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In the crystalline area of the “Borborema” in NE Brazil the final geologic event was a strong static recrystallization, which is manifest in regional granitization, hybride granite, or pegmatite veins. The manifestation varies within the mapped area, it depends on lithology, thickness and structure of the Precambrian metasediments. The age of this phase is between 550 and 450 M. years. Recrystallization is accompanied by weak folding of pre-existing anticlines as indicated by the structural control of the Borborema pegmatites. The principal phase of deformation and the accompanying regional metamorphism are considered to be older, approximately 850 M. years or more. This older regional metamorphism produced rocks of the almandine-staurolite subfacies of the amphibolite facies; locally higher (cordierite and sillimanite subfacies) or lower (greenschist facies) degree of metamorphism occurs. The pyroxene-hornfels facies, which is found in the contact aureoles of hybride granites, occurs exclusively in the tactites (metamorphic dolomitic marls). In clastic metasediments, high grade metamorphic facies is restricted to the contact aureole of a small hypersthene diorite stock. The structure is simple, and consists of synclines and anticlines the axial planes of which are vertical or, rarely, inclined. Faults are rare. The degree of lateral compression varies: low in the NW part of the area mapped, intermediate in die NE, and high in the southern part. The southern part belongs to the “Paraíba Transversal Zone”, an E-W striking fault zone along which the northern parts have been dislocated horizontally to the East. Stratigraphically the sequence is subdivided into three major groups by unconformities, which, however, are masked intensely by the principal tectonic events. These groups are: The oldest member occurs but locally in the cores of some anticlines; the youngest constitutes the cores of most synclines. The Caicó can be subdivided, in the most part, as follows: Florânia and Parelhas are essentially composed by unsorted clastic sediments (graywackes and arcoses). The Equador is a local lithofacies of the latter restricted to one anticline and a small part of another, and composed of well sorted clastics (muscovite quartzite). Another quartzite, locally developed at the top of the Florânia in the western part of the area, has been named “Member S. José do Seridó”. The Quixaba contains essentially carbonate rocks, but with intercalations of clastic sediments. The scheelite province of the area is generally connected with the Quixaba-Formation, the marbles of which served as transportation channels, whereas tactites were the receptors of the ore-bringing solutions, derived from some palingenetic granites and thus, indirectly, from the metasediments of the Parelhas. The deposition does not belong to the principal phase of contact metamorphism, but to a later-phase with hydrothermal paragenesis. Scheelite occurs also in common quartz-albite-veins. The famous pegmatite-province (Ta, Nb, Li, Be) cannot be considered as a product of magmatic differentiation, either. It must be the product of the statical recrystallization of the muscovite-rich Equador quartzite, by addition of thermal energy and K-rich solutions from the depth. Thus this province is only a special case of the general “granitization” with K-metasomatism: $$Quartz + Muscovite + K^ + \to Microclin + H^ + + Water.$$ The resulting fluids formed pegmatites in the rocks overlying the quartzite, i. e., generally in the micaschists of the Seridó-Group. Productive dykes always fill longitudinal or transversal tension cracks. The Borborema province of zoned pegmatites is thus an excellent example for the recent genetic hypothesis ofGresens, all requirements of it being fulfilled.  相似文献   

Adsorption is one of the most significant processes in the mobility of soluble pollutants in soils. The aim of this work is to characterize and evaluate the adsorption capacity of soils from Viamão District, Brazil. The studied ions were leadtotal, coppertotal, sulfate, phosphate, and potassium. The soils were mapped by remote sensing and characterized by granulometrical and mineralogical techniques. The adsorption tests were made by the contact of soil samples with aqueous solutions. The soils adsorption capacity presented the following trend: Pbtotal>Cutotal≈PO 4 3− >K+ ≈SO 4 2+ . Adsorption in the soils is strongly influenced by clay content. The adsorption of phosphate, copper, and lead was accentuated by the presence of organic matter. Phosphate adsorption was controlled by oxides and organic matter. Both potassium and sulfate showed insignificant adsorption in the studied soils.  相似文献   

