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Daniel J. Schulze 《Lithos》2003,71(2-4):195-213
A new empirical method has been devised for classification of mantle-derived garnets in kimberlite. Simple chemical screens have been developed to distinguish between garnets from different parageneses, based on Mg, Fe, Ca, Cr, Ti and Na values of published analyses of garnets from >2000 ultramafic xenoliths in kimberlite. Although crustal garnets are typically uncommon as xenocrysts in kimberlite, the first step in the classification is to screen these from the mantle population, using data from >600 garnet-bearing crustal rocks. Such a screen may also prove useful in evaluating the source (crust vs. mantle) of garnet in kimberlite exploration samples. Subsequent steps divide mantle garnets into eclogite, peridotite and Cr-poor megacryst groupings, and sub-groups of the peridotite (lherzolite, harzburgite, wehrlite) and eclogite (Groups I and II and A, B, C and grospydite) populations. Important features of this classification include the fact that it is based on distinctions between groups of fundamental geological significance (e.g., peridotite vs. eclogite) and it is based on a large, well-documented and well-understood xenolith database. As it utilizes oxide values and molar ratios of major and minor elements, the rationale for the screens is readily understood and it is simple to use.  相似文献   

M.G. Kopylova  J. Lo  N.I. Christensen 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):493-510
Modes and compositions of minerals in Slave mantle xenoliths, together with their pressures and temperatures of equilibrium were used to derive model depth profiles of P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs) for composites equivalent to peridotite, pyroxenite and eclogite. The rocks were modeled as isotropic aggregates with uniform distribution of crystal orientations, based on single-crystal elastic moduli and volume fractions of constituent minerals. Calculated seismic wave velocities are adjusted for in situ pressure and temperature conditions using (1) experimental P- and T- derivatives for bulk rocks' Vp and Vs, and (2) calculated P- and T- derivatives for bulk rocks' elastic moduli and densities. The peridotite seismic profiles match well with the globally averaged IASP91 model and with seismic tomography results for the Slave mantle. In peridotite, an observed increase of seismic wave velocities with depth is controlled by lower degrees of chemical depletion in the deeper upper mantle. In eclogite, seismic velocities increase more rapidly with depth than in peridotite. This follows from contrasting first-order pressure derivatives of bulk isotropic moduli for eclogite and peridotite, and from the lower compressibility of eclogite at high pressures. Our calculations suggest that depletion in cratonic mantle has a distinct seismic signature compared to non-cratonic mantle. Depleted mantle on cratons should have slower Vp, faster Vs and should show lower Poisson's ratios due to an orthopyroxene enrichment. For the modelled Slave craton xenoliths, the predicted effect on seismic wave velocities would be up to 0.05 km/s.  相似文献   

High seismic Vp velocity anomalies (8.7–9.0 km s− 1) have long been known about in regions of the uppermost mantle of the Siberian craton, often in association with kimberlite fields. Laboratory measurement of seismic properties of five xenoliths, three peridotites and two eclogites, from the Udachnaya kimberlite under confining pressures up to 600 MPa were extrapolated to uppermost mantle PT conditions of 1500 MPa and 500 °C, however none of the velocities are high enough to explain the observations. Eclogites or peridotites are commonly considered to be the source of anomalous high velocities. We prefer a peridotitic source to an eclogitic source due to the unusual chemistry and regional uniformity of eclogitic garnets required, maximum velocity limitations on laboratory measurements of seismic properties of natural eclogites, and purported abundance of eclogites in the lithosphere. Alternatively, a highly depleted peridotite, such as dunite or harzburgite, can produce velocities high enough to match observations. Olivine petrofabrics in most peridotites, including the three peridotites used in this study, are great enough to produce the observed high velocities provided olivine petrofabrics are continuous enough and correctly oriented to be seismically detectable and the modal proportion of olivine is high. There have been suggestions by other authors that the Siberian upper mantle is highly depleted and that a lithosphere-scale shear zone exists, which may have acted to organize fabrics into segments large enough for detection. Anomalously high Vp–Vs velocity ratios of greater than 1.8 are expected parallel to the olivine [100] maxima required to be present in a high-velocity olivine-dominated upper mantle. Vp–Vs velocity ratios can serve as a means of inferring large-scale anisotropy when limited seismic data are available, as in Siberia.  相似文献   

