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Use of a field technique recently devised by Selby for the measurement of rock mass strength has resulted in the understanding of the relationship between rock mass strength and slope form. It is suggested that the accuracy of rock mass strength assessments may be enhanced by further subdividing the rating scales for intact rock strength and the spacing of partings. The relationship between rock mass strength and gradient is reformulated using southern African data, and statistically based confidence limits for identifying strength equilibrium slopes are proposed.  相似文献   

Strength equilibrium slopes are rock slopes whose gradient θ and rock mass strength (RMS) are in adjustment. The identification of such slopes depends on the accurate specification of the strength equilibrium envelope. Previous attempts to delimit the envelope are reviewed and modifications are proposed that permit its more rigorous statistical definition. Because θ can be measured much more reliably than RMS, the structural relation between these variables is estimated by regressing RMS on θ, and the strength equilibrium envelope is defined by the 95 per cent confidence limits. The analysis is performed on a data set of 268 rock slopes, representing all the data on RMS and θ hitherto employed in published studies of strength equilibrium slopes.  相似文献   

A rock mass strength classification, involving eight parameters, has been applied to selected inselbergs in the Namib Desert. The inselbergs are formed of schists, gneiss, granite and marble. Their slope inclinations are in a strength equilibrium with their rocks. The study suggests that the strength classification is consistent and has a general validity, and that rock slopes, undergoing uniform weathering, retreat to form slopes which are adjusted to their rock mass strength: this is a more general statement than the common hypothesis of parallel retreat. The favoured hypothesis of slope evolution in the Namib is one of retreat rather than downwearing.  相似文献   

结合实例对岩石三轴实验数据的一些主要特点和适合应用的领域进行了探讨。结果为:①岩石的三轴抗压、抗剪强度随围压(或深度)的增大而增大。低围压时,呈线性增大;当围压超过某一值后,变为增长率逐渐下降的非线性增大;至更高围压后,抗压强度与围压的应力差、抗剪强度将趋于某一常数。②岩石的单轴强度是强度中的极小值。工程应用中应采用三轴强度,以降低造价、避免浪费。③在现有的各种岩石力学实验方法中,三轴实验得出的凝聚力C和内摩擦角Φ相对最准确。④岩石三轴实验数据在与地学相关的领域内有着广泛的用途。  相似文献   

The erosional morphology in the vicinity of the Main Divide of the Southern Alps, and Fiordland, New Zealand, appears to be a product of the interaction between Alpine Fault-induced tectonic processes, rock mass strength of the uplifted and eroded bedrock, and the processes acting to denude the developing mountain landscape. The magnitude of the effects of glacial erosion on the landscape is directly controlled by the size and physical properties of the glaciers, whilst the form of the trough is a direct consequence of the rock mass strength (RMS) properties of the slope rock. Realistic models of development of the cross-profile shape of glacial valleys must take into consideration the RMS properties of the eroded substrate.  相似文献   

为研究中主应力对击实黄土强度和变形特性的影响,利用空心圆柱扭剪仪对击实黄土进行主应力轴方向为0°的定向剪切试验,重点探讨中主应力系数b对剪切过程中击实黄土强度和变形的影响。试验结果表明,在不同中主应力系数下试样的广义剪应力-应变曲线发展模式基本相同,其曲线差异不显著,剪切后期试样表现出显著的延性特性。中主应力对击实黄土的强度影响较大,b=0.25时归一化强度最大,而b=0.5时最小。当b从0到0.25时强度增加;当b=0.25时强度达到峰值,随着b的继续增加,强度迅速减小;当b=0.5时强度达到最小值,随着b的进一步增加,强度先增大后减小。随着中主应力系数b的增加,击实黄土的有效内摩擦角呈现增大的趋势,强度参数在b=0时最小,b=0.75时最大,b=1(三轴拉伸)高于b=0(三轴压缩)。  相似文献   

目前不同排水条件下的三轴试验中试样的剪切破裂角的计算方法存在用有效应力内摩擦角还是用总应力内摩擦角计算的争议。本文首先通过三轴UU、CU及CD试验对破裂角与内摩擦角之间的关系进行了论证,然后展开理论分析与探讨,并对三轴试验强度包线的确定存在的问题进行了讨论。结果表明:同一饱和土样在不同类型的三轴试验中破裂角与由有效应力指标计算的破裂角基本相等,试样的破裂角应由有效应力强度指标确定;三轴UU试验采用最大剪应力作为不排水强度是偏危险的,CU试验采用总应力摩尔圆公切线确定的强度参数与用实际剪切面确定的参数差别较小。  相似文献   

