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The integrated use of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements, and in particular the joint analysis of 2D and 3D data, can represent a valid solution for target identification at complex archaeological sites. A good example, in this respect, is given by the case study of a Phoenician–Punic necropolis in the archaeological site of Nora, in southern Sardinia (Italy), where GPR and ERT measurements were collected before site excavation. In this specific case, the mix of soil and air in the buried chambers, as well as the orientation and the complex spatial distribution of these structures into the sandstone bedrock, generated a number of anomalies difficult to interpret only using 2D results. Only the integration of all GPR and ERT data in a 3D view, and the comparison with archaeological evidence after the excavation, allowed a solid interpretation of geophysical anomalies visible in the 2D sections. Overall, this case study demonstrates the efficiency of the combined use of GPR and ERT acquisitions and shows how, in general, only the joint analysis of 2D data and in a 3D view can help the interpretation of the real distribution of the buried archaeological remains at similar archaeological complex sites.  相似文献   

A total of four vertical electrical soundings were conducted in a layered andesitic rock aquifer known in places to yield ground water with total dissolved solids (TDS) in excess of 2,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L). The objective of the soundings was to locate zones of moderate to high permeability but with acceptable chemical quality.
The resistivity of a geologic unit is a function that includes the quantity of total dissolved solids in the interstitial water and the distribution of the water within the unit. Thus, the resistivity of most granular soils and rocks is controlled more by porosity, water content and water quality than by the conductivity of the matrix materials.
The electrical data delimited a drill site where it was believed that ground water of acceptable chemical quality could be expected. Completion and test pumping of two exploration wells confirmed the electrical sounding results.
The first test well drilled prior to the survey yielded only small amounts of ground water with total dissolved solids in excess of 2,000 mg/L. The second exploration well drilled at the site as a result of the electrical study yielded in excess of 100 gallons per minute of ground water with total dissolved solids of 830 mg/L.  相似文献   

地质雷达在三峡工程施工阶段应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江三峡工程施工阶段面临众多复杂的工程地质问题和施工技术难题。寻找一种快捷、高分辨无损探测手段查明施工中出现的隐蔽的地质缺陷或质量问题,无疑对施工进度和施工质量起到保证作用,采用地质雷达手段,探明了开挖过程中花岗岩体不均匀风化分布范围:圈定出较大断层及风化夹层的延伸范围和产状;并进行了专用高速公路质量检查等,文章结合三个实例介绍应用情况。经现场验证,探测结果与实际情况吻合,应用效果显著。  相似文献   

面板堆石坝以其建设周期短,投资少的优点而在为当今国际上一种较广泛的坝型。但其渗漏较严重是一个亟待解决的问题,我们采用地质雷达的方法,利用不同天线组合,以渗漏通道介电性质差异为目的进行探测,并追踪确定渗漏通道。实践证明,该方法能有效地确定渗漏部位和渗漏通道,该资料为堵漏和工程施工提供重要依据。  相似文献   

探地雷达测定土壤含水量的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
结合国内外关于探地雷达测定土壤含水量的最新研究成果,阐述了探地雷达测定土壤含水量的基本原理和计算方法,总结和评价了土壤含水量与土壤介电常数的不同计算模型,针对在实际应用中存在的不足,提出了相关改进措施,并展望发展方向.  相似文献   