Oxygen fugacity (fO2) conditions were determined for 29 peridotite xenoliths from the A154-North and A154-South kimberlites of the Diavik diamond mine using the newly developed flank method modified specifically for measuring Fe3+ in mantle-derived pyropic garnets. The results indicate that the garnet-bearing lithospheric mantle beneath the central Slave craton is vertically layered with respect to oxidation state. The shallow (<140 km), “ultra-depleted” layer is the most oxidized section of garnet-bearing subcratonic mantle thus far measured, up to one log unit more oxidizing relative to the FMQ buffer [Δlog fO2 (FMQ) + 1]. The lower, more fertile layer has fO2 conditions that extend down to Δlog fO2 (FMQ) − 3.8, consistent with xenolith suites from other localities worldwide. Based on trace element concentrations in garnets, two distinct metasomatic events affected the mantle lithosphere at Diavik. An oxidized fluid imparted sinusoidal chondrite-normalized REE patterns on garnets throughout the entire depth range sampled. In contrast, a reducing melt metasomatic event affected only the lower portion of the lithospheric mantle. The fO2 state of the Diavik mantle sample suggests that diamond formation occurred by reduction of carbonate by fluids arising from beneath the lithosphere.  相似文献   

华北克拉通东部中生代岩石圈减薄已经取得了大量进展,相比之下对克拉通中部岩石圈演化认识不足。本文对华北克拉通中部狐偃山杂岩体中科头正长岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、主量和微量元素、Sr-Nd-Hf同位素地球化学研究。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,科头正长岩侵位于早白垩世晚期(~111Ma)。岩石样品均为钾质—超钾质,属于碱性系列岩石。这些岩石相对富集轻稀土,亏损重稀土和中稀土,具有明显的正Eu异常(Eu/Eu~*=1.22~1.96)、富集大离子亲石元素LILE(Rb、Sr、Ba),亏损高场强元素HFSE(Nb、Ta、Ti)。所有岩石样品具有相对高的初始~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr比值(0.7058~0.7062)和低的ε_(Nd)(t)(-10.4~—11.1),ε_(Hf)(t)介于—12.2~—5.2之间。详细的元素和同位素地球化学研究表明科头正长岩的原始岩浆可能来源于富集岩石圈地幔中富金云母的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩源区的部分熔融,岩浆演化过程中经历了地壳混染与结晶分异(AFC)过程。结合华北克拉通中部岩浆资料,将华北克拉通中部早白垩世岩浆作用分为早晚两期:早期(123~135Ma)为岩浆作用高峰期,晚期(~114Ma)为最后一期弱的岩浆期;华北克拉通中部陆下岩石圈地幔是富集的、不均一的,其至少在早白垩世(138~111Ma)一直处于减薄状态。  相似文献   

Ultra high-pressure (UHP) eclogites from Sulu region (China) represent mafic components of the continental crust, which were first subducted to mantle depths greater than 100 km and then exhumed to the earth's surface. Detailed investigation of microstructures, chemical compositions, petrofabrics and seismic properties of the UHP eclogites can provide important information on the operating deformation mechanisms and rheology of subducted continental crust and on the origin of seismic reflections within the upper mantle. We present here results from field, optical and TEM observations, electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) measurements and numerical computations of the seismic properties of UHP eclogites collected from fresh surface outcrops at the drill site (Maobei, Donghai County, Jiangsu Province) of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CCSD). Two types of eclogites have been distinguished: Type-1 (coarse-grained) eclogites deformed by recovery-accommodated dislocation creep at the peak metamorphic conditions, and Type-2 (fine-grained) eclogites which are composed of reworked Type-1 materials during recrystallization-accommodated dislocation creep in shear zones which were active during the exhumation of the UHP metamorphic rocks. Both garnet and omphacite in these eclogites deformed plastically and the flow strength contrast between these two constituent minerals is apparently much less than an order of magnitude under the UHP metamorphic conditions. Plasticity of eclogites under UHP conditions can effectively facilitate channeled flow along the interplate shear zone. The preservation of the relict crustal materials within the continental lithosphere may produce regionally extensive, strong, seismic reflections in the upper mantle. This may explain the origin of mantle reflections observed in many areas of the world.  相似文献   

