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In volcanic terrains, dormant stratovolcanoes are very common and can trigger landslides and debris flows continually along stream systems, thereby affecting human settlements and economic activities. It is important to assess their potential impact and damage through the use of landslide inventory maps and landslide models. In Mexico, numerous geographic information systems (GIS)-based applications have been used to represent and assess slope stability. However, there is no practical and standardized landslide mapping methodology under a GIS. This work provides an overview of the ongoing research project from the Institute of Geography at the National Autonomous University of Mexico that seeks to conduct a multi-temporal landslide inventory and produce a landslide susceptibility map by using GIS. The Río El Estado watershed on the southwestern flank of Pico de Orizaba volcano, the highest mountain in Mexico, is selected as a study area. The geologic and geomorphologic factors in combination with high seasonal precipitation, high degree of weathering, and steep slopes predispose the study area to landslides. The method encompasses two main levels of analysis to assess landslide susceptibility. First, the project aims to derive a landslide inventory map from a representative sample of landslides using aerial orthophotographs and field work. Next, the landslide susceptibility is modelled by using multiple logistic regression implemented in a GIS platform. The technique and its implementation of each level in a GISs-based technology is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change during the Terminal Pleistocene–Early Holocene transition on ecosystems and early Prearchaic hunter-gatherers in the central Great Basin of North America are not well understood. We present a palynological reconstruction of regional vegetation and fire history in Grass Valley, central Nevada, from ~14 to ~7.5k cal a BP showing that Pinus-dominated woodlands were replaced by dry-adapted steppe and desert vegetation accompanied by an increase in regional fire activity at the beginning of the Holocene, in response to summer warming and a drying climate. Following a severe drought period peaking ~10.2–9.3k cal a BP, Pinus woodlands partially recovered contemporaneously with the 8.2k cal a BP climate anomaly. Local wetlands provided important resource patches for human foraging societies, and periodic declines of wetlands in response to changing local hydrological conditions may have necessitated adjustments in subsistence and settlement practices and technology.  相似文献   

Integration of existing isotopic and geological data allows a reconsideration of the distribution and age of the Río de la Plata Craton within South America. The reinterpretation increases the area of the craton to about 2,400,000 km2 with implications for the tectonic map of South America and for global reconstruction of palaeocontinents. Four areas previously considered as separate cratons (Luís Alves, Curitiba, Tebicuary, and Paranapanema) are interpreted as part of the same Río de la Plata Craton. The craton is organized into six provinces and domains: Buenos Aires–Piedra Alta, Taquarembó, Tebicuary, Luís Alves, Encantadas, and Nico Pérez. The term ‘Transplatense’ is proposed to replace ‘Trans-Amazonian’ for Rhyacian events that occurred within the Río de la Plata Craton. The craton is formed not only by dominant Rhyacian rocks and local Archaean rocks, but also by Statherian and Mesoproterozoic rocks. The domains are all partially to totally covered by Phanerozoic basins (Paraná, Chacoparanense, Claromecó, Salado, Balcarce, and Colorado) which makes their investigation difficult. The Ediacaran–Cambrian collisions of the Brasilian orogen generated tectonic mixtures of orogenic and cratonic zones. This is more evident in the eastern margin of the craton, which behaved as a metacraton.  相似文献   

