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The sapphirine granulites from G. Madugula, Eastern Ghats preserve a variety of mineral textures and reactions. Corona and reaction textures are used in conjunction with mineral compositions to construct a sequence of metamorphic reactions describing the mineralogical evolution of sapphirine granulites. An early stage is characterized by the development of sapphirine + quartz, spinel + quartz in textural equilibrium, and possible relicts after osumilite during peak metamorphic conditions. Sapphirine/spinel crystals were later detached from quartz in the form of mineral coronas. During a subsequent sapphirine-cordierite stage, several cordierite forming reactions reflect decreasingP-T conditions. Finally during the late stage, a few samples show evidence of retrogressive hydration. Sapphirine is rather iron-rich (12.8 wt%) and the Mg number in the analysed minerals varies in the order: cordierite > phlogopite > sapphirine > orthopyroxene > spinel > garnet.P-T conditions of metamorphism have been constrained through the application of geothermobarometry and thermodynamically calibrated MAS equilibria.P-T vectors from granulite facies rocks in the G. Madugula area indicate that the rocks experienced substantial decompression (up to 3 kbar) and moderate cooling (150–200°C) subsequent to peak conditions of metamorphism (8.4 kbar, > 900°C). The decompressionalP-T history of sapphirine granulites interpreted from textural features and thermobarometric estimates suggest that they may have eventually resulted from exhumation of thickened crust.  相似文献   

Abstract Ganguvarpatti is part of a Precambrian terrane characterized by granulite facies rocks, including charnockites, mafic granulites, sapphirine-bearing granulites, leptynites and gneisses. A sequence of reactions deduced from the multiphase reaction textures provide information on the metamorphic history of this area, as they formed in response to decompression during uplift. Geothermobarometry and constraints from reaction textures define a segment of a P–T path traversed by the granulites of Ganguvarpatti. Near-peak metamorphic conditions of c. 800°C and 8 kbar were succeeded by a symplectitic stage at a significantly lower pressure ( c. 700°C and 4.5 kbar), documenting a nearly isothermal decompression P–T path and rapid uplift ( c. 12 km) followed by cooling. The presence of many fluid inclusions of extremely low density in the charnockites is consistent with a nearly isothermal uplift path. Attainment of a maximum pressure of c. 8 kbar indicates c. 27 km depth of burial during metamorphism. This would imply a total crustal thickness of c. 65–70 km at 2.6–2.5 Ga. Such a profound crustal thickness and a clockwise decompressive P–T path is interpreted as a consequence of tectonic thickening of crust, accomplished by collision tectonics of the southern granulite terrane against the Dharwar craton along the Palghat–Cauvery shear zone via northward subduction.  相似文献   

Basic granulites occurring as small enclaves and pods within charnockites contain predominantly orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, hornblende, plagioclase feldspar and quartz. Chemical composition of coexisting orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and hornblende has been represented in ACF and AFM diagrams. The mineral assemblages and the textural relationships of the basic granulites have been described. Garnet is notably absent in the basic granulites and this is explained as due to lower (< 8 kbar) pressure and relatively magnesian bulk composition.  相似文献   

K. Sajeev  M. Santosh  H.S. Kim 《Lithos》2006,92(3-4):465-483
The Kodaikanal region of the Madurai Block in southern India exposes a segment of high-grade metamorphic rocks dominated by an aluminous garnet–cordierite–spinel–sillimanite–quartz migmatite suite, designated herein as the Kodaikanal Metapelite Belt (KMB). These rocks were subjected to extreme crustal metamorphism during the Late Neoproterozoic despite the lack of diagnostic ultrahigh-temperature assemblages. The rocks preserve microstructural evidence demonstrating initial-heating, dehydration melting to generate the peak metamorphic assemblage and later retrogression of the residual assemblages with remaining melt. The peak metamorphic assemblage is interpreted to be garnet + sillimanite + K-feldspar + spinel + Fe–Ti oxide + quartz + melt, which indicates pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions around 950–1000 °C and 7–8 kbar based on calculated phase diagrams. A clockwise P–T path is proposed by integrating microstructural information with pseudosections. We show that evidence for extreme crustal metamorphism at ultrahigh-temperature conditions can be extracted even in the cases where the rocks lack diagnostic ultrahigh-temperature mineral assemblages. Our approach confirms the widespread regional occurrence of UHT metamorphism in the Madurai Block during Gondwana assembly and point out the need for similar studies on adjacent continental fragments.  相似文献   

