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The Kakangari chondrite has a cosmic-ray exposure age of 5.4 m.y. and a K-Ar age near 4 g.y. Its high cosmogenic 3He/21Ne ratio of 7.5 indicates a small preatmospheric mass. The He and Ne are largely of solar-wind origin, presumably implanted during exposure in the regolith of its parent body. The heavy gases Ar, Kr, Xe are largely of planetary origin. Taken together, the low 129Xe/132Xe (1.07), low 36Ar/132Xe (225), and high 132Xe content (45 × 10?10 cc STP/g) are more similar to the values for unequilibrated ordinary chondrites or even C1, C2 chondrites than to enstatite chondrites, and suggest that Kakangari has the same gas-bearing mineral assemblage as the former, in spite of its high degree of reduction (Fa4.9). 相似文献
The Wethersfield (1982) chondrite was assayed for a suite of cosmogenic radionuclides shortly after fall. Data are reported for 7Be, 22Na, 26Al, 46Sc, 48V, 51Cr, 54Mn, 56Co, 57Co, and 60Co. A comparison is made with predicted results based on a scaling to the Deep River Neutron Monitor. Noble gases were also assayed in a sub-sample. The cosmic ray exposure age is estimated to be 45 million years. 相似文献
Noble-gas systematics show that Brachino is not a member of the SNC-group of meteorites. The whole-rock K-Ar gas retention age is (3.11 ± 0.07) AE as compared to the 1.3 AE solidification ages of SNCs; the content of radiogenic129 Xe* of (3.47 ±. 15) × 10?10 cm3 STP/g is about two orders of magnitude higher, and the129 Xe/132 Xe ratio (11.0), the ratio of radiogenic129 Xe* to fissiogenic136 Xef (300), and the ratio36 Ar/132 Xe in the trapped gases are about one order of magnitude higher than observed for SNCs. The same evidence argues strongly against any simple genetic relationship with eucrites. The noble-gas abundance pattern resembles closely that in silicate inclusions from the iron meteorites Campo del Cielo and Udei Station. Abundances of cosmic-ray produced3 He and21 Ne (5.7 and. 99 × 10?8 cm3 STP/g, resp.) indicate an exposure age of ~ 2.4 Ma. Irradiation conditions appear to have been perfectly normal except for an unaccountably low content of spallogenic 38Ar. Losses by diffusion of radiogenic4 He are severe; they must have occurred at or before the onset of the exposure of the meteoroid to the cosmic radiation. 相似文献
In April 1969, the chondrite was accidentally found in the side wall of the vegetable storage excavated at Shibayama-machi, Sanbu-gun, Chiba-ken, Japan, by Mr. A. Ishii and his grandson, Mr. S. Ito. The chondrite named Shibayama has been weathered thoroughly for a long period of burial underground. The bulk chemical composition, especially total Fe (21.41%) and ratios of Fetotal/SiO2(0.557), SiO2/MgO (1.59) and molar composition of olivine (Fa23) and pyroxene (Fs22) as well as mineral composition, indicate that Shibayama is a typical olivine-hypersthene chondrite. If the oxidized Fe is assumed only from metallic Fe, the original metallic Fe (7.75%) and Femetal/Fetotal(0.361) also support the above conclusion. From the well-recrystallized texture, indistinct and obliterated chondrule-matrix boundary, homogeneous composition of olivine and pyroxene, absence of igneous glass, and interstitial and well-developed plagioclase, this chondrite could be classified in petrologic type 6. Mosaic texture, kink bands, undulatory extinction of silicate grains and maskelynitization of plagioclase indicate that Shibayama suffered from a heavy shock effect, as is seen in other L-6 group chondrites. 相似文献
There are two types of planetary noble gases: One, containing isotopically “anomalous” argon, krypton and xenon but isotopically “normal” helium and neon, was derived from outer stellar regions. The other, consisting almost entirely of isotopically “normal” argon, krypton and xenon, with little or no helium or neon, was derived from inner stellar regions. Mixing of nucleosynthesis products from different regions of a supernova is responsible for the observed correlations between elemental and isotopic ratios of planetary noble gases in different classes of meteorites. The solar system condensed directly from the chemically and isotopically heterogeneous debris of a single supernova. There is no convincing evidence, however, of separate nucleogenetic components in neon. Fractionation and spallation can account for all previously identified components of trapped meteoritic neon, Ne-A, Ne-B, Ne-C, Ne-D, Ne-E, Ne-Al, Ne-A2, Ne-E(L), Ne-E(H) and Ne-O, and this same mechanism also explains differences between the isotopic compositions of meteoritic, atmospheric, and solar wind neon. Variations in the abundance pattern of planetary noble gases are primarily the result of stellar fusion reactions and physical adsorption, rather than gas solubility. 相似文献
