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于海英  祝达  周宝峰  徐旋  马温喜 《地震研究》2020,(1):166-175,I0004
考虑地铁环境振动噪声对未来城市地铁地震警报系统中地震信号识别的影响,以包含Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类2种场地土类型的哈尔滨市4个地铁站的上行线首部和尾部作为观测点,展开地铁环境振动噪声的测试、分析以及降噪处理研究。首先,对采集的列车振动数据进行统计分析;其次,基于滑动平均法,提出确定帕曾窗带宽b值的经验方法,并利用其对采集的地脉动数据进行平滑滤波处理;最后,采用本方法确定哈尔滨地铁地震P波预警的滤波频带,并与日本气象厅仪器地震烈度以及新干线地震预警系统的滤波频带进行对比。结果表明:①三轴向地铁列车振动信号中,竖向振动比水平向振动要大,切向振动比径向振动要大。②帕曾窗带宽b值为0.4 Hz时,平滑滤波处理后的频谱能较好地反映地脉动信号的频谱主频,且滤波后的地脉动信号的卓越频率和场地土类型有明显的对应关系,即水平向卓越频率和场地土类型的相关性较好,而竖向卓越频率的误差较大。③哈尔滨地铁地震P波预警的滤波频带为0.3~10 Hz时,能较好地滤除地震动信号中的地铁环境振动噪声,满足地震警报系统对地震记录信噪比的要求。  相似文献   

土木水利工程结构的惯性绝对振动测量中,瞬态冲击信号测量是一个难点,有时测量信号和真实信号差距甚大。针对土木水利工程结构的瞬态冲击信号的惯性绝对测量,分析得到惯性传感器的瞬态反应是造成瞬态冲击信号测量失真的原因,对传感器的瞬态反应问题进行了讨论。从瞬态冲击信号,尤其是单个脉冲持续时间较长的瞬态冲击信号及测量传感器(指惯性式绝对振动测量传感器)两方面对瞬态冲击信号测量问题进行了分析,指出了长持时瞬态冲击信号测量效果不好主要是因为传感器的通频带带宽不够,尤其是低频带宽不够,总结了加速度、速度及位移瞬态冲击信号测量应注意的一些事项。因为位移信号通常由速度信号积分而来,对积分造成的瞬态信号测量严重失真的问题进行了讨论,并给出了一组对比结果。最后,进行了总结并给出了一些结论。  相似文献   

绝对重力仪是用于直接测量重力加速度值的精密仪器,可以作为计量标准器对相对重力仪进行定期校准.现有绝对重力仪的测量精度可达微伽(1μGal=1×10-8m/s2)量级,测量精度主要受振动噪声的限制.垂直隔振和振动补偿技术是目前常用的两种处理振动噪声的方法.随着绝对重力仪在野外流动重力观测和海洋/航空重力测量中的应用需求日...  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土桥梁的振动测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林超 《华南地震》2003,23(1):82-86
讨论了钢筋混凝土桥梁原型振动试验的若干问题,分析了桥梁、尤其是特大跨度桥梁的振动特征,阐述了原型振动测量的检测技术和对检测仪器性能的要求等。  相似文献   

对带有双向TMD系统的大跨度悬索桥进行了空间非线性时程响应分析,探讨了TMD参数对抑振效果的影响,分析结果显示,TMD能够增大结构的表观阻尼,有较大的能量耗散作用,加速振荡的衰减,有效地抑振结构的振动,这表明,用TMD技术对大跨度悬索桥的环境振动实施被动控制是一个有效的方法。  相似文献   

城轨交通引起的环境振动问题综述研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着城市化进程的加快和人们生活质量的提高,城市轨道交通系统引起的沿线地面和建筑物的振动问题越来越引起人们的关注。系统地介绍了城市轨道交通的主要形式,对城市轨道交通所引起环境振动问题的国内外研究进行了综述,同时,全面分析了环境振动对人们生产生活的影响、振动产生的原因、振动预测模拟等方面的问题。对国内外有关环境振动的计算模型也系统深入地作了分析研究。  相似文献   

