用的结果,而任何两个驱动因子共同作用的解释力都大于单一的驱动因素。此外,根据地理位置的不同,不同驱动因子对于生态用地变化的影响也不同。本文研究结果有助于土地管理者和政策制定者更好地制定区域和地方的相关土地利用政策。相关经验教训也可以推广到其他地区,以更好地管理生态用地,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

为深入探究吉林省经济增长与城市建设用地扩张的相互关系,本研究运用脱钩分析模型对吉林省经济增长与城市建设用地扩张的脱钩关系进行测度分析,并归纳其空间分异特点及成因。结果表明:1)2001–2015年,吉林省经济增长与城市建设用地扩张以弱脱钩状态为主,脱钩关系整体较为合理,经济增长对城市建设用地资源的依赖性逐渐减弱; 2)在空间上,各地市(州)脱钩关系地域差异性显著,主要划分为脱钩理想型城市(辽源市和白山市)、脱钩基本理想型城市(长春市、通化市、松原市、白城市和延边州)和脱钩不理想型城市(吉林市和四平市); 3)基本理想型城市逐渐趋向理想状态,而不理想型城市与理想状态差距较大。最后从加强建设用地供地管理、提高建设用地使用效率、转变经济发展方式等三个方面提出相关政策措施促进经济增长与城市建设用地扩张理想脱钩,以实现吉林省经济社会可持续发展、土地资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

快速的城镇化不仅提高了人们的生活水平,也带来了一些影响人类健康和可持续发展的负面效应。揭示城市扩张的时空动态过程及其与相应驱动因素之间的时空动态关系,是解决这些问题的先决条件,尤其对于数量多、扩张较快的小城市而言。本文以昆山市为例,从地形、社会经济、可达性和邻域等四个方面选取了11个影响因素,应用逻辑回归模型和地理加权逻辑回归模型,分析了昆山市1991-2014年期间城市扩张和相关驱动因素的时空变化过程。结果表明,昆山市呈现出加速扩张的趋势,2000-2014年期间的年均扩张率(28.42%)是1991-2000年期间的4倍,而且明显大于大城市同期的扩张速率。城市扩张和相关驱动因素之间的关系具有时空变化的特征。从全局的观点来看,距离城市、乡镇、主要道路越近,GDP越高的地区,城镇化的可能性越大。此外,值得注意的是人口和城市扩张的关系在减弱,尤其是在发达地区;而湖泊与城市扩张之间的关系却在加强。从局部的视角来看,各驱动因素对城镇化的作用大小,甚至作用方向在空间上呈现出明显的空间异质性。我们的结果还表明地理加权逻辑回归模型明显优于逻辑回归模型。基于以上发现,小城市的城市扩张应予以更多的关注,并且应实施区域差异化发展政策以实现新型城镇化。  相似文献   

China had implemented the national strategies for Major Function-oriented Zones(MFOZs)to realize the goal of national sustainable development since 2010.This study analyzed and compared spatio-temporal characteristics and differences in built-up area for China’s MFOZs using a China’s Land Use Database(CLUD)derived from high-resolution remotely sensed images in the periods of 2000–2010 and 2010–2013.To sum up:(1)The percentage of built-up area in each of the MFOZs was significantly different,revealing the gradient feature of national land development based on the distribution of the main functions.(2)Annual growth in built-up area in optimal development zones(ODZs)decreased significantly during 2010–2013 compared with the period 2000–2010,while annual growth in built-up area in key development zones(KDZs),agricultural production zones(APZs)and key ecological function zones(KEFZs)increased significantly.(3)In ODZs,the average annual increase in built-up area in the Yangtze River Delta region was significantly higher than in other regions;the average area increase and rate of increase of built-up area in KDZs was faster in the western region than in other regions;average annual area growth of built-up area in APZs in the northeast,central and western regions was twice as high as the previous decade on average;the annual rate of change and increase in the dynamic degree of built-up area were most notable in KEFZs in the central region.(4)The spatial pattern and characteristics of built-up area expansions in the period 2010–2013 reflected the gradient feature of the plan for MFOZs.But the rate of increase locally in built-up area in ODZs,APZs and KEFZs is fast,so the effective measures must be adopted in the implementation of national and regional policies.The conclusions indicated these methods and results were meaningful for future regulation strategies in optimizing national land development in China.  相似文献   

