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Ionospheric sporadic-E (Es) activity and global morphology were studied using the 50 Hz signal-to-noise ratio amplitude and excess phase measurements from the FormoSat-3/Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (FS3/COSMIC) GPS radio occultation (RO) observations. The results are presented for data collected during the last sunspot cycle from mid-2006 to the end of 2017. The FS3/COSMIC generally performed more than 1000 complete E-region GPS RO observations per day, which were used to retrieve normalized L1-band amplitude standard deviation (SDL1) and relative electron density (Ne) profiles successfully. More or less 31% of those observations were identified as Es events based on SDL1 and peak SDL1 altitude criteria. We found that the peak Es-event i values are approximately proportional to the logarithms of the corresponding peak Ne differences. Five major geographical zones were identified, in which the seasonal and diurnal Es occurrence patterns are markedly different. These five zones include the geomagnetic equatorial zone (??5°?<?magnetic latitude (ML)?<?5°), two extended geomagnetic mid-latitude zones (15°?<?ML?<?55°, and ??55°?<?ML < ??15°), and two auroral zones (70°?<?ML, and ML < ??70°). The Es climatology, namely its variations with each identified zone, altitude, season, and local time has been documented.  相似文献   

Since the proof-of-concept GPS/Meteorology (GPS/MET) experiment successfully demonstrated active limb sounding of the Earth’s neutral atmosphere and ionosphere via GPS radio occultation (RO) from low Earth orbit, the developments of electron density (n e) retrieval techniques and powerful processing systems have made a significant progress in recent years. In this study, the researches of n e profiling from space-based GPS RO observations are briefly reviewed. Applying to the Formosat-3/Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (FS3/COSMIC) data, we also present a compensatory Abel inversion technique including the effects of large-scale horizontal gradients and/or inhomogeneous ionospheric n e obtained from an improved near real-time phenomenological model of the TaiWan Ionospheric Model. The results were evaluated by the ionosonde foF2 and foE data and showed improvements of rms foF2 difference from 29.2 to 16.5% in relative percentage and rms foE difference from 54.2 to 32.7% over the standard Abel inversion.  相似文献   

A local mechanism for strong ionospheric effects on radio occultation (RO) global positioning satellite system (GPS) signals is described. Peculiar zones centered at the critical points (the tangent points) in the ionosphere, where the gradient of the electron density is perpendicular to the RO ray trajectory, strongly influence the amplitude and phase of RO signals. It follows from the analytical model of local ionospheric effects that the positions of the critical points depend on the RO geometry and the structure of the ionospheric disturbances. Centers of strong ionospheric influence on RO signals can exist, for example, in the sporadic E-layers, which are inclined by 3–6° relative to the local horizontal direction. Also, intense F2 layer irregularities can contribute to the RO signal variations. A classification of the ionospheric influence on the GPS RO signals is introduced using the amplitude data, which indicates different mechanisms (local, diffraction, etc.) for radio waves propagation. The existence of regular mechanisms (e.g., local mechanism) indicates a potential for separating the regular and random parts in the ionospheric influence on the RO signals.  相似文献   

With the increasing global distribution of high rate dual-frequency global positioning system (GPS) receivers, the production of a real-time atmospheric constituent definition, total electron content (TEC), has become a beneficial contributor to the modeling applications used in the assessment of GPS position accuracy and the composition of the ionosphere, plasmasphere, and troposphere. Historically, TEC measurements have been obtained through post processing techniques to produce the quality of data necessary for modeling applications with rigorous error estimate requirements. These procedures necessitated the collection of large volumes of data to address the various abnormalities in the computation of TEC associated with the use of greater data quality controls and source selection while real-time modeling environments must rely on autonomous controls and filtration techniques to prevent the production of erroneous model results. In this paper we present methods for processing TEC in real time, which utilize several procedures including the application of an ionospheric model to automatically perform quality control on the TEC output and the computational techniques used to address receiver multipath, faulty receiver observations, cycle-slips, segmented processing, and receiver calibrations. The resulting TEC measurements are provided with rigorous error estimates validated using the vertical TEC from the Jason satellite mission.
Nelson A. BonitoEmail:

