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Island arc picrites are restricted to a few localities including the Lesser Antilles, Japan, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. The picrite occurrences appear to be linked to the subduction of young, hot oceanic crust and anomalous geotherms. At the Solomon arc, the Australian plate is presently subducted beneath the Pacific plate. A particular feature of the Solomon arc is the subduction of a spreading center (Woodlark Ridge). In the Solomon Islands, picrites only occur in the New Georgia archipelago, located above or close to the subducting Woodlark Ridge. These picrites contain between 12 and 30 wt% MgO, the associated primitive basalts show MgO contents from 11.5 to 13.6 wt%. Linear trends defined by Cr, Ni and other trace elements vs. MgO indicate that the picritic bulk compositions originate from mixing between a basaltic-picritic melt and a Mg- and Cr-rich endmember, rather than from fractional crystallization of extremely Mg-rich magmas. Major and trace element modeling identify mantle wedge peridotite as the most likely mixing endmember. Trace element abundances in the Solomon arc picrites indicate a mantle source enrichment by subduction components and a large depletion of Nb and Ta that is typical for island arc volcanic rocks. Most incompatible trace element patterns of the New Georgia picrites and basalts are parallel, supporting a cogenetic evolution of these rocks by mixing processes. 87Sr/86Sr and Nd values in the basalts and picrites range from 0.7033 to 0.7043 and +5.8 to +8.0, respectively. These values partially overlap with compositions of the Indian MORB field. Alternatively, subducted sediment and fluids from altered MORB may have displaced the Sr isotope composition to more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr. Hf values range from +12.2 to +14.6 and show in combination with Nd that the picrites were most likely generated within the Indian mantle domain.This revised version was published online September 2004 with a correction to Table 2.  相似文献   

Arenal volcano is nearly unique among arc volcanoes with its 42 year long (1968–2010) continuous, small-scale activity erupting compositionally monotonous basaltic andesites that also dominate the entire, ~7000 year long, eruptive history. Only mineral zoning records reveal that basaltic andesites are the result of complex, open-system processes deriving minerals from a variety of crystallization environments and including the episodic injections of basalt. The condition of the mafic input as well as the generation of crystal-rich basaltic andesites of the recent, 1968–2010, and earlier eruptions were addressed by an experimental study at 200 MPa, 900–1,050 °C, oxidizing and fluid-saturated conditions with various fluid compositions [H2O/(H2O + CO2) = 0.3–1]. Phase equilibria were determined using a phenocryst-poor (~3 vol%) Arenal-like basalt (50.5?wt% SiO2) from a nearby scoria cone containing olivine (Fo92), plagioclase (An86), clinopyroxene (Mg# = 82) and magnetite (Xulvö = 0.13). Experimental melts generally reproduce observed compositional trends among Arenal samples. Small differences between experimental melts and natural rocks can be explained by open-system processes. At low pressure (200 MPa), the mineral assemblage as well as the mineral compositions of the natural basalt were reproduced at 1,000 °C and high water activity. The residual melt at these conditions is basaltic andesitic (55 wt% SiO2) with 5 wt% H2O. The evolution to more evolved magmas observed at Arenal occurred under fluid-saturated conditions but variable fluid compositions. At 1,000 °C and 200 MPa, a decrease of water content by approximately 1 wt% induces significant changes of the mineral assemblage from olivine + clinopyroxene + plagioclase (5 wt% H2O in the melt) to clinopyroxene + plagioclase + orthopyroxene (4 wt% H2O in the melt). Both assemblages are observed in crystal-rich basalt (15 vol%) and basaltic andesites. Experimental data indicate that the lack of orthopyroxene and the presence of amphibole, also observed in basaltic andesitic tephra units, is due to crystallization at nearly water-saturated conditions and temperatures lower than 950 °C. The enigmatic two compositional groups previously known as low- and high-Al2O3 samples at Arenal volcano may be explained by low- and high-pressure crystallization, respectively. Using high-Al as signal of deeper crystallization, first magmas of the 1968–2010 eruption evolved deep in the crust and ascent was relatively fast leaving little time for significant compositional overprint by shallower level crystallization.  相似文献   

Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) methods and philosophies were trialed in a volcanic risk management planning and awareness activity for Savo Island, a historically highly destructive volcano in the Solomon Islands. Through a combination of methods we tried to combine the roles of facilitators and educators, and to involve the input of all stakeholders (from community to national government) in the process of volcanic risk management. The PRA approach was an ideal way to address the fundamental differences in outlook, education, needs, and roles of individuals and groups involved or affected. It was also an important catalyst to Savo island- or community-based planning initiatives, which are arguably the most important step toward the preparedness of the 2500 inhabitants of the island for any future destructive volcanic activity. We adapted almost every tenet of the PRA philosophy through inexperience, self-perceived importance and desire to combine both scientific and traditional views for Savo volcanic risk management planning. Nevertheless, what emerged from our experiences was an idea of how fundamentally well suited many PRA approaches are to initiating dialogue within diverse stakeholder groups, and deriving combined scientific/geologic and local/community risk assessments and mitigation action plans. The main challenge remaining includes increasing the involvement or voice of less powerful community members (women, youth, non-landowners) in risk management decision-making in such male-dominated hierarchical societies.  相似文献   

Aoba picrites in Vanuatu arc (Southwestern Pacific) offer the opportunity to address the question of the origin of Si-undersaturated arc magmas, through the geochemical study of their olivine-hosted melt inclusions. These latter delineate a differentiation trend of calc-alkaline silica-undersaturated basalts, with typical trace-element patterns of arc magmas. The most primitive melt inclusions, preserved in olivines with Fo ≥ 89, have normative nepheline compositions with CaO/Al2O3 > 0.8, but belong to three distinct populations differing in their enrichment or depletion in LILE, Cl, and alkalis (Rb, K). The dominant population is characterized by medium-LILE concentrations (La/Yb ~ 7–8) and represents the parental magma of the Aoba lavas. The two others (La/Yb ~ 20 and 2) are either significantly enriched or extremely depleted in LILE, Cl, and alkalis. This compositional variability of primitive magma batches requires the multi-stage mixing between melts generated by partial melting of both peridotite and clinopyroxene-rich lithologies. Medium-LILE magma derives from the mixing between peridotite- and clinopyroxenite-derived melts, whereas the high- and low-LILE melts involve amphibole-bearing and amphibole-free clinopyroxenite sources, respectively.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, major and trace element, and isotopic data are presented for leucite basanite and leucite tephrite eruptives and dykes from the Batu Tara volcano, eastern Sunda arc. In general, the eruptives are markedly porphyritic with phenocrysts of clinopyroxene, olivine, leucite ±plagioclase±biotite set in similar groundmass assemblages. These K-rich alkaline volcanics have high concentrations of large-ion-lithophile (LIL), light rare earth (LRE) and most incompatible trace elements, and are characterized by high 87Sr/86Sr (0.70571–0.70706) and low 143Nd/ 144Nd (0.512609–0.512450) compared with less alkaline volcanics from the Sunda arc. They also display the relative depletion of Ti and Nb in chondrite-normalized plots which is a feature of subalkaline volcanics from the eastern Sunda arc and arc volcanics in general. Chemical and mineralogical data for the Batu Tara K-rich rocks indicate that they were formed by the accumulation of variable amounts of phenocrysts in several melts with different major and trace element compositions. The compositions of one of these melts estimated from glass inclusions in phenocrysts is relatively Fe-rich (100 Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)=48–51) and is inferred to have been derived from a more primitive magma by low-pressure crystal fractionation involving olivine, clinopyroxene and spinel. Mg-rich (mg 90) and Cr-rich (up to 1.7 wt. % Cr2O3) zones in complex oscillatory-zoned clinopyroxene phenocrysts probably also crystallized from such a magma. The marked oscillatory zoning in the clinopyroxene phenocrysts is considered to be the result of limited mixing of relatively evolved with more primitive magmas, together with their phenocrysts, along interfaces between discrete convecting magma bodies.  相似文献   

