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The aim of this paper is to extend studies of food media and racialisation by applying Nakamura’s (2002, 2008) concepts of digital race formation and cybertype to the webpages of an ethnic food tour in southwestern Sydney. Whilst the literature on food media, and racialisation and food practices are burgeoning, little attention to date has been given to racialization and gendering on food websites, and particularly those for social enterprises, which have hybrid commercial and social aims. Given that Nakamura has focused on a range of new media but not webpages, we draw on analytic frameworks on visual racism from Van Leeuwen (2008) and interactivity and aesthetics by Adami (2014, 2015) to provide a detailed case study analysis of how the visual and verbal meaning-making strategies and the technological affordance of interactivity produce racialised and gendered cybertyping and Othering. Our analysis shows that racialised femininity is deployed to touristify a region seen by racist media to be criminalised, masculine and foreign. We conclude by arguing that methods for analysing meaning-making strategies in new media need to be developed in food studies and that food social enterprises should see their representational work as part of their social mission.  相似文献   

丁华  代笠  舒悦  郎婷 《地质论评》2024,70(4):2024040004-2024040004
国土空间规划是各类国土空间开发保护建设活动的基本依据。本文基于我国国土空间规划提出背景及“五级三类四体系”框架,提出地质文化村是城镇开发边界以外的特色村庄,地质文化村规划属于国土空间规划中的城镇开发边界外村庄详细规划,是“多规合一”的实用性村庄规划,是具有地质特色的村庄建设规划。规划体系应包括以保护为导向的地质生态体系规划、以功能为导向的村庄建设体系规划、以效益为导向的融合产业体系规划、以持续为导向的运管保障体系规划等内容。为了促进地质文化村规划体系科学编制与实施,提出未来应严格落实国土空间规划,坚持“多规合一”;强化规划体系重要性,编制规划体系技术标准;构建多元主体参与规划机制,提高规划体系编制水平;监测规划实施情况,定期开展评估。  相似文献   

Throughout the world, climate change adaptation policies supported by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have provided significant sources of funding and technical support to developing countries. Yet often the adaptation responses proposed belie complex political realities, particularly in politically unstable contexts, where power and politics shape adaptation outcomes. In this paper, the concepts of authority and recognition are used to capture power and politics as they play out in struggles over governing changing resources. The case study in Nepal shows how adaptation policy formation and implementation becomes a platform in which actors seek to claim authority and assert more generic rights as political and cultural citizens. Focusing on authority and recognition helps illuminate how resource governance struggles often have very little to do with the resources themselves. Foundational to the argument is how projects which seek to empower actors to manage their resources, produce realignments of power and knowledge that then shape who is invested in what manner in adaptation. The analysis adds to calls for reframing ‘adaptation’ to encompass the socionatural processes that shape vulnerability by contributing theoretical depth to questions of power and politics.  相似文献   

