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In recent decades, marshes naturally dominated bySpartina spp. have been replaced byPhragmites australis throughout the northeastern United States. We suggest that early in this invasion there was little effect on the fish fauna. As the invasion proceeds, the marsh surface habitat became more altered (i.e., elevated, flattened, reduced water-filled depressions, and reduced standing water), which resulted in a reduction of feeding, reproduction, and nursery function for fishes, especiallyFundulus spp. These potential changes in marsh habitat and function have resulted in numerous attempts to removePhragmites and restoreSpartina spp. To evaluate the response of marsh surface fishes toPhragmites treatment, we examined fish use in the brackish water reaches of Alloway Creek in the Delaware Bay estuary. ReferencePhragmites habitats were compared with referenceSpartina alterniflora-dominated habitats and sites treated (1996–1998) to removePhragmites to restore former vegetation (i.e., restored, now comprised of 100%Spartina). Fish were sampled with an array (n=9 at each site) of shallow pit traps (rectangular glass dishes, 27.5×17.5×3.7 cm). Small individuals (mean=17.5, 5–45 mm TL) dominated all pit trap collections. Fish abundance was highest at the restored (catch per unit effort [CPUE]=2.16) andSpartina (CPUE=0.81) sites with significantly lower values atPhragmites (CPUE=0.05) habitats. Samples were dominated by young-of-the-year mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus (98% of total fish, n=631). The only other fish species collected was spotfin killifish,Fundulus luciae (2% of total catch, n=14), which was only present in restored andSpartina habitats. These observations suggest that the restored marsh is providing habitat (water-filled depressions on the marsh surface) for young-of-the-yearFundulus spp. These marshes are responding favorably to the restoration based on the much greater abundance of fish in restored versusPhragmites habitats and the overall similarity between restored andSpartina habitats.  相似文献   

The morphology of the small stalkless Saccocoma tenella is unique among crinoids. It is characterized by an extremely light skeleton with dish-like lateral wings on the proximal brachials and peculiar paired vertical processes flanking the food grooves of more distal brachials. The arms are heavily branched. The lateral wings obviously were involved in vertical movement. For the vertical processes a “baffle rail” function for arm curling and “snap swimming” has been postulated, with muscles between the processes. However, there is no evidence that the processes were connected by muscles. For food collection a “pulsating funnel” model in the water column is advocated, with the processes serving to collect plankton during upward movement of the arms. The resulting mouth-up position is supported by the biostratinomy. Saccocoma tenella is considered to have been pelagic, a benthic lifestyle is rejected on ecologic and taphonomic grounds. Adorally-curled arms are considered a reaction to hostile environment before death, not a taphonomic artefact.  相似文献   

The mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus, is one of the most important macrofaunal components of salt marsh surfaces and an important link to subtidal areas of the adjacent estuary along the east coast of the U.S. We estimated growth, population size, and production of the mummichog in a restored marsh in order to improve our understanding of the role of this resident fish and to evaluate the success of the restoration. The restored marsh, covering 234 ha, was a former salt hay farm located in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay that was restored to tidal influence in August 1996. We separated the mummichog population into two components based on life history stage and summer habitat use patterns. One component, consisting of adults and large young-of-the-year (YOY), exhibited tidal movements to and from the marsh surface and the subtidal creeks. These were examined with an intensive mark and recapture program using coded wire tags. Another component, consisting of small YOY, remained on the marsh surface throughout the tidal cycle. Throw traps were used to sample these small YOY. The mean annual population density of adults and large YOY for the entire marsh was approximately 1.2 fish m−2 and mean monthly density peaked at 2.9 fish m−2. The mean annual density of small YOY on the marsh surface was 15.1 fish m−2 and mean monthly density peaked at 41.4 fish m−2. Size and season influenced the growth rate of individual fish and instantaneous growth rates ranged from 0.03 to 2.26 mo−1. Total annual mummichog production was estimated to be 8.37 g dw m−2 yr−1, with adults and large YOY contributing 28.4% (2.38 g dw m−2 yr−1) and small YOY on the marsh surface contributing 71.6% (5.99 g dw m−2 yr−1). The seasonal use and population densities were comparable to previous studies in natural marshes while growth and production of mummichog in this restored marsh appeared to be higher. Coupled with the results of other studies on the feeding, movement, and habitat use of this species in this restored marsh, the species has responded well to the restoration.  相似文献   

