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沉积相研究是盆地隐蔽油气藏勘探中重要的研究内容之一,综合利用地球物理方法有效识别构造、岩性或沉积相差异是盆地隐蔽油气藏勘探的前提.本文基于重力、航磁、地震等综合地球物理资料,通过重磁异常正演剥离和剖面正反演拟合技术研究了华南桂中地区海相地层的密度分布特征,预测了岩相、沉积相的变化规律.研究发现,本区中、下泥盆统海相地层存在横向的岩性、岩相变化,研究区西北、东南部的台地相区重力异常高、岩石拟合密度值高;中部“X”型台地边缘相区重力异常杂乱、岩石拟合密度变化范围大;东部台沟相区重力异常低、岩石拟合密度值低.利用综合地球物理方法预测沉积相为盆地岩性圈闭油气藏和生物礁油气藏勘探提供了新的研究思路,研究成果已得到初步检验,但还有待进一步完善与实践.  相似文献   

Nowadays, geostatistics is commonly applied for numerous gridding or modelling tasks. However, it is still under used and unknown for classical geophysical applications. This paper highlights the main geostatistical methods relevant for geophysical issues, for instance to improve the quality of seismic data such as velocity cubes or interpreted horizons. These methods are then illustrated through four examples. The first example, based on a gravity survey presents how a geostatistical interpolation can be used to filter out a global trend, in order to better define real anomalies. In the second case study, dedicated to refraction surveying, geostatistical filtering is used to filter out acquisition artefacts and identify the main geological structures. The third one is an example of porosity being integrated geostatistically with a seismic acoustic impedance map. The last example deals with geostatistical time to depth conversion; the interest of performing geostatistical simulations is finally discussed.  相似文献   

地球物理方法在金属矿深部找矿中的应用及展望   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
地球物理勘探方法对深部隐伏矿床找寻及预测具有很强的指导性,在近年来国内外找矿工作中(特别是隐伏矿的预测)取得了很好成效.本文着重论述了重、磁、电、震、测井等地球物理方法在金属矿深部找矿中的应用特点和成果.事实表明,不同物探方法在找矿过程中有不同的特点和适用条件,要根据具体找矿对象特征,综合运用这些方法,并结合地质与地球...  相似文献   

This paper introduces economic concepts and theory pertaining to public policy issues and concerns about pollution in marine environments. Many of these concepts and theories are unfamiliar to individuals and professionals outside the field of economics, such as biologists, ecologists, environmental lawyers, and even public policymakers. Yet many of these individuals observe economics in action, often for the first time, within a public policy arena. Exposure and a better understanding of the concepts and ideas in economics that are particularly relevant for public policies can help to achieve efficiencies in the form of better designed policies, and help to bridge communications gaps across other professions and the economics profession.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the risk associated by an earthflow to abruptly evolve into a torrential flow, the knowledge of its internal structure is necessary. Geotechnical methods are important to reach this goal. However, because of the rough topography associated with earthflows, their surface heterogeneities, and the spatial variations of the thickness of the potentially moving mass, non-intrusive geophysical methods offer a very useful tool that complements traditional geotechnical methods. We report the results of a comprehensive study covering a 150 m by 200 m area of the Super Sauze earthflow. This earthflow developed in black marls in the southern French Alps. Shallow electrical conductivity investigations, derived using low frequency domain electromagnetics, maps hidden gullies and crests and lateral variations of the clay and the water content within the first 5 m below the ground surface. Electrical resistivity tomography allows to extrapolate this information down to 10 m below the ground surface along selected transects. The vertical structure of the earthflow, down to the substratum, is defined precisely thanks to joint inversion of DC and TDEM vertical soundings along one profile: the flowing upper layer and the position of the substratum are clearly evidenced. Combining this geophysical datasets with geotechnical tests and drill holes, we provide an estimate of both the location and the volume of the potentially most dangerous areas of the earthflow.  相似文献   

The highest seismic activity in Vietnam is observed in the northwest of the country, hence the practical significance of more accurate assessment of the earthquake hazard for the area. The worldwide experience of seismicity, in particular, the recent Tohoku mega-earthquake (March 11, 2011, M w = 9.0, Japan) shows that instrumental and historical data alone are insufficient to reliably estimate earthquake hazard. This is all the more relevant in relation to Vietnam where the period of instrumental observation is short and historical evidence is nearly lacking. In this connection we made an attempt to construct maps of earthquake hazard based on known seismicity data using the available geological and geophysical data and the method of G.I. Reisner and his associates for classification of areas by seismic potential. Since the question of what geological and geophysical parameters are to be used and with what weights remains unresolved, we developed a program package to estimate Mmax based on different options in the use of geological and geophysical data. In this paper we discuss the first results and the promise held by this program package.  相似文献   