为加深对京津冀交界地区建设用地发展规律的认识,推动区域协同发展,该文基于2000年、2010年和2020年建设用地数据,综合运用建设用地扩张指数、核密度分析法和圈层分析法,探究京津冀交界地区43个县域单元建设用地扩张的时空特征及代表性扩张格局的驱动因素。结果表明:(1)2000—2020年京津冀交界地区建设用地规模不断扩张,扩张速度和扩张强度有所提升,各省域内变化差异显著;(2)建设用地空间格局呈现出圈层扩张和贴边扩张两种类型,其中贴边扩张是交界地区建设用地扩张的代表性格局,新增建设用地呈现出“整体分散、局部集聚”的特征,在环绕北京市城六区、天津市主城区以及京津冀交界地区(如通州区、三河市、大厂回族自治县、武清区等)存在高值集聚区;(3)京津冀交界地区贴边式扩张用地主要发生在低海拔、低坡度、人口分布相对疏散、经济发展水平相对较低的地区,并呈现出明显的河流指向、道路指向和贴近省界扩张的特点。  相似文献   

基于2000–2013年的数据,本文采用VAR模型探讨了东盟国家经济增长、金融发展、城镇化对碳排放的影响。实证结果显示:经济增长与碳排放,金融发展与碳排放之间存在着单向的格兰杰因果关系;经济增长和城镇化将会增加碳排放,而金融发展在初期会减少碳排放,长期对碳排放基本没有影响;经济增长和城镇化对碳排放的预测方差起着重要作用,金融发展解释碳排放的预测方差程度最小。最后,本研究分别从经济增长、金融发展以及城镇化三方面给出改善环境质量的政策建议。  相似文献   

对县域农村贫困的认识是扶贫开发精准施策的基本前提。云南省是我国贫困县数量最多的省份,贫困人口多、分布范围广、贫困程度深、扶贫难度大。本文基于农村贫困发生率数据刻画了2010年和2015年云南省县域农村贫困格局,并运用逐步回归分析探索影响云南省县域层面农村贫困发生率及其变化的主要因素。研究发现,云南省县域农村贫困受自然条件和地理环境的影响颇深,2010年和2015年,在空间上均呈现出中部地区贫困程度较轻,西北、东北和南部地区贫困程度较深的整体格局,县域贫困格局与云南省地形地貌、集中连片特困区有较强的吻合性;云南省县域农村贫困发生率与农村居民年人均纯收入和农业机械化程度有较强相关性,这两个指标关系到农村居民生活水平和维持生计的农业生产情况;2010–2015年,云南省县域农村贫困发生率的变化与第一产业增加值和农业机械化程度显著相关,说明第一产业的发展在云南省县域农村居民脱贫致富的过程中起到关键作用。因此,对云南省农村地区而言,农民年人均纯收入以及农业生产水平的提高仍是其脱贫解困的主攻方向,云南省在脱贫攻坚阶段应重点围绕农民增收和农业生产经营两方面制定有效的扶贫政策措施。  相似文献   