为了合理地设计熊家冢古墓的后续考古发掘工作,需要对其主冢和陪冢的位置和墓室埋深等进行地球物理探测。电阻率层析成像具有无损性的优点,利用该技术对熊家冢古墓的主冢和陪冢进行了试验性探测。在探测中,分别布设了展布南北和东西的2条测线来控制主冢和陪冢。根据反演后的电阻率图像,估算了主冢和陪冢的位置和尺寸,为古墓的后续考古挖掘工作设计提供了基本参数。  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) systems can be used in many applications of snow and ice research. The information from the GPR is used to identify and interpret layers, objects and different structures in the snow. A commercially available GPR system was further developed to work in the rough environment of snow and ice. The applied GPR is a 900 MHz system that easily reaches snow depths of up to 10 meters. The system was calibrated in the course of several manual snow depth measurements during each survey. The depth resolution depends on the snow type and is around ±0.1 m. The GPR system is carried alongside a line of interest and is triggered by an odometer wheel at regular adjustable steps. All equipment is mounted in a sledge and is pulled by a snowmobile over the snow surface. This setup allows for an efficient coverage of several kilometers of terrain profiles. The radar profiles give a real time two-dimensional impression of structures and objects and the interface between snow and the underlying ground. The actual radar profile is shown on a screen on the sledge allowing the immediate marking of objects and structures. During the past three years the instrument was successfully used for the study of snow distributions, for the detection of glacier crevasses under the snow cover, and for the search of avalanche victims in avalanche debris. The results show the capability of the instrument to detect persons and objects in the snow cover. In the future, this device may be a new tool for avalanche rescue operations. Today, the size and weight of the system prevents the accessing of very steep slopes and areas not accessible to snowmobiles. Further developments will decrease the size of the system and make it a valuable tool to quantify snow masses in avalanche release zones and run-out areas.  相似文献   

The Ring of Cenotes (RC) is an alignment of numerous cenotes (sinkholes) in a semicircular form (with a radius of 100 km) located in northwestern Yucatán, México. The formation roughly coincides with a concentric ring that corresponds to a buried structure, which has been identified as the product of a meteor impact, known as the Chicxulub crater. Secondary permeability generated by the fracturing and faulting of the sedimentary sequence in the Chicxulub crater has favored the karstification process and therefore the development of underground rivers that transport water from the mainland to the sea. This study implements the network theory to study the hydrological connectivity between a group of 11 cenotes within the RC. Eight electrical resistivity tomography transects were used as an empirical basis. Each transect was acquired directly in the field using the SuperSting R1/IP equipment with a dipole‐dipole configuration. An adapted version of the reliability algorithm for communication networks was used as a theoretical model. We found evidence of the existence of water cavities in the study area. We made a network from the data and assigned connection probabilities among cenotes as a function of the separation length and the number of water cavities, as well as their size.  相似文献   

地质雷达在活动断裂研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于快速发生沉积和侵蚀的地区,断裂附近的古地震遗迹会很快被掩埋。获取这些地区断裂的位置、上断点的埋深和标志层的断距等方面的数据至关重要。本文利用地质雷达探测技术探测这些被埋藏的古地震遗迹。以北京平原区正断性质的新夏垫断裂和青藏高原东北缘六盘山地区逆冲性质的六盘山东麓断裂为实验区。通过探测发现,对于断裂两侧地表覆盖层主要为粉土或粉质粘土的新夏垫断裂,地质雷达可精确定位断裂通过的位置,指示上断点的埋深,但无法在地质雷达剖面上识别出各套地层。对于在T1基座阶地上通过的六盘山东麓断裂,地质雷达不但可以精确定位断裂的位置,而且可以在地质雷达剖面上识别出各套地层,进而求得断裂两侧基座的断距。  相似文献   

同其它分析时变信号的方法相比,S变换具有独特的优点.但是S变换的时窗函数形式固定,限制了其在信号分析和处理中的应用.针对这一问题,本文对S变换进行了改进和推广,在S变换的时窗函数中引入调节参数,同时将低通滤波函数融入其中,提出了一种广义S变换.通过调节参数大小来调节广义S变换的时间分辨率和频率分辨率,从而使该变换具有很强的适用性.本文使用该变换对实测探地雷达数据进行了层位识别研究,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

美国影象有限公司(GeoImage, LLC)开发的“基特\|雷达” (Git\|Radar)软件,既可进行时间域的分析 ,又能直观地在深度域执行反射波振幅或能量的迭加分析.该软件包括一般的二维,三维等绘图支持,且自动化程度较高,普通技术人员经过简单培训即可操作使用.文中给出两个应用实例.  相似文献   

