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The topographic mapping products of airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) are usually required in the national coordinates (i.e., using the national datum and a conformal map projection). Since the spatial scale of the national datum is usually slightly different from the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) datum, and the map projection frame is not Cartesian, the georeferencing process in the national coordinates is inevitably affected by various geometric distortions. In this paper, all the major direct georeferencing distortion factors in the national coordinates, including one 3D scale distortion (the datum scale factor distortion), one height distortion (the earth curvature distortion), two length distortions (the horizontal-to-geodesic length distortion and the geodesic-to-projected length distortion), and three angle distortions (the skew-normal distortion, the normal-section-to-geodesic distortion, and the arc-to-chord distortion) are identified and demonstrated in detail; and high-precision map projection correction formulas are provided for the direct georeferencing of the airborne LiDAR data. Given the high computational complexity of the high-precision map projection correction approach, some more approximate correction formulas are also derived for the practical calculations. The simulated experiments show that the magnitude of the datum scale distortion can reach several centimeters to decimeters for the low (e.g., 500 m) and high (e.g., 8000 m) flying heights, and therefore it always needs to be corrected. Our proposed practical map projection correction approach has better accuracy than Legat’s approach,1 but it needs 25% more computational cost. As the correction accuracy of Legat’s approach can meet the requirements of airborne LiDAR data with low and medium flight height (up to 3000 m above ground), our practical correction approach is more suitable to the high-altitude aerial imagery. The residuals of our proposed high-precision map projection correction approach are trivial even for the high flight height of 8000 m. It can be used for the theoretical applications such as the accurate evaluation of different GPS/INS attitude transformation methods to the national coordinates.  相似文献   

徐颖  周焰 《地理空间信息》2013,(3):63-66,72
随着SAR成像技术的不断发展和对SAR图像应用的迫切需求,涌现了大量的SAR图像配准方法。对国内外最新的SAR图像配准技术和方法进行了全面系统地梳理,总结了各类方法的特点,指出了当前研究存在的问题,展望了SAR图像配准的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel Coordinate Transformation method (CT-method), with which the orientation angles (roll, pitch, heading) of the local tangent frame of the GPS/INS system are transformed into those (omega, phi, kappa) of the map projection frame for direct georeferencing (DG). Especially, the orientation angles in the map projection frame were derived from a sequence of coordinate transformations. The effectiveness of orientation angles transformation was verified through comparing with DG results obtained from conventional methods (Legat method1 and POSPac method2) using empirical data. Moreover, the CT-method was also validated with simulated data. One advantage of the proposed method is that the orientation angles can be acquired simultaneously while calculating position elements of exterior orientation (EO) parameters and auxiliary points coordinates by coordinate transformation.These three methods were demonstrated and compared using empirical data. Empirical results show that the CT-method is both as sound and effective as Legat method. Compared with POSPac method, the CT-method is more suitable for calculating EO parameters for DG in map projection frames. DG accuracy of the CT-method and Legat method are at the same level. DG results of all these three methods have systematic errors in height due to inconsistent length projection distortion in the vertical and horizontal components, and these errors can be significantly reduced using the EO height correction technique in Legat’s approach. Similar to the results obtained with empirical data, the effectiveness of the CT-method was also proved with simulated data.  相似文献   

GBSAR的高精度测量需要准确的干涉相位来保证,因此影像间的配准尤为重要。针对传统GBSAR影像配准方法没有充分考虑到同名点的几何分布和空间结构关系的问题,文中基于Fourier-Mellin和Delaunay三角网的特性,对GBSAR影像数据进行粗配准和精配准。结合GBSAR影像实例数据,并对配准结果的相干系数图进行统计分析,结果表明此方法可提高影像配准的精度,为GBSAR影像数据的后续处理提供较好参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, the registration of decimeter-resolution airborne multi-aspect SAR (MASAR) data of inner city areas by application of the radargrammetric range-Doppler equations is investigated. The geometrical model is adapted to linear flight trajectories and zero-Doppler processed SAR data, whereas the observed trajectory parameters are adjusted using a strict Gauss–Helmert model and known ground control points. The significance of the estimated corrections is examined and the most suitable set of free parameters is determined. Finally, the methodology is applied to real test data of an airborne campaign over the city of Munich, Germany, and the feasability of the proposed radargrammetric registration method is shown.  相似文献   

