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Francesco Soldovieri Giancarlo Prisco Raffaele Persico 《Journal of Applied Geophysics》2009,67(4):288-295
In this paper we deal with an indirect measure of the dielectric permittivity of the soil starting from GPR surface data collected on a buried “cooperative” target, meant as an object buried on purpose and whose extent is known a-priori. This target is exploited in order to achieve, from its image obtained from a suitable GPR data processing, an indirect measure of the dielectric permittivity of the embedding soil. GPR data processing is based on a linear microwave tomographic approach funded on the Born Approximation. Using this Born approach on two-dimensional inversion tests, we investigate the effect of the soil's electrical conductivity and permittivity on this indirect measure and demonstrate that the electrical field scattered by a spot-like buried object permits an accurate estimation of the soil permittivity even when no information of the soil conductivity is available. 相似文献
在较大地震的孕育过程中,随着弹性应变能的不断积累,孕震区有可能从原来的无序状态转变为一种在时间、空间上的有序状态,与之相联系的各种信息量的有序程度都有可能增加。本文引入信息熵来描述信息量的有序程度,结果表明,在研究范围内的多数地震前出现了熵减的过程,说明地震前确实存在一个从无序状态向有序状态转化的现象。文中利用信息熵方法,对福建省4个水氡观测资料进行分析,认为该方法,对各台的映震效能不同,虽然都通过了R值检验,但由于漏报率、虚报率的差异,从而影响了各台的R值评分;另外,用该方法提取的异常所反映出来的特征也不相同,如各台的异常持续时间和异常幅度同闽台地震的关系存在差异。 相似文献
This paper presents a method for inverting ground penetrating radargrams in terms of one-dimensional profiles. We resort to a special type of linearization of the damped E-field wave equation to solve the inverse problem. The numerical algorithm for the inversion is iterative and requires the solution of several forward problems, which we evaluate using the matrix propagation approach. Analytical expressions for the derivatives with respect to physical properties are obtained using the self-adjoint Green's function method. We consider three physical properties of materials; namely dielectrical permittivity, magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity. The inverse problem is solved minimizing the quadratic norm of the residuals using quadratic programming optimization. In the iterative process to speed up convergence we use the Levenberg–Mardquardt method. The special type of linearization is based on an integral equation that involves derivatives of the electric field with respect to magnetic permeability, electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity; this equation is the result of analyzing the implication of the scaling properties of the electromagnetic field. The ground is modeled using thin horizontal layers to approximate general variations of the physical properties. We show that standard synthetic radargrams due to dielectric permittivity contrasts can be matched using electrical conductivity or magnetic permeability variations. The results indicate that it is impossible to differentiate one property from the other using GPR data. 相似文献
The Ground Probing Radar (GPR) is a valuable tool for near surface geological, geotechnical, engineering, environmental, archaeological and other work. GPR images of the subsurface frequently contain geometric information (constant or variable-dip reflections) from various structures such as bedding, cracks, fractures, etc. Such features are frequently the target of the survey; however, they are usually not good reflectors and they are highly localized in time and in space. Their scale is therefore a factor significantly affecting their detectability. At the same time, the GPR method is very sensitive to broadband noise from buried small objects, electromagnetic anthropogenic activity and systemic factors, which frequently blurs the reflections from such targets.This paper introduces a method to de-noise GPR data and extract geometric information from scale-and-dip dependent structural features, based on one-dimensional B-Spline Wavelets, two-dimensional directional B-Spline Wavelet (BSW) Filters and two-dimensional Gabor Filters. A directional BSW Filter is built by sidewise arranging s identical one-dimensional wavelets of length L, tapering the s-parallel direction (span) with a suitable window function and rotating the resulting matrix to the desired orientation. The length L of the wavelet defines the temporal and spatial scale to be isolated and the span determines the length over which to smooth (spatial resolution). The Gabor Filter is generated by multiplying an elliptical Gaussian by a complex plane wave; at any orientation the temporal or spatial scale(s) to be isolated are determined by the wavelength. λ of the plane wave and