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中国及国际海洋科学发展态势文献计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以SCIE、ESI、OA等数据库为统计分析源,对1996~2005年国际海洋科学论文产出的主题领域及国家分布、中国海洋科学论文产出的主题领域等从文献计量学的角度进行了统计分析,以揭示国际及中国海洋科学的发展现状和态势,并通过论文产出、国际1%顶尖论文数及热门论文数的统计揭示中国在国际海洋科学领域的科学影响力。  相似文献   

SCIE论文产出情况可作为一个侧面反映学科研究现状与态势。在SCIE数据库中检索出2000-2009年间海洋学(oceanography)科研论文2 264篇,按国家(地区)、机构、来源出版物、作者与基金资助机构对论文产出与被引频次展开计量分析,为中国海洋学研究者了解海洋学研究现状、开展合作研究、展示科研成果提供帮助。  相似文献   

用稳定氮同位素分析广东硇洲岛海域金线鱼营养级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用稳定同位素方法测定广东硇洲岛海域的金线鱼(Nemipterus virgatus)鱼肉、鱼鳃、内脏团和鱼鳞的稳定氮同位素,并计算出营养级。结果表明,在规格较一致的情况下,金线鱼各部位δ15N值范围为10.09‰14.07‰,其中,鱼肉δ15N值范围为11.56‰14.07‰,其中,鱼肉δ15N值范围为11.56‰14.07‰,差值达2.51‰,平均为12.84‰;鱼鳃δ15N值范围10.41‰14.07‰,差值达2.51‰,平均为12.84‰;鱼鳃δ15N值范围10.41‰12.10‰,差值达1.69‰,平均为11.41‰;内脏团δ15N值范围10.09‰12.10‰,差值达1.69‰,平均为11.41‰;内脏团δ15N值范围10.09‰11.98‰,差值达1.89‰,平均为11.08‰;鱼鳞δ15N值范围10.10‰11.98‰,差值达1.89‰,平均为11.08‰;鱼鳞δ15N值范围10.10‰11.35‰,差值达1.25‰,平均为10.66‰。鱼肉、鱼鳃、内脏团、鱼鳞的δ15N值大小依次为:鱼肉、鱼鳃、内脏团、鱼鳞。由δ15N值推算出来金线鱼的营养级范围为2.4611.35‰,差值达1.25‰,平均为10.66‰。鱼肉、鱼鳃、内脏团、鱼鳞的δ15N值大小依次为:鱼肉、鱼鳃、内脏团、鱼鳞。由δ15N值推算出来金线鱼的营养级范围为2.463.12,平均值为2.80,符合其主要摄食浮游和底栖动物的食性。  相似文献   

本文选取中国知网数据库(CNKI)中的中文期刊全文数据库作为数据来源,对地质学领域的10种中文核心期刊相关科技论文开展文献计量分析,着重分析了近五年来所刊载科技论文的发表量、基金资助、学科分布和关键词等特征及变化趋势。了解了近年来我国地质学领域研究的基本信息和研究热点,分析结果可以为今后进一步把握学科领域发展方向提供参考。  相似文献   

以《东北石油大学学报》为例,分析文献计量特征,研究石油行业特色高校自然科学学报的刊载论文热点与知识图谱.结果 表明:《东北石油大学学报》主要贡献机构集中于与能源行业紧密相关的高校及研究性机构,载文集中于油气行业相关领域,发文趋势稳定;关键词共词网络相关关系强,文献知识结构整体为相对集中型.载文知识网络关键词聚类具有显著...  相似文献   

斑Fu几种常见天然饵料的营养分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从饵料营养测试分析入手,化学和生物学方法相结合,综合评价,斑Fu几种常见天然饵料的营养价值,结果表明,水蚤、水蚯蚓、野杂鱼均是斑Fu优质的饲料蛋白源及良好的能源物质;三种饵料的第一限制氨基酸同为蛋氨酸、第二限制氨基酸为赖氨酸:斑Fu苗种培育效果比较,水蚤组显著优于水丘蚓和野杂鱼组,而后两组间无显著差异。  相似文献   

通过近15年来,世界各国研究冰雹所发表的主要文献及其特征,进行进逐项统计,在此基础上,重点分析了各国在冰雹研究取得成就的科学家(著者),以及他们的研究概况、特点和他们发表有关冰雹研究文献的主要内容等。从而了解世界上研究冰雹的状况、进展与发展方向。  相似文献   

本文通过对国外大气科学刊物和文献的统计计算,确定出了国外大气科学的核心期刊,文献的学科分布、时序变化及半衰期。  相似文献   

基于振动可视化技术与系统级故障诊断理论,提出复杂机械系统故障诊断方法.对于复杂机械设备的振动信号,通过振动可视化技术补充和完善常规监测手段振动信息,同步反映设备多测点在时间和频率上的变化;利用局域波时频分析法处理不同测点振动信号所包含的特征信息,作为系统级故障诊断模型的输入量.首先以功能简单的运动部件为对象研究可视化技...  相似文献   

