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Despite the common occurrence of simple shear deformation, laboratory and numerical simulations of folding have so far been almost exclusively in pure shear. Here we present a series of finite-element simulations of single layer folding in simple shear up to high shear strains (γ ≤ 4, and up to 75% shortening of the folding layer). In the simulations we vary the viscosity contrast between layer and its surroundings (25–100), the stress exponent (1 or 3) and the kinematics of deformation (pure- versus simple shear). In simple shear fold trains do not show a clear asymmetry, axial planes form perpendicular to the developing fold train and rotate along with the fold train. Differences in geometries between folds formed in simple and pure shear folds are thus difficult to distinguish visually, with simple shear folds slightly more irregular and with more variable axial plane orientation than in pure shear. Asymmetric refraction of an axial planar cleavage is a clearer indication of folding in simple shear. The main effect of an increase in stress exponent is an increase in effective viscosity contrast, with only a secondary effect on fold geometry. Naturally folded aplite dykes in a granodiorite are found in a shear zone in Roses, NE Spain. Comparison of the folded dykes with our numerical simulations indicates a viscosity contrast of around 25 and a stress exponent of 3. The natural folds confirm that at this moderate viscosity contrast, a significant amount of shortening (20–30%) is achieved by layer thickening instead of folding.  相似文献   

断层相关褶皱理论与应用研究新进展   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
何登发  John  SUPPE  贾承造 《地学前缘》2005,12(4):353-364
自Rich(1934)提出断层转折褶皱的几何学概念以来,Suppe(1983)首次将其定量化,建立了褶皱形态与断层形态和断层滑动之间的定量关系,奠立了断层相关褶皱理论的基本模型。20年来,不但建立了断层传播褶皱、断层滑脱褶皱等基本端员类型的几何学与运动学模型,也建立与完善了断层相关褶皱叠加样式的几何学与运动学模型,例如叠瓦构造、构造楔与干涉构造等。研究同构造沉积作用,建立了生长断层相关褶皱的几何学与运动学模型,将沉积作用与断裂作用、褶皱作用及构造隆升作用等有机地联系起来。考虑地层的力学性质与变形差异,提出与建立了剪切断层转折褶皱理论,并建立了断层相关褶皱的一系列力学模型。20年来,断层相关褶皱的基本研究方法经历了由二维剖面与平面分析向全三维空间分析的转变,由几何学、运动学模型向力学模型的转变,实验模拟技术与数值模拟技术在断层相关褶皱理论模型的建立与检验中发挥了重要作用。断层相关褶皱的理论和方法在工程地质、地震灾害预报与油气勘探开发等领域获得了广泛的应用。中国在天山、祁连山和龙门山等相邻的前陆盆地的活动构造与含油气圈闭研究中,应用断层相关褶皱的理论与方法取得了重要进展。  相似文献   

The progressive development of folds by buckling in single isolated viscous layers compressed parallel to the layering and embedded in a less viscous host is examined in several ways; by use of experiments, an analogue model to simulate simultaneous buckling and flattening and by an application of finite-element analysis.The appearance of folds with a characteristic wavelength in an initially flat layer occurs in the experiments for viscosity ratios (μlayerhost = μ12) of between 11 and 100; progressive fold development after the initial folds have appeared is similar in the experiments and in the finite-element models. Except for the finite-element model for μ12 = 1,000 layer-parallel shortening occurs in the early stages of folding and a stage is reached where little further changes in arc length occur. The amount of layer-parallel shortening increases with decreasing viscosity contrast, and becomes relatively unimportant after the folds have attained limb dips of about 15°–25°.Thickness variations with dip are only significant here for the finite-element model with μ12 = 10, and in experiments for μ12 = 5 where the layer is initially in the form of a moderate-amplitude sine wave. The variations range from a parallel to a near-similar fold geometry, and in general depend on the viscosity contrast, the degree of shortening and the initial wavelength/thickness ratio. They are very similar to the variations predicted by the analogue model of combined buckling and flattening. The difference between the thickness/dip variations in a fold produced by buckling at low viscosity contrast and one produced by flattening a parallel fold is marked at high limb dips and very slight at low limb dips.Many natural folds in isolated rock layers or veins show thickness/dip relationships expected for a flattened parallel fold, and some show relationships expected for buckling at low viscosity contrasts. Studies of the wavelength/thickness ratios in natural folds have suggested that competence contrast is often low. Many folds in isolated rock layers or veins whose geometry may vary between parallel and almost similar, and may be indistinguishable from those of flattened parallel folds, have probably developed by a process of buckling at low viscosity contrasts.  相似文献   

