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Wind-induced gas transport in a test-scale unsaturated waste rock pile was investigated at the Diavik diamond mine, Northwest Territories, Canada. Differential gas pressures were measured in 2008 at 49 locations within a field-scale experimental waste rock pile (test pile) and at 14 locations on the surface of the test pile at 1-min intervals. Wind speed and direction were measured at 10-min intervals and decomposed into north, south, east, and west vectors. Correlations between wind vectors and pressure measurements indicate that the wind influences pressure fluctuations in the test pile. The strength of the correlation is roughly inversely proportional to the distance between the measurement ports and the atmospheric boundary. The relationship between the magnitude of the wind vector and pressure fluctuations on the surface of the test pile is non-linear. However, the relationship between internal and surface pressure measurements is linear, suggesting that gas flow within the test pile follows Darcy’s Law. Spectral analysis demonstrates that the dominant periods of the wind range from 1 to 14 d. A 1-D analytical solution to the flow equation is used to demonstrate that long periods have the most pronounced effect on transient gas flow within the test pile and that the penetration depth of the wind-induced gas pressure wave is a function of wind period and permeability of the test pile. 相似文献
A field experiment is being carried out at the Diavik diamond mine in northern Canada to investigate the influence of unsaturated flow behavior on the quality of drainage from mine waste rock piles in a region of continuous permafrost. This paper is part of a series describing processes affecting the weathering of waste rock and transport of reaction products at this site; here the focus is on unsaturated water flow and its role in mass loading. Two 15 m-high instrumented test piles have been built on 60 m by 50 m collection systems, each consisting of lysimeters and a large impermeable high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner. Collection lysimeters are installed nearby to investigate infiltration in the upper 2 m of the waste rock. Porosity, water retention curves, and hydraulic conductivity functions are estimated from field measurements and for samples ranging in size from 200 cm3 to 16 m3. Net infiltration in 2007 is estimated to have been 37% of the rainfall for mean annual rainfall conditions. Early-season infiltration freezes and is remobilized as the waste rock thaws. Wetting fronts migrate at rates of 0.2–0.4 m d−1 in response to common rainfall events and up to 5 m d−1 in response to intense rainfall. Pore water and non-reactive solutes travel at rates of <10−2 to 3 × 10−2 m d−1 in response to common rainfall events and up to 0.7 m d−1 in response to intense rainfall. Time-varying SO4 mass loading from the base of the test piles is dictated primarily by the flow behavior, rather than by changes in solute concentrations. 相似文献
The physicochemical processes that affect acid mine drainage (AMD) in unsaturated waste rock piles and the capabilities of small-scale laboratory experiments to predict AMD from waste rock are not well understood. An integrated laboratory and field study to measure and compare low sulfide waste rock and drainage characteristics at various scales has been initiated. This paper describes the design, construction and instrumentation of three field-scale experimental waste rock piles (test piles), and six active zone lysimeters at the Diavik diamond mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The test piles are comprised of granitic and sulfide-bearing metasedimentary waste rock excavated during open pit mining operations. One test pile contains waste rock with a target S content of <0.04 wt.% S; the second test pile contains waste rock with a target S content of >0.08 wt.% S; and the third test pile contains the higher sulfide waste rock (>0.08 wt.% S) and was re-sloped and capped with a low permeability till layer and a low sulfide waste rock cover. The first two test piles are approximately 15 m high with bases of 50 m by 60 m, and the re-sloped test pile has a larger base of 80 m by 125 m. Instrumentation was selected to measure matrix flow, geochemistry of pore water and drainage, gas-phase O2 concentration, temperature evolution, microbiological populations, waste rock permeability to air, and thermal conductivity, as well as to resolve mass and flow balances. Instrument locations were selected to characterize coupled physicochemical processes at multiple scales and the evolution of those processes over time. Instruments were installed at a density such that the number of instruments that survived construction (40% to >80% by instrument type) was sufficient to allow adequate characterization of the physicochemical processes occurring at various scales in the test piles. 相似文献
