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北京时间2021年5月21日21时48分36秒,云南省大理州漾濞县发生MS 6.4地震。利用云南数字地震台网2021年5月18日至8月22日的震相报告,采用双差地震定位法,对漾濞MS 6.4地震序列进行重新定位。重新定位结果显示序列呈NW向优势分布,破裂长约20 km,宽约7 km,对重新定位结果进行误差分析,水平方向定位误差约为0.8 km,垂直方向定位误差约为1.0 km,定位结果具有较好的稳定性。依据震中分布的走向将序列划分为NW向的主断层与NNW向的分支断层,主断层存在较为明显的分段现象,分支断层呈雁列状分布。根据小震丛集性发生在大震断层面及其附近的原则,利用重新定位后的小震震源位置反演得到漾濞MS 6.4序列主断层走向约320°,倾角约89°,深度范围3~13 km。根据拟合得到的断层在地表的投影位置,推测本次地震的发震断层为维西-乔后断裂西侧的草坪断裂。基于断层滑动量分布识别出3个凹凸体,结合序列时空演化特征,分析了漾濞MS 6.4地震序列的破裂过程,结果显示断层中段的凹凸体发生初始破裂...  相似文献   

据中国地震台网测定,2021年5月21日21时48分在云南省大理州漾濞县发生MS6.4地震,及时查明此次地震的发震构造及震源破裂特征,可为认识该区孕震条件和判别未来强震危险性提供关键依据。采用双差定位方法对漾濞地震序列进行重新定位,得到3863次地震事件的精确震源位置。结果显示:漾濞地震序列整体呈北西—南东向分布,长约25 km;整体走向135°;MS6.4主震震中位置为25.688°N,99.877°E;震源深度约9.6 km。综合地震序列深度剖面和震源机制解结果可知,发震断层应为北西走向、整体向西南方向陡倾的右旋走滑断层,倾角具有自北西向南东逐渐变缓的趋势。进一步分析地震序列的时空演化过程发现,该地震具有典型的"前震-主震-余震型"地震序列活动特点,其破裂过程主要包括3个阶段。破裂成核阶段:首先在发震断层10~12 km深度处相对脆弱部位产生小尺度破裂,之后失稳加速破裂,发生MS5.6地震;主震破裂阶段:在构造应力场持续加载和周围小尺度破裂的共同影响下,促使浅部较高强度断层闭锁区破裂,形成MS6.4主震;尾端拉张破裂阶段:主震破裂向东南扩展过程中,在东南端形成与之呈马尾状斜交的、具有正断性质的次级破裂,并产生MS5.2余震。而且此次地震还在源区北东侧触发了北北东向的左旋走滑破裂。综合分析认为,漾濞地震是兰坪-思茅地块内部北西向草坪断裂在近南北向区域应力挤压作用下发生右旋走滑运动的结果,具有明显的新生断裂特征。近年来兰坪-思茅地块内部一系列中强地震的发生表明,青藏高原物质向东南持续挤出的过程中,遇到该地块的阻挡,正在导致地块内部早期断层贯通形成新的活动断裂。因此,川滇地块西南边界带上或相邻地块内部老断层的复活和新生断裂的产生是区域中强地震危险性分析评价中值得关注的重要课题,同时建议需重视未来该区中强地震进一步向东南和向北的迁移或扩展的可能性。   相似文献   

据史料记载,公元600年秦陇地区发生了一次大地震。关于此次地震的震中位置、震级、震中烈度和发震构造长期存在争议。根据在陇县固关一带发现的地震崩塌体,同时结合史料考证、卫星影像判读、野外调查、探槽开挖、年龄测试等手段,研究认为:公元600年秦陇地震的发震构造为六盘山东麓断裂南段固关段;秦陇地震震中在陇县固关镇一带,震级为6$ {}^{3}\!\!\diagup\!\!{}_{4}\; $级,震中烈度为Ⅸ度。该地震的研究对于六盘山地区地震危险性评估和青藏块体北东向扩展的动力学过程理解有重要意义。   相似文献   