We report a new driving mechanism for vertical-axis rotation in fold belts: during directed folding, there always are layers which are tilted oblique to the regional shortening direction. These layers are geometrically incompatible with fold closure and must become accommodated towards parallelism with the other layers in the course of further shortening. Accommodation is achieved through vertical-axis rotations of the layers towards the shortening direction. A revision of palaeomagnetic data sets from fold belts shows that (1) incompatible layers occur in almost all data sets, reflecting a certain degree of non-cylindrical folding, and (2) a parallelisation of the layers by true vertical-axis rotations occurred when folding became intense. Layer parallelisation is a potential source of disturbance for palaeomagnetic and tectonic interpretation. It can be the explanation for some of the frequent outliers in palaeomagnetic data sets, and a basic model for the rotation pattern of palaeomagnetic directions.  相似文献   

广义"断层转折褶皱"的几何学正演数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一个广义“断层转折褶皱”的几何学数值模拟方法,并用C++语言编制了相应的数值模拟软件。该软件能模拟非常复杂的褶皱冲断系统,包括多转折“剪切断层转折褶皱”(multi-bend shear fault-bend folds)、复合楔体构造(composite wedge structures)、以及多滑脱层褶皱冲断系统(multi-detachment fold and thrust systems)。通过把一个沉积岩层分解成“膝折带”(kink-band)和“膝折楔”(kink-wedge)两部分,解决了模拟曲线形态的多转折断层转折褶皱的难点问题,而以往的几何学方法仅对真实的褶皱形态作了粗略的线性近似。通过把复杂的褶皱冲断系统分解成一系列迭加的滑脱层系,可以模拟复杂的楔体构造,并提供这些构造演化的二维动画。该软件被应用于美国加里福尼亚州的Wheeler山脊,一个活动的楔体构造,其构造解释得自于大量钻井数据,正演数值模拟再现了该构造的主要特征。  相似文献   

The inference of fault geometry from suprajacent fold shape relies on consistent and verified forward models of fault-cored folds, e.g. suites of models with differing fault boundary conditions demonstrate the range of possible folding. Results of kinematic (fault-parallel flow) and mechanical (boundary element method) models are compared to ascertain differences in the way the two methods simulate flexure associated with slip along flat-ramp-flat geometry. These differences are assessed by systematically altering fault parameters in each model and observing subsequent changes in the suprajacent fold shapes. Differences between the kinematic and mechanical fault-fold relationships highlight the differences between the methods. Additionally, a laboratory fold is simulated to determine which method might best predict fault parameters from fold shape. Although kinematic folds do not fully capture the three-dimensional nature of geologic folds, mechanical models have non-unique fold-fault relationships. Predicting fault geometry from fold shape is best accomplished by a combination of the two methods.  相似文献   