The performance of a three-dimensional ionospheric electron density model derived from FormoSat3/COSMIC GPS Radio Occultation measurements, called the TaiWan Ionosphere Model (TWIM), in removing the ionospheric delays in single-frequency pseudorange observations is presented. Positioning results using TWIM have been compared with positioning results using other ionospheric models, such as the Klobuchar (KLOB) and the global ionospheric model (GIM). C/A code pseudoranges have been observed at three International GPS Service reference stations that are representative of mid-latitude (BOR1 and IRKJ) and low-latitude (TWTF) regions of the ionosphere. The observations took place during 27 geomagnetically quiet days from April 2010 to October 2011. We perform separate solutions using the TWIM, KLOB, GIM ionospheric models and carry out a solution applying no ionospheric correction at all. We compute the daily mean horizontal errors (DMEAN) and the daily RMS (DRMS) for these solutions with respect to the published reference station coordinates. It has demonstrated that TEC maps generate using the TWIM exhibit a detailed structure of the ionosphere, particularly at low-latitude region, whereas the Klobuchar and the GIM only provide the basic diurnal and geographic features of the ionosphere. Also, it is shown that even for lower satellite elevations, the TWIM provides better positioning than the Klobuchar and GIM models. Specifically, using TWIM, the difference of the uncorrected solution (no ionospheric correction), and the other solutions, relative to the uncorrected solution, is 45 % for the mean horizontal error (DMEAN) and 42 % for the horizontal root-mean-square error (DRMS). Using Klobuchar and GIM, the percent for DMEAN only reaches to about 12 % and 3 %, while the values for the DRMS are only 12 and 4 %, respectively. In the vertical direction, all models have a percentage of about 99 and 70 % for the mean vertical error (VMEAN) and vertical root-mean-square error (VRMS), respectively. These percentages show the greater impact of TWIM on the ionospheric correction compared to the other models. In at least 40 % of the observed days and across all stations, TWIM has the smallest DMEAN, VMEAN, DRMS, and VRMS daily values. These values reach 100 % at station TWTF. This shows the overall performance of TWIM is better than the Klobuchar and GIM.  相似文献   

Radio occultation (RO) has been proven to be a powerful technique for ionospheric electron density profile (EDP) retrieval. The Abel inversion currently used in RO EDP retrieval has degraded performance in regions with large horizontal gradients because of an assumption of spherical symmetry as indicated by many studies. Some alternative methods have been proposed in the past; the global ionospheric map (GIM)-aided Abel inversion is most frequently studied. Since the number of RO observations will likely increase rapidly in the near future, it is worthwhile to continue to improve retrieval method. In this study, both the simulations and the real data test have been done to evaluate the GIM-aided Abel inversion method. It is found that the GIM-aided Abel inversion can significantly improve upon the standard Abel inversion in either the F or the E region if an accurate GIM is available. However, the current IGS GIM does not appear accurate enough to improve retrieval results significantly, because of the spherical symmetry assumption and sparse global navigation satellite system (GNSS) stations used in its creation. Generating accurate GIM based on dense GNSS network to aid the Abel inversion might be an alternative method.  相似文献   

Mitigating the impact of ionospheric cycle slips in GNSS observations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Processing of data from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), such as GPS, GLONASS and Galileo, can be considerably impeded by disturbances in the ionosphere. Cycle-slip detection and correction thus becomes a crucial component of robust software. Still, dealing with ionospheric cycle slips is not trivial due to scintillation effects in both the phase and the amplitude of the signals. In this contribution, a geometry-based approach with rigorous handling of the ionosphere is presented. A detailed analysis of the cycle-slip correction process is also tackled by examining its dependence on phase and code noise, non-dispersive effects and, of course, the ionosphere. The importance of stochastic modeling in validating the integer cycle-slip candidates is emphasized and illustrated through simulations. By examining the relationship between ionospheric bias and ionospheric constraint, it is shown that there is a limit in the magnitude of ionospheric delay variation that can be handled by the cycle-slip correction process. Those concepts are applied to GNSS data collected by stations in northern Canada, and show that enhanced cycle-slip detection can lead to decimeter-level improvements in the accuracy of kinematic PPP solutions with a 30-s sampling interval. Cycle-slip correction associated with ionospheric delay variations exceeding 50 cm is also demonstrated, although there are risks with such a procedure and these are pointed out.  相似文献   

