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summary . The magnetic observatories at Vysokaya Dubrava and at Arti in Sverdlovsk region have operated in parallel since 1972 January. In spite of the rather small distance between them (160 km), it has been established that during that time, there have been differences in the geomagnetic field variations over a wide range of frequencies. The secular variation also differs appreciably. Over a period of four years the difference in the horizontal component between the observatories increased by 3 nT, the difference in the vertical component by 4 nT and the difference in the total intensity by 6 nT, while the difference in declination decreased by 0.6 min. Besides the normal geomagnetic secular variation, governed by processes in the Earth's core, secular-variation anomalies (SVA) linked with processes in the lithosphere may also take place. The intensity of the local SVAs reaches 10–2 nT/yr, whilst their size does not exceed 15 km. It is undesirable to locate an observatory in a region where an SVA exists since this will distort the normal secular-Variation pattern. It is therefore important to know to what extent observations at the observatory reflect the mean value of the secular variation for that area. For this purpose we would recommend performing a highly accurate survey, for example the total intensity in a network of radial lines in a region around the observatory of radius 50–100 km. Such investigations have been performed around the Arti observatory with an accuracy of the repeated measurements of ±0.3 nT in 1974 and ±0.2 nT in 1975. Ten local SVAs with intensities from 2–14 nT/yr were revealed around the observatory. The observatory of Arti is situated in a quiet region.  相似文献   

Summary. The viscoelastic response of the Earth to the mass displacements caused by late Pleistocene deglaciation and concomitant sea level changes is shown to be capable of producing the secular motion of the Earth's rotation pole as deduced from astronomical observations. The calculations for a viscoelastic Earth yield a secular motion in the direction of 72° W meridian which is in excellent agreement with observed values. The average Newtonian viscosity and the relaxation time obtained from polar motion data are about (1.1 ± 0.6)1023 poise (P) and 104 (1 ± 0.5) yr. The non-tidal secular acceleration of the Earth can also be attributed to the viscoelastic response to deglaciation and results in an independent viscosity estimate of 1.6 × 1023 P with upper and lower limits of 1.1 × 1023 and 2.8 × 1023 P. These values are in agreement with those based on the polar drift analysis and indicate an average mantle viscosity of 1–2 × 1023 P.  相似文献   

Summary. Palaeomagnetic results from 212 horizons spread evenly through an 18 m sedimentary sequence in southern British Columbia are reported. Radiocarbon ages suggest that the sequence spans the interval from 31 200 to 19 500 yr bp. No evidence for any large geomagnetic excursions (such as the so-called Mono Lake Excursion) is found, but a distinctive pattern of 'normal' secular variation is observed with declination and inclination swings of 45° and 25° peak to peak amplitude respectively. For the most part the secular variation consists of low amplitude oscillations about the field vector of a geocentric axial dipole expected at the site latitude, but three relatively large perturbations occur at approximately 4000 yr intervals. These perturbations systematically bias the overall mean to shallow inclinations and easterly declinations in a manner reminiscent of the spatially non-isotropic secular variation model proposed by Cox. The bias involved is about 6° in declination and 3° in inclination (overall mean D = 5.8°E, I = 64.2°, α95 = 0.9°, N = 212 horizons), which leads to a pole which is both 'far-sided' and 'right-handed'. If the horizons involved in the three major perturbations are eliminated the mean direction ( D = 1.2°E, I = 67.2°, α95 = 0.8°, N = 125 horizons) does not differ from that of a geocentric axial dipole despite the small cone of confidence.  相似文献   

Summary. The power spectrum of the Earth's spin has important components with periods ranging from a few days to at least a few thousand years, and probably to the age of the Earth. The secular acceleration, as the term is used here, refers to the components with periods longer than three centuries. In the year 600, the secular acceleration was —19.9 ± 0.8 parts in 109 per century, while the value at the present time is less than half this size. The spin acceleration has important contributions from tidal friction and from an effect that is proportional to the square of the magnetic dipole moment. When these contributions are subtracted from the observed acceleration, we are left with a contribution that amounts to +41 parts in 109 per century. This amount probably results from an unknown combination of changes in the size of the core, in the amount of glaciation, and in the size of the gravitational constant.  相似文献   

