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We study the so-called inverse planetary problem (i.e., given the distances from the centre, masses, and radii of, say, three planets of a planetary system, find the optimum polytropic index, mass, and radius of their star, and also other quantities of interest, which depend either explicitly or implicitly on the foregoing ones, e.g., central and mean density, central and mean pressure, central and mean temperature, etc.) for the system of satellites of Jupiter. In particular, Jupiter is considered as star and its satellites as planets of a proper planetary system, which is then treated numerically on the basis of the so-called global polytropic model, developed recently by the first author.  相似文献   

Abstrakt The Kle search programme for minor planets using 0,63m Maksutov camera of Kle Observatory was begun in 1977 as a long-term project continuing up to the present day. The discovery frequency according to seasons in the year shows multiple differences between particular months.The comparison with the number of observing nights and obtained search plates; weather conditions and other influences will be discussed. The Kle minor planet discovery frequency also will be compared with the data base of all numbered minor planets.  相似文献   

We investigate the near-ultraviolet high-resolution LWR spectra of the stars Cas, And, Tau, Gem, Cru, Boo, and Peg, obtained with the aid of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. We have given here a list of the strongest and most prevalent emission lines in the near-ultraviolet spectra of Boo, KlIIIp, and Peg, M2.5II-III which have the same luminosity class and different spectral type. The near-ultraviolet continuum flux measurements and integrated emission line fluxes of these stars for the 2500–3200 Å region are presented in order to compare the variations in the appearance of the near-ultraviolet flux distribution with the temperature structure of their chromospheres for K and M giant stars. We also discuss differences between observed and calculated fluxes found from the Planck function.  相似文献   

This article reviews observational data on cataclysmic variables (CVs) whose orbital periods fall within the so-called period gap between 2 and 3 hours. The orbital period distribution of cataclysmic variables and the filling of the period gap by various types of CVs are demonstrated. Roughly half the stars in the period gap are magnetic, of which the majority are polars, while the other half (except a few stars) are SU UMa-type stars characterized by superbursts and superhumps. It is also interesting to note that those intermediate polars whose periods fall within the gap are among the stars with constant superhumps. The height above the galactic plane is estimated for the nonmagnetic stars and it is shown that, contrary to predictions, the stars in the period gap do not belong (except for one) to the spherical component of the galaxy. Light curves, some characteristic times, burst amplitudes, etc. are given for a number of Su UMa-type stars observed by the authors. The evolution of superbursts from the stars NY Ser, V725 Aql, and Var73 Dra is described. Observational data are presented on the classical nova V Per, a star whose period lies right in the middle of the period gap but whose status (magnetic or nonmagnetic) has still unclear.  相似文献   

Reasons for interest in the origin of short-period comets and the difficulties of computing their long-term dynamcal evolution are reviewed. The relative advantages of a source region in an extended inner core of the Oort cloud or a compact comet belt just beyond the planetary system are finely balanced, and it is premature to consider the problem solved. A complication is that some comets belonging to the Jupiter family may be part of a time-dependent system, possibly the remains of a giant comet such as Chiron which could have been part of the system 104 yr ago. The origin of short-period comets plays a pivotal role in many areas of solar system science: planet formation, the source of water (possibly life) on the terrestrial planets, the cratering record on the terrestrial planets and satellites of the outer planets, and the environmental impact posed by massive bodies and their decay products in the Earth's near-space environment.  相似文献   

The present observational status of the Sct stars, Dor stars and roAp stars is discussed. The Sct stars are the most intensively observed of the three groups, but it has become clear that there are severe problems in extracting asteroseismic information from them. Dozens of frequencies are observed, but hundreds of frequencies are predicted from the models; unique matches of observation and theory still elude us. The Sct stars are observationally complex – some recent `best case' campaigns are discussed. It is possible that substantial observational advances for Sct stars may need to await upcoming satellite missions. New Dor stars are beingdiscovered frequently, and new behaviour is being found for them. They constitutean observationally young field. Their pulsational frequency range is being expanded, their position in the HR diagram is becoming better known (but is yet to be fully constrained), and the possibility exists of hybrid Dor – Sct stars that have greatasteroseismic promise, although it is clear such stars are rare, if they do exist. It has been observationally challenging to extract more than a fewfrequencies for any Dor star so far. Exciting spectroscopic discoveries of new behaviour in roAp stars promise unprecedented information about the structure of the peculiar atmospheres ofthose stars – pulsation amplitude and phase in 3D, magnetic field structurein 3D, abundance stratification in 3D, realistic T- for the most peculiarstars – as well as entirely new information about the interaction of pulsation,rotation and magnetic fields. Recent theoretical work has led to new understandingof the previously inexplicable frequency spacing of HR 1217 with new Whole Earth Telescope observations supporting this theory. An `improved oblique pulsator model' has been developed in which the pulsationaxis is not the magnetic axis; this model has passed several observationaltests and new ones are being devised to examine it further.  相似文献   

