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张年明  郑健志 《台湾海峡》2005,24(4):426-432
中国台湾地区地处欧亚板块与菲律宾海板块之间,地震活动频繁.本文报道了 我国台湾地区及其邻近海域1985~2002年间5.5级以上地震的条带内外频度比分 布,并着重研究了1999—2002年中发生的3次7.5级以上地震前的条带现象.其结 果表明:台湾地区近期发生的3次7.5级以上大地震前,5.5级以上地震呈条带分 布.这些条带符合条带内地震个数Nin≥6的条件,符合条带内、外频度比Nin/(Nin Nout)≥75%的条件,也符合条带长宽比大于5的要求,只是与板内地震条带相比,条 带的长度较短.  相似文献   

李荣峰 《台湾海峡》1999,18(2):147-153
本文根据广义分维方法,分析计算了1972年以来福及其周边地区ML≥5.0级地震,台湾地区Ms≥7.0级地震前后小震活动广义时间分维和广义空间分维的变化特征。结果表明,闽台两地中强震前普遍存在着Dt,Ds的低值异常,福建地区中强震前2a左右完成降维过程,而台湾地区则有强震前1a左右结束异常。  相似文献   

黄菲  李岩  钱峻屏 《台湾海峡》2004,23(3):369-375
本文采用1999~2002年福州民航站白天逐时气象能见度的观测资料,利用统计和小波分析等方法,对该站气象能见度的日变化、季节变化以及季节内的变化等气候特征进行了分析.结果表明,其能见度日变化呈白天的早、晚时段较低,午后达到最高.能见度的季节变化呈冬、春季的较低,夏、秋季的较高,且存在着“6月份突变”的特性.其季节内变化主要以准两周(10~20d)振荡和30~60d准周期的振荡为主,且季节内振荡可能与东亚季风的季节内振荡密切相关。  相似文献   

Nutrient Fluxes through the Taiwan Strait in Spring and Summer 1999   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Transports of water and nutrients (N and P) through the Taiwan Strait were calculated using chemical hydrography and currents observed in May and August 1999. The surveys were conducted along a transect across the strait in the middle section. The velocity fields were determined by phase-averaging currents measured using shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) on two repeats, which were separated by 1.5 cycles of the dominant M2 tide. Nutrient distributions were also derived from phase-averaged data. The volume transports determined from the two surveys were similar (2.0 Sv and 2.2 Sv, respectively). By contrast, the nutrient fluxes obtained in August (1.82 kmol N/s and 0.34 kmol P/s) were significantly higher than those in May (0.96 kmol N/s and 0.16 kmol P/s), apparently due to coastal upwelling under southwest monsoon in summer. The rather low N/P ratios (6.0 and 5.4 by atoms) of the nutrient fluxes were attributed to the widespread N-deficiency in the upper water column of the North Pacific. The nutrient fluxes were fed mainly through a meridional deep channel off southwest Taiwan. The nutrient contributions from the Taiwan Strait to the East China Sea in spring and summer are comparable to the total riverine contributions from the Changjiang (also know as the Yangtze River) and other smaller rivers for nitrogen, but 8–17 times larger than the latter for phosphate. Therefore, the Taiwan Strait inflow may serve as an important supplement for the P-limiting condition in the huge coastal plume in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

1999年白令海夏季水文特征分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用1999年7~9月中国首次北极科学考察队北极科学考察,在白令海获得的42个站次的CTD资料,分析了白令海中北部的温度、盐度垂直分布特征,讨论了白令海的夏季表层水和冬季残留水的分布和结构,以及陆架坡折处温盐锋及白令海的水因特征.与多年平均资料相比,1999年7月夏季白令海冷中间层的温度,比多年平均温度低1℃以上,盐度低0.2左右.  相似文献   

高华根 《台湾海峡》1994,13(2):198-203
本文用模糊时间分维方法探讨了台湾地区地震活动的时间分布规律。结果发现,“大地震”活动的时间序列与分维持征间有良好对应关系。台湾东,西地震带自本纪纪以来划分的4个“大地震”活动高潮时段前,都有一段时显维过程。可以认为,分维特征较好地反映了台湾地区的中长期地震活动趋势。  相似文献   

台湾及其邻海的重力特征与构造、地震的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张赤军  方剑 《台湾海峡》2001,20(1):101-109
分析认为,在台湾及其邻海的重力场中,具有短波长特征的空间重力异常受地形与海深所制约.玉山的200×10  相似文献   

