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Paleomagnetic measurements were made on samples from Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian aged rocks from the Omulevka terrane, northeast Russia. The Omulevka terrane is a fragment of continental margin that forms a major component of the Kolyma–Omolon superterrane, a superterrane that constitutes the core of northeast Russia. All samples were collected from sites along the Taskan river, and all showed a very strong secondary overprint and in some cases more than one. With detailed thermal demagnetization, a component of magnetization that decayed towards the origin when viewed as an orthogonal plot was commonly present and showed better clustering of magnetization directions in stratigraphic coordinates. All of the sites sampled were tilted, but none had enough variation in bedding attitude to perform fold tests. Comparing data between localities was used as a pseudo fold test and indicates that in all but one case the characteristic remanent magnetization found represents a magnetization acquired very early in the history of the rock. Interpretation of these data in terms of both virtual pole positions and paleolatitude changes with time shows that the Omulevka terrane and the adjacent Omolon terrane were together at low latitudes in Silurian and Devonian time and until late Devonian their latitude was consistent with them being closely related to the Siberian Craton. Between Devonian and Permian times, the paleolatitudes of the terranes decreased and, when compared with equivalent reference paleolatitudes for the nearby Siberian platform, show a clear latitudinal separation. From Permian to Jurassic time, the Omulevka and Omolon terranes move steadily northwards, reducing the relative latitudinal separation from Siberia. By late Jurassic to early Cretaceous time, the observed and equivalent Siberian paleolatitudes are identical, indicating the accretion of the Kolyma–Omolon superterrane to the eastern Siberian continent.  相似文献   

新时期,地质分析理论在国土空间规划领域的应用日益广泛。为进一步优化关中盆地国土空间格局,从抓住关键因素、科学定量评价、阈值标准有据、结果可信适用的思路出发,该研究提出了基于木桶理论、风险理论和边际理论的资源环境承载能力和国土空间开发适宜性评价(简称“双评价”)理论框架与技术方法,并应用于关中盆地的双评价实践工作中。基于木桶理论,识别关中盆地活动断裂、地质灾害、富硒土地、引汉济渭水资源等4项关键因素;基于边际理论,开展资源承载能力评价;基于风险理论,开展地质环境承载能力、国土空间适宜性和地质安全评价;在单因素评价的基础上开展综合评价;将综合评价结果与区域国土空间开发现状或规划结果做叠加分析,调整和优化区域发展“三区三线”。研究结果表明基于木桶-风理-边际理论的双评价方法可行,评价结果可信:关中盆地87%的土地属于适宜农业生产和城镇化建设;尤其是引汉济渭工程使关中盆地成为承接东部人口和GDP发展的最佳地区;国土空间开发保护中要珍惜集中连片分布的富硒土地,作为永久农田予以保护;禁止在活动断裂分布范围和地质灾害高危险区进行工程建设,以国土空间规划和用途管制为抓手,从源头防控地震与地质灾害风险。  相似文献   

Deborah F. Shmueli 《Geoforum》2008,39(6):2048-2061
When applied to environmental concerns, framing offers a rigorous conceptual and analytic approach with potentially practical significance for dealing with complex issues relevant to geography. The purpose of this article is to introduce framing concepts, typology and modes of analysis to address issues which geographers commonly treat: disputes over land ownership and uses, competition for water resources, cultural clashes over control of territory and resources and the impact of spatial patterns and structures when siting noxious sites. Framing analysis is applied to three cases of environmental conflict in Israel and, more generally, for understanding conflicts revolving around the management of human habitats in relation to the physical environment.  相似文献   

Enumerating active hydrothermal fields on the seafloor has been a challenge since their discovery almost 40 years ago. High-temperature hydrothermal fields are readily discoverable, primarily by detecting mineral-laden plumes, but low-temperature, particle-poor vent fields resist discovery. Decades of exploration for vent fields have covered, though often cursorily, about one-third of the global lengths of both oceanic spreading ridges (OSRs) and volcanic arcs, identifying some 630 active vent fields. About 80% of these fields are on OSRs, and the spatial frequency of those fields is currently estimated as ∼0.5–5/100 km, generally increasing with spreading rate. Over the last decade, however, a few detailed surveys have added sensors capable of detecting ephemeral chemical tracers (oxidation-reduction potential) in addition to standard sensors that detect quasi-conservative optical tracers (such as light backscattering). This approach has revealed a new view of the distribution of venting fields along fast-spreading (>55 mm/yr) OSRs. Studies of four such ridge sections totaling 1470 km length suggest that the present inventory of vent fields may underestimate the true global population of vent fields on fast-spreading OSRs by a factor of 3–6. This increase implies that ridge axes are unexpectedly “leaky” reservoirs, from which hydrothermal fluids escape at far more sites than presently assumed; that the supply of dissolved hydrothermal iron, which may be fertilizing the primary production of the Southern Ocean, is higher than now calculated; and that present estimates of recoverable sulfide tonnage from ridge axes may be too low. Along slow-spreading ridges, which account for 60% of the global OSR length and 86% of known sulfide tonnage, expansive axial valleys present special exploration challenges that will not be easily overcome.  相似文献   

