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Time‐domain marine controlled source electromagnetic methods have been used successfully for the detection of resistive targets such as hydrocarbons, gas hydrate, or marine groundwater aquifers. As the application of time‐domain marine controlled source electromagnetic methods increases, surveys in areas with a strong seabed topography are inevitable. In these cases, an important question is whether bathymetry information should be included in the interpretation of the measured electromagnetic field or not. Since multi‐dimensional inversion is still not common in time‐domain marine controlled source electromagnetic methods, bathymetry effects on the 1D inversion of single‐offset and multi‐offset joint inversions of time‐domain controlled source electromagnetic methods data are investigated. We firstly used an adaptive finite element algorithm to calculate the time‐domain controlled source electromagnetic methods responses of 2D resistivity models with seafloor topography. Then, 1D inversions are applied on the synthetic data derived from marine resistivity models, including the topography in order to study the possible topography effects on the 1D interpretation. To evaluate the effects of topography with various steepness, the slope angle of the seabed topography is varied in the synthetic modelling studies for deep water (air interaction is absent or very weak) and shallow water (air interaction is dominant), respectively. Several different patterns of measuring configurations are considered, such as the systems adopting nodal receivers and the bottom‐towed system. According to the modelling results for deep water when air interaction is absent, the 2D topography can distort the measured electric field. The distortion of the data increases gradually with the enlarging of the topography's slope angle. In our test, depending on the configuration, the seabed topography does not affect the 1D interpretation significantly if the slope angle is less or around 10°. However, if the slope angle increases to 30° or more, it is possible that significant artificial layers occur in inversion results and lead to a wrong interpretation. In a shallow water environment with seabed topography, where the air interaction dominates, it is possible to uncover the true subsurface resistivity structure if the water depth for the 1D inversion is properly chosen. In our synthetic modelling, this scheme can always present a satisfactory data fit in the 1D inversion if only one offset is used in the inversion process. However, the determination of the optimal water depth for a multi‐offset joint inversion is challenging due to the various air interaction for different offsets.  相似文献   

The controlled source extremely low frequency (CSELF) electromagnetic method is characterized by extremely long and powerful sources and a huge measurement range. Its electromagnetic field can therefore be affected by the ionosphere and displacement current. Research on 3D forward modeling and inversion of CSELF electromagnetic data is currently in its infancy. This paper makes exploratory attempts to firstly calculate the 1D extremely low frequency electromagnetic field under ionosphere-air-earth coupling circumstances, and secondly analyze the propagation characteristics of the background electromagnetic field. The 3D staggered-grid finite difference scheme for solving for the secondary electric field is adopted and incorporated with the 1D modeling algorithm to complete 3D forward modeling. Considering that surveys can be carried out in the near field and transition zone for lower frequencies, the 3D Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (LBFGS) inversion of CSELF electromagnetic data is presented (in which the sources, or primary fields, are included), with the aim of directly inverting the impedance data, regardless of where it is acquired. Derivation of the objective functional gradient is the core component in the inversion. Synthetic tests indicate that the well-chosen approximation to the Hessian can significantly speed up the inversion. The model responses corresponding to the coexistence of conductive and resistive blocks show that the off-diagonal components of tensor impedance are much more sensitive to the resistivity variation than the diagonal components. In comparison with conventional scalar inversion, tensor inversion is superior in the recoveries of electric anomalies and background resistivity.  相似文献   

In order to couple spatial data from frequency‐domain helicopter‐borne electromagnetics with electromagnetic measurements from ground geophysics (transient electromagnetics and radiomagnetotellurics), a common 1D weighted joint inversion algorithm for helicopter‐borne electromagnetics, transient electromagnetics and radiomagnetotellurics data has been developed. The depth of investigation of helicopter‐borne electromagnetics data is rather limited compared to time‐domain electromagnetics sounding methods on the ground. In order to improve the accuracy of model parameters of shallow depth as well as of greater depth, the helicopter‐borne electromagnetics, transient electromagnetics, and radiomagnetotellurics measurements can be combined by using a joint inversion methodology. The 1D joint inversion algorithm is tested for synthetic data of helicopter‐borne electromagnetics, transient electromagnetics and radiomagnetotellurics. The proposed concept of the joint inversion takes advantage of each method, thus providing the capability to resolve near surface (radiomagnetotellurics) and deeper electrical conductivity structures (transient electromagnetics) in combination with valuable spatial information (helicopter‐borne electromagnetics). Furthermore, the joint inversion has been applied on the field data (helicopter‐borne electromagnetics and transient electromagnetics) measured in the Cuxhaven area, Germany. In order to avoid the lessening of the resolution capacities of one data type, and thus balancing the use of inherent and ideally complementary information content, a parameter reweighting scheme that is based on the exploration depth ranges of the specific methods is proposed. A comparison of the conventional joint inversion algorithm, proposed by Jupp and Vozoff ( 1975 ), and of the newly developed algorithm is presented. The new algorithm employs the weighting on different model parameters differently. It is inferred from the synthetic and field data examples that the weighted joint inversion is more successful in explaining the subsurface than the classical joint inversion approach. In addition to this, the data fittings in weighted joint inversion are also improved.  相似文献   