The ionospheric radiance and electron density observed by the tiny ionospheric photometer (TIP) and GPS occultation experiment (GOX) payloads on FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC satellites are applied to determine the boundaries of the auroral oval and its width in the winter nighttime ionosphere for both hemispheres. The TIP collects ionospheric emission at 135.6 nm due to electron impact excitation, while the GOX offers ionospheric electron density profiles with radio occultation (RO) technique. Comparison between them shows similar patterns of the plasma structure in the polar caps. The mean width of the auroral bands ranges between about 2 and 11° latitude in the winter nighttime and it varies with longitudes. The comparison by month suggests that the mean radius of the auroral ovals varies with the intensity of the auroral radiance.  相似文献   

Effects of rapidly changing ionospheric weather are critical in high accuracy positioning, navigation, and communication applications. A system used to construct the global total electron content (TEC) distribution for monitoring the ionospheric weather in near-real time is needed in the modern society. Here we build the TEC map named Taiwan Ionosphere Group for Education and Research (TIGER) Global Ionospheric Map (GIM) from observations of ground-based GNSS receivers and space-based FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F3/C) GPS radio occultation observations using the spherical harmonic expansion and Kalman filter update formula. The TIGER GIM (TGIM) will be published in near-real time of 4-h delay with a spatial resolution of 2.5° in latitude and 5° in longitude and a high temporal resolution of every 5 min. The F3/C TEC results in an improvement on the GIM of about 15.5%, especially over the ocean areas. The TGIM highly correlates with the GIMs published by other international organizations. Therefore, the routinely published TGIM in near-real time is not only for communication, positioning, and navigation applications but also for monitoring and scientific study of ionospheric weathers, such as magnetic storms and seismo-ionospheric anomalies.  相似文献   

Doppler observations of Navy Navigation Satellites have been used to strengthen and extend many terrestrial geodetic networks. The main sources of errors in positions determined from these observations are random error of observations, random and systematic errors in satellite positions due to uncertainties in the gravity field, and biases in the coordinate system in which the satellite ephemeris is given. Effects of uncertainties in the gravity field on station coordinates computed with respect to a precise satellite ephemeris are reduced to about 70 cm after 20 satellite passes are observed, but systematic effects prevent assurance that additional observations will improve the accuracy further. A one part per million reduction in scale must be applied to positions computed with the ephemeris to obtain agreement with terrestrial and other precise determinations of scale. The origin of the system is coincident with the center of mass of the earth to 1 m accuracy but the polar axis may be tilted three to five meters at the earth's surface with respect to coordinate systems upon which star catalogues are based.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effect of the Abel inversion on the wave number 4 (WN4) structure from the GPS radio occultation (RO)–measured electron densities by using the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F-3/C) observations under the equinox condition. The Abel-retrieved electron density from both the F-3/C observations and the simulated results by an empirical model with an imposed WN4 structure in the F layer are investigated. It is found that the Abel inversion can reproduce the real WN4 structure well in the F2 layer. However, it will result in pseudo and reversed-phase WN4 structure in the lower altitude (F1 and E layers). Quantitatively, relative ±15% WN4 signature in the F2 layer can produce ±40% artificial WN4 in the E and F1 layers. Analysis on the F-3/C data shows about ±15% WN4 signature in the F2 layer and ±50% WN4 with reversed-phase in the E and F1 layers. The F-3/C-observed WN4 structure in the E and F1 layers might be the combinations of the real WN4 signature and the artificial effects of Abel retrieval.  相似文献   

Comparison of surface albedos derived from spaceborne radiometers with different spectral bands requires, first of all, the conversion of these quantities into common spectral intervals. This letter proposes a spectral conversion method specifically dedicated to surface albedo derived in a large-band instrument such as the solar channel onboard the Meteosat first-generation radiometer. This new method accounts for the retrieval algorithm assumptions and radiometer spectral limitations that might have an impact on the retrieved surface albedo in such a large band. It is also shown that the proposed approach has no impact when surface albedo is derived in narrow bands and confirms the results of previously published spectral conversion methods.  相似文献   

