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In the study of soil erosion, specifically on detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact, kinetic energy is a commonly suggested indicator of the raindrop's ability to detach soil particles from the soil mass. Since direct measurement of kinetic energy requires sophisticated and costly instruments, the alternative approach is to estimate it from rainfall intensity. The present study aims at establishing a relationship between rainfall intensity and kinetic energy for rainfalls in Central Cebu, Philippines as a preface of a wider regional investigation.

Drop size distributions of rainfalls were measured using the disdrometer RD-80. There are two forms of kinetic energy considered here. One is kinetic energy per unit area per unit time (KER, J m−2 h−1) and the other is kinetic energy per unit area per unit depth (KE, J m−2 mm−1). Relationships between kinetic energy per unit area per unit time (KER) and rainfall intensity (I) were obtained using linear and power relations. The exponential model and the logarithmic model were fitted to the KE–I data to obtain corresponding relationships between kinetic energy per unit area per unit depth of rainfall (KE) and rainfall intensity (I). The equation obtained from the exponential model produced smaller standard error of estimates than the logarithmic model.  相似文献   

Interception losses, rain and throughfall drop size spectra and kinetic energy were studied in four relatively undisturbed tropical forest ecosystems along a transect across the Central Andean Cordillera of Colombia at altitudes between 3000 and 1000 m above sea level. Interception amounts ranged from 11 to more than 20 per cent of the total rainfall and fell within the normal range of interception figures observed in natural tropical forests. Drop size spectra were established using the filter paper method; the drop size distributions of the open field rainfall were unimodal while the throughfall had bimodal distributions, with a higher percentage of the volume of rain falling as large drops. Disturbance of the natural forests, for example by logging activities or cattle grazing, will further increase the throughfall kinetic energy and may lead to higher splash erosion rates inside the forests than in the open field. The kinetic energy of the throughfall was higher than that of the open field rainfall (20-70 per cent), even after correcting for interception losses (4-30 per cent). Splash-cup experiments, conducted both in the field and in the laboratory, indicated that the kinetic energy is a good index of rainfall erosivity. Inside the forests the amounts of sand splashed from the splash-cups was, after correction for interception losses, 2-16 per cent higher than outside the forests.  相似文献   

