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Correction concepts for the elimination of environmental influences on gamma-ray logs have been published in a number of articles and in guidelines by service companies. However, these widely-used processing rules for open- and cased-hole measurement conditions have been presented in different forms using different assumptions. For a detailed comparison, these concepts were reduced to simple analytical formula with the application of the same units and scaling to common, standardised conditions. For geological and technical drilling, environmental influences like borehole geometry, casing configuration and material, as well as mud density have turned out to represent the most important effects for a characterisation of environmental conditions. Typical case histories show that correction processing may lead to differing results, depending on the chosen presumptions. A thorough analysis of different types of influences and a careful choice of adequate correction procedures substantially improve the quality of gamma-ray log data. Further implications of these analytical correction rules permit also the quantitative interpretation of logs in dry cased-hole intervals and with the presence of tool joints or casing collars. The latter effect is widely underrated but is proven here to be a necessary step in precise gamma-ray log processing.  相似文献   

测井资料在储层预测研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
测井解释技术面临三方面制约因素:(1)长期以来仪器的发展速度快于解释评价的发展速度,使大量有用信息被长期掩盖;(2)现今测井评价方法强于微观解释而弱于宏观分析,明显限制了测井技术的发展和受重视程度;(3)油气勘探开发目标的日益复杂化,对测井技术提出了更高要求.开展测井储层预测技术的探索,在某种程度上可弥补上述不足.本文提出测井储层预测技术研究的二个依据,(1)将测井资料作为宏观地质作用与微观岩石信息统一关系论证的一个关键点,寻找测井信息能准确描述二者具有统一成因关系的证据;(2)以构造-沉积演化作为研究切入点,预测特殊储层在时、空的分布关系.基于上述认识,以印尼B油区裂缝型砂岩的预测以及大港油田Q50断块低阻油层的预测研究为例,分别介绍了测井储层预测技术的2个应用实例.  相似文献   

本文利用准噶尔北缘覆盖区的高精度地面重磁数据开展三维约束反演,揭示出准噶尔盆地北缘浅覆盖区内三维密度结构具有横向非均匀性,纵向有向深部延伸的趋势;深部广泛分布石炭纪、泥盆纪火山岩地层等高磁性体,零散分布热液蚀变导致的热退磁的火山岩;北西向分布的低密度低磁性物质,对应无磁性的断裂破碎带.结合多尺度边缘检测方法推断得到研究区隐伏断裂体系以及火山岩地层的空间展布.对贯穿研究区的综合地球物理探测剖面进行人机交互联合反演,结果显示控制扎河坝蛇绿岩带分布的南北界深大断裂在深部构成开口向下的对称扇形构造样式,说明此蛇绿岩带所代表的古洋盆具有双向俯冲的特征;结合区域地质资料,以及岩石地球化学研究成果,认为剖面穿过的3个酸性岩体均为形成于晚石炭世后造山拉张构造环境的A型花岗岩,可能是准噶尔东北缘造山作用结束的标志.最后结合大量地质、地球化学和地球物理资料,对准噶尔东北缘区域构造演化进行了讨论,认为扎河坝—阿尔曼太古洋盆于中奥陶世开始汇聚,古洋盆向南北两侧双向俯冲,在晚志留纪-早泥盆纪洋盆闭合.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity (K) in water‐bearing formations controls subsurface flow and solute transport processes. Geostatistical techniques are often employed to characterize the K distribution in space based on the correlation between K measurements. However, at the basin scale, there are often insufficient measurements for inferring the spatial correlation. This is a widespread problem that we address in this study using the example of the Betts Creek Beds (BCB) in the Galilee Basin, Australia. To address the lack of data, we use a 1D stochastic fluvial process‐based model (SFPM) to quantify the total sediment thickness, Z( x ), and the sandstone proportion over the total thickness, Ps( x ), in the BCB. The semivariograms of Z( x ) and Ps( x ) are then extracted and used in sequential Gaussian simulation to construct the 2D spatial distribution of Z( x ) and Ps( x ). Ps( x ) can be converted to a K distribution based on classical averaging methods. The results demonstrate that the combination of SFPM and geostatistical simulation allows for the evaluation of upscaled K distribution with a limited number of K measurements. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wavelet estimation and well-tie procedures are important tasks in seismic processing and interpretation. Deconvolutional statistical methods to estimate the proper wavelet, in general, are based on the assumptions of the classical convolutional model, which implies a random process reflectivity and a minimum-phase wavelet. The homomorphic deconvolution, however, does not take these premises into account. In this work, we propose an approach to estimate the seismic wavelet using the advantages of the homomorphic deconvolution and the deterministic estimation of the wavelet, which uses both seismic and well log data. The feasibility of this approach is verified on well-to-seismic tie from a real data set from Viking Graben Field, North Sea, Norway. The results show that the wavelet estimated through this methodology produced a higher quality well tie when compared to methods of estimation of the wavelet that consider the classical assumptions of the convolutional model.  相似文献   

