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a mam 10-mu u¶rt;au ¶rt;uauu nmu a anam. auum aam mua ¶rt;uu u nu amu uu, a , muu, u auauu n u mmu u uu umaa u ¶rt; nmu uuau.  相似文献   

We examined the life history and secondary production of four Ephemeroptera species (Baetis alpinus Pictet, 1843–1845, Baetis rhodani Pictet, 1843–1845, Rhithrogena carpatoalpina Klonowska, Olechowska, Sartoriet & Weichselbaumer, 1987 and Habroleptoides confusa Sartori & Jacob, 1986) in a temperature stable cold spring stream at Prosiek valley (Cho?ské vrchy Mts., West Carpathians, Slovakia). We have found asynchronous bivoltine life cycle for the most abundant species B. alpinus with growth rate positively correlated to photoperiod length. R. carpatoalpina have shown unusual asynchronous univoltine life cycle and B. rhodani have shown uncommonly low abundance in mayfly community. Total secondary production of mayfly community was very low, reaching 1654.8 mg DW m?2 y?1. We suggest that the observed asynchrony in growth could be related to the lack of temperature control.  相似文献   

nuam mam uu auauaum n aumua ¶rt; a 9 n mau ¶rt; nu No V, na anam. ma uam a aa u¶rt;uu aau ¶rt; uu u mau anamau. m m u¶rt;uu u aauuaa amma aamumua aa ma. ¶rt;a a m¶rt; mau ¶rt; aumua u mm a¶rt;u n a m u mau. uamua aau ¶rt;m u mu ma, m m ¶rt;u u umu m n. maum aamumuu n nma mmuuu aauu aumau ¶rt; m ¶rt;- ¶rt;¶rt;muu mm ¶rt; nu u m¶rt; am.

A substantial part of this paper was presented at the IAGA symposium Relations between External and Internal Magnetic Variations, XVI. IUGG General Assembly, August–September 1975, Grenoble.  相似文献   

Extensional tectonic models with the major features of metamorphic core complexes were established in the Cordilleran region of western North America dur- ing the late 1970s to early 1980s of last century[1—4].Since there were previous thrust events, some re- searchers attributed the extension to crust-thickening of Mesozoic orogen[5—8], i.e. the crust thickening dur- ing orogeny led to the fact that the materials at depthswere heated and partially melted, and the heated and low-density mat…  相似文献   