Rhizedra lutosa (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), native to Europe, was first found in North America in 1988 in southern New Jersey. The insect is reported to cause serious damage toPhragmites australis in the Netherlands, but it now appears to be relatively unimportant throughout central Europe. We are investigating this insect as part of an effort to characterize existing natural enemies ofP. australis in North America toward a goal of biological control of this invasive plant. We trapped adults ofR. lutosa with blacklights in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Delaware, and Maryland; we also found it in Ohio and Pennsylvania.R. lutosa larvae feed in stems and rhizomes ofP. australis growing in dry sites. Based uponR. lutosa damage surveys andP. australis biomass measurements, we have determined that this insect does cause a reduction of plant growth in some sites, however, because of low moth densities, this effect is small. Despite spreading rapidly,R. lutosa densities do not appear to be increasing at sites we have investigated, and this insect does not currently appear to have much of an impact uponP. australis in North America.  相似文献   

To offer an insight into the toxicity of nanomaterials (NM) on the growth of bacteria, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) and Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. tumefaciens) were exposed to nano-Au, nano-Ag, nano-Fe and fullerene (C60) in this study. As an effective bactericide, nano-Ag induced high toxicity on these three bacteria; C60 could inhibit their growth; however, B. subtilis and E. coli could recover as exposure time extended. Nano-Au and nano-Fe had hardly any effect on three bacteria. A. tumefaciens showed the lowest resistance and slowest growth rate during exposure. Images obtained by scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that nano-Ag could cause damage to the cell structure of three bacteria at 1 μg/mL. Slight damage on E. coli was found when exposed to C60, whereas no obvious physical damage was found after exposure to nano-Au or nano-Fe. It is assumed that surface activities of NM might be responsible for the different toxic effects on these bacteria.  相似文献   

The mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus, is one of the most abundant macrofaunal components of salt marsh ecosystems along the east coast of the United States. During April–November 1998, we determined the habitat use and movement patterns of young-of-the-year (YOY) and adult mummichogs in a restored marsh, formerly a salt hay farm, and an adjacent creek in order to expand our understanding of the ecology of the species and evaluate the success of the restoration. Four major fish habitat types (large first-order natural creek, second-order created creek, linear drainage ditch, and marsh surface) were identified within the study site. Patterns of relative abundance and mark and recapture using coded wire tags were used to determine the habitat use, tidal movements, home range, and site fidelity of the species within these habitat types. A total of 14,784 fish, ranging from 20–100 mm SL, were captured with wire mesh traps and tagged, and 1,521 (10.3%) fish were recaptured. A variety of gears were used to attempt to recapture fish across all habitat types, including wire mesh traps, push nets, and otter trawls. Based on abundance and recaptures of tagged fish, the YOY and adults primarily used the shallow subtidal and intertidal areas of the created creek, the intertidal drainage ditches, and the marsh surface of the restored marsh but not the larger, first-order natural creek. At low tide, large numbers were found in the subtidal areas of the created creek; these then moved onto the marsh surface on the flooding tide. Elevation, and thus hydroperiod, appeared to influence the microscale use of the marsh surface. We estimated the home range of adults and large YOY (20–100 mm SL) to be 15 ha at high tide, which was much larger than previously quantified. There was strong site fidelity to the created creek at low tide. The habitat use and movement patterns of the mummichog appeared similar to that reported for natural marshes. Coupled with the results of other studies on the feeding, growth, and production of this species in this restoreh, the species appeared to have responded well to the restoration.  相似文献   

Japanese knotweed s.l. (Fallopia spp.) is a highly invasive clonal plant, best known from roadside and riparian habitats. Its expansion into beaches on Long Island, NY, USA, represents a major habitat shift. I surveyed populations from beaches and wetlands and conducted a common garden experiment to test for variation in drought tolerance and phenotype among populations and habitats. All populations were composed mostly of first- and later-generation hybrids. I found significant variation among populations in growth, lamina size, specific leaf area (SLA), and biomass allocation, in both the field and the common garden. Lamina size, growth, and root-to-shoot responded plastically to drought treatment. Wetland populations tolerated drought as well as beach populations. Differentiation in SLA between habitats suggests that some selection for beach genotypes may have occurred. It appears that both hybridization and phenotypic plasticity are contributing to the expansion of Fallopia spp. into novel habitat.  相似文献   

The Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, is a recent and particularly successful introduction to the east coast of the USA. Little research has been done on the utilization of Asian shore crabs for food by native species, a potential form of biocontrol. Over a 4-year period, we examined the gut contents of cogeners, Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis, collected from two embayments in western Long Island Sound for the presence of juvenile H. sanguineus. Frequency (percent) of occurrence of food items in the guts of both species varied over year and study site. Asian shore crabs were consumed more often by F. heteroclitus than by F. majalis, but predation pressure by both species was low. Only 13% of F. heteroclitus and 7.7% of F. majalis found with food in their guts had ingested Asian shore crab remains. Of those, 1/3 had consumed whole crabs; the rest had only autotomized appendages in their guts. The mean carapace width of juvenile Asian shore crabs ingested by F. heteroclitus was 3.59 ± 2.22 mm (N = 33). Results of our study on killifish predation support the hypothesis that H. sanguienus abundance is partly explained by reduced impact of native predators (i.e., the “enemy release hypothesis”). Predation pressure of other potential enemies on both planktonic and benthic stages of the Asian shore crab must be investigated, however, to understand the full impact of predation on H. sanguineus population dynamics.  相似文献   

Phragmites australis has been invading Spartina-alterniflora-dominated salt marshes throughout the mid-Atlantic. Although, Phragmites has high rates of primary production, it is not known whether this species supports lower trophic levels of a marsh food web in the same manner as Spartina. Using several related photochemical and biological assays, we compared patterns of organic matter flow of plant primary production through a key salt marsh metazoan, the ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa), using a bacterial intermediate. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was derived from plants collected from a Delaware Bay salt marsh and grown in the laboratory with 14C-CO2. Bacterial utilization of plant-derived DOM measured as carbon mineralization revealed that both species provided bioavailable DOM to native salt marsh bacteria. Total carbon mineralization after 19 days was higher for Spartina treatments (36% 14CO2 ± 3 SE) compared with Phragmites treatments (29% ±2 SE; Wilcoxon–Kruskal–Wallis rank sums test, P < 0.01). Pre-exposing DOM to natural sunlight only enhanced or decreased bioavailability of the DOM to the bacterioplankton during initial measurements (e.g., 7 days or less) but these differences were not significant over the course of the incubations. Mixtures of 14C-labeled bacterioplankton (and possibly organic flocs) from 14C-DOM treatments were cleared by G. demissa at similar rates between Spartina and Phragmites treatments. Moreover, 14C assimilation efficiencies for material ingested by mussels were high for both plant sources ranging from 74% to 90% and not significantly different between plant sources. Sunlight exposure did not affect the nutritional value of the bacterioplankton DOM assemblage for mussels. There are many possible trophic and habitat differences between Spartina- and Phragmites-dominated marshes that could affect G. demissa but the fate of vascular plant dissolved organic carbon in the DOM to bacterioplankton to mussel trophic pathway appears comparable between these marsh types.  相似文献   

Changes in freshwater inflow and salinity patterns may affect the nursery value of estuarine systems for penaeid shrimp, but the relationship between salinity and shrimp abundance is complex and likely confounded by other environmental variables. Laboratory experiments can provide insights into salinity selection, and we designed an experimental gradient tank to examine salinity preferences of juvenile brown shrimp and white shrimp. Our design uses gently flowing water to eliminate various physical constraints often associated with selection experiments. We conducted experiments with juvenile brown shrimp (12 trials) and white shrimp (seven trials), to examine selection for salinities along a gradient from 1 to 42. Data were analyzed using contingency tables and log-linear modeling to examine relationships with salinity and possible interactions with temperature. Both brown shrimp and white shrimp were present in all salinities examined within the experimental range. In general, brown shrimp showed a preference for salinities from 17 to 35 and demonstrated avoidance for the extreme low salinities along the gradient. Results for white shrimp were not statistically significant, and this species did not appear to avoid low salinities. There was no effect of water temperature on the observed selection patterns for brown or white shrimp. Our results suggest that although salinity preferences likely exist for these species, strong distribution trends associated with salinity gradients in estuaries are likely caused by other environmental factors.  相似文献   

