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We consider the problem of calculating the Lyapunov time (the characteristic time of predictable dynamics) of chaotic motion in the vicinity of separatrices of orbital resonances in satellite systems. The primary objects of study are the chaotic regimes that have occurred in the history of the orbital dynamics of the second and fifth Uranian satellites (Umbriel and Miranda) and the first and third Saturnian satellites (Mimas and Tethys). We study the dynamics in the vicinity of separatrices of the resonance multiplets corresponding to the 3 : 1 commensurability of mean motions of Miranda and Umbriel and the multiplets corresponding to the 2 : 1 commensurability of mean motions of Mimas and Tethys. These chaotic regimes have most probably contributed much to the long-term orbital evolution of the two satellite systems. The equations of motion have been numerically integrated to estimate the Lyapunov time in models corresponding to various epochs of the system evolution. Analytical estimates of the Lyapunov time have been obtained by a method (Shevchenko, 2002) based on the separatrix map theory. The analytical estimates have been compared to estimates obtained by direct numerical integration.__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 364–374.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Mel’nikov, Shevchenko.  相似文献   

V.V. Kouprianov 《Icarus》2005,176(1):224-234
The problem of observability of chaotic regimes in the rotation of planetary satellites is studied. The analysis is based on the inertial and orbital data available for all satellites discovered up to now. The Lyapunov spectra of the spatial chaotic rotation and the full range of variation of the spin rate are computed numerically by integrating the equations of the rotational motion; the initial data are taken inside the main chaotic layer near the separatrices of synchronous resonance in phase space. The model of a triaxial satellite in a fixed elliptic orbit is adopted. A short Lyapunov time along with a large range of variation of the spin rate are used as criteria for observability of the chaotic motion. Independently, analysis of stability of the synchronous state with respect to tilting the axis of rotation provides a test for the physical opportunity for a satellite to rotate chaotically. Finally, a calculation of the times of despinning due to tidal evolution shows whether a satellite's spin could evolve close to the synchronous state. Apart from Hyperion, already known to rotate chaotically, only Prometheus and Pandora, the 16th and 17th satellites of Saturn, pass all these four tests.  相似文献   

The chaotic orbital dynamics of the planet in the wide visual binary star system 16 Cyg is considered. The only planet in this system has a significant orbital eccentricity, e = 0.69. Previously, Holman et al. suggested the possibility of chaos in the orbital dynamics of the planet due to the proximity of 16 Cyg to the separatrix of the Lidov–Kozai resonance. We have calculated the Lyapunov characteristic exponents on the set of possible orbital parameters for the planet. In all cases, the dynamics of 16 Cyg is regular with a Lyapunov time of more than 30 000 yr. The dynamics is considered in detail for several possible models of the planetary orbit; the dependences of Lyapunov exponents on the time of their calculation and the time dependences of osculating orbital elements have been constructed. Phase space sections for the system dynamics near the Lidov–Kozai resonance have been constructed for all models. A chaotic behavior in the orbital motion of the planet in 16 Cyg is shown to be unlikely, because 16 Cyg in phase space is far from the separatrix of the Lidov–Kozai resonance at admissible orbital parameters, with the chaotic layer near the separatrix being very narrow.  相似文献   

Anonlinear analytical theory of secular perturbations in the problem of the motion of a systemof small bodies around a major attractive center has been developed. Themutual perturbations of the satellites and the influence of the oblateness of the central body are taken into account in the model. In contrast to the classical Laplace-Lagrange theory based on linear equations for Lagrange elements, the third-degree terms in orbital eccentricities and inclinations are taken into account in the equations. The corresponding improvement of the solution turns out to be essential in studying the evolution of orbits over long time intervals. A program inC has been written to calculate the corrections to the fundamental frequencies of the solution and the third-degree secular perturbations in orbital eccentricities and inclinations. The proposed method has been applied to investigate the motion of the major Uranian satellites. Over time intervals longer than 100 years, allowance for the nonlinear terms in the equations is shown to give corrections to the coordinates of Miranda on the order of the orbital eccentricity, which is several thousand kilometers in linear measure. For other satellites, the effect of allowance for the nonlinear terms turns out to be smaller. Obviously, when a general analytical theory of motion for the major Uranian satellites is constructed, the nonlinear terms in the equations for the secular perturbations should be taken into account.  相似文献   

