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The fine structure of the quasar 3C 345 in polarized emission at 7 mm and 2 cm has been investigated. The kinematics is shown to correspond to an anticentrifuge: the thermal plasma of the surrounding space accretes onto the disk, flows to the center, and is ejected in the form of a rotating bipolar outflow that carries away the excess angular momentum as it accumulates. The bipolar outflow consists of a high-velocity central jet surrounded by a low-velocity component. The low-velocity flows are the rotating hollow tubes ejected from the peripheral part of the disk with a diameter ~Ø1 = 2.2 pc and from the region Ø2 = 1 pc. The high-velocity jet with a diameter Ø3 = 0.2 pc is ejected from the central part of the disk, while the remnant falls onto the forming central body. The ejection velocity of the high-velocity flow is v ? 0.06c. At a distance up to ~1 pc, the jet accelerates to an apparent velocity v ~ 8c. Further out, uniform motion is observed within ~2 pc following which deceleration occurs. The jet structure corresponding to a conical diverging helix with an increasing pitch is determined by gasdynamic instability. The counterjet structure is a mirror reflection of the nearby part of the jet. The brightness temperature of the fragment of the high-velocity flow at the exit from the counterjet nozzle is T b ≈ (1012?1013) K. The disk inclined at an angle of 60° to the plane of the sky shadows the jet ejector region. Ring currents observed in the tangential directions as parallel chains of components are excited in the rotating flows. The magnetic fields of the rotating bipolar outflow and the disk are aligned and oriented along the rotation axis. The translational motions of the jet and counterjet are parallel and antiparallel to the magnetic field, which determines their acceleration or deceleration. The quasar core is surrounded by a thermal plasma. The sizes of the HII region reach ~30 pc. The electron density decreases with increasing distance from the center from N e ≈ 108 to ≈105 cm?3. The observed emission from the jet fragments at the exit from the nozzle is partially absorbed by the thermal plasma, is refracted with increasing distance—moves with an apparent superluminal velocity, and decelerates as it goes outside the HII region.  相似文献   

We have continued our studies of the fine structure of the active region in the blazar OJ 287 at wavelength λ = 2cm with a resolution of 20 μas, the epochs of 1995–2017. We have identified fragments of two arms along which the surrounding plasma comes to the nozzle. The brightness temperature of the flows rises as the nozzle is approached to Tb ? 1012 K. The high-velocity bipolar outflow surrounded by lowvelocity components carries away an excess angular momentum as it is accumulated. The high collimation and helicity of the flows are determined by rotation and precession, respectively. Ring currents responsible for the longitudinal magnetic fields are excited in the flows. The jet and counterjet are a mirror reflection of each other; the difference in sizes is determined by the acceleration/deceleration of the flows along/opposite to the magnetic field. The velocity of the high-velocity outflow is v ? 0.06 c. The brightness temperature of the nozzle reaches Tb ? 1014 K. The spectral index of the southern and northern nozzles is α ≈ 0.66 and ≈0.4, respectively; the difference is determined by absorption in the bulge. The separation between the nozzles is 12 μas or 0.05 pc. The central region of reduced brightness with a diameter ? ≈ 3.6 pc corresponds to the bulge inclined toward the jet at an angle of 65° to the plane of the sky. The counterjet is ejected toward the observer; the jet is ejected in the opposite direction and is visible outside the bulge from a distance of 1.5 pc. The structure and kinematics of the bulge correspond to a vortex nature. An enhanced supply of matter from the northern arm in the middle of 2000 increased the activity of the low-velocity nozzle. A secondary vortex located at a distance of 0.28 mas (1.3 pc) was formed. The high-velocity flow is ejected in a direction of ?110°.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the active region, the bulge, of the blazar OJ 287 has been investigated with a resolution of 20 μas (0.1 pc) at a wavelength of 7 mm, the epochs of 2007–2017. The structure and kinematics correspond to a vortex nature. The surrounding matter, the plasma, is transferred to the center along two arms from opposite directions. The emerging excess angular momentum is carried away along the rotation axis by bipolar outflows, rotating coaxial tubes, in a direction X ≈ ?120? in the plane of the sky as it is accumulated. The central high-velocity bipolar outflow has a helical shape. The diameters of the low-velocity flows are ø1 ≈ 0.3 and ø2 ≈ 0.65 mas, or 1.4 and 3 pc, respectively. Ring currents whose tangential directions are observed as parallel chains of components are excited in the flow walls. The peak brightness temperature of the nozzle reaches Tb ≈ 1012?1013 K. A “disk” with a diameter ø ≈ 0.5 mas (≈2.2 pc) is observed by the absorption of synchrotron radiation. The disk is inclined to the plane of the sky at an angle of 60? in the jet direction. The fragments are seen from a distance of ~0.2 mas outside the absorption zone. The jet sizes exceed considerably the counterjet ones. An enhanced supply of plasma from the northern arm gives rise to an independent vortex 0.2 mas away from the central one in the NW direction. As in the first case, the helical central bipolar outflow is surrounded by a low-velocity component ø ≈ 0.28 mas in diameter with built-in ring currents. The jet is ejected in the direction X = ?50? in the plane of the sky. The jet orientation changes, X = ?130? at a distance of 1 mas. A high activity of the central and two side nozzles spaced 0.22 mas apart in the direction X = ?40? is occasionally observed simultaneously. The active region of the blazar is observed through an ionized medium, a screen, whose influence is significant even at a wavelength of 7 mm. The absorption and refraction of the transmitted emission in the screen affect the apparent brightness relative to the positions of the fragments.  相似文献   