The Luning–Fencemaker fold-thrust belt (LFTB) of central Nevada reflects major Mesozoic shortening in the western US Cordillera, and involved contractional deformation in Triassic and lower Jurassic back-arc basinal strata. Structural analyses in the Santa Rosa Range, in the northern LFTB, provide new insight into the evolution of this belt. Four phases of deformation are recognized in the Santa Rosa Range. D1 involved tight to isoclinal folding, cleavage development under low-grade metamorphic conditions, and reverse faulting. This deformation phase reflects NW–SE shortening of 55–70% in the Early and/or Middle Jurassic. D2 structures are similar in orientation to D1 but involved much less overall strain and are well developed only to the southeast. D2 appears to be related to thrusting along the eastern margin of the LFTB in the Middle and/or Late Jurassic. D3 deformation reflects very minor shortening (<5%) in a subvertical direction, and is tentatively interpreted to reflect stresses generated during initial intrusion of mid-Cretaceous plutons in the area. D4 deformation demonstrably occurred synchronously with emplacement of Cretaceous granitoids dated at 102 Ma (U–Pb zircon) based on syntectonic relations between D4 structures and thermal metamorphism associated with intrusion, and an upgrade in D4 strain in the thermally softened metamorphic aureoles of the intrusions. This last phase of deformation reflects minor regional NE–SW shortening, coupled with localized strain associated with pluton emplacement.Formation of the LFTB structural province was accomplished during the D1 and D2 phases of deformation, and most shortening occurred during the D1 event. This Jurassic deformation led to structural closure of the back-arc basin by top-to-the-SE tectonic transport and development of a largely ductile fold-thrust belt. Subsequent deformation (D3 and D4) is >50 m.y. younger and unrelated to development of the LFTB. The younger deformation reflects a combination of minor regional shortening, interpreted to be related to the Cretaceous Sevier orogeny, plus localized shortening related to emplacement of Cretaceous intrusions.  相似文献   

A new method to estimate strain and competence contrast from natural fold shapes is developed and verified by analogue and numerical experiments. Strain is estimated relative to the nucleation amplitude, AN, which is the fold amplitude when the amplification velocities caused by kinematic layer thickening and dynamic folding are identical. AN is defined as the initial amplitude corresponding to zero strain because folding at amplitudes smaller than AN is dominantly by kinematic layer thickening. For amplitudes larger than AN, estimates of strain and competence contrast are contoured in thickness-to-wavelength (H/λ) and amplitude-to-wavelength (A/λ) space. These quantities can be measured for any observed fold shape. Contour maps are constructed using existing linear theories of folding, a new nonlinear theory of folding and numerical simulations, all for single-layer folding. The method represents a significant improvement to the arc length method. The strain estimation method is applied to folds in viscous (Newtonian), power-law (non-Newtonian) and viscoelastic layers. Also, strain partitioning in fold trains is investigated. Strain partitioning refers to the difference in strain accommodated by individual folds in the fold train and by the whole fold train. Fold trains within layers exhibiting viscous and viscoelastic rheology show different characteristic strain partitioning patterns. Strain partitioning patterns of natural fold trains can be used to assess the rheological behaviour during fold initiation.  相似文献   

In the Morcles nappe (lowermost Helvetic nappe in western Switzerland) two phases of folding have been established. In this article the relationship between the calcite fabrics present in folded limestones and the folding history is analysed. Calcite fabrics around the first- and second-phase folds are related to the second phase of deformation. The following fabric patterns have been found. (1) The fabric geometry around a second-phase fold from the most internal part of the inverted limb of the nappe (locality Saillon) can be related to an overall simple shear deformation sequence, the sense of shear being related to the last advance of the Morcles nappe over the underlying autochthonous sedimentary cover of the Aiguilles Rouges massif. (2) In more external parts of the inverted limb (locality Petit Pré) the fabrics around a second-phase fold are interpreted as indicating a change in the deformation history from simple shear to a strain regime which can account for shortening along the first-phase cleavage by the formation of buckle folds. This change in the local strain regime could be related to a ‘locking’ of the frontal folds of the nappe during the last overthrust shear movements. (3) In the normal limb of the nappe the fabrics around a late second-phase kink fold (locality Neimia) are earlier than the folding event and appear to be rotated passively by the fold. (4) The fabrics around a first-phase fold (locality La Routia) are later than the folding event and overprint the fold.  相似文献   