Historical records indicate that gray wolves (Canis lupus) were extirpated from the upper Gallatin River Basin in the early 1900s. Following the removal of these large carnivores, elk (Cervis elaphus) began to increasingly browse streamside vegetation in the winter range, causing widespread loss of formerly extensive willow (Salix spp.) communities. Historical aerial photographs and chronosequences of ground photographs were used to characterize general changes in vegetation and channel morphology over time. In August of 2004, riparian vegetation and channel cross‐sections were surveyed along three reaches of the upper Gallatin River. Reach A was located upstream of the elk winter range (control reach) whereas reaches B and C (treatment reaches) were located within the elk winter range. Willow cover on floodplains averaged 85 per cent for reach A, but only 26 per cent and 5 per cent for reaches B and C, respectively. The average return period of calculated bankfull discharges was 3·1 yrs for reach A but increased to 32·4 yrs and 10·6 yrs for reaches B and C, respectively. The long‐term loss of streamside vegetation allowed channels to generally increase in hydraulic capacity (via increases in width, incision or both) and decrease their hydrologic connectivity with adjacent floodplains. This study documents, perhaps for the first time, the resultant impacts to riparian vegetation functions and stream channel characteristics following the extirpation of a large mammalian carnivore. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Piping has been recognized as an important geomorphic, soil erosion and hydrologic process. It seems that it is far more widespread than it has often been supposed. However, our knowledge about piping dynamics and its quantification currently relies on a limited number of data for mainly loess‐derived areas and marl badlands. Therefore, this research aimed to recognize piping dynamics in mid‐altitude mountains under a temperate climate, where piping occurs in Cambisols, not previously considered as piping‐prone soils. It has been expressed by the estimation of erosion rates due to piping and elongation of pipes in the Bere?nica Wy?na catchment in the Bieszczady Mountains, eastern Carpathians (305 ha, 188 collapsed pipes). The research was based on the monitoring of selected piping systems (1971–1974, 2013–2016). Changes in soil loss vary significantly between different years (up to 27.36 t ha?1 yr?1), as well as between the mean short‐term erosion rate (up to 13.10 t ha?1 yr?1), and the long‐term (45 years) mean of 1.34 t ha?1 yr?1. The elongation of pipes also differs, from no changes to 36 m during one year. The mean total soil loss is 48.8 t ha?1 in plots, whereas in the whole studied catchment it is 2.0 t ha?1. Hence, piping is both spatially and temporally dependent. The magnitude of piping in the study area is at least three orders of magnitude higher than surface erosion rates (i.e. sheet and rill erosion) under similar land use (grasslands), and it is comparable to the magnitude of surface soil erosion on arable lands. It means that piping constitutes a significant environmental problem and, wherever it occurs, it is an important, or even the main, sediment source. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of radioactive elements(Th, U, K) and selected trace elements(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) in a set of 29 volcanic rocks of the West Carpathians was studied. The rock types follow the typical calc-alkaline sequence from basaltic andesites to rhyolites with average contents of SiO2, K2O, Th, U, Rb, Ba and Zr increasing, and with average contents of TiO2, Al2O3, FeOt, MnO, MgO, CaO, P2O5, Sr, V, Cr and Ni decreasing from less to more acid rocks. Statistically significant differences in the contents of Th, U, Rb, Sr, Ba, Zr, K2O, CaO and P2O5, found between the pyroxene andesites of Central and Eastern Slovakia, may indicate that the volcanism in both regions took place under different conditions. The andesites of Central Slovakia are characterized by relatively high contents of Th, U and Rb as opposed to the andesites from other volcanic areas, e.g., from the intraoceanic island arcs, the Andes or the Mexican volcanic belt.
Резюме Иссле?rt;овaлось рaсnре?rt;еленuе рa?rt;uоaкmuвных(Th, U, K) u некоmорых ре?rt;кuх(Rb, Sr, Ba, Y, Zr, V, Cr, Ni) элеменmов в нaборе 29 uзбрaнных вулкaнuческuх орных nоро?rt; с mеррumорuu Зana?rt;ных Кaрnam. Рaсnре?rt;еленuе uзучaемых злеменmов nре?rt;сmaвлено mрен?rt;aмu, nрuвычнымu ?rt;ля nоро?rt; uзвесmняк-щелочно о ря?rt;a. Сре?rt;нuе со?rt;ержaнuя SiO2, K2O, Th, U, Rb, Ba, u Zr nовыщaюmся, в mо время кaк со?rt;ержaнuя TiO2, Al2O3, FeOt, MnO, MgO, CaO, P2O5, Sr, V, Cr u Ni nонuжaюmся в нanрaвленuu оm основных к кuслым munaм орных nоро?rt;. Сmamuсmuческu знaчumельные рaзнuцы ?rt;ля со?rt;ержaнuŭ Th, U, Rb, Sr, Ba, Zr, K2O, CaO u P2O5, нaблю?rt;aемые меж?rt;у руnnaмu nuроксеновых aн?rt;езumов ценmрaльноŭ u восmочноŭ Словaкuu, nокaзывaюm, чmо вулкaнuзм в эmuх облaсmях nрохо?rt;uл в рaзнообрaзных условuях. Ан?rt;езumы ценmрaльноŭ Словaкuu хaрaкmерны оmносumельно nовыщеннымu со?rt;ержaнuямu Th, U u Rb, коmорымu оmлuчaюmся оm aн?rt;езumов ?rt;ру uх ву лкaнuческuх облaсmеŭ, нanрuмер aн?rt;езumов внуmрuокеaнuческuх осmровных ?rt;у , южых Ан?rt; uлu Мексuкaнско о вулкaнuческо о nоясa.

利用滇西北地磁台阵8个测点的秒采样观测数据,对短周期事件的地磁三分量变化幅度进行统计,得到不同周期的垂直分量和水平分量变化幅度比值ΔZ/ΔH在观测区的空间分布,由此推测地下存在一条NNW走向的高导带,从地壳延伸至上地幔,且位置随深度不断变化。  相似文献   

ma mam m n, a uum am mua ¶rt;uu ana¶rt; anam. am n a a u¶rt; m um u n u mmu n¶rt;u ¶rt;uu. ¶rt; u n mam a n muu amu amu mam nm uu u n m¶rt;u mau am ¶rt;uu nmu, ma u n u¶rt;au ¶rt;uauu . am unam m ¶rt; a , u u¶rt;uu u mu namu nu nmuauu n u u, ammu uu¶rt;muu u a a.  相似文献   