Weathering reduces the strength of rocks and so is a key control on the stability of rock slopes. Recent research suggests that the geotechnical response of rocks to weathering varies with ambient stress conditions resulting from overburden loading and/or stress concentrations driven by near-surface topography. In addition, the stress history experienced by the rock can influence the degree to which current weathering processes cause rock breakdown. To address the combined effect of these potential controls, we conducted a set of weathering experiments on two sedimentary lithologies in laboratory and field conditions. We firstly defined the baseline geotechnical behaviour of each lithology, characterising surface hardness and stress–strain behaviour in unconfined compression. Weathering significantly reduced intact rock strength, but this was not evident in measurements of surface hardness. The ambient compressive stress applied to samples throughout the experiments did not cause any observable differences in the geotechnical behaviour of the samples. We created a stress history effect in sub-sets of samples by generating a population of microcracks that could be exploited by weathering processes. We also geometrically modified groups of samples to cause near-surface stress concentrations that may allow greater weathering efficacy. However, even these pronounced sample modifications resulted in insignificant changes in geotechnical behaviour when compared to unmodified samples. The observed reduction in rock strength changed the nature of failure of the samples, which developed post-peak strength and underwent multiple stages of brittle failure. Although weakened, these samples could sustain greater stress and strain following exceedance of peak strength. On this basis, the multi-stage failure style exhibited by weaker weathered rock may permit smaller-magnitude, higher-frequency events to trigger fracture through intact rock bridges as well as influencing the characteristics of pre-failure deformation. These findings are consistent with patterns of behaviour observed in field monitoring results. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Influence of rock mass strength on the erosion rate of alpine cliffs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Collapse of cliff faces by rockfall is a primary mode of bedrock erosion in alpine environments and exerts a first‐order control on the morphologic development of these landscapes. In this work we investigate the influence of rock mass strength on the retreat rate of alpine cliffs. To quantify rockwall competence we employed the Slope Mass Rating (SMR) geomechanical strength index, a metric that combines numerous factors contributing to the strength of a rock mass. The magnitude of cliff retreat was calculated by estimating the volume of talus at the toe of each rockwall and projecting that material back on to the cliff face, while accounting for the loss of production area as talus buries the base of the wall. Selecting sites within basins swept clean by advancing Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glaciers allowed us to estimate the time period over which talus accumulation occurred (i.e. the production time). Dividing the magnitude of normal cliff retreat by the production time, we calculated recession rates for each site. Our study area included a portion of the Sierra Nevada between Yosemite National Park and Lake Tahoe. Rockwall recession rates determined for 40 alpine cliffs in this region range from 0·02 to 1·22 mm/year, with an average value of 0·28 mm/year. We found good correlation between rockwall recession rate and SMR which is best characterized by an exponential decrease in erosion rate with increasing rock mass strength. Analysis of the individual components of the SMR reveals that joint orientation (with respect to the cliff face) is the most important parameter affecting the rockwall erosion rate. The complete SMR score, however, best synthesizes the lithologic variables that contribute to the strength and erodibility of these rock slopes. Our data reveal no strong independent correlations between rockwall retreat rate and topographic attributes such as elevation, aspect, or slope angle. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

边坡地震稳定性分析探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
传统的拟静力法和安全系数时程分析法在评价边坡地震稳定性时存在一定的局限性。在提出准确的评价边坡地震稳定性必需因素的基础上,建议对边坡地震稳定性分析方法重新进行分类。根据动力分析得到的边坡在地震作用下的破坏机制和破裂面的性质和位置,提出基于拉-剪破坏的动力时程分析法和强度折减动力分析法。第一种方法将FLAC计算得到破坏时刻的动应力施加到静力情况下边坡上,采用动力分析得到的拉-剪破裂面,结合极限平衡法求解边坡地震安全系数,是一种改进的动力有限元时程分析法;第二种方法考虑了拉-剪破坏的FLAC强度折减动力分析法,是完全动力的方法。最后通过算例分析验证了新方法的可行性,为边坡地震安全系数计算提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Differential effective medium theory has been applied to determine the elastic properties of porous media. The ordinary differential equations for bulk and shear moduli are coupled and it is more difficult to obtain accurate analytical formulae about the moduli of dry porous rock. In this paper, in order to decouple these equations we first substitute an analytical approximation for the dry‐rock modulus ratio into the differential equation and derive analytical solutions of the bulk and shear moduli for dry rock with three specific pore shapes: spherical pores, needle‐shaped pores and penny‐shaped cracks. Then, the validity of the analytical approximations is tested by integrating the full differential effective medium equation numerically. The analytical formulae give good estimates of the numerical results over the whole porosity range for the cases of the three given pore shapes. These analytical formulae can be further simplified under the assumption of small porosity. The simplified formulae for spherical pores are the same as Mackenzie's equations. The analytical formulae are relatively easy to analyse the relationship between the elastic moduli and porosity or pore shapes and can be used to invert some rock parameters such as porosity or pore aspect ratio. The predictions of the analytical formulae for experimental data show that the formulae for penny‐shaped cracks are suitable to estimate the elastic properties of micro‐crack rock such as granite, they can be used to estimate the crack aspect ratio while the crack porosity is known and also to estimate the crack porosity evolution with pressure if the crack aspect ratio is given.  相似文献   