Three large-scale experimental waste rock piles (test piles) were constructed and instrumented at the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada, as part of an integrated field and laboratory study to measure and compare physical and geochemical characteristics of experimental, low sulfide waste rock piles at various scales. This paper describes the geochemical response during the first season from a test pile containing 0.053 wt.% S. Bulk drainage chemistry was measured at two sampling points for pH, Eh, alkalinity, dissolved cations and anions, and nutrients. The geochemical equilibrium model MINTEQA2 was used to interpret potential mineral solubility controls on water chemistry. The geochemical response characterizes the initial flushing response of blasting residues and oxidation products derived from sulfides in waste rock exposed to the atmosphere for less than 1 year. Sulfate concentrations reached 2000 mg L−1 when ambient temperatures were >10 °C, and decreased as ambient temperatures declined to <0 °C. The pH decreased to <5, concomitant with an alkalinity minimum of <1 mg L−1 (as total CaCO3), suggesting all available alkalinity is consumed by acid-neutralizing reactions. Concentrations of Al and Fe were <0.36 and <0.11 mg L−1, respectively. Trends of pH and alkalinity and the calculated saturation indices for Al and Fe (oxy)hydroxides suggest that dissolution of Al and Fe (oxy)hydroxide phases buffers the pH. The effluent water showed increased concentrations of dissolved Mn (<13 mg L−1), Ni (<7.0 mg L−1), Co (<1.5 mg L−1), Zn (<0.5 mg L−1), Cd (<0.008 mg L−1) and Cu (<0.05 mg L−1) as ambient temperatures increased. Manganese is released by aluminosilicate weathering, Ni and Co by pyrrhotite [Fe1−xS] oxidation, Zn and Cd by sphalerite oxidation, and Cu by chalcopyrite [CuFeS2] oxidation. No dissolved metals appear to have discrete secondary mineral controls. Changes in SO4, pH and metal concentrations indicate sulfide oxidation is occurring and effluent concentrations are influenced by ambient temperatures and, possibly, increasing flow path lengths that transport reaction products from previously unflushed waste rock. 相似文献
The interior thermal regime of a field-scale experimental waste rock pile in the Northwest Territories, Canada, was studied. Test pile construction was completed in the summer 2006, and temperature data was collected continuously since that time to February 2009. The temperature data indicates the test pile cooled over the study period, with an average heat energy release of −2.5 × 104 and −2.6 × 104 MJ in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The mean annual air temperature (MAAT) at the site was −8.9 °C during the period between 2006 and 2009, with a permafrost table at a depth of 4 m in bedrock away from the pile. Because of this cold environment, the upward movement rate of the 0 °C isotherm into the test pile at its base was approximately 1.5 m a−1 during 2007 and 2008. Thermistor strings installed immediately below the base of the test pile showed the test-pile basal temperatures remained near and below 0 °C during the study period. Furthermore, due to low rates of sulfide mineral oxidation, elevated temperatures in the interior of the test pile were not observed. The average air velocity in the pore space in July 2007 and 2008 was about one third of that during January of each year based on temperature distributions. Therefore, due to higher air velocity during the winter, it is expected that heat transfer is greater during winter. 相似文献
排土场散体岩石粒度分布与剪切强度的分形特征 总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11
应用分形理论研究了矿山排土场散体岩石粒度分布的分维规律,建立了分维数与排土场散体物料剪切强度参数的定量关系式。研究表明,排土场岩石块度分布具有良好的分形结构,分维数值大小随着排土场高度的增加而增加,但不超过3。当采样尺度范围一定时,分维数越大,散体中细颗粒含量越多,平均粒径也越小。分维数与散体岩石的剪切强度参数摩擦角?呈负指数关系。分维数值可用于排土场粒度资料的统计分析与剪切力学强度参数的预测。 相似文献
G. D. Just 《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》1973,5(3):151-162
SummaryThe Application of Size Distribution Equations to Rock Breakage by Explosives Size distribution equations can be used to describe the degree of fragmentation produced by explosive rock breakage. This paper describes the results of small scale blasting experiments and the derivation of equations to relate size distributions to blasting design parameters. The application and relevance of these techniques to large scale blasting operations is also discussed.With 7 Figures 相似文献