The Caturrita Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit that comprises the Ladinian–Eonorian sequence of the Paraná Basin. It has been interpreted as deposits of alluvial plains and meandering rivers. Purported fossil tracks found in this formation at Faxinal do Soturno County, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, are concave circular-shaped structures, with a laminar deformation. Some show digitiform projections, and at least three are aligned. They are interpreted as a disruption of the substrate homogeneity caused by bioturbation of tetrapods. In some of these there is a distinct color pattern — more reddish than the surrounding substrate. This is interpreted as a result of differential diagenesis. The features remain enigmatic tracks but were probably made by prosauropod dinosaurs, the dominant terrestrial herbivore group from the end of the Triassic in Gondwana strata.  相似文献   

Deposits of the ancestral Rio Grande (aRG) belonging to the Camp Rice Formation are preserved and exposed in the uplifted southern portion of the Robledo Mountains horst of the southern Rio Grande rift. The sediments are dated palaeomagnetically to the Gauss chron (upper Pliocene). The lower part of the succession lies in a newly discovered palaeocanyon cut into underlying Eocene rocks whose margins are progressively onlapped by the upper part. Detailed sedimentological studies reveal the presence of numerous river channel and floodplain lithofacies, indicative of varied deposition in channel bar complexes of low‐sinuosity, pebbly sandbed channels that traversed generally dryland floodplains and shifted in and out of the study area five times over the 1 Myr or so recorded by the succession. Notable discoveries in the deposits are: (1) complexes of initial avulsion breakout channels at the base of major sandstone storeys; (2) common low‐angle bedsets ascribed to deposition over low‐angle dunes in active channels; (3) palaeocanyon floodplain environments with evidence of fluctuating near‐surface water tables. Sand‐body architecture is generally multistorey, with palaeocurrents indicative of funnelling of initial avulsive and main fluvial discharge from the neighbouring Mesilla basin through a narrow topographic gap into the palaeocanyon and out over the study area. An avulsion node was evidently located at the stationary southern tip to the East Robledo fault during Gauss times, with aRG channels to the north flowing close to the fault and preventing fan progradation. Subsequent Matuyama growth of the fault caused (1) deposition to cease as the whole succession was uplifted in its footwall, (2) development of a thick petrocalcic horizon, and (3) fan progradation into the Mesilla basin. Parameters for the whole aRG fluvial system are estimated as: active single channels 2 m deep and 25 m wide; valley slope 0·24–0·065°; maximum mean aggradation rate 0·05 mm year–1; major channel belt avulsion interval 200 ky; individual channel recurrence interval 100 ky; minimum bankfull mean flow velocity 1·54 m s–1, minimum single‐channel discharge 77 m3 s–1, bed shear stress 22·3 N m–2; and stream power 34·3 W m–2.  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability assessment to delineate areas that are more susceptible to contamination has become an important element for resource management and land use planning. The objective of this work was to integrate hydrogeologic data in a geographic information system (GIS) for phreatic groundwater vulnerability assessment of a pilot area from the Coastal Plain of the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, using the DRASTIC method and adsorption capacity of soils. The studied ions were copper, lead, sulfate and phosphate. Using the original DRASTIC method, the vulnerability presented high values, mainly due to the texture of the sediments and the low depths of waters, which favor the accessibility of the contaminants to the groundwaters. DRASTIC with adsorption capacity of soils showed specifics results for each studied ion. Groundwater vulnerability to metals in relationship to anions was lower. These results show that the original DRASTIC method represents better contaminants with high mobility. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The filling process of amethyst-bearing geodes from Serra Geral Formation basalts, Brazil, is investigated by different methods performed on the SiO2 filling phases. Image analysis of quartz–amethyst deposits suggests a single growing mechanism ruled by geometric selection of randomly oriented crystals. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions reveals formation temperature lower than 100 °C, probably lower than 50 °C, and fluid salinity as high as 3 mass% NaCl eq. Composition in REE and trace-elements measured by ICP-MS on acid-digested or laser-ablated samples indicates a common genesis for amethyst, quartz and chalcedony, as well as the absence of significant variations from one geode to another. 87Sr/86Sr data on chalcedony shows that both the host basalt or the Botucatu sandstone are possible silica sources. These data, combined with thermo-kinetic considerations, permit us to discuss the filling process. We argue in favor of the contribution of a mineralized fluid of hydrothermal origin producing a regional silica source which decreased with time. The observed mineral sequence is related to the depletion of silica in the solution.  相似文献   