A geophysical study that involved different techniques was carried out with the aim to improve the knowledge of the archaeological site where the Basilica of Maxentius was founded and to discern individual covered structures (foundations).Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES), seismic refraction and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) studies were performed in the archaeological site. VES and seismic refraction allowed to characterise the main geological formations of the hill where the Basilica was built and to distinguish the concrete floor and backfilling. Electrical data were processed using different algorithms; their results were compared to appraise the inverted models' robustness.ERT inversion algorithms were used to delineate shape and size of a much more complex structure, that were originally expected from archaeological excavation plan. The results of the commercial program were used as a posteriori information to include them in the algorithm proposed by the authors; the sequential use of the programs defined a processing procedure.The integrated use of different geophysical techniques reduced a great deal the intrinsic ambiguities of each method. Direct explorations (boreholes and archaeological excavations) confirmed the geophysical results.  相似文献   

In order to optimize ship navigation in the macrotidal Gironde Estuary, a recent project funded by the port of Bordeaux aims at better understand and forecast hydrodynamic and fine sediment transport within the estuary. In the framework of this project, a two-dimensional hydro-sedimentary model is built. The model includes hydrodynamic forcings, mixed-sediment transport, and consolidation processes. The harmonic analysis of the astronomical tides reveals a strong distortion of the tidal wave inducing the growth of overtide constituents and the non-significant effect of tide-surge interactions in annual-scale prediction. Depending on hydrological conditions, river discharge can considerably alter the model accuracy due to the migration of the turbidity maximum zone modifying the bottom roughness. Comparison with measurements shows the ability of the model to reproduce suspended-sediment concentrations in the central Estuary. Sensitivity of the model to sediment features has also been discussed in regard of suspended-sediment concentrations and fluid mud deposits. The model will be further coupled with ship squat predictions and a morphodynamic model.  相似文献   

For 2 years, water flow‐patterns in the Garonne floodplain of south‐western France were studied in the field and through hydrodynamic modelling (MARTHE Hydrodynamic Software developed by BRGM). Water flow‐paths and the transport of dissolved elements between river and aquifer have been investigated and modelled. In order to quantify the buffer function of the alluvial floodplain, we focused our work on the effect of a major flood on the water flow‐direction, and on nitrate transport. Thus, we showed that the effect of a large flood in the river was rapidly lost with increasing distance from the river. During the observation period, a hydrologically active strip only 300 m wide on either side of the riverbed played a buffering role in absorbing the flood crest. It was also found that meanders favour the exchange between river and alluvial aquifer, shown by the creation of bypasses between the upstream and downstream parts of meanders. This, in turn, contributes to a dilution of nitrates in the phreatic aquifer, which here has higher nitrate content than the surface water; such dilution may result in an overestimation of the denitrification process in the wooded riverbanks. The coupling of chemical measurements—especially of chlorides and nitrate—with modelling of the dissolved‐element transport allows us to establish the water balance for the riparian wetland, and to separate the effect of dilution and denitrification on nitrate concentration. This indicated the existence of areas in the riparian wetlands where denitrification is particularly strong, leading to reductions in nitrate concentrations of 10 to 30 mg/l NO3? during the flood. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Seine estuary, one of the largest estuaries of the European northwest continental shelf, is subjected to numerous anthropogenic influences. Here we present an assessment of the microbial faecal contamination of the estuary water. The most vulnerable areas were defined on the basis of the fluxes of indicator organisms and the occurrence of Salmonella and Cryptosporidium sp. and Giardia sp. (oo)cysts. The microbial quality of the water changes from upstream to downstream: in the upstream area, contamination by faecal-indicator bacteria and Salmonella occurs during periods of high flow; in the urbanized area, mid-way between the uppermost areas of the estuary and its mouth, discharge from a wastewater treatment plant and a tributary degrade water quality; at the estuary mouth, the accumulation of microorganisms attached to particles in the maximum turbidity zone, particularly Clostridium perfringens spores and oocysts of Cryptosporidium, is accompanied by inputs of ThC and Escherichia coli from tributaries. In some areas, significant strong relations are observed between Salmonella, (oo)cysts of protozoan, and levels of faecal indicators.  相似文献   

