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Tsunami sediments deposited in a coastal zone of Thailand by the 26 December 2004 tsunami wave were sampled within 50 days after the event. All surface and ground waters in tsunami- inundated zone revealed significant salinity at that time. The tsunami sediments, composed mainly of fine to medium sand, contain significantly elevated contents of salts (Na+, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl and SO 4 −2 ) in water-soluble fraction, and of Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb in the bioavailable fraction and As in the exchangeable fraction in relation to the reference sample. The origin of contaminants is marine, as well as litho- and anthropogenic. The salts and Pb, Zn and Cu reveal high correlation to each other and to the mean grain size (pore size and porosity). Serious environmental hazard exists in that region because, due to gentle morphology, there is a risk of migration of the contaminants into ground waters and food chain.  相似文献   

This study proposes a tsunami depositional model based on observations of emerged Holocene tsunami deposits in outcrops located in eastern Japan. The model is also applicable to the identification of other deposits, such as those laid down by storms. The tsunami deposits described were formed in a small bay of 10–20-m water depth, and are mainly composed of sand and gravel. They show various sedimentary structures, including hummocky cross-stratification (HCS) and inverse and normal grading. Although, individually, the sedimentary structures are similar to those commonly found in storm deposits, the combination of vertical stacking in the tsunami deposits makes a unique pattern. This vertical stacking of internal structures is due to the waveform of the source tsunamis, reflecting: 1) extremely long wavelengths and wave period, and 2) temporal changes of wave sizes from the beginning to end of the tsunamis.

The tsunami deposits display many sub-layers with scoured and graded structures. Each sub-layer, especially in sandy facies, is characterized by HCS and inverse and normal grading that are the result of deposition from prolonged high-energy sediment flows. The vertical stack of sub-layers shows incremental deposition from the repeated sediment flows. Mud drapes cover the sub-layers and indicate the existence of flow-velocity stagnant stages between each sediment flow. Current reversals within the sub-layers indicate the repeated occurrence of the up- and return-flows.

The tsunami deposits are vertically divided into four depositional units, Tna to Tnd in ascending order, reflecting the temporal change of wave sizes in the tsunami wave trains. Unit Tna is relatively fine-grained and indicative of small tsunami waves during the early stage of the tsunami. Unit Tnb is a protruding coarse-grained and thickest-stratified division and is the result of a relatively large wave group during the middle stage of the tsunami. Unit Tnc is a fine alternation of thin sand sheets and mud drapes, deposited from waning waves during the later stage of the tsunami. Unit Tnd is deposited during the final stage of the tsunami and is composed mainly of suspension fallout. Cyclic build up of these sub-layers and depositional units cannot be explained by storm waves with short wave periods of several to ten seconds common in small bays.  相似文献   

A new model to calculate tsunami travel times in the Andaman Sea region has been developed. The model specifically provides more accurate travel time estimates for tsunamis propagating to Patong Beach on the west coast of Phuket, Thailand. More generally, the model provides better understanding of the influence of the accuracy and resolution of bathymetry data on the accuracy of travel time calculations. The dynamic model is based on solitary wave theory, and a lookup function is used to perform bilinear interpolation of bathymetry along the ray trajectory. The model was calibrated and verified using data from an echosounder record, tsunami photographs, satellite altimetry records, and eyewitness accounts of the tsunami on 26 December 2004. Time differences for 12 representative targets in the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean regions were calculated. The model demonstrated satisfactory time differences (<2 min/h), despite the use of low resolution bathymetry (ETOPO2v2). To improve accuracy, the dynamics of wave elevation and a velocity correction term must be considered, particularly for calculations in the nearshore region.  相似文献   

Study on contamination of tsunami sediments deposited on 26 December 2004 conducted shortly after the tsunami in coastal zone of Thailand revealed elevated contents of salts in water-soluble and some heavy metals and arsenic in bioavailable fractions (Szczuciński et al. in Env Geol 49:321–331, 2005). Few months later rainy season started and effected in total rainfall of over 3,300 mm. This paper presents results of survey repeated 1 year after the tsunami. To assess the effects of rainy season on mobilization of previously determined potential contaminants, the same locations were sampled again and analysed with the same methods. The tsunami deposit layer was well preserved but in many locations the sediments were coarser than just after tsunami due to washing out of finer fractions. The water-soluble salts contents were strongly reduced after the rainy season. However, the concentrations of acid leachable heavy metals and metalloids were still elevated in comparison to reference sample from an area not impacted by tsunami. It is possible that the metals and metalloids are successively moved to more bioavailable fraction from forms which were more resistant to mobilization.  相似文献   