应用文献计量学的原理与方法,以Web of Science和ASFA数据库获得的168篇涉及鲣鱼资源渔场的文献为研究对象,对世界鲣鱼资源渔场研究领域的研究成果进行回顾和总结。分析认为,鲣鱼资源开发可分为3个阶段:小规模开发初级阶段(1950-1970年),大规模开发发展阶段(1970-1990年),和可持续开发阶段(1990-2015年)。目前世界上65%的鲣鱼捕获量来自于西太平洋海域。1950年以来,国内外对鲣鱼资源渔场的研究发展迅速,其研究成果不仅发表于海洋类主流期刊,一些国际顶尖期刊也对其研究给予了较多关注,许多渔业国和地区均参与了有关鲣鱼资源渔场的研究工作。通过对文献内容分析,发现在过去60多年间,鲣鱼资源量基本保持稳定,但鲣鱼渔场的时空分布由于受海洋环境因子的影响较大,发生了较大变化。目前对鲣鱼研究多集中在鲣鱼的资源评估和资源渔场与环境变化关系这两个方面,在今后研究中应结合社会经济等,加强资源评估与管理的研究,为鲣鱼资源可持续利用和科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of species composition and diversity in oceanic ecosystems is not easy because it is usually difficult to obtain sufficient data quantifying such variability.In this study,we examined pelagic species diversity indicators,species richness,Shannon-Wiener index of diversity and Hurlbert's species evenness,for fish assemblages from two areas(north and south) in the North Pacific Ocean(2°±12°N,178°E±165°W) during May±July 2008.The assemblages were based on data collecte...  相似文献   

Evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of species composition and diversity in oceanic ecosystems is not easy because it is usually difficult to obtain sufficient data quantifying such variability.In this study,we examined pelagic species diversity indicators,species richness,Shannon-Wiener index of diversity and Hurlbert’s species evenness,for fish assemblages from two areas(north and south) in the North Pacific Ocean(2°±12°N,178°E±165°W) during May±July 2008.The assemblages were based on data collected by an onboard scientific observer during a commercial longline fishing trip.The species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of fish assemblages in the northern area were slightly higher than those in the southern area,although these differences were not significant(t test,P.0.05).Non-parametric multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities indicated that there were significant differences in fish assemblages between the two areas(P,0.01).  相似文献   

The possible global sea level rise and its magnitude in the next century induced by the doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are briefly discussed. The rates of crustal sinking, ground surface aggradation, and sediment compaction which might give rise to the regional characteristics of relative sea level (RSL) changes, are studied in detail. Attention is focused on the following problems that are closely associated to the sea level rise in the next century: 1) the flood susceptibility of the low-lying East China plains in the next century and its historical evidences, 2) the frequency of disastrous floods and storm surges, 3) the aggradational rate and the potential danger to the dikes along the Changjiang River's lower reaches and 4) the salt water intrusion and the water quality in the Changjiang River estuary. The study shows that the adverse impacts would be very great even if only the lower estimate of sea-level rise in the next century is considered. Therefore, comprehensive research must be conducted and decision must be made to cope with the approaching sealevel rise. Han Jiagu, 1984. The impact of geographical changes on the history of Tianjin, paper submitted to the Symposium of Environmental Changes.  相似文献   

西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼是我国鱿钓渔船的重要捕捞对象,在海洋生态系统中起着重要的作用。基于Web of Science数据库文献检索到的98篇文献,运用文献计量学分析方法,对西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔业生物学研究现状进行了系统梳理,并对未来发展趋势进行了分析。结果表明,1994年以来,阿根廷滑柔鱼渔业生物学研究一直受到各国学者的较多的关注,其中以阿根廷和英国最多;在研究内容方面,渔场形成及其环境因子关系等研究已较为成熟,各国学者达成较为一致的意见;年龄、种群结构和洄游分布以及资源评估和管理已取得重要成果,但仍存在差异。为此,建议应加强各沿海国家和地区以及远洋国家对阿根廷滑柔鱼资源合作调查与科学研究,掌握不同群体的生活史过程及其数量变动机制,开发符合其生活史特点的资源评估模型,为阿根廷滑柔鱼渔业可持续发展提供科学指导。  相似文献   

通过高句丽王朝接受中原文化的途径、方式、程度,并结合高句丽王朝较其他少数民族在文化发展上的优势,对高句丽王朝时期的文化艺术发展作综合判断,认为高句丽文化艺术是边疆文化的重要组成部分,对东北亚地区的文化交流和传播做出重要贡献。  相似文献   