In the area near the village of Jazak (southern part of Fruška Gora mountain, Serbia), hydrogeological investigations were carried out for the purpose of finding a water supply source to provide an adequate volume of water for a mineral water bottling plant. The first exploratory borehole (IBJf-1) penetrated a water-bearing layer of Miocene organogenic limestones. This aquifer has a thickness of about 30 m and a yield of only 2.2 l/s, which falls short of the required water volume (5 l/s).The objective of further exploration was to define the attitude and extension of the aquifer and thus select a more favourable site for a new exploratory borehole that would secure the required volume of water. For this purpose, geophysical exploration was carried out in 2003 through vertical electrical sounding (VES) and high-resolution 3D reflection seismic methods. The VES measurements enabled determination of aquifer depth and indicated that the water-bearing strata extend over the entire area studied. However, because of the equivalence problem, it was not possible to determine the thickness of the water-bearing stratum based solely on the VES data. Thus, the 3D seismic method was used in the second stage of investigation. A low-cost 3D seismic survey was carried out with fixed receiver lines, using a vibrator as the source of the seismic waves.From the 3D seismic data it was possible to determine the aquifer thickness. The depth of the aquifer determined by interpretation of the 3D seismic data was in accordance with the depth determined by the VES method. Based on the assumption that the hydraulic conductivity of this formation is identical or similar over the entire area, as well as the fact that the first well showed the presence of a subartesian aquifer, we proposed drilling another borehole (IBJf-2) in the zone where the data indicated that the water-bearing stratum was much thicker. The data obtained by drilling and coring were in agreement with the predicted aquifer thickness. Pumping tests showed that the water discharge in borehole IBJf-2 was 6 l/s.The results show that the objective of delineating the groundwater body by combined application of two geophysical methods (VES and 3D seismic) was successfully performed.  相似文献   


This review paper critically examines one of the most popular flood hydrograph modelling techniques for ungauged basins, the synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH), and its recent developments and advances. For this purpose, the SUH models were first grouped into four main classes, as follows: (a) traditional or empirical models; (b) conceptual models; (c) probabilistic models; and (d) geomorphological models. It was found that the geomorphological class is the most useful and interesting, since it is able to employ topographic information, so limiting the role of the calibration parameters. This review is expected to be helpful to hydrologists, water managers and decision-makers searching for models to study the flood hydrograph, modelling techniques and related processes in ungauged basins. It was completed as the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Decade (2003–2012) on predictions in ungauged basins (PUB), drew to a close.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Grimaldi

Citation Singh, P.K., Mishra, S.K., and Jain, M.K., 2013. A review of the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph: from the empirical UH to advanced geomorphological methods. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (2), 239–261.  相似文献   

One of the key tasks to enable a regional risk assessment is to group structures with similar seismic performances and generate fragility curves representative of the grouped structures. The grouping has been traditionally performed based primarily on engineering judgment and prior experience. This paper (i) presents an overview of various statistical techniques such as analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and Kruskal–Wallis test for grouping the bridges of similar performance; (ii) compares the groupings that emerge from the various grouping techniques; and (iii) identifies the method that has more statistical power in creating bridge sub‐classes of distinct structural performance. The grouping is achieved by comparing the structural responses of bridge classes obtained from the non‐linear time history analysis of bridges. The relative merits of these grouping techniques are discussed with the case study of box‐girder bridges in California. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous sorts of evidence of fires were observed in the cave of Les Fraux (Dordogne, France) and in particular the effects of fire on sediment were studied for a better understanding of their use centuries ago. Our present objective is the evaluation of the firing intensity by determining the past temperature (paleotemperature) attained by the topmost sediment of the archaeological fires. The principle of paleotemperature determination is based on the thermoluminescence (TL) properties of quartz and the magnetic susceptibility of the sediment. By comparing the TL signal of anciently heated quartz to the TL signal of thermal references made in the laboratory, we were able to obtain a maximal equivalent temperature attained for each sample extracted from ancient fires. The magnetic susceptibility (previously measured on the hearth surface) could thus be estimated as a function of temperature. The main result of this study is the temperature mapping of the hearth which can be used as meaningful information about the ancient firing intensity.  相似文献   