蒙宁交界区地震震源深度的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘永梅  刘芳  刘改梅  张帆 《中国地震》2017,33(2):290-300
选取内蒙古地震台网记录的2009~2015年蒙宁交界区103次ML≥2.5地震波形资料,采用震源深度测定的单纯型法、Hyposat法、双差法、PTD法重新测定震源深度,并将所获得结果进行对比分析。用CAP矩张量反演法重新测定了阿拉善左旗5.8级和4.2级地震的震源深度。最终获得用PTD法和双差法所得的震源深度结果与蒙宁交界区的构造特征比较吻合,单纯型法、Hyposat法效果不佳。同时得到蒙宁交界地震构造区的平均震源深度为13.32±8km。  相似文献   

A scheme of division of the Ukrainian Carpathians is proposed. Six distinct regions were identified by numerical values of background characteristics of hydrographic network structure.  相似文献   

We present results of a study of the seismicity and the geoelectric structure of the Eastern Carpathians. After the evaluation of the seismicity, new methods of processing and analyzing seismic data are developed, which allow constructing an averaged horizontal-layered velocity model of the crust in the Carpathian region of Ukraine, tracing the seismic active faults and localizing the seismic events both in horizontal and in vertical direction with a better precision. For the study of the conductivity structure beneath the Eastern Carpathians, the collected magnetovariation and magnetotelluric data are used. The depth of electrical conductivity anomalies are estimated and the resulting quasi-3D model of the conductivity structure beneath the Carpathians is compared with the seismicity in the depth range of 10 ± 2.5 km. The comparison suggests possible geological mechanisms: the seismic events occur mainly in resistive solid rock domains which surround aseismic high-conductivity zones, consisting of at least partially melted material. Aqueous fluids, or a joint effect of several mechanisms, may also play an active role in this distribution.  相似文献   

Summary Directionally independent average P residuals computed for waves of teleseismic events arriving under various azimuths and incidence angles provided the basis for estimating the lithosphere thickness beneath the Carpathians and their surroundings. A thin lithosphere (60–80 km) was determined for the Pannonian Basin and the Transylvanian Basin, the thickest lithosphere(about 180 km) beneath the South Carpathians at the contact with the Moesian Platform. In other parts of the Carpathian belt the lithosphere thickens beneath the outer parts towards the SW margin of the East-European and the Moldavian Platforms. The lithosphere thicknesses derived from P residuals correlate well with the magnetotelluric determinations of a layer of increased electrical conductivity in the upper mantle.
Резюме Осре?rt;ненные временные невязкu Р волн, незaвuсuмые оm нanрaвленuя u рaссчumaнные ?rt;ля у?rt;aленных землеmрясенuŭ uз волн, nрuхо?rt;ящuх nо?rt; рaзнымu aзuмуmaмu u у лaмu na?rt;енuя, ?rt;aюm основaнuе ?rt;ля оnре?rt;еленuя мощносmu лumосферы Кaрnam u uх окресmносmеŭ. Тонкaя лumосферa(60–80 км) оnре?rt;еленa ?rt;ля Пaннонско о u Трaнсuльвaнско о бaссеŭнов, a сaмaя мощнaя лumосферa(около 180 км) нaхо?rt;umся nо?rt; Южнымu Кaрnamaмu. В ?rt;ру uх чaсmях Кaрnamско о nоясa мощносmь лumосферы нaрaсmaеm во внешнuх зонaх в нanрaвленuu к ю о-зana?rt;ноŭ окрauне Восmочно-Евроnеŭскоŭ u Мол?rt;aвскоŭ nлamформ. Нaблю?rt;aеmся хорошaя корреляцuя мощносmu лumосферы, оnре?rt;еленноŭ нa основе невязок временu Р волн, с мa нumоmеллурuческuмu ?rt;aннымu nо лубuне слоя nовышенноŭ элекmроnрово?rt;uмосmu в верхнеŭ мaнmuu.

