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Based on the fact that the Hankel matrix representing clean seismic data is low rank, low-rank approximation methods have been widely utilized for removing noise from seismic data. A common strategy for real seismic data is to perform the low-rank approximations for small local windows where the events can be approximately viewed as linear. This raises a fundamental question of selecting an optimal rank that best captures the number of events for each local window. Gavish and Donoho proposed a method to select the rank when the noise is independent and identically distributed. Gaussian matrix by analysing the statistical performance of the singular values of the Gaussian matrices. However, such statistical performance is not available for noisy Hankel matrices. In this paper, we adopt the same strategy and propose a rule that computes the number of singular values exceed the median singular value by a multiplicative factor. We suggest a multiplicative factor of 3 based on simulations which mimic the theories underlying Gavish and Donoho in the independent and identically distributed Gaussian setting. The proposed optimal rank selection rule can be incorporated into the classical low-rank approximation method and many other recently developed methods such as those by shrinking the singular values. The low-rank approximation methods with optimally selected rank rule can automatically suppress most of the noise while preserving the main features of the seismic data in each window. Experiments on both synthetic and field seismic data demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed rank selection rule for seismic data denoising. 相似文献
Electromagnetic loop systems rely on the use of non-conductive materials near the sensor to minimize bias effects superimposed on measured data. For marine sensors, rigidity, compactness and ease of platform handling are essential. Thus, commonly a compromise between rigid, cost-effective and non-conductive materials (e.g. stainless steel versus fibreglass composites) needs to be found. For systems dedicated to controlled-source electromagnetic measurements, a spatial separation between critical system components and sensors may be feasible, whereas compact multi-sensor platforms, remotely operated vehicles and autonomous unmanned vehicles require the use of electrically conductive components near the sensor. While data analysis and geological interpretations benefit vastly from each added instrument and multidisciplinary approaches, this introduces a systematic and platform-immanent bias in the measured electromagnetic data. In this scope, we present two comparable case studies targeting loop-source electromagnetic applications in both time and frequency domains: the time-domain system trades the compact design for a clear separation of 15 m between an upper fibreglass frame, holding most critical titanium system components, and a lower frame with its coil and receivers. In case of the frequency-domain profiler, the compact and rigid design is achieved by a circular fibreglass platform, carrying the transmitting and receiving coils, as well as several titanium housings and instruments. In this study, we analyse and quantify the quasi-static influence of conductive objects on time- and frequency-domain coil systems by applying an analytically and experimentally verified 3D finite element model. Moreover, we present calibration and optimization procedures to minimize bias inherent in the measured data. The numerical experiments do not only show the significance of the bias on the inversion results, but also the efficiency of a system calibration against the analytically calculated response of a known environment. The remaining bias after calibration is a time/frequency-dependent function of seafloor conductivity, which doubles the commonly estimated noise floor from 1% to 2%, decreasing the sensitivity and resolution of the devices. By optimizing size and position of critical conductive system components (e.g. titanium housings) and/or modifying the transmitter/receiver geometry, we significantly reduce the effect of this residual bias on the inversion results as demonstrated by 3D modelling. These procedures motivate the opportunity to design dedicated, compact, low-bias platforms and provide a solution for autonomous and remotely steered designs by minimizing their effect on the sensitivity of the controlled-source electromagnetic sensor. 相似文献
We present a new approach to enhancing weak prestack reflection signals without sacrificing higher frequencies. As a first step, we employ known multidimensional local stacking to obtain an approximate ‘model of the signal’. Guided by phase spectra from this model, we can detect very weak signals and make them visible and coherent by ‘repairing’ corrupted phase of original data. Both presented approaches – phase substitution and phase sign corrections – show good performance on complex synthetic and field data suffering from severe near-surface scattering where conventional processing methods are rendered ineffective. The methods are mathematically formulated as a special case of time-frequency masking (common in speech processing) combined with the signal model from local stacking. This powerful combination opens the avenue for a completely new family of approaches for multi-channel seismic processing that can address seismic processing of land data with nodes and single sensors in the desert environment. 相似文献