A combined approach of field geology and numerical simulation was conducted for evaluating the tsunami impacts on the shelf sediments. The 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, M 8.0, that occurred on 25 September 2003 off southeastern Hokkaido, northern Japan, generated a locally destructive tsunami. Maximum run-up height of the tsunami waves reached 4 m above sea level. In order to estimate the tsunami impacts on shallow marine sediments, we compared pre- and post-tsunami marine sediments in water depths of 38–112 m in terms of grain size, sedimentary structure, and microfossil content. Decreases of fine fractions, especially finer than very fine sand, which led to coarsen the mean grain size, were detected in the inner shelf of the northern part of the study area. Foraminiferal assemblages also changed in the coarsened sediments. On the other hand, the other shelf sediments largely unchanged or slightly fined. We also simulated the tsunami wave velocity and direction, and grain size entrained by the modeled tsunami. The numerical simulation resulted in that the 2003 tsunami could transport very fine sand in water depths shallower than 45–95 m at the northern part of the study area. This is comparable with the actual grain-size changes after the tsunami had passed. However, some storms and tidal currents might also be possible to stir the surface sediments after the pre-tsunami survey, so we could not conclude that the grain-size changes had been caused only by the tsunami. Nevertheless, a combined approach of sampling and modeling was powerful for estimating the tsunami impacts under the sea.  相似文献   

In 427 BC, a major earthquake occurred in ancient Greece. In particular, Attica, Boeotia, and the island of Euboea were the areas where seismic activity was most frequent. The fact that these events happened in conjuction with the Peloponnesian war provides us with an account made by historians of the war. Such an account is the one made by Thucydides.During the spring and summer of 426 BC shocks continued to take place. This time, the sea area between the island of Euboea and the mainland (Maliakos gulf) was also affected and as a result, a seismic sea-wave of considerable size formed. The tsunami, as it is better known, swept the surrounding coastal area. Major topographic alteration of the area occurred, resulting in a huge loss of life and the destruction of cities.In this paper, the author attempts to describe this event and to explain scientifically how it happened, and how this affected the shape of the area and human life.All the evidence used in this paper has been cross-referenced with at least one other historic or scientific source. Although it was extremely difficult to uncover hidden detail about an event so far in the past, any facts that could not be verified have not been included.  相似文献   

From April to July 2002 we carried out a deployment of 6 ocean bottom seismometers and 4 ocean bottom hydrophones in the North Atlantic south of Iceland. During the deployment period we recorded clear Rayleigh waves from 2 regional and 14 teleseismic earthquakes. This corresponds to a Rayleigh wave detection rate of nearly 92% for events with MW ≥ 6.06.0 and epicentral distance less than 110°, close to detection rate estimates based on noise level variability. We measured Rayleigh wave event-station group dispersion and inter-station phase dispersion for one Mid-Atlantic Ridge event. The group dispersion curve is sensitive to the structure of the North-East Atlantic with an average age of  39 Myr. The phase dispersion curve is sensitive to the structure just south of Iceland (average plate age 33 Myr). Both dispersion curves indicate faster velocities than previously postulated for oceanic plate generated at the Reykjanes Ridge. A grid search approach was used to constrain the range of models fitting the data. The high velocity seismic lid just south of Iceland in the model for the phase dispersion path is slower or thinner than in the group dispersion model, which averages over a larger area and a somewhat older plate age, but the velocities in the low velocity half space are similar. We further consider the residual bathymetry in the experimental area. The residual anomaly decreases by 300–400 m from the Reykjanes Ridge to the  30 Myr old plate south of Iceland. This decrease can be explained by the disappearance of a mantle thermal anomaly associated with the Iceland plume. Both the residual bathymetry and the surface wave data are thus consistent with the notion that the southward spreading of the Icelandic plume is channelised underneath the Reykjanes Ridge and does not spread far outside this channel.Based on the experience from the pilot experiment, we estimate that a minimum recording time of 13–15 months in favourable weather conditions (April–September) is required to record enough data to map the spreading plume with surface waves, and to produce a tomographic image to a depth of 1000 km using body waves. This can be achieved by a continuous deployment of at least  20 months, or by two or three deployments during the spring and summer of consecutive years.  相似文献   

