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Stable carbon isotope fractionation by seventeen species of marine phytoplankton, representing the classes of Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Haptophyceae and Dinophyceae have been determined in laboratory culture experiments using bicarbonate enriched artificial sea water. The ΔHCO3? values (ΔHCO3? = δ13C of algae vs HCO3?) range from ?22.1 to ?35.5%. Nitzschia closterium shows the smallest fractionation of ? 22.1% and Isochrysis galbana, the greatest of ?35.5%,. Since these algae were cultured under identical laboratory conditions, the wide range of ΔHCO3? values is seemingly due to the presence of different metabolic pathways within these organisms.A temperature dependent fractionation of 0.36% per °C with decreasing temperatures was measured for Skeletonema costatum whereas, smaller temperature dependencies of ?0.13, +0.15 and ?0.07%. per °C were observed for Dunaliella sp., Monochrysis lutheri and Glenodinium foliaceum, respectively.The consistency of ΔHCO3? values of Skeletonema costatum, Dunaliella sp. and Monochrysis lutheri grown at salinities of 22, 26, 32 and 36% indicates that natural salinity variations have negligible effects on the isotopic composition of marine phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Fractionation of carbon and hydrogen isotopes by methane-oxidizing bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon isotopic analysis of methane has become a popular technique in the exploration for oil and gas because it can be used to differentiate between thermogenic and microbial gas and can sometimes be used for gas-source rock correlations. Methane-oxidizing bacteria, however, can significantly change the carbon isotopic composition of methane; the origin of gas that has been partially oxidized by these bacteria could therefore be misinterpreted.We cultured methane-oxidizing bacteria at two different temperatures and monitored the carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the residual methane. The residual methane was enriched in both 13C and D. For both isotopic species, the enrichment at equivalent levels of conversion was greater at 26°C than at 11.5°C. The change in δD relative to the change in δ13C was independent of temperature within the range studied. One culture exhibited a change in the fractionation pattern for carbon (but not for hydrogen) midway through the experiment, suggesting that bacterial oxidation of methane may occur via more than one pathway.The change in the δD value for the residual methane was from 8 to 14 times greater than the change in the δ13C value, indicating that combined carbon and hydrogen isotopic analysis may be an effective way of identifying methane which has been subjected to partial oxidation by bacteria.  相似文献   

Fractionations of carbon and oxygen isotopes and magnesium between coexisting dolomite and calcite have been determined for marbles and calcareous schists of a wide variety of metamorphic environments from Vermont and the Grenville Province of Ontario. Concordant equilibrium fractionations are given by 83% of the samples. Calibration of the isotopic thermometers using the Mg-calcite solvus thermometer gave in the temperature range: 650°>T°>100°C $$ \begin{gathered} 1,000\ln \alpha _{D - Ct}^{O^{18} } = 0.45 (10^6 T^{ - 2} ) - 0.40 \hfill \\ 1,000\ln \alpha _{D - Ct}^{O^{18} } = 0.18 (10^6 T^{ - 2} ) + 0.17. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ These isotopic fractionation expressions differ significantly from the experimentally derived relations, including the dolomite-Mg-calcite C13 partial exchange experiments of this study. Temperature ranges obtained for the metamorphic zones of Vermont are: chlorite zone, 210° to 295° C; biotite zone, 255° to 400° C; staurolite-kyanite zone, 110° to 550° C. In amphibolite-facies rocks the quenched partition relations can be complex. The temperature of quench or recrystallization may be as large as 400° C below the inferred metamorphic maximum. Oxygen isotope disequilibrium in high grade rocks, particularly from the Chester dome area, Vermont, is characterized by large negative δO D 18 –δO Ct 18 values. The size of the equilibrium exchange system for carbon and oxygen isotopes and magnesium is small, less than a few inches across the inferred relict bedding. This is attributed to the lack of a mobile pore fluid except in systems undergoing decarbonation. C13/C12 ratios in Grenville and Vermont marbles and O18/O16 ratios in Grenville and greenschist-facies Vermont carbonates span the range of ancient limestones. Staurolite-kyanite zone calcareous schists and marbles from the Chester dome area, Vermont are depleted in O18(δO18=12 to 20‰) due to equilibrium or disequilibrium decarbonation and some partial exchange. Extrapolation of the dolomite-calcite fractionation expressions to 20° C indicates that dolomite is enriched in O18 by about 4.9‰ and in C13 by about 2.4‰.  相似文献   