The compressibility at room temperature and the thermal expansion at room pressure of two disordered crystals (space group C2/c) obtained by annealing a natural omphacite sample (space group P2/n) of composition close to Jd56Di44 and Jd55Di45, respectively, have been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Using a Birch–Murnaghan equation of state truncated at the third order [BM3-EoS], we have obtained the following coefficients: V 0 = 421.04(7) Å3, K T0 = 119(2) GPa, K′ = 5.7(6). A parameterized form of the BM3 EoS was used to determine the axial moduli of a, b and c. The anisotropy scheme is β c  ≤ β a  ≤ β b , with an anisotropy ratio 1.05:1.00:1.07. A fitting of the lattice variation as a function of temperature, allowing for linear dependency of the thermal expansion coefficient on the temperature, yielded αV(1bar,303K) = 2.64(2) × 10−5 K−1 and an axial thermal expansion anisotropy of α b  ≫ α a  > α c . Comparison of our results with available data on compressibility and thermal expansion shows that while a reasonable ideal behaviour can be proposed for the compressibility of clinopyroxenes in the jadeite–diopside binary join [K T0 as a function of Jd molar %: K T0 = 106(1) GPa + 0.28(2) × Jd(mol%)], the available data have not sufficient quality to extract the behaviour of thermal expansion for the same binary join in terms of composition.  相似文献   

Vegetable tannins are complex polyphenols, which occur widely in nature. Traditionally, natural tannins have been used for tanning leather. In Brazil, the main tannin-based products are obtained from Acacia mearnsii, which is a leguminous tree native to Southeastern of Australia, and the first seeds were brought to Brazil in 1928. The main cultivation of acacia was established in Rio Grande do Sul state due to the possibility of raw material for charcoal, adhesives to fuel and for tanning leather. The leather tanning processes based on plant tannins are thought to be less harmful than chromium-based tanning, and it has been used as a sustainable alternative. However, there is scarce information about the environmental impact of the leather tanning processes, with most studies reporting inhibitory effects against microorganisms at high doses and stimulatory and positive health effects at low concentrations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of tannin preparations extracted from A. mearnsii in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vegetable tannin toxicity in yeast was tested using two tannin treatments in different concentrations. In general, the results showed toxicity of vegetable in yeast, BY4741 and gsh1Δ strains.  相似文献   

The role of positive and indirect interactions is often crucial in communities with intense abiotic stress such as salt marshes. The burrowing crab, Neohelice (=Chasmagnathus) granulata, is the dominant benthic macroinvertebrate of southwest Atlantic marshes (southern Brazil to Northern Argentinean Patagonia), having strong direct and indirect effects on marsh soil and, in consequence, on marsh vegetation and primary consumers. In this work, we investigate if this crab indirectly modifies habitat use by the granivorous rodents, Akodon azarae and Oligoryzomys flavescens, by increasing nutrient availability and thus enhancing seed production by the marsh plant Spartina densiflora. The study was conducted at the Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon, Argentina (37°32′ S). Rodent frequencies in S. densiflora were positively correlated with crab densities throughout the low and middle marsh. Additionally, the highest quality of S. densiflora and inflorescence density was recorded at the highest crab densities. Experimental manipulation of crab densities shows that N. granulata indirectly enhances the performance of S. densiflora (e.g., decreased fiber content and C/N ratios) and increases density of seeds. Moreover, N. granulata also facilitates S. densiflora seed availability to rodents by concentrating them in sediment mound at their burrows entrances. Experimental rodent exclusions showed that rodent species used S. densiflora seeds, a variable positively related to crab burrow density. Thus, our results show that N. granulata drives the granivorous rodent distribution and the intensity of seeds–rodent interaction trough facilitative and indirect interactions in marsh community.  相似文献   

We compared nekton densities over a range of measured flooding conditions and locations withinPhragmites australis andSpartina alterniflora (salt marsh cordgrass) at the Charles Wheeler Salt Marsh, located on the lower Housatonic River estuary in southwestern Connecticut. Nekton were sampled on nine spring high tide events from May to October 2000 using bottomless lift nets positioned between 0–5 and 10–20 m from the creek edge. Flooding depth, duration, and frequency were measured from each vegetation type during each sampling month. Benthic macroinvertebrate density was also measured within each vegetation type in May, July, and September. Frequency of flooding was 52% lower and flooding depth and duration were also significantly reduced inP. australis relative toS. alterniflora. A total of 4,197 individuals representing 7 species, mostlyPalaemonetes pugio (dagger-blade grass shrimp) andFundulus heteroclitus (common mummichog), were captured.P. pugio densities were significantly greater inS. alterniflora as were benthic macroinvertebrate density and taxa richness during May, but not during June or October. Total fish density was not significantly different betweenP. australis andS. alterniflora and was independent of location on the marsh. Significantly more juvenileF. heteroclitus were collected withinS. alterniflora relative toP. australis in June and July, suggesting that recruitment of this species may be lower inP. australis habitat. Fish density generally did not vary predictably across the range of flooding depth and duration; there was a positive relationship between flooding depth and fish density inS. alterniflora. The measured reduction in flooding frequency (52%) withinP. australis at the Housatonic site would result in an average total monthly fish use, expressed as density, of 447 ind m−2 forP. australis and 947 ind m−2 forS. alterniflora. WhenP. australis expansion results in reduction of flooding frequency and duration, nekton community composition can change, access to the marsh surface is reduced twofold, and nursery habitat function may be impaired.  相似文献   