The Upper Miocene to present day Gallego Volcanic Field (GVF) is located in northwest Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, SW Pacific, and potentially includes the offshore Savo volcano. The GVF is a multi-centred complex covering an area of ~ 800 km2 on Guadalcanal and a further ~ 30 km2 on the island of Savo, north of west Guadalcanal. GVF volcanism is characterised by effusive eruptions of lava, intrusion of sub-volcanic plutons, as well as pyroclastic flow and fall deposits dominated by block and ash flow deposits. Geochemical analysis of a representative suite of samples from the GVF demonstrates that the GVF comprise largely a ‘main suite’ of basalts to andesites and minor trachyandesites. The predominant mineralogy of the GVF comprises plagioclase, amphibole, clinopyroxene and magnetite-ilmenite. Associated with the ‘main suite’ are cognate nodules composed of hornblendite, gabbros, and clinopyroxenite. Interpretation of major and trace element geochemistry and petrographic studies suggests that fractionation was dominated by early clinopyroxene, and later amphibole + clinopyroxene + minor plagioclase. Geochemical features such as the incompatibility of Sr suggest that plagioclase largely crystallised en-masse late in the fractionation sequence. The presence of amphibole and late fractionation of plagioclase is suggestive of derivation from initially water-rich magmas. The region is characterised by strong geographically-related geochemical variations as evidenced by the Woodlark (and Manus) basins: basalts become more arc-like within the ocean basins with decreasing distance to the subducting trench. The GVF-Savo volcanoes are spatially and geochemically affected by deep N-S fractures that show some evidence of sympathetic geochemical variations with distance from the trench (e.g. Sr/Y ratios). Comparison with a range of international data for Th/Nb vs Pb/Nb and Dy/Yb vs SiO2 indicate that: amphibole was indeed a strong controlling phase on magmatic evolution; garnet had no obvious role; there was little sediment input into the source region; that relative Pb/Nb enrichments may be linked to similar enrichments within the subducting Woodlark basin (and by analogy with the Manus basin and its abundant hydrothermal Pb-rich sulphide deposits); and the predominant influence on the source region for GVF-Savo was from metasomatic fluids and/or melts from the slab subducting at the southern trench.  相似文献   

Subduction related picrites from the New Georgia archipelago (Solomon Islands) range in bulk MgO from 13 to 30 wt%. Two generations of olivine are identified based on CaO contents: High-CaO olivine phenocrysts from the picritic parental melt and low-CaO olivine xenocrysts incorporated from either lithospheric or asthenospheric upper mantle. There is also evidence that some of the low-CaO olivines are boninitic in origin. The bulk MgO range in the picrites is largely controlled by assimilation of low-CaO olivine xenocrysts. Oxidation states of the melt (FMQ+2.2), calculated from magnetite activities in liquidus chromites, constrain the MgO content of the parental melt to 13 wt%, assuming Fe–Mg exchange equilibrium between melt and liquidus olivine composition. The dry liquidus temperature of the parent melt based on this MgO content is 1340°C, about 80°C above the temperature obtained with the olivine–clinopyroxene Ca-exchange thermobarometer. The residence time of the low-CaO olivine xenocrysts in the magma, estimated from Ca- and Fe–Mg interdiffusion profiles, did not exceed 1 year.  相似文献   