分析了应用区域航磁资料研究区域地温场的方法,提出了在探井井温资料控制下采用指数形式的方法计算地温梯度,并建立起居里深度与近地表地温梯度、指数因子的关系,给出了求取近地表地温梯度、指数因子的方法及公式,推导了不同深度地温及平均地温梯度的计算公式.通过对松辽盆地北部区域地温场计算结果分析认为,应用区测航磁资料结合一定数量的井温资料可较好地预测区域地温场,为盆地评价提供较为可靠的地温场资料.  相似文献   

In this study, the joint deconvolution is applied to recordings of three test cases located in the cities of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Istanbul, Turkey, and Mexico City, Mexico. Each test case consists of a building equipped with sensors and a nearby borehole installation in order to investigate different cases of coupling (impedance contrasts) between the building and the soil by analyzing the wave propagation through the building-soil-layers, and hence resolving the soil–structure-interactions. The three installations considering different dynamic characteristics of buildings and soil, and thus, different building-soil couplings, are investigated. The seismic input (i.e., the part of the wave field containing only the up-going waves after removing all down-going waves) and the part of the wave field that is associated with the waves radiated back from the building are separated by using the constrained deconvolution. The energy being radiated back from the building to the soil has been estimated for the three test cases. The values obtained show that even at great depths (and therefore distances), the amount of wave field radiated back by the building to the soil is significant (e.g., for the Bishkek case, at 145 m depth, 10% of the estimated real input energy is expected to be emitted back from the building; for Istanbul at 50 m depth, the value is also 10–15% of the estimated real input energy while for Mexico City at 45 m depth, it is 25–65% of the estimated real input energy). Such results confirm the active role of buildings in shaping the wave field.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of investigations in the field of the theory and practice of the interpretation of geological and geophysical data with geodynamic models that were carried out mainly by researchers of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences. Evolutionary models of platform structures, passive continental margins, rift zones, and orogens are examined. The review presents formulations of inverse problems and results of interpretation for various regions, including sedimentary basins of the East European Platform, Atlantic Ocean margins, the Caucasus, the South Urals, and others.  相似文献   

Letu  Husi  Shi  Jiancheng  Li  Ming  Wang  Tianxing  Shang  Huazhe  Lei  Yonghui  Ji  Dabin  Wen  Jianguang  Yang  Kun  Chen  Liangfu 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(6):774-789
The estimation of downward surface shortwave radiation(DSSR) is important for the Earth's energy budget and climate change studies. This review was organised from the perspectives of satellite sensors, algorithms and future trends,retrospects and summaries of the satellite-based retrieval methods of DSSR that have been developed over the past 10 years. The shortwave radiation reaching the Earth's surface is affected by both atmospheric and land surface parameters. In recent years,studies have given detailed considerations to the factors which affect DSSR. It is important to improve the retrieval accuracy of cloud microphysical parameters and aerosols and to reduce the uncertainties caused by complex topographies and high-albedo surfaces(such as snow-covered areas) on DSSR estimation. This review classified DSSR retrieval methods into four categories:empirical, parameterisation, look-up table and machine-learning methods, and evaluated their advantages, disadvantages and accuracy. Further efforts are needed to improve the calculation accuracy of atmospheric parameters such as cloud, haze, water vapor and other land surface parameters such as albedo of complex terrain and bright surface, organically combine machine learning and other methods, use the new-generation geostationary satellite and polar orbit satellite data to produce highresolution DSSR products, and promote the application of radiation products in hydrological and climate models.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the use of low-cost geophysical data sets in raster format for structural analysis of a small onshore basin in NW England. Gravity and aeromagnetic data are expressed as images enhanced by a variety of image-processing methods, aimed at expressing the data in a form most readily appreciated by human vision. This involves side-illumination of the data using directional first derivative filters, and pseudo-colouring based on look-up table techniques. The principal data handling method was trend-surface analysis and calculation ofnth-order residual images. Most of the known structural attributes of the basin are resolved, together with previously unknown features affecting the basin's deep architecture.  相似文献   

