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The Kockatea Shale is a proposed target for unconventional gas development in the North Perth Basin in Western Australia. This research is concerned with correlating the extent of thermogenic gas leakage into deep aquifers overlying the Kockatea Shale with an assessment of how close the formation is to mechanical failure. Data from two petroleum exploration wells located approximately 20 km apart were considered. Both have comparable stratigraphy; however, they differ by their local tectonic setting. The stress regime is strike slip at Arrowsmith 2 well and for an assumed hydrostatic pressure the Kockatea Shale is not close to frictional limits. Minor amounts of methane and trace amounts of short chain alkanes are leaking into deep aquifers pre-development. In contrast, the stress regime is strike slip/normal at Woodada Deep well and the Kockatea Shale is close to frictional limits. Significant volumes of gas including methane and condensate are leaking into deep aquifers. The sealing capacity of the Kockatea Shale as evidenced by the variation in gas concentration in aquifers at the two sites indicates the formation is sensitive to stress. Additionally given the low permeability of the regional Kockatea Shale seal, it is assumed that at both locations gas leakage is via critically stressed faults. Deep aquifers proximal to the shale gas target are low salinity (<5000 ppm NaCl eq.) at Woodada Deep well and are saline at Arrowsmith 2 well. Based on this assessment, it is suggested that hydraulic fracture stimulation at the Woodada Deep well poses a significant environmental risk.  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) was performed to determine two alternate magnitude-distance combinations for the 475 yr event, and the worst-case scenario event in Perth, Western Australia. Regional strong ground motion (SGM) time histories on rock sites are used to modify an eastern North America (ENA) seismic model to suit southwest Western Australian (SWWA) conditions. This model is then used to stochastically simulate a set of 475 yr design events and a set of worst-case scenario event for rock sites in the Perth metropolitan area (PMA). The simulated time histories are then used as input to typical soft soil sites in the PMA to estimate surface ground motions. The spectral accelerations of the ground motions on rock and soil sites are calculated and compared with the corresponding design spectra defined in current and previous Australian earthquake loading code. Discussions of the adequacy of the code spectra and the differences to ours, along with implications on structural response and damage are made.  相似文献   

Seismic P waveforms from a hardrock crosswell experiment were inverted for the velocity distribution between boreholes. The inversion was carried out by an iterative source estimation scheme in the frequency domain. Six frequencies in the range 900–2000 Hz were employed to yield a tomogram which closely matches the known geology, and clearly discloses the nickel sulphide mineralization. The waveform inversion is superior to traveltime tomography, which was used to obtain the starting model. Pre-processing, to isolate the direct P arrivals, is critical to the success of the method, because noise in the form of tube wave-to-body-wave conversions in the source hole, and body wave-to-tube wave conversions in the receiver hole complicate the seismograms and cannot be satisfactorily accommodated in the wavefield modelling. Such noise also precludes a successful migration. Even though the very fine detailed velocity structure cannot be fully recovered using just the first arrival full waveform, it remains a viable and useful approach.  相似文献   