New geochronological, trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data for metabasalts, dolerites and amphibolites from the Río Verde Complex, Central Hispaniola, are integrated with existing geochemical data for mafic volcanic rocks and metamorphic derivatives from the Los Ranchos, Amina and Maimón Formations, giving new insights into magma petrogenesis and paleotectonic reconstruction of the Lower Cretaceous Caribbean island-arc–back arc system. U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age data show that the Río Verde Complex protoliths were in part coeval with volcanic rocks of the Los Ranchos Formation (Upper Aptian to Lower Albian). The geochemical data establish the existence of gradients in trace element parameters (Nb/Yb, Th/Yb, Zr/Yb, Zr/Ba, and normalized Ti, Sm, Y and Yb abundances) and Nd isotope compositions from throughout Hispaniola, which reflect differences in the degree of mantle wedge depletion and contributions from the subducting slab. The Río Verde Complex mafic rocks and some mafic sills and dykes intruding in the Loma Caribe Peridotite, have a transitional IAT to N-MORB geochemistry and a weak subduction-related signature, and are interpreted to form in a rifted arc or evolving back-arc basin setting. The Los Ranchos, Amina and Maimón Formations volcanic rocks have arc-like characteristics and represent magmatism in the volcanic front. Trace element and Nd isotope modeling reproduce observed data trends from arc to back-arc and suggest that the variations in several geochemical parameters observed in a SW direction across the Caribbean subduction system can be explained from the progressively lower subduction flux into a progressively less depleted mantle source. The low Nb contents and high (εNd)i values in both arc and back-arc mafic rocks imply, however, the absence of a significant Lower Cretaceous plume enriched component. In order to explain these observations, a model of proto-Caribbean oceanic lithosphere subducting to the SW at least in the 120–110 Ma interval, is proposed to cause the observed magmatic variations in the Lower Cretaceous Caribbean island-arc–back-arc system. In this context, arc rifting and initial sea-floor spreading to form the Río Verde Complex protoliths occurred in the back-arc setting of this primitive island-arc, built on the NE edge of the Caribbean plate.  相似文献   

The Río San Juan metamorphic complex exposes a segment of a high-pressure subduction-accretionary complex built during Caribbean island arc-North America continental margin convergence. It is composed of accreted arc- and oceanic-derived metaigneous rocks, serpentinized peridotites and minor metasediments forming a structural pile. Combined detailed mapping, structural and metamorphic analysis, and geochronology show that the deformation can be divided into five main events (D1–D5). An early subduction-related D1 deformation and M1 metamorphism produced greenschist (mafic rocks of the Gaspar Hernández peridotite-tectonite), blueschist and eclogite (metamafic blocks in the Jagua Clara mélange), high-P epidote-amphibolite and eclogite (Cuaba unit), and lower blueschist and greenschist-facies conditions (Morrito unit). This was followed by M2 decompression and cooling in the blueschist, greenschist and low-P amphibolite-facies conditions. The shape of the retrograde P-T path, the age of the exhumation-related D2 structures, and the tectonic significance of D2 deformation are different in each structural unit. Published U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages and T-t/P-t estimations reveal diachronic Turonian-Coniacian to Maastrichtian retrograde M2 metamorphism in the different structural units of the complex, during a consistent D2 top-to-the-NE/ENE tectonic transport. Regionally, a similar top-to-the-ENE tectonic transport also took place in the metasedimentary nappes of the Samaná complex during the Eocene to earliest Miocene. This kinematic compatibility indicates a general northeastward progradation of deformation in the northern Caribbean convergent margin, as the successive tectonic incorporation of arc, oceanic and continental-derived terrains to the developing Caribbean subduction-accretionary complex took place. D3–D5 deformations are discontinuous and much less penetrative, recording the evolution from ductile to brittle conditions of deformation in the complex. The D3 event substantially modified the nappe-stack and produced open folds with amplitudes up to kilometer-scale. The Late Paleocene-Eocene D4 structures are ductile to ductile–brittle thrusts and inverse shear bands. D5 is a Tertiary, entirely brittle deformation that had considerable influence in the geometry of the whole complex. From the Miocene to the Present, it has been cut and laterally displaced by a D5 sinistral strike-slip fault system associated with the Septentrional fault zone.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene littoral ridges of southern South America, especially those of the north of Argentinean Patagonia, contain remains of mollusk shells with bioerosion traces. Eleven sites from marine isotope stages (2 from MIS 7, 4 from MIS 5e) and five sites from modern beaches from northern Río Negro Province, with 40 taxa (17 bivalves and 23 gastropods) were analyzed, in the area between west of Baliza San Matías and Las Grutas (41°S). Three ichnogenera were identified in deposits of MIS 7: Entobia, Gastrochaenolites (Domichnia) and Oichnus (Praedichnia) with one ichnospecies (G. torpedo). Six ichnogenera were identified in deposits of MIS 5e: Entobia, Meandropolydora, Pinaceocladichnus, Iramena, Caulostrepsis and Oichnus with one ichnospecies (O. simplex). Seven ichnogenera were identified from modern beaches: Entobia, Meandropolydora, Iramena, Caulostrepsis, Pinaceocladichnus, Gastrochaenolites (Domichnia) and Oichnus (Praedicnia), with two ichnospecies (O. simplex and O. paraboloides). On this basis, it is inferred that Pleistocene benthic communities were constituted from cheilostome bryzoans and polychaete annelids, together with drilling bivalves, predatory gastropods and overall warm-water species of mollusks. Of these, Chama iudicai was found on Plicatula gibbosa from MIS 7 and MIS 5e. The record of warm temperature species suggests a higher sea surface temperature (SST) than the present one and/or the influence of the warm southward Brazilian Current affecting the waters of Golfo San Matías. On the modern beaches surveyed, there is an increase in polychaete annelids, cheilostome bryzoans, temperate-cold species and drilling bivalves, as well as sandy substrate species, which together with an increase of Gastrochaenolites and Caulostrepsis, suggest a colder climate due to the greater influence of the Malvinas Current during the Holocene.  相似文献   