The small village of Christian Malford, Wiltshire (UK) is known to palaeontologists the world over because of the chance discovery of an astonishing fossil bonanza in the mid-nineteenth century. Pits in the Jurassic Oxford Clay yielded thousands of specimens of exquisitely preserved ammonites, fish and crustaceans, but became most famous for squid-like cephalopods and belemnites (collectively termed coleoids) with fossilized soft-parts. The precise location of the find has remained obscure, until now, and a new attempt is underway to understand the ancient environment that triggered this unusual preservation.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous succession in the Donets Basin hosts about 130 seams, each with a thickness over 0.45 m. Nine economically important seams from the (south)western Donets Basin are studied using organic petrographical, inorganic geochemical, and organic geochemical techniques. The main aim of the study is the reconstruction of peat facies of Serpukhovian (Mississippian) and Moscovian (Middle Pennsylvanian) coals.Formation of major coal seams commenced during Serpukhovian times. Early Serpukhovian coal accumulated in a relatively narrow shore-zone and is rich in inertinite and liptinite. Very low ash yields, low to moderate sulphur contents, and upward increasing inertinite contents suggest coal deposition in raised mires.Moscovian coal has a significantly wider lateral extension and is generally rich in vitrinite. Coal properties vary widely in response to different peat facies. Low-sulphur, low-ash k7 coal was formed in a raised mire or in a low-lying mire without detrital input. l1 and l3 seams containing several fluvial partings were formed in low-lying mires. Both seams are more than 2 m thick. Seams m2 and m3 contain high-sulphur coal, a consequence of deposition in a peat with marine influence. In contrast, syngenetic sulphur content is low in the m51 upper seam, which was formed in a lacustrine setting. The late Moscovian n1 seam, up to 2.4 m thick, accumulated in a swamp with a vegetation rich in bryophytes and pteridophytes. The properties of the n1 seam are transitional between those of Serpukhovian and other Moscovian seams. Differences in maceral composition between Serpukhovian and Moscovian coals probably reflect changes in climate and vegetation type.Tuff layers are observed in the l1, l3, and m3 seams. The l3 and m3 seams contain abundant authigenic quartz. Trace element contents are high in many seams. As contents are especially high in seams c102, k7, l3 and m3. Ash in the l3 seam contains up to 8000 ppm As. Co is enriched near the base of several seams. Maxima up to 2400 ppm occur in the ash of the k7 and l3 seams. Cd contents in ash are frequently as high as 30 or 40 ppm.  相似文献   

B. Ilbery  D. Maye 《Geoforum》2006,37(3):352-367
Local food is championed as one alternative response to industrial systems of food production and supply. While advocacy for local food is high, there is a lack of empirical evidence about the actual shape and scale of such food supply chains, especially from a retail perspective. Using supply chain diagrams, this paper presents a summary of ‘new’ agro-food geographies for five different retail types—farm shops, butchers, caterers, specialist shops, supermarkets/department stores—that all source local food from suppliers in the Scottish-English borders. Presented as five separate ‘shopping trips’, the paper examines where, how and why retailers source local food. Results reveal the complex nature of local food systems, especially in terms of intra-sector competitive dynamics (with a notable tension between direct forms of retail and established (independent) retailers), links and overlaps with ‘normal’ food retail systems and elastic notions of the ‘local’. The paper also draws a key distinction between locally produced and locally supplied food products.  相似文献   

林丰增 《华东地质》2021,42(4):409-418
新时期市级国土空间总体规划具有开拓性和创新性,是我国国土空间规划体系的重要组成部分,既要起到承上启下的传导作用,又要解决前期各类空间规划体系、时限、标准、成果形式等矛盾,实现"一张图"。以福建省宁德市为例,基于新时期国土空间规划的新属性,明确了国土空间规划的基本内容,提出本轮宁德市国土空间总体规划中存在的主要问题为:土地资源紧缺,城镇拓展空间受限;城区量级较低,联动效应不强;综合配套不足,港口建设优势不明显;生态安全尚存风险,城市韧性有待加强。基于宁德市发展使命和目标,认为新时期宁德市国土空间总体规划的发展策略为:做好生态优先、绿色发展理念下的空间要素配置,完善以人民为中心的城乡人居环境规划,实施公共政策属性导向下的空间规划治理。建议市级国土空间规划,要以"三调"为抓手、以问题为导向、以底线为约束,立足全域,建立国土空间格局,探索构建形成一张层次传导、统筹、动态的"蓝图",有助于提升国土空间规划及空间治理能力。  相似文献   