NumericalsimulationofthecrustalstresfieldbyusingdataofdepgeophysicalexplorationinthenorthernpartofNorthChinaCHANGQUANLIU(刘...  相似文献   

2004年,中国地球物理学会仪器专业委员会在北京召开了“地球物理仪器国际化问题”(4月)和“地球物理技术在工程上的应用”(8月)两个研讨会。会议发表了大量论文,展示了目前我国先进的地球物理仪器和地球物理技术在工程方面的应用成就.承《地球物理学进展》编辑部支持,决定在2004年第四期和2005年第一期,连续刊载经专家审查和推荐的地球物理仪器和技术方面的部分优秀论文,  相似文献   

Nowadays, geostatistics is commonly applied for numerous gridding or modelling tasks. However, it is still under used and unknown for classical geophysical applications. This paper highlights the main geostatistical methods relevant for geophysical issues, for instance to improve the quality of seismic data such as velocity cubes or interpreted horizons. These methods are then illustrated through four examples. The first example, based on a gravity survey presents how a geostatistical interpolation can be used to filter out a global trend, in order to better define real anomalies. In the second case study, dedicated to refraction surveying, geostatistical filtering is used to filter out acquisition artefacts and identify the main geological structures. The third one is an example of porosity being integrated geostatistically with a seismic acoustic impedance map. The last example deals with geostatistical time to depth conversion; the interest of performing geostatistical simulations is finally discussed.  相似文献   

Following Burg's algorithm, we develop a new mathematical method of estimating the impulse response of a linear system. Since no data-invariant time window is used in this method, the estimated impulse response gives us reliable information on both the amplitude and the phase spectra of the system.The method is applied to laboratory data to investigate the dynamical response of rock specimens. The experimental results show that the waveform distortion with travel distance may well be described by a standard viscoelastic solid model. However, they also show that there is an additional factor of attenuation which is independent of the frequency and therefore not accompanied by any velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

The Nihewan Formation, consisting of thick fluvio–lacustrine sediments with abundant mammalian faunas and Paleolithic remains, is widely distributed in the Nihewan Basin, northern Hebei Province, China. In this study the fluvio–lacustrine sediments of the Nihewan Formation and the loess–paleosol sequence evident in the Haojiatai Section were dated by recuperated OSL (ReOSL) of fine-grained quartz (Wang, X.L., Lu, Y.C., Wintle, A.G., 2006a. Recuperated OSL dating of fine-grained quartz in Chinese loess. Quaternary Geochronology 1, 89–100.). The preliminary ReOSL dating results show that: (i) the loess–paleosol sequence in the upper part of the profile started to develop at about 128 ka ago; (ii) the unconformity separating the loess–paleosol from the underlying Nihewan Formation represents a sedimentation break of about 130 ka. On the basis of the ReOSL dates and related stratigraphic evidence it is proposed that the ancient Lake Nihewan dried shortly after about 266 ka.  相似文献   

The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the multi-resolution graph-based clustering (MRGC) method for determining the electrofacies (EF) and lithofacies (LF) from well log data obtained from the intraplatform bank gas fields located in the Amu Darya Basin. The MRGC could automatically determine the optimal number of clusters without prior knowledge about the structure or cluster numbers of the analyzed data set and allowed the users to control the level of detail actually needed to define the EF. Based on the LF identification and successful EF calibration using core data, an MRGC EF partition model including five clusters and a quantitative LF interpretation chart were constructed. The EF clusters 1 to 5 were interpreted as lagoon, anhydrite flat, interbank, low-energy bank, and high-energy bank, and the coincidence rate in the cored interval could reach 85%. We concluded that the MRGC could be accurately applied to predict the LF in non-cored but logged wells. Therefore, continuous EF clusters were partitioned and corresponding LF were interpreted, and the distribution and petrophysical characteristics of different LF were analyzed in the framework of sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   