台湾海峡晚更新世以来的高分辨率地震地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于4 530 km高分辨率单道地震数据和钻孔资料,采用高分辨率地震地层学的方法,对台湾海峡晚更新世以来的地层进行了划分,自上而下共识别出R0、R1、R2、R3、R4等5个主要反射界面,分别对应海底、3 ka BP前后高海平面、最大海泛面、海侵面和 Ⅰ 型层序界面,并以此划分出4个地层单元:晚全新世浅海-滨海沉积A,中全新世浅海沉积B,早全新世海侵沉积C,晚更新世陆相河流沉积D。在海平面变化的作用下,海峡地区先后发育低水位沉积D(低位体系域),海侵沉积C (海侵体系域)、高水位沉积B和A(高位体系域)。研究了台湾海峡的典型地震相,提出了关于台中浅滩(云彰隆起)处的楔状沉积体的新观点,认为该楔状体为全新世中期以来形成的三角洲沉积受波浪和潮流作用改造而形成的潮流沙脊,其物质主要来源于台湾。识别出了晚更新世和早全新世古河道沉积,海平面变化和地势高低是其形成时间差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

The distributional features of sea surface temperature and salinity(SST and SSS) in the Taiwan Straits have been analyzed using the SST and SSS underway measurements in August,1999.The characteristics of SST and SSS are summarized as foloows:There are several upwellings and diluted water in the Taiwan Straits.The upwellings are divided into two kinds:those along the western coast of the Taiwan Straits and those around the Taiwan Shoal.There are three sources of diluted water:diluted water of the Jiulongjiang River,diluted water of the Zhujiang River and diluted water of the Minjiang River.  相似文献   

台湾海峡1999年8月表层温盐的走航式观测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1999年8月台湾海峡的调查资料中走航式温盐仪的资料,对该海区的表层温盐分布进行分析。分析结果表明:调查期间在该海区存在多处上升流和冲淡水。台湾海峡调查海区的上升流区大致可分为两类:(1)海峡西部沿岸上升流区:平潭上升流区、东山上升流区和南澳上升流区;92)台湾浅滩附近的上升流区。冲淡水主要有九龙江冲淡水、珠江冲淡水和闽江冲淡水,此外还有粤东沿岸水。  相似文献   

The hydrochemical features of Ob Inlet in the open-water time were characterized using the data of the surveys during two seasons of different water content. The inlet was subdivided into the “riverine,” “marine,” and intermediate areas being different in the factors determining their hydrochemical regime. The processes occurring in each of the distinguished areas were considered in detail. Special attention was paid to the hydrochemical features in the mixing area of the fresh and saline waters (the frontal zone) within the periods of the maximum and minimum biological activity in the aquatic area of Ob Inlet.  相似文献   

本文利用2006 ~ 2007年“中国近海海洋综合调查与评价”项目在台湾海峡西侧获取的大面水温、盐度走航资料,结合座底式海床基系统获取的海流剖面以及近海底水温观测结果,系统地阐述了台湾海峡西侧水动力环境在春、夏和晚秋初冬3个季节的变化特征.研究结果表明:春季台湾海峡西侧海水垂向混合比较均一,等温线和等盐线分布大致与岸线平行,盐度和水温呈现从北往南逐渐升高、自近岸向远岸递增的特点.福建沿岸海流具有明显的正压海流特征,且为逆风的东北向海流,其最大流速(约0.25 m/s)出现在泉州外海;与此相对应,浙闽沿岸水仅局限于泉州以北近岸海域的中上水层,其盐度小于32.4.夏季台湾海峡西侧局部海域呈现典型的上升流特征,汕头、东山和南日岛外海近海底存在着明显的低温(<25℃)高盐水(>33.8)涌升中心.福建沿岸海流流向与盛行的西南季风一致,除汕头外海10 m层流速(0.19 m/s)比25 m层流速(约0.15 m/s)略大,其他海域仍具有正压流特点,最大流速(约0.40 m/s)出现在平潭外海附近.晚秋初冬台湾海峡西侧海域盐度和水温的空间分布比较接近,整体呈近岸低外海高,并随纬度降低而增加.调查期间浙闽沿岸水在2007年12月26日左右开始出现在平潭岛外海附近,随后从2008年1月15日左右整个台湾海峡西侧被南下的浙闽沿岸冷水(<17℃)控制;厦门以南近海余流流速明显小于厦门以北海域,并存在着显著的垂向流剪切.  相似文献   

ThebasicfeaturesofzooplanktoninthewesternwatersofTaiwanStraitINTRODUCTIONTheessayusesthedatafromacomprehensivesurveycarriedou...  相似文献   