Summary. A two-channel MESA or maximum entropy spectrum analysis (Morf et al. 1978) between Δ T °= ET – UT (Morrison 1973) and sunspot numbers spanning 1832–1975 yields the following results over a bandwidth 2–20yr: (1) The spectra of Δ T ° and sunspot numbers are both dominated by a narrow band signal at 11.0 yr; (2) On average the coherency over the continuum is 0.14 while at 11.0yr it peaks at 0.83; (3) The 11-yr sunspot cycle signal in length of day (lod) has an amplitude of 0.16 ms, and in time lags that in sunspot numbers by 3.4yr. Estimates obtained from segmenting the series yield extremal values which grossly bound the above estimates: The narrow band signal has period range (10.5–11.4yr) coherency (0.8–1.0), amplitude (0.06–0.31 ms), and time lag (3.0–3.Syr). In addition, a two channel analysis of sunspot numbers with a new Δ T n series from 1861–1978 (Morrison 1979) and an earlier segment of Δ T °, as well as a single-channel analysis of Δ T ° and Δ T n individually, further support the conclusion that the solar sunspot cycle in Earth rotation has been detected. These experimental results have implications in astronomy, solar physics, meteorology and climatology.  相似文献   

The remanent magnetic properties of an 88  m bore core are unrelated to either the dolomite content or the sedimentological textures and are considered to be carried primarily by biogenetic magnetite that was cemented in during very early diagenesis. Individual readings represent time intervals of c . 720 ± 32  yr and, after 40  mT partial demagnetization, they provide an almost continuous record of averaged geomagnetic secular variations over a period of some 3.17  Myr. The magnitude of directional secular variation is twice that of the present day, despite being smoothed, and the secular variations appear to grade into polarity transitions, suggesting no difference in their mechanisms. The rates of change in direction between subjacent levels in the core have a log-normal distribution which extends smoothly beyond 90° and has a median value of 13°/700  yr, the same as for unsmoothed European secular variation during the last 2000  yr. The intensity of remanence, after 40  mT partial demagnetization, appears to provide a reasonable approximation to geomagnetic field intensity. This tends to be weaker when the direction is moving faster, reflecting averaging, but is unrelated to the distance of the vector from the mean direction; that is, it depends on the rate of change and not on the virtual pole latitude. The virtual poles, after correction for tectonic rotations about horizontal and vertical axes, have latitudes that form a strongly platykurtic Fisherian distribution, while their longitudes have a circular distribution on which are superimposed two Gaussian peaks, 180° apart. This bore core thus provides detailed information of smoothed geomagnetic secular variation in the Lower Cretaceous (127 ± 3  Ma) which shows clear regularities in behaviour, some related to changes in the Earth's orbital parameters.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption by rotifers Macrotrachela musculosa and Trichotria truncata from Spitsbergen tundra (77°N) was measured using the method of Cartesian divers. The metabolic rate of M. musculosa was: 0.205 10−3mm3 02 per g 10−6 per hour at 2°C, 0.201 10−6mm3 at 6°C and 0.616 10−3mm3 02 per g 10−6 per hour at 10°C. The metabolic rate of Trichotria truncata at 6° was 0.103 10−3mm3 per g 10−6 per hour. The relation between body weight and oxygen consumption by M. musculosa at 2°C is expressed with the equation R = 0.18W0.67, with R – oxygen consumption in mm310−3 per individual per hour and W – wet weight of an animal in g 10−6.  相似文献   

Slip rate on the Dead Sea transform fault in northern Araba valley (Jordan)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Araba valley lies between the southern tip of the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. This depression, blanketed with alluvial and lacustrine deposits, is cut along its entire length by the Dead Sea fault. In many places the fault is well defined by scarps, and evidence for left-lateral strike-slip faulting is abundant. The slip rate on the fault can be constrained from dated geomorphic features displaced by the fault. A large fan at the mouth of Wadi Dahal has been displaced by about 500 m since the bulk of the fanglomerates were deposited 77–140 kyr ago, as dated from cosmogenic isotope analysis (10Be in chert) of pebbles collected on the fan surface and from the age of transgressive lacustrine sediments capping the fan. Holocene alluvial surfaces are also clearly offset. By correlation with similar surfaces along the Dead Sea lake margin, we propose a chronology for their emplacement. Taken together, our observations suggest an average slip rate over the Late Pleistocene of between 2 and 6 mm yr−1, with a preferred value of 4 mm yr−1. This slip rate is shown to be consistent with other constraints on the kinematics of the Arabian plate, assuming a rotation rate of about 0.396° Myr−1 around a pole at 31.1°N, 26.7°E relative to Africa.  相似文献   