The article describes a new form of transnational environmental conflict that developed in the wake of globalisation. Activist in this new type of conflict still act as proxies of groups under pressure but in contrast to transnational environmental conflicts hitherto the target of their protests is rather their own society at home than the location of the pressured group. Despite these conditions it is claimed that this type of metaphorical conflict is going to become more frequent as alliances are built along the oppostion to a dominant discourse. According to the model, conflicts of values are easier to transfer on stages abroad or across the Atlantic than conflicts of interests and motivation for activists is higher as the return is affecting their home society. Dynamic and features of this type of conflict are explained with help of discourse theory.  相似文献   

The paper examines the prospects for resource-based development in the Russian Far East. It adopts a critical perspective on the potential for resource-based development by examining problems with Far East resource industries, specifically by looking at the experience of the other resource economies more generally. In particular, it highlights the new geo-economic context for resource development in the Far East of Russia as the world economy approaches the much touted, and now questioned, ‘Pacific Century’.  相似文献   

Summary The historical trend in mine development has been the adoption of larger and more capital-intensive methods of production. Such methods have profited from the relatively low costs of investment capital and the reduction in unit costs afforded by technical economies of scale. More recently, rising real rates of interest have increased the investment costs of these capital-intensive mining ventures, amplifying their inherent financial diseconomies of scale and decreasing their economic viability.This paper used an economic framework to analyse the effects of rising rates of interest on the optimal level of capital investment and ultimate scale of operation. The conclusion suggests that rising real rates of interest can cause financial diseconomies to dominate the technical economies of scale. Under such circumstances, those mineral deposits more amenable to smaller scales of mining will prove economically superior to larger scaled operations.  相似文献   

In the early stages of economic development in Korea, national territorial planning was used as a policy tool to guide spatial structure and to provide physical infrastructure for urban and industrial development. Such a top-down approach was inevitable because Korea maintained the centralized political and government system until the early 1990s. Circumstances, however, have changed recently since the 1990s with progress in democratization and localization. In addition, forces of globalization are making significant impacts on the parameters of national territorial planning. Reflecting these changes in both internal and external conditions, the Fourth National Territorial Plan (2000–2020) has adopted a different approach from the past three territorial plans. This paper reviews the socio-economic background that necessitated such changes in approaches to national territorial planning. A major thrust of the Fourth Plan, a focus on emergent or anticipated planning issues in Korea, is discussed. Finally, the paper examines the rationale for long-term strategic planning in the highly fluctuating situation facing Korean society in the new century.  相似文献   

Evolution of sedimentary systems at large temporal and spatial scales cannot be scaled down to laboratory dimensions by conventional hydraulic Froude scaling. Therefore, many researchers question the validity of experiments aiming to simulate this evolution. Yet, it has been shown that laboratory experiments yield stratigraphic responses to allocyclic forcing that are remarkably similar to those in real‐world prototypes, hinting at scale independency with strong dependence on boundary conditions but weak dependence on the actual sediment transport dynamics. This paper addresses the dilemma by contrasting sediment transport rules that apply in the laboratory with those that apply in real‐world geological systems. It is demonstrated that the generation of two‐dimensional stratigraphy in a flume can be simulated numerically by the non‐linear diffusion equation. Sediment transport theory is used to demonstrate that only suspension‐dominated meandering rivers should be simulated with linear diffusion. With increasing grain‐size (coarse sand to gravel) and shallowness of river systems, the prediction of long‐term transport must be simulated by non‐linear, slope‐dependent diffusion to allow for increasing transport rates and thus change in stratigraphic style. To point out these differences in stratigraphic style, three stages in infill of accommodation have been defined here: (i) a start‐up stage, when the system is prograding to base level (e.g. the shelf edge) with no sediment flux beyond the base‐level point; (ii) a fill‐up stage, when the system is further aggrading while progressively more sediment is bypassing base level with the progression of the infill; and (iii) a keep‐up stage, when more than 90% of the input is bypassing the base level and less than 10% is used for filling the accommodation. By plotting the rate of change in flux for various degrees of non‐linearity (varying the exponent in the diffusion equation) it was found that the error between model and real‐world prototype is largest for the suspension‐dominated prototypes, although never more than 30% and only at the beginning of the fill‐up stage. The error reduces to only 10% for the non‐linear sandy‐gravelly and gravelly systems. These results are very encouraging and open up ways to calibrate numerical models of sedimentary system evolution by such experiments.  相似文献   