The type III carbonaceous chondrites Kainsaz and Efremovka have been analysed for eighteen major, minor and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. A comparison of the data on Kainsaz with four other Ornans sub-type carbonaceous chondrites reveals a remarkable degree of constancy of composition. Efremovka, together with Leoville and Coolidge, may be distinguished from the other Vigarano sub-type carbonaceous chondrites by their lower Na and K contents, variable Na/K ratios and relatively low Ca/Al ratios. Some observations are made on the ratio Na/K in various types of stony meteorite; the magnitude of the ratio in the basaltic achondrites appears to be more similar to that in the carbonaceous chondrites than in the ordinary chondrites. 相似文献
M.J. Fitzgerald 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1979,14(1):109-115
New bulk compositional results are presented for the Karoonda meteorite which show that it is a member of the Vigarano type carbonaceous chondrites. Use of the petrographic symbol CK for Karoonda is shown to be unnecessary and inadvisable. 相似文献
T.S. McCarthy A J. Erlank J.P. Willis L.H. Ahrens 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1974,9(3):215-221
Quantitative analytical data on 11 elements in chondrite Pampa del Infierno and achondrites Manegaon, Chassigny, Goalpara, Nakhla, Lakangaon and Shergotty are given. To our knowledge, Manegaon and Lakangaon have not been analysed before. Composition, assignment and origin of each meteorite are briefly discussed. 相似文献
H. B. Wiik 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1972,7(4):553-558
The chemical composition of Haverö is presented and compared with the composition of the other five ureilites 相似文献
The effects of chemical weathering on the Holbrook, Arizona chondrite were studied via major, minor, and trace element analysis along with noble gas measurements. Three samples of Holbrook were studied: a fresh specimen which fell in 1912, a specimen collected in 1931 and a specimen collected in 1968. The weathering of the meteorite produced changes in the Fe and Mg concentrations. The amount of metallic iron decreases with increasing degree of weathering. The MgO content decreases and the total iron content increases slightly with increasing weathering of the specimen, but these concentration differences are not necessarily due to weathering. Elemental concentrations for Ti, Ca, Al, P, Mn, Ni and Cr did not change significantly during weathering. Sodium may have been lost during weathering, whereas K showed a slight enrichment in abundance with terrestrial age. Trace elements C, Rb and Sr increased at least two-fold during weathering of the meteorite. Abundances of the radiogenic and cosmogenic noble gases decreased with increasing terrestrial age. Concentration ratios of certain cosmogenic noble gas nuclides which are commonly used as indicators of gas loss and shielding in chondrites show unpredictable behavior in the weathered chondrite. 相似文献
Klaus Keil G.H. Conrad E.A. King Alfredo San Miguel 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1986,21(1):125-129
Microscopic and electron microprobe studies indicate that the Garraf meteorite is a highly-recrystallized chondrite of petrologic type 6. Olivine (Fa24.7; PMD 1.1) and low-Ca pyroxene (Fs20.9; PMD 1.1) compositions indicate that it belongs to the L-group. Based on contents of noble gases, pervasive fracturing of silicates, common undulose extinction of olivine and plagioclase, and the lack of melt pockets and maskelynite, we place Garraf into shock facies b. We conclude that Garraf is a highly recrystallized L6b chondrite that, after recrystallization, was cataclased and comminuted by shock. 相似文献
The Kyle, Texas, U.S.A., chondrite was identified in 1965. Electron microprobe analyses and microscopic examination show the following mineralogy: olivine (Fa 26.2 mole %), orthopyroxene (Fs 21.0 mole %), clinopyroxene, plagioclase (An 10.3 mole %), chlorapatite, whitlockite, kamacite, taenite, troilite, chromite, and an iron-bearing terrestrial weathering product. Eutectic intergrowths of metaltroilite and a brecciated matrix indicate that the Kyle chondrite was shocked. Recrystallization and shock have obliterated chondrule-matrix boundaries. A chemical analysis of the meteorite shows the following results (in weight %): Fe 0.38, Ni 1.22, Co 0.05, FeS 5.98, SiO2 38.41, TiO2 0.11, Al2O3 2.13, Cr2O3 0.55, Fe2O3 8.02, FeO 14.83, MnO 0.31, MgO 23.10, CaO 1.60, Na2O 0.74, K2O 0.08, P2O5 0.19, H2O+ 1.73, H2O? 0.37, C 0.03, Sum 99.83. On the basis of bulk chemistry, composition of olivine and orthopyroxene, and the recrystallized matrix, the Kyle meteorite is classified as an L6 chondrite. 相似文献