Despite being less general than 3D surface‐related multiple elimination (3D‐SRME), multiple prediction based on wavefield extrapolation can still be of interest, because it is less CPU and I/O demanding than 3D‐SRME and moreover it does not require any prior data regularization. Here we propose a fast implementation of water‐bottom multiple prediction that uses the Kirchhoff formulation of wavefield extrapolation. With wavefield extrapolation multiple prediction is usually obtained through the cascade of two extrapolation steps. Actually by applying the Fermat’s principle (i.e., minimum reflection traveltime) we show that the cascade of two operators can be replaced by a single approximated extrapolation step. The approximation holds as long as the water bottom is not too complex. Indeed the proposed approach has proved to work well on synthetic and field data when the water bottom is such that wavefront triplications are negligible, as happens in many practical situations. 相似文献
In marine acquisition, reflections of sound energy from the water–air interface result in ghosts in the seismic data, both in the source side and the receiver side. Ghosts limit the bandwidth of the useful signal and blur the final image. The process to separate the ghost and primary signals, called the deghosting process, can fill the ghost notch, broaden the frequency band, and help achieve high‐resolution images. Low‐signal‐to‐noise ratio near the notch frequencies and 3D effects are two challenges that the deghosting process has to face. In this paper, starting from an introduction to the deghosting process, we present and compare two strategies to solve the latter. The first is an adaptive mechanism that adjusts the deghosting operator to compensate for 3D effects or errors in source/receiver depth measurement. This method does not include explicitly the crossline slowness component and is not affected by the sparse sampling in the same direction. The second method is an inversion‐type approach that does include the crossline slowness component in the algorithm and handles the 3D effects explicitly. Both synthetic and field data examples in wide azimuth acquisition settings are shown to compare the two strategies. Both methods provide satisfactory results. 相似文献
Tensor algebra provides a robust framework for multi-dimensional seismic data processing. A low-rank tensor can represent a noise-free seismic data volume. Additive random noise will increase the rank of the tensor. Hence, tensor rank-reduction techniques can be used to filter random noise. Our filtering method adopts the Candecomp/Parafac decomposition to approximates a N-dimensional seismic data volume via the superposition of rank-one tensors. Similar to the singular value decomposition for matrices, a low-rank Candecomp/Parafac decomposition can capture the signal and exclude random noise in situations where a low-rank tensor can represent the ideal noise-free seismic volume. The alternating least squares method is adopted to compute the Candecomp/Parafac decomposition with a provided target rank. This method involves solving a series of highly over-determined linear least-squares subproblems. To improve the efficiency of the alternating least squares algorithm, we uniformly randomly sample equations of the linear least-squares subproblems to reduce the size of the problem significantly. The computational overhead is further reduced by avoiding unfolding and folding large dense tensors. We investigate the applicability of the randomized Candecomp/Parafac decomposition for incoherent noise attenuation via experiments conducted on a synthetic dataset and field data seismic volumes. We also compare the proposed algorithm (randomized Candecomp/Parafac decomposition) against multi-dimensional singular spectrum analysis and classical prediction filtering. We conclude the proposed approach can achieve slightly better denoising performance in terms of signal-to-noise ratio enhancement than traditional methods, but with a less computational cost. 相似文献
Linear prediction filters are an effective tool for reducing random noise from seismic records. Unfortunately, the ability of prediction filters to enhance seismic records deteriorates when the data are contaminated by erratic noise. Erratic noise in this article designates non‐Gaussian noise that consists of large isolated events with known or unknown distribution. We propose a robust f‐ x projection filtering scheme for simultaneous erratic noise and Gaussian random noise attenuation. Instead of adopting the ? 2‐norm, as commonly used in the conventional design of f‐ x filters, we utilize the hybrid ‐norm to penalize the energy of the additive noise. The estimation of the prediction error filter and the additive noise sequence are performed in an alternating fashion. First, the additive noise sequence is fixed, and the prediction error filter is estimated via the least‐squares solution of a system of linear equations. Then, the prediction error filter is fixed, and the additive noise sequence is estimated through a cost function containing a hybrid ‐norm that prevents erratic noise to influence the final solution. In other words, we proposed and designed a robust M‐estimate of a special autoregressive moving‐average model in the f‐ x domain. Synthetic and field data examples are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