Fossil charcoal, as direct evidence of palaeowildfires, has repeatedly been reported from several plant-bearing deposits from the Late Palaeozoic of the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast charcoal reports from the Late Palaeozoic deposits of the Southern Hemisphere are relatively rare in comparison to the Northern Hemisphere. Although the presence of pyrogenic coal macerals has repeatedly been reported from Late Palaeozoic coals from South America, no detailed anatomical investigations of such material have been published so far. Here is presented an anatomical analysis of charcoal originating from Early Permian sediments of the Quitéria Outcrop, Rio Bonito Formation, Paraná Basin, located in the central-eastern portion of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This charcoal comes from two different coaly facies, and it was possible to scrutinize between three types, based on anatomical characters of the charcoal. Two of these charcoal types can be correlated to gymnosperm woods, and the other type corresponds to strongly permineralized bark with characteristic features of lycopsids. The presence of charcoal in different facies, ranging from parautochtonous to allochtonous origin, indicates that different vegetation types, i.e. plants which grew under wet conditions in the lowland as well as in the more dry hinterland, have experienced wildfires. Taking into account previous petrographic and lithological analyses from the facies in which the charcoal occurs and from the conditions of the wood and bark fragments, it was possible to speculate that the intensity of such wildfires most probably corresponds to forest-crown fires. Moreover, it is possible to state that wildfires have been a more or less common element in distinct Late Palaeozoic terrestrial ecosystems in the South American part of Gondwana. The data support previous assumptions on the occurrence of wildfires in the Early Permian of the Paraná Basin which were based solely on coal-petrographic data.  相似文献   

Morphology of the Rio Grande Rise and the acoustic structure of different types of deposits in its uppermost sedimentary cover were discussed based on high-resolution seismoacoustic profiling of cruises #32 (2010) and #52 (2016) of R/V Akademik Ioffe. Slopes of the Rio Grande Rise are composed mainly of landslide deposits and gravitites, but contourite sedimentation is possible on its southern slope. Contourite sedimentary waves and, probably, small drifts are identified in the Cruzeiro do Sul Trough at the top of the Rio Grande Rise. Mixed gravitite–contourite sedimentary systems seem to be located at the foot of northern and southern slopes. The downslope density flows and the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) contourite current are responsible for the formation of these features.  相似文献   

In the Ametista do Sul area, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, amethyst-bearing geodes are hosted by a ~40- to 50-m-thick subhorizontal high-Ti basaltic lava flow of the Lower Cretaceous Paraná Continental Flood Basalt Province. The typically spherical cap-shaped, sometimes vertically elongated geodes display an outer rim of celadonite followed inwards by agate and colorless and finally amethystine quartz. Calcite formed throughout the whole crystallization sequence, but most commonly as very late euhedral crystals, sometimes with gypsum, in the central cavity. Fluid inclusions in colorless quartz and amethyst are predominantly monophase and contain an aqueous liquid. Two-phase liquid–vapor inclusions are rare. Some with a consistent degree of fill homogenize into the liquid between 95 and 98 °C. Ice-melting temperatures in the absence of a vapor phase between –4 and +4 °C indicate low salinities. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of calcites are highly variable and show generally no systematic correlation with the paragenetic sequence. The oxygen isotope composition of calcites is very homogeneous (δ18OVSMOW=24.9±1.1‰, n=34) indicating crystallization temperatures of less than 100 °C. Carbon isotope values of calcites show a considerable variation ranging from –18.7 to –2.9‰ (VPDB). The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of calcites varies between 0.706 and 0.708 and is more radiogenic than that of the host basalt (~0.705). The most likely source of silica, calcium, carbon, and minor elements in the infill of the geodes is the highly reactive interstitial glass of the host basalts leached by gas-poor aqueous solutions of meteoric origin ascending from the locally artesian Botucatú aquifer system in the footwall of the volcanic sequence. The genesis of amethyst geodes in basalts at Ametista do Sul, Brazil, is thus considered as a two-stage process with an early magmatic protogeode formation and a late, low temperature infill of the cavity. Editorial handling: A. Cheilletz  相似文献   