Growing and resting cell suspensions of Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were permitted to metabolize sulfite and sulfate under a variety of environmental conditions. Enrichment of S32 in the H2S released during reduction of sulfate under growing conditions was consistently lower (δS34 < ?25%.) than enrichment during reduction of sulfite under similar conditions (δS34 ~ ?30 to ?50%.). Yeast cells harvested from a sulfite medium released small quantities of H2S when suspended in glucose-sulfate solution; cells from a sulfate growth medium did not. The enrichment of H2S in S32 by sulfite-grown resting cells suspended in either SO2?4 or SO2?3 solutions was about 10%.in less than the maximum obtained during growth on sulfite. Isotopic fractionation was always significantly less in assimilated, than in dissimilated sulfur.  相似文献   

《Organic Geochemistry》2012,42(12):1277-1284
Compound-specific isotope measurements of organic compounds are increasingly important in palaeoclimate reconstruction. Searching for more accurate peat-based palaeoenvironmental proxies, compound-specific fractionation of stable C, H and O isotopes of organic compounds synthesized by Sphagnum were determined in a greenhouse study. Three Sphagnum species were grown under controlled climate conditions. Stable isotope ratios of cellulose, bulk organic matter (OM) and C21–C25 n-alkanes were measured to explore whether fractionation in Sphagnum is species-specific, as a result of either environmental conditions or genetic variation. The oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) of cellulose was equal for all species and all treatments. The hydrogen isotopic composition (δD) of the n-alkanes displayed an unexpected variation among the species, with values between −154‰ for Sphagnum rubellum and −184‰ for Sphagnum fallax for the C23 n-alkane, irrespective of groundwater level. The stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of the latter also showed a species-specific pattern. The pattern was similar for the carbon isotope fractionation of bulk OM, although the C23 n-alkane was >10‰ more depleted than the bulk OM. The variation in H fractionation may originate in the lipid biosynthesis, whereas C fractionation is also related to humidity conditions. Our findings clearly emphasize the importance of species identification in palaeoclimate studies based on stable isotopes from peat cores.  相似文献   

In many anoxic environments propionate is, after acetate, the second most important fermentation product, being degraded further to finally result in CH4 production. In principle, isotope discrimination can be used to assess the path of organic matter degradation to acetate, CO2 and CH4. However, nothing is known about the isotope fractionation in primary and secondary fermentation steps involving propionate, although it is an important precursor of acetate. We therefore studied the degradation of propionate with a syntrophic coculture of Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans and Methanobacterium formicicum. The isotope enrichment factor for propionate degradation to acetate, CO2 and CH4 was almost negligible (εprop 0.9‰). The fermentative production of propionate was studied in cultures with Opitutus terrae growing on pectin, xylan and starch. These polysaccharides were fermented to acetate, succinate, propionate, H2 and CO2. While the δ13C value of the initially produced propionate was similar to that of the organic substrates (ca. −28 to −25‰), the δ13C value of the other fermentation products was higher. The δ13C values of all products generally decreased during the course of fermentation. Finally, a small depletion in 13C (ca. 6‰) with respect to the organic substrate was observed for propionate, while the other fermentation products where slightly enriched. Overall, stable carbon isotope discrimination was small during both fermentative production and consumption of propionate in the anaerobic microbial cultures, so that propionate turnover probably only marginally affects isotope fractionation during anaerobic degradation of organic matter.  相似文献   