在栾川铅锌矿的物探工作中,采用了电阻率层析成像和激电测深两种方法,电阻率层析成像法采用温纳装置或偶极装置,电极数量和极距视情况而定,主要调查工作区内隐伏构造情况,激电测深采用对称四极测深法,最小AB/2距为3M,最大AB/2距为500M,主要研究激电测深参数的变化规律,对于含矿构造而言,激电参数呈异常高值反映,视极化率在15-40%,两种方法的联合应用,具有快速而准确的特点,在探矿工作中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Tumuli are artificially erected small hills that cover monumental tombs or graves. In this work, the surface three-dimensional (3D) Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method, composed of dense parallel two-dimensional (2D) tomographies, was used to investigate the properties of the tumuli filling material and to resolve buried archaeological structures inside the tumuli.The effectiveness of the method was investigated by numerical modeling and through 3D inversion of synthetic apparent resistivity data. A resistivity model that simulates the inhomogeneous tumulus material and the tombs that are buried inside the tumulus was assumed. The Dipole–Dipole (DD), Pole–Dipole (PD), Pole–Pole (PP), Gradient (GRAD), Midpoint-Potential-Referred (MPR) and Schlumberger Reciprocal (SCR) arrays, which are suitable for multichannel resistivity instruments, were tested. The tumulus topography (pyramid or capsized cup) was incorporated into the inversion procedure through a distorted finite element mesh. The inversion procedure was based on a smoothness constrained Gauss–Newton algorithm in which the Active Constraint Balancing (ACB) method was also applied in order to enhance the least-squares resolving power and stability.Synthetic modeling showed that the different tumulus layers and the horizontal contact of the artificial tumulus material with the natural background soil were reconstructed by all of the tested electrode arrays. Generally, PD and the GRAD arrays comprise the optimum choices to investigate the subsurface properties of a tumulus and locate buried tombs. The MPR model was inferior to the GRAD model, while the DD, PP and SCR models had the poorest resolution. It was also shown that the inversion models are practically independent from the survey direction and the topography shape of the tumulus.The real field data collected employing the PD array along a small tumulus from the archaeological site of Vergina in northern Greece enhanced the synthetic modeling results. The inversion model outlined a number of archaeological structures that exhibit a high possibility to correlate with graves. Overall, this work signifies that the surface 3D ERT method can provide a valuable tool in the non-destructive archaeological exploration of tumuli.  相似文献   

道路塌陷空洞一直是威胁交通安全运行的重要隐患,对道路塌陷空洞的探测方法进行研究具有重大的现实意义。研究工作通过实例探讨三维探地雷达(GPR)对道路塌陷区进行探测的方法技术及其应用效果。为查明道路塌陷空洞的空间分布特征,在塌陷区布设了共23条测线,1.0 m×0.5 m的三维测网并进行数据采集;通过对雷达数据进行处理,获得不同测线、不同方向的三维雷达剖面。结合地质情况对上述图件进行综合分析与解释,准确地查明塌陷空洞的位置、埋深及发育程度;经开挖验证,解译结果可靠。工程实践表明,三维探地雷达技术可以快速、高效地应用于道路塌陷探测中,其探测结果可为塌陷区后续施工以及安全防治提供参考。  相似文献   

冯德山  王珣 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3851-3864



地质雷达技术在巴彦查干地区地震勘探中的应用   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
简要介绍地质雷达技术原理,利用大庆探区巴彦查干地区地质雷达实测资料进行解释,并结合微测井资料进行地区地震波表层层速度的教育处和静校正量的提取。结果表明,地质雷达能获得连续浅下地剖面,可弥补微测井资料的不足,因而在地震勘探表层地质调查和静校正量提取等方法方面上的有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Hilbert谱分析在探地雷达薄层识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对实际勘探中的需要,本文对薄层的电磁波反射特性进行了深入研究.薄层在反射电磁波时,会对入射电磁波进行滤波作用.薄层的类型和厚度会影响其滤波特性,利用此特点,本文将Hilbert谱分析方法引入到薄层识别中.该方法能将探地雷达对递变型薄层的垂直分辨率提升至λ/8.本文利用该方法对实测探地雷达资料进行了层位识别研究,该方法能很好地提高探地雷达的层位识别能力.  相似文献   

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