The recent use of marine electromagnetic technology for exploration geophysics has primarily focused on applying the controlled source electromagnetic method for hydrocarbon mapping. However, this technology also has potential for structural mapping applications, particularly when the relative higher frequency controlled source electromagnetic data are combined with the lower frequencies of naturally occurring magnetotelluric data. This paper reports on an extensive test using data from 84 marine controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric stations for imaging volcanic sections and underlying sediments on a 128‐km‐long profile. The profile extends across the trough between the Faroe and Shetland Islands in the North Sea. Here, we focus on how 2.5D inversion can best recover the volcanic and sedimentary sections. A synthetic test carried out with 3D anisotropic model responses shows that vertically transverse isotropy 2.5D inversion using controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data provides the most accurate prediction of the resistivity in both volcanic and sedimentary sections. We find the 2.5D inversion works well despite moderate 3D structure in the synthetic model. Triaxial inversion using the combination of controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data provided a constant resistivity contour that most closely matched the true base of the volcanic flows. For the field survey data, triaxial inversion of controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data provides the best overall tie to well logs with vertically transverse isotropy inversion of controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data a close second. Vertical transverse isotropy inversion of controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data provided the best interpreted base of the volcanic horizon when compared with our best seismic interpretation. The structural boundaries estimated by the 20‐Ω·m contour of the vertical resistivity obtained by vertical transverse isotropy inversion of controlled source electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data gives a maximum geometric location error of 11% with a mean error of 1.2% compared with the interpreted base of the volcanic horizon. Both the model study and field data interpretation indicate that marine electromagnetic technology has the potential to discriminate between low‐resistivity prospective siliciclastic sediments and higher resistivity non‐prospective volcaniclastic sediments beneath the volcanic section.  相似文献   

