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The Rodriguez Triple Junction (RTJ) corresponds to the junction of the three Indian Ocean spreading ridges. A detailed survey of an area of 90 km by 85 km, centered at 25°30 S and 70° E, allows detailed mapping (at a scale of 1/100 000) of the bathymetry (Seabeam) and the magnetic anomalies. The Southeast Indian Ridge, close to the triple junction, is a typical intermediate spreading rate ridge (2.99 cm a-1 half rate), trending N140°. The Central Indian Ridge rift valley prolongs the Southeast Indian Ridge rift valley with a slight change of orientation (12°). The half spreading rate and trend of this ridge are 2.73 cm a-1 and N152° respectively. In contrast, the Southwest Indian Ridge close to the triple junction is expressed by two deep-valleys (4300 and 5000 m deep) which abut the southwestcrn flanks of the two other ridges, and appears to be a stretched area without axial neovolcanic zone. The evolution of the RTJ is analysed for the past one million years. The instantaneous velocity triangle formed by the three ridges cannot be closed indicating that the RTJ is unstable. A model is proposed to explain the evolution of the unstable RRF Rodriguez Triple Junction. The model shows that the axis of the Central Indian Ridge is propressively offset from the axis of the Southeast Indian Ridge at a velocity of 0.14 cm a-1, the RTJ being restored by small jumps. This unstable RRF model explains the directions and offsets which are observed in the vicinity of the triple junction. The structure and evolution of the RTJ is similar to that of the Galapagos Triple Junction located in the East Pacific Ocean and the Azores Triple Junction located in the Central Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

印度洋偶极子及其可预报性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
主要介绍印度洋偶极子(IOD)的时空特征、演变机制和可预报性的研究进展。IOD是东西热带印度洋反相的海温异常,是热带印度洋的年际海温变率最主要的两种异常结构之一。关于IOD的演变机制,特别是ENSO在其中所起作用,一直是学界争论的热点。一些学者认为,IOD是ENSO通过遥相关作用对热带印度洋造成的影响;另一些学者则认为,IOD是热带印度洋内部海气振荡的产物。本研究重点讨论这两种观点的相关证据以及IOD与ENSO的关系。此外,现有多数模式对IOD的预报时效小于3~4个月,潜在的预报时效则大于5个月,但这些对IOD的可预报性研究尚处于起步阶段,还有很大发展空间。  相似文献   

南极印度洋扇区分布了许多南极底层水的生成区,此海域海水盐度变化对全球的气候变化有着深远影响。本文采用EN4再分析数据、实测海豹资料和WOD18数据,结合大气再分析和海冰密集度数据,对南极印度洋扇区表面盐度长期变化及其对大尺度环流异常的响应进行探究。2008年以来,南极沿岸出现显著的海表面持续性高盐异常,其中印度洋扇区变化最为显著,表层高盐水主要集中在达恩利冰间湖附近与沙克尔顿冰架以北的海域。沿岸海域的高盐陆架水向北扩张且影响深度不断加深,高盐的绕极深层水上涌也更加明显。此高盐异常与南极涛动(Antarctic Oscillation,AAO)、印度洋偶极子(Indian Ocean Dipole,IOD)两种大尺度环流密切相关。AAO与IOD正位相下,西风显著增强,促进海冰大量生成,为海表面提供了大量的盐通量。同时,海表面出现更显著的风场旋度负异常与低压异常,促进高盐深层水上涌,对高盐异常有重要维持作用。此外,纬向风剪切与蒸发增强也是影响该高盐异常的重要局地过程。  相似文献   

利用2003—2015年的重力恢复和气候实验(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE)卫星观测数据, 揭示了印度洋海底压强的变化特征, 并探讨了其变化机制。结果表明, 印度洋海底压强具有显著的季节变化特征, 北半球冬季在40°S以北(南), 海底压强呈负(正)异常, 夏季分布与冬季相反。印度洋区域的海底压强空间分布与Ekman输送空间分布有较好的对应关系。正压涡度方程诊断结果表明, 利用风场重构的海底压强能够较好地解释印度洋海底压强的季节和长期变化。此外, 海平面变化收支分析表明, 海底压强的变化在高纬度区域主导了海平面变化。  相似文献   