Stable carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope records were obtained from uppermost Hauterivian to lowermost Aptian belemnite rostra, which were collected in well-dated sections from the Vocontian Trough (southeastern France). This data set complements previously published belemnite-isotope records from the uppermost Berriasian-Hauterivian interval from the same basin. The belemnite carbon and oxygen isotope record is compared to the carbonate bulk-rock isotope record from the same sections, and from additional Italian sections. With regards to their long-term trends, both belemnite and whole-rock δ18O records are well correlated, except for the uppermost Hauterivian-lower Barremian interval, within which they deviate. This discrepancy is interpreted to be linked to the latest Hauterivian Faraoni oceanic anoxic event and its early Barremian aftermath. The Faraoni level is characterized by enhanced sea-water stratification, probably induced by the onset of a warmer and more humid climate along the northern Tethyan margin. The early Barremian was characterized by stronger vertical sea-water mixing reflected by a decrease in density contrast between sea-surface and deeper waters. The belemnite oxygen isotope record shows a more stable evolution with smaller fluctuations than its bulk-rock counterpart, which indicates that deeper water masses were not as much subjected to density fluctuations as sea-surface water. The comparison of belemnite and bulk-rock carbon isotope records allows observing the impact of regional influence exerted by platform carbonate ooze shedding on the carbon cycle. Discrepancies in the two records are observed during time of photozoan carbonate platform growth. The strontium isotopic record shows a gradual increase from the uppermost Berriasian to the uppermost lower Barremian followed by a rapid decrease until the uppermost Barremian and a renewed small increase within the lowermost Aptian. The major inflection point in the uppermost lower Barremian appears to predate the onset in the formation of the Ontong-Java volcanic plateau.  相似文献   

The K-bentonite, black shale and flysch successions at the Ordovician–Silurian transition in South China have been the subject of comprehensive investigations relative to the probable accretion of the Yangtze Block and the questionable Cathaysia Block. First, the geochemical analyses of K-bentonites show that the parent magma originated in syn-collisional, volcanic-arc and within-plate tectonic settings, which produced mainly intermediate-to-felsic series magmas, associated with continuous collision and subduction of paleo-continental blocks/arcs. Further, the regional distribution of K-bentonite thickness indicates that voluminous explosive volcanism was located in the present southeastern shoreline provinces of China. Secondly, northwestwardly migrating, Ordovician–Silurian, transitional flysch successions, and the accompanying diachronous K-bentonite-bearing black-shale interval, as well as the related, overlying, shallowing-upward succession at the interior of the Yangtze Block, developed as an unconformity-bound sequence that mirrors foreland-basin tectophase cycles in the Appalachian basin. The above features suggest that the sequence accumulated in a similar foreland basin, which formed in response to adjacent deformational loading in a northwesterly migrating orogen located to the southeast. Geochemical and paleocurrent data from the turbiditic flyschoid sandstones also support these depositional settings. Accordingly, it seems that all criteria strongly support the presence of an Ordovician–Silurian, subduction-related orogen resulting from collision with a block to the southeast that must have been the original “Cathaysia Block” of Grabau and later workers. The K-bentonite, black-shale and flysch successions can be regarded as distal, foreland responses to the continuous northwestward collision and accretion of the Cathaysia Block to the Yangtze Block. Hence, we prefer to suggest that the suture zone with the sensu stricto Cathaysia Block probably developed along previously identified late Early Paleozoic suture relicts in the shoreline provinces of southeast China. On the other hand, although accretion of fragments with Cathaysian affinities to the Yangtze Block may have begun as early as Middle to Late Proterozoic time, the Ordovician–Silurian orogeny described above probably reflects the final phase of accretion between the two blocks. Moreover, when combined with similar peri-Iapetan orogenic events in other areas during the same period, this accretion event may have been part of a major stage of global tectonic reconstruction in the evolution of Gondwana.  相似文献   