The petrogenesis of high-Mg andesites (HMA) in subduction zones involves shallow melting of refractory mantle sources or, alternatively, the interaction of ascending slab-derived melts with mantle peridotite. To unravel the petrogenesis of HMA, we report major, trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope data for a newly found occurrence of HMA in the New Georgia group, Solomon Islands, SW-Pacific. Volcanism in the Solomon Islands was initiated by subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Indian–Australian plate until a reversal of subduction polarity occurred ca. 10 Ma ago. Currently, the Indian–Australian plate is subducted northeastwards along the San Cristobál trench, forming the younger and still active southwestern Solomon island arc. However, a fossil slab of Pacific crust is still present beneath the arc. The edifice of the active volcano Simbo is located directly in the San Cristobál trench on top of the subducting Indian–Australian plate. Simbo Island lies on top of a strike-slip fault of the adjacent Woodlark spreading centre that is subducted beneath the Pacific plate. Geochemical and petrological compositions of volcanic rocks from Simbo are in marked contrast to those of volcanic rocks from islands north of the trench (mostly arc basalts). Simbo-type rocks are opx-bearing HMA, displaying 60–62 wt% SiO2 but rather primitive Mg–Ni–Cr characteristics with 4–6 wt% MgO, up to 65 ppm Ni, up to 264 ppm Cr and Mg# from 67 to 75. The compositions of the Simbo andesites are explained by a binary mixture of silicic and basaltic melts. Relict olivine phenocrysts with Fo88–90 and reaction-rims of opx also support a mixing model. The basaltic endmember is similar to back-arc basalts from the Woodlark Ridge. A slab melt affinity of the silicic mixing component is indicated by Gd(N)/Yb(N) of up to 2.2 that is higher if compared to MORB and other arc basalts from the Solomon Islands. 87Sr/86Sr, ɛNd and ɛHf values in the analysed rocks range from 0.7035 to 0.7040, +6.4 to +7.9 and +12 to +14.4, respectively. These values reveal the presence of the Indian–Australian mantle domain beneath Simbo (i.e. the Indian–Australian plate) and also beneath all other volcanic islands of the New Georgia group, which are located north of the San Cristobál trench. 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values (18.43–18.52, 15.49–15.55 and 18.13–18.34, respectively) confirm the presence of slab melts from the subducted Pacific plate beneath southern Simbo where the highest Gd(N)/Yb(N) ratios are reported. A spatial shift towards an Indian–Australian slab signature is observed when approaching the active San Cristobál trench on northern Simbo, reflecting the decreasing influence of slab melts from the old subducted Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Subduction-related Mesozoic to Cainozoic granites s.l. in western Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula, have similar chemical compositions to Archean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites, Phanerozoic slab-melts (adakites), and to experimental partial melts of basaltic material in equilibrium with amphibole ± pyroxene ± garnet. They are predominantly sodic, metaluminous and most have Al2O3 > 15 wt% and Y < 18 ppm. All are light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched (2 < La/Ybn <30) and most have small Eu anomalies. They have a wide range of initial ɛNd(t) (−6.8 to +4.5) and ɛSr(t) (+293.4 to −3.7), but most Pb isotope compositions deviate by < 0.3% from their mean. The Pb isotope data indicate a crustal component to all the granites, which Sr and Nd isotope variations suggest is pre-Triassic–Triassic. The 207Pb/204Pb(t) range from 15.602 to 15.666 and appear to preclude a significant Proterozoic, or older, crustal component. The granites have chemical and isotopic compositions that suggest they are not partial melts of subducted oceanic lithosphere, as has been suggested for some Archean and Phanerozoic TTG magmas. We conclude that they were produced by mixing between basaltic-andesitic arc magmas, partial melts of juvenile basaltic lower crust and pre-Triassic crust. The low H(heavy)REE+Y content of some of the granites requires that garnet was a residual phase in the crust during partial melting, indicating a crustal thickness of >36 km. Between Triassic and Tertiary times the initial ɛNd(t) of the magmatism increased and ɛSr(t) decreased, suggesting that new continental crust was produced during this period. Underplating by mafic magma was an important crustal growth mechanism in the arc: the generation of abnormally thick crust, and its subse quent fusion, is considered to be a consequence of ca. ≥ 180 Ma of subduction and associated magmatism in the region. An implication of the model is that dense garnet-amphibolite and eclogite residues from partial melting of the lower crust will accumulate. In theory, the setting was appropriate for such residues to detach from the base of the crust and to sink into the convecting mantle. Such a process would leave the rest of the crust enriched in large ion lithophile elements/LREE, but depleted in HREE+Y. Received: 2 October 1995 / Accepted: 5 January 1997  相似文献   