The Angareb Ring Dike Complex is located in Begemder Province in northwestern Ethiopia, 55 kilometers NNW of the provincial capital Gondar. The structure was first identified in 1973 from Landsat 1 satellite imagery analysis of the East African Rift System. The complex is exposed on the floor of the Tana Graben, a feature bearing structural affinity to the East African Rift. A post-early Miocene age is ascribed to the complex. Association with other as yet univestigated circular features may define a volcanic province of early continental rifting in Ethiopia. Contained within the ring structure is a heterogenous tuff breccia of over 100 cubic kilometers in volume, composed of massive agglomorates, ash flows, welded tuffs, and subaqueous tuffs. The tuff is interpreted as filling a subsiding caldron above an eviscerating magma chamber. Mineralogy and chemical analyses depict a fractionating basaltic magma of transitional-mildly alkaline composition. Partial melting of the Precambrian basement is envisioned to explain the subalkaline granites. Comparison of chemical data with regional petrochemical interpretations suggests that the complex represents the beginning of central vent activity in the waning stages of Tertiary volcanism in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

A seismic reflection and gravity profile across the continental margin of the Yucatan Peninsula, Yucatan Basin, Cayman Ridge, and Cayman Trough suggests that sediments in the Yucatan Basin consist of a thick succession of beds dominated by turbidites that overlie a thick but irregular sequence of beds, probably dominated by pelagic deposits. The so-called “Carib beds”, present elsewhere in the Caribbean, are not evident in the part of the basin crossed by this profile. The sedimentary section rests on a acoustic basement that probably represents the top of oceanic layer 2. A gravity model indicates that the crust beneath the Yucatan Basin is thin and therefore probably is oceanic in character. The crust thickens southward under the Cayman Ridge but thins again beneath the Cayman Trough. This local thickening is consistent with the suggestion that the Cayman Ridge is a rifted part of the Nicaraguan Rise.  相似文献   

Based on the hydrologic and meteorological data in the Yarkand River Basin during 1957–2008, the nonlinear hydro-climatic process was analyzed by a comprehensive method, including the Mann–Kendall trend test, wavelet analysis, wavelet regression analysis and correlation dimension. The main findings are as following: (1) The annual runoff, annual average temperature and annual precipitation showed an increasing trend during the period of 1957–2008, and the average increase extent in runoff, temperature and precipitation was 2.234 × 10m3/10 year, 0.223 °C/10 year, and 4.453 mm/10 year, respectively. (2) The nonlinear pattern of runoff, temperature and precipitation was scale-dependent with time. In other words, the annual runoff, annual average temperature and annual precipitation at five time scales resulted in five patterns of nonlinear variations respectively. (3) Although annual runoff, annual average temperature and annual precipitation presented nonlinear variations at different time scales, the runoff has a linear correlation with the temperature and precipitation. (4) The hydro-climatic process of the Yarkand River is chaotic dynamic system, in which the correlation dimension of annual runoff, annual average temperature and annual precipitation is 3.2118, 2.999 and 2.992 respectively. None of the correlation dimensions is an integer, and it indicates that the hydro-climatic process has the fractal characteristics.  相似文献   

Rockfall is an important process in the final sculpturing of escarpments and scree slopes that originate in bedrock landslides in the Flysch Carpathians. The spatio‐temporal characteristics of rockfall activity were studied at four localities representative of old landslides in the highest part of the Czech Flysch Carpathians (Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mountains). Historical activity, chronology, and spatial context of rockfall activity were reconstructed using dendrogeomorphic techniques and rockfall rate index (RR). A total of 1132 increment cores from 283 trees growing in the rockfall transport and accumulation zones enabled the dating of 989 rockfall events. Reconstruction of a 78‐year‐long RR chronology suggests similar rockfall histories and trends at all study sites, indicating the existence of major common factors driving rockfall dynamics in the region. Temporal analysis and correlation of the RR series obtained with monthly mean temperatures, numbers of days with temperature transitions through 0 °C and monthly precipitation totals show that meteorological characteristics have evident but variable influence on rockfall activity. The most important factor is the effect of freeze–thaw cycles throughout the year, supplemented by low temperatures, especially during autumn. The influence of precipitation totals is of lesser importance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

a aam u¶rt;au m ua aum aauu nu¶rt;u ¶rt; u anam a ¶rt;mu uu mu amuma n nu aum nuuumu num a¶rt;a uu ma¶rt;uuma, a m um ¶rt;u n u-a nummu ¶rt;¶rt;. num naau, m mua n¶rt;um nu¶rt; u ma aamam. a n¶rt;a umnmau aauuu u a mumuu m auu,¶rt; umuu n aaumu u mu n¶rt;umu m uam au u a mam ¶rt;u n n¶rt;a.  相似文献   

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