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Knowledge on valley formation and palaeohydrology of the Yarlung Zhangbo (named Brahmaputra south of the Himalayas) is still in an early stage. Research was conducted in the middle valley reach around Gonggar in order to investigate the sediment properties, age and palaeoenvironmental implication of a widespread aggradational valley terrace. This heavily dissected terrace, lying c. 25 m above the present floodplain, consists of topping aeolian and colluvial deposits, intermediate lacustrine fines and basal fluvial sands. Sedimentological properties of the lacustrine layers suggest a cold-climate depositional environment. Geochemical data refer to a common provenance of all sediments investigated from a regional catchment area, implying a local provenance of topping loesses and sands by aeolian sorting of nearby fluvial deposits. OSL dates, representing the first luminescence dating effort partly applied to non-aeolian sediments in this valley, cluster closely in the interval 11.7 ± 0.8–17.4 ± 1.4 ka. During the Late Pleistocene (until c. 16 ka) the investigated middle valley reach around Gonggar was occupied by a lake attaining an extension of at least 100 km.  相似文献   

在巢湖杭埠河流域中的古湖盆中心——三河圩区获取28.6 m长的湖相岩芯(SZK1507孔),利用AMS14C测年技术建立可靠的地层年代序列,通过对SZK1507孔738 cm以上段湖相沉积物平均粒径、磁化率、总氮(TN)、总有机碳(TOC)及C/N的综合分析,高分辨率重建了巢湖杭埠河流域全新世以来的古环境演变过程.结果表明,本区域的环境变化过程可以分为4个阶段,阶段Ⅰ(约10050—9700 cal.a B.P.)与阶段Ⅲ(约9250—5300 cal.a B.P.)气候较为湿润,巢湖水位较高,平均粒径、磁化率值较低,TN、TOC、C/N也偏低;阶段Ⅱ(约9700—9250 cal.a B.P.)与阶段Ⅳ(约5300 cal.a B.P.以来)气候干燥,巢湖水量减少,水位降低,平均粒径、磁化率值、TN、TOC、C/N均较高.一些全球范围内显著发生的气候突变事件在SZK1507孔沉积记录中也有体现,如9.3、8.2和4.2 ka B.P.事件等.将巢湖杭埠河流域10000 cal.a B.P.以来的平均粒径、磁化率、TN、TOC、C/N沉积记录与全新世以来的北纬30°夏季太阳辐射量、太阳黑子数、火山喷发对大气中硫酸盐含量贡献率等进行对比,发现巢湖杭埠河流域全新世气候突变事件主要受控于北半球夏季太阳辐射量变化、太阳活动以及火山活动等因素,并与它们之间复杂的响应机制有关.  相似文献   

为了探究拉萨河中下游浮游植物群落优势种生态位及种间联结性,本文选取拉萨河中下游干流及其支流作为研究地点,设置了17个样点,于2015年5月、8月和2016年11月共采集了3个水文期的水样。通过定量样品和活体观察相结合的方法鉴定浮游植物物种,使用直接计数法统计浮游植物数量,共鉴定393种,隶属于6门8纲24目48科100属。计算优势种的优势度指数(Y),运用生态位宽度、生态位重叠值和生态响应速率、总体联结性、χ2检验以及共同岀现百分比分析优势种的生态位及种间联结性。结果表明:浮游植物整体为硅藻绿藻蓝藻型群落特征,浮游植物优势种(Y>0.02)共19种,均隶属硅藻门,其中尖针杆藻(Synedra acus)、双头针杆藻(S. amphicephala)等7个优势种是3个水文期的共有优势种,优势种岀现频率和优势度在不同水文期均有差异。优势种的生态位宽度变化范围为0.089~0.751,双头针杆藻在3个水文期均为优势种且生态位宽度值均大于0.5,表现出较强的生态适应性,属广生态位种;短小曲壳藻(Achnathes exigua)种间相互竞争激烈且生境趋向于特化,可作...  相似文献   