The Palghat Gap region is located near the centre of the large southern Indian granulite terrane. at the northern edge of the Kodaikanal charnockite massif. The dominant rock types in the region are hornblende-biotite ± orthopyroxene gneisses and charnockites along with minor amounts of intercalated mafic granulite, metapelite and calc-silicate. The P-T estimates from garnetiferous mafic granulites and metapelite samples are generally in the range 9-10 kbar and 800-900 C using both conventional thermobarometric methods and the TWEEQU thermobarometry program. These P-T estimates, which should be taken as minimum values, are among the highest yet reported for South Indian and Sri Lankan granulites. The occurrence of orthopyroxene + plagioclase symplectites around embayed garnet grains in the mafic granulites and cordierite rims around garnet grains in metapelite suggest an isothermal decompression-type path. Similarly, a core-rim P-T trajectory indicates c. 3 and 7 kbar decompression at high temperature in the mafic granulites and metapelite, respectively. In both rock types, the key to the determination of the retrograde P-T path was the recognition of small amounts of second generation plagioclase with a more anorthitic composition than the matrix plagioclase. The preservation of high garnet-pyroxene temperatures in the mafic granulites (despite small garnet grain size) suggests rapid cooling of the terrane. Calculated minimum cooling rates range from 8 to 80 C Ma-1. Such cooling rates are more rapid than those associated with normal isostatic processes and suggest that the terrane was tectonically exhumed at high temperature.  相似文献   

The Madurai Block, constituting part of the southern granulite terrain in southern India, has contributed significantly towards understanding the UHT (ultrahigh-temperature) granulites that serve as a window into the mid-lower continental crust. The dominant rock types are charnockites, sapphirine-bearing granulites, garnet cordierite gneisses, and quartzites. Significant textural relations reveal multiphase reactions responsible for the formation of diverse mineral parageneses during prolonged metamorphic history of the area. Prograde reaction is evident from the textural relationship where biotite/sillimanite relics are seen as inclusion in garnet/orthopyroxene, suggesting dehydration reactions. The symplectitic assemblages that formed during isothermal decompression involve a series of cordierite-forming reactions, followed by retrogression and cooling. Variety of mineral assemblages present in the rocks of this area offer a wide spectrum of PT sensors that provide details on the physical conditions of metamorphism. For the rigorous interpretation of the PT path in the Perumalmalai area, quantitative phase diagrams (PT pseudosections) have been constructed and contoured for the compositional as well as modal isopleths of involved mineral phases. The rocks of Perumalmalai area document a clockwise decompression PT trajectory, consistent with crustal thickening followed by extensional collapse. SHRIMP U–Pb ages from zircon associated with sapphirine-bearing granulite facies rocks of Perumalmalai area suggest a widespread Ediacaran tectonothermal event. The occurrence of Ediacaran UHT metamorphism followed by isothermal decompression in the Madurai Block is consistent with the timing and physical conditions associated with the formation of East African Orogen during the amalgamation of Gondwana.  相似文献   

The high grade rocks (metapelites and metabasites) of Clavering Ø represent the easternmost exposures of granulites in the Palaeozoic Caledonian Orogen of East Greenland. Mafic granulites which occur as sheet‐like bodies and lenses within metapelitic migmatites and orthogneiss complexes have experienced migmatisation and mineral equilibria which define a clockwise P–T path incorporating a near‐isothermal decompression segment. Textures demonstrate the existence of early garnet‐clinopyroxene‐melt assemblages which equilibrated at >8–11 kbar and 850915 °C. Subsequently, decompression melting led to formation of orthopyroxene‐plagioclase‐melt assemblages at conditions below >8–11 kbar. Continued syn‐deformational decompression is indicated by a combination of both static and syn‐deformational recrystallization textures which generated finer grained orthopyroxene‐plagioclase assemblages. P–T constraints indicate these assemblages equilibrated at c. 5.0–6.5 kbar at 850–915 °C. These data are consistent with the rocks undergoing a stage of rapid tectonic‐induced exhumation involving some 3.0–4.5 kbar (c.1012 km) uplift as part of a clockwise P–T path in a collisional setting.  相似文献   