Very early times in the order of 2–3 μs from the end of the turn‐off ramp for time‐domain electromagnetic systems are crucial for obtaining a detailed resolution of the near‐surface geology in the depth interval 0–20 m. For transient electromagnetic systems working in the off time, an electric current is abruptly turned off in a large transmitter loop causing a secondary electromagnetic field to be generated by the eddy currents induced in the ground. Often, however, there is still a residual primary field generated by remaining slowly decaying currents in the transmitter loop. The decay disturbs or biases the earth response data at the very early times. These biased data must be culled, or some specific processing must be applied in order to compensate or remove the residual primary field. As the bias response can be attributed to decaying currents with its time constantly controlled by the geometry of the transmitter loop, we denote it the ‘Coil Response’. The modelling of a helicopter‐borne time‐domain system by an equivalent electronic circuit shows that the time decay of the coil response remains identical whatever the position of the receiver loop, which is confirmed by field measurements. The modelling also shows that the coil response has a theoretical zero location and positioning the receiver coil at the zero location eliminates the coil response completely. However, spatial variations of the coil response around the zero location are not insignificant and even a few cm deformation of the carrier frame will introduce a small coil response. Here we present an approach for subtracting the coil response from the data by measuring it at high altitudes and then including an extra shift factor into the inversion scheme. The scheme is successfully applied to data from the SkyTEM system and enables the use of very early time gates, as early as 2–3 μs from the end of the ramp, or 5–6 μs from the beginning of the ramp. Applied to a large‐scale airborne electromagnetic survey, the coil response compensation provides airborne electromagnetic methods with a hitherto unseen good resolution of shallow geological layers in the depth interval 0–20 m. This is proved by comparing results from the airborne electromagnetic survey to more than 100 km of Electrical Resistivity Tomography measured with 5 m electrode spacing.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first controlled‐source electromagnetic survey carried out in the German North Sea with a recently developed seafloor‐towed electrical dipole–dipole system, i.e., HYDRA II. Controlled‐source electromagnetic data are measured, processed, and inverted in the time domain to estimate an electrical resistivity model of the sub‐seafloor. The controlled‐source electromagnetic survey targeted a shallow, phase‐reversed, seismic reflector, which potentially indicates free gas. To compare the resistivity model to reflection seismic data and draw a combined interpretation, we apply a trans‐dimensional Bayesian inversion that estimates model parameters and uncertainties, and samples probabilistically over the number of layers of the resistivity model. The controlled‐source electromagnetic data errors show time‐varying correlations, and we therefore apply a non‐Toeplitz data covariance matrix in the inversion that is estimated from residual analysis. The geological interpretation drawn from controlled‐source electromagnetic inversion results and borehole and reflection seismic data yield resistivities of ~1 Ωm at the seafloor, which are typical for fine‐grained marine deposits, whereas resistivities below ~20 mbsf increase to 2–4 Ωm and can be related to a transition from fine‐grained (Holocene age) to unsorted, coarse‐grained, and compacted glacial sediments (Pleistocene age). Interface depths from controlled‐source electromagnetic inversion generally match the seismic reflector related to the contrast between the different depositional environments. Resistivities decrease again at greater depths to ~1 Ωm with a minimum resistivity at ~300 mbsf where a seismic reflector (that marks a major flooding surface of late Miocene age) correlates with an increased gamma‐ray count, indicating an increased amount of fine‐grained sediments. We suggest that the grain size may have a major impact on the electrical resistivity of the sediment with lower resistivities for fine‐grained sediments. Concerning the phase‐reversed seismic reflector that was targeted by the survey, controlled‐source electromagnetic inversion results yield no indication for free gas below it as resistivities are generally elevated above the reflector. We suggest that the elevated resistivities are caused by an overall decrease in porosity in the glacial sediments and that the seismic reflector could be caused by an impedance contrast at a thin low‐velocity layer. Controlled‐source electromagnetic interface depths near the reflector are quite uncertain and variable. We conclude that the seismic interface cannot be resolved with the controlled‐source electromagnetic data, but the thickness of the corresponding resistive layer follows the trend of the reflector that is inclined towards the west.  相似文献   

对于时间域航空电磁法二维和三维反演来说,最大的困难在于有效的算法和大的计算量需求.本文利用非线性共轭梯度法实现了时间域航空电磁法2.5维反演方法,着重解决了迭代反演过程中灵敏度矩阵计算、最佳迭代步长计算、初始模型选取等问题.在正演计算中,我们采用有限元法求解拉式傅氏域中的电磁场偏微分方程,再通过逆拉氏和逆傅氏变换高精度数值算法得到时间域电磁响应.在灵敏度矩阵计算中,采用了基于拉式傅氏双变换的伴随方程法,时间消耗只需计算两次正演,从而节约了大量计算时间.对于最佳步长计算,二次插值向后追踪法能够保证反演迭代的稳定性.设计两个理论模型,检验反演算法的有效性,并讨论了选择不同初始模型对反演结果的影响.模型算例表明:非线性共轭梯度方法应用于时间域航空电磁2.5维反演中稳定可靠,反演结果能够有效地反映地下真实电性结构.当选择的初始模型电阻率值与真实背景电阻率值接近时,能得到较好的反演结果,当初始模型电阻率远大于或远小于真实背景电阻率值时反演效果就会变差.  相似文献   

Two types of marine controlled source electromagnetic transmitters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Marine controlled source electromagnetic methods are used to derive the electrical properties of a wide range of sub‐seafloor targets, including gas hydrate reservoirs. In most marine controlled source electromagnetic surveys, the deep‐tow transmitter is used with a long horizontal electric dipole being towed above the seafloor, which is capable of transmitting dipole moments in the order of up to several thousand ampere‐metres. The newly developed deployed transmitter uses two horizontal orthogonal electrical dipoles and can land on the seafloor. It can transmit higher frequency electromagnetic signals, can provide accurate transmission orientation, and can obtain higher signal stacking, which compensates for the shorter source dipole length. In this paper, we present the study, key technologies, and implementation details of two new marine controlled source electromagnetic transmitters (the deep‐tow transmitter and the deployed transmitter). We also present the results of a marine controlled source electromagnetic experiment conducted from April to May 2014 in the South China Sea using both the deep‐tow transmitter and the deployed transmitter, which show that the two types of marine transmitters can be used as effective source for gas hydrate exploration.  相似文献   