In the NW Sub-Himalayan frontal thrust belt in India, seismic interpretation of subsurface geometry of the Kangra and Dehradun re-entrant mismatch with the previously proposed models. These procedures lack direct quantitative measurement on the seismic profile required for subsurface structural architecture. Here we use a predictive angular function for establishing quantitative geometric relationships between fault and fold shapes with ‘Distance–displacement method’ (D–d method). It is a prognostic straightforward mechanism to probe the possible structural network from a seismic profile. Two seismic profiles Kangra-2 and Kangra-4 of Kangra re-entrant, Himachal Pradesh (India), are investigated for the fault-related folds associated with the Balh and Paror anticlines. For Paror anticline, the final cut-off angle \(\beta =35{^{\circ }}\) was obtained by transforming the seismic time profile into depth profile to corroborate the interpreted structures. Also, the estimated shortening along the Jawalamukhi Thrust and Jhor Fault, lying between the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in the frontal fold-thrust belt, were found to be 6.06 and 0.25 km, respectively. Lastly, the geometric method of fold-fault relationship has been exercised to document the existence of a fault-bend fold above the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT). Measurement of shortening along the fault plane is employed as an ancillary tool to prove the multi-bending geometry of the blind thrust of the Dehradun re-entrant.  相似文献   

The northward subduction and subsequent exhumation of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism terrane exposes a tilted coherent crustal section of the overriding North China Block (NCB), providing an opportunity to study three-dimensional structures of the subduction/collision process. Detailed geological mapping and structural measurements on the Liaodong peninsula, located at the southern margin of the NCB, reveal that the Neoproterozoic to Permian sedimentary cover of the NCB experienced Triassic northward-decreasing crustal shortening, displayed in variable fold interference patterns. The interference patterns are characterized by: (1) irregular distribution of domes or basins and non-cylindrical folds with curvilinear trends, without systematic interference geometry; (2) amoeboid and hair-pin outcrop patterns; and (3) folds with variable plunges and aberrant relationships to the axial plane cleavage. These features are consistent with the criteria for structures produced by constrictional deformation, suggesting the overriding plate experienced simultaneous orogen-normal and orogen-parallel shortening during the Sulu continent–continent collision. Such a strain and structural pattern may suggest that the Sulu continent–continent subduction/collision was transpressional with significant lateral sliding.  相似文献   

Parasitic folds are typical structures in geological multilayer folds; they are characterized by a small wavelength and are situated within folds with larger wavelength. Parasitic folds exhibit a characteristic asymmetry (or vergence) reflecting their structural relationship to the larger-scale fold. Here we investigate if a pre-existing geometrical asymmetry (e.g., from sedimentary structures or folds from a previous tectonic event) can be inherited during buckle folding to form parasitic folds with wrong vergence. We conduct 2D finite-element simulations of multilayer folding using Newtonian materials. The applied model setup comprises a thin layer exhibiting the pre-existing geometrical asymmetry sandwiched between two thicker layers, all intercalated with a lower-viscosity matrix and subjected to layer-parallel shortening. When the two outer thick layers buckle and amplify, two processes work against the asymmetry: layer-perpendicular flattening between the two thick layers and the rotational component of flexural flow folding. Both processes promote de-amplification and unfolding of the pre-existing asymmetry. We discuss how the efficiency of de-amplification is controlled by the larger-scale fold amplification and conclude that pre-existing asymmetries that are open and/or exhibit low amplitude are prone to de-amplification and may disappear during buckling of the multilayer system. Large-amplitude and/or tight to isoclinal folds may be inherited and develop type 3 fold interference patterns.  相似文献   