本文利用海洋观测资料和全球海洋环流模式数据(Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, ECCO)研究了赤道印度洋上层海洋盐度的年际变化及其相关的海洋动力过程。研究结果表明,上层海洋盐度年际变化主要受印度洋偶极子事件影响,且盐度变化在正、负印度洋偶极子事件中存在不对称特征,其在偶极子正事件中表现更强烈。进一步研究表明,赤道印度洋上层盐度变化主要受纬向平流输运调控,尤其是Wyrtki急流对盐度变化有重要影响。在正印度洋偶极子事件期间,Wyrkti急流减弱甚至消失,流场负异常的强度明显较负偶极子事件期间的流场正异常强度强。印度洋偶极子存在正偏度是造成盐度和流场在正、负印度洋偶极子事件中存在不对称性的主要原因。  相似文献   

The present study developed a high-quality climatological dataset for the Indian Ocean - the Indian Ocean HydroBase (IOHB) - from a combined dataset including the World Ocean Database 1998 version 2 (WOD98v2). Methods are similar to those used by previous studies for other oceans. Japanese data for the IOHB originated from the Japanese datasets MIRC (Marine Information Research Center) Ocean Dataset 2001 and Far Seas Collection; these datasets contain more Japanese observations than WOD98v2. Water mass properties in the IOHB climatology are consistent with previous studies. Seasonal patterns of properties near the sea surface are well reproduced, and deep-layer properties are consistent with the Reid-Mantyla climatology that is derived from high-quality observations. The isopycnal climatology of the IOHB differs from the World Ocean Atlas 2001 (WOA01) along the fronts associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The WOA01 shows a warm and saline intermediate water intrusion from South Africa to the east along the northern edge of the front. Such an intrusion is absent in IOHB where less saline intermediate water extends continuously northward from the southern ocean. The WOA01 shows a continuous belt of low potential vorticity along the ACC. This feature is less distinct in the IOHB climatology and in the Reid-Mantyla climatology. The IOHB consists of a 1° × 1° gridded climatology and the datasets of raw and quality-controlled hydrographic stations. The latter is valuable for quality control of the Argo float salinity data as climatological reference. These datasets are available freely via the Internet.  相似文献   

为评估DTU10、TPXO8、GOT00.2和NAO.99b 4个全球大洋潮汐模式对北印度洋潮汐的预报能力,采用英国海洋资料中心提供的海区中部和沿岸站潮汐调和常数资料,检验了这些模式4个主要分潮(M_2、S_2、K_1、O_1)的准确度。它们的各分潮调和常数资料准确度都比较高,振幅绝均差的最大值仅5.61 cm,迟角绝均差的最大值仅9.13°。这些模式的调和常数给出潮波传播特征差别不大。基于这些模式提供的调和常数,分别建立了北印度洋4、8和16分潮潮汐预报模型,将预报结果与中国海事服务网提供的沿岸24个站潮汐表资料进行对比。各模式的8分潮(M_2、S_2、N_2、K_2、K_1、O_1、P_1、Q_1)潮汐预报模型均优于4分潮(M_2、S_2、K_1、O_1)潮汐预报模型,NAO.99b模式可以提供16分潮(M_2、S_2、N_2、K_2、K_1、O_1、P_1、Q_1、MU_2、NU_2、T_2、L_2、2N_2、J_1、M1、OO_1)潮汐预报模型,但是对预报结果改善不明显;在各模式中,GOT00.2模式的8分潮潮汐预报模型对北印度洋沿岸的预报效果最好,平均绝均差为14.97 cm。  相似文献   