Small Islands south off Hahajima, the southernmost of the Ogasawara Archipelago, consist of primitive basalts (<12 wt.% MgO) to dacite erupted during the transitional stage immediately following boninite volcanism on the incipient arc to sustained typical oceanic arc. Strombolian to Hawaiian fissure eruptions occurring on independent volcanic centers for the individual islands under a shallow sea produced magnesian basalt to dacite fall-out tephras, hyaloclastite and a small volume of pillow lava, which were intruded by NE-trending dikes. These volcanic strata are correlated to the upper part (<40 Ma) of the Hahajima main island. Volcanic rock samples have slightly lower FeO*/MgO ratios than the present volcanic front lavas, and are divided into three types with high, medium and low La/Yb ratios. Basalt to dacite of high- and medium-La/Yb types show both tholeiitic (TH) and calc-alkaline (CA) differentiation trends. Low-La/Yb type belongs only to TH basalt. The multiple magma types are coexistence on the each island. TH basalts have phenocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase, while CA basalts are free from plagioclase phenocrysts.  相似文献   

Newly obtained precise analytical data on trace elements and radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes testify to anomalous geochemical characteristics of mafic and intermediate Quaternary lavas in Paramushir (in the north of the Kuril arc), Kunashir and Iturup (in the south) islands, which are the largest three islands of the Kuril island arc. The high K and LREE concentrations in the volcanic products in Paramushir Island resulted from the southward expansion of the mantle thermal anomaly of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the involvement of melts related to the melting of oceanic sediments in magma generation. The depleted characteristics of the mafic volcanics are explained by the relatively young tectono-magmatic events during the opening of the Kuril backarc basin. The Kuril island-arc system developed on a heterogeneous basement. The northern islands are a continuation of the volcanic structures of southern Kamchatka, which were formed above an isotopically depleted and hot lithospheric mantle domain of composition close to that of the Pacific MORB type. The southern islands were produced above an isotopically enriched and cold lithospheric domain of the Indian-Ocean MORB type, which was modified in relation to relatively young backarc tectono-magmatic processes. Although issues related to the genesis of the transverse geochemical zoning were beyond the originally formulated scope of our research, the homogeneous enough isotopic composition of the rear-arc lavas in the absence of any mineralogical and geochemical lines of evidence of crustal contamination suggests an independent magmatic source.  相似文献   

The field setting, petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of a suite of picrite basalts and related magnesian olivine tholeiites (New Georgia arc picrites) from the New Georgia Volcanics, Kolo caldera in the active ensimatic Solomon Islands arc are presented. These lavas, with an areal extent in the order of 1002 km and almost 1 km thick in places, are located close to the intersection of the Woodlark spreading zone with the Pacific plate margin. They contain abundant olivine (Fo94-75) and diopside (Cr2O3 1.1-0.4%, Al2O3 1–3%), and spinels characterised by a large range in Cr/(Cr+Al) (0.85–0.46) and Mg/(Mg+ Fe++) (0.65–0.1). The spinels are Fe+++ rich, with Fe+++/ (Fe++++Cr+Al) varying from 0.06 to 1.0. A discrete group of spinels with the highest Cr/(Cr+Al) (0.83–0.86) and lowest Fe+++ contents are included in the most Mg-rich olivine (Fo91–94) and both may be xenocrystal in origin.The lavas, which range between 10–28% MgO, define linear trends on oxide (element) — MgO diagrams and these trends are interpreted as olivine (0.9) clinopyroxene (0.1) control lines. For the reconstructed parent magma composition of these arc picrites, ratios involving CaO, Al2O3, TiO2, Zr, V and Sc are very close to chondritic. REE patterns are slightly LREE — enriched ((La/Sm)N 1.3–1.43) and HREE are flat. All lavas show marked enrichments in K, Rb, Sr, Ba, and LREE relative to MORB with similar MgO contents, but the TiO2 content of the proposed parent magma is close to those of postulated primary MORB liquids. It is proposed that the arc parent magma was produced by partial melting of sub-oceanic upper mantle induced by the introduction of LILE — enriched hydrous fluids derived by dehydration and/or partial melting of subducted ocean crust and possibly minor sediments.  相似文献   