The superfine structure of the quasar 3C 273 has been investigated at wavelengths λ = 2 and 6 cm with angular resolutions up to φ = 20 μas for epochs 2005–2014. We have identified a nozzle and a bipolar outflow: a jet and a counterjet consisting of coaxial high- and low-velocity components. The separation between the nozzles in the plane of the sky is Δρ = 0.84 ± 0.16 pc; the flow ejection velocity is v ≤ 0.1c. The nozzle brightness temperature reaches T b ≈ 45 × 1012 K, φ = 20 μas, λ = 2 cm. The ejected electrons radiatively cool at a distance up to ≤4 pc. However, the jet afterglow is observed at a 8% level at a distance up to ρ ≈ 16 pc; the acceleration compensates for the radiative losses. The reduction in the emission level of the central flow at large distances determines the jet bifurcation. The counterjet shape is a mirror reflection of the initial part of the jet, suggesting a symmetry and identity of the ejected flows. The counterjet and jet nozzles are in the near and remote parts of the active region, respectively. The emission from the nozzles is absorbed by a factor of 2 and 15, respectively. The absorption decreases with increasing distance and the brightness of the jet fragments rises to its maximum at 0.5 pc from the nozzle. Arclike structures, arm fragments, are observed in the region of the nozzles. The relativistic plasma comes to the nozzles and is ejected. The brightness temperature of the arclike structures reaches 10% of the peak value, which is determined by the a smaller optical depth, the visibility in the transverse direction. The central high-velocity flow is surrounded by low-velocity components, hollow tubes being ejected as an excess angular momentum is accumulated. The remainder of the material flows along the arms toward the disk center until the next accumulation of an excess angular momentum and the process is repeated. The diameter of the outer nozzle is Ø = 25 pc and, further out, decreases exponentially; Ø n ≈ 80 exp(?1.15n) pc. The flow kinematics, collimation, and acceleration have a vortical nature. Ring currents producing magnetic fields, which accelerate and stabilize the processes, are generated in the rotating flows (tubes). The tangential directions of the currents are observed as parallel chains of components.  相似文献   

The superfine structure of the object 3C 454.3 has been investigated at λ = 7 mm in polarized emission. The kinematics of the structure is shown to correspond to a vortex. A spiral structure like an Archimedes spiral has been established in the accretion disk. The orbital velocity of the inflow exceeds considerably the radial velocity. The disk is oriented in the plane of the sky. The bipolar outflow ejection axis is directed toward the observer with a slight inclination to the east. The jet sizes exceed considerably the counterjet sizes. The jet is ejected in a direction opposite to the observer; its apparent separation from the nozzle is determined by the disk shadowing. The counterjet is directed toward the observer; the flow brightness temperature at the exit from the nozzle reaches T b ≈ 1015 K. The jet has a spiral shape with an increasing pitch; the counterjet is a mirror reflection of the initial part of the jet. The incoming thermal plasma is accelerated and heated to relativistic temperatures as it is transferred along a spiral to the center. The orientation of the emission polarization plane changes along the flows due to a change in the ratio of the orbital and radial velocities, a change in the magnetic field orientation.  相似文献   