Soil loss caused by erosion has enormous economic and social impacts. Splash effects of rainfall are an important driver of erosion processes; however, effects of vegetation on splash erosion are still not fully understood. Splash erosion processes under vegetation are investigated by means of throughfall kinetic energy (TKE). Previous studies on TKE utilized a heterogeneous set of plant and canopy parameters to assess vegetation's influence on erosion by rain splash but remained on individual plant- or plot-levels. In the present study we developed a method for the area-wide estimation of the influence of vegetation on TKE using remote sensing methods. In a literature review we identified key vegetation variables influencing splash erosion and developed a conceptual model to describe the interaction of vegetation and raindrops. Our model considers both amplifying and protecting effect of vegetation layers according to their height above the ground and aggregates them into a new indicator: the Vegetation Splash Factor (VSF). It is based on the proportional contribution of drips per layer, which can be calculated via the vegetation cover profile from airborne LiDAR datasets. In a case study, we calculated the VSF using a LiDAR dataset for La Campana National Park in central Chile. The studied catchment comprises a heterogeneous mosaic of vegetation layer combinations and types and is hence well suited to test the approach. We calculated a VSF map showing the relation between vegetation structure and its expected influence on TKE. Mean VSF was 1.42, indicating amplifying overall effect of vegetation on TKE that was present in 81% of the area. Values below 1 indicating a protective effect were calculated for 19% of the area. For future work, we recommend refining the weighting factor by calibration to local conditions using field-reference data and comparing the VSF with TKE field measurements. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The relatively high cost of commercially available raindrop spectrometers and disdrometers has inhibited detailed and intensive research on drop size distribution, kinetic energy and momentum of rainfall which are important for understanding and modelling soil erosion caused by raindrop detachment. In this study, an approach to find the drop size distribution, momentum and kinetic energy of rainfall using a relatively inexpensive device that uses a piezoelectric force transducer for sensing raindrop impact response is introduced. The instrument continuously and automatically records, on a time‐scale, the amplitude of electrical pulses produced by the impact of raindrops on the surface of the transducer. The size distribution of the raindrops and their respective kinetic energy are calculated by analysing the number and amplitude of pulses recorded, and from the measured volume of total rainfall using a calibration curve. Simultaneous measurements of the instrument, a rain gauge and a dye‐stain method were used to assess the performance of the instrument. Test results from natural and simulated rainfalls are presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data on drop size distribution and kinetic energy load of rainstorms are basic for rainfall erosivity indices. A simple and relatively inexpensive instrument was used to asses the instantaneous intensity and kinetic energy load of rainstorms in Hong Kong. Both the drop size and the instantaneous kinetic energy load of rainfall in Hong Kong are greater than in temperate and subtropical climates. The high kinetic energy results from the large size and greater number of raindrops falling per unit time. A high correlation between the kinetic energy of rainfall and the amount of rainfall allows for a convenient estimate of the energy load of storms from the amount of rainfall. Of more significance to the erosion process is the determination that about 74% of the total annual rainfall is erosive, containing about three‐quarters of the total annual energy load of the rains. The variability of rainfall parameters within a rainfall and from storm to storm is shown. The energy–intensity relationship, seasonal and annual distributions of rainfall erosivity are presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall erosivity represents the primary driver for particle detachment in splash soil erosion. Several raindrop erosivity indices have been developed in order to quantify the potential of rainfall to cause soil erosion. Different types of rainfall simulators have been used to relate rainfall characteristics to soil detachment. However, rainfall produced by different rainfall simulators has different characteristics, specifically different relationships between rainfall intensity and rainfall erosivity. For this reason, the effect of rainfall characteristics produced by a dripper‐type rainfall simulator on splash soil erosion (Ds) has been investigated. The simulated rainfall kinetic energy (KE) and drop size distribution (DSD) were measured using piezoelectric transducers, modified from the Vaisala RAINCAP® rain sensor. The soil splash was evaluated under various simulated rainfall intensities ranging from 10 to 100 mm h?1 using the splash‐cup method. The simulated rainfall intensity (I) and kinetic energy relationship (IKE) was found to be different from natural rainfall. The simulated rainfall intensity and splash soil erosion relationship (IDs) also followed this same trend. The IKE relationship was found to follow the natural rainfall trend until the rainfall intensity reached 30 mm h?1 and above this limit the KE started to decrease. This emphasizes the importance of the IKE relationship in determining the IDs relationship, which can differ from one rainfall simulator to another. Ds was found to be highly correlated with KE (r = 0·85, P < 0·001), when data produced by the rainfall intensity ranged from 10 to 100 mm h?1. However, when the threshold rainfall intensity (30 mm h?1) was considered, the correlation coefficient further improved (r = 0·89, P = 0·001). Accordingly, to improve the soil splash estimation of simulated rainfall under various rainfall intensities the I–KE characterization relationship for rainfall simulators has to be taken into account. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the spatial distribution of the throughfall kinetic energy (TKE) on a small scale in a rubber plantation. The experiments used Tübingen splash cups with natural rainfall. The results indicate that the leaf area index did not significantly affect the TKE during the foliated season. There was no significant correlation between the TKE and the distance from the trunk. However, the lateral translocation of the throughfall in the canopy significantly affected the spatial distribution of the TKE, and high TKE points appeared in the middle and at the edge of the canopy. The results also show that the spatial distribution of the volume-specific TKE values was similar in different rainfall and rainfall intensity groups. The variogram of the spatial variability demonstrates that the TKE exhibited a strong spatial autocorrelation. We confirm that the rainfall redistribution is important for the spatial distribution of the TKE in a rubber plantation.  相似文献   

Wildfires raise concerns over the risk of accelerated erosion as a result of increased overland flow and decreased protection of the soil by litter and ground vegetation cover. We investigated these issues following the 1994 fires that burnt large areas of native Eucalyptus forest surrounding Sydney, Australia. A review of previous studies identifies the fire and rainfall conditions that are likely to lead to increased runoff and accelerated erosion. We then compare runoff and erosion between burnt and unburnt sites for 10 months after the 1994 fires. At the scale of hillslope plots, the 1994 fire increased runoff by enhancing soil hydrophobicity, and greatly increased sediment transport, mainly through the reduced ground cover, which lowered substantially the threshold for initial sediment movement. However, both runoff and sediment transport were very localized, resulting in little runoff or sediment yield after the fire at the hillslope catchment scale. We identify that after moderately intense fires, rainfall events of greater than one year recurrence interval are required to generate substantial runoff and sediment yield. Such events did not occur during the monitoring period. Past work shows that mild burns have little effect on erosion, and it is only after the most extreme fires that erosion is produced from small, frequent storms. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A kinetic energy budget over the Indian region is computed for the period 4–9 July 1973, when a twin monsoon depression-one in the Bay of Bengal and another in the Arabian sea were the dominant synoptic features. The generation term caused by the cross-contour flow is a dominant source to the kinetic energy. The dissipation term is computed as a residual and is a major sink for the kinetic energy. The horizontal flux divergence is also a sink term but is much smaller in magnitude than other major source and sink terms. From the results it may be inferred that the generation term is the most important for the maintenance of monsoon disturbances.  相似文献   