目前在工程振动测量中,为避免因折叠效应而产生的频率混迭,均的安机械振动同陡度滤波的“抗混滤波器”,本文指出了影响滤波陡度的因素,提出了测量各种参量情况下的合理滤波陡度。  相似文献   

绝对重力仪测量结果的振动划线处理方法初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对自主研发的高精度绝对重力仪样机测量结果中引入的振动误差, 提出了一种全新的振动抑制算法.本算法利用一簇斜率相同的平行直线与记录到的参考棱镜振动曲线相交, 通过提取这些交点的时间信息, 确定落体下落轨迹上进行重力加速度计算的时间和位移坐标. 然后, 利用最小二乘算法获取测点的绝对重力加速度值.对不同重力加速度值的适用性和不同类型振动干扰的抑制效果模拟计算发现, 对于优势频率大于0.2 Hz, 峰峰值小于500 counts的干扰, 算法可以有效提高测量结果的系统偏差和测量精度.最后, 实际实验样机的测量结果表明, 本算法使最终测量精度提高了一倍, 为绝对重力仪的小型化和流动测量提供了软件技术支持。   相似文献   

应县木塔环境振动试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对于复杂的塔状古建筑物,建立一个合适的简化的数学模型是不易实现的。与强迫振动试验相比,环境振动试验比较简单、方便,所确定出的小振幅水平下的木塔结构动力特性具有足够的精度。本文首先结合应县木塔结构环境振动测试实例对环境振动测试方法作了简要介绍,并采用随机信号数据频域分析方法对测试数据进行了分析,确定木塔结构的自振频率。同时,依据不同测点在固有频率处响应的比及零迟时互相关函数确定木塔结构的振型。最后,本文依据自功率谱和互功率谱采用半功率点法计算各振型的阻尼比。本文分析结果表明,在两水平方向上木塔的振动特性存在些微差异,第一振型阻尼比较第二振型阻尼比大。  相似文献   

地铁交通引起的环境振动的实测与分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文根据现场实测数据,对某地铁交通1号线沿线典型区段引起的环境振动实况和振动特性及传播规律等进行了分析研究。结果表明,地面振动Z振级主要由测点到轨道中心的水平距离决定,并且在离开地铁隧道中心线一定距离范围内,地面振动Z振级存在振动放大区。此外,本文还根据实测资料和现有研究成果提出了该地铁1号线引起环境振动Z振级的统计回归公式。该式从数学表达式的角度反映了振动信号的放大效应,可为预测或估计地铁运营诱发的环境振动提供参考。  相似文献   

A miniature optical backscatter sensor (MOBS) and an electro-magnetic flowmeter were deployed seaward of the surf zone at Pte Sapin, New Brunswick during the first Canadian Coastal Sediment Study (C2S2), autumn 1983. The MOBS had sensing elements at five vertical locations above the sea bed, and was sampled at 10 Hz. The suspension of sand is well correlated with the passage of individual waves and also with wave groups, with the influence of wave groups progressively more dominant at higher elevations above the bed. Suspension appears to be stronger during the onshore directed phase of the wave motion than during the offshore motion and there is evidence that initiation of suspension may be determined by fluid acceleration more than velocity. Time lags between suspension events at different heights suggest that vertical gradients in sediment flux are more important than horizontal gradients.  相似文献   

The study of the fall velocity variation of fine sediment in estuarine areas plays an important role in determining how various factors affect the flocculation process.Previous experimental studies have focused solely on the relation between the median fall velocity and influencing factors,while in the current study,the variation of the fall velocity in quiescent water also was examined.The experimental results showed that the vertical distribution of sediment concentration was more uneven,and larger variations occurred earlier during the settling process under higher salinity and/or sediment concentration conditions.The fall velocity initially increased then decreased over time,peaking at^20 min after settling began,and stabilizing at a value similar to that in freshwater,regardless of the initial sediment concentration and salinity combinations.Along the water depth,the fall velocity increased monotonically with a gradually decreasing gradient.The median fall velocity increased then decreased with increased salinity.The salinity at which the peak fall velocity occurred depended on the initial sediment concentration.The relation between the median fall velocity and initial sediment concentration displayed an obvious two-stage pattern(i.e.,accelerated flocculation and decelerated,hindered settling)at higher salinities;whereas the maximum median fall velocity was observed at two consecutive sediment concentration values under lower salinity conditions.Finally,an empirical equation estimating the median fall velocity of cohesive fine sediment was formulated,incorporating the effects of both salinity and sediment concentration.  相似文献   