Marine seismic interference noise occurs when energy from nearby marine seismic source vessels is recorded during a seismic survey. Such noise tends to be well preserved over large distances and causes coherent artefacts in the recorded data. Over the years, the industry has developed various denoising techniques for seismic interference removal, but although well performing, they are still time-consuming in use. Machine-learning-based processing represents an alternative approach, which may significantly improve the computational efficiency. In the case of conventional images, autoencoders are frequently employed for denoising purposes. However, due to the special characteristics of seismic data as well as the noise, autoencoders failed in the case of marine seismic interference noise. We, therefore, propose the use of a customized U-Net design with element-wise summation as part of the skip-connection blocks to handle the vanishing gradient problem and to ensure information fusion between high- and low-level features. To secure a realistic study, only seismic field data were employed, including 25,000 training examples. The customized U-Net was found to perform well, leaving only minor residuals, except for the case when seismic interference noise comes from the side. We further demonstrate that such noise can be treated by slightly increasing the depth of our network. Although our customized U-Net does not outperform a standard commercial algorithm in quality, it can (after proper training) read and process one single shot gather in approximately 0.02 s. This is significantly faster than any existing industry denoising algorithm. In addition, the proposed network processes shot gathers in a sequential order, which is an advantage compared with industry algorithms that typically require a multi-shot input to break the coherency of the noise. 相似文献
Modern airborne transient electromagnetic surveys typically produce datasets of thousands of line kilometres, requiring careful data processing in order to extract as much and as reliable information as possible. When surveys are flown in populated areas, data processing becomes particularly time consuming since the acquired data are contaminated by couplings to man‐made conductors (power lines, fences, pipes, etc.). Coupled soundings must be removed from the dataset prior to inversion, and this is a process that is difficult to automate. The signature of couplings can be both subtle and difficult to describe in mathematical terms, rendering removal of couplings mostly an expensive manual task for an experienced geophysicist. Here, we try to automate the process of removing couplings by means of an artificial neural network. We train an artificial neural network to recognize coupled soundings in manually processed reference data, and we use this network to identify couplings in other data. The approach provides a significant reduction in the time required for data processing since one can directly apply the network to the raw data. We describe the neural network put to use and present the inputs and normalizations required for maximizing its effectiveness. We further demonstrate and assess the training state and performance of the network before finally comparing inversions based on unprocessed data, manually processed data, and artificial neural network automatically processed data. The results show that a well‐trained network can produce high‐quality processing of airborne transient electromagnetic data, which is either ready for inversion or in need of minimal manual processing. We conclude that the use of artificial neural network scan significantly reduce the processing time and its costs by as much as 50%. 相似文献
The reassignment method remaps the energy of each point in a time‐frequency spectrum to a new coordinate that is closer to the actual time‐frequency location. Two applications of the reassignment method are developed in this paper. We first describe time‐frequency reassignment as a tool for spectral decomposition. The reassignment method helps to generate more clear frequency slices of layers and therefore, it facilitates the interpretation of thin layers. The second application is to seismic data de‐noising. Through thresholding in the reassigned domain rather than in the Gabor domain, random noise is more easily attenuated since seismic events are more compactly represented with a relatively larger energy than the noise. A reconstruction process that permits the recovery of seismic data from a reassigned time‐frequency spectrum is developed. Two approaches of the reassignment method are used in this paper, one of which is referred to as the trace by trace time reassignment that is mainly used for seismic spectral decomposition and another that is the spatial reassignment that is mainly used for seismic de‐noising. Synthetic examples and two field data examples are used to test the proposed method. For comparison, the Gabor transform method, inversion‐based method and common deconvolution method are also used in the examples. 相似文献