肖琼  张志诚  谢磊  伍坤宇  贺捷  郝志强  金毅 《中国地质》2017,44(5):1006-1016
通过系统分析山西祁县昌源河中下游丘陵—平原地区沿河分布的19口钻井资料,查明了昌源河湿地中下游地区含水层的主要岩性,根据含/隔水层的埋深和发育特征将研究区第四系含水层划分了浅、中、深三个含水层组;并通过连井剖面和栅状图对比、总结了区内含水层的空间分布特征;同时,基于Arc GIS平台,采用Kriging插值法对地下水埋深进行了插值分析。结果表明昌源河流域含水层的主要岩石类型为第四系砂、砾石沉积物,在顺昌源河流向上浅部含水层为一楔状体,在横切河流方向上各含水层组厚度变化较大,这与研究区含水层组形成于冲/洪积扇沉积背景相符合。地下水埋深插值分析表明,昌源河流域中、下游平原区存在大面积的浅层地下水降落漏斗,这将会影响昌源河湿地公园及流域的生态水文过程。最后,在以上研究的基础上对昌源河流域地下水的补排关系进行了探讨,并建立了相应的补排模式。  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations in western Middle Park provide important information for understanding the soil‐stratigraphic context of Paleoindian components, as well as the latest Quaternary environmental change and landscape evolution in a Southern Rocky Mountain intermontane basin. Paleoindian components are associated with the oldest two of four latest Quaternary stratigraphic units (1–4) recognized in co‐alluvial mantles (combined slopewash and colluvium) in uplands and in alluvial valley fills. Limited data suggest accumulation of unit 1 as early as ∼12,500 14C yr B.P. in alluvial valleys and by at least ∼11,000 14C yr B.P. in uplands was followed by brief stability and soil formation. A relatively widespread disconformity marks earliest Holocene erosion and substantial removal of latest Pleistocene deposits in upland and alluvial settings followed by unit 2 deposition ∼10,000–9000 14C yr B.P., perhaps signaling the abrupt onset of an intensified summer monsoon. In situ Paleoindian components in uplands are found in a moderately developed buried soil (the Kremmling soil) formed in units 1 and 2 in thin (≤1m) hillslope co‐alluvial mantles. The Kremmling soil reflects geomorphic stability in upland and alluvial settings ∼9000–4500 14C yr BP, and represents a buried landscape with the potential to contain additional Paleoindian components, although elsewhere in western Middle Park Early Archaic components are documented in morphologically similar soils. Kremmling soil morphology, the relative abundance of charcoal in unit 2 relative to younger units, and charcoal morphology indicate the expansion of forest cover, including Pinus, and grass cover during the early and middle Holocene, suggesting conditions moister than present. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Extreme temperature events and global climatic changes may put human health at risk. Urban centers are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change. Japan is a densely populated and highly urbanized island frequently exposed to natural hazards and heat episodes. Japanese governments and practitioners design heat adaptation strategies to protect health and reduce risks. Are these strategies implemented at the local level? How do policymakers and researchers perceive heat and climate change adaptation measures? How are these strategies evaluated? In short: what is happening in Japan “on the ground”? This critical review briefly outlines heat adaptation solutions and challenges from three Japanese prefectures. It draws attention to implementation and evaluation barriers, and highlights creative approaches to adaptation, such as involving civil society volunteers.  相似文献   

Based on a historical review of the so-called Ozone crisis in the late 1970s and global climate changes since the 1980s, this paper examines the role of sciences and policies in the international community in dealing with the global environmental issues. Lessons show that a multi-discipline, multi-organizational and multi-national UN agency which remains relevant, assisting rather than guiding the process of climate negotiations is important.  相似文献   

银川平原植被生长与地下水关系研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
干旱区植被生长与地下水的关系是生态水文地质学研究的热点之一。西北内陆干旱地区降水稀少,植被的生长发育与地下水的关系极为密切,从大尺度上研究地下水变化的生态效应问题对生态环境的保护和恢复具有重要的意义。借助遥感方法,结合地下水观测数据,在区域尺度上定量地研究了中国银川平原地区地下水埋深及矿化度与植被生长的关系。结果表明:适宜植被生长的地下水埋深范围约为1~6m,当地下水位埋深为3.5m左右时,植被长势最好。而在水位埋深为3.5m左右的地区,植被生长的相对好坏又受地下水矿化度的影响。当地下水矿化度为0.9g/L时对该地区植被的生长最为有利。  相似文献   

Analyses of the chemical and isotopic composition of carbonates rocks recovered from methane seepage areas of the Kodiak Trench, Hydrate Ridge, Monterey Bay Clam Flats, and the Eel River Basin, coupled with the studies of the chemistry of the pore fluids, have shown that these carbonates have grown within the sediment column. Geochemical profiles of pore fluids show that, in deep water seeps (Kodiak Trench—4450 m; Monterey Bay—1000 m; Hydrate Ridge—650 m), δ13C (DIC) values are low (isotopically light), whereas in the Eel River area ( 350–500 m), δ13C (DIC) values are much higher (isotopically heavier). In all cases, the δ13C values indicate that processes of methane oxidation, associated with sulfate reduction, are dominant in the shallow sediments. Data on the isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates found at sites in Kodiak Trench, Eel River Basin South, and Eel River Basin North indicate a variable composition and origin in different geochemical environments. Some of the authigenic carbonates from the study sites show a trend in their δ13C values similar to those of the pore fluids obtained in their vicinity, suggesting formation at relatively shallow depths, but others indicate formation at greater sediment depths. The latter usually consist of high magnesium calcite or dolomite, which, from their high values of δ13C (up to 23‰;) and δ18O (up to 7.5‰), suggest formation in the deeper horizons of the sediments, in the zone of methanogenesis. These observations are in agreement with observations by other workers at Hydrate Ridge, in Monterey Bay, and in the Eel River Basin.  相似文献   