Summary. A spherical harmonic model of the second time-derivative of the geomagnetic field is determined, for the first time, directly from measures of the secular acceleration based on observatory annual mean data. The data span the interval 1964.5–1975.5, and 165 observatories are included. The model comprises the 32 coefficients of degree and order up to 6 that are significant at the 5 per cent level. Its primary purpose is to aid in the reduction of data to epoch for the 1980 series of navigational charts. The model is compared with earlier estimates of secular acceleration, derived by less direct methods.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields originating from magnetized crustal rocks dominate the geomagnetic spectrum at wavelengths of 0.1–100 km. It is not known whether the magnetization is predominantly induced or remanent, and static surveys cannot discriminate between the two. Long‐running magnetic observatories offer a chance, in principle, of separating the two sources because secular variation leads to a change in the main inducing field, which in turn causes a change in the induced part of the short‐wavelength crustal field. We first argue that the induced crustal field, b I( t ), is linearly related to the local core field, B ( t ), through a symmetric, trace‐free matrix A : b I( t )= A B ( t ). We then subtract a core field model from the observatory annual means and invert the residuals for three components of the remanent field, b R( t ), and the five independent elements of A . Applying the method to 20 European observatories, all of which have recorded for more than 50 years, shows that the most difficult task is to distinguish b R from the steady part of b I. However, for nine observatories a time‐dependent induced field fits the data better than a steady remanent field at the 99 per cent confidence level, suggesting the presence of a significant induced component to the magnetization.  相似文献   

A time-varying spherical harmonic model of the palaeomagnetic field for 0–7 ka is used to investigate large-scale global geomagnetic secular variation on centennial to millennial scales. We study dipole moment evolution over the past 7 kyr, and estimate its rate of change using the Gauss coefficients of degree 1 (dipole coefficients) from the CALS7K.2 field model and by two alternative methods that confirm the robustness of the predicted variations. All methods show substantial dipole moment variation on timescales ranging from centennial to millennial. The dipole moment from CALS7K.2 has the best resolution and is able to resolve the general decrease in dipole moment seen in historical observations since about 1830. The currently observed rate of dipole decay is underestimated by CALS7K.2, but is still not extraordinarily strong in comparison to the rates of change shown by the model over the whole 7 kyr interval. Truly continuous phases of dipole decrease or increase are decadal to centennial in length rather than longer-term features. The general large-scale secular variation shows substantial changes in power in higher spherical harmonic degrees on similar timescales to the dipole. Comparisons are made between statistical variations calculated directly from CALS7K.2 and longer-term palaeosecular variation models: CALS7K.2 has lower overall variance in the dipole and quadrupole terms, but exhibits an imbalance between dispersion in   g 12  and   h 12  , suggestive of long-term non-zonal structure in the secular variations.  相似文献   

Summary. It is shown that the interval estimate for K given by Cox (1969) is inappropriate as a test for determining whether secular variation has been averaged out in a particular study. The appropriate test is presented in two formulations, one for use with χ2 tables and the other for use with F tables.
The well known secular variation models are investigated and it is shown that Model A due to Irving & Ward (1964) is, statistically, the most efficient predictor. Finally, for the 83 palaeomagnetic results selected by Brock (1971), it is shown that the most efficient predictor for the secular variation K is k '= 18.1 (1 + 3 sin2λ), where λ is the palaeolatitude, and the uncertainty in this predicted value is discussed.  相似文献   

The oribatid mite Maudheimia wilsoni Dalenius was found to be numerous on the underside of stones at Jutulsessen (72°S, 3'E) in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Daily temperature fluctuations of the microhabitat from as high as 19°C and to as low as – 17°C were observed during the austral summer. Optimal activity of the mites occurred at 10°C. Even in January the mean supercooling point of adult mites was as low as -30.8±4.7°C. Haemolymph osmolality ranged from 500 to 800mOsmol and thermal hystersis freezing points from −4.7 to −6.1°C. Adult mites had a mean water content of 43.6% and a water loss rate of 0.12 μgh−1 at 15°C and 10% relative humidity.  相似文献   