地表反照率直接影响着辐射平衡和地表热收支,是地球-大气系统研究中的关键因子。本文研究了2015年北京市地表反照率的时空分布特征,并基于地理探测器定量分析了地表反照率空间分异的驱动因素及其交互作用。结果表明:北京市地表反照率呈东南高、西北低的趋势;冬季变化最大,春季变化最小;年地表反照率最小值出现在秋季,最大值出现在冬季,具有显著的时空异质性。土地覆盖类型、NDVI、高程、坡度、温度和降水对地表反照率的空间分异均有显著影响,影响力分别为0.537、0.625、0.512、0.531、0.515和0.190;且一些驱动因素对反照率空间分布的影响存在显著差异。任意两种驱动因素之间均存在交互作用,表现出双变量增强的结果。其中,地表覆盖类型与NDVI的交互作用最大,影响力为0.710,而温度与降水的交互作用最弱,影响力为0.531。研究结果为了解北京市地表反照率的时空分布特征以及区域气候和陆面模式中能量模块的物理过程提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This research examines the distribution features of 4960 caves across Guizhou Province, while probing the relationship between the caves' spatial patterns and geographic elements. This study is based on hydrogeological and topographic maps of Guizhou. Arc GIS software was used to process the adjacent index, spatial analysis, and coupling analysis of the caves altitude and longitude, as well as the rock properties, lithology, drainage and tectonic division of almost 5000 caves. Based on a point pattern analysis of Guizhou caves, the adjacent index is 0.53, and the coefficient of variation verified by Tyson polygon reached 72.469%. This figure reflects the clustered distribution pattern of the caves. Across the entire province, caves are divided into four concentrated areas and one weakly affected area. The four concentrated areas are Zunyi-Tongren, Bijie, Qianxinan-Liupanshui, and Guiyang-Anshun-Qinan. The one weakly affected zone is Qiandongnan. The most concentrated among them is the Guiyang-Anshun-Qiannan area, which covers 24.67% of the total province area, and accounts for 36.63% of the total province's caves. Cave distribution in Guizhou is characterized as dense in the western part and sparse in the eastern part. Under this study background, the natural elements of formation, including lithology, structure, climate, hydrology, and altitude, and their effects on the distribution, number, and spatial pattern of cave development is analyzed.  相似文献   

Urban land intensive use is an important indicator in harmonizing the relationship between land supply and demand. The system dynamics(SD) can be used to construct the feedback loop between urban construction land supply and demand and index variable function. Based on this, this study built a supply and demand system dynamic model of urban construction land for Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration. This model can simulate the change trends of supply and demand of construction land, industrial land, and residential land in 2016–2030 by three scenarios of low, medium, and high intensity modes. The results showed that the scale of construction land of urban agglomeration is expanding, with a rapid increase rate for the urban construction land. The scale and speed of land use based on the three intensity modes existed differences. The large scale and supply of construction land in the low intensity mode caused easily the waste of land resources. In high intensity mode, the scale and supply of construction land were reduced against the healthy development of new-type urbanization. In the medium intensity mode, the scale and supply of land use adapted to the socio-economic development and at the same time reflected the concept of modern urban development. In addition, the results of this study found that the proportion of industrial land in construction land ranged from 15% to 21%, which increased year by year in the low intensity mode, and decreased slowly and stabilized in medium and high intensity modes. The proportion of residential land in construction land ranged from 27% to 35%, which decreased in the low and the medium intensity modes, and maintained a high level in the higher intensity mode. This study contributes to provide scientific reference for decision-making optimization of land supply and demand, urban planning, and land supply-side reform.  相似文献   

建立城乡统一的建设用地市场亟需解决农村集体建设用地入市路径问题,文章通过芜湖、广东、重庆三地模式实践研究,探索不同地区集体建设用地入市路径选择。通过分析三地模式实践安排和利益协调机制的利弊,发现三种模式在促进土地资源优化配置和集约利用、实现土地与资本市场的流动均起到了良好作用,但是利益协调机制的差异导致其适用性不同。广东模式适用于经济发达地区,芜湖模式更适用于中部发展中地区,西部欠发达地区则可借鉴重庆模式。由此得出,各地区在推动农村集体建设用地入市时,因结合区域特点和经济发展方向,选择不同的集体建设用地入市路径。  相似文献   

Since 1979,the Pearl River Delta(PRD) of China has experienced rapid socioeconomic development along with a fast expansion of construction area. Affected by both natural and human factors,a complex interdependency is found among the regional changes in construction area,GDP and population. A quantitative analysis of the four phases of the regional land use data extracted from remote sensing images and socioeconomic statistics spanning 1979 to 2009 demonstrates that the proportion of construction area in the PRD increased from 0.5% in 1979 to 10.8% in 2009,accompanied with a rapid loss of agricultural land. An increase of one million residents was associated with an increase of GDP of approximately 32 billion yuan before 2000 and approximately 162 billion yuan after 2000. Because the expansion of construction area has approached the limits of land resource in some cities of the PRD,a power function is found more suitable than a linear one in describing the relationship between GDP and construction area. Consequently,the Logistic model is shown to provide more accurate predictions of population growth than the Malthus model,particularly in some cities where a very large proportion of land resource has been urbanized,such as Shenzhen and Dongguan.  相似文献   