We provide petrographic, major and trace element data for over 30 spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Tokinsky Stanovik (Tok) volcanic field on the Aldan shield to characterize the lithospheric mantle beneath the south-eastern margin of the Siberian craton, which formed in the Mesoproterozoic. High equilibration temperatures (870–1,010°C) of the xenoliths and the absence of garnet-bearing peridotites indicate a much thinner lithosphere than in the central craton. Most common among the xenoliths are clinopyroxene-poor lherzolites and harzburgites with Al2O3 and CaO contents nearly as low as in refractory xenoliths from kimberlite pipes (Mir, Udachnaya) in the central and northern Siberian craton. By contrast, the Tok peridotites have higher FeO, lower Mg-numbers and lower modal orthopyroxene and are apparently formed by shallow partial melting (3 GPa). Nearly all Tok xenoliths yield petrographic and chemical evidence for metasomatism: accessory phlogopite, amphibole, phosphates, feldspar and Ti-rich oxides, very high Na2O (2–3.1%) in clinopyroxene, LREE enrichments in whole-rocks.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model of the crust and uppermost mantle for the western Siberian craton and the adjoining areas of the Pur-Gedan basin to the north and Baikal Rift zone to the south is determined from travel time data from recordings of 30 chemical explosions and three nuclear explosions along the RIFT deep seismic sounding profile. This velocity model shows strong lateral variations in the crust and sub-Moho structure both within the craton and between the craton and the surrounding region. The Pur-Gedan basin has a 15-km thick, low-velocity sediment layer overlying a 25-km thick, high-velocity crystalline crustal layer. A paleo-rift zone with a graben-like structure in the basement and a high-velocity crustal intrusion or mantle upward exists beneath the southern part of the Pur-Gedan basin. The sedimentary layer is thin or non-existent and there is a velocity reversal in the upper crust beneath the Yenisey Zone. The Siberian craton has nearly uniform crustal thickness of 40–43 km but the average velocity in the lower crust in the north is higher (6.8–6.9 km/s) than in the south (6.6 km/s). The crust beneath the Baikal Rift zone is 35 km thick and has an average crustal velocity similar to that observed beneath the southern part of craton. The uppermost mantle velocity varies from 8.0 to 8.1 km/s beneath the young West Siberian platform and Baikal Rift zone to 8.1–8.5 km/s beneath the Siberian craton. Anomalous high Pn velocities (8.4–8.5 km/s) are observed beneath the western Tunguss basin in the northern part of the craton and beneath the southern part of the Siberian craton, but lower Pn velocities (8.1 km/s) are observed beneath the Low Angara basin in the central part of the craton. At about 100 km depth beneath the craton, there is a velocity inversion with a strong reflecting interface at its base. Some reflectors are also distinguished within the upper mantle at depth between 230 and 350 km.  相似文献   


镍、钴和铂族元素(PGEs,Platinum group elements)是我国紧缺的关键金属,它们作为亲铁元素主要储存在地核和地幔中。幔源岩浆作用能否超常富集镍、钴和铂族成矿在一定程度上取决于地幔源区这些元素的组成与富集程度,地幔捕虏体可揭示中国大陆岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素的组成与含量。本文总结了中国华北克拉通、华南克拉通和中亚造山带东部等主要构造单元地幔捕虏体中镍、钴和铂族元素的组成与含量,认为:(1)华北和华南克拉通岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素原始含量较高,高于原始地幔,且随深度增加而增加,是镍、钴和铂族元素成矿岩浆的有利地幔源区;(2)镍、钴和铂族元素以纳米原子团簇、合金或硫化物等形式赋存、运移与富集;(3)不同构造单元岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素的富集程度不同;(4)岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素含量从元古代到新生代有所降低,意味着该区存在镍、钴和铂族元素抽取的岩浆事件,故其成矿潜力巨大。