Accurate modelling of the conductivity structure of mineralisations can often be difficult. In order to remedy this, a parametric approach is often used. We have developed a parametric thin‐sheet code, with a variable overburden. The code is capable of performing inversions of time‐domain airborne electromagnetic data, and it has been tested successfully on both synthetic data and field data. The code implements an integral solution containing one or more conductive sheets, buried in a half‐space with a laterally varying conductive overburden. This implementation increases the area of applicability compared to, for example, codes operating in free space, but it comes with a significant increase in computational cost. To minimise the cost, the code is parallelised using OpenMP and heavily optimised, which means that inversions of field data can be performed in hours on multiprocessor desktop computers. The code models the full system transfer function of the electromagnetic system, including variable flight height. The code is demonstrated with a synthetic example imitating a mineralisation buried underneath a conductive meadow. As a field example, the Valen mineral deposit, which is a graphite mineral deposit located in a variable overburden, is successfully inverted. Our results match well with previous models of the deposit; however, our predicted sheet remains inconclusive. These examples collectively demonstrate the effectiveness of our thin‐sheet code.  相似文献   

We present a new workflow for imaging damped three‐dimensional elastic wavefields in the Fourier domain. The workflow employs a multiscale imaging approach, in which offset lengths are laddered, where frequency content and damping of the data are changed cyclically. Thus, the inversion process is launched using short‐offset and low‐frequency data to recover the long spatial wavelength of the image at a shallow depth. Increasing frequency and offset length leads to the recovery of the fine‐scale features of the model at greater depths. For the fixed offset, we employ (in the imaging process) a few discrete frequencies with a set of Laplace damping parameters. The forward problem is solved with a finite‐difference frequency‐domain method based on a massively parallel iterative solver. The inversion code is based upon the solution of a least squares optimisation problem and is solved using a nonlinear gradient method. It is fully parallelised for distributed memory computational platforms. Our full‐waveform inversion workflow is applied to the 3D Marmousi‐2 and SEG/EAGE Salt models with long‐offset data. The maximum inverted frequencies are 6 Hz for the Marmousi model and 2 Hz for the SEG/EAGE Salt model. The detailed structures are imaged successfully up to the depth approximately equal to one‐third of the maximum offset length at a resolution consistent with the inverted frequencies.  相似文献   

讨论了地面可控源电磁勘探三维非线性共轭梯度反演的可行性以及反演过程中考虑场源的必要性.反演采用非线性共轭梯度反演方法.反演过程中,模型响应利用交错网格有限差分技术计算.反演数据采用与发射源平行的电场x分量Ex.利用层状导电模型作为背景,设计了两个理论模型进行数值试验:第一个模型中包含两个电阻率异常,以检验反演的有效性;第二个模型中,在测区外设置了一个低阻异常,以考察源的信息在反演中的作用.两个模型的反演分别从层状背景模型开始,迭代120次后终止.数值试验结果表明,(1)非线性共轭梯度反演所获得的电阻率分布和理论模型吻合较好;(2)非线性共轭梯度算法收敛速度较慢,需要较多的迭代次数完成反演;(3)对于可控源频率电磁勘探,必须考虑源位置信息.因此,本文采用考虑场源信息的地面可控源非线性共轭梯度反演方法能完成真正意义上的可控源频率电磁测深数据的反演.  相似文献   

A novel, fast, and approximate forward modelling routine for time‐domain electromagnetic responses is presented. It is based on the separation of the forward problem into a configuration‐independent part, mapping conductivity as a function of depth onto apparent conductivity as a function of time, and a configuration‐dependent part, i.e., the half‐space step response. The response of a layered model is then found as the half‐space response for a half‐space conductivity equal to the apparent conductivity. The mapping is ten times faster than traditional accurate forward modelling routines, and through stochastic modelling, it is found that the standard deviation of the modelling error is 0.7 %. The forward mapping lends itself to integration in a modern state‐of‐the‐art inversion formulation in exactly the same way as traditionally computed responses, and a field example is included where inversion results using the approximate forward response are compared with those of an accurate forward response for helicopterborne transient electromagnetic data. In addition to being used in its own right in inversion of transient data, the speed and accuracy of the approximate inversion mean that it is well suited for quality control and fast turnaround data delivery of survey results to a client. It can also be used in hybrid inversion formulations by supplying initial iterations and high‐quality derivatives in an inversion based on accurate forward modelling.  相似文献   

