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春、夏季长江口邻近水域浮游动物优势种的生态特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
依据2000~2003年长江口邻近海域5月和8月8个航次的调查资料,对长江口浮游动物优势种的生态特征进行了研究。根据优势种出现的年份,平均丰度、优势度、聚集强度和对总丰度变化的回归贡献,确定本区优势种的重要性为真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)〉中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)〉背针胸刺水蚤(Centropage dorsispinatus)。太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica),火腿许水蚤(Schmackeria poplesia)和虫肢歪水蚤(Tortanus vermiculus)为次要优势种。马蹄娩螺(Limacina trochiformis)是偶然出现的优势种。中华哲水蚤在春季对总丰度贡献最大。真刺唇角水蚤是8个航次唯一的优势种,种群年间变化不显著。太平洋纺锤水蚤,火腿许水蚤和虫肢歪水蚤分布范围相对狭小,火腿许水蚤和虫肢歪水蚤分布在沿岸偏淡水的水体,适合较低的温度。太平洋纺锤水蚤分布在近岸偏成水的水体,适合较高的温度。  相似文献   

长江口浮游动物生态分布特征及其与环境的关系   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
采用2002年8月监测资料,对长江口海域的浮游动物生态分布特征(种类组成、群落结构及多样性等)分四个区域进行了分析,并探讨了浮游动物个体数、生物量分布与环境因子的关系。结果表明,调查海域共鉴定出浮游动物74种,桡足类28种,水母类7种,毛颚类6种,另外还鉴定出多种浮游虾类和浮游幼体。长江口外海区浮游动物种类最多,为55种,长江口混合区其次,为42种,长江口南支和南汇嘴附近海域种类较少,分别为11种和13种。长江口南支和南汇嘴附近海域优势种类为火腿许水蚤(Schmackeria poplesia)和虫肢歪水蚤(Tortanus vermiculus),长江口混合区为背针胸刺水蚤(Centropages dorsispinatus)、真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta),而中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)和肥胖箭虫(Sagitta enflata)为长江口外海区的优势种类。浮游动物个体数大小为:长江口南支<长江口混合区<长江口外海区<南汇嘴;而生物量高低依次为:长江口外海区>长江口混合区>南汇嘴>长江口南支。长江口外浮游动物种类丰富,多样性指数较高,均匀度较好。经相关分析结果表明,浮游动物个体数与生物量存在明显的正相关,个体数与Hg呈正相关,与化学需氧量呈负相关;生物量与盐度、酸碱度、叶绿素a呈正相关,与溶解氧、化学需氧量、活性磷酸盐、无机氮表现为负相关。  相似文献   

The Naf River estuary is one of the most productive ecological ecosystems in Bangladesh providing an important feeding area for fishes and other aquatic animals.However,detailed information on macrobenthic communities is rarely available in this area.Our study focused on the seasonal and spatial variability of macrobenthic community structure with their biomass and functional guilds.In total,fortyseven taxa were identified under nine major groups and seven functional feeding guilds.Among macrobenthic taxa,Polychaeta was dominant in both seasons and all over the estuary contributing 60%of total benthos.The mean abundance of macrobenthos was higher during the pre-monsoon(2 972±1 994 inds./m^2)than the monsoon(1 572±361 inds./m^2)being maximum at mid-estuary region and minimum at upper and lower estuary regions.Of the diversity indices,density(P=0.01,P=0.003),the number of taxa(P=0.000 3,P=0.000 9)and Margalef′s Index(P=0.000 4,P=0.001)of macrobenthos were significantly different among stations and seasons.Shannon-Weiner index(P=0.009,P=0.12)and Pielou’s evenness index(P=0.03,P=0.14)had significant differences among stations but not among seasons.Cluster analysis suggested that distribution of macrofauna is strongly influenced by seasonality.Among the feeding types,carnivorous were found to be dominant at the upper and mid-estuarine regions,and herbivorous were at lower estuarine regions.Carnivorous species were dominant in both seasons.Omnivores have shown to be the most abundant feeding type in terms of biomass though herbivores were highest during monsoon.  相似文献   

2007—2008年春夏季长江口水域浮游动物生态分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2007年到2008年5月和8月长江口水域共4个航次的监测资料,对长江口水域浮游动物的生物量、优势种、种类数和多样性指数的平面分布及其与环境的关系进行了分析。结果表明,调查水域浮游动物生物量值8月份大于5月份生物量,分布格局呈近岸向外海递增趋势。5月出现的优势种虫肢歪水蚤(Tortanus vermiculus)和真刺唇角水蚤(Labidoceraeuchaeta)分布于河口水域以及咸淡交错水域。8月的背针胸刺水蚤(Centropages dorsispinatus)和太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartiapacifica)分布于河口水域和咸淡交错水域,肥胖箭虫多分布于口外近海水域。中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)在4次采样均出现,是口外近海水域的主要优势种。调查水域浮游动物种类数和多样性指数分布格局呈近岸向外海递增趋势。盐度、温度及主要优势种中华哲水蚤是影响长江口浮游动物分布的重要因子。  相似文献   