The transition from the Soviet to the post-Soviet period in and near Moscow manifested itself in increasing production of segregated space both in the urban core and suburban areas outside of the beltway to accommodate the preferences of the new Russian business and governmental elite. This paper focuses on the residential single-family housing inside old and new settlements, which are frequently gated. Approximately 260 of such suburban communities have been developed within 30 km of the beltway during the past few years, of which a majority have some form of exclusion mechanism in place, typically tall solid fences, gates, closed-circuit video surveillance and guarded entry checkpoints. The difference in exclusivity varies from the most exclusive older communities inside Moscow Serebryany Bor enclave and Rublevskoe highway mansions to less exclusive new developments along Novorizkhskoe and Dmitrovskoe highways. Despite high rates of construction, based on sociological surveys in 2003, only about 11% of Russia’s upper class claimed to live in such new “cottages,” with the rest owning condos and luxury apartments in the inner city or older detached homes in villages and small towns. Therefore, not all the needs have been accommodated and more development is certain to take place. The environmental impact of such developments is profound. Based on preliminary LANDSAT image analysis, almost 22% of suburban “green belt” forested land within 30 km zone has been converted to new construction from 1991 to 2001. New construction is now focusing on the remaining fragments of natural vegetation, which will likely lower air quality and water quality available for the city. Ironically, the new developments advertise themselves as “clean and green” with massive investments in unnatural landscaping (seeded lawns, exotic shrubs, river and lake shore “improvements”). This investment highlights the well-known paradox of development in which people move out of town to live near nature, while destroying the wild nature they come to enjoy. “We left city for the weekend It was raining, saw no stars There were fences everywhere Our chiefs behind the bars.” Gennady Shpalikov  相似文献   

Michael C. Ewers 《GeoJournal》2007,68(2-3):119-130
Urban areas compete with one another for people, goods, capital, ideas and other inputs of economic activity. Under the rubric of globalization, instead of only maintaining or improving the initial stock of assets in a city, the power of a place to attract outside flows of economic activity from elsewhere is increasingly important to economic development. Similarly, global or world cities are characterized as the command and control points through which these global economic flows operate. In response to the heightened mobility of highly-skilled labor across national borders, research has begun to examine the role of international human capital as an economic flow. This paper will examine the role of places in determining where the highly-skilled go in the global economy by viewing global city command and control functions as requiring unique labor flows. By reviewing the evidence found in the literature, we can better understand the potential for urban areas to compete for highly-skilled labor in the global economy. Known indicators of place attractiveness are assessed to examine the relationship between the economic trajectories of cities and their labor requirements. Cities are situated between firms and states as the key place-based actors which influence the mobility of highly-skilled labor. Finally, the paper also examines measurement issues and methodological problems in creating indices of world cities as well as explores possibilities for new research.  相似文献   

Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
In recent months there has been an explosion of interest in using the Web to create, assemble, and disseminate geographic information provided voluntarily by individuals. Sites such as Wikimapia and OpenStreetMap are empowering citizens to create a global patchwork of geographic information, while Google Earth and other virtual globes are encouraging volunteers to develop interesting applications using their own data. I review this phenomenon, and examine associated issues: what drives people to do this, how accurate are the results, will they threaten individual privacy, and how can they augment more conventional sources? I compare this new phenomenon to more traditional citizen science and the role of the amateur in geographic observation.  相似文献   

Recent interpretations of upper continental mantle seismic anisotropy observations have often relied on fabric measurements and calculated anisotropies of upper mantle xenoliths. Seismic ray paths of P and S waves, which provide information on azimuthal compressional wave anisotropy and shear wave splitting, are tens to hundreds of kilometers, whereas, xenoliths are usually only a few centimeters in diameter. To place better constraints on field-based anisotropy observations and to evaluate anisotropy information provided by xenoliths, it is important to examine anisotropy in large ultramafic massifs which have originated in the upper mantle. One such massif is the Twin Sisters Range located in the western portion of the North Cascades of Washington State, USA. The Twin Sisters massif, a slab of unaltered dunite, is 16 km in length, 6 km in width and 3 km thick. Exposed along its south and west sides are mafic granulite facies rocks, which likely represent lower continental crustal fragments. The ultramafic rocks are porphyroclastic in texture, consisting of strained, flattened porphyroclasts of olivine and enstatite and strain-free olivine mosaics. Olivine fabrics are typical of those formed at high temperatures and low strain rates. Petrofabrics and calculated anisotropies of individual samples vary throughout the massif, however, overall anisotropy of the body is significant, with maximum P and S waves anisotropies of 5.4% and 3.9%, respectively. The maximum delay time for split shear waves traveling through a 100-km-thick slab is 0.8 s and two directions of shear wave singularity are observed. The directions of maximum shear wave splitting and shear wave singularities do not coincide with the directions of maximum and minimum compressional wave velocity. In general, individual hand samples show significantly higher anisotropy than the overall anisotropy of the massif. It is concluded that simple averages of xenolith anisotropies are unreliable for use in the interpretation of field anisotropy observations.  相似文献   