Corundum+quartz-bearing assemblages occur in small lenses in granulite facies metapelites in Rayagada, north-central part of the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt, India. Corundum porphyroblasts and quartz coexist with porphyroblastic almandine-rich garnet, hercynite spinel, ilmenite and magnetite. Corundum and quartz are separated by sillimanite or a composite corona consisting of sillimanite and garnet, whereas corundum shows sharp grain boundaries with spinel, ilmenite and magnetite. Porphyroblastic corundum contains prismatic sillimanite inclusions in which irregularly shaped quartz is enclosed. Two distinct reactions are inferred from the textural features: corundum+quartz=sillimanite and spinel+quartz=garnet+sillimanite. From the petrographical features, we infer that corundum–quartz–garnet–spinel was the peak metamorphic assemblage. Although large uncertainties exist regarding the positions of the respective reactions in P–T  space, from several published experimental results and theoretical calculations a peak metamorphic condition of 12  kbar and 1100  °C is estimated as the lower stability limit of the corundum–quartz assemblage. Decompression from the peak P–T  condition to c .  9  kbar, 950  °C is inferred.  相似文献   

A suite of metapelites, charnockites, calc-silicate rocks, quartzo-feldspathic gneisses and mafic granulites is exposed at Garbham, a part of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt of India. Reaction textures and mineral compositional data have been used to determine the P–T–X evolutionary history of the granulites. In metapelites and charnockites, dehydration melting reactions involving biotite produced quartzofeldspathic segregations during peak metamorphism. However, migration of melt from the site of generation was limited. Subsequent to peak metamorphism at c . 860° C and 8 kbar, the complex evolved through nearly isothermal decompression to 530–650° C and 4–5 kbar. During this phase, coronal garnet grew in the calc-silicates, while garnet in the presence of quartz broke down in charnockite and mafic granulite. Fluid activities during metamorphism were internally buffered in different lithologies in the presence of a melt phase. The P–T path of the granulites at Garbham contrasts sharply with the other parts of the Eastern Ghats granulite belt where the rocks show dominantly near-isobaric cooling subsequent to peak metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract Metapelitic and charnockitic granulites exposed around Chilka Lake in the northern sector of the Eastern Ghats, India, preserve a multi-stage P—T record. A high-T decompression from above 10 kbar to 8 kbar around 1100°C has been determined from Mg-rich metapelites (XMg>0.60) with quartz-cordierite-orthopyroxene-sillimanite and cordierite—orthopyroxene—sapphirine—spinel assemblages. Between this and a second decompression to 6.0 kbar, isobaric cooling from 830 to 670°C at 8 kbar is evident. These changes are registered by the rim compositions of orthopyroxene and garnet in charnockites and metapelites with an orthopyroxene—quartz—garnet—plagioclase—cordierite assemblage, and are further supported by the garnet + quartz ± orthopyroxene + cordierite and biotite-producing reactions in sapphirine-bearing metapelites. Another indication of isobaric cooling from 800 to 650°C at 6.0 kbar is evident from rim compositions of orthopyroxene and garnet in patchy charnockites. Two sets of P—T values are obtained from metapelites with a quartz—plagioclase—garnet—sillimanite—cordierite assemblage: garnet and plagioclase cores yield 6.2 kbar, 700°C and the rims 5 kbar, 650°C, suggesting a third decompression. The earliest deformation (F1) structures are preserved in the larger charnockite bodies and the metapelites which retain the high P—T record. The effects of post-crystalline F2 deformation are observed in garnet megacrysts formed during or prior to F1 in some metapelites. Fold styles indicate a compressional regime during F1 and an extensional regime during F2. These lines of evidence and two phases of cooling at different pressures point to a discontinuity after the first cooling, and imply reworking. Two segments of the present P—T path replicate parts of the P—T paths suggested for four other granulite terranes in the Eastern Ghats, and the sense of all the paths is the same. This, plus the signature of three phases of deformation identified in the Eastern Ghats, suggests that the Chilka Lake granulites could epitomize the metamorphic evolution of the Eastern Ghats.  相似文献   