The fine core-jet structure of the radio galaxy M87 has been investigated in the millimeter-decimeter wave band. A counterjet whose extent is ρ(λ) ≈ 0.036λ pc, where the wavelength λ is expressed in centimeters, has been identified. At a wavelength of 2 cm, the brightness of the jet and counterjet decreases exponentially to the minimally detectable level. However, the decline for the jet slows down from a level of several percent of the peak value. The bipolar jet consists of a highly collimated relativistic plasma flow surrounded by a nonrelativistic low-velocity component. The low-velocity jet flow includes a helical component observable up to a distance of 20 mas or 1.6 pc. The reaction of the flow produces a multimode precession responsible for the helical shape of the relativistic jet with a variable pitch and a curved axis. The helical structures of the jet and counterjet are mirror reflections of each other relative to the ejector. The apparent size of the accretion disk seen edge-on reaches 1.5 mas or 0.12 pc.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1275 was investigated in 2005–2010 at a wavelength of 2 cm with a resolution as high as 50 μas. The structure consists of two parallel identical systems, eastern and western, spaced 0.5 pc apart in the plane of the sky. Each of them contains an ejector and a bipolar outflow. There are extended regions, lobes, at the extension of the bipolar outflows in the ?10° and 170° directions at distances of 5 pc northward and 6.5 pc southward of the active zone. The observed difference between the jet and counterjet sizes by a factor of ~3 and between the distances to the lobes by a factor of 0.8 is determined by the difference between their velocities and by the change of sign of the outflow acceleration in the period of silence. The high-velocity bipolar outflows are surrounded by three pairs of low-velocity components. The diameters of the low-velocity coaxial outflows and the third component are Ø1 ≈ 0.3 pc, Ø2 ≈ 0.8 pc, and Ø3 ≈ 1.4 pc at the detection limit. The outer low-velocity components of the outflows encompass both high-velocity outflows. The velocities of the outflows and their brightness temperatures increase exponentially as the center of the high-velocity outflows is approached. The brightness temperatures of the high-velocity outflows at the ejector exit are T b > 1012 K. The spectral line velocities in the nuclear region differ by ~600 km s?1 due to the velocity difference between the two systems. In the case of Keplerian motion, the revolution period is ~5 × 103 yr, and the mass of the central massive bodies, black holes, is M ≈ 107M. The fine structure suggests a vortical nature of the formation. In the case under consideration, two parallel vortices spaced ~0.5 pc apart and shifted by ~0.5 pc relative to each other were formed. The surrounding material inflows onto the disk of each system, is transferred in a spiral to the center, and is ejected in the ?10° and 170° directions as an excess angular momentum is accumulated. The interaction with the surrounding medium accelerates and collimates the rotating outflows. The residual material falls to the forming central massive body, a black hole, whose gravitational field stabilizes and accelerates the system formation process.  相似文献   

Energetic mass outflows have been detected in molecular line observations towards young stellar objects. In this review we take the Orion-KL as an example to discuss the overall structure of a high-velocity outflow and its environment. The kinematics of the high-velocity molecular emission show clear evidence of a bipolar jet which originates in the vicinity of IRc2, a massive protostar. Towards the ends of the jet, 0.05 pc away from the origin of the flow, the interaction between the high-velocity flow and the ambient molecular gas excites shocks. The protostar is encircled by a disc of dense molecular gas, the inner 0.04 pc of which is expanding while the outer part shows signs of rotation and contraction. A comparison between the dynamical timescales of the disk and the bipolar jet may suggest that the disk itself, or some mechanism of disk formation, is also responsible for the bipolar nature of the high-velocity flow.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.NRO, a branch of the Tokyo Astronomical observatory, is a cosmic-radio observing facility open to outside users.  相似文献   