Sivas city, located in the inner east part of Anatolia (Turkey), is far from seismic sources. However, the city is under risk owing to strong earthquakes occurring around the area, and different soil conditions that can produce variation in the ground motion amplification. Microzonation of cities provides a basis for site-specific hazard analysis in urban settlements. In particular, seismic microzonation can be achieved by means of detailed seismic assessment of the area, including earthquake recordings and geological studies. In this paper, we propose a preliminary microzonation map for the city of Sivas, based on the variation in the dominant periods of the sediments covering the area. The periods are retrieved from microtremor measurements conducted at 114 sites, using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio technique. The results of microtremor analysis were compared with those obtained from refraction microtremor measurements at two profiles crossing the studied area. According to the classification of dominant periods, Sivas area can be divided into four zones, probably prone to different levels of seismic hazard. However, specific studies including analysis of weak earthquakes are required in the future to validate our microzonation map.  相似文献   

The inter-coupling relationship between urban economic development and the ecological environment refers to the total of interactive, inter-influenced and other non-linear relations between economic and environmental systems in the course of economic development. Taking Ürümqi, an oasis city in arid region, as an example, we collected the data of environmental quality & pollutants discharge and information on economic development in the 20 years, analyzed the correlation between the two, conducted a fitted regression with quadratic and cubic equations, and acquired 14 mathematic models that could describe the relationship between the environment and economic development. The results show that there exists a coordinated and interactive relationship between the environment and economic development. On the basis of these quantity analyses, conceptional frame model is built to explain the fundamental basis of this environmental coupling in Ürümqi city. Both a quantitative analysis of the coupling law and a good command of the internal law between them are useful for making comprehensive decisions about the environment and economic development and harmonizing the urban sustainable development.  相似文献   

针对空气中颗粒物对城市生态环境存在影响,在遥感生态指数的基础上,加入反映颗粒物PM2.5浓度的差值指数(DI),采用主成分分析法耦合绿度、湿度、干度、热度和PM2.5浓度指标,构建新型遥感生态指数RSEInew.通过对比RSEI与RSEInew第一主成分贡献率和平均相关度,建立基于RSEInew模型的沧州市区生态评估模...  相似文献   

Microtremor measurements were conducted in Kushiro City, Hokkaido Island of Japan. The thickness of alluvial deposits in the central area of Kushiro City abruptly changes from 0 to 80 m. Predominant ground motion at a microtremor measuring site is represented by the spectral ratio, the ratio of Fourier amplitude spectrum of microtremor in the horizontal direction to that in the vertical direction. The peak frequency of the spectral ratio corresponds well to the predominant frequency estimated from the thickness of alluvial layer at each site. Based on a hypothesis that the spectral ratio can be regarded identical with a half of the amplification factor from diluvial bed rock to the ground surface, the strong ground motion due to the Kushiro-oki earthquake at each site is estimated. The method of estimation is verified by the comparison of the synthesized accelerogram with the recorded one at West Port of Kushiro. The results satisfactorily explain major damages and vibrations felt in Kushiro City during the earthquake.  相似文献   