华北克拉通中部是古元古代岩墙群最为发育的地区。以镁铁质成分为主的岩墙群可以分为变质的和不变质的两类。不变质岩墙群是在1780~1760Ma之间大约20Ma时间内形成的,是华北克拉通古元古代最晚期铗铁质岩浆活动的产物。不变质岩墙又可以细分成高Mg-Ti低P、低Mg高Ti-P和高Mg低Ti-P等3组。本文报道了采自丰镇附近高Mg低Ti-P岩墙样品的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成分析结果。新获得的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为1769±4Ma,与其它不变质岩墙的锆石、斜锆石U-Pb年龄和~(40)At/~(39)Ar年龄的范围相同。高Mg低Ti-P岩墙的锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值的变化范围在-6.4~ 0.4之间,平均值为-2.2,略高于时代相近的花岗质岩石。由于镁铁质岩浆在上升、侵位和结晶过程中几乎没有受到地壳物质混染,因而锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值可以代表镁铁质岩浆的富集的岩石圈地幔源区的特征。文献资料显示,高Mg低Ti-P岩墙的岩石圈地幔源区的~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr初始比值为0.7040~0.7050,平均值为0.7046,ε_(Nd)(t)值为-5.6~-2.8,平均值为-4.4。  相似文献   

The paper presents new petrographic, major element and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy data and PT-estimates of whole-rock samples and minerals of a collection of 19 relatively fresh peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, which were recovered from its deeper levels. The xenoliths are non-deformed (granular), medium-deformed and highly deformed (porphyroclastic, mosaic-porphyroclastic, mylonitic) lherzolites, harzburgite and dunite. The lherzolites yielded equilibration temperatures (T) and pressures (P) ranging from 913 to 1324 °C and from 4.6 to 6.3 GPa, respectively. The non-deformed and medium-deformed peridotites match the 35 mW/m2 conductive continental geotherm, whereas the highly deformed varieties match the 45 mW/m2 geotherm. The content of water spans 2 ± 1–95 ± 52 ppm in olivine, 1 ± 0.5–61 ± 9 ppm in orthopyroxene, and 7 ± 2–71 ± 30 ppm in clinopyroxene. The amount of water in garnets is negligible. Based on the modal proportions of mineral phases in the xenoliths, the water contents in peridotites were estimated to vary over a wide range from < 1 to 64 ppm. The amount of water in the mantle xenoliths is well correlated with the deformation degree: highly deformed peridotites show highest water contents (64 ppm) and those medium-deformed and non-deformed contain ca. 1 ppm of H2O. The high water contents in the deformed peridotites could be linked to metasomatism of relatively dry diamondiferous cratonic roots by hydrous and carbonatitic agents (fluids/melts), which may cause hydration and carbonation of peridotite and oxidation and dissolution of diamonds. The heterogeneous distribution of water in the cratonic mantle beneath the Udachnaya pipe is consistent with the models of mantle plume or veined mantle structures proposed based on a trace element study of similar xenolithic suits. Mantle metasomatism beneath the Siberian Craton and its triggered kimberlite magmatism could be induced by mantle enrichment in volatiles (H2O, CO2) supplied by numerous subduction zones which surrounded the Siberian continent in Neoproterozoic-Cambrian time.  相似文献   

华北克拉通中部是古元古代岩墙群最为发育的地区.以镁铁质成分为主的岩墙群可以分为变质的和不变质的两类.不变质岩墙群是在1780~1760 Ma之间大约20 Ma时间内形成的,是华北克拉通古元古代最晚期镁铁质岩浆活动的产物.不变质岩墙又可以细分成高Mg-Ti低P、低Mg高Ti-P和高Mg低Ti-P等3组.本文报道了采自丰镇附近高Mg低Ti-P岩墙样品的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成分析结果.新获得的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为1769±4 Ma,与其它不变质岩墙的锆石、斜锆石U-Pb年龄和^40Ar/^39Ar年龄的范围相同.高Mg低Ti-P岩墙的锆石εHf(t)值的变化范围在-6.4~+0.4之间,平均值为-2.2,略高于时代相近的花岗质岩石.由于镁铁质岩浆在上升、侵位和结晶过程中几乎没有受到地壳物质混染,因而锆石εHf(t)值可以代表镁铁质岩浆的富集的岩石圈地幔源区的特征.文献资料显示,高Mg低Ti-P岩墙的岩石圈地幔源区的87Sr/86Sr初始比值为0.7040~0.7050,平均值为0.7046,εNd(t)值为-5.6~-2.8,平均值为-4.4.  相似文献   