The high-mass star-forming region IRAS 17333-3606 has been mapped in the 13CO (J = 2–1) and C18O (J = 2–1) lines in the submillimeter wavelength range using the APEX (Chile) radio telescope. The analysis of the low-velocity part of the molecular outflow has been carried out, and the main parameters of the outflow have been determined. We have used a novel approach for calculating parameters of the low-velocity part of bipolar molecular outflows in molecular clouds. The approach excludes the influence of the surrounding cloud on the parameters of the outflow. The mass of the low-velocity part is much greater than that of the high-velocity part of the molecular outflow, while their energies are comparable. The core of the young stellar object is significantly deformed by the impact of the bipolar outflow.  相似文献   

The structure of the AGN object 1803+784 has been investigated at a wavelength of 7 mm with a limiting angular resolution reaching 20 μas. The ejector nozzle surrounded by a ring structure, an accretion disk, has been identified. The nozzle size is ∼0.1 pc, the diameter of the ring structure is ∼1.4 pc, and its width is ∼0.25 pc. The reaction of the plasma flow produces a multimode precession responsible for the conical helical structure of the jet with a variable step and a curved axis. The viewing angle of the flow ejection is ∼40°. The central part of the ejected flow moving along the axis accelerates to a relativistic velocity. The apparent velocity reaches 12 s at a distance of ∼1 mas or ∼6 pc from the ejector. The outer part of the flow moves along a helix around a high-velocity component whose step is a factor of 4 smaller, because the longitudinal velocity is relatively low. The plasma is ejected almost toward the observer, as confirmed by its high brightness temperature T b ≈ 8 × 1013 K and highly beamed emission. The polarized emission from the nozzle is axisymmetric. The orientation of the polarization of the flow along the whole length is aligned with the direction of its motion, suggesting the excitation of a ring magnetic field around it and self-focusing.  相似文献   

During the period 1979–1999, we investigated the hyperfine structure of the H2O supermaser region located in the core of the molecular cloud OMC-1 in Orion KL. The angular resolution is 0.1 mas, which corresponds to 0.045 AU. The detected structure, which consists of a central object, an accretion disk, a bipolar outflow, and an envelope, corresponds to the initial formation stage of a low-mass star. The accretion disk is at the stage of separation into groups of concentric rings. The bipolar outflow is a neutral, highly collimated jet of accreted material that includes H2O molecules and dust grains in the icy envelope. The injector is a bright compact source with a size <0.05 AU and a brightness temperature Tb≈1017 K. The velocity of the bipolar outflow is v≈10 km s?1. The rotation velocity of the jet is vrot≈1.5 km s?1. The jet has the shape of a conical helix due to the precession of the rotation axis. Occasionally, dense blobs (comet-shaped bullets) are ejected. The envelope amplifies the radio emission from the structures in a ~0.5 km s?1 maser window band with velocities v≈7.65 km s?1 by more than two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

The extra fine structure of the active region of H2O supermaser emission of Orion KL (angular resolution is 0.1 mas) is studied. A central body / accretion disk / bipolar outflow / bullets / envelope is discovered, that corresponds to the earliest stage of the small-mass star formation. The ejector – a compact bright source ≤0.05 AU, Tb ≈ 1017K. The bipolar outflow, vej ≈ 10km/s is a highly-collimated stream with a ration length/diameter~ 60, rotation period is ~ 0.5 yr, precession period ~ 10 yrs, precession angle ~ 33°. Precession forms a conical helix jet. The envelope amplified radio emission by about three orders of magnitude at velocity at v=7.65 km/s.  相似文献   