Vertical velocities of 30 European permanent Global Positioning System (GPS) stations at or close to tide gauge sites are estimated from more than 3 years of continuous observations. The results of two different solution strategies are presented and compared. The first approach accumulates the daily free network normal equations, the second introduces all sets of daily ellipsoidal height estimates and their covariance matrix into a subsequent common least squares adjustment. In both solutions, mean station heights at a reference epoch, linear vertical velocities, height discontinuities and short period height offsets are estimated. The second approach solves in addition for periodic annual signals and for site-specific pressure loading coefficients. The vertical velocities range from +8 mm/year in the center of the Fennoscandian uplift area to –4 mm/year at a few subsiding locations. Apart from these extrema, most of the sites experience only very small vertical motions. The standard deviations from the second approach providing more realistic error estimates are well below 0.15 mm/year. Some specific data problems are discussed.  相似文献   

Since 1995, the global positioning system (GPS) has been exploited by the means of the radio occultation (RO) method to obtain the vertical profiles of refractivity, temperature, pressure, and water vapor in the neutral atmosphere and electron density in the ionosphere. Applying the RO method to the study of the Earths atmosphere was demonstrated for the first time with the GPS/MET experiment. Since then, several satellites with GPS receivers, suitable for RO experiments, have been launched including Oersted, SUNSAT, CHAMP, SAC-C, and GRACE. Future RO investigations that are planned now include FORMOSAT3/COSMIC and Terra-SAR missions. New elements in the RO technology are required to meet the goals of improving the accuracy and broadening the potential of the RO method. In this paper, a methodological review of RO investigations is presented to emphasize new directions in applying the RO method: measuring the vertical gradients of the refractivity in the atmosphere and electron density in the lower ionosphere, determination of the temperature regime in the upper stratosphere, investigation of the internal wave activity in the atmosphere, and study of the ionospheric disturbances on a global scale. These new directions may be relevant for investigating the relationships between processes in the atmosphere and mesosphere, the study of thermal regimes in the intermediate heights of the upper stratosphere—lower mesosphere, and the analysis of the influence of the space weather phenomena on the lower ionosphere.  相似文献   

This study carries out a quantitative analysis of the performance of ionospheric tomography in the topside ionosphere, utilizing data of October 2011 collected from 260 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations in the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China. This tomographic reconstruction with a resolution of 2° in latitude, 2° in longitude and 20 km in altitude has more than 70 % of voxels traversed by GPS raypaths and is able to provide reliable bottom parts of ionospheric profiles. Compared with the observations measured by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites (F16, F17 and F18) at an altitude of 830–880 km, the results show that there is an overestimation in the reconstructed plasma density at the DMSP altitude, and the reconstruction is better during daytime than nighttime. In addition, the reconstruction at nighttime also indicates a solar activity and latitudinal dependence. In summary, with respect to DMSP measurements, the daytime bias is on average from ?0.32 × 105/cm3 to ?0.28 × 105/cm3, while the nighttime bias is between ?0.37 × 105/cm3 and ?0.24 × 105/cm3, and the standard deviation at daytime and at nighttime is, respectively, 0.082 × 105/cm3 to 0.244 × 105/cm3 and 0.086 × 105/cm3 to 0.428 × 105/cm3. This study suggests that vertical ionospheric profiles from other sources, such as ionosondes or GNSS occultation satellites, should be incorporated into ground-based GNSS topside tomographic studies.  相似文献   