Using relevant geothermobarometric methods, PT-data were collected for the reconstruction of the metamorphic evolution of 34 eclogite samples taken from small lenses and boudins within the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic coesite-bearing Brossasco-Isasca Unit (BIU) of the Dora-Maira Massif. The mineral phases used (clinopyroxene, garnet, phengite), or growth zones thereof, were identified as being coexistent for different stages of metamorphism on the basis of careful petrographic studies. Of several published geothermobarometers, the garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer of Powell [Powell, R., 1985. Regression diagnostics and robust regression in geothermometer/geobarometer calibration: the garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometer revisited. J. Metamorph. Geol., 3, pp. 231–243.] combined with the garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite barometer after Waters and Martin [Waters, D., Martin, H.N., 1993. The garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite barometer. Terra Abstr., 5, pp. 410–411.] was chosen here, because it provided the most reliable results. Nevertheless, the scatter of PT-data points for the prograde (stage I), peak metamorphic (stage II), and retrograde (stage III) development of the eclogites is still considerable. Among the many possible reasons for this inconsistency discussed, a partial lack of equilibration of some of the eclogites during their metamorphic history should be taken into account. Despite the data scatter, an average PT-path could be estimated, which includes the following coordinates: for stage I: 15 kbar/500°C; 25 kbar/570°C; 32 kbar/650°C; for stage II: 36 kbar/720°C; and for stage III: 24 kbar/680°C and 14 kbar/620°C. This is in fair agreement with PT-paths derived earlier for other rock types of the BIU on the basis of other geothermobarometers.  相似文献   

Several thousand clinopyroxene, garnet, and phlogopite inclusions of mantle rocks from Jurassic and Triassic kimberlites in the northeastern Siberian craton have been analyzed and compared with their counterparts from Paleozoic kimberlites, including those rich in diamond. The new and published mineral chemistry data make a basis for an updated classification of kimberlite-hosted clinopyroxenes according to peridotitic and mafic (eclogite and pyroxenite) parageneses. The obtained results place constraints on the stability field of high-Na lherzolitic clinopyroxenes, which affect the coexisting garnet and decrease its Ca contents. As follows from analyses of the mantle minerals from Mesozoic kimberlites, the cratonic lithosphere contained more pyroxenite and eclogite in the Mesozoic than in the Paleozoic. It virtually lacked ultradepleted harzburgite-dunite lithologies and contained scarce eclogitic diamonds. On the other hand, both inclusions in diamond and individual eclogitic minerals from Mesozoic kimberlites differ from eclogitic inclusions in diamond from Triassic sediments in the northeastern Siberian craton. Xenocrystic phlogopites from the D’yanga pipe have 40Ar/39Ar ages of 384.6, 432.4, and 563.4 Ma, which record several stages of metasomatic impact on the lithosphere. These phlogopites are younger than most of Paleozoic phlogopites from the central part of the craton (Udachnaya kimberlite). Therefore, hydrous mantle metasomatism acted much later on the craton periphery than in the center. Monomineral clinopyroxene thermobarometry shows that Jurassic kimberlites from the northeastern craton part trapped lithospheric material from different maximum depths (170 km in the D’yanga pipe and mostly < 130 km in other pipes). The inferred thermal thickness of cratonic lithosphere decreased progressively from ~ 260 km in the Devonian-Carboniferous to ~ 225 km in the Triassic and to ~ 200 km in the Jurassic, while the heat flux (Hasterok-Chapman model) was 34.9, 36.7, and 39.0 mW/m2, respectively. Dissimilar PT patterns of samples from closely spaced coeval kimberlites suggest different emplacement scenarios, which influenced both the PT variations across the lithosphere and the diamond potential of kimberlites.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the North China craton remains poorly constrained relative to its Palaeozoic and Cenozoic counterparts due to a lack of mantle xenoliths in volcanic rocks. Available data show that the Mesozoic lithospheric mantle was distinctive in terms of its major, trace element, and isotopic compositions. The recent discovery of mantle peridotitic xenoliths in Late Cretaceous mafic rocks in the Jiaodong region provides an opportunity to further quantify the nature and secular evolution of the Mesozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the region. These peridotitic xenoliths are all spinel-facies nodules and two groups, high-Mg# and low-Mg# types, can be distinguished based on textural and mineralogical features. High-Mg# peridotites have inequigranular textures, high Mg# (up to 92.2) in olivines, and high Cr# (up to 55) in spinels. Clinopyroxenes in the high-Mg# peridotites are generally LREE-enriched ((La/Yb)N>1) with variable REE concentrations, and have enriched Sr–Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7046–0.7087; 143Nd/144Nd = 0.5121–0.5126). We suggest that the high-Mg# peridotites are fragments of the Archaean and/or Proterozoic lithospheric mantle that underwent extensive interaction with both carbonatitic and silicate melts prior to or during Mesozoic time. The low-Mg# peridotites are equigranular, are typified by low Mg# ( < 90) in olivines, and by low Cr# ( < 12) in spinels. Clinopyroxenes from low-Mg# peridotites have low REE abundances (ΣREE = 12 ppm), LREE-depleted REE patterns ((La/Yb)N < 1), and depleted Sr–Nd isotopic features, in contrast to the high-Mg# peridotites. These geochemical characteristics suggest that the low-Mg# peridotites represent samples from the newly accreted lithospheric mantle. Combined with the data of mantle xenoliths from the Junan and Daxizhuang areas, a highly heterogeneous, secular evolution of the lithosphere is inferred for the region in Late Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