The Ashmore olivine-bronzite chondrite is a group H, type 5 stone which differs from other H5 chondrites mainly in its higher proportion of chromite (0.9 wt %) and in the relatively lower iron and higher magnesium content of the chromite. The modal proportions of opaque phases were obtained by point-counting in reflected light, and the modal proportions of nonopaque silicate phases in the matrix were estimated from traverses of a selected small area by electron microprobe. The consistency between the bulk chemical analysis and the chemical composition calculated from the modal mineral proportions implies that the bulk silicate composition of the chondrules is very similar to that of the silicate matrix and suggests a common source for both chondrules and matrix. 相似文献
The elements Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, (V), Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni have been determined in 19 Yamato meteorites by spark source mass spectrometry. For comparison the chondrites Allan Hills 7603, Mt Baldr (b) and Holbrook and the achondrites Johnstown, Pasamonte and Stannern also have been analyzed by the same method. By virtue of their chemical composition the Yamato meteorites 74002 and 74144 prove to be ordinary chondrites of type L; 74001, 74103, 74155 and 74156 are ordinary chondrites of type H; 74662 is a carbonaceous chondrite; Yamato 74010, 74011, 74016, 74037, 74097, 74125 and 74136 are diogenites; Yamato 7308(1) is a howardite; and Yamato 74450 is a eucrite. This agrees with earlier classifications based on petrological and mineralogical arguments (Nagata, 1978; Motylewski, 1978). For the chondrites Yamato 74002, 74106, 74144 and the diogenite 74125, however, no previous classifications could be found in the literature. In a Mg-Al diagram the eucrites, the howardites, the diogenites and the ureilites fall into characteristic fields. This enabled not only the classification of the Yamato achondrites investigated in this paper but also confirmed the previous identification of Yamato 74123 as a ureilite (Hintenberger et al., 1978). A very high chromium content is characteristic of some Yamato diogenites, especially Yamato 74037 (3.4%). Chromium and vanadium are positively correlated in the achondrites investigated. 相似文献
Six fragments of the Barwise meteorite were analyzed for REE and eleven other elements (Al, Ca, Mg, Mn, Na, K, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and Ba). In addition, two fragments were analyzed for Si and Mg. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of six fragments studied show interesting systematic variations. Three fragments with relatively high La abundances show a negative Ce anomaly. Since the meteorite in question is a find, it could be suspected that the observed REE fractionations are due to terrestrial contamination. To examine this point, a soil sample from the find site was also analyzed for REE and major chemical elements. It is considered that several facts, especially, the relationships between La and SiO2 and between SiO2 and MgO, suggest the pre-terrestrial fractionation rather than the terrestrial contamination. Unexpectedly, it is shown that the REE fractionation observed in the investigated fragments correlates with the metal-silicate and the Fe-Co-Ni fractionations. In this connection, large metal grains were investigated for Fe, Co and Ni contents. A suggestion is presented that this chondrite was formed through the melting of the surface of a planetesimal and the subsequent collision, although the possibility of terrestrial contamination might not be ruled out. 相似文献
Yilmia, a new enstatite chondrite contains moderately well defined radiating and granular chondrules. The plagioclase to enstatite ratio is appreciably higher within than outside of the two granular chondrules in our microprobe sections. Osbornite was observed within the granular chondrules, but not in the rayed chondrules or surrounding matrix Major phases include enstatite, plagioclase (Ab80 An16 Or4), silica, silicon-rich kamacite and titanian troilite. Minor phases are many and varied: sinoite, silicon-rich taenite, schreibersite, graphite, osbornite, oldhamite, “normal” and zincian daubreelite, ferroan alabandite and a new FeZnMn monosulfide The new mineral (Fe.538 Zn.246 Mn.159 Mg.004 S) closely resembles albandite and could easily have been overlooked in other meteorites unless a microprobe was used. A new form of oldhamite was also found. Indarch oldhamite, analyzed for comparative purposes, consists of two similar but distinct species: Ca.96 Mn.005 Mg.04 Fe.01 S and Ca1.000 Mn.004 Mg.02 Fe.005 S. These have not been reported from other meteorites Based on its mineralogy and texture this is a type II (E6) enstatite chondrite that is transitional toward the intermediate type (E5). It is unique in its mineralogical complexity, abundance of taenite, diversity of zincian minerals and monosulfides, and restriction of osbornite to certain chondrules 相似文献