共轨运动天体与摄动天体的半长径相同,处于1:1平运动共振中.太阳系内多个行星的特洛伊天体即为处于蝌蚪形轨道的共轨运动天体,其中一些高轨道倾角特洛伊天体的轨道运动与来源仍未被完全理解.利用一个新发展的适用于处理1:1平运动共振的摄动函数展开方式,对三维空间中的共轨运动进行考察,计算不同初始轨道根数情况下共轨轨道的共振中心、共振宽度,分析轨道类型与初始轨道根数的关系.并将分析方法所得结果与数值方法的结果相互比较验证,得到了广阔初始轨道根数空间内共轨运动的全局图景.  相似文献   

Our aim is to identify and classify mean‐motion resonances (MMRs) for the coplanar circular restricted three‐body problem (CR3BP) for mass ratios between 0.10 and 0.50. Our methods include the maximum Lyapunov exponent, which is used as an indicator for the location of the resonances, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) used for determining what kind of resonances are present, and the inspection of the orbital elements to classify the periodicity. We show that the 2:1 resonance occurs the most frequently. Among other resonances, the 3:1 resonance is the second most common, and furthermore both 3:2 and 5:3 resonances occur more often than the 4:1 resonance. Moreover, the resonances in the coplanar CR3BP are classified based on the behaviour of the orbits. We show that orbital stability is ensured for high values of resonance (i.e., high ratios) where only a single resonance is present. The resonances attained are consistent with the previously established resonances for the solar system, i.e., specifically, in regards to the asteroid belt. Previous work employed digital filtering and Lyapunov characteristic exponents to determine stochasticity of the eccentricity, which is found to be consistent with our usage of Lyapunov exponents as an alternate approach based on varying the mass ratio instead of the eccentricity. Our results are expected to be of principal interest to future studies, including augmentations to observed or proposed resonances, of extra‐solar planets in binary stellar systems (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Jiang & Yeh proposed gas-drag-induced resonant capture as a mechanism able to explain the dominant 3:2 resonance observed in the trans-Neptunian belt. Using a model of a disc–star–planet system they concluded that gaseous drag in a protoplanetary disc can trap trans-Neptunian object (TNO) embryos into the 3:2 resonance rather easily although it could not trap objects into the 2:1 resonance. Here we further investigate this scenario using numerical simulations within the context of the planar restricted four-body problem by including both present-day Uranus and Neptune. Our results show that mean motion and corotation resonances are possible and trapping into both the 3:2 and 2:1 resonances as well as other resonances is observed. The associated corotation centres may easily form larger planetesimals from smaller ones. Corotation resonances evolve into pure Lindblad resonances in a time-scale of 0.5 Myr. The non-linear corotation and mean motion resonances produced are very size selective. The 3:2 resonance is dominant for submetric particles but for larger particles the 2:1 resonance is stronger. In summary, our calculations show that confined chaotic motion around the resonances not only increases trapping efficiency but also the orbital eccentricities of the trapped material, modifying the relative abundance of trapped particles in different resonances. If we assume a more compact planetary system, instead of using the present-day values of the orbital elements of Uranus and Neptune, our results remain largely unchanged.  相似文献   

The Gliese 876 planetary system consists of two Jupiter-like planets having a nearly commensurate 2:1 orbital periods ratio. Because the semimajor axes of the planets are very small (of the order 0.1 au and 0.2 au, respectively), and the eccentricity of the inner companion is ≃0.3, the mutual perturbations are extremely large. However, many authors claim the long-term orbital stability of the system, at least over 500 Myr for initial conditions found by Rivera & Lissauer. Results of investigations of a migration of initially separated planets into the close 2:1 mean motion resonance lock from Lee & Peale also support the conclusion that the system should be stable for the lifetime of the parent star. Initial conditions of the system, found from non-linear N -body fits by Laughlin & Chambers and Rivera & Lissauer, to the radial velocity curve, formally allow for a variety of orbital configurations of the GJ 876 system, e.g. coplanar, with planetary inclinations in the range [≃30°, 90°], and with relative inclinations of orbital planes as high as 80°. Our work is devoted to the stability investigation of the systems originating from the fitted initial conditions. We study neighbourhoods of these initial states in the orbital parameter space. We found estimations of the 2:1 mean motion resonance width and dynamical limitations on the planetary masses. We also obtain a global representation of the domains of the orbital parameters space in which initial conditions leading to stable evolutions can be found. Our results can be useful in localization of the best, stable fits to the observational data. In our investigations we use the MEGNO technique (the Mean Exponential Growth factor of Nearby Orbits) invented by Cincotta & Simó. It allows us to distinguish efficiently and precisely between chaotic and regular behaviour of a planetary system.  相似文献   