The physical processes of raindrop impact and water flow on the leaves and branches of selected tropical tree species were examined under laboratory conditions using simulated rainfall. Inclined branches were found to be particularly efficient in detaining impacting water droplets. This efficiency in raindrop detention increases linearly as a function of branch inclination on branches that are initially dry. On branches that have been thoroughly wetted, this increase in raindrop detention with branch inclination is best expressed as a logarithmic function. At branch inclinations of 60° above the horizontal, the quantity of branchflow was found to be > 80 per cent of the total quantity of impacting rainfall, indicating that < 20 per cent was lost to rainsplash. The strong positive relationship between branchflow and branch inclination explains why trees with large projected areas of steeply inclined upthrust branches have significant quantities of intercepted water draining from their branches and trunks under heavy rainfall conditions. This drainage from the woody frame of trees influences surficial processes by generating both stemflow and large throughfall droplets.  相似文献   

This study concerns the problem of water erosion in the Sahel. Surface water and sediment yields (suspended matter and bedload) were monitored for 3 years (1998–2000) at the outlet of a small grazed catchment (1·4 ha) in the northern part of Burkina Faso. The catchment consists of about 64% sandy deposits (DRY soil surface type), which support most of the vegetation, and about 34% of crusted bare soils (ERO soil surface type). The annual solid‐matter export is more than 90% suspended sediment, varying between 4·0 and 8·4 t ha?1. The bedload represents less than 10% of soil losses. In a single flood event (10 year return period), the sediment yield can reach 4·2 t ha?1. During the period studied, a small proportion (20 to 32%) of the floods was thus responsible for a large proportion (80%) of the solid transport. Seasonal variation of the suspended‐matter content was also observed: high mean values (9 g l?1) in June, decreasing in July and stabilizing in August (between 2 and 4 g l?1). This behaviour may be a consequence of a reorganization of the soil surfaces that have been destroyed by trampling animals during the previous long dry season, vegetation growth (increase in the protecting effect of the herbaceous cover) and, to a lesser extent, particle‐supply limitation (exhaustion of dust deposits during July). The particle‐size distribution in the suspended matter collected at the catchment outlet is 60% made up of clay: fraction ≤2 µ m. The contribution of this clay is maximum when the water rises and its kaolinite/quartz ratio is then close to that of the ERO‐type surfaces. This indicates that these surfaces are the main source of clay within the catchment. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Currently, the vegetation has recovered well in most areas of the Loess Plateau in China, and soil erosion has significantly decreased. However, the heavy rainfall event in July 2018 triggered many instances of a unique type of loess landslides(i.e., slide-flows) on the gully-slopes with vegetation recovery in the Nanxiaohegou Basin on the Loess Plateau. This rainfall event was unusual and was a persistent heavy rainfall. The accumulated rainfall from 24 June to 10 July was 232.2 mm, which compr...  相似文献   

Post-fire catchment and water utility managers throughout the world use predictive models to estimate potential erosion risks to aid in evaluating downstream impacts of increased runoff and erosion, and to target critical areas within a fire for applying mitigation practices. Erosion prediction can be complicated by forest road networks. Using novel GIS technology and soil erosion modelling, this study evaluated the effect of roads on surface runoff, erosion and sediment yields following a wildfire and determined that the predictive models were providing reasonable results. The GeoWEPP model was used to simulate onsite erosion and offsite sediment delivery before and after fire disturbance using a 2-m resolution DEM as the terrain layer. Erosion rates in excess of 4 Mg ha−1 year−1 were predicted mainly from steep moderate and high severity burn areas. Roads influenced surface runoff flow path distributions and sub-catchment delineations, affecting the spatial distribution of sediment detachment and transport. Roads tended to reduce estimated erosion on slopes below the roads but increases in erosion rates were estimated for road fillslopes. Estimated deposition amounts on roads and in sediment basins were similar to measured amounts. The results confirm that road prisms, culverts and road ditches influence sedimentation processes after wildfire, and they present opportunities to detain eroded sediments.  相似文献   