A metre-thick ultramafic lamprophyre dyke intrudes the basement of the Tandilia belt at the Sierra Alta de Vela, Argentina. A petrological and geochemical study of this rock and associated small dykes indicates a predominantly calc-alkaline trend. Phlogopite K–Ar dating of the ultramafic lamprophyre gave a minimum age of 1928 ± 54 Ma as a late event of the Transamazonian Orogeny, which is well represented in the basement of the Tandilia belt.An electron microprobe study indicates the presence of phlogopite, albite, chromite and Cr-rich phenocrysts and Cr-free microphenocrysts of diopside as primary minerals. Subsequent to deformation at the contacts with the wall rock, metasomatism generated strongly zoned amphibole (edenite, pargasite, Mg-hastingite and tremolite compositions) and andradite as well as chlorite, sericite, albite, apatite and calcite. The central zone of the lamprophyre is almost undeformed and exhibits some ocellar texture. Geochemical and isotopic signatures of the lamprophyre suggest that its magma source may have previously undergone incompatible element enrichment of the mantle source, representing the original precursor magma for the calc-alkaline dyke series of the Sierra Alta de Vela.  相似文献   

Graphite in Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic rocks has been a subject of interest since it could represent an evidence of early life on Earth. In the Palaeoproterozoic basement of the Tandilia Belt, graphite was found both in fluid inclusions (FI) hosted in the San Miguel skarn calc-silicate minerals, and as solid inclusions in calcite crystals from the protolithic marble (a13C enriched carbonate from the “Lomagundi-Jatuli event”). FI microthermometry and oxygen stable isotope ratios indicated the skarn minerals formation within the range of 630–650 °C (at ∼5 kbars) and ∼642–654 °C, respectively. Also, the characterisation of the metasomatic fluid (of a low salinity <7 wt% NaCl eq. NaClH2O/NaClKClH2O aqueous system) pointed out that the zonal crystallisation pattern shown by the skarn minerals (wollastonite-vesuvianite, grossular-diopside-calcite and diopside-calcite zones in the exoskarn, and grossular-diopside and diopside-calcic plagioclase zones in the endoskarn) responds to the increase of the involved cation activity gradients (Ca2+-Si4+-Mg2+-Fe2+/3+-Al3+) and not to significant changes in the temperature or concentration of CO2 in the system. Variation in the crystallinity degree of the graphite hosted in the skarn minerals and in marble calcite, shown by Raman spectroscopy, would indicate that the graphite could have been formed from the ripening of organic matter present in the sedimentary rocks during the metamorphic-metasomatic event (Transamazonian Orogeny). In this sense, the increase of the organic carbon productivity in the oceans during the Palaeoproterozoic, represented by the “Lomagundi-Jatuli event”, would support this graphite origin and also the possible existence of a marine sedimentary basin in the previous stages of the Río de la Plata amalgamation (Siderian-Rhyacian), in the San Miguel area of the Tandilia Belt.  相似文献   