陈志平 《测绘学报》2019,48(9):1204-1204
近20年来,频发的ENSO事件对地球环境造成了灾难性的破坏。由于传统的ENSO观测系统受到诸多限制因素的影响,难以进行长期持续的观测,阻碍了ENSO监测和预报工作的深入开展。GNSS掩星技术凭借其全球覆盖、高精度、高垂直分辨率、长期稳定、低成本且不易受干扰等优点,为ENSO观测提供了一种新的有效手段。由此,本文展开了COSMIC GNSS掩星技术的ENSO新观测系统的研究,尤其是对流层/下平流层(troposphere and lower stratosphere,TLS)大气中的比湿进行研究。提出从TLS比湿廓线中提取表征ENSO现象的指数(ENSO related signal,ENSORS),并研究了其与ENSO事件的相关性。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the quality of GPS radio occultation (RO) atmospheric excess phase data derived with single- and double-difference processing algorithms. A spectral analysis of 1 s GPS clock estimates indicates that a sampling interval of 1 s is necessary to adequately remove the GPS clock error with single-difference processing. One week (May 2–8, 2009) of COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 data are analyzed in a post-processed mode with four different processing strategies: (1) double-differencing with 1 s GPS ground data, (2) single-differencing with 30 s GPS clock estimates (standard COSMIC Data Analysis and Archival Center product), (3) single-differencing with 5 s GPS clocks, and (4) single-differencing with 1 s GPS clocks. Analyses of a common set of 5,596 RO profiles show that the neutral atmospheric bending angles and refractivities derived from single-difference processing with 1 s GPS clocks are the highest quality. The random noise of neutral atmospheric bending angles between 60 and 80 km heights is about 1.50e−6 rad for the single-difference cases and 1.74e−6 rad for double-differencing. An analysis of pairs of collocated soundings also shows that bending angles derived from single-differencing with 1 s GPS clocks are more consistent than with the other processing strategies. Additionally, the standard deviation of the differences between RO and high-resolution European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) refractivity profiles at 30 km height is 0.60% for single-differencing with 1 and 5 s GPS clocks, 0.68% for single-differencing with 30 s clocks, and 0.66% for double-differencing. A GPS clock-sampling interval of 1 s or less is required for single- and zero-difference processing to achieve the highest quality excess atmospheric phase data for RO applications.  相似文献   

GNSS observations provided by the global tracking network of the International GNSS Service (IGS, Dow et al. in J Geod 83(3):191–198, 2009) play an important role in the realization of a unique terrestrial reference frame that is accurate enough to allow a detailed monitoring of the Earth’s system. Combining these ground-based data with GPS observations tracked by high-quality dual-frequency receivers on-board low earth orbiters (LEOs) is a promising way to further improve the realization of the terrestrial reference frame and the estimation of geocenter coordinates, GPS satellite orbits and Earth rotation parameters. To assess the scope of the improvement on the geocenter coordinates, we processed a network of 53 globally distributed and stable IGS stations together with four LEOs (GRACE-A, GRACE-B, OSTM/Jason-2 and GOCE) over a time interval of 3 years (2010–2012). To ensure fully consistent solutions, the zero-difference phase observations of the ground stations and LEOs were processed in a common least-squares adjustment, estimating all the relevant parameters such as GPS and LEO orbits, station coordinates, Earth rotation parameters and geocenter motion. We present the significant impact of the individual LEO and a combination of all four LEOs on the geocenter coordinates. The formal errors are reduced by around 20% due to the inclusion of one LEO into the ground-only solution, while in a solution with four LEOs LEO-specific characteristics are significantly reduced. We compare the derived geocenter coordinates w.r.t. LAGEOS results and external solutions based on GPS and SLR data. We found good agreement in the amplitudes of all components; however, the phases in x- and z-direction do not agree well.  相似文献   

In this article, initial results are presented of a method to improve fast carrier phase ambiguity resolution over longer baselines (with lengths up to about 200 km). The ionospheric delays in the global positioning system (GPS) data of these long baselines mainly hamper successful integer ambiguity resolution, a prerequisite to obtain precise positions within very short observation time spans. A way to correct the data for significant ionospheric effects is to have a GPS user operate within an active or permanently operating network use ionospheric estimates from this network. A simple way to do so is to interpolate these ionospheric estimates based on the expected spatial behaviour of the ionospheric delays. In this article such a technique is demonstrated for the Dutch Active Control Network (AGRS.NL). One hour of data is used from 4 of the 5 reference stations to obtain very precise ionospheric corrections after fixing of the integer ambiguities within this network. This is no problem because of the relatively long observation time span and known positions of the stations of the AGRS.NL. Next these interpolated corrections are used to correct the GPS data from the fifth station for its ionospheric effects. Initial conclusions about the performance of this technique are drawn in terms of improvement of integer ambiguity resolution for this baseline. ? 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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