The conditions under which rear-arc magmas are generated were estimated using primary basalts from the Sannome-gata volcano, located in the rear of the NE Japan arc. Scoriae from the volcano occur with abundant crustal and mantle xenoliths, suggesting that the magma ascended rapidly from the upper mantle. The scoriae show significant variations in their whole-rock compositions (7.9–11.1 wt% MgO). High-MgO scoriae (MgO > ~9.5 wt%) have mostly homogeneous 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70318–0.70320), whereas low-MgO scoriae (MgO < ~9 wt%) have higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios (>0.70327); ratios tend to increase with decreasing MgO content. The high-MgO scoriae are aphyric, containing ~5 vol% olivine microphenocrysts with Mg# [100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)] of up to 90. In contrast, the low-MgO scoriae have crustal xenocrysts of plagioclase, alkali feldspar, and quartz, and the mineralogic modes correlate negatively with whole-rock MgO content. On the basis of these observations, it is inferred that the high-MgO scoriae represent primary or near-primary melts, while the low-MgO scoriae underwent considerable interaction with the crust. Using thermodynamic analysis of the observed petrological features of the high-MgO scoriae, the eruption temperature of the magmas was constrained to 1,160–1,220 °C. Given that the source mantle was depleted MORB-source mantle, the primary magma was plausibly generated by ~7 % melting of a garnet-bearing spinel peridotite; taking this into consideration, and considering the constraints of multi-component thermodynamics, we estimated that the primary Sannome-gata magma was generated in the source mantle with 0.5–0.6 wt% H2O at 1,220–1,230 °C and at ~1.8 GPa, and that the H2O content of the primary magma was 6–7 wt%. The rear-arc Sannome-gata magma was generated by a lower degree of melting of the mantle at greater depths and lower temperatures than the frontal-arc magma from the Iwate volcano, which was also estimated to be generated by ~15 % melting of the source mantle with 0.6–0.7 wt% H2O at ~1,250 °C and at ~1.3 GPa.  相似文献   

The Woodlark Basin, located south of the Solomon Islands arc region, is a young (5 Ma) oceanic basin that subducts beneath the New Britain Trench. This region is one of only a few subduction zones in the world where it is possible to study a young plate subduction of several Ma. To obtain the image of the subducting slab at the western side of the Woodlark Basin, a 40-day Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) survey was conducted in 1998 to detect the micro-seismic activity. It was the first time such a survey had been performed in this location and over 600 hypocenters were located. The seismic activity is concentrated at the 10–60 km depth range along the plate boundary. The upper limit just about coincides with the leading edge of the accretionary wedge. The upper limit boundary was identified as the up-dip limit of the seismogenic zone, whereas the down-dip limit of the seismogenic zone was difficult to define. The dip angle of the plate at the high seismicity zone was found to average about 30°. Using the Cascadia subduction zone for comparison, which is a typical example of a young plate subduction, suggests that the subduction of the Woodlark Basin was differentiated by a high dip angle and rather landward location of the seismic front from the trench axis (30 km landward from the trench axis). Furthermore, as pointed out by previous researchers, the convergent margin of the Solomon Islands region is imposed with a high stress state, probably due to the collision of the Ontong Java Plateau and a rather rapid convergence rate (10 cm/year). The results of the high angle plate subduction and inner crust earthquakes beneath the Shortland Basin strongly support the high stress state. The collision of the Ontong Java Plateau, the relatively rapid convergence rate, and moderately cold slab as evidenced by low heat flow, rather than the plate age, may be dominantly responsible for the geometry of the seismogenic zone in the western part of the Woodlark Basin subduction zone.  相似文献   