The collision of oceanic arcs with continents is a common plate tectonic process in the Phanerozoic, but its recognition in the Precambrian is hampered by deformation and metamorphism. The Rio Capim volcanic–plutonic–sedimentary belt lies in sharp tectonic contact with Archaean rocks of the Uauá block in the northern part of the São Francisco craton. Field relationships and high-precision geochronology indicated that the Rio Capim basalts, gabbros, diorites, and dacites were emplaced approximately at 2148–2143 Ma, and later intruded by 2128 Ma-old diorite to tonalite plutons. All rocks were metamorphosed under amphibolite to granulite facies conditions mainly between 2080 Ma and 2070 Ma, but deformation may have lasted until about 2040 Ma as estimated from syn-deformation zircon and titanite grains. The association of basalt, andesite, dacite, and their plutonic counterparts, combined with their positive εNd(t) values and incompatible trace element geochemical signatures similar to island arc magmas, support the proposition that the Rio Capim belt was a Palaeoproteorozoic intra-oceanic arc sequence that collided with a continent, of which the Mesoarchaean Uauá block is a remnant. The implications for the regional evolution and metallogenesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Theoretical, experimental and observation data provide strong evidence that boiling is the dominant depositional mechanism in many low to intermediate sulfidation epithermal precious metals deposits. Textural and petrographic features that are evidence for boiling in the epithermal environment include the presence of coexisting liquid-rich and vapor-rich fluid inclusions, assemblages consisting of only vapor-rich fluid inclusions, colloform quartz, adularia and bladed calcite. We have examined 213 samples collected from surface outcrops, underground workings and drill cores from the central part of the La Luz vein system in the Guanajuato mining district, Mexico. In each sample, the various features that are evidence of boiling have been recorded. These observations have been quantified using a Boiling Confidence Factor that provides a means of scoring and rating each sample or area relative to the likelihood that boiling occurred.Homogenization temperatures of liquid-rich fluid inclusions within assemblages of coexisting liquid-rich and vapor-rich fluid inclusions have been measured to estimate the depth of trapping of the inclusions, and these data have been used to estimate the depth to the 300 °C isotherm along the La Luz vein system.Fluid inclusions and mineral textural features show strong evidence of boiling in the deepest levels sampled in the La Luz system. This observation suggests that the bottom of the boiling zone is at some depth beneath the deepest levels explored and opens the potential for additional resources at depth.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The Río de la Plata (RdP) Estuary is affected by significant surges several times per year. This phenomenon has historically caused catastrophic water-level enlargements of...  相似文献   

The southern portion of the Sao Francisco Palaeocontinent in Brazil is denoted by Archean nuclei and Paleoproterozoic magmatic arcs that were amalgamated during Siderian to Orosirian orogenic processes(ca.2.4-2.1 Ga).New isotopic U-Pb in zircon and Sm-Nd whole rock combined with major and trace element composition analyses constrain the crystallization history of the Neoarchean Piedade block(at ca.2.6 Ga) and the Paleoproterozoic Mantiqueira Complex(ca.2.1-1.9 Ga).These therefore display quite different magmatic histories prior to their amalgamation at ca.2.05 Ga.Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopes imply a mixed mantle-crustal origin for the samples in both units.A complete Palaeoproterozoic orogenic cycle,from subduction to collision and collapse,is recorded in the Piedade Block and the Mantiqueira Complex.Rhyacian to Orosirian subduction processes(ca.2.2-2.1 Ga) led to the generation of coeval(ca.2.16 Ga)TTG suites and sanukitoids,followed by late(2.10-2.02 Ga) high-K granitoids that mark the collisional stage.The collisional accretion of the Mantiqueira Complex against the Piedade Block at 2.08-2.04 Ga is also recorded by granulite facies metamorphism in the latter terrane,along the Ponte Nova suture zone.The collisional stage was closely followed by the emplacement of within-plate tholeiites at ca.2.04 Ga and by alkaline rocks(syenites and enriched basic rocks) at ca.1.98 Ga,marking the transition to an extensional tectonic regime.The discovery of two episodes of TTG and sanukitoid magmatism,one during the Neoarchean in the Piedade Complex and another during the Rhyacian in the Mantiqueira Complex,indicates that the onset of subduction-related melting of metasomatized mantle was not restricted to Neoarchean times,as generally believed,but persisted much later into the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