刘兆  仝来喜 《岩石学报》2015,31(6):1761-1773
阿尔泰造山带是中亚造山带(CAOB)的重要组成部分,在其南缘出露有高温泥质和镁铁质麻粒岩,确定其P-T轨迹对于理解阿尔泰造山带南缘在晚古生代的构造演化历史具有重要意义。通过对该区乌恰沟泥质和镁铁质麻粒岩样品精细的岩相学观察,显示其变质矿物组合分别为石榴石+堇青石+黑云母+斜长石+石英+磁铁矿+钛铁矿±斜方辉石±尖晶石±钾长石,斜方辉石+单斜辉石+角闪石+黑云母+斜长石+钾长石+石英+钛铁矿+磁铁矿。使用传统温压计和平均温压计算方法对其变质峰期及峰期后的P-T条件进行了计算,并利用Thermocalc软件对其中两个泥质麻粒岩进行了P-T视剖面图模拟,确定了其峰期变质条件为770~865℃和3.0~5.1kbar,并得到了两条峰期后近等压冷却(IBC)的P-T演化轨迹。这样近等压冷却的P-T轨迹表明高温变质作用可能发生于一个总体伸展的大地构造背景之下。已有年代学数据支持该区高温变质事件发生于二叠纪(270~280Ma),与塔里木地幔柱活动的时间(~275Ma)高度一致。这说明阿尔泰二叠纪高温变质事件可能与塔里木地幔柱有着密切的成因联系。因此,我们认为二叠纪地幔柱活动引起的幔源岩浆底侵和加热可能提供了阿尔泰南缘高温-超高温变质作用所需的热源。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sequential reaction textures in Archaean garnet-corundum-sapphirine granulites from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt document a progression from early, coarse-grained, high-pressure (P > 9.5 kbar) granulite-facies assemblages (M1) to late, low-pressure (P <6 kbar) granulite-facies sub-assemblages (M2). The stable M1 assemblage was garnet (57% pyrope; Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 62) + sapphirine + corundum + gedrite + phlogopite + rutile. Late-M1 boron-free kornerupine grew at the expense of garnet and corundum, and coexisted with garnet, sapphirine and gedrite. Partial or complete breakdown of coarse garnet and kornerupine during M2 resulted in the development of pseudomorphs and coronas consisting of fine-grained symplectic intergrowths of cordierite, gedrite and sapphirine (later, spinel). The majority of reaction textures can be explained in terms of a stable reaction sequence, and a model time-sequence of mineral facies can be constructed. When compared with a qualitative petrogenetic grid of (Fe, Mg)-discontinuous reactions in the FMASH multisystem sapphirine-garnet-corundum-spinel-cordierite-gedrite-kornerupine, the facies-sequence indicates decompression at essentially constant T assuming constant a(H2O). Exhumation of M1 corundum inclusions during M2 breakdown of kornerupine resulted in production of metastable spinel by a disequilibrium reaction with gedrite. A second disequilibrium reaction of the spinel with cordierite produced sapphirine. The operation of such reaction while pressure was decreasing (the opposite dP from that implied by the texture if assumed to be the product of an equilibrium reaction) has serious implications for the use of reaction textures in the construction of P-T vectors. Garnet-biotite thermometry on garnet interiors and phlogopite inclusions in corundum yields temperatures of ca. 850°C for the M1 stage. A minimum late-M1 pressure of ca. 7 kbar is indicated by the former association of kornerupine and corundum. Relict M1 kyanites reported by other workers indicate a minumum early-M1 pressure of 9.5 kbar, implying metamorphism at depths of at least 33 km (probably 38km). The high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism was followed by an almost isothermal pressure decrease of > 5 kbar, indicative of rapid uplift. The P-T path is interpreted as the product of a single metamorphic cycle which probably took place in response to tectonic thickening of the crust. Such a process contrasts with the extensional origin recently proposed for isobarically cooled granulite-facies terranes.  相似文献   

