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利用CDSN及GDSN数字化P波波形资料,用遗传算法反演1996年包头西MS=6.4地震的地震矩张量解。结果表明该地震矩张量解以双力偶成分为主,是断层面接近南北走向的左旋走滑错动,断裂面走向与大震后5天内余震的分布带走向基本一致。压应力轴与张应力转接近水平,前者近北西西走向,后者近北北东走向。  相似文献   

On December 12, 1992 a large earthquake (M s 7.5) occurred just north of Flores Island, Indonesia which, along with the tsunami it generated, killed more than 2,000 people. In this study, teleseismicP andSH waves, as well asPP waves from distances up to 123°, are inverted for the orientations and time histories of multiple point sources. By repeating the inversion for reasonable values of depth, time separation and spatial separation, a 2-fault model is developed. Next, the vertical deformation of the seafloor is estimated from this fault model. Using a detailed bathymetric model, linear and nonlinear tsunami propagation models are tested. The data consist of a single tide gauge record at Palopo (650 km to the north), as well as tsunami runup height measurements from Flores Island and nearby islands. Assuming a tsunami runup amplification factor of two, the two-fault model explains the tide gauge record and the tsunami runup heights on most of Flores Island. It cannot, however, explain the large tsunami runup heights observed near Leworahang (on Hading Bay) and Riangkroko (on the northeast peninsula). Massive coastal slumping was observed at both of these locations. A final model, which in addition to the two faults, includes point sources of large vertical displacement at these two locations explains the observations quite well.  相似文献   

The design of a monitoring system for detecting explosions is a very topical problem, both for routine data processing at seismological observatories as well as for the monitoring of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. In this framework it is desirable to have the possibility to quantify the presence of the isotropic component in the seismic source. For this purpose a method is presented, which is based on waveform inversion for the full moment tensor retrieval. The method inverts either full waveforms or separate seismic phases and returns the mechanism and time history of a point source. Moreover, it allows to redefine the hypocentral depth of the event and, in a simplistic way, to optimize the structural model as well. In order to model strong laterally heterogeneous structures, different pairs of structural models can be used for each source-receiver path. The source is decomposed into a volumetric part (V), representing an explosive or implosive component, and into a deviatoric part, containing both the double couple (DC) and the compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD) components. The method is applied to an area in central Switzerland and to the network of the Swiss Seismological Service. The events of interest include both earthquakes and explosions. Despite some modelling inadequacies of the source-time function, the explosions can be well identified with the inverted isotropic component in the source, as long as the number of stations used for the inversion is larger than three. The results of the inversion are better for large epicenter-station distances of the order of 40–90 km.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine the relation between source parameters and mechanical properties of the rock matrix in which the microseismic events occur. For this purpose, accurate geological, mechanical and seismological data were acquired on a gas field experiencing induced seismicity due to its reservoir pressure drop. More than 30 deep boreholes (depth greater than 4 km) are concentrated in a 10×10×5 km volume, providing core samples for both geological and mechanical assessment. In this study, we focus on induced seismic events recorded by the local seismic network, over a three-year-long period. Characteristics of the seismic sources were obtained using spectral analysis and a dynamic model of failure. Results point out correlation between physical parameters of the seismic sources and the geomechanical properties of the rocks involved. Maximal static stress drops are found to be associated with the mechanical strength of the geological strata where the rupture occurs. The fracture size, using a circular model of failure, is also found to be dependent on the geomechanical setting. It is found that the size of the seismic fractures is dependent on the layer thickness and the prefracturation of the medium, both factors influencing the extension of preexisting discontinuities. The parameters of the seismic sources also show important changes when the gas reservoir is reached. The reservoir unit experienced a 45 MPa pore fluid pressure drop over a period of 20 years.  相似文献   