The history of catastrophic events on the Indian coast helps us to understand the frequency and magnitude of the tsunamis that occurred in the Indian Ocean. These catastrophic events have changed the coastal landscape and have left significant records for further studies. These rare events have occurred in the Indian Ocean. There have been megatsunamigenic events in the past due to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Those events due to earthquakes have proved more catastrophic than the volcanic activities. There has been limited official records of the causality and magnitude of palaeo-tsunamigenic events. These have been studied using the various proxies. The rate of sedimentation is a proportional tool to study the magnitude of a tsunami and this has proved to be a successful tool along with foraminiferal assemblages. Causes for a tsunami to occur are by and large, the subduction zone earthquakes of the Indian plate has been the most common source for tsunami in the Indian Ocean. More often the Andaman and Nicobar and the Indonesian islands have been vulnerable to tsunami than the mainland of India and Sri Lanka.

In summary, in the last 200 years at least three basin-wide tsunamis have occurred, with several smaller tsunami affecting one or more coastlines in the region. The December 2004 M-9 tsunami seems to have been the largest and most destructive in the last two centuries, suggesting most tsunami are likely to be smaller but still allowing the possibility that even larger tsunami could be generated in propitious circumstances.  相似文献   

The study of very low-spreading ridges has become essential to ourunderstanding of the mid-oceanic ridge processes. The Southwest Indian Ridge(SWIR) , a major plate boundary of the world oceans, separating Africa fromAntarctica for more than 100 Ma, has such an ultra slow-spreadingrate. Its other characteristic is the fast lengthening of its axis at bothBouvet and Rodrigues triple junctions. A survey was carried out in thespring of 1993 to complete a multibeam bathymetric coverage of the axisbetween Atlantis II Fracture Zone (57° E) and the Rodrigues triplejunction (70° E). After a review of what is known about the geometry,structure and evolution of the SWIR, we present an analysis of the newalong-axis bathymetric data together with previously acquiredacross-axis profiles. Only three transform faults, represented byAtlantis II FZ, Novara FZ, and Melville FZ, offset this more than 1000 kmlong section of the SWIR, showing that the offsets are more generallyaccommodated by ridge obliquity and non-transform discontinuities. From comparison of the axial geometry, bathymetry, mantle Bouguer anomaly and central magnetic anomaly, three large sections (east of Melville FZ, between Melville FZ and about 65°30 E, and from there to the Rodrigues triple junction) can be distinguished. The central member, east of Melville FZ, does not resemble any other known mid-oceanic ridge section: the classical signs of the accretion (mantle Bouguer anomaly, central magnetic anomaly) are only observed over three very narrow and shallow axis sections. We also apply image processing techniques to the satellite gravity anomaly map of Smith and Sandwell (1995) to determine the off-axis characteristics of the Southwest Indian Ridge domain, more especially the location of the triple junction and discontinuities traces. We conclude that the large-scale segmentation of the axis has been inherited from the evolution of the Rodrigues triple junction.  相似文献   

印度洋西北海域鸢乌贼渔场分布与海面高度的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邵??锋  陈新军 《海洋科学》2008,32(11):88-92
根据2004年9月至2005年1月我国鱿钓船在印度洋西北海域进行鸢乌贼(Symlectoteuthis oualaniensis)调查的数据,并结合海面高度,利用Marineexplorer4.0软件对渔获量分布及其与海面高度图进行了叠加分析。结果表明,高渔获量的中心渔场大多分布在海面高度Hss≤0的附近海域,在Hss≥0的附近海域有一定的渔获量。研究认为,中心渔场分布在冷暖涡的交汇处,但是渔场的中心偏向于Hss≤0的冷水涡一侧。  相似文献   

董岳  滕辉  邱云  林新宇 《海洋学报》2022,44(6):37-47
本文主要利用1958–2016年GECCO2等资料通过超前/滞后相关分析方法,分析了南印度洋海表温度距平(SSTA)冬季−冬季重现的时空特征,并探讨了海洋和大气强迫对其形成的贡献。结果显示,SSTA冬季−冬季重现主要发生在南印度洋15ºS以南海域,特别是在马达加斯加岛至澳大利亚西南部之间的海域(15º~45ºS,70º~100ºE)重现信号最为显著。重现信号除了主要发生在次年冬季外,在部分海域重现信号发生较早,可在次年秋季发生并持续至随后的冬季。进一步分析表明,混合层深度冬深夏浅的变化(即海洋重现机制)是研究海域SSTA冬季重现的主因。另外,在马达加斯加岛南部海域和澳大利亚西南部海域海面净热通量对SSTA的重现也有直接的贡献。  相似文献   