《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(1):1-16
Weathering reactions producing and consuming acid in fresh waste rock samples from the Aitik Cu mine in northern Sweden have been investigated. Batch-scale (0.15 kg) acid titrations with waste rock of different particle sizes were operated for 5 months. The pH was adjusted to a nearly constant level, similar to that in effluents from waste rock dumps at the site (pH near 3.5). The reactions were followed by analysing for all major dissolved elements (K, Na, Mg, Ca, Si, Al, SO4, Cu, Zn, Fe) in aliquots of solution from the reaction vessels. In addition, the solids were physically and chemically characterised in terms of mineralogy, chemical composition, particle size distribution, surface area and porosity. The results show that the alkalinity production is initially dominated by a rapid dissolution of small amounts of calcite and rapidly exchangeable base cations on silicate surfaces. Steady-state dissolution of primary silicate minerals also generates alkalinity. The total alkalinity is nearly balanced by input of acid from the steady-state oxidation of sulphides, such that the pH 3.1–3.4 can be maintained without external input of acid or base. There is a large difference in weathering rates between fine materials and larger waste rock particles (diameters (d) >0.25 mm) for both sulphides and silicates. As a result particles with d smaller than 0.25 mm contribute to approximately 80% of the sulphide and silicate dissolution. Calcite dissolution can initially maintain a neutral pH but with time becomes limited by intra-particle diffusion. Calcite within particles larger than 5–10 mm reacts too slowly to neutralise the acid produced from sulphides. 相似文献
全尾砂-废石混合回填膏体流动特性变化规律 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
质量浓度、废石掺量是影响尾砂-废石混合回填体流动特性的主要因素,研究这些因素对膏体流动性的影响规律,对于控制膏体流动性具有重要意义。采用改进的小型直剪装置进行混合回填体直剪试验,以黏聚力、内摩擦角、抗剪强度为依据,综合得出了混合回填膏体流动性变化规律。试验结果表明,膏体在受力变形前期呈较为明显的似弹性性质,随废石掺量增加,位移-剪应力曲线中阶梯状变化趋势增加;回填体黏聚力取决于质量浓度,内摩擦角受质量浓度和废石掺量影响程度基本相同,两者协同作用;质量浓度在80%~88%范围时,黏聚力随质量浓度增大呈非线性增大,内摩擦角与质量浓度呈S型变化趋势;抗剪强度随质量浓度的增大而增加,在82%~84%区间抗剪强度变化显著,流动性出现突变。 相似文献
H. Rönkkömäki Ph.D. R. Pöykiö Ph.D. H. Nurmesniemi Ph.D. K. Popov D.Sc. E. Merisalu Dr. T. Tuomi PhD I. Välimäki M.Sc. 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2008,5(4):485-494
The particles in the examined cyclone fly ash were all smaller than 0.25 mm. in diameter, and particles smaller than 0.075 mm. in diameter accounted for 88.4 % of the ash weight. This result indicates that cyclone fly ash consists of particles with a small diameter. The metals in the cyclone fly ash were enriched in small particles. The highest concentrations for zinc, copper, lead, cadmium and molybdenum in the cyclone fly ash were found in the smallest particle size fraction (< 0.075 mm.) and for Barium, chromium, nickel, Vanadium and Cobalt in the second to smallest particle size fraction (0.075-0.125 mm.). From an environmental and toxicological standpoint, the smallest particles are of the greatest concern when ash is handed at landfill disposal sites (transport and disposal especially in stormy weather conditions), and some studies have reported risks to workers from prolonged exposure to ash. The results of the comparison of various dissolution methods for metals showed that the digestion procedures with nitric acid alone (USEPA 3051) or with a mixture of nitric acid + hydrogen peroxide (USEPA 3050B) slightly underestimated the metal concentrations in the cyclone fly ash. Although the use of hydrofluoric acid is often necessary for the determination of a number of elements associated with siliceous minerals, its use can result in loss of trace elements during dissolution. 相似文献
细粒含量判别法是无黏性粗粒土渗透变形类型主要判别方法,但细粒含量Pc25%渗透变形类型为流土和过渡的碎砾石,其渗透变形类型不符合细粒含量判别准则.通过对46个工程310个试样(其中Pc25%的试样数214个),渗透变形试验结果统计分析发现,该类土虽然仅占同级配段(Pc25%)比例为6.1%,但其颗粒级配曲线均具有独特特征,即各粒径级颗粒含量均较均匀,即Cu均大于5,Cc多数为1.0~3.0之间,即该类土大多数为优良级配,进一步分析发现其D15/d85之比均小于等于5,进而提出用D15/d85≤5作为判别该类土的方法. 相似文献
《International Journal of Coal Geology》1988,9(4):371-383