According to loess and palaeosol climatic record, field observation, analysis data and14C dating, we discuss the climatic changes and the water level fluctuations of Qinghai Lake. It is pointed out that there were four relatively warm and moist stages in Qinghai Lake basin during the Holocene. They formed in the periods from 10,300 yr.B.P. to 8,500 yr.B.P., 7,000 yr.B.P. to 3,500 yr.B.P., 2,800 yr.B.P. to 2,000 yr.B.P. and from 1,300 yr.B.P. up to now. the climate in the Holocene optimum period, from 7,000 yr.B.P. to 3,500 yr.B.P., was much warmer and moister than that today. Polypodium plant grew luxuriantly around Qinghai Lake. The annual temperature was 2.5°C higher than that today, but there was no forest at Qinghai Lake shore. It is found that there was a good relationship between precipitation and water level fluctuation. In warm and moist period water level was high and in the cold and dry period it was low in the Holocene. There were four high water level periods for Qinghai Lake in the Holocene, but the highest level was less than 30m above present water level. This research is supported by Youth Foundation of Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49101015).  相似文献   

Since land and labor force are primary resources to be used and controlled by rural households, the allocation of labor forces will influence land uses, and further lead to land use conversion. The present study used the Binary Logit model to investigate the influence of labor force transfer, characteristics of rural households, location, and land market on agricultural land use conversion at rural household level. This study was conducted based on 329 valid questionnaires, which were obtained in Changshu, Rudong, and Tongshan counties, respectively representing the southern, middle and northern areas of Jiangsu Province. The results showed that land market participation, location, zonal difference and labor transfer had strong influences on agricultural land use conversion. The participation of land market had a strong positive effect on land use conversion, especially for the farmland converted to the fishpond. The nearer to the county seat, the more conversion of land use occurred. Particularly, the labor force transfer caused by wage employment decreased this conversion probability, while the labor transfer caused by self-employment led to more conversion; and the increasing of income from labor transfer increased the conversion. Moreover, land use conversions demonstrated zonal difference, which were more in Rudong and Changshu counties than in Tongshan County, and the factors influencing this conversion were different in the three regions.  相似文献   

基于数字摄像技术直接摄取选定目标物及背景的图像,用图像处理的方法通过对所获取的图像进行分析处理,获取能见度的相关信息。黑体识别采用类间最大方差阈值分割的方法,对分割后的图像用形态学方法进行平滑滤波,得到最后分割的黑体。通过目标物与背景物的平均亮度计算可获得白天的气象能见度。研究使用CCD摄像头采集图像,使用相应DVT软件进行控制连续采集传输图像。  相似文献   

基于OptiSystem的GPON光传输链路接收性能的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了GPON光传输链路的设计原理,阐述了OptiSystem软件针对光纤链路的强大仿真功能。在设计原理的基础上,给出了基于OptiSystem的GPON光传输链路仿真模型。给出针对2.5Gbps下行数据业务和视频业务光链路传输性能的仿真结果,并进行分析。给出相关结论,并指出对光传输链路进行优化需要考虑的问题。  相似文献   

动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡数量多、灾害频发、危害大, 是滑坡地质灾害领域的研究重点, 但目前对于滑坡启滑机制的认识仍不充分, 滑坡的准确预报还面临巨大挑战。鉴于此, 以含软弱夹层的中倾角顺层岩质滑坡为研究对象, 通过构建理想的单层滑带滑坡物理模型, 开展了一系列动水作用下的滑坡模型试验研究。结果表明, 动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡从开始变形至失稳滑动需经历初始变形、缓慢变形、加速变形和失稳破坏4个阶段, 而各个阶段的演化特征与滑面粗糙度和倾角密切相关。滑面倾角越大或粗糙度越小, 滑坡体从开始变形至失稳滑动所需的时间则越短; 相应地, 坡体加速变形阶段越不明显, 滑坡破坏的突发性越强。滑带内的渗流冲蚀作用会使滑带土中的骨料流失, 导致其抗剪强度降低, 进而引发坡体滑动。与此同时, 上覆坡体的压剪作用以及变形演化过程亦将反过来影响冲蚀强度。基于滑带土黏聚力随水力梯度和冲蚀时间的变化关系, 提出了渗流驱动下滑带土黏聚力演化模型, 可较好地描述滑带土黏聚力的退化过程。滑面粗糙度的存在不仅显著影响了滑带的冲蚀劣化规律, 还改变了滑带不同区域的破坏模式。此外, 通过考虑滑面粗糙度对滑带不同区域破坏模式的影响, 开展了动水多效应关联分析, 建立了滑坡地质体力学分析模型, 实现了动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡动态稳定性的有效评估。本研究成果可为实际动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡的预测和防治提供理论参考。   相似文献   

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