龙门山南段前陆区晚第四纪构造变形样式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

龙门山中南段前陆区是青藏高原东缘唯一发育新生代薄皮构造与沉积盆地的地段,研究其最新构造变形样式有助于深入理解青藏高原向东扩展的构造机理.论文通过青衣江河流阶地测量与古青衣江洪积扇形态重建,研究了龙门山南段前陆区晚第四纪活动构造格局及其活动性,取得了如下认识:(1)青衣江河流阶地纵剖面显示,龙门山南段前陆地区晚第四纪变形主要为褶皱作用,总体地壳缩短速率为2.5~3.9 mm·a-1,远大于山区冲断带0.48~0.77 mm·a-1的地壳缩短速率,地壳缩短主要由前陆地区吸收;(2)青衣江古洪积扇错断变形显示,龙门山南段前陆区活动构造表现为北西—南东向地壳缩短与近东西向的地壳缩短的叠加作用,两者分别受控于巴颜喀拉块体南东向推挤作用与川滇块体向东推挤作用;(3)自中新世初川滇块体向南东挤出,四川盆地西南角起到分流青藏高原物质的作用,其西南侧物质通过鲜水河—小江断裂带的左旋错动向南东方向分流,其西北侧物质通过龙门山断裂带的右旋错动向北东方向分流,迎面受到了最大的推挤作用,进而向前陆扩展形成了薄皮褶皱构造带.


As the most import fault of the Late Pleistocene in the Lhasa area,the Nalinlaka fault is a left-lateral thrust fault,striking NWW,dipping SSW with a high dip angle,and extending over 33km.According to studies on the latest strata on the Nalinlaka fault zone,this fault zone has been obviously active since the Late Pleistocene and the movement left behind some geomorphologic phenomena on the earth's surface,especially at the sites of the gully west of Cijiaolin and around Xiecun village.For example,some rivers,ridges and terraces are displaced,forming beheaded gullies and fault escarps.The horizontal displacements since the Late Pleistocene at the above two places are 54m ~ 87m,20m ~ 67m,respectively.Based on studies on the 4 trenches along the fault using the progressive constraining method,we conclude that there might have been 5 paleoearthquake events along the Nalinlaka fault since 70ka B.P.,the ages of each paleoearthquake are 68.53,54.40, 41.23,21.96,9.86ka B.P.,and the average recurrence interval is 14.67ka.Because of the limits of trenches and earthquake events exposed by each trench,no single trench completely revealed all 5 events.There may therefore be some errors in determining the upper and lower limits of some events in this article.  相似文献   

青藏高原现代气候与环境存在着明显的区域差异。高原西北部的西昆仑山甜水 海地区是高原上气候最干旱的区域。作者于1995年6月在该区海拔4840m的湖盆首次打钻取芯(TS95孔),获得57m湖泊岩芯,经对样品的实验室测年和多项环境指标分析,表明,TS95孔岩芯覆盖了距今240-17ka间的时间尺度。期间,经历了倒数第二次冰期,末次间冰期,末次冰期早期,末次冰期间冰阶和末次冰盛期几个气候变化阶段。岩芯中  相似文献   