the spatial resolution by the spatial aspect ratio γ, which specifies the ellipticity of the support of the Gabor function. At any orientation, both types of filter may be tuned at any frequency or spatial wavenumber by varying the length or the wavelength respectively. The filters can be applied directly to two-dimensional radargrams, in which case they abstract information about given scales at given orientations. Alternatively, they can be rotated to different orientations under adaptive control, so that they remain tuned at a given frequency or wavenumber and the resulting images can be stacked in the LS sense, so as to obtain a complete representation of the input data at a given temporal or spatial scale.In addition to isolating geometrical information for further scrutiny, the proposed filtering methods can be used to enhance the S/N ratio in a manner particularly suitable for GPR data, because the frequency response of the filters mimics the frequency characteristics of the source wavelet. Finally, signal attenuation and temporal localization are closely associated: low attenuation interfaces tend to produce reflections rich in high frequencies and fine-scale localization as a function of time. Conversely, high attenuation interfaces will produce reflections rich in low frequencies and broad localization. Accordingly, the temporal localization characteristics of the filters may be exploited to investigate the characteristics of signal propagation (hence material properties). The method is shown to be very effective in extracting fine to coarse scale information from noisy data and is demonstrated with applications to noisy GPR data from archaeometric and geotechnical surveys. 相似文献
《Journal of Applied Geophysics》1999,41(2-3):189-204
A multi-method geophysical survey has been carried out on a Roman archaeological site, where part of an apse had previously been found and then refilled by archaeologists during an excavation test. Magnetic gradient measurements were performed over the whole study area and a sub-area of interesting anomalies beside the excavation test site was found. Two-dimensional filtering of a more detailed magnetic gradient map and 2D inversion of magnetic profiles were performed, using an on-purpose implemented software, in order to reduce the effect of noise and to stress the eventual presence of buried structures in agreement with the archaeologists' hypothesis. Resistivity tomography and GPR profiles were carried out along some selected profiles to obtain information on the vertical distribution of the anomalous bodies. GPR profiles, carried out in the area containing the test excavation, supplied good results, particularly when processed as time slices. The whole structure of the apse was clearly outlined. The authors were then able to suggest to the archaeologists further excavation tests on the basis of GPR results and of the filtered magnetic gradient map. A comparison of the results of the applied surveying methodologies has supplied an example of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the different electric, magnetic and GPR techniques. 相似文献
为了解决地震台站数字化改造后模拟数据和数字化数据的对接问题,通过VB平台,开发基于PC环境的石英摆数据处理软件,将石英摆日常量图模拟数据,通过该软件实现录入、计算、作图、入库、打印等功能. 相似文献
通过分析地震数据EDAS Event格式与SEED格式在文件头与数据部分存储的特点与规律,利用Visual Basic语言研发地震波形数据处理软件.利用此软件,可以完成地震记录数据的格式转换,以及数据的抽取与合并,保证数据记录的连续与衔接,提高数据的连续性和利用价值. 相似文献
长周期大地电磁信号强度弱,频带宽,容易受到多种噪声的干扰,观测数据不满足加性、平稳和最小相位特性.因而,其数据处理仍有较多难点.常规的大地电磁数据处理方法是相似的,其主要差别是在时域或频域压制噪声、提高信噪比的数学方程和算法不同.为了提高数据处理的可靠性,拓宽方法的选择范围,本文介绍了广泛使用的PRC_MTMV和较少使用的EMTF两套软件系统的处理原理、参数配置以及用于处理长周期大地电磁资料的基本流程.利用两套系统对实测数据进行处理,对比发现,PRC_MTMV处理得到的视电阻率和相位曲线总是比EMTF的曲线平滑;EMTF的远参考处理对视电阻率曲线高频部分有较大的改善,说明EMTF能够有效克服磁场干扰;将同一测点长周期和宽频测深曲线拼接,二者的效果是相当的,表明EMTF能够满足需要并用于处理长周期大地电磁数据. 相似文献
EH-4 电导率成像系统的数据处理仍依赖于DOS界面下的数据采集和处理软件IMAGEM,不仅使用不便,而且有效频点少、频率分布不均匀、抗干扰能力差.本文在剖析EH-4 系统数据处理流程的基础上,正确地读取了EH4 系统原始时间序列文件,采用周期图方法重新计算了自功率谱、互功率谱和张量阻抗分量,以及由阻抗定义的视电阻率,编制了专用软件EH4 Data Processing Program.由于重构阻抗文件的频点数约是原始阻抗文件的6倍,极大地增加了纵向数据密度,提高了分辨率和解释可靠性.实例应用表明了方法的正确、有效和可靠,具有推广价值. 相似文献
CSAMT在强干扰地区采集的数据,尽管在测量时采取了多种多样压制干扰的措施,但强干扰余音仍是影响CSAMT数据质量的主要因素.如何在数据处理时进一步削减干扰,是提高CSAMT反演数据质量与反演解释效果的重要一环.本文主要针对矿山强电磁干扰的特点,从美国Zonge公司的GDP仪器为选频测量数据出发,提出了一种基于信息熵去噪与有理函数滤波相结合的数据处理方法.首先采用CSAMT数据误差熵处理,逐次剔除大的干扰数据,直到得到满意的信息熵,从而提取实际的有用信号数据.然后对经过信息熵处理后的测深曲线,进行有理函数滤波处理.再次剔除干扰大的跳点,得到较圆滑的测线纯异常数据.通过数字模型验证,其方法正确,精度较平均处理结果高.经在强干扰矿山实测数据处理表明,该处理方法压制干扰效果明显,可以达到提高信噪比,改善实测数据质量的目的. 相似文献
Edward Cranswick 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1988,128(1-2):333-363