An extensive humite‐bearing marble horizon within a supracrustal sequence at Ambasamudram, southern India, was studied using petrological and stable isotopic techniques to define its metamorphic history and fluid characteristics. At peak metamorphic temperatures of 775±73°C, based on calcite‐graphite carbon isotope thermometry, the mineral assemblages suggest layer‐by‐layer control of fluid compositions. Clinohumite + calcite‐bearing assemblages suggest XCO2 < 0.4 (at 700°C and 5 kbar), calcite + forsterite + K‐feldspar‐bearing assemblages suggest XCO2>0.9 (at 790°C); and local wollastonite + scapolite + grossular‐bearing zones formed at XCO2 of c. 0.3. Retrograde reaction textures such as scapolite + quartz symplectites after feldspar and calcite and replacement of dolomite + diopside or tremolite+dolomite after calcite+forsterite or calcite+clinohumite are indicative of retrogression under high XCO2 conditions. Calcite preserves late Proterozoic carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures and the marble lacks evidence for extensive retrograde fluid infiltration, while during prograde metamorphism the possible infiltration of aqueous fluids did not produce significant isotopic resetting. Isotopic zonation of calcite and graphite grains was likely produced by localized CO2 fluid infiltration during retrogression. Contrary to the widespread occurrence of humite‐marbles related to retrograde aqueous fluid infiltration, the Ambasamudram humite‐marbles record a prograde‐to‐peak metamorphic humite formation and retrogression under conditions of low XH2O.  相似文献   

The Fuping Complex and the adjoining Wutai and Hengshan Complexes are located in the central zone of the North China craton. The dominant rock types in the Fuping Complex are high‐grade tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic (TTG) gneisses, with minor amounts of mafic granulites, syntectonic granitic rocks and supracrustal rocks. The petrological evidence from the mafic granulites indicates three stages of metamorphic evolution. The M1 stage is represented by garnet porphyroblasts and matrix plagioclase, quartz, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and hornblende. Orthopyroxene+plagioclase symplectites and clinopyroxene+plagioclase±orthopyroxene coronas formed in response to decompression during M2 following the peak metamorphism at M1. Hornblende+plagioclase symplectites formed as a result of further isobaric cooling and retrograde metamorphism during M3. The P–T estimates using TWQ thermobarometry are: 900–950 °C and 8.0–8.5 kbar for the peak assemblage (M1), based on the core compositions of garnet, matrix pyroxene and plagioclase; 700–800 °C and 6.0–7.0 kbar for the pyroxene+plagioclase symplectites or coronas (M2); and 550–650 °C and 5.3–6.3 kbar for the hornblende+plagioclase symplectites (M3), based on garnet rim and corresponding symplectic mineral compositions. These P–T estimates define a clockwise P–T path involving near‐isothermal decompression for the Fuping Complex, similar to the P–T path estimated for the metapelitic gneisses. The inferred P–T path suggests that the Fuping Complex underwent initial crustal thickening, subsequent exhumation, and finally cooling and retrogression. This tectonothermal path is similar to P–T paths inferred for the Wutai and Hengshan Complexes and other tectonic units in the central zone of the North China craton, but different from anti‐clockwise P–T paths estimated for the basement rocks in the eastern and western zones of the craton. Based on lithological, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data, the eastern and western zones of the craton are considered to represent two different Archean to Paleoproterozoic continental blocks that amalgamated along the central zone at the end of Paleoproterozoic. The P–T paths of the Fuping Complex and other tectonic units in the central zone record the collision between the eastern and western zones that led to the final assembly of the North China craton at c. 1800 Ma.  相似文献   