Taking the Chagelebulu Stratigraphic Profile as a typical example, a comprehensive study has been conducted to elucidate the palaeoclimatic and geomorphic evolution patterns in the southern fringe of the Badain Jaran Desert, which were found to be complex and polycyclic in the past 130 ka. However, the fluctuating magnitude is not as remarkable as that in the eastern China sandy region. The shift in climate from interglacial to glacial and the uplift process of the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau are the two leading forces driving the evolution of the climate and desert landforms in this area. Seventeen cycles of cold, dry and warm, humid climatic stages were recognized in the Upper Pleistocene Series of the profile. The sharp uplift of the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau superimposed a cool and arid climatic trend in this area. As a result of the climatic changes, the desert in this area has undergone multiple stages of expansion and contraction since 130 ka bp . The middle Holocene Epoch and the early stage of the Late Pleistocene Period were the main periods when the sand dunes became stabilized, and the early and late phases of the Holocene Epoch and late phase of the Pleistocene Epoch were the main periods when the previously stabilized sand dunes became mobile. The late phase of the Pleistocene Epoch was the most mobile stage, when the aeolian sand activities formed the essential geomorphic pattern of the Badain Jaran Desert. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A dated landscape history of the Allt nan Uamh valley in the Assynt area is constructed, spanning the last 300 ka, using geomorphological analysis, U-series speleothem dating, and existing cave surveys. The mean rate of valley deepening is estimated to lie between 47 and 68 m per glacial/interglacial cycle of 100 ka. This, combined with an estimated duration of glaciation, implies glacial erosion rates of about 2 mm a−1, in agreement with modern process measurements. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment stratigraphy of a 4 m thick intercalated Holocene alluvial fill and valley floor peat at a site in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland, has been dated by a series of eight 14C assays, and related to a previously analysed pollen record. The sequence extends from the earliest Holocene until c. 2800 cal. BP . Prior to the onset of peat inception, substantial amounts of channel-trenching can be demonstrated to have occurred in the Milfield Basin during the Loch Lomond Stadial. There is no measurable early Holocene accelerated fluvial activity, but a major flooding event occurred at c. 7500 cal. BP , much earlier than recorded elsewhere in the region. The explanation for this is not clear. However, the cessation of mid-Holocene overbank sedimentation at c. 4000–3500 cal. BP is tentatively correlated with slope stability associated with woodland regeneration. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sediment budget for the Late Glacial and Holocene periods was calculated for the Lac Chambon watershed which is located in a formerly glaciated temperate crystalline mountain area. It appears that over 15 500 years: (1) 69 per cent of eroded particles have been displaced by gravity processes and then stored within the watershed, compared to 31 per cent that have been displaced by running water and evacuated outward; (2) the mean mechanical erosion due to gravity processes on the slopes amounted to 16·1 ±6 m and only developed on a quarter of the watershed surface, whereas the mean mechanical erosion due to running water amounted 1·24 ± 0·37 m and involved the whole watershed surface. The mean sediment yields due to gravity processes on slopes were 2300 ± 1360, 1770 ± 960 and 380 ± 100 m3 km−3 a−1, respectively, for basalts, and basic and acidic trachyandesites. Values of sediment yield due to running water were 49±15, 120±36 and 79±24 m3 km−2 a−1, respectively, during the Bôlling–Allerôd, the Younger Dryas and the Pre-Boreal–Boreal periods. They were 56±17 and 166±50 m3 km−2 a−1 during the Sub-Atlantic period before and after 1360 a BP , respectively. These values reflect variations in the natural environment and the impact of human-induced deforestation. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The runoff and sediment of large rivers usually come from different source areas, which make different contributions to the sediment flux into the sea. This has been studied with the example of the Yellow River in China, whose suspended sediment flux into the Bohai Sea accounts for 19.4% of the world total. The drainage basin of this river can be divided into four major water and sediment source areas. The sediment flux into the sea is found to be closely related to the water and sediment from the different source areas in the drainage basin and, accordingly, an empirical regression model has been established to express this relationship. According to this model, in each tonne (t) of sediment from the fine sediment producing area (FSA), 0.85 t (for yearly series) and 0.72 t (for event series) can be transported into the sea; in each tonne of sediment from the coarse sediment producing area (CSA), only 0.21 t (for yearly series) and 0.34 t (for event series) can be transported into the sea. Since the 1970s, the Yellow River's sediment flux into the sea has declined markedly and this reduction can be attributed to a great degree to the soil control measures in the fine sediment producing area. Coupling the models of this study to the previously established models for estimating the impacts of soil control measures on water and sediment balance in the Yellow River basin, a quantitative prediction may be made for the change of sediment flux into the sea that might result from climate change and human activities in the future.  相似文献   