2.5维地震波数值模拟评述:声波模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文的目的是对基于声波模型的2.5维地震波数值模拟工作进行评述,以便能够找出其存在的问题和解决这些问题的可能途径,根据定义,2.5维问题是三维问题中的一种特殊情况,其特点是:(1)介质参数沿走向保持为常数;(2)场源具有球对称性;(3)场源和接收点均位于垂直于走向的直线上,与三维数值模拟问题不同,2.5维数值模拟问题分为两部分:(1)在垂直于走向的平面内用数值方法解相应的微分方程,这在实质上是二维问题;(2)采用积分变换或其他方法处理来自于计算平面外的影响,这实际上是将一个特殊的三维问题转化成为了无限多个(在离散情况下是有限多个)二维问题的叠加,与二维模型相比,2.5维模型能得到计算平面内的精确地震波振幅信息,鉴于声波模型是反射地震偏移成像理论和应用研究中的基本数据模型,所以对2.5维声波数值模拟的研究具有重要的意义,根据对计算平面外传播效应的处理方式可以将到目前为止提出的2.5维声波数值模拟方法分为四类:(1)几何射线法;(2)滤波校正法;(3)Fourier变换法;(4)近似波动方程法.其中,几何射线法具有直观、快速的特点,但是在焦散区内失效,滤波校正法只在均匀介质条件下严格成立,在一般条件下只是一种精度难以估计的近似,Fourier变换法是一种经典方法,其研究程度已经相当深入,该方法的基本思想是通过沿走向的Fourier变换将2.5维问题转化为有限多个二维问题,从而,对反变换的数值实现直接影响到该方法的精度和效率,近似波动方程法的宗旨是针对2.5维波动问题建立专门的波动方程,与Fourier变换法相比,近似波动方程法等同于一个二维数值模拟,因此可以大大地降低计算量,但是,根据笔者所掌握的资料,到目前为止提出的几个近似波动方程不是具有很大的振幅误差,就是难以进行数值计算,因此,有必要对近似波动方程的形式进行进一步的研究.  相似文献   

地震波衰减机理及能量补偿研究综述   总被引:9,自引:17,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
随着中、浅层油气勘探程度的不断提高,深层油气藏的勘探已经成为当今勘探研究的主要对象,而深层油气勘探要获得突破关键是用于综合研究的地震剖面要有较高的信噪比和分辨率,深层与浅层能量均衡.因此,国内外对地震波衰减机理和补偿方法进行了大量研究.本文综述了基于岩石物理和散射理论的地震波的衰减机理,重点概括了地震波衰减的影响因素,指出衰减与孔隙度、频率、温度、压力、岩性等因素有关,最后分类介绍了各种地震波衰减的能量补偿方法.  相似文献   

Dapeng Zhao 《Island Arc》2001,10(1):68-84
Abstract There have been significant advances in the theory and applications of seismic tomography in the last decade. These include the refinements in the model parameterization, 3-D ray tracing, inversion algorithm, resolution and error analyses, joint use of local, regional and teleseismic data, and the addition of converted and reflected waves in the tomographic inversion. Applications of the new generation tomographic methods to subduction zones have resulted in unprecedentedly clear images of the subducting oceanic lithosphere and magma chambers in the mantle wedge beneath active arc volcanoes, indicating that geodynamic systems associated with the arc magmatism and back-arc spreading are related to deep processes, such as the convective circulation in the mantle wedge and deep dehydration reactions in the subducting slab. High-resolution tomographic imagings of earthquake fault zones in Japan and California show that rupture nucleation and earthquake generating processes are closely related to the heterogeneities of crustal materials and inelastic processes in the fault zones, such as the migration of fluids. Evidence also shows that arc magmatism and slab dehydration may also contribute to the generation of large crustal earthquakes in subduction regions.  相似文献   

The study of microseismicity in mines provides an ideal method for remote volumetric sampling of rock masses. The nature and uniqueness of microseismic monitoring is outlined in the context of acquisition hardware and software requirements. Several topics are used to highlight the potential for novel applications of microseismicity and to outline areas where further study is required. These topics reflect some of the current interest areas in seismology, namelyb values and source parameters, fault-plane solutions, modes of failure and moment tensor inversion, imaging and seismicityvelocity correlations. These studies suggest potential correlations between zones of high seismic velocity, high microseismic activity and maximal stress drops, which can be interpreted spatially to be the locations of highly stressed ground with a potential for rock bursting. Fault-plane solutions are shown to be useful in determining the slip potential of various joint sets in a rock mass. Source parameter studies and moment tensor analysis clearly show the importance of non-shear components of failure, andb values for microseismicity appear to be magnitude-limited and related to spatial rather than temporal variations in effective stress levels.  相似文献   

地震走时与重力数据的联合反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对目前的地震走时与重力数据联合反演发展进行了简要的概述。首先,从两类数据单独反演的基本原理出发,对两者进行了分析比较,并由两者参数间存在的相互关系,可将两类数据归并、统一到一个系统,合理地进行联合反演。其次,根据目前国内外的相关研究,介绍了当前联合反演的两种算法:依次反演和同时反演。最后,对联合反演中存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

IntroductionOn September 27, 2003, an earthquake of MS=7.9 struck the border area of China, Russia and Mongolia. According to the field investigation from the Earthquake Administration of XinjiangAutonomous Region, the whole northern Tianshan region felt the hit. Buildings and structures within six counties and one city in Altay region, which is total about 0.11×106 km2 area, were damaged to different extent and caused certain economic losses. The epicenter determined by China National …  相似文献   