为解决传统大坝变形监测方法仅能获取点形变信息,且监测成本高、受环境影响大等问题,提出了结合快速地基合成孔径雷达(Fast-GBSAR)获取的高精度二维形变图和三维激光扫描仪生成的DEM,解决了雷达数据可视化程度低的问题。利用该技术对国内某大坝进行了健康监测并对形变原因进行了深入分析,库区潮汐对大坝水平形变产生周期性的影响。试验表明,Fast-GBSAR可以获取高精度的大坝形变信息,结合三维可视化技术,建立直观、高效与高精度的三维监测方式,为大坝的变形监测提供了可靠保障。  相似文献   

针对不同时刻或不同设备采集的高精度地图数据融合的问题,提出了一种利用正则化的局部加权薄板样条算法,实现高精度地图的自动化配准。利用K-D树搜索局部邻域控制点,生成正则化的局部薄板样条变换场,并利用局部加权的方式进行配准变换。试验结果表明,本文算法优于传统线性最小二乘算法,具有较好的配准效果。  相似文献   

针对经典亚像素配准算法运算效率不高的情况,提出一种快速亚像素配准方法。在原有傅里叶变换相位相关方法与矩阵乘法离散傅里叶变换方法的基础上,利用有效子图代替原图进行图像亚像素配准。有效子图是通过二维小波分解高频分量的能量总和大小来选取,再对有效子图进行相位相关像素级定位与矩阵乘法傅里叶变换亚像素定位。改进方法不但继承矩阵乘法离散傅里叶变换亚像素高精度配准的优良性能,而且选用有效子图替代原图进行配准其速度可大大提高,对海量数据的遥感影像更显优势。经模拟试验与工程实例,综合分析该方法的配准精度与配准速度,证明改进方法较经典亚像素配准算法效率更高,更适合用于实际遥感影像的高精度配准。  相似文献   

煤层顶底板等高线图是煤矿企业用于生产决策的一种常用图纸,这种图的直观性较差,难以阅读。参照Tanaka明暗等值线图的方法提出一种基于二维显示的煤层底板DEM的光照渲染制图方法。该方法通过假定光源所处的位置,并计算DEM的三角面片的法向,进而求得三角面片的亮度,然后以填充绘制的方式将所有三角形以二维的方式绘制出来。这种方法具有显示效率高、编程简单、易于图层叠加、效果较Tanaka法逼真等优势。  相似文献   

着眼于Supermap Deskpro软件的应用,介绍了一种数字地图的制作方法。重点阐述了图片的配准以及对象的属性录入,使地图不仅与实际的地测坐标相对应,更具有数据查询功能。通过地图输出操作,能够输出传统的BMP格式地图。对新手使用软件具有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

利用合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术获取地表三维信息的研究,受到世界各国的广泛关注。高精度复影像配准是InSAR数据处理的关键步骤,其结果直接影响生成干涉相位的质量,进而影响获取数字高程模型的精度。本文采用相干系数法进行粗配准,采用基于相干系数拟合的方法进行精配准,可以实现复影像数据的高精度配准。经机载和星载数据的试验验证,该方法有效可行且运算效率高,具有实用性。  相似文献   

本文在分析了当前晕渲图自动生产中注记处理的现状和存在问题的基础上,利用OpenGL纹理贴图技术,解决了文字位图生成、纹理透明处理、注记定位等技术问题,实现了晕渲图中随地形起伏注记的生成、交互操作和管理,提供了一种为晕渲图配置立体感较强的注记的方法。  相似文献   