Summary. The deep structure of the Faeroe–Shetland Channel has been investigated as part of the North Atlantic Seismic Project. Shot lines were fired along and across the axis of the Channel, with recording stations both at sea and on adjacent land areas. At 61°N, 1.7 km of Tertiary sediments overlies a 3.9–4.5 km s-1 basement interpreted as the top of early Tertiary volcanics. A main 6.0–6.6 km s-1 crustal refractor interpreted as old oceanic crust occurs at about 9 km depth. The Moho (8.0 ° 0.2 km s-1) is at about 15–17 km depth. There is evidence that P n may be anisotropic beneath the Faeroe–Shetland Channel. Arrivals recorded at land stations show characteristics best explained by scattering at an intervening boundary which may be the continent–ocean crustal contact or the edge of the volcanics.
The Moho delay times at the shot points, determined by time-term analysis, show considerable variation along the axis of the Channel. They correlate with the basement topography, and the greatest delays occur over the buried extension of the Faeroe Ridge at about 60° 15'N, where they are nearly 1 s more than the delays at 61°N after correction for the sediments. The large delays are attributed to thickening of the early Tertiary volcanic layer with isostatic downsagging of the underlying crust and uppermost mantle in response to the load, rather than to thickening of the main crustal ayer.
The new evidence is consistent with deeply buried oceanic crust beneath the Faeroe–Shetland Channel, forming a northern extension of Rockall Trough. The seabed morphology has been grossly modified by the thick and laterally variable pile of early Tertiary volcanic rocks which swamped the region, accounting for the anomalous shallow bathymetry, the transverse ridges and the present narrowness of the Channel.  相似文献   

Measurement of samples from 154 sites in the continental sector of the Cameroon Volcanic Line yielded six palaeomagnetic poles, at 243.6°E, 84.6°N, α 95 = 6.8°; 224.3°E, 81.2°N, α 95 = 8.4°; 176.1°E, 82.0°N, α 95 = 8.5°; 164.3°E, 86.4°N, α 95 = 3.4°; 169.4°E, 82.6°N, α 95 = 4.6° and 174.7°E, 72.8°N, α 95 = 9.5°, belonging to rocks which have been dated by the K–Ar method at 0.4–0.9  Ma, 2.6  Ma, 6.5–11  Ma, 12–17  Ma, 20–24  Ma and 28–31  Ma, respectively. The results are in general agreement with other palaeomagnetic poles from Oligocene to Recent formations in Africa.
  The first three poles for rocks formed between 0.4 and 11  Ma are not significantly different from the present geographical pole. Together with other African poles for the same period, this suggests that the African continent has moved very little relative to the pole since 11  Ma. The other three poles for rocks dated between 12 and 31  Ma are significantly different from the present geographical pole, showing a 5° polar deviation from the present pole in the Miocene and 13° in the Middle Oligocene.  相似文献   

Summary. 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating studies have been carried out on samples taken from the Tudor Gabbro, Grenville Province, Ontario. In an earlier K-Ar study, these rocks have yielded an isochron age of ∼700 Ma together with very high initial argon ratios. Age spectrum plots on whole-rock samples, in general, display a saddle-shaped character, with two of them exhibiting minima close to 700 Ma. No clear plateaus are observed for these rocks. A hornblende separate records the time ∼1110 Ma at which the stock finally cooled through the ∼590°C isotherm. The Tudor Gabbro was probably intruded into an area undergoing middle-amphibolite facies meta-morphism about 1180 Ma ago. The age spectra of two whole-rock samples together with that of their plagioclase separates, suggest that the stock cooled to ∼200–250°C at about 720 Ma. Slow cooling, averaging about 1°C Ma−1 is indicated for this section of the Grenville Province for the period 1100–700 Ma. If the age of the Tudor Gabbro's palaeomagnetic pole position is taken to be 720 Ma, the Hadrynian Track Hypothesis leads to very high polar wander rates of > 20cm a−1 for the period 820–720 Ma. If this hypothesis is rejected, the average drift rate for this period would be ∼4 cm a−1, in much better agreement with published values of ∼5 cm a−1 for the period 1400–820 Ma.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic measurements on a giant core sample 20 cm in diameter and 7.38 m long collected from Mizushima-Nada, the Inland Sea. Japan (Seto Naikai) provide evidence of post-depositional magnetization. the geomagnetic secular variation from about 4000 to 8000 yr BP is characterized by a long period of westerly declination before 6600 yr BP. the maximum deflection is beyond 50°W during this period. the palaeomagnetic record further demonstrates that there is a hiatus over 3000 yr in sedimentation due 10 the sea-level change around 6.85 m from sea bottom, and that the lower limit of the sea-level around 8000 yr BP is 18.5 m beneath the present sea-level.  相似文献   