从矿山公园的定义和内涵出发,对矿山公园和地质公园进行了比较,指出了两者之间存在的差异。以内蒙古巴林石国家矿山公园为例,从规划原则、规划范围的界定及功能布局等几个方面对矿山公园的规划进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过调查黄龙风景区水体的环境地质特征与微生物群落结构及多样性,并与黄石公园对比分析,探讨了两种特殊地理环境下的微生物群落结构和多样性及其对钙华沉积的影响。结果表明:黄龙沟泉水属于地下冷泉,且景区内覆盖着大量植被,水体中有大量藻类和细菌;黄石公园猛犸象温泉区泉水属于地下热泉,植被覆盖率很低,泉水中微生物多为嗜热菌,藻类较少。黄龙与黄石钙华主要由方解石组成并且微生物参与了钙华的形成过程。微生物对钙华沉积的作用,主要分为模板作用、产物诱导作用和代谢调控作用,对比探讨了特殊地质环境下的微生物对钙华沉积的贡献,指出微生物沉积作用在钙华沉积过程中的重要性,可为黄龙钙华“黑化”防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Dolomites in thick sections of Miocene Monterey Shale and related formations in the Temblor Range of California acquired their isotopic compositions as they formed at shallow depth in the original sediment rich in organic matter, and retained the composition against the vicissitudes of burial diagenesis. The oxygen isotopes of dolomites of successive beds record changes in temperature of bottom water while the carbon isotopes of the same samples indicate changes in the kind of microbial activity (sulfate reduction vs carbohydrate fermentation) that prevailed at shallow depths in the sediment. In an auxiliary study, two samples of dolomite from sediments of Cariaco Basin off Venezuela (DSDP site 147) were found to have δ5C13 of ?14.1 and ?9.8 per ml PDB, although they occur in a heavy-carbon zone containing bicarbonate as heavy as +8.4 per ml. These dolomites probably originated at shallow depth in the light-carbon zone of microbial sulfate reducers and were buried under later sediments down into the heavy-carbon zone of microbial fermenters of carbohydrates without losing their original light-carbon composition.  相似文献   

An average of 230,000 cubic meters of sand is provided to the beaches of northern Monterey Bay each year by littoral transport from upcoast and from local river input. Two jetties constructed as part of a small craft harbor interrupted the littoral flow of sand and significantly altered the area's natural coastal processes. A wide protective beach immediately formed upcoast against a formerly retreating beach cliff. Sand now filling the harbor mouth each winter has led to expensive yearly dredging as well as seasonally or permanently depleted downcoast beaches. Seacliff retreat, always a problem in the area, is caused primarily by surf attack of weaker stratigraphic units and erosion along joint sets and faults, causing collapse of the bluffs. The seasonal loss of protective beaches has led to a two- to three-fold increase in the rate of downcoast cliff retreat following harbor construction except where protective rip-rap has been emplaced by property owners.  相似文献   

徐家围子断陷位于松辽盆地中部,受徐西和宋西两条边界断裂控制。基于地震反射剖面地质解译成果,应用断层沿走向位移 长度曲线形态分析方法和沿倾向生长速率分析方法,对两条断裂的生长演化过程进行了初步的研究。结果表明,沙河子期(136~144 Ma)为最主要的生长期,徐西断层的平均生长速率为35 m/Ma, 宋西断层的平均生长速率为71 m/Ma,断陷边界断裂总体平均生长速率大于60 m/Ma,两条断层主要呈现独立生长状态,只在重叠的部位发生微弱的软连接;营城期(126~136 Ma)也是主要的生长期,徐西断层的平均生长速率为18 m/Ma,宋西断层的平均生长速率为85 m/Ma,二者发生硬连接,并基本结束了硬连接过程,以重叠处宋西断层的强烈活动为特征,断陷盆地的规模逐渐扩大,沉积厚度随之增加;营城期后断层只在局部连接地点发生微弱活动。断层生长过程中伴生构造的位置基本与油气田的分布相吻合,对它的深入研究将有助于油气勘探。  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction and oxygen isotopic analyses of outcrop and subsurface samples of siliceous rocks were used to reconstruct thermal and diagenetic histories of the Miocene Monterey Shale near Santa Maria, California. Within many stratigraphic sections soft, porous diatomaceous rocks change gradationally to underlying hard and brittle chert, porcellanite, and siliceous shale; the accompanying silica mineral zones are, in descending stratigraphic order: (1) biogenic silica (opal-A), (2) cristobalitic silica (opal-CT), and (3) microcrystalline quartz. Boundaries between silica mineral zones and stratigraphic horizons are often discordant. Within the opal-CT zone, the d(101)-spacing of opal-CT decreases in a smooth non-linear fashion from about 4 10 Å to 4-04 Å. In the Santa Maria Valley and Bradley oil field areas the thicknesses of the opal-CT zones are greater and the present thermal gradients less than in the adjacent Orcutt oil field. Thin opal-CT zones at shallow maximum burial depths apparently correlate with higher thermal gradients. Using present thermal gradients and reconstructed maximum burial depths from well data in the Santa Maria region, the ranges in temperatures for the top and base of the opal-CT zone are 38–54 °C and 55–110 °C, respectively. The temperature difference between these two boundaries ranges from 17 to 60 °C. In comparison, temperature ranges for these two boundaries computed from oxygen isotopic compositions of opal-CT and quartz, extrapolated experimental quartz-water fractionations, and assuming δO18= 0%o for the isotopic composition of the equilibrating fluid are 18–56 °C and 31–80 °C for the top and base of the opal-CT zone, respectively. The temperature difference between these boundaries is 11–36 °C using this method. Thermal gradients and sedimentation rates strongly influence rates of silica transformations. Reconstructed thermal and diagenetic histories of siliceous rocks of the Monterey Shale at four well sites in the Santa Maria region demonstrate that most silica conversions probably occurred during the last 3–4 Myr in response to accelerated rates of sedimentation (and therefore burial heating) during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