Most magmatic-hydrothermal Cu deposits are genetically linked to arc magmas. However, most continental or oceanic arc magmas are barren, and hence new methods have to be developed to distinguish between barren and mineralised arc systems. Source composition, melting conditions, the timing of S saturation and an initial chalcophile element-enrichment represent important parameters that control the potential of a subduction setting to host an economically valuable deposit. Brothers volcano in the Kermadec island arc is one of the best-studied examples of arc-related submarine magmatic-hydrothermal activity. This study, for the first time, compares the chemical and mineralogical composition of the Brothers seafloor massive sulphides and the associated dacitic to rhyolitic lavas that host the hydrothermal system. Incompatible trace element ratios, such as La/Sm and Ce/Pb, indicate that the basaltic melts from L’Esperance volcano may represent a parental analogue to the more evolved Brothers lavas. Copper-rich magmatic sulphides (Cu?>?2 wt%) identified in fresh volcanic glass and phenocryst phases, such as clinopyroxene, plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxide suggest that the surrounding lavas that host the Brothers hydrothermal system represent a potential Cu source for the sulphide ores at the seafloor. Thermodynamic calculations reveal that the Brothers melts reached volatile saturation during their evolution. Melt inclusion data and the occurrence of sulphides along vesicle margins indicate that an exsolving volatile phase extracted Cu from the silicate melt and probably contributed it to the overlying hydrothermal system. Hence, the formation of the Cu-rich seafloor massive sulphides (up to 35.6 wt%) is probably due to the contribution of Cu from a bimodal source including wall rock leaching and magmatic degassing, in a mineralisation style that is hybrid between Cyprus-type volcanic-hosted massive sulphide and subaerial epithermal–porphyry deposits.  相似文献   

Many studies have argued for the contribution of at least three components, namely the mantle wedge, the subducted oceanic crust, and its sediment cover, to describe the geochemistry of island arc volcanics. However, isotope correlations reflecting a simple binary mixing can be observed at the scale of a single arc island or volcano. Here we investigate the possibility that these trends reflect pseudo-binary mixing relationships in a three-component system. We present a simplified, two-stage model for the systematic isotope modelling of a cogenetic suite of arc lavas. This includes metasomatism of portions of the mantle wedge by hydrous phases released from the down-going oceanic crust, and sediments, followed by progressive mixing and melting. A consequence of this model is that it leads to a two end-member mixing process from the mantle wedge, oceanic crust, and sediment components. To solve the model we reduce it to a step-by-step procedure combined with a Monte-Carlo simulation. The procedure consists of: (i) producing a large number of random values on each variable of the model; (ii) using the computed values to calculate the isotopic compositions of lavas; and (iii) comparing the obtained isotopic compositions with measured data. Applied to a new set of Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope data for volcanics (basalts, basaltic andesites, trachybasalts, and basaltic trachyandesites) from Merapi volcano (Java island, Sunda arc), the model successfully reproduces the binary mixing relationships previously documented for the medium-K and high-K lava series from this volcano, thus giving further support to the hypothesis that this distinction is inherited from the primary magmas and primarily reflects a property of the mantle source. The results allow identification of a set of numerical values for bulk partition coefficients (solid/hydrous fluid, and solid/H2O-rich melt) and variables (e.g., the mass ratio between the metasomatizing phase and the mantle wedge), which can be used for quantitative arc-lava petrogenetic calculations. They also require a direct relationship between dehydration of the slab and melting of the metasomatized mantle wedge. Finally, our evaluation shows that for isotope modelling of the Merapi lavas, the two-stage procedure is controlled more by the considered source components (mantle wedge, oceanic crust, sediments, and their derivatives) than by the various processes involved (dehydration, melting, and mixing).  相似文献   