Seismic detection of faults, dykes, potholes and iron-rich ultramafic pegmatitic bodies is of great importance to the platinum mining industry, as these structures affect safety and efficiency. The application of conventional seismic attributes (such as instantaneous amplitude, phase and frequency) in the hard-rock environment is more challenging than in soft-rock settings because the geology is often complex, reflections disrupted and the seismic energy strongly scattered. We have developed new seismic attributes that sharpen seismic reflections, enabling additional structural information to be extracted from hard-rock seismic data. The symmetry attribute is based on the invariance of an object with respect to transformations such as rotation and reflection; it is independent of the trace reflection amplitude, and hence a better indicator of the lateral continuity of thin and weak reflections. The reflection-continuity detector attribute is based on the Hilbert transform; it enhances the visibility of the peaks and troughs of the seismic traces, and hence the continuity of weak reflections. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these new seismic attributes by applying them to a legacy 3D seismic data set from the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. These seismic attributes show good detection of deep-seated thin (∼1.5 m thick) platinum ore bodies and their associated complex geological structures (faults, dykes, potholes and iron-rich ultramafic pegmatites). They provide a fast, cost-effective and efficient interpretation tool that, when coupled with horizon-based seismic attributes, can reveal structures not seen in conventional interpretations. 相似文献
We address the problem of increasing the signal-to-noise ratio during surface microseismic monitoring data processing. Interference from different seismic waves causes misleading results of microseismic event locations. Ground-roll suppression is particularly necessary. The standard noise suppression techniques assume regular and dense acquisition geometries. Many pre-processing noise suppression algorithms are designed for special types of noise or interference. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel general-purpose filtration method. The goal of this method is to amplify only the seismic waves that are excited in the selected target area and suppress all other signals. We construct a linear projector onto a frequency domain data subspace, which corresponds to the seismic emission of the target area. The novel filtration method can be considered an extension of the standard frequency–wavenumber flat wave filtration method for non-flat waves and arbitrary irregular receiver-position geometries. To reduce the effect of the uncertainty of the velocity model, we suggest using additional active shot data (typically the perforation shots), which provide static travel time corrections for the target area. The promising prospects of the proposed method are confirmed by synthetic and semi-synthetic data processing. 相似文献
The time-domain controlled source electromagnetic method is a geophysical prospecting tool applied to image the subsurface resistivity distribution on land and in the marine environment. In its most general set-up, a square-wave current is fed into a grounded horizontal electric dipole, and several electric and magnetic field receivers at defined offsets to the imposed current measure the electromagnetic response of the Earth. In the marine environment, the application often uses only inline electric field receivers that, for a 50% duty-cycle current waveform, include both step-on and step-off signals. Here, forward and inverse 1D modelling is used to demonstrate limited sensitivity towards shallow resistive layers in the step-off electric field when transmitter and receivers are surrounded by conductive seawater. This observation is explained by a masking effect of the direct current signal that flows through the seawater and primarily affects step-off data. During a step-off measurement, this direct current is orders of magnitude larger than the inductive response at early and intermediate times, limiting the step-off sensitivity towards shallow resistive layers in the seafloor. Step-on data measure the resistive layer at times preceding the arrival of the direct current signal leading to higher sensitivity compared to step-off data. Such dichotomous behaviour between step-on and step-off data is less obvious in onshore experiments due to the lack of a strong overlying conductive zone and corresponding masking effect from direct current flow. Supported by synthetic 1D inversion studies, we conclude that time-domain controlled source electromagnetic measurements on land should apply both step-on and step-off data in a combined inversion approach to maximize signal-to-noise ratios and utilize the sensitivity characteristics of each signal. In an isotropic marine environment, step-off electric fields have inferior sensitivity towards shallow resistive layers compared to step-on data, resulting in an increase of non-uniqueness when interpreting step-off data in a single or combined inversion. 相似文献