A towed streamer electromagnetic system capable of simultaneous seismic and electromagnetic data acquisition has recently been developed and tested in the North Sea. We introduce a 3D inversion methodology for towed streamer electromagnetic data that includes a moving sensitivity domain. Our implementation is based on the 3D integral equation method for computing responses and Fréchet derivatives and uses the re‐weighted regularized conjugate gradient method for minimizing the objective functional with focusing regularization. We present two model studies relevant to hydrocarbon exploration in the North Sea. First, we demonstrate the ability of a towed electromagnetic system to detect and characterize the Harding field, a medium‐sized North Sea hydrocarbon target. We compare our 3D inversion of towed streamer electromagnetic data with 3D inversion of conventional marine controlled‐source electromagnetic data and observe few differences between the recovered models. Second, we demonstrate the ability of a towed streamer electromagnetic system to detect and characterize the Peon discovery, which is representative of an infrastructure‐led shallow gas play in the North Sea. We also present an actual case study for the 3D inversion of towed streamer electromagnetic data from the Troll field in the North Sea and demonstrate our ability to image all the Troll West Oil and Gas Provinces and the Troll East Gas Province. We conclude that 3D inversion of data from the current generation of towed streamer electromagnetic systems can adequately recover hydrocarbon‐bearing formations to depths of approximately 2 km. We note that by obviating the need for ocean‐bottom receivers, the towed streamer electromagnetic system enables electromagnetic data to be acquired over very large areas in frontier and mature basins for higher acquisition rates and relatively lower cost than conventional marine controlled‐source electromagnetic methods.  相似文献   

We present a structural smoothing regularization scheme in the context of inversion of marine controlled‐source electromagnetic data. The regularizing hypothesis is that the electrical parameters have a structure similar to that of the elastic parameters observed from seismic data. The regularization is split into three steps. First, we ensure that our inversion grid conforms with the geometry derived from seismic. Second, we use a seismic stratigraphic attribute to define a spatially varying regularization strength. Third, we use an indexing strategy on the inversion grid to define smoothing along the seismic geometry. Enforcing such regularization in the inversion will encourage an inversion result that is more intuitive for the interpreter to deal with. However, the interpreter should also be aware of the bias introduced by using seismic data for regularization. We illustrate the method using one synthetic example and one field data example. The results show how the regularization works and that it clearly enforces the structure derived from seismic data. From the field data example we find that the inversion result improves when the structural smoothing regularization is employed. Including the broadside data improves the inversion results even more, due to a better balancing between the sensitivities for the horizontal and vertical resistivities.  相似文献   

Elastic full waveform inversion of seismic reflection data represents a data‐driven form of analysis leading to quantification of sub‐surface parameters in depth. In previous studies attention has been given to P‐wave data recorded in the marine environment, using either acoustic or elastic inversion schemes. In this paper we exploit both P‐waves and mode‐converted S‐waves in the marine environment in the inversion for both P‐ and S‐wave velocities by using wide‐angle, multi‐component, ocean‐bottom cable seismic data. An elastic waveform inversion scheme operating in the time domain was used, allowing accurate modelling of the full wavefield, including the elastic amplitude variation with offset response of reflected arrivals and mode‐converted events. A series of one‐ and two‐dimensional synthetic examples are presented, demonstrating the ability to invert for and thereby to quantify both P‐ and S‐wave velocities for different velocity models. In particular, for more realistic low velocity models, including a typically soft seabed, an effective strategy for inversion is proposed to exploit both P‐ and mode‐converted PS‐waves. Whilst P‐wave events are exploited for inversion for P‐wave velocity, examples show the contribution of both P‐ and PS‐waves to the successful recovery of S‐wave velocity.  相似文献   

This work adopts a continuation approach, based on path tracking in model space, to solve the non-linear least-squares problem for discrimination of unexploded ordnance (UXO) using multi-receiver electromagnetic induction (EMI) data. The forward model corresponds to a stretched-exponential decay of eddy currents induced in a magnetic spheroid. We formulate an over-determined, or under-parameterized, inverse problem. An example using synthetic multi-receiver EMI responses illustrates the efficiency of the method. The fast inversion of actual field multi-receiver EMI responses of inert, buried ordnances is also shown. Software based on the continuation method could be installed within a multi-receiver EMI sensor and used for near-real-time UXO decision-making purposes without the need for a highly-trained operator.  相似文献   