In order to evaluate potential effects of tectonics and climate change on the behaviour of the axial Rio Grande in the Rio Grande rift, a 16·5 km stretch of modern floodplain and Holocene terraces were mapped in the tectonically active Palomas half graben, south‐central New Mexico, USA. In addition, 51 cores and natural exposures were logged and 20 radiocarbon dates were obtained from charcoal, bulk organic matter, mollusc shells and pedogenic calcite. The Holocene alluvium comprises four terraces above the modern floodplain, each of which formed by a period of river incision followed by stability and renewed floodplain construction to a level below that of the previous terraces. Estimated times of incision between Terraces I and II, II and III, and III and IV are after 12 400, 8040 to 5310, and 760 to 550 yr bp , respectively, whereas the incision between Terrace IV and the modern floodplain occurred within the last 260 years. Although there is some evidence for tectonic control on river behaviour in the southern part of the basin, terrace formation is interpreted as being related to climate change, with periods of incision corresponding to times of increased aridity and low sediment/water discharge ratio in the Rio Grande. This process may have resulted from a reduction in intensity and magnitude of summer storms which supply sediment to the axial river, coupled with an increase in spring discharge peak caused by snowmelt in upstream mountain catchments.  相似文献   

New records of Jefferson's ground sloth (Megalonyx jeffersonii) and elk-moose (Cervalces scotti) from Lang Farm provide the first precise temporal correlation of these taxa with the specific environments inhabited by them near the time of their extinction. Six AMS 14C measurements establish an age of 11,405 ± 50 14C yr B.P. for Lang Farm Cervalces and an age of 11,430 ± 60 or 11,485 ± 40 14C yr B.P. for the Megalonyx. These measurements represent the youngest 14C dates for these two genera based on direct dating. Comparison of the dates with pollen data from northern Illinois indicates that these species inhabited a nonanalog environment that was transitional from mid-latitude tundra to mixed conifer and deciduous woodland. Although spruce (Picea sp.) was dominant, it was less abundant than prior to 12,500 14C yr B.P. The presence of black ash (Fraxinus nigra) and fir (Abies sp.) indicates a wet climate and heavy winter precipitation. This may have been the preferred habitat for Cervalces because of its narrow geographic range. However, this habitat type was only one of many occupied by Megalonyx as indicated by its broad geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses applied to Pleistocene bivalve assemblages from the Oga Peninsula (northern Japan) discriminate three distinct assemblages. The assemblages and their taphonomy were used to recognize environmental settings and changes. The AstarteCyclocardiaGlycymeris assemblage indicates shelf environment (below the storm wave base) where gravels and shells are transported from shallower settings. Supply of the exotic coarse sediment probably enabled epifaunal bivalves to inhabit the sea floor. The Glycymeris assemblage is characterized by dominance of G. yessoensis and represents current-swept shoreface environment (above the storm wave base). The Moerella assemblage is characterized by bivalves inhabiting bay to open-marine conditions and diverse deposit-feeders, indicating a moderately land-locked environment, such as an open bay or a bay mouth. Fine-grained substrata rich in organic matters in the bay were probably suitable for the deposit-feeders. Ordination also shows the assemblages along two environmental gradients, a bathymetrical one and the other related to open-marine and bay conditions. The environmental changes are explained mainly by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes and alternation of coastal geomorphology caused by local crustal movements. This study also suggests that fossil assemblages can be a powerful tool to reconstruct environments and depositional dynamics even in intensely bioturbated sedimentary facies.  相似文献   