The effect of potential climate change on groundwater‐dependent vegetation largely depends on the nature of the climate change (drying or wetting) and the level of current ecosystem dependence on groundwater resources. In south‐western Australia, climate projections suggest a high likelihood of a warmer and drier climate. The paper examines the potential environmental impacts by 2030 at the regional scale on groundwater‐dependent terrestrial vegetation (GDTV) adapted to various watertable depths, on the basis of the combined consideration of groundwater modelling results and the framework for GDTV risk assessment. The methodology was tested for the historical period from 1984 to 2007, allowing validation of the groundwater model results' applicability to such an assessment. Climate change effects on GDTV were evaluated using nine global climate models under three greenhouse gas emission scenarios by applying the climate projections to groundwater models. It was estimated that under dry climate scenarios, GDTV is likely to be under high and severe risk over more than 20% of its current habitat area. The risk is also likely to be higher under an increase in groundwater abstraction above current volumes. The significance of climate change risk varied across the region, depending on both the intensity of the change in water regime and the sensitivity of the GDTV to such change. Greater effects were projected for terrestrial vegetation dependent on deeper groundwater (6–10 m). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The oldest part of the Pilbara Craton is 3.80–3.55 Ga crust. Between 3.53 and 3.22 Ga, mantle plume activity resulted in eight successive volcanic cycles forming the Pilbara Supergroup. Large volumes of granitic magma were intruded during the same period. By 3.22 Ga, a thick continental crust, the East Pilbara Terrane, had been established. Between 3.22 and 3.16 Ga, rifting of the East Pilbara Terrane separated off two additional terranes (Karratha and Kurrana), with intervening basins of oceanic crust. After 3.16 Ga, the three terranes began to converge, resulting in both obduction of oceanic crust (Regal Terrane) and, in another area, subduction to form a 3.13 Ga island arc (Sholl Terrane). At 3.07 Ga, the Karratha, Regal, and Sholl Terranes collided to form the West Pilbara Superterrane, and this collided with the East Pilbara Terrane. The 3.05–2.93 Ga De Grey Superbasin was deposited as a succession of basins: Gorge Creek, Whim Creek, Mallina, and Mosquito Creek. Eventual closure of the basins, between 2.94 and 2.93 Ga, formed two separate orogenic belts on either side of the East Pilbara Terrane. Post‐orogenic granites were intruded between 2.89 and 2.83 Ga. The 2.78–2.63 Ga Fortescue Basin developed in four stages: (i) rifting of the Pilbara Craton; (ii) folding and erosion; (iii) large igneous province (LIP) volcanism; and (iv) marine sedimentation on a passive margin. A review of all known evidence for early life in the Pilbara Craton is provided. In hydrothermal settings, most of the evidence occurs as filamentous and spheroidal microfossils, organic carbon, microbial mats, and rare stromatolites. By contrast, shallow‐water marine sedimentary rocks contain a diverse range of stromatolites, and microbial mats. Lacustrine and shallow‐water marine carbonate rocks in the Fortescue Basin contain abundant and morphologically diverse stromatolites, widespread microbial mats, and organic carbon.  相似文献   

The results of hydrogeochemical studies of oil-and-gas bearing deposits in the western Khatanga Artesian Basin are given. The hydrogeological structure that formed during a long geological time is complicated by different types of hydrogeological sections. The boundaries of their occurrence have been established for the first time and detailed hydrogeological zoning has been carried out.  相似文献   

The impact of surface melt patterns and the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is examined on the varying contributions of end member (snow, glacier ice, and rain) to proglacial streamflow during the ablation period (June–October) in the Chhota Shigri glaciated basin, Western Himalaya. Isotopic seasonality observed in the catchment precipitation was generally reflected in surface runoff (supraglacial melt and proglacial stream) and shows a shift in major water source during the melt season. Isotopically correlated (δ18O–δD) high deuterium intercept in the surface runoff suggests that westerly precipitation acts as the dominant source, augmenting the other snow- and ice-melt sources in the region. The endmember contributions to the proglacial stream were quantified using a three-component mixing. Overall, glacier ice melt is the major source of proglacial discharge. Snowmelt is the predominant source during the early ablation season (June) and the peak ISM period (August and September), whereas ice melt reaches a maximum in the peak melt period (July). The monthly contribution of rain is on the lower side and shows a steady rise and decline with onset and retreat of the monsoon. These results are persistent with the surface melt pattern observed in Chhota Shigri glacier, Upper Chandra basin. Moreover, the role of the ISM in Chhota Shigri glacier is unvarying to that observed in other glacierized catchments of Upper Ganga basin. Thus, this study augments the significant role of the ISM in glacier mass balance up to the boundary of the central-western Himalayan glaciated region.  相似文献   