Mg-Al-rich rocks from the Palghat-Cauvery Shear Zone System (PCSZ) within the Gondwana suture zone in southern India contain sodicgedrite as one of the prograde to peak phases, stable during = 900–990°C ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism. Gedrite in these samples is Mg-rich (Mg/[Fe + Mg] = X Mg = 0.69–0.80) and shows wide variation in Na2O content (1.4–2.3 wt.%, NaA = 0.33–0.61 pfu). Gedrite adjacent to kyanite pseudomorph is in part mantled by garnet and cordierite. The gedrite proximal to garnet shows an increase in NaA and AlIV from the core (NaA = 0.40–0.51 pfu, AlIV = 1.6–1.9 pfu) to the rim (NaA = 0.49–0.61 pfu, AlIV = 2.0–2.2 pfu), suggesting the progress of the following dehydration reaction: Ged + Ky → Na-Ged + Grt + Crd + H2O. This reaction suggests that, as the reactants broke down during the prograde stage, the remaining gedrite became enriched in Na to form sodicgedrite, which is regarded as a unique feature of high-grade rocks with Mg-Al-rich and K–Si-poor bulk chemistry. We carried out high-P-T experimental studies on natural sodicgedrite and the results indicate that gedrite and melt are stable phases at 12 kbar and 1,000°C. However, the product gedrite is Na-poor with only <0.13 wt.% Na2O (NaA = 0.015–0.034 pfu). In contrast, the matrix glass contains up to 8.5 wt.% Na2O, suggesting that, with the progressive melting of the starting material, Na was partitioned into the melt rather than gedrite. The results therefore imply that the occurrence of sodicgedrite in the UHT rocks of the PCSZ is probably due to the low H2O activity during peak P-T conditions that restricted extensive partial melting in these rocks, leaving Na partitioned into the solid phase (gedrite). The occurrence of abundant primary CO2-rich fluid inclusions in this rock, which possibly infiltrated along the collisional suture during the final amalgamation of the Gondwana supercontinent, strengthens the inference of low water activity.  相似文献   

The Al–Mg-rich granulites from the In Ouzzal craton, Algeria, show a great diversity of mineral reactions which correspond to continuous equilibria as predicted by phase relationships in the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system. The sequence of mineral reactions can be subdivided into three distinct stages: (1) a high-P stage characterized by the growth of coarse mineral assemblages involving sapphirine and the disappearance of early corundum and spinel-bearing assemblages; (2) a high-T stage characterized by the development of Sa–Qz-bearing assemblages; and (3) a later stage, in which garnet-bearing assemblages are replaced by more or less fine symplectites involving cordierite. During the course of early mineral reactions, the distribution coefficient, Kd, between the various ferromagnesian phases decreased significantly whereas Al2O3 in pyroxene increased concomitantly. These observations, when combined with topological constraints, clearly indicate that the high-P stage 1 was accompanied by a significant rise in temperature (estimated at 150 ± 50° C) under near isobaric conditions, in agreement with the reaction textures. By stage 2, pressure and temperature were extreme as evidenced by the low Kd value between orthopyroxene and garnet (Kd= 2.06–1.99), the high alumina content in pyroxene (up to 11.8%) and the high magnesium content in garnet [100 Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 60.6]. Mineral thermometry based on Fe–Mg exchange between garnet and pyroxene and on Al-solubility in pyroxene gives temperatures close to 970 ± 70° C at 10 ± 1.5 kbar. These results are in agreement with the development of Sa–Qz assemblages on a local scale. Late mineral reactions have been produced during a decompression stage from about 9 to 6 kbar. Except for local re-equilibration of Mg and Fe at grain boundaries, there is no evidence for further reactions below 700° C. We interpreted the whole set of mineral reactions as due to changes in pressure and temperature during a tectonic episode located at c. 2 Ga. Because of the lack of evidence for further uplift after the thermal relaxation which occurred at c. 6 kbar, it is possible however that the exhumation of this granulitic terrane occurred in a later tectonic event unrelated to its formation.  相似文献   

A suite of high-Mg–Al granulites from Sunkarametta, Eastern Ghats Belt, India, shows contrasting prograde assemblages of extremely aluminous orthopyroxene+cordierite+sapphirine and similarly aluminous orthopyroxene+Ti-rich spinel in closely associated domains. Textural and compositional characteristics indicate that both were derived from prograde dehydration–melting of biotite–plagioclase–quartz-bearing protoliths. The former assemblage was stabilized at relatively more magnesian bulk composition. Geothermobarometric data and petrogenetic grid considerations place 'peak' metamorphic conditions at c. 950 °C and 9 kbar. Subsequent to peak metamorphism, the rocks cooled to c . 700–750 °C, with slight lowering of pressure, and the retrograde reactions also involved melt–solid interaction. The inferred P – T  trajectory is one of heating–cooling at lower crustal (25–30 km) depths.  相似文献   