Cadmium and copper in the dissolved and particulate phase and in zooplankton were determined in the Bahía Blanca estuary during six surveys from March to December 2005. Temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate matter, particulate organic matter and chlorophyll-a were also considered. Dissolved Cd was below the detection limit (0.2 μg L−1) for almost the entire study period whereas Cu concentrations (0.5–2.4 μg L−1) indicated a continuous dissolved Cu input. Particulate Cd concentrations ranged from below the detection limit (<0.01) to 28.6 μg g−1 d.w. while particulate Cu ranged from below the detection limit (<0.04) to 53.5 μg g−1 d.w. Cd in mesozooplankton ranged from below the detection limit (<0.01) to 37.4 μg g−1 d.w. Some of the Cd levels were higher than those reported for other aquatic ecosystems. Cu in the mesozooplankton ranged from 1.3 to 89.3 μg g−1 d.w., values which were within the reported values or higher than other studies. The log of the partition coefficients (log (Kd)) of Cd was 0.04, while log (Kd) for Cu ranged from −0.39 to 2.79. These values were lower than both those calculated for other estuaries and the typical coefficients for marine environments. The log of the bioconcentration factor (log BCF) of Cd was 1.78, indicating that Cd concentration was higher in the zooplankton than in the dissolved phase. Log BCF of Cu ranged from 1.15 to 3. The logs of the biomagnification factors (log BMF) of Cd were low, with a range between −3.45 and 2.21 and those for Cu ranged from −0.1 to 3.35. Positive values indicate biomagnification while negative values indicate biodiminution. In general, no significant dissolved Cd concentration appeared to be present in the Bahía Blanca estuary and Cu values did not indicate a critical environmental status. The particulate phase seemed to be the major carrier for Cd and Cu and TPCu values were within the normal values for an anthropogenically stressed estuary but not for a strongly polluted system. This fraction was the most important metal source for the mesozooplankton. Moreover, the highest metal concentrations were in the mesozooplankton since most of the bioconcentration and biomagnification factors were positive, especially for Cu.  相似文献   

Zooplankton are important grazers of primary production within intertidal marshes and are the optimal prey of higher trophic consumers; however, the patterns of their spatial distribution in marsh creeks are rarely reported. The zooplankton in the intertidal creeks with different salinities at Dongtan marshes of the Yangtze River Estuary was surveyed. The mean zooplankton densities in the intertidal creeks were 53,638 ind. m−3 in April and 132,916 ind. m−3 in July, respectively, which were as high as in the near-shore subtidal waters of the Yangtze River Estuary. This high abundance implied the important roles of zooplankton in the matter flux between marshes and near-shore waters through complex intertidal creek systems. Zooplankton total densities changed significantly from northern to southern creeks. ANOSIM and CCA analyses revealed that the zooplankton community structure were significantly different among the northern, eastern and southern creeks, and between two sampling seasons. Salinity accounted for most of the spatial variation of zooplankton community, whereas water temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, and pH were the main reasons of the temporal variation observed. Copepods were the most abundant zooplankton group. A total of 24 copepod species, belonging to 15 families and 20 genera, were recorded. Planktonic copepods preferred the northern and eastern creeks, with higher densities in July than in April, while benthic copepods predominated only in the northern creeks in April. Since the role of benthic and planktonic copepods may differ in transporting nutrients in the intertidal creeks, it is suggested that the variations in their distribution may influence the ecological functions of zooplankton in the estuarine matter fluxes both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

南黄海浮游动物主要种类数量分布年间比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈峻峰  左涛  王秀霞 《海洋学报》2013,35(6):195-203
分析对比1959年、1982年、1998-2000年以及2007-2010年4个不同时期南黄海中部(34.25°~37.45°N,122.00°~124.00°E)浮游动物主要优势种中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、太平洋磷虾(Euphausia pacifica)和强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)数量时空变化及其与温度、盐度和太平洋年代际震荡指数(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)变动的关系。结果显示,温度可能对中华哲水蚤和太平洋磷虾数量分布影响较大;强壮箭虫则受盐度影响较大。PDO暖位相时期中华哲水蚤和太平洋磷虾数量显著低于冷位相时期,强壮箭虫则相反。中华哲水蚤和太平洋磷虾丰度与提前3个月PDO值呈显著正相关,强壮箭虫丰度仅与当月PDO值呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