By carrying out the hydraulic experiments in a one-dimensional open channel and two-dimensional basin, we clarified the process of how a landslide on a uniform slope causes the generation of a tsunami. The effect of the interactive force that occurs between the debris flow layer and the tsunami is significant in the generation of a tsunami. The continuous flow of the debris into the water makes the wave period of the tsunami short. The present experiments apply numerical simulation using the two-layer model with shear stress models on the bottom and interface, and the results are compared. The simulated debris flow shows good agreement with the measured results and ensures the rushing process into the water. We propose that the model use a Manning coefficient of 0.01 for the smooth slope and 0.015 for the rough slope, and a horizontal viscosity of 0.01 m2/s for the landslide; an interactive force of 0.2 for each layer is recommended. The dispersion effect should be included in the numerical model for the propagation from the shore.  相似文献   

This study analyses the three‐dimensional geometry of sedimentary features recorded on the modern sea floor and in the shallow subsurface of a shelf to upper slope region offshore Australia that is characterized by a pronounced internal wave regime. The data interpreted comprise an extensive, >12 500 km2 industrial three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection survey that images the northern part of the Browse Basin, Australian North West Shelf. The most prominent seismic–morphological features on the modern sea floor are submarine terrace escarpments, fault‐scarps and incised channels, as well as restricted areas of seismic distortion interpreted as mass wasting deposits. Besides these kilometre‐scale sea floor irregularities, smaller bedforms were discovered also, including a multitude of sediment waves with a lateral extent of several kilometres and heights up to 10 m. These sedimentological features generally occur in extensive fields in water depths below 250 m mostly at the foot of submerged terraces, along the scarps of modern faults and along the shelf break between the outer shelf and the upper continental rise. Additional bedforms that characterize the more planar regions of the outer shelf are elongate, north‐west/south‐east oriented furrows and ridges. The formation of both sediment waves and furrow‐ridge systems requires flow velocities between 0·3 m sec?1 and 1·5 m sec?1, which could be generated by oceanic currents, gravity currents or internal waves. In the studied setting, these velocities can be best explained as being generated by bottom currents induced by internal waves, an interpretation that is discussed against oceanographic background data and modelling results. In addition to the documentation of three‐dimensional seismic–geomorphological features of the modern sea floor, it was also possible to map kilometre‐scale buried sediment wave fields in the seismic volume down to ca 500 ms two‐way‐time below the present sea floor, indicating the general potential for the preservation of such bedforms in the sedimentary record.  相似文献   

A series of elevated imbricated boulders were investigated on the Otago coastline, southeast New Zealand, through field surveying and optical luminescence dating. By using established hydrodynamic relationships of sediment transport the energy required to move the clasts was calculated and compared to the historic record of marine inundations of that coast. The boulders are platy in shape and are over 2 m long in some cases, and are sourced from a locally outcropping conglomerate unit which appears to be the only lithology on this section of coast that erodes to produce clasts of this size. It is estimated that the boulders were deposited by a tsunami between 2 and 3 m high during the latter part of Marine Isotope Stage 5. They therefore represent the first pre-Holocene tsunami deposit and one composed of large boulders described on the New Zealand coastline.  相似文献   

利用三维声学多普勒流速仪分别对规则波和不规则波条件下垂向圆管射流的流场进行了测量。在规则波条件下,靠近自由表面的射流垂向速度横剖面出现了较为明显的"双峰"现象,相较而言不规则波条件下射流垂向速度横剖面保持更好的高斯分布,"双峰"现象更不明显。在波能密度和波能通量一致的比选原则下,射流在规则波条件下的轴线速度衰减在初始段较不规则波条件要快一些,这与上述 "双峰"现象存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

Inversion of tsunami waveforms is a well-established technique for estimating the slip distributions of subduction zone earthquakes, with some of the most detailed results having been obtained for earthquakes in the Nankai Trough, SW Japan. The present study, although it uses a method and tsunami waveform data set almost identical to previous study, aims to improve on previous work by using a more precise specification of initial conditions for the calculation of tsunami Green's functions. Specifically, we incorporated four improvements in the present study: (1) we used a realistic plate model based only on seismic survey results, and assumed it to be the fault plane of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake; (2) the smallest subfaults consistent with the long wavelength approximation were used in the tsunami inversion analysis; (3) we included the effect of horizontal displacement of the ocean bottom on tsunami generation; and (4) we performed a checkerboard resolution test. As obtained in previous studies, a zone of high slip (> 2.0 m) was resolved off the Shima Peninsula. However, the more precise calculation of tsunami Green's functions has revealed additional detail that was not evident in previous studies, which we demonstrate is resolvable and correlates with the position of known faults in the accretionary prism. While there was little or no slip near the trench axis in the eastern part of the rupture zone, there was up to 1.5 m of slip resolved within 30 km of the trough axis in the western part, along the coast of the Kii Peninsula. This troughward slip zone coincides with the position of a large splay fault mapped in multichannel reflection surveys. Furthermore, it is also clear that the upper edge of the Enshu fault off Shima and Atsumi peninsulas is consistent with the up-dip limit of slip in the eastern part of our model. We tested the possibility that slip occurred on the former splay fault instead of on the plate interface during the 1944 Tonankai earthquake, and find that slip on this splay fault is also consistent with the data, although we cannot distinguish whether slip was dominant on the splay fault or on the plate interface. We further suggest that the position of the Enshu fault may be determined by the subduction of topographic highs, and that such faults may have an important influence on the up-dip rupture limit of the 1944 Tonankai and, potentially, other subduction zone earthquakes.  相似文献   