Marine and eolian carbonate deposits, grouped under the name “Tamala Limestone”, have been investigated along thousands of kilometers of coastal Western Australia (WA). Relative-age diagenetic features of carbonate sand dunes or “eolianites” indicate that coastal ridges decrease in age seaward, reflecting coastal accretion during successive sea-level stands. Yellow- to red-stained quartz sands are associated with eolianites as pits, lenses, extensive beds, and even 40-m-high dunes.A regional survey using whole-rock and land snail amino acid epimerization geochronology confirms the eolianite succession and provides a means of correlating widespread deposits along a steep climatic gradient and 16° of latitude. AMS 14C and uranium–thorium (U/Th) ages provide independent radiometric calibration of the amino acid ratios, and eolianite ages can be estimated using a parabolic kinetic model.Over 90% of the sampled eolianite deposits comprise Aminozones A, C, E (125 ka), F?, G, and H, and correlate with interglacials from <10 ka (Holocene) to ca. 500 ka. In contrast, at the type locality of the Tamala Limestone along the Zuytdorp Cliffs, the upper eolianite-paleosol units are characterized by advanced stages of cavernous weathering, pedogenesis, and recrystallization. In the same units, sediment and snail samples generally yield very low or non-detectable levels of amino acids. These factors along with the stratigraphic complexity of the deposits reflect an age much greater than a large majority of sites along the WA coastline. These findings encourage a revision of the existing classification and nomenclature of Quaternary carbonate deposits in WA, as well as a reexamination of the underlying mechanisms related to the formation and emplacement of both carbonate and quartz dunes.  相似文献   

We invert 2D surface gravity data constrained both by geological and seismic information. We use a number of pre-processing tools in order to reduce the general multi-body inversion into several single-body inversions, whereby we can reduce the overall complexity of the inversion task. This is done with as few assumptions as possible. Furthermore, for a single-body inversion we uncouple the determination of the shape of the causative sources from the determination of their mass density contrast to the surroundings. The inversion for the geometrical shape of the source body is done in steps. Firstly, a rough 3D shape of the source is modelled—a model consisting of the vertical mass columns of equal height. The horizontal extension is implied by the surface gravity signal. Subsequently, the shape of each source body is modified to obtain a better fit to the surface gravity data. In each modification step, the overall change of the shape of the source body is followed by an update of the mass density contrast to the surroundings. The technique was applied to a set of gravity data from the Eastern Goldfield area in Western Australia. The area has been widely studied in the past. In 1999, two seismic profiles that cross-sect the area were measured. Furthermore, an extensive geological modelling for the area has been conducted. The practical goal of this work was to verify the geological interpretation using the potential field data (mainly the gravity data although magnetic data were also available) and only weakly constrained by the seismic information. The result was the reconstruction of the ‘rough’ 3D geometry of the source bodies and the estimation of a constant mass density contrast to the surroundings. A possible extension of this technique for detailed studies of the geological model is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A stratigraphically consistent <20-cm-thick unit of microkrystite spherule and microtektite-bearing impact fallout ejecta overlying volcanic tuff of the 4th Shale Macroband (DGS4) of the Dales Gorge Member (2.47–2.50 Ga), Brockman Iron Formation, Hamersley Group, Western Australia, displays anomalous platinum group element (PGE) and other trace metal patterns. The unit has high Ir (13 ppb) and Pt (35 ppb), and low Pd (2.7 ppb) and Au (1.55–1.88 ppb). The low Pd/Ir ratios and low Cr/V suggest depletion in volatile PGE and metals relative to refractory PGE and V, contrasted to the ubiquitous high Pd/Ir of most terrestrial rocks. Marked depletion in the volatile Rare Earth Element (REE) abundances in stilpnomelane spherule cores is consistent with this model. The loss of volatile PGE, analogous to relations in 3.24 Ga impact fallout units of the Barberton greenstone belt (S3 and S4), suggests fractionation related to atmospheric spherule condensation. The microkrystite spherule unit locally incorporate fragments and up to meter-scale boulders of banded chert and stromatolite carbonate, suggesting tsunami transport postdating spherule deposition. DGS4 microkrystite spherules are dominated by stilpnomelane mantled by K-feldspar shells, which consist of inward-radiating fibrous feldspar aggregates suggestive of devitrification. The K and REE enrichment of spherule margins are contrasted to flat REE patterns of the stilpnomelane cores, suggesting adsorption of lithophile elements during settling of the spherules through the hydrosphere. K-feldspar shells contain submicron-scale Ni metal, oxide, sulfide and arsenide grains and euhedral needles of feldspar-exsolved ilmenite. Associated magnetite may have high nickel (<1.25% NiO). The generally mafic composition of the spherules and high Ni/Cr and Ni/Co are consistent with a target mafic-ultramafic crust, consistent with the lack of shock-metamorphosed quartz. Mixing calculations suggest a contribution of 2.5–3% projectile component to the impact-generated volatile cloud. Conservative mass balance estimates derived from the Ir and Pt flux, assuming global extent of a 10-cm-thick spherule unit and chondritic projectile composition, suggest an asteroid diameter on the scale of 30 km. Similar estimates are obtained from spherule sizes, which in DGS4 reach a mean diameter of 2.0 mm in aerodynamically elongate spherules. The evidence implies formation of an impact basin on the scale of 400 km in simatic/oceanic regions of the early Proterozoic crust.  相似文献   