The distribution of structural and functional characteristics of virioplankton in the north of the Ob River estuary and the adjacent Kara Sea shelf (between latitudes 71°44′44″ N and 73°45′24″ N) was studied with consideration of the spatial variations in the number (N B) and productivity (P B) of bacteria and water properties (temperature, salinity, density) by analyzing samples taken in September 2013. The number of plankton viruses (N V), the occurrence of visible infected bacteria cells, virus-induced mortality of bacteria, and virioplankton production in the studied region varied within (214?2917) × 103 particles/mL, 0.3?5.6% of NB, 2.2?64.4% of P B, and (6?17248) × 103 particles/(mL day), respectively. These parameters were the highest in water layers with a temperature of +7.3–7.5°C, salinity of 3.75?5.41 psu, and conventional density (στ) of 2.846?4.144. The number of bacterioplankton was (614?822) × 103 cells/mL, and the N V/N B ratio was 1.1?4.5. A large amount of virus particles were attached to bacterial cells and suspended matter. The data testify to the considerable role of viruses in controlling the number and production of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the interaction zone of river and sea waters.  相似文献   

This paper aims to reveal spatial variation in the abundance of infaunal bivalves and polychaetes at different spatial scales (station: 200–800 m intervals; plot: 5–20 m), and to reveal environmental variables affecting the spatial distribution of animals in the Natori River estuary, Japan. We found six bivalve species and eight polychaete species from 52 plots at 12 stations. Nuttallia olivacea and Heteromastus sp. were found to be the most abundant species of bivalves and polychaetes, respectively. Assemblage patterns of bivalves and polychaetes were classified into five distinct groups. Substrata (silt-clay contents), salinity, and relative elevation were the variables found to affect the infaunal assemblage patterns. Chlorophyll a was not a significant variable, but benthic animals were absent at sites with extremely low chlorophyll a conditions. Macrobenthic assemblage patterns were different not only between stations but often differed between plots at the same station, reflecting the complex assemblage structure of benthic invertebrates. Detailing such animal–environment relationship is essential in understanding the potential food supply for estuarine fishes.  相似文献   

The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) that develops in the lower salinity areas of macrotidal estuaries has been considered as an important nursery for many fish species. Mysids are one of the dominant organisms in the ETM, serving as a key food source for juvenile fish. To investigate the horizontal distribution and population dynamics of dominant mysids in relation to the fluctuation of physical conditions (temperature, salinity, turbidity, and freshwater discharge), we conducted monthly sampling (hauls of a ring net in the surface water) along the macrotidal Chikugo River estuary in Japan from May 2005 to December 2006. Hyperacanthomysis longirostris was the dominant mysid in the estuary, usually showing peaks of density and biomass in or close to the ETM (salinity 1–10). In addition, intra-specific differences (life-cycle stage, sex, and size) in horizontal distribution were found along the estuary. Larger males and females, particularly gravid females, were distributed upstream from the center of distribution where juveniles were overwhelmingly dominant. Juveniles increased in size toward the sea in marked contrast with males and females. The findings suggest a possible system of population maintenance within the estuary; gravid females release juveniles in the upper estuary, juveniles grow during downstream transport, young males and females mature during the upstream migration. Density and biomass were primarily controlled by seasonal changes of temperature, being high at intermediate temperatures (ca. 15–25 °C in late spring and fall) and being low at the extreme temperatures (ca. 10 °C in midwinter and 30 °C in midsummer). High density (up to 666 ind. m−3) and biomass (up to 168 mg dry weight m−3) of H. longirostris were considered to be comparable with those of copepods in the estuary.  相似文献   

The material was collected in the Ob River estuary and over the adjacent shallow Kara Sea shelf between 71°14′0 and 75°33′0N at the end of September 2007. Latitudinal zoning in the phytoplankton distribution was demonstrated; this zoning was determined by the changes in the salinity and concentration of nutrients. Characteristic of the phytocenosis in the southern desalinated zone composed of freshwater species of diatom and green algae were the high population density (1.5 × 106 cells/l), biomass (210 μgC/l), chlorophyll concentration (4.5 μg/l), and uniform distribution in the water column. High primary production (∼40 μgC/l/day) was recorded in the upper 1.5-m layer. The estuarine frontal zone located to the north contained a halocline at a depth of 3–5 m. Freshwater species with low population density (2.5 × 105 cells/l), biomass (24 μgC/l), and chlorophyll concentration (1.5 μg/l) dominated above the halocline. Marine diatom algae, dinoflagellates, and autotrophic flagellates formed a considerable part of the phytocenosis below the halocline; the community characteristics were twofold lower as compared with the upper layer. The maximal values of the primary production (∼10 μgC/l per day) were recorded in the upper 1.5-m layer. The phytocenosis in the seaward zone was formed by marine alga species and was considerably poorer as compared with the frontal zone. The assimilation numbers at the end of the vegetation season in the overall studied area were low, amounting to 0.4–1.0 μgC/μgChl/h in the upper layer and 0.03–0.1 μgC/μgChl/h under the pycnocline.  相似文献   