The early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt is dominated by two oceanic basins on the northwestern and southeastern sides of the Xing'an Block,i.e.,the Xinlin-Xiguitu Ocean and the Nenjiang Ocean.However,the early development of the Nenjiang Ocean remains unclear.Here,we present zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic data on the gabbros in the Xinglong area together with andesitic tuffs and basalts in the Duobaoshan area.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of gabbros and andesitic tuffs yielded crystallization ages of 443-436 Ma and 452-451 Ma,respectively.The Early Silurian Xinglong gabbros show calc-alkaline and E-MORB affinities but they are enriched in LILEs,and depleted in HFSEs,with relatively low U/Th ratios of 0.18-0.36 andεNd(t)values of-1.6 to+0.5.These geochemical features suggest that the gabbros might originate from a mantle wedge modified by pelagic sediment-derived melts,consistent with a back-arc basin setting.By contrast,the andesitic tuffs are characterized by high MgO(>5 wt.%),Cr(138-200 ppm),and Ni(65-110 ppm)contents,and can be termed as high-Mg andesites.Their low Sr/Y ratios of 15.98-17.15 and U/Th values of 0.24-0.25 and moderate(La/Sm)_n values of 3.07-3.26 are similar to those from the Setouchi Volcanic Belt(SW Japan),and are thought to be derived from partial melting of subducted sediments,and subsequent melt-mantle interaction.The Duobaoshan basalts have high Nb(8.44-10.30 ppm)and TiO2 contents(1.17-1.60 wt.%),typical of Nb-enriched basalts.They are slightly younger than regional adakitic rocks and have positiveεNd(t)values of+5.2 to+5.7 and are interpreted to be generated by partial melting of a depleted mantle source metasomatized by earlier adakitic melts.Synthesized with coeval arc-related igneous rocks from the southeastern Xing'an Block,we propose that the Duobaoshan high-Mg andesitic tuffs and Nbenriched basalts are parts of the Late Ordovician and Silurian Sonid Zuoqi-Duobaoshan arc belt,and they were formed by the northwestern subduction of the Nenjiang Ocean.Such a subduction beneath the integrated Xing'an-Erguna Block also gave rise to the East Ujimqin-Xinglong igneous belt in a continental back-arc basin setting.Our new data support an early Paleozoic arc-back-arc model in the northern Great Xing'an Range.  相似文献   

The Cristalândia do Piauí Block, located in the northwestern margin of the São Francisco Craton, represents the basement of the Rio Preto Fold Belt. It is composed of Archean orthogneisses of ca. 3.2 Ga reworked at 2.81 and 2.68 Ga with juvenile to moderately juvenile εHf values between −1.51 and −8.07, and high-K syenogranites dated at 2.65 Ga with crustal εHf values between −10.37 and −19.54, both with model ages (TDMc) varying from 3.57 to 4.33 Ga, indicating cryptic Paleo- to Eoarchean and even Hadean sources. Metamafic-ultramafic rocks, iron formations, metacherts, and graphite schists occur in association with the Archean orthogneiss. The whole set is intruded by Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.2 Ga) metagranitoids with compositions varying from granodioritic with sanukitoid-type signatures to monzogranitic, and alkali-feldspar granitic with crustal signatures. They are related to the Rhyacian-Orosirian orogeny, responsible for the complex deformation patterns printed in the Archean basement. Orosirian metasedimentary rocks are represented by garnet-biotite paragneiss with maximum depositional age of ca. 1.95 Ga. Intrusive mafic dikes in the complex show ages of ca. 2.07 Ga and isotopic features of mantle-derived magmas. Considering the presented data, the Cristalândia do Piauí Block represents a metacratonic domain corresponding to part of the Guanambi-Correntina Paleoplate, wich had been involved in crustal accretion and reworking from the Archean to the Paleoproterozoic. Many of the elements of the evolutionary stages wich are present in the São Francisco-Congo Paleocontinent can be recognized, suggesting an evolution of this crustal segment amounts to the Eoarchean era and disclosing the existence of cryptic Paleoarchean or even Hadean nuclei, reworked in at least three metamorphic events during the Rhyacian-Orosirian orogeny.  相似文献   

Single-zircon Pb evaporation dating was undertaken on granitoids and metavolcanic rocks of different lithostratigraphic units of the São Luís craton and the bordering Gurupi belt in northern Brazil, allowing the determination of the crystallization ages of these rocks and a partial reassessment of the regional lithostratigraphy. In the Sao Luis craton, zircons from granitoids of the Tromai Suite (dominantly tonalitic) yielded 207Pb/206Pb ages between 2149 ± 5 Ma and 2165 ± 2 Ma, and a metapyroclastic rock of the metavolcanosedimentary Aurizona Group was dated at 2240 ± 5 Ma. In the Gurupi belt, the Itamoari Tonalite (the deformed correspondent of the Tromai Suite) gave an age of 2148 ± 4 Ma, similar to the younger ages of the Tromai Suite. Two felsic metavolcanics of the metavolcanosedimentary Gurupi Group showed crystallization ages between 2148 ± 1 Ma and 2160 ± 3 Ma, which are similar to those of the granitoids of the cratonic domain. The Th/U ratios of the whole set of analyzed samples, calculated from the 208Pb/206Pb ratio, ranged from 0.23 to 0.51, which is typical of magmatic zircons. The determined ages are in good agreement with those of the correlative Eburnean granitoids and Birimian sequences of the West African craton.