藏北高原非常薄弱的活动断层调查研究程度和不完整的历史地震资料等,限制了对高原内部活动构造变形特征、机制以及孕震构造环境等的深入认识。通过综合地质、遥感和地震等资料对阿里北部羌塘地块内部进行详细的活动断层解译,结合沿阿鲁错地堑系南段昆楚克错地堑西侧边界正断层新发现的晚第四纪断裂活动证据和最新同震地表破裂等,对该区的活动断层几何图像及运动学特征等进行了深入分析。研究结果表明,阿里北部的西羌塘块体内部在第四纪以发育近南北向正断层系统和由北西向与北东向走滑断层构成的共轭走滑断层系统为特征,第四纪和晚第四纪活动断层都呈现出了高密度、弥散分布的特点,并可归纳为3类基本的活动构造变形样式:共轭走滑断层及其伴生正断层作用、弥散式正断层作用和剪切裂谷式正断层作用,其中大部分正断层与走滑断层主要是作为相对独立的构造类型来共同调节区域内近东西向伸展变形的,这些特征指示藏北高原内部变形更符合“连续变形模式”而非“刚性块体挤出模式”。同时发现,沿昆楚克错地堑西缘主边界正断层发育的最新地表破裂总长度仅约400 m,最大垂直位移约0.8 m,推测可能是1955年革吉县纳屋错东MW6.5强震事件...  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary slip rate along the Maqu segment of the eastern Kunlun Fault was estimated using a combination of high-resolution remote sensing imagery interpretation, field observations and differential Global Positioning System(GPS) measurements of offset river terraces, and 14 C dating of snail shells collected from offset risers. The results show that the left-slip rate along the segment is 3–5 mm/a, and that the vertical slip rate is 0.3–0.5 mm/a. Both the horizontal and vertical slips on the segment remain consistent over a distance of ~100 km. It means that no slip gradient as previously suggested occurred along the Maqu segment, and which thus might behave as an independent seismogenic fault. Judging from multiple relationships among young terrace offsets, we infer that co-seismic surface rupture produced by a characteristic earthquake with a magnitude of Ms7.0–7.5 on the Maqu fault could generate a horizontal slip of 4.5–5 m and a vertical slip of 0.45–0.5 m, with a corresponding ratio(Dh/Dv) of about 9. Two surface rupture events must have occurred over the past 3300 years, the latest one possibly between 1485 cal BP and 1730 cal BP.  相似文献   

西藏米林6.9级地震是1950年察隅MS8.6级地震以来东构造结地区发生的第一个6级以上地震,由于地震发生在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯附近的无人区,野外应急科学考察没有发现明显的地震地表破裂带。根据林芝流动地震观测台网记录到的余震条带状分布、震后科学考察获得的地震烈度长轴方位、原有台阵观测震中分布以及GPS资料和野外地质调查分析,发现发震断层为NW向排龙—帮辛断裂,逆冲性质,为新生NW向边坝—达木断裂带中段组成部分;米林地震的发生预示东构造结地区地震活动强度加强,未来该地区发生7级以上地震危险性不容忽视。  相似文献   

The easternmost Tian Shan lies in eastern Xinjiang, Central Asia. The South Barkol basin fault(SBF) in the northern part of the easternmost Tian Shan is a major tectonic structure in this orogenic region. The late Quaternary activity, paleoseismology, and deformation characteristics of the fault provide important clues for understanding the tectonic process of the eastern Tian Shan orogen and implementing seismic mitigation. Through interpretation of high-resolution satellite images, unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, and detailed geological and geomorphic investigations, we suggest that the fault exhibits clear left-lateral slip along its western segment. Paleoseismic trenches dug near Xiongkuer reveal evidence of six large paleoearthquakes. The four latest paleoearthquakes were dated: the oldest event occurred at 4663 BC–3839 BC. Data on the horizontal offsets along the probable 1842 Barkol earthquake coseismic rupture suggest clear multiple relationships between cumulative offsets and possible ~4 m of coseismic left-lateral slip per event. From the cumulative offsets and 14 C sample ages, we suggest an average Holocene left-lateral slip rate of 2.4–2.8 mm/a on the SBF, accounting for ~80% of lateral deformation within the entire eastern Tian Shan fault system. This result is comparable with the shortening rate of 2–4 mm/a in the whole eastern Tian Shan, indicating an equal role of strike-slip tectonics and compressional tectonics in this orogen, and that the SBF may accommodate substantial lateral tectonic deformation.  相似文献   


西藏亚东-谷露裂谷是青藏高原南部规模最大的活动裂谷,但与其全新世强烈活动性不符的是该裂谷南段多庆错地堑历史上缺少MW ≥ 6地震记录,因此通过古地震研究来揭示该区大地震活动与断裂活动性的关系显得十分重要。本文根据在亚东-谷露裂谷南段多庆错地堑冲巴雍错至多庆错段(范围:28°21'~27°52'N和89°44'~89°17'E)发现的最新史前大地震的地表破裂遗迹,初步研究了地震的时间与震级。通过高分辨率卫星影像解译、利用小型无人机获得的数字高程模型分析和详细的地表调查,发现该区最新史前大地震的同震破裂带在冲巴雍错段错断了河流T2及同期泉华台地,形成了最高约4.5 m的断层陡坎。根据断层陡坎上探槽中古土壤样品的AMS14C测年结果,揭示被错断的最新地层年龄为6460~3260 cal.a B.P.。综合分析认为,西藏亚东-谷露裂谷南段的多庆错地堑在约3260 cal.a B.P.之后至少发生过一次矩震级为MW7.1~7.2的大地震,该地震同时造成冲巴雍错段和多庆错段断裂破裂,总的破裂带长度可能达到62 km,最大地震位移可能大于4.5 m。新发现的多庆错地堑全新世古地震填补了亚东-谷露裂谷南段古地震研究的不足,并且有助于更深入地认识西藏亚东-谷露裂谷南段大地震活动历史和区域强震危险性。