The Canyon Range syncline, Central Utah, is composed of an alternating sequence of competent quartzite and incompetent argillite layers and is used here as a natural case study of multilayer folding processes. Geometric details of this fold are evaluated in terms of energy consumption in order to determine which kinematic components of folding are dominant at various stages of fold tightening. In addition, this paper attempts to evaluate what mechanism(s) (e.g. kink folding, fracture formation and sliding along surfaces) are involved in each kinematic component.In general, the patterns preserved in the Canyon Range syncline are comparable to multilayer folding models. In more detail, the following is concluded from this case study. (1) The competent and incompetent members deformed primarily by cataclastic flow and consumed approximately equal amounts of energy. (2) The roles of original competent and incompetent layers reversed during folding. (3) As the syncline tightened, less energy was consumed with increasing hinge fractions. (4) The least amount of energy was consumed with 40° limb dips (i.e., 100° interlimb angle). (5) With an open fold geometry (interlimb angle ≥140°), the hinge region consumed 70% of the fold's total energy. (6) Once the fold reached an interlimb angle of 60°, the limbs consume close to 70% of the total energy. (7) When the fold reached an interlimb angle of ≤60°, the incompetent layer(s) consumed 90% of the fold's energy.  相似文献   

Centrifuge analogue modelling illustrates the progressive development of active folds in multilayers upon a ductile substrate during layer-parallel shortening. Models simulate folding of a mechanically stratified sedimentary sequence upon migmatitic gneisses in a large hot orogen, or upon a thick basal evaporite ± shale sequence in deeper levels of fold belts. The absence of a weak low-viscosity and low-density layer at the interface promotes infolding of the cover sequence and ductile substrate, whereas a planar upper surface to the basal ductile substrate is preserved when it is present. Whilst fold style, wavelength, and deformation of the interface with the ductile substrate differ depending on whether a low-viscosity and low-density layer is present at the base of the cover sequence, there is no marked systematic curvature of fold axes as seen in previous sandbox models for fault-bend or fault propagation folding during bulk shortening. Bulk shortening of a layered sequence with relatively thick individual layers above a ductile substrate promotes a regular and upright train of buckle folds, whereas thinner layers promote a more irregular distribution of buckle folds with variable vergence, style, and amplitude. Buckle folds above a ductile substrate progressively develop during bulk shortening from open and upright, to angular and tight, and may further develop into cuspate structures above relatively weak horizons. Relatively thick weak horizons within the layered sequence during bulk shortening interrupt regular fold patterns up structural section and allow out-of-phase folds to develop above and below the weak horizon.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical model for Large Amplitude Folding (LAF) of a single, viscous layer embedded in a viscous matrix. LAF analysis is rooted in the first order thick-plate analysis but extends it by incorporating two growth rate corrections. 1) Following Fletcher (1974), the growth rate is modified according to the evolution of the wavelength to thickness ratio. 2) A growth rate reduction is introduced based on the rate of arclength shortening, as originally developed by Schmalholz and Podladchikov (2000). Through comparison with numerical models, we show that the simultaneous application of the two corrections in LAF provides a good prediction of the evolution of fold geometry parameters up to large amplitudes irrespective of the particular initial perturbation geometry and viscosity ratio. In the case of the multiple waveforms perturbation, we predict a coupling of the evolution of waveforms. We show that the irregular (non-sinusoidal) or localized final fold shape, commonly observed in nature, can be predicted using LAF.  相似文献   

The Wadi Hafafit Complex (WHC) is an arcuate belt of orthogneisses, migmatites and other high-grade metamorphic rocks, which marks the boundary between the Central Eastern and the South Eastern Deserts of Egypt. In the WHC, gneissic meta-gabbro outlines macroscopic fold interference patterns characterized by elliptical to irregular culminations cored by gneissic meta-tonalite to meta-trondhjemite. The five main culminations of the WHC have previously been labeled A (most northerly), B, C, D and E (most southerly). A detailed structural investigation of B, C, D and E reveals that these structures are a result of the interference of four macroscopic fold phases, the first three of which may represent a single deformation event. The first folding involved sheath-like fold nappes, which were transported to the N or NW, assisted by translation on gently dipping mylonite zones. The regional gneissosity and mineral extension lineations formed during this folding event. The fold nappes were deformed by mainly open upright small macroscopic and mesocopic folds with approximately NE-trending hinges. As a probable continuation of the latter folding, the sheaths were buckled into large macroscopic folds and monoclines with the same NE-trends. The fourth macroscopic folding resulted from shortening along the NE–SW direction, producing mainly NW–SE-trending upright gently plunging folds. Gravitative uplift is disputed as a component of the deformation history of the WHC. The peculiarities of the fold interference pattern result from the interesting behaviour of sheath folds during their refolding.  相似文献   