This conclusive paper summarizes the results of our studies of the fine and superfine structure of the blazar OJ 287 at wavelengths of 7 mm and 2 cm in polarized emission with angular resolution is 20 μas. The orientation of the polarization of its fragments is almost orthogonal to the motion of the flows, suggesting that the magnetic field of the structures is oriented along the direction of the flow velocity. This is determined by the rotation of the flows—the excitation of ring currents and the generation of a solenoidal magnetic field, which applies both to the arms along which the surrounding matter is transferred to the center, the northern (m = 16%) and southern (m = 5%) ones, and to the ejected flows carrying away an excess angular momentum. The polarization level of the jet and counterjet flows reachesm = 15–20%and rises as one recedes fromthe nozzle due to a decrease in the optical depth of the fragments. The polarization level of the counterjet at the nozzle exit reaches 10%, while that of the jet is considerably lower. This is related to the location of the jet nozzle in the opposite direction relative to the observer, the influence of the screen. The special position refers to the nozzles. The polarization level is m - 2%. In the case of outbursts, the polarization increases with brightness, λ = 7 mm. At λ = 2 cm there is an inverse dependence. The spectral index of outbursts lies within the range α = 0–0.8.  相似文献   

The position angle of mid-infrared polarisation can be directly related to the magnetic field direction projected onto the plane of the sky. Such observations, from both ground and space-based platforms, have been used to investigate the relation between the magnetic field and other “symmetry axes” associated with embedded young stars, such as the interstellar magnetic field, bipolar outflow and disk/toroid axes. Interpretation of the results in terms of hydromagnetic driving mechanisms of bipolar outflow is discussed.  相似文献   

The kinematics of the superfine structure of the active star-forming region in the dense molecular cloud Orion-KL has been investigated in the Н2О maser emission for the period 1998–2003. It has been established that the surrounding gas inflows onto the disk and is transferred in a spiral trajectory to the center. An excess angular momentum as it is accumulated is carried away by a bipolar outflow; a highvelocity central flow surrounded by low-velocity components is formed. The outer low-velocity component observed at the detection limit has a diameter Ø3 ≈ 4.5 AU, further out, Ø2 ≈ 0.5 AU and Ø1 ≈ 0.24 AU. The gas transfer velocity increases exponentially as the center is approached. The maser emission from the central flow is decisive. A rise in the velocity leads to a flow discontinuity and a reduction in the amount of inflowingmaterial and, accordingly, the emission level. The emission in the period under consideration was reduced exponentially for ~6 months, whereupon its restoration began.  相似文献   

The evolution of a stellar, initially dipole type magnetosphere interacting with an accretion disk is investigated using numerical ideal MHD simulations. The simulations follow several 1000 Keplerian periods of the inner disk (for animated movies see http://www.aip.de~cfendt).Our model prescribes a Keplerian disk around a rotating star as a fixed boundary condition. The initial magnetic field distribution remains frozen into the star and the disk. The mass flow rate into the corona is fixed for both components. The initial dipole type magnetic field develops into a spherically radial outflow pattern with two main components – a disk wind and a stellar wind – both evolving into a quasi-stationary final state. A neutral field line divides both components, along which small plasmoids are ejected in irregular time intervals. The half opening angle of the stellar wind cone varies from 30° to55° depending on the ratio of the mass flow rates of disk wind and stellar wind. The maximum speed of the outflow is about the Keplerian speed at the inner disk radius. An axial jet forms during the first decades of rotations. However, this feature does not survive on the very long time scale and a pressure driven low velocity flow along the axis evolves. Within a cone of 15° along the axis the formation of knots may be observed if the stellar wind is weak. With the chosen mass flow rates and field strength we see almost no indication for a flow self-collimation. This is due to the weak net poloidal electric current in the magnetosphere which is in difference to typical jet models.  相似文献   

We discuss the star-disk electric circuit for a young stellar object (YSO) and calculate the expected torques on the star and the disk. We obtain the same disk magnetic field and star-disk torques as given by standard magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) analysis. We show how a short circuit in the star-disk electric circuit may produce a magnetically-driven jet flow from the inner edge of a disk surrounding a young star. An unsteady bipolar jet flow is produced that flows perpendicular to the disk plane. Jet speeds of order hundreds of kilometers per second are possible, while the outflow mass loss rate is proportional to the mass accretion rate and is a function of the disk inner radius relative to the disk co-rotation radius.  相似文献   