Products of Pliocene (2–4 Ma) mafic to intermediate volcanism in the northwestern Cerros del Rio, a dominantly mafic volcanic field in the Española Basin of the Rio Grande Rift (RGR), range from 49% to 63% SiO2 and exhibit diversity in silica saturation, trace-element patterns, and isotopic compositions. Tholeiites, which are largely confined to west of the Rio Grande, have trace-element abundances that resemble those of oceanic basalts, but with mild depletions in Nb and Ta, and high 87Sr/86Sr, low 143Nd/144Nd, and high δ18O compared to typical OIB. They are regarded as asthenospherically-derived magmas contaminated with continental crust. Alkali basalts and hawaiites erupted from vents east of the Rio Grande are geochemically distinct, having generally higher overall incompatible-element abundances, but with pronounced depletions in K, Rb, Nb and Ta with respect to Th and LREE. Spatially-associated benmoreites, mugearites and latites (collectively termed “evolved” lavas) have similar trace-element characteristics to the mafic mildly-alkaline compositions, but are typically not as depleted in K. Hawaiites and evolved lavas exhibit a good negative correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with SiO2, due to interaction with lower continental crust. The most silicic “evolved” lavas carry the highest proportions of crustal material, and consequently have higher K/Th than the related hawaiites. Several (mostly mafic) lavas contain abundant crustally-derived resorbed quartz xenocrysts in O-isotope disequilibrium with the host magma. The δ18O values of xenocrystic quartz range over 4‰, indicating a variety of quartz-bearing crustal contaminants beneath the Española Basin. The hawaiites, with their unusual combination of trace-element enrichments and depletions, cannot be generated by any process of fractionation or crustal contamination superposed on a common mantle source type (oceanic or arc-source). It is a regional mantle source type, inasmuch as it was also present beneath NW Colorado during the mid-late Cenozoic. We argue that the hawaiite source must have originally existed as arc-source mantle enriched in LILE, generated during Mesozoic to early Cenozoic subduction at the western margin of North America. This arc-source mantle lost K, Rb and Ba, but not Th or LREE, prior to magmagenesis. Selective element loss may have occurred during lithospheric thinning and uprise of hydrated phlogopitebearing peridotite-possibly as a thermal boundary layer between lithosphere and asthenosphere — to shallow mantle depths, with consequent conversion of phlogopite to amphibole (an inferior host for K, Rb and Ba). We suggest that this occurred during the early extensional phase of the northern RGR. Further extension was accompanied by partial melting and release of magma from this source and the underlying asthenosphere, which by the Pliocene was of oceanic type. The hawaiite source mantle is the product of a long history of subduction succeeded by lithospheric extension of the formerly overriding plate. Similar chemical signatures may have developed in the mantle beneath other regions with comparable histories.  相似文献   

 This paper deals with the problem of increased heavy metal constituents in agricultural soils due to the expanded use of fertilizers and elevated atmospheric deposition. It discusses the extent of contamination in soil and establishes an environmental monitoring program in the chosen area of concern in the southern coastal region of Texas. Grain size, pH, and metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, Ni, Ba, As, Cr, Mn, and Fe) were determined in soils of the middle Rio Grande basin. The soils were mainly of sand texture and alkaline in character. Fine sand constituted the major proportion of the soil, and clay and silt ranged from 8–30% of the soil. Correlations of metal concentrations to grain size and iron contents were performed. Metals, except Cd and Pb, gave positive to negative relationships with decreases in grain size. Silt gave no relationship with metal content while clay and silt had a positive relationship. All these metals had a positive correlation with iron in the soil. The results indicate metals are associated with coarse sand, clay, and iron hydroxides surfaces of the soil. The comparison of metal content in soil of the middle Rio Grande basin with metals from other areas of the world suggests that it is relatively uncontaminated. Received: 14 December 1998 · Accepted: 19 Jaunuary 1999  相似文献   