距今近2万a来的古气候恢复越来越受到人们的重视,研究的方法途径也越来越丰富,利用沉积物碳酸盐碳氧同位素δ^18O、δ^13C值来反演古气候就是其中之一。文章利用古堰塞湖沉积物碳酸盐碳氧同位素记录对岷江上游叠溪古气候演化特征的初步研究表明,在距今约22000-9000年(约22KaBP-9KaBP)间该区古气候可分为7个阶段。各个阶段的古气候特征分别为:①约22kaBP-20kaBP,气候为冷干;②约20kaBP-17kaBP,气候为冷湿;③约17kaBP-14kaBP,气候为热干;④约14kaBP-13kaBP,气候为冷湿;⑤约13kaBP-11kaBP,气候为热偏干;⑥约11kaBP-10kaBP,气候为热干;⑦约10kaBP-9kaBP,气候为冷湿。  相似文献   

The most CO2-rich cordierite thus far encountered in nature with about 2.2 wt.% CO2 and 0.3 wt.% H2O occurs as large poikiloblasts in a strange non-foliated reaction rock that dissects well-foliated granulites being part of the classical Lapland granulite area described by Eskola. The cordierite is optically positive with the highest optic angle 2V x (106°) and birefringence ( = 0.017) ever measured on natural cordierites, but it is also optically very heterogeneous due to secondary loss of CO2 along fractures and zones paralleling the fluid-bearing channels. Based on the optical properties of the degassed Lapland cordierite and on literature data a ternary diagram is given, which shows the variations of this cordierite in 2V x and birefringence as a function of channel-filling with both CO2 and H2O.Following Losert (1971) the cordierite coexists with calcite, a thus far unique mineral assemblage that is probably only stable at very high CO2 pressures. In the present case, the of the cordierite (0.75) indicates, on the basis of literature data, a coexisting fluid with >0.95.The carbon isotope composition 13C of CO2 in cordierite lies near –7, that of the calcite is slightly lighter than about –9. Thus, at least for the CO2 in cordierite, a deep-seated origin may be possible.Based on the geologic occurrence it is speculated that the cordierite-bearing reaction rock could perhaps represent an annealed channel of late degassing in the granulitic lower crust.  相似文献   

Deuterium (D) depletion in phytol relative to ambient water as well as other lipids has been widely observed in various biological and geological samples; however, the mechanism for the depletion remains unknown. We have determined the hydrogen isotopic compositions of phytol and its precursors in cucumber cotyledons and have evaluated the fractionation of hydrogen isotopes during phytol biosynthesis. The hydrogen isotopic compositions of geranylgeraniol, dihydrogeranylgeraniol, tetrahydrogeranylgeraniol and phytol are ?281‰, ?302‰, ?325‰ and ?345‰, respectively. The results suggest that significantly D-depleted hydrogen is incorporated stepwise during hydrogenation of geranylgeraniol to phytol. We conclude that hydrogenation is important in controlling D depletion in phytol.  相似文献   

Fractionation of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in evaporating water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of water and ice are powerful tools in hydrology and ice core studies. These variations are controlled by both equilibrium and kinetic isotope effects during evaporation and precipitation, and for quantitative interpretation it is necessary to understand how these processes affect the isotopic composition of water and ice. Whereas the equilibrium isotope effects are reasonably well understood, there is controversy on the magnitude of the kinetic isotope effects of both oxygen and hydrogen and the ratio between them. In order to resolve this disagreement, we performed evaporation experiments into air, argon and helium over the temperature range from 10 to 70 °C. From these measurements we derived the isotope effects for vapor diffusion in gas phase (εdiff(HD16O) for D/H and εdiff(H218O) for 18O/16O). For air, the ratio εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) at 20 °C is 0.84, in very good agreement with Merlivat (1978) (0.88), but in considerable inconsistency with Cappa et al. (2003) (0.52). Our results support Merlivat’s conclusion that measured εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) ratios are significantly different than ratios calculated from simplified kinetic theory of gas diffusion. On the other hand, our experiments with helium and argon suggest that this discrepancy is not due to isotope effects of molecular collision diameters. We also found, for the first time, that the εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) ratio tends to increase with cooling. This new finding may have important implications to interpretations of deuterium excess (d-excess = δD − 8δ18O) in ice core records, because as we show, the effect of temperature on d-excess is of similar magnitude to glacial interglacial variations in the cores.  相似文献   