在南苏鲁东海地区,部分超高压榴辉岩中的变斑晶石榴石具有复杂的生长成分环带和多期矿物包体组合,它们记录了超高压变质岩的多阶段变质演化过程,即绿帘角闪岩相进变质、柯石英榴辉岩相峰期变质、石英榴辉岩相和角闪岩相退变质作用。运用相关的地质温、压计,使用代表最高变质温度的变斑晶石榴石慢部(具最低的Fe/Mg比值)和与其平衡的绿辉石包体成分,获得了〉900℃和4.1~4.5GPa的超高压变质务件。联合其他变质阶段的温、压条件,一个顺时针的变质作用P—T轨迹得以建立。它的特征是进变质与退变质路径近于平行,早期退变质作用为降温、降压过程.榴辉岩石榴石生长成分环带的保存说明超高压变质岩在峰期变质阶段有非常短暂的停留时间,并以很快的折返速率抬升到地壳浅部,超高压变质岩折返过程中的明显降温是石榴石生长环带得以保存的另一个有利条件,  相似文献   

Concentrations of OH, and major and trace elements were determinedin a suite of mantle-derived megacrysts that represent the crystallizationproducts of a kimberlite-like magma at  相似文献   

Trace element characteristics of seven coesite-bearing eclogitic xenoliths from the Roberts Victor kimberlite demonstrate that this suite of eclogites originated as gabbroic cumulates in oceanic crust that was subsequently subducted. All but one of the garnets show positive Eu anomalies, accompanied by a flat heavy rare earth pattern, which is atypical of garnet, but characteristic of plagioclase, arguing for a considerable amount of plagioclase in the protoliths. Forward modelling of the accumulation of liquidus minerals from primitive komatiitic, picritic, and basaltic liquids suggests that at least some of the eclogite protoliths were not derived from basaltic parental liquids, whereas derivation from either komatiitic or picritic liquids is possible. The reconstructed eclogite bulk rocks compare favourably with oceanic gabbros from ODP hole 735B (SW Indian Ridge), even to the extent that oxygen isotopic systematics show signs of low-temperature seawater alteration. However, the oxygen isotope trends are the reverse of what is expected for cumulates in the lower section of the oceanic crust. These new findings show that δ18O values in eclogitic xenoliths, despite being sound indicators for their interaction with hydrothermal fluids at low pressure, do not necessarily bear a simple relationship with the inferred oceanic crustal stratigraphy of the protoliths.  相似文献   