论文分析了河北省二氧化碳的环境库兹涅兹曲线,采用扩展的STIRPAT模型对河北省碳排放驱动因素及减排路径做了深入探讨。研究表明:(1)河北省的产业结构、终端能耗结构与经济增长之间呈复杂的函数关系,其碳排放量与经济增长处于正相关阶段,尚未到达碳排放生态拐点,没有形成EKC曲线,碳排放与经济增长之间的“脱钩”阶段还没有到来;(2)通过碳排放和影响因素之间的定量模型发现,产业结构(第二产业占比)、人均GDP、固定资产投资、人口规模、城镇化率对碳排放贡献最大;改变能源结构使煤炭占比逐年下降,碳减排效果明显;另外,环境规制对碳减排效果明显。(3)建议河北省碳减排重点应围绕控制重工业发展、避免产能过剩、优化产业结构、加速发展清洁能源等方面进行。  相似文献   

Global production networks have become the most important organizational platforms for coordinating international production activities, and their evolution patterns profoundly affect value distribution across the world. In this study, we shall firstly carry out an in-depth quantitative research to analyze the patterns and evolution of global production networks, using a long time-sequenced multi-region input-output table and the network analysis approach. Then based on the method of value-added decomposition, we will develop an index system to measure the degree of participation of regions in global production networks. Finally, we will try to identify the factors affecting the degree of participation of countries in global production networks by constructing a regression model. The results show that from 1995 to 2015, the evolution of global production networks measured by input-output linkages experienced four stages: expansion, contraction, re-expansion, and re-contraction. In addition, the core communities of global production networks evolved from two major production communities(Europe and the Americas) to three pillars(Europe, Americas, and Asia) while more segmented communities are mainly affected by geographical proximity. The latter consists of European, North American, South American, African and Asian communities. The evolution of the global production network pattern primarily manifests as a process of cooperation strengthening or weakening among communities, based on changes in the external environment and the need for individual development strategies. Meanwhile, the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom have consistently ranked among the top entities in global production networks, whereas China, Russia, and Southeast Asia have the fastest rises in ranking. In addition, government efficiency, resources endowment, infrastructure conditions and technology levels play important roles in the participation in global production networks.  相似文献   

采取扩张强度指数、等扇形法、空间自相关、PCA-STIRPAT模型((1))、地理探测器等方法,定量揭示1990—2018年长株潭都市圈建设用地增长格局特征及时空驱动因子。结果表明:(1)长株潭都市圈建设用地1990—1999年间扩张缓慢,2000—2009年迅速扩张,2010—2018年缓速扩张。这三个阶段长株潭都市圈建设用地主要扩张方向不同,长沙都市区为东北-正东-西南,株洲都市区为西南-西南-正西,湘潭都市区为正南-东南-正北,可见受长株潭城市群一体化建设的影响,三市的扩张方向有向中心交汇地靠拢的趋势。(2)1990—2018年长株潭都市圈建设用地扩张整体呈集聚态势,长沙市望城区和长沙县是建设用地增长的热点区,株洲市渌口区与湘潭市湘潭县是建设用地增长的极冷点区。(3)建设用地扩张的时间演化驱动因子是地方财政支出、固定资产投资、公路客运量、总人口、职工数量和专利授权数。综合来看,社会经济投资、人口增长和科技进步是驱动建设用地扩张的重要动力,人口和GDP是建成空间扩张的主导空间驱动因子。  相似文献   

Land expansion of mountain cities in China is not systematically studied yet.This study identified 55 major mountain cities at and above prefecture level,and analyzed the land expansion characteristics and driving forces,based on visually interpreted data from TM images in 1990,2000,2010 and 2015.From 1990 to 2015,total built-up land area of the mountain cities increased by 3.87 times,5.56%per year.The urban land growth was apparently accelerated after 2000,from 4.35%per year during 1990–2000 increased to 6.47%during 2000–2010 and 6.2%during 2010–2015.Compared to the urban population growth,the urban land expansion rate was 44% higher.As a result,the urban land area per capita increased,but it was still within the government control target,and also was much lower than the average of all cities in China.Urban development policy,changes to administrative divisions,GDP and population growth,and road construction were identified as the major driving forces of land expansion.Terrain conditions were not found a relevance to the urban land expansion rate during 1990–2015,but had a significant impact on the layout and shape,and also probably on the urban land efficiency.  相似文献   