The variability of Quaternary landforms preserved in the Tabernas basin of southeast (SE) Spain raises numerous questions concerning the roles of external forcing mechanisms (e.g. tectonics and/or climate) and internal landscape properties (e.g. lithological controls) in the evolution of the basin‐wide fluvial system over Late Quaternary timescales. In this study, we apply the FLUVER2 numerical model to investigate the significance of these landscape controls upon patterns of landscape evolution. We highlight the complications of generating realistic input datasets for use in the modelling of long‐term landscape evolution (e.g. discharge and runoff datasets). Model outputs are compared to extensive field mapping of fluvial terraces, their sedimentary architecture and optically stimulated luminescence dating results of the terraces. The results demonstrate the significance of non‐linear rates of flexural tectonic uplift towards the west of the Tabernas Basin which have controlled base levels throughout the Quaternary and promoted the formation of a series of diverging fluvial terraces. Our numerical model results further highlight the importance of climate cycles upon river terrace formation. Basin‐wide aggradation events were modelled during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to 5 and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as supported by field evidence. This aggradational pattern supports the regional hypothesis of terrace formation during global glacial cycles and cold‐to‐warm stage transitions and supports the use of sea surface temperature climate proxy data in the modelling exercise. The availability of sediments derived from the surrounding hillslopes and adjacent alluvial fans explains the generation of substantial terrace aggradations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Factors influencing sediment transport and storage within the 156·6 km2 drainage basin of Pancho Rico Creek (PRC), and sediment transport from the PRC drainage basin to its c. 11 000 km2 mainstem drainage (Salinas River) are investigated. Numeric age estimates are determined by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating on quartz grains from three sediment samples collected from a ‘quaternary terrace a (Qta)’ PRC terrace/PRC‐tributary fan sequence, which consists dominantly of debris flow deposits overlying fluvial sediments. OSL dating results, morphometric analyses of topography, and field results indicate that the stormy climate of the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition caused intense debris‐flow erosion of PRC‐tributary valleys. However, during that time, the PRC channel was backfilled by Qta sediment, which indicates that there was insufficient discharge in PRC to transport the sediment load produced by tributary‐valley denudation. Locally, Salinas Valley alluvial stratigraphy lacks any record of hillslope erosion occurring during the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition, in that the alluvial fan formed where PRC enters the Salinas Valley lacks lobes correlative to Qta. This indicates that sediment stripped from PRC tributaries was mostly trapped in Pancho Rico Valley despite the relatively moist climate of the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition. Incision into Qta did not occur until PRC enlarged its drainage basin by c. 50% through capture of the upper part of San Lorenzo Creek, which occurred some time after the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition. During the relatively dry Holocene, PRC incision through Qta and into bedrock, as well as delivery of sediment to the San Ardo Fan, were facilitated by the discharge increase associated with stream‐capture. The influence of multiple mechanisms on sediment storage and transport in the Pancho Rico Valley‐Salinas Valley system exemplifies the complexity that (in some instances) must be recognized in order to correctly interpret terrestrial sedimentary sequences in tectonically active areas. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Kangmar Massif which has been attributed to the North Himalayan Belt of two-mica granites in southern Tibet (China) is shown to be an orthogneiss in the core of a dome which displays an intermediate high-pressure type metamorphism, Himalayan in age (40 to 20 Ma) and above the Main Central Sheet. This metamorphism took place during high shear strain deformation, and it is not recorded to the west where North Himalayan plutons have developed contact metamorphism.  相似文献   

Effective river management strategies require an understanding of how fluvial processes vary both spatially and temporally. Here, we examine the natural range of variability in the Conejos River Valley, southern Colorado, through documentation of terrace morphostratigraphic and sedimentological characteristics as well as through investigation of sediment contributions from headwaters, hillslopes and tributary streams. Additionally, soil development and radiocarbon ages, together with local and regional paleoclimate reconstructions, were used to infer the range of processes acting in this system. Since de‐glaciation, the Conejos River has fluctuated between episodes of bedrock strath formation, aggradation and vertical incision. Morphostratigraphic relationships, soil development and radiocarbon ages enable us to propose a chronology for periods of alluvial deposition (around 8·9–7·6 ka, 5·5 ka and from 3·5 to 1·1 ka), separated by intervals of fluvial incision. We infer potential forcing mechanisms by utilizing multiple working hypotheses. Specifically, we discuss the potential for increases in sediment supply during periods of (1) para‐glacial adjustment, (2) climatic cooling, (3) increased frequency of climate change and (4) increased fire frequency or severity. We also consider the effects of changes in stream discharge and extreme storm occurrence. We conclude that combinations of these processes, operating at different times, have contributed to sediment mobilization since de‐glaciation. Stream and landform morphology also varies longitudinally due to the influence of remnant glacial topography. In particular, valley bottom overdeepening at tributary junctions has resulted in incision and strath formation into unlithified glacial deposits (i.e. fill‐cut terraces) rather than bedrock in some reaches. Overall, the Conejos fluvial system has varied significantly both temporally and spatially since de‐glaciation and appears to be sensitive to changes in sediment supply related to Holocene scale climate fluctuations. This natural range of variability must therefore be a key consideration in any future stream management policies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 190 ka during late Quaternary from core MD01-2393 off the Mekong River in the southern South China Sea are reported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. The dominating clay mineral components indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with high glacial illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents and high interglacial smectites content. The provenance analysis indicates the direct input of clay minerals via the Mekong River drainage basin. Illite and chlorite derived mainly from the upper reach of the Mekong River, where physical erosion of meta-sedimentary rocks is dominant. Kaolinite derived mainly from active erosion of inhered clays from reworked sediments in the middle reaches. Smectites originated mainly through bisiallitic soils in the middle to lower reaches of the Mekong River. The smectites/(illite+chlorite) and smectites/kaolinite ratios are determined as mineralogical indicato  相似文献   