Geological folds are inherently 3D structures; therefore, they also grow in three dimensions. Here, fold growth in all three dimensions is quantified by numerically simulating upright single‐layer folds in 3D Newtonian media. Horizontal uniaxial shortening leads to a buckling instability, which grows from a point‐like initial perturbation in all three dimensions by fold amplification (vertical), fold elongation (parallel to fold axis) and sequential fold growth (parallel to shortening direction) of secondary (and further) folds adjacent to the initial isolated fold. The two lateral directions exhibit similar averaged growth rates, leading to bulk fold structures with aspect ratios in map view close to 1. However, fold elongation is continuous with increasing bulk shortening, while sequential fold growth exhibits jumps whenever a new sequential fold appears and the bulk fold structure therefore suddenly occupies more space. Compared with the two lateral growth directions, fold amplification exhibits a slightly higher growth rate.  相似文献   

何文刚  周建勋 《地球科学》2018,43(6):2133-2148
川东南地区是我国南方重要的天然气探区,气藏分布受与该区的褶皱带构造演化密切相关.该区褶皱带呈现马尾状平面构造样式,对于这种特殊褶皱样式的形成机制存在不同的观点.构造物理模拟是研究构造形成机制的有效手段.为此,笔者在对该区马尾状褶皱特征详细分析的基础上,设计了5组模型,分别考虑边界几何形态、地层流变学结构、韧性层粘度和基底摩擦系数等4个因素,对该褶皱带的形成机制开展系统研究.结果表明:(1)该区马尾状褶皱带的形成与川东华蓥山断裂和齐岳山边界断裂形态关系密切;(2)脆/韧性地层厚度比和脆性层的厚度差对褶皱波长和样式具有重要控制作用;(3)适当的基底摩擦力是形成马尾状褶皱带的重要条件;(4)四川盆地内部、川东地区和湘鄂西地区基底流变学强度差异对该区马尾状褶皱带也具有重要影响.   相似文献   

Although reverse drag, the down warping of hanging wall strata toward a normal fault, is widely accepted as an indicator of listric fault geometry, previous studies have shown that similar folding may form in response to slip on faults of finite vertical extent with listric or planar geometry. In this study we therefore seek more general criteria for inferring subsurface fault geometry from observations of near-surface deformation by directly comparing patterns of displacement, stress, and strain around planar and listric faults, as predicted by elastic boundary element models. In agreement with previous work, we find that models with finite planar, planar-detached, and listric-detached faults all develop hanging wall reverse-drag folds. All of these model geometries also predict a region of tension and elevated maximum Coulomb stress in the hanging wall suggesting that the distribution and orientation of near-surface joints and secondary faults may also be of limited utility in predicting subsurface fault geometry. The most notable difference between the three models, however, is the magnitude of footwall uplift. Footwall uplift decreases slightly with introduction of a detachment and more significantly with the addition of a listric fault shape. A parametric investigation of faults with constant slip ranging from nearly planar to strongly listric over depths from 1 to 15 km reveals that footwall fold width is sensitive to fault geometry while hanging wall fold width largely reflects fault depth. Application of a graphical approach based on these results as well as more complete inverse modeling illustrates how patterns of combined hanging wall and footwall deformation may be used to constrain subsurface fault geometry.  相似文献   

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