沿海经济区空间演变与其产业经济的可持续发展紧密相关,探索用地演变的驱动机制,对区域未来发展具有重要意义。以临港产业高度集聚发展的典型沿海经济区——大连市新市区为例,基于TM遥感影像和DEM空间数据,通过随机选取2 000个采样点,构建了描述用地空间演变过程的Logistic回归模型,分析了沿海经济区土地利用变化过程的空间变量,重点研究驱动因素构成,各因素参与程度、影响效果和作用,各时段因素间的关联性及传导性等内容。研究发现,在1990~2010年的20 a间,大连市新市区建设用地面积增加了近30倍,其空间驱动变量除了包含与城市CBD、邻近区县、乡镇中心的距离外,还与到主要港区、沿海岸线、邻近临港工业区距离等因素密切相关,这一系列城镇空间分布与港口相关变量构成了用地空间演变的驱动因素体系,共同塑造了沿海经济区的空间格局。文章所建空间模型通过Logistic回归检验,能够较好地揭示沿海经济区空间演变的主要驱动因素及其作用机理,为相关研究提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

本文采用生态足迹理论方法对鄱阳湖地区6个城市(南昌、景德镇、九江、新余、鹰潭、抚州)1991-2010年生态足迹进行了测算,以生态足迹度量生态资源投入,与劳动力、资本一起作为投入要素对经济增长的内在贡献度进行了分析,并研究了全要素生产率与经济增长率的关系以及三大产业对生态足迹的影响。结果表明:(1)1991-2010年鄱阳湖地区6个城市生态足迹呈现逐年上涨的趋势,其中化石能源地、耕地与草地的生态足迹对总生态足迹的影响较大;(2)生态资源、劳动力与资本等要素对经济增长的贡献度呈现出地区性的差异,南昌、九江、新余和鹰潭属于资本主导型,资本对经济增长的贡献率最大,景德镇和抚州属于劳动力主导型,劳动力对经济增长的贡献率最大,生态资源要素的贡献率在6个城市中均居于最后,说明生态资源要素的使用效率过低;(3)全要素生产率对经济发展水平起到了关键作用,但6个城市的全要素生产率总体水平都很低,说明鄱阳湖地区经济增长的技术含量较低,要素的使用属于粗放型,这不利于该区域经济长期快速发展的要求;(4)第一产业对生态足迹的影响最大,第三产业对生态足迹的影响最小,鄱阳湖地区各城市应转变经济发展方式,大力发展第三产业。最后,在此基础上提出了鄱阳湖地区可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

青岛市是山东省经济发展和新型城镇化进程中的重要增长极,因此,研究其城市扩展与影响因素的过程有重要的意义。本研究从非城镇建设用地—城镇建设用地转换的视角,对青岛市城市用地扩展的时空格局与影响机制进行定量实证分析。采用城市扩展强度指数和城市扩展差异指数分析了青岛市辖区及胶州、即墨、平度、胶南和莱西五个县级市1990年至2008年城市用地扩展的时空格局差异。结合GIS和逻辑回归模型以县域单元数据为基础分析了用地扩展的影响机制。结果表明,高程、坡度、到道路的距离和到市中心的距离对城市扩展有显著负相关作用;而人口和GDP对城市扩展具有正相关作用且影响程度高,邻域因素也具有正相关作用。作用力在不同的县域影响范围有所不同。城市用地扩展的影响因素分析为土地利用管理和土地利用规划有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

广州市花都区建设用地扩展的时空特征及驱动因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用RS/GIS相结合的方法,获取1990-2008年间5期的TM影像,从而获取相应时间的土地利用数据.通过对扩展速度与强度、扩展弹性、空间自相关等的分析,总结广州市花都区建设用地扩展特征,从不同方面探讨建设用地扩展的驱动力.结果表明:研究区域建设用地总体快速增长,各阶段增长速度、强度及弹性不同,其中在2000-2005年建设用地扩展速度最快,年平均达23.39%,而2005-2008年建设用地扩展强度最大,扩展方向以向东、向北为主;经济发展、交通建设、城市规划、人口扩散和自然地理环境是花都区建设用地扩展  相似文献   

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