东印度洋细菌类群水平与垂直分布初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为海洋食物网的重要组成部分,微生物在海洋的生物化学循环以及能量和元素流动中起着重要的作用。目前对东印度洋中微生物的种群结构和分布知之甚少。本研究运用分子生物学手段,包括多聚酶链式反应-变形梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术和高通量测序技术,对东印度洋的赤道区域以及邻近的孟加拉湾区域水体中细菌的16S rRNA基因进行了探索。结果表明,Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria (Alpha和Gamma类群), Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria和Planctomycetes为研究区域微生物的主要类群。通过PCR-DGGE,发现微生物类群具有显著的水平分布模式;进一步的高通量测序的结果更加清晰的显示出细菌类群的垂直分布模式:相对其他两层,Cyanobacteria和Actinobacteria在25米水层出现更多;Bacteroidetes在25m和150m为主要类群,而在75m水层相对较少;Proteobacteria (主要为Alphaproteobacteria)类群在75m水层为优势类群。随着水层的加深,不同站位的细菌类群组成趋于一致。结果表明高通量测序能够把占据微小部分的微生物类群区分出来。本研究是针对东印度洋水体中细菌的水平和垂直分布以及多样性信息的首次报道,研究结果对于进一步发现潜在微生物功能类群以及探索这些微生物在东印度洋中的能量和物质循环中的作用有所帮助。  相似文献   

海洋盐度在水循环、海洋环流、海洋生态系统、全球天气和气候变化等方面起着至关重要的作用。然而,受观测的限制,以往对海洋盐度的研究相对匮乏,对其进行预报的工作更为少见。本文采用线性马尔可夫模型对印度洋海表面盐度(sea surface salinity,SSS)开展初步的预报工作。根据混合层盐度收支方程,选择海表面高度(sea surface height,SSH)、海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)、SSS等物理量的异常值作为模型的组成部分,对印度洋SSS开展预报工作。结果表明,马尔可夫模型可提前9个月对印度洋SSS进行较好的预报。此外,南太平洋海表面温度异常(sea surface temperature anomaly,SSTA),海表面高度异常(sea surface height anomaly,SSHA)和印度洋偶极子(Indian Ocean dipole,IOD)系数等遥相关因素的加入可将线性马尔可夫预报对印度洋SSS的预报效果(相关系数)平均提高10%。利用改进的模型对印度洋SSS进行提前1~11个月的“实时”预测,得出预报的SSS时空变...  相似文献   

The energetics of the most destructive tsunami in historical time, and that of the under ocean earthquake that triggered this tsunami of 26 December 2004 in the Indian Ocean have been briefly reviewed. This latest tsunami has several other unique characteristics besides being one of the worst natural disasters in human history. It is the first truly global tsunami after modern seismographic and sea level monitoring networks have been put in place. It was the first tsunami on record detected by a satellite, even though at present, global satellite coverage of the oceans for real time tsunami detection is not adequate. Finally, the energy associated with the tsunami and the earthquake that triggered it is so large that speculation has been made about the normal modes of oscillation of the earth, that were triggered by the earthquake as well as some suggestions, that some of the earth's rotational characteristics may have temporarily changed to a discernible degree. Here, we briefly review the energetics of the tsunami and the earthquake that triggered it.  相似文献   


Because of ever-growing demand for strategic metals, the focus of the international community has fallen on deep sea manganese nodules occurring at a water depth of more than 4500?m. We present an economic appraisal and strategy for mining of nodules from the Indian Ocean Nodule Field- one of the four economically potential areas in the world oceans. In contrast to the prevailing perception of non-viability of nodule mining, our analysis indicates a fair degree of economic feasibility and commercial sustainability to mine the deep-sea manganese nodules.  相似文献   