Hydraulic tests and geophysical logging performed in the Palisades sill and the underlying sedimentary rocks in the NE part of the Newark Rift Basin, New York, USA, confirm that the particular transmissive zones are localized within the dolerite-sedimentary rock contact zone and within a narrow interval below this contact zone that is characterized by the occurrence of small layers of chilled dolerite. Transmissivity values determined from fluid injection, aquifer testing, and flowmeter measurements generally fall in the range of 8.1E-08 to 9.95E-06 m2/s and correspond to various scales of investigation. The analysis of acoustic and optical BHTV images reveals two primary fracture sets within the dolerite and the sedimentary rocks—subhorizontal fractures, intersected by subvertical ones. Despite being highly fractured either with subhorizontal, subvertical or both fracture populations, the dolerite above and the sedimentary rocks below the contact zone and the zone with the layers of chilled dolerite are significantly less conductive. The distribution of the particular conductive intervals is not a function of the two dominant fracture populations or their density but rather of the intrusion path of the sill. The intrusion caused thermal fracturing and cracking of both formations, resulting in higher permeability along the contact zone.  相似文献   

岩浆热液成矿理论的失败:原因和出路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
流行的岩浆热液成矿理论假定含矿流体由岩浆分异作用、特别是分离结晶作用产生。由于大型、超大型矿床往往与小岩体有关,而小体积岩浆不能满足质量平衡的要求,其支持者进一步假定含矿岩体的深部存在一个大岩浆体。这种解释与矿区观察到的地质现象和理论推导结果相悖:(1)含矿斑岩中常见暗色微粒包体和大量具有较高密度的矿物,表明岩浆没有发生分离结晶作用;(2)流体的活动性远大于硅酸盐熔浆,没有证据表明岩浆分异产生的流体要在熔浆固结之后才开始活动;(3)矿区普遍见有同成矿的宽谱系岩墙群,暗示成矿期不存在大的深部岩浆房。因此,岩浆热液成矿理论遭遇的困境不仅仅是质量平衡问题,有必要重新思考岩浆相关矿床的形成机制。岩浆热液成矿理论失败的深层原因则是它将成矿作用看作是理想系统中的平衡线性过程,而成矿系统实际上是一种复杂性动力系统,成矿作用是一种非平衡、非线性过程;换句话说,在流行的岩浆热液成矿理论中,对成矿系统和成矿作用的基本属性缺乏正确的理解。在当今科学发展水平上,其失败是必然的,因而有必要构筑新的成矿理论。依据复杂性科学的基本原理,罗照华等(2007,2009)将熔浆和含矿流体看作是成矿系统中2个独立的子系统,认为它们的强相互作用及其环境约束主导了成矿系统的戏剧性变化;进而构筑了一个新的框架性模型,称为透岩浆流体成矿理论。该理论不仅可以解释比流行岩浆热液成矿理论更多的地质现象,还可以推导潜在的具体找矿标志,可能成为岩浆相关矿床成因研究的新起点。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, accompanying their rapid economic development, many `mega-cities' in China have devoted themselves to changing their relationships to the global economy and some have aimed at attaining global (world) city status as a key future development goal. This paper examines the relationship between global (world) city status and the emerging world economic system, and discusses the intense competition between `mega-cities' in the Asia-Pacific region that Chinese cities will face in the 21st century, especially after the Asia financial crisis. It also explores the potential and possibility of achieving global or world city status in China. The main arguments are that only Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing have the possibility to attain leading positions in the global urban system in the future. Post-1997, it has been very important for the Chinese government to find a way to coordinate the functions of Hong Kong and the other major cities which allows them to operate smoothly together under quite different political systems. Finally, the authors analyse the relationships between these three metropolises and suggests some possibilities for coordinating their roles in the global urban system.  相似文献   

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