The Achankovil Zone of southern India, a NW–SE trending lineament of 8–10 km in width and > 100 km length, is a kinematically debated crustal feature, considered to mark the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block in the north and the Trivandrum Granulite Block in the south. Both these crustal blocks show evidence for ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism during the Pan-African orogeny, although the exhumation styles are markedly different. The Achankovil Zone is characterized by discontinuous strands of cordierite-bearing gneiss with an assemblage of cordierite + garnet + quartz + plagioclase + spinel + ilmenite + magnetite ± orthopyroxene ± biotite ± K-feldspar ± sillimanite. The lithology preserves several peak and post-peak metamorphic assemblages including: (1) orthopyroxene + garnet, (2) perthite and/or anti-perthite, (3) cordierite ± orthopyroxene corona around garnet, and (4) cordierite + quartz symplectite after garnet. We estimate the peak metamorphic conditions of these rocks using orthopyroxene-bearing geothermobarometers and feldspar solvus which yield 8.5–9.5 kbar and 940–1040 °C, the highest PT conditions so far recorded from the Achankovil Zone. The retrograde conditions were obtained from cordierite-bearing geothermobarometers at 3.5–4.5 kbar and 720 ± 60 °C. From orthopyroxene chemistry, we record a multistage exhumation history for these rocks, which is closely comparable with those reported in recent studies from the Madurai Granulite Block, but different from those documented from the Trivandrum Granulite Block. An evaluation of the petrologic and geochronologic data, together with the nature of exhumation paths leads us to propose that the Achankovil Zone is probably the southern flank of the Madurai Granulite Block, and not a unit of the Trivandrum Granulite Block as presently believed. Post-tectonic alkali granites that form an array of “suturing plutons” along the margin of the Madurai Granulite Block and within the Achankovil Zone, but are absent in the Trivandrum Granulite Block, suggest that the boundary between the Madurai Granulite Block and the Trivandrum Granulite Block might lie along the Tenmalai shear zone at the southern extremity of the Achankovil Zone.  相似文献   

Highly aluminous orthopyroxene, coexisting with sapphirine, cordierite, sillimanite, quartz and garnet in various combinations, constitute granoblastic mosaic peak metamorphic assemblages in aluminous granulites from three localities in the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. Orthopyroxene contains four types of intergrowths: (a) involving sapphirine with or without cordierite, (b) involving spinel, but without sapphirine, (c) involving cordierite, but without sapphirine and spinel, and (d) involving garnet, without sapphirine, spinel or cordierite. On the basis of textural and compositional data, origin of the intergrowths is ascribed to breakdown of Mg-Tschermak component, locally also involving Fe- and Ti-Tschermak. An attempt is made to compute the “pre-breakdown” compositions of orthopyroxene by image analysis, which shows maximum Al2O3 content of 13.4 wt.% in the pristine orthopyroxene. Geothermometry, phase equilibria consideration and application of existing experimental data on alumina solubility in orthopyroxene coexisting with sapphirine and quartz, collectively indicate extreme thermal conditions of metamorphism (> 1000 °C) for the studied assemblages. This re-affirms the notion that Al2O3 solubility in orthopyroxene is the most powerful indicator of UHT metamorphism (Harley, S.L., 2004. Extending our understanding of ultrahigh temperature crustal metamorphism. J. Mineral. Petrol. Sci. 99, 140–158). The intergrowths are considered to have formed due to cooling from the thermal peak spanning a temperature range of approximately 150 °C. Appearance of diverse types of intergrowths is probably related to subtle differences in bulk composition, particularly Fe:Mg ratios.  相似文献   

An assemblage consisting of corundum, sapphirine, spinel, cordierite, garnet, biotite and bronzite is described from the Messina area of the Limpopo Mobile Belt, and consideration given to its petrogenesis. Various geothermometers and geobarometers have been applied in an attempt to determine the temperatures and pressures of metamorphism.
A former coexistence of garnet and corundum is suggested to have developed during the earliest high pressure phase of the metamorphism, where temperatures exceeded 800°C and pressures as high as 10kbar may have been experienced. Subsequently, continuous retrograding reactions from medium pressure granulite facies at about 800°C and 8kbar towards amphibolite facies generated spinel, cordierite, sapphirine and possibly also bronzite. The most notable reaction was probably of the form: garnet + corundum = cordierite + sapphirine + spinel.  相似文献   

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