We report on our search for possible planetary system candidates in a volume-limited sample of 62 nearby A stars. Since the evolutionary lifetimes of A stars ( 109 yrs) roughly correspond to the era of planet formation and subsequent heavy bombardment in our solar system, our study could provide valuable insight into the origin of our own Solar System. From our ground-based visual and IUE high-resolution spectroscopy of all the northern nearby A stars, we have identified at least 12 stars with circumstellar gas. Combining these results with our previous IRAS survey we are probing the link between stars with circumstellar gas and those showing circumstellar dust disks. Our aim is not just to identify stars with gas, or stars with both gas and dust, but to identify systems with dynamic spectral activity similar to Pic, a well known proto-planetary system candidate. By measuring the gas dynamics in the disks of these Pic-like stars, we can begin to study the physics of accretion disks of young evolving systems.  相似文献   

The nonequilibrium dynamical theory of thermonuclear reaction in the stars is used to analyse the stabilities of P-PI reactions in the solar core and 3 reactions of helium burning in the core of red giant stars. The constant stability of stars on the main sequence and the helium flash instability have been explained from a new point of view. Calculations show that the (g - T) term in the dynamical equation has a damaging effect on the stability of the thermonuclear reaction, but its intensity in the core of red giant stars is ~ 107 times that in the solar core. It may be intimately related to some instability of the stellar structure. The effect on the flash instability is especially analysed.  相似文献   

The Orbiting Stellar Interferometer (OSI) is a space-based astrometric interferometer designed primarily for wide-angle astrometry. OSI is potentially capable of achieving astrometric accuracies of 1as in narrow angle (1°) astrometry. This paper discusses the implications for astrometric planet detection, specifically the detection of Earth-like planets around nearby stars. OSI has the potential to detect a limited number of planetary systems with Earths, if a number of technical problems are solved.  相似文献   

Apparent radius, visual brightness, effective temperature and absolute radius for 416 B5 v-F5 v stars of the catalogue of the Geneva Observatory (Rufener, 1976) have been determined.Twenty-eight stars, anomalous in log versus (m v)0 diagrams, have been singled out. A good correlation for seven stars, in common with the list of Hanbury Brownet al. (1974), has been found. Similar parameters determined for 279 B5 v-F5 v stars of two preceding papers (Fracassiniet al., 1973, 1975) have allowed us to determine the averaged diagrams logq v/q, logR/R and logT e versus (B-V)0 for 695 B5 v-F5 v stars.Moreover, in the present paper a good correlation logq v/q versus logR/R and careful relation M v=–7.40logR/R +3.31 for B5 v-F5 v stars have been determined. Plain correlations between logR/R and blanketing parameterm 2 for some spectral types seem to point out that there arereal differences in the absolute radii of stars of thesame spectral type, in agreement with recent researches on the HR diagram (Houck and Fesen, 1978).Systematic differences between double (spectroscopic and visual) and single stars are found. In particular, the averaged relation m 2 versus logR/R shows that A2 v-F5 v double stars may have a higher metallicity indexm 2 and smaller absolute radii than single stars. Finally, the diagram logv sini versus logR/R confirms some properties of binary systems found by other researchers (Huang, 1966; Plavec, 1970; Levato, 1974; Kitamura and Kondo, 1978).Thesis for the degree in Applied Physics.  相似文献   

A comparison between theGeneral Catalogue of Cool Carbon Stars (CCS) and theAFGL Catalogue has been performed.Eighty-five stars have been found in common between the two lists. Eighty-four stars which were present in Baumert's comparison between CCS and the 2 Sky Survey have no counterpart in the AFGL. Four new tentative identifications are given. The analysis of the two colours diagrams K-[4.2 ] vs. I-K and I-[4.2 ] vs. [4.2 ]-[11 ] led to the conclusion that all the infrared emission from the sources seems to come from a single circumstellar shell.  相似文献   

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Some asymptotic solutions in the restricted problem of three bodies by L. G. Lukjanov.
Some particular solutions of the plane restricted problem of three bodies in the form of Liapunov's series are obtained. These solutions asymptotically approach the Lagrange solutions. Convergence is proved.