This is the first substantial field measurement of river-bank erosion around fallen logs in rivers. Whilst numerous studies have established that living trees can stabilize river banks, and that fallen trees can cause scour of the river bed, knowledge of bank erosion effects from logs is largely restricted to qualitative observations. Recent flume studies suggest that a single log can increase near-bank velocity (and thus erosion) and this increase is related to the blockage ratio of the log and the distance between the log and bank. However, hydraulic interactions between logs can reduce this increase or even decrease the near-bank velocity. These theories, developed in a straight flume, have not been tested in the field. We measured erosion rates (relative to controls) on river banks adjacent to 35 large logs for 2 years, and velocity distributions around 11 logs during a near-bankfull flow in anabranching channels of the River Murray, SE Australia. These channels have abundant large instream logs, consistent bank material, and consistent regulated high flows. The field results generally supported the velocity changes caused by single and multiple logs in the flume studies, with single logs increasing near-bank velocity, but with the hydraulic interactions between successive logs tending to reduce this increase. Flow patterns caused by logs adjacent to curved banks were more complicated as the local effects of logs reinforced or weakened recirculating flows. Instream logs did not change overall, average, bank erosion rates, but they tended to shift the erosion from bank top to bank toe. However, individual logs increased or decreased bank erosion rates in patterns that generally concur with the near-bank velocity changes predicted in flume studies: that isolated logs increased erosion rates whilst hydraulically interacting logs did not increase erosion rates. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simulated rainfall experiments were performed on bare, undecomposed litter layer and semi-decomposed litter layer slopes with litter biomasses of 0, 50, 100 and 150 g m−2, respectively, to evaluate the effect of the undecomposed layer and semi-decomposed layer of Quercus variabilis litter on the soil erosion process and the particle size distribution of eroded sediment. The undecomposed layer and semi-decomposed layer of litter reduced the runoff rate by 10.91–27.04% and 12.91–36.05%, respectively, and the erosion rate by 13.35–40.98% and 17.16–59.46%, respectively. The percentage of smaller particles (clay and fine silt particles) decreased and the percentage of larger particles (coarse silt and sand particles) increased with an increased rainfall duration on all treated slopes, while the extent of the eroded sediment particle content varied among the treated slopes with the rainfall duration, with bare slopes exhibiting the largest variability, followed by undecomposed litter layer slopes and finally semi-decomposed litter layer slopes. The clay and sand particles were transported as aggregates, and fine silt and coarse silt particles were transported as primary particles. Compared with the original soil, sediment eroded from all treated slopes was mainly enriched in smaller particles. Furthermore, the loss of the smaller particles from the undecomposed litter layer slopes was lower than that from the semi-decomposed litter layer slopes, indicating that the undecomposed litter layer alleviated soil coarsening to some extent. The findings from this study improve our understanding of how litter regulates slope erosion and provide a reference for effectively controlling soil erosion.  相似文献   