机载激光雷达单机检校方案研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘凯华  张建霞  左建章 《测绘科学》2010,35(6):62-64,69
针对目前LiDAR的精度标定环节,本文分析了激光雷达的测距原理和影响测距精度的因素后,提出了对测距精度影响较大的激光器二极管电流强度、扫描半角、扫描频率、扫描距离以及灰度值的自身误差检测方法,展示了交通标志的特殊点云图像,并以此组织了完整的检校工作,验证了该检校方法的可行性,提出了可供参考的检测注意事项,为在测量结果中加入误差校正提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

余旭 《测绘工程》2004,13(3):62-64
结合测绘成果的特点,介绍了为测绘管理部门开发的测绘成果登记系统(SPRS),论述了系统的主要功能和实现方法.  相似文献   

A method based on graphic entity for map symbol visualization in vector-based web mapping is proposed. The method is especially effective for complex geological symbols. It has three parts: graphic entity library, symbol synthesizer, and synthesis specifications. The design process is described as the application of the method to symbols representing point, line, and polygon features in web mapping. The method works with Flash, SVG, or other mapping technologies. We chose Flash to visualize geological disaster information for the Guangdong province in China. The case study demonstrates that this graphic entity-based method can meet the demands for interactive symbolization and complex symbol visualization in Internet web mapping. It produces good results, is fast, and is easy to operate. This makes it especially suitable for web-mapping applications, especially vector-based and hybrid WebGIS applications which display complex symbols.  相似文献   

纸质地图因其通用性和全局性特点在地理环境的认知过程中具有重要意义,经过增强现实技术融合将会在信息载负量和可视化维度等方面实现突破。文中简述无标识纸质地图增强现实系统的技术原理,提出一种纸质地图无标识配准方法,归纳总结纸质地图增强现实表达方法及其作用,研究纸质地图人机交互方法,实现无标识纸质地图与增强现实技术的融合,增强传统纸质地图的认知功能。  相似文献   

地图符号是构成地图的基本元素。从地图符号生成的拓扑学原理、地图符号的图论解释、地图网络的本质特征和以视觉变量的有限组合构成地图符号的规律等方面进行论述,揭示地图符号的内在联系和数学本质。  相似文献   

Utilizing remote sensing techniques to extract soil properties can facilitate several engineering applications for large-scale monitoring and modeling purposes such as earthen levees monitoring, landslide mapping, and off-road mobility modeling. This study presents results of statistical analyses to investigate potential correlations between multiple polarization radar backscatter and various physical soil properties. The study was conducted on an approximately 3 km long section of earthen levees along the lower Mississippi river as part of the development of remote levee monitoring methods. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar imagery from UAVSAR was used along with an extensive set of in situ soil properties. The following properties were analyzed from the top 30–50 cm of soil: texture (sand and clay fraction), penetration resistance (sleeve friction and cone tip resistance), saturated hydraulic conductivity, field capacity, permanent wilting point, and porosity. The results showed some correlation between the cross-polarized (HV) radar backscatter coefficients and most of these properties. A few soil properties, like clay fraction, showed similar but weaker correlations with the co-polarized channels (HH and VV). The correlations between the soil properties and radar backscatter were analyzed separately for the river side and land side of the levee. It was found that the magnitude and direction of the correlation for most of the soil properties noticeably differed between the river and the land sides. The findings of this study can be a good starting point for scattering modelers in a pursuit of better models for radar scattering at cross polarizations which would include more diverse set of soil parameters.  相似文献   

地图矢量数据处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以1:250万中华人民共和国大型挂图的制作研究中的数据格式转换为实例,重点讨论全数字制图环境下多源海量数据的提取和格式转换等问题,为数字地图新产品的开发提供了数据基础。根据制图基础数据的特点确定了把源数据Coverage层转化为CorelD raw能接收的DXF格式的数据转换方法,详细讨论了利用Arc/Info进行矢量数据的转换、投影变换的过程,包括数据合并、投影变换、数据提取、点状要素处理、拓扑关系的建立、比例尺控制、图层套和、数据输出等处理。  相似文献   

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