Occam反演是一种正则化的光滑模型反演方法,它在寻找最小拟合差的同时追求最光滑模型.因地下介质的电性通常是连续变化的,Occam反演考虑了地下介质横向和纵向的光滑情况,应用Occam反演避免了模型电性参数被随意间断.通过建立层状和存在两个异常体的模型,利用2.5维可控源音频大地电磁有限元法作正演响应计算,对响应数据基...  相似文献   

Sufficient low‐frequency information is essential for full‐waveform inversion to get the global optimal solution. Multi‐scale envelope inversion was proposed using a new Fréchet derivative to invert the long‐wavelength component of the model by directly using the low‐frequency components contained in an envelope of seismic data. Although the new method can recover the main structure of the model, the inversion quality of the model bottom still needs to be improved. Reflection waveform inversion reduces the dependence of inversion on low‐frequency and long‐offset data by using travel‐time information in reflected waves. However, when the underground medium contains strong contrast or the initial model is far away from the true model, it is hard to get reliable reference reflectors for the generation of reflected waves. Here, we propose a combination inversion algorithm, i.e., reflection multi‐scale envelope inversion, to overcome the limitations of multi‐scale envelope inversion and reflection waveform inversion. First, wavefield decomposition was introduced into the multi‐scale envelope inversion to improve the inversion quality of the long‐wavelength components of the model. Then, after the initial model had been established to be accurate enough, migration and de‐migration were introduced to achieve multi‐scale reflection waveform inversion. The numerical results of the salt‐layer model and the SEG/EAGE salt model verified the validity of the proposed approach and its potential.  相似文献   

In marine controlled‐source electromagnetic (CSEM) surveys the subsurface is explored by emitting low‐frequency signals from an electric dipole source close to the sea‐bed. The main goal is often to detect and describe possible thin resistive layers beneath the sea‐bed. To gain insight into how CSEM signals propagate, it is informative to study a stratified model. The electromagnetic field is then given in terms of integrals over TE‐ and TM‐polarized plane‐wave constituents. An asymptotic evaluation of the field integrals for large propagation distances results in explicit spatial expressions for the field components and the derived expressions can be used to analyse how the CSEM signals propagate. There are two major signal pathways in a standard CSEM model. One of these pathways is via the thin resistive layer and the resulting response is accounted for by a pole in the reflection response for the TM mode. The signal is propagating nearly vertically down to the resistor from the source, then guided while attenuated along the reservoir, before propagating nearly vertically up to the receiver. The response is slightly altered by the sea‐bed interface and further modified in shallow water due to multiple reflections between the sea‐surface and sea‐bed at both the source and receiver sides. The other major signal pathway is via the resistive air half‐space, the so‐called airwave. The airwave is generated by the TE mode and interacts with the subsurface via vertically propagating signals reflected between the sea‐surface and subsurface at both the source and receiver sides.  相似文献   

Surface wave methods are based on the inversion of observed Rayleigh wave phase‐velocity dispersion curves. The goal is to estimate mainly the shear‐wave velocity profile of the investigated site. The model used for the interpretation is 1D, hence results obtained wherever lateral variations are present cannot be considered reliable. In this paper, we study four synthetic models, all with a lateral heterogeneity. When we process the entire corresponding seismograms with traditional fk approach, the resulting 1D profiles are representative of the subsurface properties averaged over the whole length of the receivers lines. These results show that classical analysis disregards evidences of sharp lateral velocity changes even when they show up in the raw seismograms. In our research, we implement and test over the same synthetic models, a novel robust automated method to check the appropriateness of 1D model assumption and locate the discontinuities. This new approach is a development of the recent multi‐offset phase analysis with the following further advantages: it does not need previous noise evaluation and more than one shot. Only once the discontinuities are clearly identified, we confidently perform classical f‐k dispersion curve extraction and inversion separately on both sides of the discontinuity. Thus the final results, obtained by putting side by side the 1D profiles, are correct 2D reconstructions of the discontinuous S‐wave distributions obtained without any additional ad‐hoc hypotheses.  相似文献   

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