两种强度折减法确定边坡稳定系数适用性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强度折减法确定边坡稳定性系数比传统极限平衡方法优势明显,但是两种常用的强度折减法哪种更适合一直存在争议。本文针对某工程算例分别采用两种强度折减法进行了边坡稳定性系数计算,并把计算结果和传统极限平衡方法进行了对比,结果表明快速拉格朗日分析法更适合应用在边坡稳定性系数确定方面。该法的计算结果和传统计算方法极其接近,并可以克服传统方法人为指定滑动面的重大缺点。  相似文献   

Incorporating rate and state friction laws, stability of linearly stable (i.e., with stiffness greater than the critical value) spring-slider systems subjected to triggering perturbations was analyzed under variable normal stress condition, and comparison was made between our results and that of fixed normal stress cases revealed in previous studies. For systems associated with the slip law, the critical magnitude of rate steps for triggering unstable slips are found to have a similar pattern to the fixed normal stress case, and the critical velocity steps scale with a/(b - a) when k = kcr for both cases. The rate-step boundaries for the variable normal stress cases are revealed to be lower than the fixed normal stress case by 7 %–16 % for a relatively large α = 0.56 with (b - a)/a ranging from 0.25 to 1, indicating easier triggering under the variable normal stress condition with rate steps. The difference between fixed and variable normal stress cases decreases when the α value is smaller. In the same slip-law-type systems, critical displacements to trigger instability are revealed to be little affected by the variable normal stress condition. When kkcr(V*), a spring-slider system with the slowness law is much more stable than with the slip law, suggesting that the slowness law fits experimental data better when a single state variable is adopted. In stick-slip motions, the variable normal stress case has larger stress drops than the constant normal stress case. The variable normal stress has little effect on the range of slip velocity in systems associated with the slowness law, whereas systems associated with the slip law have a slowest slip velocity immensely smaller than the fixed normal stress case, by ~10 orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

五峰-龙马溪组页岩是目前国内页岩气勘探的首选层位,而其地震岩石物理特征是利用地震方法进行"甜点"预测的重要基础之一,但对五峰-龙马溪组页岩地震弹性特征变化规律的研究并未考虑沉积、成岩过程的影响,致使相应的规律性认识缺乏地质意义.在对五峰-龙马溪组页岩样品系统声学测量基础上,分析了页岩样品地震弹性性质的变化规律.利用X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜(SEM)、阴极发光(CL)与能谱分析确定了五峰-龙马溪组页岩在不同沉积环境下的成岩过程,并讨论了成岩过程与地震弹性性质变化规律的因果关系.研究结果表明,页岩中有机质(TOC)受高热演化程度的影响,其密度通常高于1.4 g·cm-3,并接近于有机碳密度上限1.6 g·cm-3(石墨密度).五峰-龙马溪组页岩地震弹性性质变化规律整体受沉积环境控制,沉积环境的差异形成不同的成岩过程,致使地震弹性特征也表现出不同的变化规律.表现在五峰-龙马溪页岩样品动态岩石物理特征主要受岩石结构控制(支撑颗粒弹性性质),而孔隙度、TOC含量以及孔隙形状则为对地震弹性特征影响的次一级因素.五峰-龙马溪组页岩上段为浅水陆棚相,机械压实与化学压实(硅质胶结)为先后两个过程,造成样品表现出高的速度-孔隙度变化率、高速度比(泊松比)、高各向异性以及低TOC含量的特征.五峰-龙马溪组页岩下段为深水陆棚相,机械压实过程中同时伴有生物成因的硅质胶结,造成岩石样品表现出较高TOC含量与孔隙度、各向异性较弱以及较小的速度-孔隙度变化率.研究结果可为五峰-龙马溪页气储层的测井解释和地震"甜点"预测提供依据.  相似文献   

断裂构造对斜坡应力场影响的数值模拟及成灾机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
断裂构造及活动强度对斜坡体的应力场分布具有重要的影响。采用基于强度折减法的有限元法,分别以正断层和逆断层与斜坡体的组合关系为例,剖析了断裂构造对斜坡体应力场的影响及成灾机理,揭示了含有断层的斜坡体塑性区的贯通过程。研究表明,包含断层的斜坡体在应力分布特征及斜坡变形破坏机理方面与无断层的斜坡体有较大差别:含断层的斜坡体在坡面和断层面附近的最大主应力迹线与坡面或断层面相平行,在天然状态下,塑性区同时出现在坡脚和断层面后方,随着折减系数的增大,塑性区分别从坡脚和断层面后方向坡体深部和上部发展,直至断层面前后两个塑性区相贯通,坡体发生破坏,并且对坡体变形破坏的影响程度以逆断层最强,其次为正断层,断层不活动时较弱。  相似文献   