利用50 a的SODA资料对1月(冬季)和7月(夏季)印度洋越赤道经向翻转环流的年际变化进行研究。通过对2类典型年份的合成分析指出:1月份正异常年对应的经向翻转环流偏强,向北的经向热输送增加;7月份正异常年对应的经向翻转环流则偏弱,向南的经向热输送减少;1月份和7月份的负异常年皆与其正异常年相反;越赤道经向翻转环流有明显的年际变化,平均周期在4 a左右;经向翻转环流的年际变化和海面风场的变化密切相关。提出了反映1月和7月此环流年际变化的几个指数。  相似文献   

Surface temperature, salinity, concentrations of silicate (Si) and nitrate + nitrite (N), and in vivo fluorescence (Fluor) were investigated in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) and the seasonally open oceanic zone (SOOZ) (32–40°E, 64–69°S) from February 23 to 28 1992. In the MIZ the mean Si and N were 67.8 ± 2.2 M and 32.5 ± 1.7 M, respectively. There was a trend that low N values coincided with high Fluor values. Observation conducted at one point (64°S, 38°E) revealed a diel variation pattern in Fluor. Applying this pattern of deviation from noon value, all Fluor data were normalized to value at local noon. In the MIZ a significant negative correlation was observed between the normalized Fluor and N but not Si. On the other hand, Si decreased continuously from south to north in the SOOZ and was negatively correlated with the normalized Fluor. Difference in Si concentration was about 30 M between the sea around 64°S and the MIZ, while the difference in N concentration was estimated as less than 10 M. If diatoms take up silicate and nitrogen at an approximate ratio of 1:1, additional nitrogenous nutrients other than nitrate and nitrite (e.g. ammonia, urea etc.) would be required. In this case, an f-ratio of lower than 33% is obtained. It is suggested that in the MIZ abundance of phytoplankton community dominated by non-diatom increases utilizing nitrate while in the SOOZ abundance of phytoplankton community dominated by diatoms increases consuming Si and regenerated nitrogen.  相似文献   

The Indian Deepsea Environment Experiment (INDEX) was conducted in the Central Indian Ocean Basin, to assess the effects of a simulated disturbance on the marine ecosystem and to collect data to predict the effects of large-scale mining. To select the Test and Reference areas for benthic disturbance, detailed studies were carried out for a better understanding of the topgraphic undulations and nodule distribution in five preselected areas of 10 ×10 nautical miles each. Flat topography was one of the important considerations for selection of the areas, because this would allow further dispersion of sediment plume and offer easier maneuverability of the benthic disturber. Relatively low nodule abundances were also preferred, to prevent clogging of the suction device used for resuspension of sediment. On the basis of morphological analysis and nodule distribution, two areas, T1 and A1, were selected as the best suited pair for the disturbance and monitoring experiment.  相似文献   

A new method of assimilating sea surface height (SSH) data into ocean models is introduced and tested. Many features observable by satellite altimetry are approximated by the first baroclinic mode over much of the ocean, especially in the lower (but non-equatorial) and mid latitude regions. Based on this dynamical trait, a reduced-dynamics adjoint technique is developed and implemented with a three-dimensional model using vertical normal mode decomposition. To reduce the complexity of the variational data assimilation problem, the adjoint equations are based on a one-active-layer reduced-gravity model, which approximates the first baroclinic mode, as opposed to the full three-dimensional model equations. The reduced dimensionality of the adjoint model leads to lower computational cost than a traditional variational data assimilation algorithm. The technique is applicable to regions of the ocean where the SSH variability is dominated by the first baroclinic mode. The adjustment of the first baroclinic mode model fields dynamically transfers the SSH information to the deep ocean layers. The technique is developed in a modular fashion that can be readily implemented with many three-dimensional ocean models. For this study, the method is tested with the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) configured to simulate the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

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