This paper presents a statistical relationship between the pyrite particle size distribution and the potential amount of pyritic sulfur reduction achieved by specific-gravity-based separation. This relationship is obtained from data on 26 Ohio coal samples crushed to 14 × 28 mesh. In this paper a prediction equation is developed that considers the complete statistical distribution of all the pyrite particle sizes in the coal sample.Assuming that pyrite particles occurring in coal have a lognormal distribution, the information about the particle size distribution can be encapsulated in terms of two parameters only, the mean and the standard deviation of the logarithms of the grain diameters. When the pyritic sulfur reductions of the 26 coal samples are related to these two parameters, a very satisfactory regression equation (R2 = 0.91) results. This equation shows that information on both these parameters is needed for an accurate prediction of potential sulfur reduction, and that the mean and the standard deviation interact negatively insofar as their influence on pyritic sulfur reduction is concerned. 相似文献
塌陷区混合回填膏体是由全尾砂、废石人工制备得到的复合宽粒级散体,其渗透性能直接影响到塌陷区回填体稳定性及次生灾害发生的可能性。采用自制的渗透性试验装置,研究了废石含量、废石粒径对混合回填体渗透系数的影响,并对回填体固有特征参数(粒径小于0.075、0.02 mm颗粒含量、不均匀系数 、平均粒径)与渗透系数之间关联性进行了研究。试验结果表明,回填膏体渗透系数随废石掺量及粒径增大而增加,细粒效应显著。回填体中粒径小于0.075、0.02 mm颗粒含量对其渗透性影响至关重要,与渗透系数呈负指数关系。渗透系数随 值增大而增大。当 20时,渗透系数增加趋于稳定。给出了混合回填体渗透系数定量方程,其结果与试验结果较为一致。 相似文献
The peat-forming systems of the Okefenokee Swamp are viewed as modern progenitors of coal. Taxodium and Nymphaea-derived peat-forming systems were characterized in terms of (1) organic fractions and (2) the distribution of organic/inorganic sulfur in each organic fraction (water soluble, benzene/methanol soluble, humin, humic acid, fulvic acid). The humin fraction is the largest organic fraction in both environments, approaching 70% of the total organic matter in the Nymphaea-derived environment. Humin origins are discussed in terms of a humic acid precursor, and undecomposed plant material. It is suggested that each depth of peat represents a diagenetic history of events which the authors believe occurred primarily when the currently buried peat was at the surface. The sulfur content of both peat-forming areas is low (0.23–0.27%); organic sulfur is the dominant sulfur form. Humin contains 50–80% of the total sulfur and of this, 80% is organic sulfur. Ester-sulfate appears to be especially prevalent in the fulvic acid fraction. The sulfur content of freshwater-derived peats is similar in quantity and distribution to that found in low sulfur coals. 相似文献
Particle size distribution (PSD) is an often used parameter to describe and quantify fragmentation of deformed rock. Our analyses of shock deformed sandstone show that dynamic fragmentation influences the PSD, expressed as fractal dimension (D-value). Image analysis was used to derive fractal dimensions from a hypervelocity impact cratering experiment (2.5 mm steel sphere, 4.8 km/s) and a planar shock recovery experiment (2.5 GPa). The D-values in the cratering experiment decrease from 1.74 at the crater floor to 0.84 at a distance of 7.2 mm to the crater floor. The D-values found in this experiment are closely related to the microstructural features found at distinct distances from the crater floor. The obtained values are in good agreement with the D-values reported for fault zones, impact sites and deformation experiments. The D-value measured in the shock recovery experiment is 2.42. Such high D-values were usually attributed to abrasive processes related to high strain. Since the strain in our experiment is only ∼23% we suggest that at highly dynamic deformation very high d-values can be reached at small strain. To quantify this, numerical impact modelling has been used to estimate strain rates for the impact experiment. This is related to the activation of more inherent flaws and fracture bifurcation at very high strain rates ∼>102 s−1. 相似文献
泥质膨胀岩崩解物粒径分布与膨胀性关系试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
崩解性是膨胀岩最基本的特性之一,但在膨胀岩膨胀性的快速判别指标中少见关于崩解性及崩解物的定量指标。因此,有必要开展膨胀岩崩解物粒径分布特征和崩解性与膨胀性之间关系的研究,以对膨胀岩的快速判别进行补充。以浙江台州黑洞、蛇蟠岛和新疆大阪隧洞泥质岩样品为例,进行了干燥饱和吸水率和干燥饱和崩解试验,并分析了干燥崩解物粒径分布特征、耐崩解性指数及其与基于干燥饱和吸水率的膨胀性判别结果之间的关系。结果表明,膨胀岩膨胀性的强弱与其崩解物的最大含量粒组颗粒粒径、有效粒径和耐崩解性指数呈反相关关系。膨胀岩崩解物粒径分布的差异性对其膨胀性具有一定的指示意义。 相似文献
The results of the stability study of dam foundation , including the effects of ground stresses on the stability of base masses and long-term stability and strength of weak intercalations , especially of clayey ones, are presented. It is proved that the considerable tectonic stresses exist even in red rock layers with slight folds and a gentle terrain and that the stability of masses are directly affected by local stress relief. It is found that sedimentary rock behaves like rheology. A method of deter-mining long-term strength of rheological rock is suggested. 相似文献