We conducted moment tensor inversion and studied source rupture process for M S=7.9 earthquake occurred in the border area of China, Russia and Mongolia on September 27 2003, by using digital teleseismic P-wave seismograms recorded by long-period seismograph stations of the global seismic network. Considering the aftershock distribution and the tectonic settings around the epicentral area, we propose that the M S=7.9 earthquake occurred on a fault plane with the strike of 127°, the dip of 79° and the rake of 171°. The rupture process inversion result of M S=7.9 earthquake shows that the total rupture duration is about 37 s, the scalar moment tensor is M 0=0.97×1020 N·m. Rupture mainly occurred on the shallow area with 110 km long and 30 km wide, the location in which the rupture initiated is not where the main rupture took place, and the area with slip greater than 0.5 m basically lies within 35 km deep middle-crust under the earth surface. The maximum static slip is 3.6 m. There are two distinct areas with slip larger than 2.0 m. We noticed that when the rupture propagated towards northwest and closed to the area around the M S=7.3 hypocenter, the slip decreased rapidly, which may indicate that the rupture process was stopped by barriers. The consistence of spatial distribution of slip on the fault plane with the distribution of aftershocks also supports that the rupture is a heterogeneous process owing to the presence of barriers.  相似文献   

近年来,大震前地震活动标度不变性的特征变化研究引起了人们的极大关注。然而,由于不同地区的地震活动特点不同,要获得这种特征变化并不容易。本文首先介绍了这方面研究的重要进展,这些进展对地震预报和地震活动性的研究者来说有很大的参考价值。其次,讨论了几种标度不变性方法(局域标度特性、多重分形谱、Hurst指数分析和分形维数方法)的优缺点。最后,提出了有关该研究的建设性建议:当人们试图通过标度不变性方法获取大震前的前兆信息或地震活动分形特征时,需要考虑方法的优缺点以提高地震预报效能,否则地震预报效能会大大降低。  相似文献   

Ash clouds are one of the major hazards that result from volcanic eruptions. Once an eruption is reported, volcanic ash transport and dispersion (VATD) models are used to forecast the location of the ash cloud. These models require source parameters to describe the ash column for initialization. These parameters include: eruption cloud height and vertical distribution, particle size distribution, and start and end time of the eruption. Further, if downwind concentrations are needed, the eruption mass rate and/or volume of ash need to be known. Upon notification of an eruption, few constraints are typically available on many of these source parameters. Recently, scientists have defined classes of eruption types, each with a set of pre-defined eruption source parameters (ESP). We analyze the August 18, 1992 eruption of the Crater Peak vent at Mount Spurr, Alaska, which is the example case for the Medium Silicic eruption type. We have evaluated the sensitivity of two of the ESP – the grain size distribution (GSD) and the vertical distribution of ash – on the modeled ash cloud. HYSPLIT and Puff VATD models are used to simulate the ash clouds from the different sets of source parameters. We use satellite data, processed through the reverse absorption method, as reference for computing statistics that describe the modeled-to-observed comparison. With the grain size distribution, the three options chosen, (1) an estimated distribution based on past eruption studies, (2) a distribution with finer particles and (3) the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration HYSPLIT GSD, have little effect on the modeled ash cloud. For the initial vertical distribution, both linear (uniform concentration throughout the vertical column) and umbrella shapes were chosen. For HYSPLIT, the defined umbrella distribution (no ash below the umbrella), apparently underestimates the lower altitude portions of the ash cloud and as a result has a worse agreement with the satellite detected ash cloud compared to that with the linear vertical distribution for this particular eruption. The Puff model, with a Poisson function to represent the umbrella cloud, gave similar results as for a linear distribution, both having reasonable agreement with the satellite detected cloud. Further sensitivity studies of this eruption, as well as studies using the other source parameters, are needed.  相似文献   

河道砂体宽/窄方位三维观测系统地震物理模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of the wide and narrow azimuth 3D observation systems on seismic imaging precision is becoming a hot area for studies of high precision 3D seismic acquisition methods in recent years. In this paper we utilize 3D physical seismic modeling experiments. A 3D channel sand body physical seismic model is constructed and two acquisition systems are designed with wide azimuth (16 lines) and narrow azimuth (8 lines) to model 3D seismic data acquisition and processing seismic work flows. From analysis of migrated time slice data with high quality and small size, we conclude that when the overlying layers are smooth and lateral velocities have little change, both wide and narrow azimuth observation systems in 3D acquisition can be used for obtaining high precision imaging and equivalent resolution of the channel sand body.  相似文献   