A geophysical perspective based on well-acquired gravity, magnetic, and radiometric data provides good insights into the basin architectural elements and tectonic evolution of the Rio do Peixe Basin (RPB), an Early Cretaceous intracontinental basin in the northeast Brazilian rift system, which developed during the opening of the South Atlantic. NW–SE-trending extensional forces acting over an intensively deformed Precambrian basement yielded a composite basin architecture strongly controlled by preexisting, mechanically weak fault zones in the upper crust. Reactivated NE–SW and E–W ductile shear zones of Brasiliano age (0.6 Ga) divided the RPB into three asymmetrical half-grabens (Brejo das Freiras, Sousa, and Pombal subbasins), separated by basement highs of granite bodies that seem to anchor and distinguish the mechanical subsidence of the subbasins. Radiometric and geopotential field data highlight the relationship between the tectonic stress field and the role of a preexisting structural framework inserted in the final rift geometry. The up-to-2000 m thick half-grabens are sequentially located at the inflexion of sigmoidal-shaped shear zones and acquire a typical NE–SW-oriented elliptic shape. The Sousa Subbasin is the single exception. Because of its uncommon E–W elongated form, three-dimensional gravity modeling reveals an E–W axis of depocenters within the Sousa Subbasin framework, in which the eastern shoulders are controlled by NE–SW-trending faults. These faults belong to the Precambrian structural fabric, as is well illustrated by the gamma ray and magnetic signatures of the basement grain. Release faults were identified nearly perpendicular or oblique to master faults, forming marginal strike ramps and horst structures in all subbasins. The emplacement mechanism of Brasiliano granites around the RPB was partially oriented by the same structural framework, as is indicated by the gravity signature of the granitic bodies after removal of the gravity effect of the basin-filling deposits. The RPB major-fault occurrence along the releasing bend of a strong discontinuity – the so-called Portalegre Shear Zone – in addition to the configuration of a gentle crustal thinning, according to gravity field studies, suggests that a crustal discontinuity governs the nucleation of the RPB, followed probably by small displacement in deep crustal levels accommodating low-rate stretching during basin subsidence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of mining on the geochemical composition of the alluvial sediments of the Gualaxo do Norte River Basin, located in the eastern-southeastern portion of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Minas Gerais State, Brazil). The analysis of the sedimentological succession was carried out using 16 stratigraphic sections (cutbanks and alluvial terraces) and analysis of 111 sediment samples for major- and trace-elements by ICP-OES. The stratigraphic analysis revealed the deposition history of the collected sediments. Anomalous concentrations of certain elements such as As and Pb were found, which are associated with stratigraphic facies with evidences of gold artisanal mining, and Fe anomalies associated with iron ore mining. The classification of the sections was possible by means of principal component analysis. From the sediment characteristics, three groups were identified: (1) those influenced by iron ore mining and gold artisanal mining; (2) those influenced by iron ore mining and (3) those with no influence of human activities.  相似文献   

 The evolution of calcareous dinoflagellate communities has been investigated for the latest Cretaceous to earliest Neogene interval of the mid-latitude South Atlantic. In doing so, the response of calcareous dinoflagellates to Cenozoic climatic change has been addressed for the first time. Trends in species composition and distribution patterns of wall types indicate significant changes which correlate with major palaeoenvironmental modifications. A first major shift concerning the relative abundance of species and wall types occurred across the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary. The associations remained stable during the entire Paleocene and Eocene. Only in the late Eocene did a dramatic decrease in temperature cause a slight diversification. A second major shift in the abundance patterns occurred across the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. The early Miocene warming is possibly reflected in the distinct increase in relative abundance of one species. The assemblages of calcareous dinoflagellates evidently react to major climatic changes during the Cenozoic. These poorly investigated organisms may thus provide an important contribution to the understanding of earth's palaeoclimatic evolution. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 4 April 1999  相似文献   

This geoarcheological study investigates soil stratigraphy and geochronology of alluvial deposits to determine Holocene landscape evolution within the Hot Creek, La Jara Creek, and Alamosa River drainage basins in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. Geomorphic mapping and radiocarbon dating indicate synchronicity in patterns of erosion, deposition, and stability between drainage basins. In all three basins, the maximum age of mapped alluvial terraces and fans is ~ 3300 cal yr BP. A depositional period seen at both Hot Creek and the Alamosa River begins ~ 3300 to 3200 cal yr BP. Based on soil development, short periods of stability followed by alluvial fan aggradation occur in the Alamosa River basin ~ 2200 cal yr BP. A period of landscape stability at Hot Creek before ~ 1100 cal yr BP is followed by a period of rapid aggradation within all three drainages between ~ 1100 and 850 cal yr BP. A final aggradation event occurred between ~ 630 and 520 cal yr BP at La Jara Creek. These patterns of landscape evolution over the past ~ 3300 yr provide the framework for an archeological model that predicts the potential for buried and surficial cultural materials in the research area.  相似文献   

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