Exhumation (defined as rock uplift minus surface uplift) in the Cooper Basin of South Australia and Queensland has been quantified using the compaction methodology. The sonic log, which is strongly controlled by the amount of porosity, is an appropriate indicator of compaction, and hence is used for quantifying exhumation from compaction. The traditional way of estimating exhumation based on the degree of overcompaction of a single shale unit has been modified and five units ranging in age from Permian to Triassic have been analysed. The results reveal that exhumation increases eastwards from the South Australia into the Queensland sector of the basin. The results show that exhumation in Late Triassic – Early Jurassic times, after the Cooper Basin deposition, seems to be 200–400 m higher than exhumation in Late Cretaceous – Tertiary times, after the Eromanga Basin deposition. This study has major implications for hydrocarbon exploration. Maturation of source rocks will be greater for any given geothermal history if exhumation is incorporated in maturation modelling. Exhumation values can also be used to improve porosity predictions of reservoir units in undrilled targets.  相似文献   

Western Desert represents a major oil and gas province in Egypt producing more than 50% of the country’s oil production. Oil and gas blend occurs in most producing fields, however, the genetic link between gas and liquid hydrocarbon phases are not well-constrained.Obayied sub-basin in the Western Desert where oil and gas phases coexist in the Middle Jurassic sandstones of the Khatatba Formation provides an ideal place to investigate the link between oil and gas generation. Geochemical analyses o...  相似文献   