合肥市位于合肥盆地东南缘,东侧紧邻郯庐断裂带,多条大型隐伏断裂穿过市区.为进一步认识合肥城市下方隐伏断裂的空间展布、性质,以及城市复杂的沉积环境,本文利用布设在合肥市区的58套三分量短周期地震仪组成的台阵,获得了37天的三分量连续波形数据,通过基于射线追踪的面波走时直接成像方法反演得到了合肥市地壳浅部0.6~3.6 km的三维剪切波速度结构,速度结构图像展现了地壳浅部的横向不均匀性和纵向成层性,揭示出NNE、NWW和近EW三组不同走向的隐伏断裂在城市地下浅部的构造特征.取得以下认识:(1)合肥市南、北方向在浅地表(2 km以内)存在显著速度差异,速度分界线位置与已知的近EW向的蜀山断裂一致,断裂南侧呈现低速凹陷,北侧则为高速隆起.低速中心深度达2~3 km,速度异常与该断裂在合肥盆地东部演化过程中的构造反转沉积了不同地层有关;(2)合肥市区存在明显的高速异常带,其走向、位置与穿过该区域的郯庐断裂带西支主干断裂相符,其中五河—合肥断裂在市区北部以东呈现低速凹陷特征,低速区范围与肥东凹陷晚白垩纪以来的沉积构造边界一致,认为肥东凹陷的最大沉积厚度可达2 km以上;(3)合肥市中心跨郯庐断裂带西支主干断裂之间呈现明显的凹、隆相间的复杂构造,推测其是在多组断裂的共同拉伸作用下形成的小型沉积盆地,沉积中心位于郯庐断裂带内部,最大厚度可达3~4 km.由于其展布方向在不同深度与该区域断裂的走向具有明显的相关性,推测不同深度的沉积形态与郯庐断裂带在不同时期的构造演化过程有关.  相似文献   

For assessing earthquake hazard of metro cities, knowledge of soil amplification, thickness and properties of sedimentary layer are essential. In order to map the soil thickness using microtremor survey method, in Bangalore city, it is required to calibrate the relation between fundamental resonance frequency of the soil layer and its thickness for the region. For this purpose microtremor survey was carried out at 34 locations in the city where borehole log was available. The resonance frequency of the soil is evaluated from the microtremor recordings using the H/V ratio technique. A nonlinear regression relation between the thickness of sedimentary layer h (m), from the borehole logs, and the resonance frequency fr (Hz), was derived as h=(58.3±8.8)fr−(0.95)±0.1. Using the model of shear wave velocity increasing with depth at these locations, the derived average shear wave velocity and the corresponding soil thickness were used, to get an empirical relation between VS (m/s) and depth z(m), as Vs=(174±28)(1+z)0.16±0.07. This relation also compares reasonably with the fit obtained between simulated VS and depth from borehole logs for Bangalore city. The calibrated relations can be used at locations in Bangalore city where borehole logs are not available, for finding the thicknesses and shear wave velocities of the local soil layers at the survey locations.  相似文献   


合肥市位于合肥盆地东南缘,东侧紧邻郯庐断裂带,多条大型隐伏断裂穿过市区.为进一步认识合肥城市下方隐伏断裂的空间展布、性质,以及城市复杂的沉积环境,本文利用布设在合肥市区的58套三分量短周期地震仪组成的台阵,获得了37天的三分量连续波形数据,通过基于射线追踪的面波走时直接成像方法反演得到了合肥市地壳浅部0.6~3.6 km的三维剪切波速度结构,速度结构图像展现了地壳浅部的横向不均匀性和纵向成层性,揭示出NNE、NWW和近EW三组不同走向的隐伏断裂在城市地下浅部的构造特征.取得以下认识:(1)合肥市南、北方向在浅地表(2 km以内)存在显著速度差异,速度分界线位置与已知的近EW向的蜀山断裂一致,断裂南侧呈现低速凹陷,北侧则为高速隆起.低速中心深度达2~3 km,速度异常与该断裂在合肥盆地东部演化过程中的构造反转沉积了不同地层有关;(2)合肥市区存在明显的高速异常带,其走向、位置与穿过该区域的郯庐断裂带西支主干断裂相符,其中五河—合肥断裂在市区北部以东呈现低速凹陷特征,低速区范围与肥东凹陷晚白垩纪以来的沉积构造边界一致,认为肥东凹陷的最大沉积厚度可达2 km以上;(3)合肥市中心跨郯庐断裂带西支主干断裂之间呈现明显的凹、隆相间的复杂构造,推测其是在多组断裂的共同拉伸作用下形成的小型沉积盆地,沉积中心位于郯庐断裂带内部,最大厚度可达3~4 km.由于其展布方向在不同深度与该区域断裂的走向具有明显的相关性,推测不同深度的沉积形态与郯庐断裂带在不同时期的构造演化过程有关.


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