Understanding methane emissions from natural sources is becoming increasingly important with future climactic uncertainty. Wetlands are the single largest natural source of methane; however, little attention has been given to how biota and interactions between aboveground and belowground communities may affect methane emission rates in these systems. To investigate the effects of vegetative disturbance and belowground biogeochemical alterations induced by biota on methane emissions in situ, we manipulated densities of Littoraria irrorata (marsh periwinkle snails) and Geukensia granosissima (gulf ribbed mussels) inside fenced enclosures within a Spartina alterniflora salt marsh and measured methane emissions and sediment extracellular enzyme activity (phosphatase, β-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, peroxidase, and phenol oxidase) over the course of a year. Changes in snail density did not have an effect on methane emission; however, increased densities of ribbed mussels significantly increased the emission of methane. Sediment extracellular enzyme activities for phosphatase, cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, and phenol oxidase were correlated to methane emission, and none of the enzymes assayed were affected by the snail and mussel density treatments. While methane emissions from salt marsh ecosystems are lower than those from freshwater systems, the high degree of variability in emission rates and the potential for interactions with naturally occurring biota that increase emissions warrant further investigations into salt marsh methane dynamics.  相似文献   

Cadmium and other heavy metals lead to environmental danger, and these heavy metals are a great threat to human and other animal’s health. Investigation of the relationship between survival of E. coli and metallothionein smtA gene expression against cadmium ion is the goal of this research. Survival of recombinant bacteria containing smtA gene was analyzed against various concentrations of cadmium chloride salt using optical density (OD). At the resistive range, recombinant bacteria were subjected to different treatments. At the logarithmic phase of bacterial growth, sampling, RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were performed and smtA gene expression was then analyzed by real-time PCR using designed primers for smtA gene and Amp resistance (as the calibrator gene). Relative gene expression was calculated using the ??Ct method. The resistive range against cadmium chloride was 0.5–0.7 mM (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC = 0.5 mM)). Survival and gene expression analysis showed that in induced bacteria, smtA expression was increased significantly that in turn conferred resistance to cadmium chloride prominently. There was a direct relationship between increased smtA gene expression and survival of the recombinant bacteria. Therefore, our result may help to confront to cadmium metal environmental pollution using overexpression of smtA gene expression in recombinant bacteria.  相似文献   

Rhizomes with tubers of Equisetum cf. oppositum Ma, Su et Zhang are described for the first time from the Paleocene-Eocene of North Nima Basin, the Tibet Autonomous Region, southwestern China. The fossils are preserved as rows of 6 tubers and rhizome consisting of distinct node and internodes; the tubers are elliptical, ovate, and more or less rounded with distinct longitudinal ribs and grooves on the surface of internodes. According to the similarity of the morphology and arrangement with fossil Equisetum subgenus Equisetum, the present fossils are assigned to Equisetum cf. oppositum Ma, Su et Zhang. Vegetative reproduction and energy storage are the main two functions of tubers, and the presence of tubers implies that burial occurred during the late fall or winter. Based on the occurrence of fossil Equisetum in the forth sequence and the ichthyolite in Nima Basin, associated with zoolite, fossil plant, and palynological assemblages in Lunpola Basin, it would suggest a locally warm, wet environment, probably a lacustrine depositional environment during the Paleocene-Eocene in the Nima Basin of geographic center of Tibetan Plateau. Furthermore, the molasse characteristic of Niubao Formation shows that the Nima Basin situated in the hinterland of Tibetan Plateau might uplifted during the Paleocene-Eocene and have become land from sea. The study is of great significance for further interpretation of the history of uplift in the Paleocene-Eocene of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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