滑坡涌浪灾害造成的伤亡和损失一般远超滑坡灾害本身,已引起广泛关注。针对该类灾害的预测评价一直是研究的难点,精细刻画滑坡涌浪运动特征和能量转化规律是解决问题的关键和前提。因此,以天然碎石模拟散粒体滑坡,建立缩尺的矩形水槽滑坡涌浪三维物理试验模型,研究滑坡体积、速度和水深对堆积体形态和涌浪特征的影响以及滑体与水体能量转化规律。研究结论包括:(1)滑体通过冲击、挤压和抬升水体形成涌浪的特征受滑体规模和形态影响显著;厚度大且速度快的滑体趋向产生非线性过渡波,厚度小且速度低的滑体一般产生非线性震荡波;(2)基于试验提出的体积效应和速度效应揭示了一定水深的涌浪规模与滑坡体积和速度呈正相关规律,水深效应则解释了一定波能的涌浪在波形和速度上的分布差异,结果表明浅水比深水工况涌浪高度平均高出67%、波速平均高出51.17%;(3)基于试验的数值反演总结了滑体势能与波能转化率为1.00%~3.07%,由于三维试验中滑体与水体在水平和环向的扩散造成更多能量耗散,相较二维试验转化率较低。通过探讨散粒体滑坡运动过程和首浪产生、传播及爬高特征,揭示滑体-水体能量转化基本规律,研究成果对滑坡涌浪防灾减灾工作具有一定的理论价值和意义。  相似文献   

Deposits from as many as 50 large tsunamis during the last 7000 years are preserved on the Pacific coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula near the mouth of the Zhupanova River, southern Kronotskiy Bay. These deposits are dated and correlated using Holocene marker tephra layers. The combined, preserved record of tsunami deposits and of numerous marker tephras on Kamchatka offers an unprecedented opportunity to study tsunami frequency. For example, from the stratigraphy along southern Kronotskiy Bay, we estimate frequency of large tsunamis (>5 m runup). In the last 3000 years, the minimum frequency is about one large tsunami per 100 years, and the maximum about one large tsunami per 30 years; the latter frequency occurred from about 0 to 1000 A.D. This time interval corresponds to a period of increased seismicity and volcanic activity that appears to be recorded in many places on the Kamchatka Peninsula.  相似文献   

Extreme atmosphere-induced seiche oscillations occasionally occur in specific inlets and bays of the world ocean causing severe damage to coastal areas, ships and port constructions. Ciutadella inlet (Menorca Island, Western Mediterranean) can be singled out as a place where such large seiches, locally known as rissaga, are quite common. Similar (although weaker) oscillations are also regularly observed in bays of Shikotan Island (South Kuril Islands, northwestern Pacific). Several spectacular events in these regions, identified in the first part of this study (Rabinovich and Monserrat, 1996), are analysed to determine the atmospheric parameters responsible for the generation of large-amplitude seiches. Their generation mechanism was shown to be quite different from that causing ordinary background oscillations. Coincidence of some external factors and certain resonance effects seem to be necessary to produce the destructive waves. In particular, rissaga waves in Ciutadella inlet were found to be related to significant atmospheric disturbances propagating from the southwest, coinciding with the orientation of the inlet, and having a phase speed of about 3 m/s, which is close to the phase speed of long waves offshore from Menorca. Pronounced resonant properties of the inner basin strongly amplify incoming waves in Ciutadella inlet. In contrast, the bays of the northwestern coast of Shikotan Island are protected from normally incident atmosphere-induced waves by the elongated Kunashir Island, hence the whole situation there is not so favorable for the excitation of large seiches.  相似文献   