A study investigated the effect of truck‐traffic intensity and road water‐content on the quality of runoff water from unsealed forest roads. Three sections of a gravel‐surfaced forest road were instrumented and exposed to low and high levels of truck traffic during wet winter conditions and dry summer conditions between July 2001 and December 2002. Rainfall, runoff, road moisture, and traffic were measured continuously, and suspended and bedload sediments were integrated measurements over 2‐week site‐service intervals. The median suspended sediment concentration from the three road segments under low truck‐traffic conditions (less than nine return truck passes prior to a storm) was 269 mg l?1, increasing 2·7‐fold to a median of 725 mg l?1 under high truck‐traffic conditions (greater than or equal to nine return truck passes prior to a storm). These concentrations, and increases due to traffic, are substantially less than most previously reported values. When these data are expressed as modified universal soil loss equation (MUSLE) erodibility values K, accounting for differences in rainfall energy, site characteristics and runoff, high traffic resulted in a road surface that was four times more erodible than the same road under low traffic conditions. Using multiple regression, traffic explained 36% of the variation in MUSLE erodibility, whereas road water content was not significant in the model. There was little difference in the erodibility of the road when trafficked in low water‐content compared with high water‐content conditions (MUSLE K values of 0·0084 versus 0·0080 respectively). This study shows that, for a good quality well‐maintained gravel forest road, the level of truck traffic affects the sediment concentration of water discharging from the road, whereas the water content of the road at the time of that traffic does not (note that traffic is not allowed during runoff events in Victoria). These conclusions are conditional upon the road being adequately maintained so that trafficking does not compromise the lateral drainage of the road profile. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A strong low‐pressure system traveled along the Japanese main island Honshu in October 2006. High waves and storm surge attacked the Kashima Coast resulting in huge erosion over the area. Airborne laser data measured in October 2005 and November 2006 were analyzed to estimate cross‐sectional changes within the subaerial zone. The results of the alongshore distribution of the changes of cross‐sectional area indicate that the amount of erosion of the 38 km‐long northern and 15 km‐long southern parts decreased toward the south in each part and that the amount of erosion was smaller in protected areas with artificial headlands than in unprotected areas. The local alongshore variation of the erosion and accretion patterns showed wavy fluctuations of several hundreds of meters. The total amounts of the estimated eroded volume of the subaerial zone over the northern and southern parts were 620 000 m3 and 600 000 m3, respectively. The Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) wave model was applied to estimate wave conditions along the coast during the storm. The computational results were verified, and then the alongshore distribution of wave energies, expressed as the alongshore and cross‐shore components of the wave energy flux, was compared with the alongshore distribution of cross‐sectional change. The results show that the distribution of energy flux explains the distribution of erosion well: The alongshore variability in the cross‐shore energy flux is responsible for the large‐scale variability in erosion, and shorter‐scale variability is due to gradients in the alongshore energy fluxes, especially for the areas without coastal works. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens covered soils with a tephra blanket and killed the forest tree cover in a 550 km2 area. After the eruption, rates of sheetwash and rill erosion, and plant cover were measured on tephra-covered hillslopes which had been subject to three land-management practices: grass seeding; scarification, and salvage logging. On rapidly-eroding hillslopes subject to grass seeding, limited plant covers were established only after erosion had declined sharply. Logging of trees downed by the eruption and scarification of previously logged surfaces slowed erosion, although the effect was small because erosion rates had already slowed substantially by the time these two practices were implemented. The factors controlling erosion, revegetation, and their relative timing at Mount St. Helens are similar to those following explosive volcanic eruptions elsewhere, suggesting that grass seeding is not likely to be effective at slowing erosion following most tephra eruptions, and that early mechanical disturbance could be an effective erosion-control measure. The results also indicate that even without deliberate conservation measures, processes which mechanically disturb a surface layer of low hydraulic conductivity (such as frost-action or trampling) can radically reduce runoff and erosion before revegetation has an important effect.  相似文献   

Sediment, nutrients and pollutants discharged from sheet and interrill erosion areas by rain‐impacted flows may influence water quality in streams and rivers. The depth of water on the soil surface influences the capacity of raindrop impacts to detach soil material underlying rain‐impacted flows, and a number of so‐called process‐based and mechanistic models erroneously use equations on the basis of the effect of water depth on splash erosion to account for this effect. Also, a number of these models require complex mathematical solutions to make them operate and can only predict sediment composition and discharges well if many of their parameters are calibrated specifically to the situations where they are being applied. Experiments with rain‐impacted flows, where flow depth and velocity over eroding surfaces have been controlled, have been reported in the literature and provide more appropriate equations to account for the drop size – flow depth interactions that affect detachment and transport of particles in rain‐impacted flows. There is a need to develop modeling approaches that rely on relevant data obtained under well‐controlled flow conditions where flow depths and velocities are known. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The cover and size distributions of surface rock fragment in hillslopes were investigated by using digital photographing and treating technique in a small catchment in wind-water erosion crisscross region of the Loess Plateau. The results indicated that the maximal cover of rock fragment was pre-sented at mid-position in steep hillslope. Rock fragment presented a general decreasing-trend along the hillslope in gentle hillslope. Rock fragment cover was positively related to gradient, rock fragment size decreased generally along the hillslope, and the size reduced with the gradient. The mean size of rock fragment was at a range of 6―20 mm in the steep hillslope, rock fragment size > 50 mm was rarely presented. The covers of rock fragment at different positions were markedly related to the quantities of rock fragment < 40 mm. The area of rock fragment of 2―50 mm accounted for 60% or more of the total area, dominating the distribution of rock fragment in the hillslopes.  相似文献   

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