Rainfall takes many flowpaths to reach a stream, and the success of riparian buffers in water quality management is significantly influenced by riparian hydrology. This paper presents results from hydrometric monitoring of riparian buffer hydrology in a pasture catchment. Runoff processes and riparian flowpaths were investigated on two planar hillslopes with regenerating grass and E. globulus buffers. Surface runoff and subsurface flows (A‐ and B‐horizons) were measured for 3 years using surface runoff collectors, subsurface troughs and piezometers. Water volumes moving through the riparian buffers via the measured flowpaths were ranked B‐horizon ? surface runoff ≈ A‐horizon. Runoff volumes through the B‐horizon troughs were an order of magnitude greater than those recorded for the most productive surface runoff plots or the A‐horizon troughs. Subsurface runoff and saturation‐excess overland flow (SOF) were limited to the winter months, whereas infiltration‐excess overland flow (IEOF) can occur all year round during intense storms. Surface runoff was recorded on 33 occasions, mostly during winter (late May–early October), and total annual surface runoff volumes collected by the 20 unconfined (2 m wide) runoff plots varied between > 80 and < 20 m3. Subsurface flow only occurred in winter, and the 6 m wide B‐horizon subsurface troughs flowed above 1 l s?1 continuously, whereas the A‐horizon troughs flowed infrequently (<6 days per year). In summer, surface runoff occurred as IEOF during intense storms in the E. globulus buffer, but not in the grass buffer. Observations suggest that surface crusting reduced the soil's infiltration capacity in the E. globulus buffer. During winter, SOF and seepage were observed in both buffers, but subsurface flow through the B‐horizon was the dominant flowpath. Key hydrologic differences between the grass and tree buffers are the generation of IEOF in the E. globulus buffer during intense summer storms, and the smaller subsurface runoff volumes and fewer flow days in the E. globulus buffer. Low surface runoff volumes are likely to limit the potential of these buffers to filter pollutants from surface runoff. High subsurface flow volumes and saturated conductivities are also likely to limit the residence time of water in the subsurface domain. Based on their hydrologic performance, the key roles of riparian buffers in this landscape are likely to be displacing sediment and nutrient‐generating activities away from streams and stabilizing channel morphology. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Declining water quality on the south coast of Western Australia has been linked to current agricultural practices. Riparian buffers were identified as a tool available to farmers and catchment managers to achieve water quality improvements. This study compares 10 m wide regenerating grass and Eucalyptus globulus buffer performance. Surface and subsurface water quality were monitored over a 3‐year period. Nutrient and sediment transport were both dominated by subsurface flow, in particular through the B‐horizon, and this may seriously limit the surface‐runoff‐related functions of the riparian buffers. Riparian buffer trapping efficiencies were variable on an event basis and annual basis. The grass buffer reduced total phosphorus, filterable reactive phosphorus, total nitrogen and suspended sediment loads from surface runoff by 50 to 60%. The E. globulus buffer was not as effective, and total load reductions in surface runoff ranged between 10 and 40%. A key difference between the grass and E. globulus buffers was the seasonality of sediment and nutrient transport. Surface runoff, and therefore sediment and nutrient transport, occurred throughout the year in the E. globulus buffer, but only during the winter in the grass buffer. As a consequence of high summer nutrient and sediment concentrations, half the annual loads moving via surface runoff pathways through the E. globulus buffer were transported during intense summer storms. This study demonstrates that grass and E. globulus riparian buffers receiving runoff from pasture under natural rainfall can reduce sediment and nutrient loads from surface runoff. However, in this environment the B‐horizon subsurface flow is the dominant flowpath for nutrient transport through the riparian buffers, and this subsurface flow pathway carries contaminant loads at least three times greater than surface runoff. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Samples dredged from 2 localities near the crest of the Valu Fa ridge, an active back-arc basin spreading centre in the Lau Basin, consist of highly vesicular lava fragments of andesitic composition. The samples are characterized by rare, euhedral An85 plagioclase phenocrysts in a hypocrystalline groundmass of An60 plagioclase laths, brown glass and rare subhedral clinopyroxene. Samples from within and, to a lesser extent, between the dredge hauls show remarkable isotopic and chemical homogeneity, with: 87Sr/86Sr − 0.70330 ± 2; 143Nd/144Nd − 0.51303 ± 2; 206Pb/204Pb − 18.65 ± 2; 207Pb/204Pb − 15.55 ± 1; 208Pb/204Pb − 38.34 ± 4; Sr − 165 ppm; Rb − 7 ppm; Cs − 0.17 ppm; K − 3300 to 4200 ppm; Ba − 96 ppm; and REE — LREE depleted with 12–18 × chondritic abundances. On Sr-Nd, Pb-Pb and Sr-Pb plots the volcanics lie just within or on the edge of the MORB fields, overlapping with island-arc volcanics from the Marianas and Tonga. Compared with MORB and ocean-island basalts, the samples show alkali-element enrichment relative to REE and higher Cs relative to Rb. The isotopic and geochemical characteristics of the Valu Fa Ridge volcanics clearly indicate a minor, but significant, slab-derived component in the back-arc basin mantle source.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation can trap sediment and nutrients sourced from hillslopes and reduce stream bank erosion. This study presents results from a 10-year stream monitoring program (1991–2000), in a 6 km2 agricultural catchment near Albany, Western Australia. After 6 years, a 1.7 km stream reach was fenced, planted with eucalyptus species and managed independently from the adjacent paddocks. Streamflow, nutrient and sediment concentration data were collected at the downstream end of the fenced riparian area, so there are data for before and after improved riparian management. Suspended sediment (SS) concentrations fell dramatically following improved riparian management; the median event mean concentration (EMC) dropped from 147 to 9.9 mg l−1. Maximum SS concentrations dropped by an order of magnitude. As a result, sediment exports from the catchment decreased following improved riparian management, from over 100 to less than 10 kg ha−1 yr−1. Observations suggest that this was the result of reduced bank erosion and increased channel stability. Riparian management had limited impact on total phosphorus (TP) concentrations or loads, but contributed to a change in phosphorus (P) form. Before improved riparian management, around half of the P was transported attached to sediment, but after, the median filterable reactive P (FRP) to TP ratio increased to 0.75. In addition, the median FRP EMC increased by 60% and the raw median FRP concentration increased from 0.18 to 0.35 mg l−1. These results suggest that there was a change in the dominant P form, from TP to FRP. Changes in total nitrogen (TN) following improved riparian management were less clear. There were reductions in TN concentrations at high flows, but little change in the loads or EMC. This study demonstrates the benefits of riparian management in reducing stream bank erosion, but suggests that in catchments with sandy, low P sorption soils, there may be limitations on the effectiveness of riparian buffers for reducing P and N exports.  相似文献   