The 26 December 2004 tsunami covered significant portion of a coastal zone with a blanket of potentially contaminated sediments. In this report are presented results on mercury concentrations in sediments deposited by the tsunami in a coastal zone of Thailand. Since the total mercury concentrations are insufficient to assess mercury mobility and bioavailability in sediment, its fractionation was applied. Sediments were sampled within 50 days after the event and analyzed by sequential extraction method. The procedure of sequential extraction involved five subsequent stages performed with solutions of chloroform, deionized water, 0.5 M HCl, 0.2 M NaOH, and aqua regia. The mean concentration of total mercury in sediments was 119 ± 50 ng g−1 dry mass (range 66–230). The fractionation revealed that mercury is mainly bound to the least bioavailable sulphides 75 ± 6% (range 62–86), organomercury compounds 14 ± 7% (range 4–26), and humic matter 9 ± 7% (range 1–27). The lowest contributions bring fractions of water-soluble mercury 0.8 ± 1.0% (range 0.1–3.6) and acid soluble mercury 0.9 ± 0.5% (range 0.2–2.1). Although, the total mercury content is similar in a reference sample and in the tsunami sediments, the highly toxic organomercury fraction contribution is higher in the latter. The results were compared with chemical and sedimentological properties of the sediments but no significant correlations were obtained between them.  相似文献   

The December 26, 2004 Sumatra tsunami caused severe damage at the coasts of the Indian ocean. We report results of a sedimentological study of tsunami run-up parameters and the sediments laid down by the tsunami at the coast of Tamil Nadu, India, and between Malindi and Lamu, Kenya. In India, evidence of three tsunami waves is preserved on the beaches in the form of characteristic debris accumulations. We measured the maximum run-up distance at 580 m and the maximum run-up height at 4.85 m. Flow depth over land was at least 3.5 m. The tsunami deposited an up to 30 cm thick blanket of moderately well to well-sorted coarse and medium sand that overlies older beach deposits or soil with an erosional unconformity. The sand sheet thins inland without a decrease of grain-size. The deposits consist frequently of three layers. The lower one may be cross-bedded with foresets dipping landward and indicating deposition during run-up. The overlying two sand layers are graded or parallel-laminated without indicators of current directions. Thus, it remains undecided whether they formed during run-up or return flow. Thin dark laminae rich in heavy minerals frequently mark the contacts between successive layers. Benthic foraminifera indicate an entrainment of sediment by the tsunami from water depths less than ca. 30 m water depth. On the Indian shelf these depths are present at distances of up to 5 km from the coast. In Kenya only one wave is recorded, which attained a run-up height of 3 m at a run-up distance of ca. 35 m from the tidal water line at the time of the tsunami impact. Only one layer of fine sand was deposited by the tsunami. It consists predominantly of heavy minerals supplied to the sea by a nearby river. The sand layer thins landward with a minor decrease in grain-size. Benthic foraminifera indicate an entrainment of sediment by the tsunami from water depths less than ca. 30 m water depth, reaching down potentially to ca. 80 m. The presence of only one tsunami-related sediment layer in Kenya, but three in India, reflects the impact of only one wave at the coast of Kenya, as opposed to several in India. Grain-size distributions in the Indian and Kenyan deposits are mostly normal to slightly positively skewed and indicate that the detritus was entrained by the tsunami from well sorted pre-tsunami deposits in nearshore, swash zone and beach environments.  相似文献   

The simulation of the passage from the lithosphere through the atmosphere to the ionosphere of acoustic waves produced by seismic eruption or explosion shows that there is an acoustic coupling among these layers. This in turn is the cause of change in the transparency of the ionosphere for cosmic radio waves. Underground displacements produce Very Low (VLF) and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) acoustic waves. In their passage through the lithosphere, the VLF wave is subject to nonlinearity that leads to frequency down-conversion, namely, increasing the ELF acoustic component at the Earth's surface. In turn, the nonlinear propagation of ELF acoustic wave in the atmosphere and the ionosphere leads to the emergence of ultra low frequency (ULF) acoustic waves in the ionosphere. An ultra low frequency acoustic wave (ULF) brings influence into the density of F-layer of the ionosphere and causes the transparency change of the ionosphere for cosmic radio waves.  相似文献   

桩基低应变动力反射波法检测,以其特有的优势在工程中得以广泛应用。本文阐述了施工工艺及地质条件对测试曲线的影响,提出了反射波曲线综合分析的途径与方法。  相似文献   

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