In October 1998 a precipitation‐triggered flank collapse occurred at Casita volcano, Nicaragua, leading to a devastating lahar. In this paper the failure volume was calculated using a range of methods. Several pre‐ and post‐failure digital elevation models (DEMs) were created, based on photogrammetric, cartometric and surveying data. The wide range in resulting volumes prompted an assessment of the accuracies and potential problems associated with each of the datasets and techniques used. The best estimate for the failure volume is 1·6 × 106 m3. It is based on a vegetation‐corrected pre‐failure DEM, generated using automated digital photogrammetry, and a post‐failure surface based on a field survey carried out with a Total Station. The volume figure is approximately an order of magnitude higher than values reported in previous publications, all of which are based solely on field estimates. This demonstrates that values reported in the literature, if they are not based on rigorous quantitative analysis, must be regarded with caution. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着我国"蓝天保卫战"打响,以及快速经济社会发展对清洁能源的需求急剧增加,地热资源因资源量巨大、分布广泛、清洁、可再生、利用率较高等优点,逐渐成为人们关注的热点.本文针对齐齐哈尔龙安桥地区的地热资源开展综合地球物理调查研究,方法包括有可控源音频大地电磁测深、大地电磁测深与反射地震勘探,通过对地热能控热要素——盖层、热储层、热源与导热通道的综合分析,查明了控热要素的空间配置关系,确立了该地区地热系统的成因模式,为该区低温地热资源调查提供有益的指导.通过研究发现,盖层主要为白垩系嫩江组与明水组的泥岩层,盖层厚度大,其中以嫩江组为主的低阻盖层主体埋深范围620 ~ 1020 m;热储层主要为白垩系泉头组、青山口组和姚家组的砂岩层,热储层厚度中等,主要埋深范围1050~ 1350 m;热源——盆地下部与基底的花岗岩、花岗斑岩等酸性岩体富含放射性元素,其衰变生热,以及下部幔源热向上热传导产生的热量;导热通道为热储层内部及下部断裂构造,这些断裂为热量的传导及热液的运移提供了运输通道.最后提出了该区的低温地热系统的成因模式为"层控热盖热储-岩体放射生热与地幔热共同供热-热传导与断裂通道共同导热"的热水系统成因模式.  相似文献   

We want to develop a dialogue between geophysicists and hydrologists interested in synergistically advancing process based watershed research. We identify recent advances in geophysical instrumentation, and provide a vision for the use of electrical and magnetic geophysical instrumentation in watershed scale hydrology. The focus of the paper is to identify instrumentation that could significantly advance this vision for geophysics and hydrology during the next 3–5 years. We acknowledge that this is one of a number of possible ways forward and seek only to offer a relatively narrow and achievable vision. The vision focuses on the measurement of geological structure and identification of flow paths using electrical and magnetic methods. The paper identifies instruments, provides examples of their use, and describes how synergy between measurement and modelling could be achieved. Of specific interest are the airborne systems that can cover large areas and are appropriate for watershed studies. Although airborne geophysics has been around for some time, only in the last few years have systems designed exclusively for hydrological applications begun to emerge. These systems, such as airborne electromagnetic (EM) and transient electromagnetic (TEM), could revolutionize hydrogeological interpretations. Our vision centers on developing nested and cross scale electrical and magnetic measurements that can be used to construct a three‐dimensional (3D) electrical or magnetic model of the subsurface in watersheds. The methodological framework assumes a ‘top down’ approach using airborne methods to identify the large scale, dominant architecture of the subsurface. We recognize that the integration of geophysical measurement methods, and data, into watershed process characterization and modelling can only be achieved through dialogue. Especially, through the development of partnerships between geophysicists and hydrologists, partnerships that explore how the application of geophysics can answer critical hydrological science questions, and conversely provide an understanding of the limitations of geophysical measurements and interpretation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Guo  Qinghua  Jin  Shichao  Li  Min  Yang  Qiuli  Xu  Kexin  Ju  Yuanzhen  Zhang  Jing  Xuan  Jing  Liu  Jin  Su  Yanjun  Xu  Qiang  Liu  Yu 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(10):1457-1474
Ecological resources are an important material foundation for the survival, development, and self-realization of human beings. In-depth and comprehensive research and understanding of ecological resources are beneficial for the sustainable development of human society. Advances in observation technology have improved the ability to acquire long-term, cross-scale,massive, heterogeneous, and multi-source data. Ecological resource research is entering a new era driven by big data. Traditional statistical learning and machine learning algorithms have problems with saturation in dealing with big data. Deep learning is a method for automatically extracting complex high-dimensional nonlinear features, which is increasingly used for scientific and industrial data processing because of its ability to avoid saturation with big data. To promote the application of deep learning in the field of ecological resource research, here, we first introduce the relationship between deep learning theory and research on ecological resources, common tools, and datasets. Second, applications of deep learning in classification and recognition,detection and localization, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and graph neural network in typical spatial discrete data are presented through three cases: species classification, crop breeding, and vegetation mapping. Finally, challenges and opportunities for the application of deep learning in ecological resource research in the era of big data are summarized by considering the characteristics of ecological resource data and the development status of deep learning. It is anticipated that the cooperation and training of cross-disciplinary talents may promote the standardization and sharing of ecological resource data,improve the universality and interpretability of algorithms, and enrich applications with the development of hardware.  相似文献   

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