海洋锋是重要的海洋现象,具有重要的研究意义.尽管台湾以东与黑潮之间表层无明显的锋区,但在水下却常年存在较强的海洋锋,这一现象的研究至今尚少见,本研究采用再分析手段,系统分析了温度锋时空变化规律及其形成变化机制.  相似文献   

詹国能 《台湾海峡》1996,15(4):352-356
本文应用任意3a中850hPa上的风及500hPa和地面气象资料,对台湾海峡地区出现低空急流的天气气候特征,形成急流的天气背景及其影响下的天气进行初步分析。结果表明,台湾海峡地区850hPa低空急流具有明显的季风特征和特定的地理影响。  相似文献   

This study examined the statistical features of eddies approaching the Kuroshio east of Taiwan Island and Luzon Island. In total, 315 eddies (138 anticyclonic and 177 cyclonic eddies) were detected from 19.5 years of satellite altimeter sea-level data, with more than 95% of these eddies being generated in the ocean west of the Mariana Islands. Eddy trajectory statistics indicated that eddies frequently intrude into the Kuroshio regime at two latitude bands, namely 18°N–19°N and 22°N–23°N, with periods of 146 ± 62 and 165 ± 46 days, respectively. The interaction time is longer within the two active bands (33 ± 10 days at 18°N–19°N and 45 ± 17 days at 22°N–23°N) than at other latitudes. These two eddy-intrusion bands are associated with the northern and southern Subtropical Countercurrents (STCCs). These STCCs have a vertically reversed sign of the meridional potential vorticity gradient, thus providing a key energy source for eddy generation. In addition, when westward-propagating eddies approach the Ryukyu Islands, the southwestward recirculation flow east of the island chain as well as topographic effects cause some eddies to head southwestward to the east of Taiwan and intrude into the Kuroshio at 22°N–23°N, rather than to dissipate directly. Therefore, we suggest that the STCCs play a key role in inducing the eddies to frequently intrude into the Kuroshio at 18°N–19°N and 22°N–23°N. In addition, the Ryukyu Islands are responsible for concentrating the eddies within 22°N–23°N.  相似文献   

本文通过1994年9月16日台湾海峡7.3级地震,利用三种台站常用的分析方法分别分析厦门台东西、南北两分量1990年1月1日至1996年12月31日的地倾斜资料以及1999年8月5日惠安4.8级地夺和1999年9月21日台湾南投7.6级地震的前兆异常,对造成两分量映震能力差异的原因进行了初步探讨。结果表明:从均值图上判别,东西向对近震的映震能力较强,而对远震的映震能力较弱。经过资料处理后的两分量对近震的反映和乎相同,相比之下,东西分量略占优势。  相似文献   

为调查长乐—南澳断裂带和滨海断裂带的展布、形态和深部构造背景, 福建省地震局使用大容量气枪震源和海底地震仪将深地震探测拓展到台湾海峡西南部, 配合陆上的水库气枪震源、吨级爆破点和流动地震仪实现了海陆双向激发接收。文章详细介绍了2013—2015年间在台湾海峡西南部采集的6条二维广角地震剖面的观测系统、采集参数和数据预处理方法。对资料的整理分析表明: 震源激发参数和仪器接收点位选择合理, 大部分共接收点道集记录能清晰地识别出Pg、PmP、Pn、Sg、SmS等震相; 通过气枪固定点多次激发进行叠加的方法, 获得了信噪比相当于吨级爆破的共炮点道集记录。陆上台站数据品质较佳, 而海底地震仪数据信噪比较低, 可能是由于海底吸收衰减较为严重。数据处理中针对台湾海峡西南部沉积层速度较低且基底面起伏剧烈的问题, 将共接收点域拾取的走时分选到炮域, 避免了表层改正残差造成深部构造假象的问题。  相似文献   

利用1997-1999年间8月份台湾海峡的实测资料,分析了海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型、水平分布特征。结果表明,台湾海峡海水光学衰减系数的垂直分布类型主要分为5种,大部分随深度而递增;光学衰减系数等值线基本与岸线平行,水平梯度自北向南、自近岸向外海递减,近岸等值线密集,而外海稀疏;影响台湾海峡光学衰减系数的主要因素是县浮物质(主要含浮游生物)和海流运动。  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved oxygen in the western Taiwan Strait was discussed by using the method of harmonic analysis. The periodic variation of dissolved oxygen in seawatcr can be expressed by the Fourier series:whereto is annual average value; Am andφm are amplitude and phase of constituent, respectively. The distribution of A0 and the annual and semiannual constants (Am, φm) of dissolved oxygen in the surface, bottom and vertical section of the western Taiwan Strait were described. The effect of the various currents on the distribution of dissolved oxygen was also discussed.  相似文献   

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