We examined stable carbon isotope fractionation in biosynthesis of fatty acids of a piezophilic bacterium Moritella japonica strain DSK1. The bacterium was grown to stationary phase at pressures of 0.1, 10, 20, and 50 MPa in media prepared using sterile-filtered natural seawater supplied with glucose as the sole carbon source. Strain DSK1 synthesized typical bacterial fatty acids (C14-19 saturated, monounsaturated, and cyclopropane fatty acids) as well as long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (20:6ω3). Bacterial cell biomass and individual fatty acids exhibited consistent pressure-dependent carbon isotope fractionations relative to glucose. The observed ΔδFA-glucose (−1.0‰ to −11.9‰) at 0.1 MPa was comparable to or slightly higher than fractionations reported in surface bacteria. However, bulk biomass and fatty acids became more depleted in 13C with pressure. Average carbon isotope fractionation (ΔδFA-glucose) at high pressures was much higher than that for surface bacteria: −15.7‰, −15.3‰, and −18.3‰ at 10, 20, and 50 MPa, respectively. PUFA were more 13C depleted than saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids at all pressures. The observed isotope effects may be ascribed to the kinetics of enzymatic reactions that are affected by hydrostatic pressure and to biosynthetic pathways that are different for short-chain and long-chain fatty acids. A simple quantitative calculation suggests that in situ piezophilic bacterial contribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids to marine sediments is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than that of marine phytoplankton and that the carbon isotope imprint of piezophilic bacteria can override that of surface phytoplankton. Our results have important implications for marine biogeochemistry. Depleted fatty acids reported in marine sediments and the water column may be derived simply from piezophilic bacteria resynthesis of organic matter, not from bacterial utilization of a 13C-depleted carbon source (i.e., methane). The interpretation of carbon isotope signatures of marine lipids must be based on principles derived from piezophilic bacteria.  相似文献   

Fractionation of silicon isotopes during biogenic silica dissolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon isotopes have been investigated for their potential to reveal both past and present patterns of silicic acid utilization, primarily by diatoms, in surface waters of the ocean. Interpretation of this proxy has thus far relied on characteristic trends in the isotope composition of the dissolved and particulate silicon pools in the upper ocean, as driven by biological fractionation during the production of biogenic silica (bSiO2, or opal) by diatoms. However, other factors which may influence the silicon isotope composition of diatom opal, particularly post-formational aging and maturation processes, remain largely uninvestigated. Here, we report a consistent fractionation of silicon isotopes during the physicochemical dissolution of diatom bSiO2 suspended in seawater under closed conditions. This fractionation acts counter to that occurring during bSiO2 production and at about half its absolute magnitude, with dissolution discriminating against the release of the heavier isotopes of silicon at an enrichment factor εDSi–BSi of −0.55‰, corresponding to a fractionation factor α30/28 of 0.99945. The enrichment factor did not vary with source material, indicating the lack of a significant species effect, or with temperature from 3 to 20 °C. Thus, the dissolution of bSiO2 produces dissolved silicon with a δ30Si value that is 0.55‰ more negative than its parent bSiO2, an effect that must be accounted for when interpreting oceanic δ30Si distributions. The δ30Si values of both the dissolved and particulate silicon pools increased linearly as dissolution progressed, implying a measurable (±0.1‰) change in the relative δ30Si of opal samples whenever the difference in preservation efficiency between them is >20%. This effect could account for 10–30% of the difference in diatom δ30Si values observed between glacial and interglacial conditions. It is unlikely, however, that the inferred maximum possible change in δb30SiO2 of +0.55‰ would be manifested in situ, as a high mean percentage of dissolution would include complete loss of the more soluble members of the diatom assemblage.  相似文献   