川西坳陷致密碎屑岩储层虽然地质储量丰富,但是复杂地质条件导致的储层物性差、分布广、层系多、裂隙发育、非均质性强、流体关系复杂的特点加剧了勘探开发的难度。本文针对川西新场探区的复杂性和特殊性,将裂隙储层等效为各向异性储层,进行VTI介质和HTI介质波动方程正演模拟,分析该地区裂隙介质的地震响应特征。波场模拟结果分析表明,裂隙介质的存在,会引起反射波场的振幅和走时变化;另一方面,根据走时的变化,也能估算裂缝发育角度范围。  相似文献   

With the discoveries of a series of large gas fields in the northeast of Sichuan Basin, such as Puguang and Longgang gas fields, the formation mechanism of the gas reservoir containing high H2S in the ancient marine carbonate formation in superposition-basin becomes a hot topic in the field of petroleum geology. Based on the structure inversion, numerical simulation, and geochemical research, we show at least two intervals of fluid transfer in Puguang paleo-oil reservoir, one in the forepart of late Indo-Ch...  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (dioxins)(PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)(furans) in sediments from Port Jackson ranged from 32 to 4352 pg WHO-TEQ DF g(-1)dw with a mean of 712 pg g(-1)dw. Maximum total dioxins plus furans concentrations in this sediment was 6,290,000 pg g(-1)dw, which is the highest recorded in Australia and among the highest reported for sediment globally. Permanent bans were placed on fin fishing and prawn trawling in February, 2006 for the whole estuary, based on dioxin tissue burdens. A distinct congener profile corresponded to chemicals known to have been produced by industry on the shores of Homebush Bay in the upper estuary. These chemicals are being dispersed extensively and exceed pre-anthropogenic concentrations in even distant, less developed parts of the harbour. Remediation of sediments is currently being undertaken, with the intention of containing dispersion of dioxins and reducing body burdens in fin fish and prawn populations.  相似文献   

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