Summary The coherence of atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves has been measured in the period range 10–100 s at the Large Aperture Microbarograph Array in south-eastern Montana. The acoustic-gravity waves observed were signals generated by presumed nuclear explosions. The decrease of coherence with increasing distance between pairs of microbarographs is less rapid in the direction of wave propagation than transverse to it. Variation of direction of arrival over a small range of azimuth (±5°) explains the spatial behaviour of coherence in the direction normal to the wave propagation; variation of phase velocity of ±10 ms-1 explains the behaviour along the direction of wave propagation. Both effects may be due to inhomogeneities in the atmosphere; the velocity variation may be due to the presence in the signal of several normal modes of acoustic- gravity waves, each travelling at a slightly different phase velocity in the range 300–330 ms-1.  相似文献   

Summary. Palaeomagnetic results are reported from 111 localities in meta- morphic rocks from the Southern Zone of the Lewisian Complex and 12 sites from similar terrain on the island of Lewis and Harris. These rocks were magnetized during slow uplift following the ca. 1800 Ma Laxfordian tectonic/ magmatic episode. The Southern Zone experienced diachronous uplift and there is a transition from predominantly positive NW remanence directions in the north to shallow negative NW directions in the south. More prolonged metamorphism in the south correlates with a transition from magnetite/ sulphide to magnetite/hematite assemblages. The relict Ruadh Mheallan zone relatively unaffected by Laxfordian tectonism preserves a (A1) remanence D = 82°, I = 65° which is sporadically recovered as high blocking temperature component in areas bordering this zone. Elsewhere, the migration of field directions is summarized as mean directions (A3) D = 323°, I = 44°, (A4) D = 314°, I = 14° and (A5) D = 313°, I = - 11° which appear to follow on sequentially from the predominant A2 direction ( D = 286°, I = 55°) observed in the Central Zone of the Lewisian Complex. The remanence directions are linked to a first approximation to the K-Ar hornblende ages and imply a migration of the ambient field direction through ca. 110° during an interval between 1 × 107 and 2 × 108× yr at about 1600Ma; the weight of the evidence suggests that the interval represented is between 0.5 and 1 × 108× yr.
The Lewisian A2—A5 directions yield palaeopoles which follow on from 1800–1700 Ma magnetizations from the Hudsonian terrains of Greenland and North America and overlap with the youngest record from these regions on the pre-drift reconstruction; collectively the data define part of a large apw loop.  相似文献   

North Atlantic Water (NAW) is an important source of heat and salt to the Nordic seas and the Arctic Ocean. To measure the transport and variability of one branch of NAW entering the Arctic, a transect across the entrance to the Barents Sea was occupied 13 times between July 1997 and November 1999, and hydrography and currents were measured. There is large variability between the cruises, but the mean currents and the hydrography show that the main inflow takes place in Bjørnøyrenna, with a transport of 1.6 Sv of NAW into the Barents Sea. Combining the flow field with measurements of temperature and salinity, this results in mean heat and salt transports by NAW into the Barents Sea of 3.9×1013 W and 5.7×107 kg s−1, respectively. The NAW core increased in temperature and salinity by 0.7 °C yr−1 and 0.04 yr−1, respectively, over the observation period. Variations in the transports of heat and salt are, however, dominated by the flow field, which did not exhibit a significant change.  相似文献   

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