Spinel harzburgite and websterite mantle xenoliths from Simcoe volcano in southern Washington represent fragments of mantle lithosphere from the back-arc side of the Cascade arc front. Previous studies have shown that metasomatism by either silica-rich fluids or hydrous melts crystallized phlogopite, imparted high oxygen fugacities (0.3 to 1.4 log units above QFM), and more radiogenic Os isotopic compositions on these peridotites. These features are consistent with part or all of the metasomatic agent being derived from the Juan de Fuca slab. New Re–Os, Sm–Nd, Sr, and U–Th–Pb isotopic data shed further light on the origin and composition of the metasomatic agent. The clinopyroxenes from the xenoliths have correlated Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb=18.63–19.55, 207Pb/204Pb=15.56–15.63, 208Pb/204Pb=38.22–38.87). The most radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions extend beyond the most radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions for the Cascade arc lavas and display a shallower trend. Mixtures between Juan de Fuca basalts and pelagic or terrigenous sediments would result in Pb isotopic compositions that are not radiogenic enough in 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb at the high 206Pb/204Pb end of this array. Therefore, models for rapid transfer of components from the slab to the mantle lithosphere are not viable in this case. Instead, a multi-stage model is preferred. In the first stage, the slab component is transferred via fluid or melt into, and reacts with the hanging wall mantle. This results in a residual slab depleted in Pb relative to U and Th, and consequent high U/Pb and Th/Pb. Additional dehydration or melting of the slab imparts this chemical signature to the peridotite in the hanging wall. In the second stage, the hybridized hanging wall peridotite evolves for tens of million years until corner flow drags it down to deeper levels in the mantle wedge where melting occurs in response to higher temperatures. In the third stage, this melt migrates upward where it metasomatizes the mantle lithosphere represented by the Simcoe xenoliths. Trace element compositions of the clinopyroxenes, and the presence of high alkali glasses in the xenoliths, are consistent with the metasomatic agent derived from the hybridized hanging wall being alkali-rich, and possibly similar to potassic-rich lavas found in arc and back-arc settings. These data therefore demonstrate the importance of the hybridized hanging wall mantle above slabs as a source for melts which can be metasomatic agents in the upper mantle, and as a site for storage of material derived from the slab for periods of at least tens of million years.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1569-1595

Palaeoarchaean (3.38–3.35 Ga) komatiites from the Jayachamaraja Pura (J.C. Pura) and Banasandra greenstone belts of the western Dharwar craton, southern India were erupted as submarine lava flows. These high-temperature (1450–1550°C), low-viscosity lavas produced thick, massive, polygonal jointed sheet flows with sporadic flow top breccias. Thick olivine cumulate zones within differentiated komatiites suggest channel/conduit facies. Compound, undifferentiated flow fields developed marginal-lobate thin flows with several spinifex-textured lobes. Individual lobes experienced two distinct vesiculation episodes and grew by inflation. Occasionally komatiite flows form pillows and quench fragmented hyaloclastites. J.C. Pura komatiite lavas represent massive coherent facies with minor channel facies, whilst the Bansandra komatiites correspond to compound flow fields interspersed with pillow facies. The komatiites are metamorphosed to greenschist facies and consist of serpentine-talc ± carbonate, actinolite–tremolite with remnants of primary olivine, chromite, and pyroxene. The majority of the studied samples are komatiites (22.46–42.41 wt.% MgO) whilst a few are komatiitic basalts (12.94–16.18 wt.% MgO) extending into basaltic (7.71 – 10.80 wt.% MgO) composition. The studied komatiites are Al-depleted Barberton type whilst komatiite basalts belong to the Al-undepleted Munro type. Trace element data suggest variable fractionation of garnet, olivine, pyroxene, and chromite. Incompatible element ratios (Nb/Th, Nb/U, Zr/Y Nb/Y) show that the komatiites were derived from heterogeneous sources ranging from depleted to primitive mantle. CaO/Al2O3 and (Gd/Yb)N ratios show that the Al-depleted komatiite magmas were generated at great depth (350–400 km) by 40–50% partial melting of deep mantle with or without garnet (majorite?) in residue whilst komatiite basalts and basalts were generated at shallow depth in an ascending plume. The widespread Palaeoarchaean deep depleted mantle-derived komatiite volcanism and sub-contemporaneous TTG accretion implies a major earlier episode of mantle differentiation and crustal growth during ca. 3.6–3.8 Ga.  相似文献   

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