嘉黎断裂是青藏高原南部呈北西西—南东东向喀喇昆仑—嘉黎断裂系的重要组成部分,被认为代表了北拉萨地块和中拉萨地块之间的构造界线。关于嘉黎断裂的构造性质和演化过程等仍存在争议,其不同期次构造过程仍需要进一步研究。在详细的区域地质填图基础上,以嘉黎断裂古乡—通麦段为研究对象,重点调查了该断裂带不同期次变形的几何学与运动学特征,基于新获得的不同方位断层面与擦痕特征等资料,恢复和计算该区的不同期次应力场及方向,并据此解析该区的多期构造叠加关系,探讨嘉黎断裂在不同应力场下的多期活动特征以及相关的区域构造演化过程和大地构造背景,在此基础上讨论了嘉黎断裂对拟建铁路工程的影响。研究结果显示,嘉黎断裂晚新生代以来仍有活动迹象,并具有多期构造叠加特征,从早到晚依次为左旋走滑(D1)、正倾滑(D2)和右旋走滑(D3)。嘉黎断裂作为东喜马拉雅构造结地区重要的变形调节构造,其多期活动性质反映了地块间的相对运动特征及区域应力场的转换过程,这对认识青藏高原南缘的新生代构造演化过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

On April 20 th, 2013, an earthquake of magnitude MW 6.6 occurred at Lushan of Sichuan on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, with no typical coseismic surface rupture. This work plotted an isoseismal map of the earthquake after repositioning over 400 post–earthquake macro–damage survey points from peak ground acceleration(PGA) data recorded by the Sichuan Digital Strong Earthquake Network. This map indicates that the Lushan earthquake has a damage intensity of IX on the Liedu scale, and that the meizoseismal area displays an oblate ellipsoid shape, with its longitudinal axis in the NE direction. No obvious directivity was detected. Furthermore, the repositioning results of 3323 early aftershocks, seismic reflection profiles and focal mechanism solutions suggests that the major seismogenic structure of the earthquake was the Dayi Fault, which partly defines the eastern Mengshan Mountain. This earthquake resulted from the thrusting of the Dayi Fault, and caused shortening of the southern segment of the Longmenshan in the NW–SE direction. Coseismal rupture was also produced in the deep of the Xinkaidian Fault. Based on the above seismogenic model and the presentation of coseismic surface deformation, it is speculated that there is a risk of more major earthquakes occurring in this region.  相似文献   

活动断裂几何学特征及滑动速率是研究断裂运动学、动力学机制及其评估区域强震危险性的重要依据。青藏高原东缘左行走滑的鲜水河断裂带是控制高原物质向南东挤出的重要边界,是中国陆内活动性最强的断裂之一。本文以鲜水河断裂带北西段为研究对象,通过高精度遥感影像解译、野外考察、OSL(光释光)和14C测年方法以及LiDAR(激光雷达)扫描获得乾宁段龙灯乡冲积阶地的位错量和废弃年龄。T4和T3′水平位错量分别为106±5 m和77±2 m, T4阶地垂直位错量为9.6±0.5 m。T4和T3′阶地的废弃年龄分别为11±1 ka和7±1 ka。结合对应的年龄和位错量,得到乾宁段晚第四纪走滑速率左行走滑速率为10.5±1 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.9±0.1 mm/a,断层倾向北东,具有正断运动学特征。通过重新计算断裂两侧GPS矢量沿断裂方向分量,得到鲜水河断裂带炉霍段、炉霍—康定段、磨西段现今左行走滑速率分别约为8.1 mm/a、8.2 mm/a、9.4 mm/a,整体表现为自北西向南东递增。综合乾宁段晚第四纪走滑速率和最新强震活动的离逝时间估算,认为鲜水河断裂带乾宁段目前应变累积...  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):107-122

The results of geomorphic analysis of the Concud fault-generated mountain front (central Iberian Chain, Spain) are introduced into classifications of fault activity proposed by previous authors, and compared with slip rates calculated from geologic markers. The Concud fault is an extensional structure active since the mid Pliocene times. It gives rise to a 60 to 120 m high mountain front, where footwall rocks belonging to the Triassic and Jurassic (north-western sector) and Miocene (south-eastern sector) crop out. Conspicuous triangular facets are preserved on Jurassic rocks of the central sector, while short, generally non-incised alluvial fans make the piedmont. The value of the Mountain-front sinuosity index is Smf = 1.24 for the whole mountain front (1.17 and 1.32, respectively, for both segments showing distinct footwall lithology), as obtained by the most conservative procedure. Average valley floor width/height ratios calculated for seventeen gullies crossing the fault are Vf = 0.30 (250 m upstream from the fault trace) and Vf = 0.22 (500 m upstream). These geomorphic indices, together with qualitative features of the escarpment and piedmont landscape, indicate ‘moderate’ to ‘rapid’ fault activity. The range of slip rates estimated from such morphotectonic classification (0.03 to 0.5 mm/y) encloses the range calculated from offset Late Pliocene and Pleistocene stratigraphic markers (0.07 to 0.33 mm/y). Nevertheless, the highest potential slip rate (0.5 mm/y) clearly represents an overestimate: the mountain front could give the impression of an anomalously high level of activity owing to episodic rejuvenation caused by base level drop.  相似文献   

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