We analyze the superfine structure of the supermaser H2O emission region in Orion KL over the period 1979–1999. The angular resolution reached 0.1 mas, which corresponds to 0.045 AU at a distance to Orion KL of 450 pc. We determined the velocity of the local standard of rest, VLSR = 7.65 km s?1. The formation of a protostar is accompanied by a structure that consists of an accretion disk, a bipolar outflow, and a surrounding envelope. The disk is at the stage of separation into protoplanetary rings. The disk plane is warped like the brim of a hat. The disk is 27 AU in diameter and ~0.3 AU in thickness. The rings contain ice granules. Radiation and stellar wind sublimate and blow away the water molecules to form halos around the rings, maser rings. The radiation from the rings is concentrated in the azimuthal plane, and its directivity reaches 10?3. The relative velocities of the rings located in the central part of the disk 15 AU in diameter correspond to rigid-body rotation, Vrot = ΩR. The rotation period is T ≈ 170 yr. The injector is surrounded by a toroidal structure 1.2 AU in diameter. The diameter of the injected flow does not exceed 0.05 AU. A highly collimated bipolar outflow with a diameter of ~0.1 AU is observed at a distance as large as 3 AU. Precession of the injector axis with a period of ~10 yr forms a spiral flow structure. The flow velocity is ~10 km s?1. The kinetic energy of the accreting matter and the disk is assumed to be transferred to the bipolar outflow, causing the rotation velocity distribution of the rings to deviate from the Keplerian velocity. The surrounding envelope amplifies the emission from the structure at a velocity of 7.65 km s?1 in a band of ~0.5 km s?1 by more than two orders of magnitude, which determines the supermaser emission.  相似文献   

We investigate the launching of outflows from the disc–magnetosphere boundary of slowly and rapidly rotating magnetized stars using axisymmetric and exploratory 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We find long-lasting outflows in the following cases. (1) In the case of slowly rotating stars , a new type of outflow, a conical wind , is found and studied in simulations. The conical winds appear in cases where the magnetic flux of the star is bunched up by the disc into an X-type configuration. The winds have the shape of a thin conical shell with a half-opening angle  θ∼ 30°–40°  . About 10–30 per cent of the disc matter flows from the inner disc into the conical winds. The conical winds may be responsible for episodic as well as long-lasting outflows in different types of stars. There is also a low-density, higher velocity component (a jet) in the region inside the conical wind. (2) In the case of rapidly rotating stars (the 'propeller regime'), a two-component outflow is observed. One component is similar to the conical winds. A significant fraction of the disc matter may be ejected into the winds. The second component is a high-velocity, low-density magnetically dominated axial jet where matter flows along the opened polar field lines of the star. The jet has a mass flux of about 10 per cent of that of the conical wind, but its energy flux (dominantly magnetic) can be larger than the energy flux of the conical wind. The jet's angular momentum flux (also dominantly magnetic) causes the star to spin down rapidly. Propeller-driven outflows may be responsible for the jets in protostars and for their rapid spin-down. The jet is collimated by the magnetic force while the conical winds are only weakly collimated in the simulation region. Exploratory 3D simulations show that conical winds are axisymmetric about the rotational axis (of the star and the disc), even when the dipole field of the star is significantly misaligned.  相似文献   

Circumstellar structure of RU Lupi down to au scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used the technique of spectro-astrometry to study the milliarcsecond scale structure of the emission lines in the T Tauri star RU Lupi. The wings of the H α emission are found to be displaced from the star towards the south-west (blue wing) and north-east (red wing) with angular scales of 20–30 mas. This structure is consistent with a bipolar outflow from the star. From a study of the variability of the intensity and position spectra, we argue that a combination of magnetically driven bipolar outflow and accreting gas contributes to the H α emission. On the other hand, the [O  i ] and [S  ii ] emission are displaced from the star to the south-west but at much larger distances than the H α , hundreds of milliarcseconds for the high-velocity component (HVC) and down to 30 mas for the low-velocity components (LVCs). The presence of both redshifted and blueshifted outflows in H α but only a blueshifted outflow in the forbidden lines can be explained if the disc obscures the redshifted forbidden line outflow, but a disc gap with outer radius 3–4 au allows the redshifted H α to be seen. This gap could be induced by an unseen companion.  相似文献   

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