单球式海底地震仪(以下简称OBS)由于其成本低、操作简便的优点在天然地震研究、人工地震探测中获得了广泛应用.本文首先分析多型进口和国产OBS在台湾海峡西部采集的地震数据,发现同一台OBS上的垂直向速度检波器(Z分量)的信噪比常显著低于压力检波器(H分量),由于这两种检波器记录的都是海底的垂向振动信号,推测速度检波器的低信噪比更多的与仪器特性有关.然后从信号传递和噪声水平两方面分析影响速度检波器信噪比的因素:为检测速度检波器与OBS壳体的耦合效果,对某型宽频带OBS和陆上地震仪进行了同址同步观测试验,发现OBS的整机灵敏度有较大的差异;为分析速度检波器的水底噪声特征,以H分量记录作为基准,对比分析了同一台仪器不同站位的Z分量噪声水平,发现速度检波器在浅海区受到较大的次生干扰.本文指出OBS的内部耦合和水流次生干扰是至今尚未引起大家重视而又严重影响资料品质和多波探测成效的两个关键问题,这一研究结果对于改进OBS结构设计和制造工艺,以及OBS数据多分量处理方法研究有重要的参考意义. 相似文献
Source/body edge detection is a common feature in the processing and interpretation of potential field data sets. A wide range of spatial derivatives is available to enhance the information contained in the basic data. Here the ability of these procedures to assist with the mapping interpretation of non‐potential field data is considered. The study uses airborne electromagnetic (conductivity) data but also provides a general context for other conductivity/resistivity data, provided the non‐potential field nature of active and thus spatially‐focused, measurements is acknowledged. The study discusses and demonstrates the application of a range of common spatial derivative procedures, including the analytic signal and upward continuation, to both magnetic and conductivity data. The ability of the tilt derivative to provide enhanced mapping of conductivity data is considered in detail. Tilt and its associated functions are formed by taking combinations of vertical and horizontal derivatives of the data set. Theoretical forward modelling studies are first carried out to assess the performance of the tilt derivative in relation to the detection and definition of concealed conductivity structure. The tilt derivative embodies automatic gain control that normalizes the detection and definition of both weak and strong conductivity gradients across an appropriate subsurface depth range. The use of high‐order spatial derivatives inevitably results in a degree of noise (cultural perturbation) amplification that is survey and technique specific. Both of these aspects are considered using practical case studies of jointly obtained magnetic and conductivity data at a variety of spatial scales. 相似文献
In this paper, the noise sources of an airborne electromagnetic frequency domain instrument used to measure sea-ice thickness are studied. The antennas are mounted on the wings of an aircraft. The paper presents real data examples showing that strong noise limited the accuracy of the thickness measurement to ± 0.5 m in the best case. Even drift correction and frequency ?ltering did not reduce the noise to a level necessary for sea ice thickness measurements with an accuracy of 0.1 m. We show results of 3D ?nite element modeling of the coupling between transmitter and receiver coils and the aircraft, which indicate that wing ?exure is the primary cause of the strong noise. Wing de?ection angles below 5° relative to the fuselage are large enough to cause changes higher than the wanted signal from the seawater under the ice. Wing ?exure noise can be divided into an inductive and geometric contribution, both of the same order. Most of the wing ?exure signal appears on the inphase component only, hence the quadrature component should be taken for sea ice thickness retrievals when wing ?exure is present even when the inphase produces a larger ocean signal. Results also show that pitch and roll movements of the aircraft and electromagnetic coupling between seawater and aircraft can contribute signi?cantly to the total noise. For ?ight heights of 30 m over the ocean these effects can change the signal by about 10% or more. For highly quantitative measurements like sea-ice thickness all these effects must be taken into account. We conclude that a ?xed wing electromagnetic instrument for the purpose of measurements in a centimeter scale must include instrumentation to measure the relative position of the antenna coils with an accuracy of 1/10 mm. Furthermore the antenna separation distance should be as large as possible in order to increase the measured ratio of secondary to primary magnetic field strength. 相似文献
航空重力是近几十年来快速发展起来的一种地球物理勘探方法, 在数据采集时会受到飞机震动、颠簸以及气流变化引起的飞机高度变化等因素产生的噪声影响, 使得采集的重力数据中由地质体引起的重力异常远远小于噪声, 对后续的处理和解释带来了很大困难.航空重力数据噪声压制一直是航空重力数据处理的难题, 也是地球物理学家一直致力研究的课题.本文将最小曲率方法用于航空重力数据噪声压制, 在已有显式和隐式单步长、叠加步长、多重单步长和多重叠加步长迭代的基础上, 提出了松弛迭代技术, 解决了显式单步长和显式多重单步长迭代不收敛的问题.利用Fourier频谱分析理论, 研究了松弛迭代格式的收敛性, 并给出了松弛因子选择方法; 通过仿真数据和实测数据测试了最小曲率方法在航空重力数据噪声压制的效果.研究结果表明, 最小曲率方法是一种有效的航空重力数据噪声压制方法, 能够提高航空重力数据的质量, 也为进一步处理和解释提供了可靠的数据.最小曲率噪声压制方法还可用于地面、船载以及卫星重力数据的噪声压制以及其他数据的噪声压制, 具有广泛的推广应用前景. 相似文献
In near-surface transient electromagnetic studies, it is desirable to measure the transient response starting from the earliest possible time. This requires the current in the transmitter loop to be switched off quickly, which necessitates working with a low transmitter current. As for deep-target transient electromagnetic studies, the transmitter current is as high as possible. The transmitter current's turn-off waveform and total duration affect the transient voltage response, especially at early times, which is to be accounted for when interpreting transient electromagnetic data. This article discusses the difference in switching off low and high current in a horizontal loop used as the source of the primary magnetic field in the transient electromagnetic method. Low and high currents are turned off in fundamentally different ways. When the current to be switched off is low, the loop can be