M.G. Zadnik 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1985,20(2):245-257
Bells and Sharps have some mineralogical and chemical peculiarities that make their classification uncertain. For Bells, the40 Ar content at 890 × 10?8 cm3 STP/g is greater than the highest C1 chondrite value (Ivuna; 640), but close to the mean value for C2's (880). The21 Ne-exposure age of 0.38 ± 0.07 Ma is very short, and coincides with the distinctive cluster of five C2's (0.17 to 0.76 Ma). Very likely Bells belongs to the same cluster, in which case it comes from the C2 parent body. Hence the C2 parent body seems to contain transitional C1-C2 material, like Bells, within a few km of the region of C2 chondrites proper. Thus the radiogenic and especially the cosmogenic gases link Bells to the C2 group. For Sharps, the elemental concentrations of primordial Ar, Kr and Xe (127, 0.76 and 0.59, all 10?8 cc/g) are ~ 3 x higher than for any other H3 chondrite. While Sharps is classified as 3.4 based on five indicators of metamorphism, the very high concentration of remaining two parameters of the Sears et al. (1980) scheme — C and primordial36 Ar — (together with the high concentration of the volatile trace elements Bi, In and Tl) implies a classification of 3.0 for its volatile element content. The21 Ne-exposure age is 25.5 ± 2.5 Ma, placing Sharps in the second largest peak of the H-chondrite distribution. The nominal K-Ar and U, Th-He ages are 4.6 ± 0.2 and 4.2 ± 1.5 Ga, suggesting that Sharps has remained at low temperatures since its beginnings. 相似文献
The Weston meteorite is a breccia containing mostly light-colored equilibrated chondritic xenoliths and less abundant highly un-equilibrated chondritic inclusions fixed in a dark grey host of chondrules, mineral and rock fragments. Many of the inclusions show evidence of shock. Unlike most xenolithic chondrites, the Weston host contains a large fraction of considerably more equilibrated silicates than is found in the unequilibrated inclusions, suggesting either that most host silicates retain the mineral chemistry of an equilibrated source indigenous to Weston, or represent a unique fraction which equilibrated separately, prior to final agglomeration. The host silicates are similar in composition to minerals in the common xenoliths, supporting the former possibility that host chondrules and mineral fragments are derived from the xenolithic material, probably by impact fragmentation and melting. Also mixed with Weston is a small but distinct carbonaceous component including the minerals fassaite, Fespinel, forsterite, magnetite and Ca-Al-rich inclusion which are normally associated with carbonaceous chondrites. 相似文献
The meteorite which fell near Messina, Italy, on 16 July 1955 is a typical olivine-hypersthene (L-group) chondrite. Its mineralogical composition is: olivine (Fa24), orthopyroxene (Fs20) with some polysynthetically twinned clynopyroxene, plagioclase (An10) and merrillite. Opaque phases present are: copper, kamacite, taenite, plessite, chalcopyrrhotite, mackinawite, troilite and chromite. The stone contains abundant chondrules. The matrix consists chiefly of broken chondrules with tiny fragments of crystals and rare amorphous material. Chondrules form more than 42% of the meteorite by volume. Some unusual features of the fabric of this meteorite include silicate grains showing deformation; silicates with fusion spots of dark glass containing blebs of metallic iron; iron and troilite with marginal fusion yielding globules and droplets sometimes showing flow structures. The classification of this chondrite is confirmed by bulk chemical analysis. 相似文献
M. Shima K.P. Jochum G.P. Sighinolfi H. Hintenberger 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1974,9(3):199-207
The chemical composition of the newly observed fallen chondrites Parambù, 1967, and Marilia, 1971, was determined. Wet chemical methods were used for major elements analyses and the abundances of heavy trace elements from tungsten to uranium were determined by spark source mass spectrometry. The chemical composition confirmed the classification of Marilia as an H-group chondrite by Avanzo et al. (1973): Parambù was classified as an LL-group chondrite. 相似文献