A Rb-Sr internal isochron was calculated for a collisional-type granitoid (Maria Suprema Granite) in the Gurupi belt, yielding an age of 1710 ± 32 Ma, interpreted as a partial resetting of the isotopic system. Considered as a minimum age, this dating places the granitoid in the Paleoproterozoic.

The age of the rocks and of the establishment of the Gurupi belt have been controversial, owing to the widespread Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan-African) Rb-Sr and K-Ar signature of its rocks. Our data, combined with other recent geological and geochronological information, suggest that rocks of the present Gurupi belt have likely participated in collisional/accretionary processes occurring in the final stages of the Transamazonian orogenic cycle in the Paleoproterozoic (2.0-2.1 Ga). This was part of the major process of assembly of the Atlantica supercontinent. The belt was tectonically reactivated in the Neoproterozoic, with widespread reworking of older rocks and only localized rock generation, leading to its present configuration.  相似文献   


We present U–Pb Sensitive High Mass Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) data of unexposed igneous-metamorphic basement rocks from two areas of the southeastern Río de la Plata craton (RPC; Buenos Aires city) located within the Buenos Aires–Piedra Alta (BAPA) terrane – and the Tapalqué area (Buenos Aires province) – located within the Tandilia terrane, and discuss the tectonic evolution of that portion of the craton based on both the new data and previous work. The newly obtained geochronological data of drill cores indicate that: (a) arc magmatism occurred at 2164–2186 Ma corresponding to early ‘Trans-Amazon’ (early Rhyacian) arc magmatism; (b) the age of collision between the BAPA and Tandilia terranes is inferred to have commenced at ca. 2110 Ma; (c) peak metamorphism occurred at ca. 2069 Ma; and (d) the presence of rocks related to the RPC is confirmed under Cenozoic sediments in a large area between Martin Garcia Island and Tandil. We envisage an early Rhyacian divergent double subduction scheme between the BAPA and Tandilia terranes – i.e. N-dipping towards BAPA and S-dipping towards Tandilia – prior to the late Rhyacian collision between these two terranes.  相似文献   

New field work, in addition to zircon geochronology, Nd isotopes and reconnaissance geochemical data allow the recognition of Paleoproterozoic volcanic and metavolcanic sequences in the São Luís Craton of northern Brazil. These sequences record at least five volcanic pulses occurring probably in three distinct epochs and in different tectonic settings. (1) The Pirocaua Formation of the Aurizona Group comprises early arc-related calc-alkaline metapyroclastic rocks of 2240 ± 5 Ma formed from juvenile protoliths in addition to minor older crustal components. (2) The Matará Formation of the Aurizona Group holds mafic tholeiitic and ultramafic metavolcanic rocks of back arc and/or island arc setting, which are likely coeval to the Pirocaua Formation. (3) The Serra do Jacaré volcanic unit is composed of tholeiitic basalts and predominantly metaluminous, normal- to high-K calc-alkaline andesites of 2164 ± 3 Ma formed in mature arc or active continental margin from juvenile protoliths along with subordinate older (Paleoproterozoic) materials and associated to the main calc-alkaline orogenic stage. (4) The Rio Diamante Formation consists of late-orogenic metaluminous, medium-K, calc-alkaline rhyolite to dacite and tuffs of 2160 ± 8 Ma formed in continental margin setting from reworked Paleoproterozoic crust (island arc) with incipient Archean contribution. (5) The Rosilha volcanic unit is composed of weakly peraluminous, medium-K, calc-alkaline dacite and tuff formed probably at about 2068 Ma from reworked crustal protoliths. As a whole the volcanic and metavolcanic rocks record and characterized better the previously proposed orogenic evolution of the São Luís Craton.  相似文献   

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