An integrated geological and geophysical investigation was carried out in the near‐mine areas of the Chaihulanzi gold‐field, Inner Mongolia, northern China, to determine the south‐eastern strike extension of the principal mineralized shear system, in the search for new resources. In this case study, surface geophysical surveys played an important role in defining the mineralized structures beneath cover. A re‐investigation of the mine geology by observing the underground exposures of mineralization and its hosting structures, coupled with re‐evaluation and re‐examination of previous exploration data, revealed that the mineralization style at the Chaihulanzi gold‐field is not the skarn‐type as previously assumed, but is structurally controlled by an oblique‐sinistral shear structure. Moreover, a south‐eastward shallow‐plunging mineralized corridor within the principal mineralized shear system was also identified, implying that the ore‐forming fluid‐flow might move through the mineralizing system, from the south‐east at depth to the north‐west. These new geological findings imply that the mineralized shear system should extend much farther south‐eastwards along strike beneath cover, and thus a conceptual target area was proposed. A detailed geophysical survey program, involving the application of VLF‐EM, Stratagem EH4, CSAMT and gradient IP measurements, was carried out to test the validity of the conceptual target. Orientation surveys on the geologically known Line‐18 traverse revealed that VLF‐EM and Stratagem EH4 were the most effective methods of detecting the unseen mineralized system, whereas CSAMT could only provide low‐resolution data, and IP proved to be unsuitable in this environment due to the ubiquitous presence of graphite‐bearing schists in and around the mineralized system. A follow‐up systematic VLF‐EM survey highlighted the principal mineralized shear system as a linear conductive belt, tracing the principal mineralized system for a further 750 m of strike length beneath cover from the previous exploration limit (Line 18). Stratagem EH4 soundings over six parallel traverses perpendicular to the mineralized trend revealed that the principal mineralized shear structure extends for more than 500 m in the dip direction, a strong indication of the presence of potential deep mineralization under the surveyed area. Detailed modelling of the Stratagem EH4 sounding images provided well‐defined targets for test drilling. Subsequent test drilling on some of these targets returned encouraging results as several core‐intercepts of economic gold mineralization were encountered. This led to a more extensive drilling and underground prospecting program, focusing on deep mineralization south‐eastwards along the mineralized trend.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin is a typical superimposed basin in which there have occurred multiphase adjustment and destruction of the reservoirs. The widely distributed asphaltic sandstones of the Silurian are the very product after destruction of the reservoirs. Studies show that the Silurian asphaltic sandstones distributed in both the middle and western parts on the basin are controlled chiefly by the Caledonian oil source area and by the Tazhong, Tabei and Bachu uplifts, whereas the distribution of the asphaltic sandstones on local structural belts is controlled by the reservoir's sedimentary system. Vertically, most of the asphaltic sandstones are under the regional caprock of red mudstones and the upper sandstone section of compact lithology. Due to the difference of hydrocarbon destruction in the early stage and the influence of hydrocarbon recharge in the late stage, the asphaltic sandstones and oil-bearing sandstones in the Tazhong area can be vertically divided into the upper and lower sections and they have an interactive distribution relationship as well. Asphaltic sandstones exist not only in intergranular pores but also inside the grains of sand and between the crevices, proving the destruction of early reservoirs due to uplifting. The existence of asphaltic sandstones over a large area reveals that the large-scale migration and accumulation and the subsequent destruction of hydrocarbons in the Craton area. The destruction caused a loss of the reserve resources of the Palaeozoic amounting to nearly 13.3 billion tons. Asphaltic sandstones formed after the destruction of oil and gas may serve as an effective caprock which is beneficial to accumulation of hydrocarbons and formation of the pool sealed by asphaltic sandstones in the later stage. The destruction of the early Silurian hydrocarbons depends on the stratigraphic burial depth. The deep part under the northern slope of Tazhong is an area favorable to search of undestroyed Silurian oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

Summary The paper discusses geophysical phenomena observed over tholeiitic dykes detected in the Eastern Desert of Egypt (Nubian Block). The dykes show specific physical properties and are either normally or reversely polarized along their whole length over 120 km. Dykes of similar properties may also be interpreted from airborne geophysical maps in Saudi Arabia (Arabian Block). Magnetic fields of the tholeiitic dykes were interpreted quantitatively: they fit the magnetic pattern over the Red Sea. The study emphasizes those geophysical phenomena which may serve as criteria for recognition of regions with rift tectonics development.  相似文献   

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