The dynamics of circumbinary planetary systems (the systems in which the planets orbit a central binary) with a small binary mass ratio discovered to date is considered. The domains of chaotic motion have been revealed in the “pericentric distance–eccentricity” plane of initial conditions for the planetary orbits through numerical experiments. Based on an analytical criterion for the chaoticity of planetary orbits in binary star systems, we have constructed theoretical curves that describe the global boundary of the chaotic zone around the central binary for each of the systems. In addition, based on Mardling’s theory describing the separate resonance “teeth” (corresponding to integer resonances between the orbital periods of a planet and the binary), we have constructed the local boundaries of chaos. Both theoretical models are shown to describe adequately the boundaries of chaos on the numerically constructed stability diagrams, suggesting that these theories are efficient in providing analytical criteria for the chaoticity of planetary orbits.  相似文献   

Possible rotation states of two satellites of Saturn, Prometheus (S16) and Pandora (S17), are studied by means of numerical experiments. The attitude stability of all possible modes of synchronous rotation and the motion close to these modes is analyzed by means of computation of the Lyapunov spectra of the motion. The stability analysis confirms that the rotation of Prometheus and Pandora might be chaotic, though the possibility of regular behaviour is not excluded. For the both satellites, the attitude instability zones form series of concentric belts enclosing the main synchronous resonance center in the phase space sections. A hypothesis is put forward that these belts might form “barriers” for capturing the satellites in synchronous rotation. The satellites in chaotic rotation can mimic ordinary regular synchronous behaviour: they preserve preferred orientation for long periods of time, the largest axis of satellite’s figure being directed approximately towards Saturn.  相似文献   

The system of Saturn's inner satellites is saturated with many resonances. Its structure should be strongly affected by tidal forces driving the satellites through several orbit–orbit resonances. The evolution of these satellites is investigated using analytic and numerical methods. We show that the pair of satellites Prometheus and Pandora has a particularly short lifetime (<20 Myr) if the orbits of the satellites converge without capture into a resonance. The capture of Pandora into a resonance with Prometheus increases the lifetime of the couple by a few tens of Myr. However, resonances of the system are not well separated, and capture results in a chaotic motion. Secondary resonances also disrupt the resonant configurations. In all cases, the converging orbits of these two satellites result in a close encounter. The implications for the origin of Saturn's rings are discussed.  相似文献   

We use controlled N-body simulation to investigate the dynamical processes (dynamical friction, tidal truncation, etc.) involved in the merging of small satellites into bigger halos. We confirm the validity of some analytic formulae proposed earlier based on simple arguments. For rigid satellites represented by softened point masses, the merging time scale depends on both the orbital shape and concentration of the satellite. The dependence on orbital ellipticity is roughly a power law, as suggested by Lacey & Cole, and the dependence on satellite concentration is similar to that proposed by White. When merging satellites are represented by non-rigid objects, Tidal effects must be considered. We found that material beyond the tidal radius are stripped off. The decrease in the satellite mass might mean an increase in the merging time scale, but in fact, the merging time is decreased, because the stripped-off material carries away a proportionately larger amount of of orbital energy and angular momentum.  相似文献   

Janus and Epimetheus are famously known for their distinctive horseshoe-shaped orbits resulting from a 1:1 orbital resonance. Every 4 years these two satellites swap their orbits by a few tens of kilometers as a result of their close encounter. Recently Tiscareno et al. (Tiscareno, M.S., Thomas, P.C., Burns, J.A. [2009]. Icarus 204, 254-261) have proposed a model of rotation based on images from the Cassini orbiter. These authors inferred the amplitude of rotational librational motion in longitude at the orbital period by fitting a shape model to Cassini ISS images. By a quasi-periodic approximation of the orbital motion, we describe how the orbital swap impacts the rotation of the satellites. To that purpose, we have developed a formalism based on quasi-periodic series with long- and short-period librations. In this framework, the amplitude of the libration at the orbital period is found proportional to a term accounting for the orbital swap. We checked the analytical quasi-periodic development by performing a numerical simulation and find both results in good agreement. To complete this study, the results obtained for the short-period librations are studied with the help of an adiabatic-like approach.  相似文献   

为了适应星际探测的需求,本文建立了在新的精度要求下土星卫星运动对应的力学模型,具体讨论了土卫八的运动,并针对主要摄动源土卫六的引力作用,建立了轨道变化的分析解,以此表明建立了土卫运动理论该采取的途径和精密定轨宜采用以轨道根数作为状态量的数值定轨方法。  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the chaotic orbits of Prometheus and Pandora are due to interactions associated with the 121:118 mean motion resonance. Differential precession splits this resonance into a quartet of components equally spaced in frequency. Libration widths of the individual components exceed the splitting, resulting in resonance overlap which causes the chaos. Mean motions of Prometheus and Pandora wander chaotically in zones of width 1.8 and 3.1 deg yr−1, respectively. A model with 1.5 degrees of freedom captures the essential features of the chaotic dynamics. We use it to show that the Lyapunov exponent of 0.3 yr−1 arises because the critical argument of the dominant member of the resonant quartet makes approximately two separatrix crossings every 6.2 year precessional cycle.  相似文献   