深部碳循环的Mg同位素示踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李曙光 《地学前缘》2015,22(5):143-159
大洋板块俯冲导致的深部碳循环可影响地球历史的大气CO2的收支情况及气候变化。沉积碳酸盐岩是地球中轻镁同位素的主要储库,它通过板块俯冲再循环进入地幔有可能引起地幔局部的Mg同位素组成不均一性。因此,在这样一个基本假设基础上,即俯冲岩石的镁同位素在变质脱水和岩浆过程中不发生显著变化,镁同位素有可能成为深部碳循环的示踪剂。前人研究已经证明岩浆过程不会发生显著镁同位素分馏。然而,至今对俯冲、变质过程镁同位素的分馏程度以及低δ26Mg玄武岩成因还属未知。为此,本研究聚焦在高温高压条件下碳酸盐的稳定性和相转换、板块俯冲过程中的镁同位素行为、循环碳酸盐对地幔镁同位素组成可能产生的影响。  相似文献   

The δ18O of mammalian bone-phosphate varies linearly with δ18O of environmental water, but is not in isotopic equilibrium with that water. This situation is explained by a model of δ18O in body water in which the important fluxes of exchangeable oxygen through the body are taken into account. Fractionation of oxygen isotopes between body and environmental drinking water is dependent on the rates of drinking and respiration. Isotopic fractionation can be estimated from physiological data and the estimates correlate very well with observed fractionation. Species whose water consumption is large relatively to its energy expenditure is sensitive to isotopic ratio changes in environmental water.  相似文献   

The effects of applied filtration vacuum and incubation time on the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by natural phytoplankton populations dominated by diatoms were examined. The rate of primary production and release of DOC remained reasonably constant during a 5 hour incubation period. The measured release of DOC was found to be quite sensitive to the applied filtration vacuum, ranging from near 2 percent of fixed carbon (neglecting respiration) for gravity-filtered samples to 36 percent for samples filtered at 40 cm Hg vacuum.  相似文献   

A stable isotope mass-balance of dissolved inorganic carbon during a blue-green algae bloom in a softwater lake demonstrates that at low partial pressure of carbon dioxide there must be a large net negative carbon isotope fractionation between atmospheric CO2 and the CO2 absorbed by lake water at pH = 9.5. The net fractionation of CO2(g) with respect to HCO3 was about −13%. compared with about +8%. for water at equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 at pH ≈ 7. Chemical enhancement of CO2 invasion at high pH by the reaction CO2 + OH→ HCO3 at large apparent film thicknesses may result in carbon isotope fractionation approaching that for a hydroxide solution. This phenomenon, coupled with a decrease in the photosynthetic fractionation, forced the surface water of a softwater lake to achieve increasingly negative δ13C values during an algal bloom, which is in the opposite sense to the trend that results from photosynthesis under less extreme conditions. This and other similar systems must operate under non-equilibrium (kinetic) conditions, causing a large kinetic fractionation during CO2 invasion at pH > 8 and relatively large film thicknesses (i.e., low wind stress).  相似文献   

Atmospheric pollution effects on hydrogen fractionation in trees are demonstrated for the first time in this study. The δ2H ring-cellulose series obtained for black spruce trees at a site near a SO2-emitting smelter display short-term fluctuations superimposed on a first order −11‰ shift coincident with the onset of smelter operations. The isotopic depletion in trees exposed to various levels of SO2 diminish with increasing distance relative to the location of the smelter, and it is not detected at the most distant selected stand, 116 km downwind from the point source. Both the spatial and temporal isotopic trends likely result from the combined effects of leaf transpiration, biochemical processes and water uptake by the root system. The spatial and temporal trends of δ2H values are the reverse of the δ13C trends previously obtained for the same tree ring series. These coupled isotopic fractionations underline an important response of trees to pollution stresses likely generated by ambient atmospheric SO2 concentrations. The degradation of global air quality during the last 150 yr likely generated large scale modifications in the way terrestrial vegetation grows. In this respect, hydrogen dendrogeochemistry combined with other tracers such as C isotope ratios constitutes a new tool to evaluate the past behavior of forest ecosystems in terms of C uptake and acclimation to various types of atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

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