In Mediterranean regions, hillslopes are generally considered to be a mosaic of sink and source areas that control runoff generation and water erosion processes. These hillslopes used to be characterized by a complex hydrological and erosive response combining Hortonian and saturation excess overland flows. The hydrological response of soils is highly dependent on the soil surface components (e.g. vegetation patches, bare soil, rock fragment cover, crusts), which each one of them is dominated by a certain hydrological process. One of these soil surface components, not widely considered in studies of soil hydrology under Mediterranean conditions, is the accumulation of litter beneath shrubs enhancing water repellency in soils. This study investigates the influence of soil surface components, especially the litter accumulated beneath Cistus spp., in the hydrological and erosive responses of soils on two Mediterranean hillslopes having different exposures. The study was performed by means of rainfall simulation experiments and the Water Drop Penetration Time for measuring water repellency of soils, both techniques being carried out at the end of summer (September 2010) with very dry soils. The results indicate that (i) soil surface components from the north facing hillslope are characterized by a more uniform hydrological and erosive response than those from the south‐facing ones; (ii) the water repellency is more influential on the hydrological response of the north‐facing hillslope due to a greater accumulation of organic rest on the soils as the vegetation cover is also higher; (iii) the south‐facing hillslope seemed to follow the fertility island theory with very degraded bare soil areas, which are the most generated areas of runoff and mobilized sediments; (iv) the experimental area can be considered as a threshold area between the semiarid and subhumid Mediterranean environments, with the south‐facing hillslope being comparable with the former and the north facing one with the latter. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel bifurcations can be found in river network systems from high gradient gravel-bed rivers to fine-grained low gradient deltas. In these systems, bifurcations often evolve asymmetrically such that one downstream channel silts up and the other deepens and, in most cases, they eventually avulse. Past analytical and numerical studies showed that symmetric bifurcations are unstable in high and low Shields stress conditions resulting in asymmetric bifurcations and avulsion, while they can be stable in the mid-Shields range, but this range is smaller for larger width-to-depth ratio. Here, using a one-dimensional (1D) numerical model, we show that effects of sediment grain size and of channel slope are much larger than expected for low-gradient systems when a sediment transport relation is used that separates between bedload and suspended load transport. We found that the range of Shields stress conditions with unstable symmetric bifurcations expanded for lower channel slopes and for finer sediment. In high sediment mobility, suspended load increasingly dominates the sediment transport, which increases the sediment transport nonlinearity and lowers the relative influence of the stabilizing transverse bedslope-driven flux. Contrary to previous works, we found another stable symmetric solution in high Shields stress, but this only occurs in the systems with small width-to-depth ratio. This indicates that suspended load-dominated bifurcations of lowland rivers are more likely to develop into highly asymmetric channels than previously thought. This explains the tendency of channel avulsion observed in many systems.  相似文献   

During past decades, a diverse system of subsistence agriculture in south‐east Spain (annual rainfall of less than 300 mm) has been overturned in favour of large‐scale plantations of almond trees without consideration for topography and related spatial patterns in soil hydrological properties. The objective of this paper is to investigate the spatial pattern in soil physical properties induced by this cultivation system, and to highlight its impact on the water balance. Soil properties were recorded along hillslopes with shallow soils developed on slates and greywackes in the upper part of the Guadelentin drainage basin (Murcia region). Frequent tillage of these almond plantations covering entire hillslopes has resulted in denudation by tillage erosion on the topographic convexities, as well as transport of rock fragments and fine earth along the slopes. These processes have created a systematic spatial pattern of soil thickness and rock fragment content: shallow and stony soils on the topographic convexities and deep soils with a rock fragment mulch in the concavities at the foot of the slopes. At the same time, a negative relationship between rock fragment content and fine earth bulk density was observed. The impact of this spatial pattern in soil properties on the water balance was evaluated using the PATTERN one‐dimensional hydrological and plant growth model. The model simulates the water balance of soil profiles covering the observed variation in soil thickness, stoniness and bulk density. The model results indicate that the highest rates of infiltration, evaporation and drainage, as well as the lowest rates of overland flow are restricted to shallow soils on the hilltops. In contrast, the deeper soils in the valley bottoms produce a more stable moisture regime than shallower soils, which tend to saturate and dry out quickly. These model results are in agreement with the spatial patterns of almond productivity: an asymptotic increase with soil thickness. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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