We present new data about the morphological and stratigraphic evolution and the rates of fluvial denudation of the Tavoliere di Puglia plain, a low‐relief landscape representing the northernmost sector of the Pliocene‐Pleistocene foredeep of the southern Apennines. The study area is located between the easternmost part of the southern Apennine chain and the Gargano promontory and it is characterized by several orders of terraced fluvial deposits, disconformably overlying lower Pleistocene marine clay and organized in a staircase geometry, which recorded the emersion and the long‐term incision history of this sector since mid‐Pleistocene times. We used the spatial and altimetric distribution of several orders of middle to late Pleistocene fluvial terraces in order to perform paleotopographic reconstruction and GIS‐aided eroded volumes estimates. Then, we estimated denudation rates on the basis of the terraces chronostratigraphy, supported by published OSL and AAR dating. Middle to upper Pleistocene denudation rates estimated by means of such an approach are slightly lower than 0.1 mm yr‐1, in good agreement with short‐term data from direct and indirect evaluation of suspended sediment yield. The analysis of longitudinal river profiles using the stream power erosion model provided additional information on the incision rates of the studied area. Middle to late Quaternary uplift rates (about 0.15 mm yr‐1), calculated on the basis of the elevation above sea level of marine deposits outcropping in the easternmost sector of the study area, are quite similar to the erosion rates average value, thus suggesting a steady‐state fluvial incision. The approach adopted in this work has demonstrated that erosion rates traditionally obtained by quantitative geomorphic analysis and ksn estimations can be successfully integrated to quantify rates of tectonic or geomorphological processes of a landscape approaching steady‐state equilibrium. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

拉萨地块林周盆地白垩系红层的古地磁数据一直都有较大争议.过去认为磁倾角变浅可能是造成这些分歧的主要原因.我们在林周盆地设兴组背斜两翼进行了系统的古地磁采样,15个采样点的特征剩磁分量在倾斜校正和倾伏褶皱校正后平均方向为D=339.3°,I=22.9°(α_(95)=5.1°).特征剩磁分量在大约69%展开时获得最大集中,表明其为同褶皱重磁化;此时平均方向为D=339.1°,I=27.3°(α_(95)=4.1°),对应的古地磁极为65.4°N,327.5°E(A_(95)=3.5°),参考点29.3°N/88.5°E的古纬度为15.0°N±3.5°.薄片镜下分析显示赤铁矿为次生矿物,岩石磁组构(AMS)也表现为过渡型构造变形组构.样品的特征剩磁方向应为重磁化的结果,E/I(elongation vs inclination)校正法显示特征剩磁方向并没有发生倾角变浅.根据区域构造,重磁化时代约为72.4±1.8 Ma到64.4±0.6 Ma.综合考虑拉萨地块东西部的古地磁数据以及地震层析成像资料后我们认为,碰撞前拉萨地块大约呈NW-SE向准线性分布,并处于~10°N-15.0°N;自~70 Ma以来,拉萨地块与稳定欧亚大陆之间至少存在1200±400 km(11.1°±3.5°)的南北向构造缩短量;印度大陆与欧亚大陆的碰撞不应晚于55 Ma.  相似文献   

The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone.  相似文献   

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