represented as a symmetric combination of two transmission lines grounded at the middle of the loop perimeter. Such a representation of a loop allows calculating the current turn-off waveform at any point of the loop. The waveform and total duration of switching off a low current does not depend on its magnitude, but is determined by the period of natural oscillations of the current in the loop and the resistance of a shunting resistor. Switching off a low current in a loop can be represented as the sum of stepped current waves travelling along the loop wire. As a consequence, the current at different points of the loop perimeter is turned off at different times. In contrast to a low current, a high current is switched off linearly in time and synchronously at all points of the loop perimeter. The wave phenomena appear only at the very beginning of the current shutdown for a time interval that is much less than the total current turn-off duration. Presentation of the loop using a simple lumped-circuit model predicts the waveform and duration of the high current turn-off that coincide with the measured ones. There are two reasons why the article may be of interest to those engaged in the theory and/or practice of electromagnetic geophysical methods. First, it contributes to a general understanding of how the current in the transmitter loop is turned off. Second, the article shows how the parameters of a transmitter loop determine the current turn-off duration and thus the minimum depth of the transient electromagnetic sounding method. 相似文献
We introduce the signal dependent time–frequency distribution, which is a time–frequency distribution that allows the user to optimize the tradeoff between joint time–frequency resolution and suppression of transform artefacts. The signal‐dependent time–frequency distribution, as well as the short‐time Fourier transform, Stockwell transform, and the Fourier transform are analysed for their ability to estimate the spectrum of a known wavelet used in a tuning wedge model. Next, the signal‐dependent time–frequency distribution, and fixed‐ and variable‐window transforms are used to estimate spectra from a zero‐offset synthetic seismogram. Attenuation is estimated from the associated spectral ratio curves, and the accuracy of the results is compared. The synthetic consisted of six pairs of strong reflections, based on real well‐log data, with a modeled intrinsic attenuation value of 1000/ Q = 20. The signal‐dependent time–frequency distribution was the only time–frequency transform found to produce spectra that estimated consistent attenuation values, with an average of 1000/ Q = 26±2; results from the fixed‐ and variable‐window transforms were 24±17 and 39±10, respectively. Finally, all three time–frequency transforms were used in a pre‐stack attenuation estimation method (the pre‐stack Q inversion algorithm) applied to a gather from a North Sea seismic dataset, to estimate attenuation between nine different strong reflections. In this case, the signal‐dependent time‐frequency distribution produced spectra more consistent with the constant‐Q model of attenuation assumed in the pre‐stack attenuation estimation algorithm: the average L1 residuals of the spectral ratio surfaces from the theoretical constant‐Q expectation for the signal‐dependent time‐frequency distribution, short‐time Fourier transform, and Stockwell transform were 0.12, 0.21, and 0.33, respectively. Based on the results shown, the signal‐dependent time‐frequency distribution is a time–frequency distribution that can provide more accurate and precise estimations of the amplitude spectrum of a reflection, due to a higher attainable time–frequency resolution. 相似文献
Modern regional airborne magnetic datasets, when acquired in populated areas, are inevitably degraded by cultural interference. In the United Kingdom context, the spatial densities of interfering structures and their complex spatial form severely limit our ability to successfully process and interpret the data. Deculturing procedures previously adopted have used semi‐automatic methods that incorporate additional geographical databases that guide manual assessment and refinement of the acquired database. Here we present an improved component of that procedure that guides the detection of localized responses associated with non‐geological perturbations. The procedure derives from a well‐established technique for the detection of kimberlite pipes and is a form of moving‐window correlation using grid‐based data. The procedure lends itself to automatic removal of perturbed data, although manual intervention to accept/reject outputs of the procedure is wise. The technique is evaluated using recently acquired regional United Kingdom survey data, which benefits from having an offshore component and areas of largely non‐magnetic granitic response. The methodology is effective at identifying (and hence removing) the isolated perturbations that form a persistent spatial noise background to the entire dataset. Probably in common with all such methods, the technique fails to isolate and remove amalgamated responses due to complex superimposed effects. The procedure forms an improved component of partial automation in the context of a wider deculturing procedure applied to United Kingdom aeromagnetic data. 相似文献