The formation of the gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn probably required the growth of massive 15 Earth-mass cores on a time scale shorter than the 107 time scale for removal of nebular gas. Relatively minor variations in nebular parameters could preclude the growth of full-size gas giants even in systems in which the terrestrial planet region is similar to our own. Systems containing failed Jupiters, resembling Uranus and Neptune in their failure to capture much nebular gas, would be expected to contain more densely populated cometary source regions. They will also eject a smaller number of comets into interstellar space. If systems of this kind were the norm, observation of hyperbolic comets would be unexpected. Monte Carlo calculations of the orbital evolution of region of such systems (the Kuiper belt) indicate that throughout Earth history the cometary impact flux in their terrestrial planet regions would be 1000 times greater than in our Solar System. It may be speculated that this could frustrate the evolution of organisms that observe and seek to understand their planetary system. For this reason our observation of these planets in our Solar System may tell us nothing about the probability of similar gas giants occurring in other planetary systems. This situation can be corrected by observation of an unbiased sample of planetary systems.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

When planetary accretion proceeds in the gas disk-solar nebula, a protoplanet attracts surrounding gas to form a distended H2-He atmosphere. The blanketing effect of the atmosphere, hampering the escape of accretional energy, enhances the surface temperature of planets. Furthermore, evaporation of ice or reduction of surface silicate and metallic oxide can supply a huge amount of water vapor into the atmosphere, which would raise the temperature and promote evaporation. Evaporated materials can be efficiently conveyed outward by vigorous convection, and condensed dust particles should keep the atmosphere opaque during accretion. The size of this opaque atmosphere dust blob is defined by the gravitational radius, which exceeds 3 × 108 m when the planetary mass is the Earth's mass (5.97 × 1024 kg). This is larger than the radii of present Jovian planets and so-called brown dwarfs. The expected lifetime of dust blobs is 106–107 yr, which is longer than that of the later gas accreting and cooling stages of Jovian planets. The number of dust blobs could exceed that of Jovian planets. If the gas disk is rather transparent, the possibility of observing such objects with a distended atmosphere may be higher than that of detecting Jovian planets. Contamination of the gas disk by the dust from primary atmospheres is negligible.Paper presented at the Conference on Planetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The goal of asteroseismology is to discern the physical conditions of stars by comparing observed pulsations with models.To obtain this goal, the observed pulsation periods and the spherical harmonics (n, , and m) need to match the theoretical model.Typically the most difficult part in this process is the identification of the pulsation modes in the observations.Multicolour photometry is one method that has proven useful for identifying pulsation modes.By observing stars through various wavebands, and comparing the amplitudes and phases, it is possible to determine the spherical harmonics.This contribution will emphasize the work of Watson (1988), which has since been applied to many different types of variable stars including Scuti (Garrido et al., 1990), Doradus (Breger et al., 1997), Cepheid (Cugier et al., 1994), and EC 14026 (Koen, 1998) stars. I will also discuss the technique of summing spectra (especially UV) into various wavebands which are then used to identify modes as pioneered by Robinson, Kepler, and Nather (1982) and applied to white dwarf stars (Kepler et al., 2000).  相似文献   

If we follow recent work and in order to extend theuvby photometric calibrations to spectral types later than G0, we present an attempt to use the combineduvby and systems for stars in the range G5-K7 and luminosity classes V to III.The behaviour in the MK-, (by)– and cl– diagrams of the 200 stars, only good spectroscopic data being considered, suggests the usefulness of the index as an independent parameter for late-type Main-Sequence stars, following in a natural way the general trend defined by Crawford for F- and G-type stars.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

We present an improved version of the method of photometric mode identification based upon the inclusion of non-adiabatic eigenfunctions determined in the stellar atmosphere, according to the formalism recently proposed by Dupret et al. (2002).We apply our method to Cephei, Slowly Pulsating B, Scuti and Doradus stars. Besides identifying the degree of the pulsatingstars, our method is also a tool for improving the knowledge of stellar interiors and atmospheres, by imposing constraints on the metallicity for Cephei and SPBs, the characteristics of the superficial convection zone for Scuti and Doradus starsand the limb-darkening law.  相似文献   

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