The Shortland Islands lie in a northeast-southwest line across the western end of Solomon Islands, immediately adjacent to Bougainville. Three major islands dominate the group.Fauro and surrounding islands, in the northeast, have an altered basement suite comprising tholeiite, icelandite and tholeiitic dacite. This is intruded by a high-level calc-alkaline assemblage of microdiorite, hornblende andesite and rhyodacite and overlain by volcanogenic sandstones derived from an andesitic to dacitic volcano. Pyroclastics comprising high-alumina basalt and pyroxene andesite overlie the volcanogenic sandstones. The tholeiitic basement lavas may be of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene age, and the calc-alkaline rocks are probably also pre-Pliocene in age.Alu, in the centre of the group, also has an altered tholeiitic lava basement, which is intruded by a quartz diorite body and overlain by hypersthene-augite basaltic andesite. Pliocene siltstone and Quaternary shallow marine carbonates cover these igneous rocks over much of the island.Mono, in the southwest, has a small basement exposure of altered pillowed hawaiite, overlain by Miocene pelagic limestone, Pliocene siltstone and Quaternary reef limestone. Isolated clasts of pyroxene andesite and ?benmoreite occur in streams and on beaches.The younger, calc-alkaline suites on all islands were formed in an island arc environment, possibly related to subduction from the southwest beneath the New Britain Trench. The basement lavas on Alu are probably early island arc tholeiites, and both these lavas and the calc-alkaline rocks of Alu share a common trend on variation diagrams. The two igneous suites of Fauro, however, have distinctly different trends. The basement lavas have some chemical similarities with oceanic tholeiites, but an early island arc origin for these lavas cannot be ruled out. The altered hawaiite and benmoreite on Mono probably originated in an oceanic island environment.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1922-1940
Our aim is to determine the mean compositions of modern island and continental arcs, along with dispersion estimates, and use them to evaluate their similarities and differences in such subduction settings. First, following the conventional approach, the statistical parameters of mean, median, and standard deviation were simply calculated from the available combined data from all island or continental arcs. However, it is mandatory to ascertain from significance tests that all island or continental arcs used for these estimates are statistically similar in their compositions before combining the data from different arcs and calculating the mean values and their uncertainties for the chemical parameters of interest. A new computer program, Univariate Data Analysis System (UDASYS), was developed for this purpose because the available programs are not efficient for applying the significance test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) to large numbers of sample groups, as in the present work. Compositional data for 16 island and 12 continental arcs around the world were compiled and processed in UDASYS. The best compositional estimates for all three types of magmas (basic, intermediate, and acid) from island and continental arcs were statistically evaluated to document, for the first time, significant differences for 64–94% of the geochemical parameters under study. These differences in large-ion lithophile elements, light rare earth elements, high-field strength elements, and numerous log-ratios are likely caused by different types of underlying crust beneath island and continental arcs. More specifically, the examination of two nearby arcs, Izu-Bonin (island) arc and Japan (continental) arc, confirmed that about 65–77% of the parameters showed significant differences, which may be related to the different types of crusts beneath these spatially close areas. The differences between the log-ratios of island and continental arc basic magmas further indicate that new multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams can certainly be proposed in future to discriminate such basic magmas from these two very similar tectonic settings, which at present is possible only from diagrams for intermediate and acid magmas.  相似文献   

Lavas and pyroclastic products of Nisyros volcano (Aegean arc, Greece) host a wide variety of phenocryst and cumulate assemblages that offer a unique window into the earliest stages of magma differentiation. This study presents a detailed petrographic study of lavas, enclaves and cumulates spanning the entire volcanic history of Nisyros to elucidate at which levels in the crust magmas stall and differentiate. We present a new division for the volcanic products into two suites based on field occurrence and petrographic features: a low-porphyricity andesite and a high-porphyricity (rhyo)dacite (HPRD) suite. Cumulate fragments are exclusively found in the HPRD suite and are predominantly derived from upper crustal reservoirs where they crystallised under hydrous conditions from melts that underwent prior differentiation. Rarer cumulate fragments range from (amphibole-)wehrlites to plagioclase-hornblendites and these appear to be derived from the lower crust (0.5–0.8 GPa). The suppressed stability of plagioclase and early saturation of amphibole in these cumulates are indicative of high-pressure crystallisation from primitive hydrous melts (≥ 3 wt% H2O). Clinopyroxene in these cumulates has Al2O3 contents up to 9 wt% due to the absence of crystallising plagioclase, and is subsequently consumed in a peritectic reaction to form primitive, Al-rich amphibole (Mg# > 73, 12–15 wt% Al2O3). The composition of these peritectic amphiboles is distinct from trace element-enriched interstitial amphibole in shallower cumulates. Phenocryst compositions and assemblages in both suites differ markedly from the cumulates. Phenocrysts, therefore, reflect shallow crystallisation and do not record magma differentiation in the deep arc crust.  相似文献   

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