The stability of the motion of a hypothetical planet in the binary system ?? Cen A?CB has been investigated. The analysis has been performed within the framework of a planar (restricted and full) three-body problem for the case of prograde orbits. Based on a representative set of initial data, we have obtained the Lyapunov spectra of the motion of a triple system with a single planet. Chaotic domains have been identified in the pericenter distance-eccentricity plane of initial conditions for the planet through a statistical analysis of the data obtained. We have studied the correspondence of these chaotic domains to the domains of initial conditions that lead to the planet??s encounter with one of the binary??s stars or to the escape of the planet from the system. We show that the stability criterion based on the maximum Lyapunov exponent gives a more clear-cut boundary of the instability domains than does the encounterescape criterion at the same integration time. The typical Lyapunov time of chaotic motion is ??500 yr for unstable outer orbits and ??60 yr for unstable inner ones. The domain of chaos expands significantly as the initial orbital eccentricity of the planet increases. The chaos-order boundary has a fractal structure due to the presence of orbital resonances.  相似文献   

Brenae L. Bailey 《Icarus》2009,203(1):155-1401
The Centaurs are a transient population of small bodies in the outer Solar System whose orbits are strongly chaotic. These objects typically suffer significant changes of orbital parameters on timescales of a few thousand years, and their orbital evolution exhibits two types of behaviors described qualitatively as random walk and resonance-sticking. We have analyzed the chaotic behavior of the known Centaurs. Our analysis has revealed that the two types of chaotic evolution are quantitatively distinguishable: (1) the random walk type behavior is well described by so-called generalized diffusion in which the rms deviation of the semimajor axis grows with time t as ∼tH, with Hurst exponent H in the range 0.22-0.95, however (2) orbital evolution dominated by intermittent resonance sticking, with sudden jumps from one mean motion resonance to another, has poorly defined H. We further find that these two types of behavior are correlated with Centaur dynamical lifetime: most Centaurs whose dynamical lifetime is less than 22 Myr exhibit generalized diffusion, whereas most Centaurs of longer dynamical lifetimes exhibit intermittent resonance sticking. We also find that Centaurs in the diffusing class are likely to evolve into Jupiter-family comets during their dynamical lifetimes, while those in the resonance-hopping class do not.  相似文献   

A review is given of modern numerical methods for the analysis of resonant and chaotic dynamics: calculation of the Lyapunov characteristic exponents, the MEGNO method, and the maximum eccentricity method. These methods are used to construct stability diagrams for the planetary systems γ Cep, HD 196885, and HD 41004. The diagrams are analyzed to determine the most probable values taken by the orbital parameters of the exoplanets and obtain estimates for the Lyapunov time of their orbital dynamics. The stability diagrams constructed using the different methods are compared to analyze their effectiveness in the study of secular dynamics of exoplanetary systems.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of studies of dynamical chaos in the problem of the orbital dynamics of asteroids near the 3 : 1 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter. Maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponents (MLCEs) are used as an indicator and a measure of the chaoticity of motion. MLCE values are determined for trajectories calculated by the numerical integration of equations of motion in the planar elliptical restricted three-body problem. The dependence of the MLCE on the problem parameters and on the initial data is analyzed. The inference is made that the domain of chaos in the phase space of the problem considered consists of two components of different nature. The values of the MLCEs observed for one of the components (namely, for the component corresponding to low-eccentricity asteroidal orbits) are compared to the theoretical estimates obtained within the framework of model of the resonance as a perturbed nonlinear pendulum.  相似文献   

Massimiliano Guzzo 《Icarus》2006,181(2):475-485
The motion of the giant planets from Jupiter to Neptune is chaotic with Lyapunov time of approximately 10 Myr. A recent theory explains the presence of this chaos with three-planet mean-motion resonances, i.e. resonances among the orbital periods of at least three planets. We find that the distribution of these resonances with respect to the semi-major axes of all the planets is compatible with orbital instability. In particular, they overlap in a region of 10−3 AU with respect to the variation of the semi-major axes of Uranus and Neptune. Fictitious planetary systems with initial conditions in this region can undergo systematic variations of semi-major axes. The true Solar System is marginally in this region, and Uranus and Neptune undergo very slow systematic variations of semi-major axes with speed of order 10−4 AU/Gyr.  相似文献   

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