Due to hardware developments in the last decade, the high-frequency end of the frequency band of seismic waves analyzed for source mechanisms has been extended into the audio-frequency range (>20 Hz). In principle, the short wavelengths corresponding to these frequencies can provide information about the details of seismic sources, but in fact, much of the signal is the site response of the nearsurface. Several examples of waveform data recorded at hard rock sites, which are generally assumed to have a flat transfer function, are presented to demonstrate the severe signal distortions, includingf
max, produced by near-surface structures. Analysis of the geology of a number of sites indicates that the overall attenuation of high-frequency (>1 Hz) seismic waves is controlled by the whole-path-Q between source and receiver but the presence of distinctf
max site resonance peaks is controlled by the nature of the surface layer and the underlying near-surface structure. Models of vertical decoupling of the surface and nearsurface and horizontal decoupling of adjacent sites on hard rock outcrops are proposed and their behaviour is compared to the observations of hard rock site response. The upper bound to the frequency band of the seismic waves that contain significant source information which can be deconvolved from a site response or an array response is discussed in terms off
max and the correlation of waveform distortion with the outcrop-scale geologic structure of hard rock sites. It is concluded that although the velocity structures of hard rock sites, unlike those of alluvium sites, allow some audio-frequency seismic energy to propagate to the surface, the resulting signals are a highly distorted, limited subset of the source spectra. 相似文献
瞬变电磁测深方法中通常采用阶跃波激励方式的模型进行处理,但在实际应用中,为了便于重复观测,一般采用方波形式进行激励,而依然采用阶跃波模型进行数据处理和解释.这种处理方式理论上是存在比较大的偏差.为了修正这种偏差,本文通过理论计算,建议采用单脉冲电磁测深方法来处理方波激励源的电磁测深结果.通过实例分析,得知该方法可行. 相似文献
通过建立C/S系统,将地震宏观异常信息和灾损信息(宏观异常/灾损等级、地点、图片、视频、语音等)以移动互联网方式快速采集、报送至信息平台,并通过相应平台,对报送数据进行汇总、分析、判定、导出。 相似文献
为了探讨磁异常中正负异常形成的规律,开展强磁铁平面模拟实验及等值线制作工作,为了准确数据判断磁性体空间位置及个数,开展分量转换、化极、求导等数据处理数及转换工作.最后得出:①磁化方向的不同是形成正负异常的根源;②将△Z分量转换数据用于垂直二阶导数计算,能更加准确确定磁性体的空间位置及个数. 相似文献
Merging active and passive data sets in traveltime tomography: The case study of Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jean Battaglia Aldo Zollo Jean Virieux Dario Dello Iacono 《Geophysical Prospecting》2008,56(4):555-573
We propose a strategy for merging both active and passive data sets in linearized tomographic inversion. We illustrate this in the reconstruction of 3D images of a complex volcanic structure, the Campi Flegrei caldera, located in the vicinity of the city of Naples, southern Italy. The caldera is occasionally the site of significant unrests characterized by large ground uplifts and seismicity. The P and S velocity models of the caldera structure are obtained by a tomographic inversion based on travel times recorded during two distinct experiments. The first data set is composed of 606 earthquakes recorded in 1984 and the second set is composed of recordings for 1528 shots produced during the SERAPIS experiment in 2001. The tomographic inversion is performed using an improved method based on an accurate finite‐difference traveltime computation and a simultaneous inversion of both velocity models and earthquake locations. In order to determine the adequate inversion parameters and relative data weighting factors, we perform massive synthetic simulations allowing one to merge the two types of data optimally. The proper merging provides high resolution velocity models, which allow one to reliably retrieve velocity anomalies over a large part of the tomography area. The obtained images confirm the presence of a high P velocity ring in the southern part of the bay of Pozzuoli and extends its trace inland as compared to previous results. This annular anomaly represents the buried trace of the rim of the Campi Flegrei caldera. Its shape at 1.5 km depth is in good agreement with the location of hydrothermalized lava inferred by gravimetric data modelling. The Vp/Vs model confirms the presence of two characteristic features. At about 1 km depth a very high Vp/Vs anomaly is observed below the town of Pozzuoli and is interpreted as due to the presence of rocks that contain fluids in the liquid phase. A low Vp/Vs body extending at about 3–4 km depth below a large part of the caldera is interpreted as the top of formations that are enriched in gas under supercritical conditions. 相似文献
岩性、非均匀性、地形和断层对水压致裂原地应力测量的影响及正确的数据解释和支持测量结果的独立证据的重要性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在水压致裂测量中经常会出现令人感到迷惑的结果,迫切需要对出现异常的原因进行彻底的分析和研究.本文重点阐述岩石的岩性、非均匀性、地形和断裂带对水压致裂测量结果的影响,并强调野外测量经验和正确解释测试数据的重要性. 相似文献