Neoliberalism and the making of food politics in California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Julie Guthman   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1171-1183
This paper examines a philanthropy-led initiative which has as its objective to jump start the transition to a more sustainable and just food system in California. The first major project funded was a “vivid picture” of California’s food system twenty-five years in the future. The outcome of the project is a report that is glossed with the tropes of neoliberalism in all of its key organizing frameworks, analytics, cognitive maps, and idioms and argues for “opportunities-based approaches” as the engine of change. Yet, as described in the paper, this outcome was initially under-determined, and, in fact, the funders had originally intended to leverage their resources for large scale transformation. By examining four moments in the development of the Vivid Picture project, the grantee selection, the modeling exercise, the stakeholder meetings, and the qualitative interviews, this paper will show how existing techniques of neoliberal governance such as modeling, audit, best-practices, and stakeholder participation, as well as current norms of philanthropy, shaped what is thinkable and hence actable. It will also show how “stakeholders” played a constitutive role in producing the outcomes of the project, in part because their input reflected already-developed notions of the possible within the current climate of neoliberalism. In the end it will argue that the failure of the Vivid Picture to look beyond the neoliberal present is itself evidence of the proliferation of neoliberal governmentalities. Still, the entire process galvanized many of the movement actors who were left out of the funding process and, in that way, produced political openings.  相似文献   

In this critical review we reflect on findings from a socio-historical study of golf’s relationship with the environment. We focus especially on the golf industry’s pursuit of modernization from the early 1900s to the present. Golf’s quest to ‘be’ modern, we contend, has specifically constituted three particular ‘turns’: a first turn in the early 1900s involving the scientific rationalization of golf course development and maintenance; a second, ‘exemptionalist’ turn in the post-war years whereby science and technology fueled a perception of immense control over nature; and a third, more recent turn to ecological modernization (EM) whereby science and technology are leveraged toward environmental stewardship – or at least claims thereof. We ultimately argue that the golf industry’s recent adoption of EM principles in their environment-related work has political implications, as it ‘protects’ the industry from more radical environmental alternatives.  相似文献   

Yang Wu-yang 《GeoJournal》1990,21(1-2):49-55
The objective of this article is to expound the evolution of Beijing's commercial distribution and put the basic facts on the central place model in order to review the past, look upon the present, and predict the future. In terms of the central place theory, the spatial structures and deformations of Beijing's commercial activities are fully discussed, the inherent mechanism on the locational shifts of centers is revealed, and a centripetal zoning concerned with metropolitan commercial system is put forward. Having analyzed the factors of trade and transportation allocation and utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods, the author works out a long-term central place scheme for Beijing's commercial network with a supercenter, Xidan, and other centers of different ranks.Many thanks to Mr. Yang Qi, Ms. Zhou Yu and Ms. Li Xiangming whose map-making, calculating and typing add luster to this article.  相似文献   

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