大跨空间结构由于其体量大且多作为人流密集的公共场所,因而在各种非常规荷载作用下破坏将造成更大的经济损失、人员伤亡和社会影响。系统的从以下3个方面总结了近年来大跨空间结构抗震理论所取得的主要进展:(1)大跨空间结构精细化的抗震性能评估理论,主要包括材料本构模型、地震动多点输入和结构强非线性模拟;(2)大跨空间结构抗震性能提升与修复技术,主要包括结构减震技术和隔震技术的研究与应用;(3)大跨空间结构抗震设计理论与方法,主要包括基于性态的设计方法和功能可恢复性的抗震设计方法。通过以上部分的系统总结和论述,形成大跨空间结构统一的抗震设计指导思想,并对此类结构的抗震研究的发展趋势和方向进行展望,从而为大跨空间结构设计、施工和监测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The specific energy and specific force equations have many applications in open-channel flow problems. At present, these equations have analytical solution only for rectangular channels. Trial and error procedure also graphical solutions are the existing methods of solving these equations. No analytical solutions are available in the technical literature for these equations in trapezoidal and triangular channels because it is presumed that these equations are quintic equations. The inversion of such equations consists of finding the roots of quintic equations. In the current study for a given channel geometry and discharge, the subcritical (supercritical) depth is analytically found in terms of the other supercritical (subcritical) depth. For this purpose, by considering physically meaningful domains, a quintic equation has been reduced to a quartic equation. In the next step, this quartic equation has been converted to a resolvent cubic equation and two quadratic equations. This research shows these steps clearly to reach an acceptable physical analytic solution for water depth in trapezoidal and triangular channels.  相似文献   

Increased source strength, streamer length and dense spatial coverage of seismic reflection profiles of the SEISMARMARA Leg 1 allow to image the deep structure of the marine North Marmara Trough (NMT) on the strike-slip North Anatolian Fault (NAF) west of the destructive Izmit 1999 earthquake. A reflective lower crust and the Moho boundary are detected. They appear upwarped on an E-W profile from the southern Central Basin eastwards, towards more internal parts of the deformed region. Thinning of the upper crust could use a detachment suggested from an imaged dipping intracrustal reflector that would allow upper crustal material to be dragged from beneath it and above the lower crust, accounting for the extensional component but also southwest motion of the southern margin of the NMT. Sections across the eastern half of the NMT, crossing the Cinarcik and Imrali basins, reveal several faults that are active reaching into the basement and have varying strike and proportions of normal and strike-slip displacement. They might be viewed as petals of a large scale negative flower-structure that spreads over a width of 30 km at surface and is rooted deeper in the lithosphere. Under the Central Basin a very thick sediment infill is revealed and its extensional bounding faults are active and imaged as much as 8 km apart down to 6 km depth. We interpret them as two deep-rooted faults encompassing a foundering basement block, rather than being merely pulled-apart from a jog in a strike-slip above a décollement. The deep-basin lengthening would account for only a modest part of the proposed 60 km finite motion since 4 Myr along the same direction oblique to the NMT that sidesteps the shear motion from its two ends. Thus differential motion occurred much beyond the deep basins, like subsidence involving the NMT bounding faults and the intracrustal detachments. The complex partitioned motion localized on active faults with diverse natures and orientations is suggested to represent the overburden deformation induced from horizontal plane simple shear occurring in depth at lithospheric scale, and in front of the North Anatolian Fault when it propagated through the region.  相似文献   

近年来地震统计力学研究的进展已经使我们有可能以一种简洁的方式将一些非线性地震模型物理地联系起来,并从地震学角度阐明这些模型的意义和限度。本文结合逾渗模型、热力学弹性回跳模型及弹簧滑块模型,系统地评述了这方面研究的进展。  相似文献   

曹健  陈景波 《地球物理学报》2019,62(6):2303-2312



The seismic performance of underground reservoir structures depends on the properties of the structure, soil, and ground motion as well as the kinematic constraints imposed on the structure. A series of four centrifuge experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of site response, structural stiffness, base fixity, and excitation frequency on the performance of relatively stiff reservoir structures buried in dry, medium-dense sand. The magnitude of seismic thrust increased and the distribution of seismic earth pressures changed from approximately triangular to parabolic with increasing structural stiffness. Heavier and stiffer structures also experienced increased rocking and reduced flexural deflection. Fixing the base of the structure amplified the magnitude of acceleration, seismic earth pressure, and bending strain compared to tests where the structure was free to translate laterally, settle, or rotate atop a soil layer. The frequency content of transient tilt, acceleration, dynamic thrust, and bending strain measured on the structure was strongly influenced by that of the base motion and site response, but was unaffected by the fundamental frequency of the buried structure (fstructure). None of the available simplified procedures could capture the distribution and magnitude of seismic earth pressures experienced by this class of underground structures. The insight from this experimental study is aimed to help validate analytical and numerical methods used in the seismic design of reservoir structures.  相似文献   

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