This paper examines spatial and temporal variations of mesozooplankton abundance, biomass and community structure during three cruises of July 2002 (summer), January 2003 (winter), and April 2003 (spring) in the Pearl River estuary, China. Zooplankton abundance and biomass fluctuated widely and showed distinct heterogeneity in the Pearl River estuary. A total of 154 species were identified during three surveys. The number of zooplankton species richness was strongly linked to salinity. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified three zooplankton groups during this study. Estuarine, neritic and pelagic groups corresponded to the upper, middle and lower reaches in the Pearl River estuary. The difference among groups could be mainly ascribed to changes in the relative contributions of the dominant species. The fluctuations in the zooplankton abundance, biomass and community structure were determined by the interactive effects of freshwater inflow, tidal and coastal currents, chlorophyll a, salinity and temperature. Significant spatial variability in the distribution of zooplankton species, abundance and biomass can be ascribed to the virtual presence of a horizontal gradient in salinity.  相似文献   

The data for the present study were collected at 20 sampling stations in the Kara Sea along the transect from the Ob estuary to the deep sea St. Anna Trough in September 2007. Based on the hydrophysical features, the distribution of the Chl a, and the primary production, we distinguished six habitats: the river, estuary, inner and outer shelf, continental slope, and trough. The impact of the small-size (<0.5 mm) and large-size (>0.5 mm) fractions of the zooplankton on the phytoplankton’s organic carbon in the different regions of the Kara Sea was estimated. The ingestion rate was assessed using the analysis of the gut fluorescence content and the gut evacuation rate. The zooplankton grazed 1–2% of the phytoplankton biomass in the river and estuary; 3.5% over the shelf; and 6 and 10% in the regions of the trough and slope, respectively. The grazing impact of the small-sized zooplankton increased from the river zone to the deep regions (from 1 to 90%) along with their share in the total zooplankton abundance (from 18 to 95%). From 72 to 86% of the primary production was grazed over the shelf and slope. The primary production did not cover the feeding requirements of the zooplankton in the estuarine regions and St. Anna Trough in the autumn. In the estuarine regions, the major portion of the organic matter settles on the bottom due to the strong inflow of the allochthonous matter and the relatively low zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   

We examined the variation in aboveground biomass accumulation and tissue concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) in Phragmites australis (common reed), Spartina alterniflora (salt cordgrass), and Scirpus mariqueter throughout the growing season (April-October 2005), in order to determine the differences in net element accumulation and distribution between the three salt marsh macrophytes in the Yangtze River estuary, China. The aboveground biomass was significantly greater in the plots of S. alterniflora than in the plots of P. australis and S. mariqueter throughout the growing season (P<0.05). In August, the peak aboveground biomass was 1246+/-89 gDW/m(2), 2759+/-250 gDW/m(2) and 548+/-54 gDW/m(2) for P. australis, S. alterniflora and S. mariqueter, respectively. The concentrations of nutrients and heavy metals in plant tissues showed similar seasonal patterns. There was a steady decline in element concentrations of the aboveground tissues from April to October. Relative element concentrations in aboveground tissues were at a peak during the spring sampling intervals with minimum levels during the fall. But the concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the belowground tissues were relatively constant throughout growing season. Generally, trace metal concentrations in the aboveground tissues of S. mariqueter was the highest throughout the growing season, and the metal concentrations of S. alterniflora tissues (aboveground and belowground) were greater than those of P. australis. Furthermore, the aboveground pools of nutrients and metals were consistently greater for S. alterniflora than for P. australis and S. mariqueter, which suggested that the rapid replacement of native P. australis and S. mariqueter with invasive S. alterniflora would significantly improve the magnitude of nutrient cycling and bioavailability of trace metals in the salt marsh and maybe transport more toxic metals into the water column and the detrital food web in the estuary.  相似文献   

The influence of climate variability on the diversity and distribution patterns of zooplankton communities was investigated in the Mondego estuary (Portugal) during four consecutive years characterized by highly variable precipitation and, consequently, river flow regime. Monthly samples were collected along the estuarine gradient at five sampling stations. Seasonal, inter-annual and spatial distributions were evaluated by multivariate analyses and three diversity indices were applied (Species number, Shannon Diversity and Average Taxonomic Distinctness). A two-year drought period presented significant differences in salinity values, especially in 2005 (extreme drought event). During the study period, copepoda was the main dominant group and Acartia tonsa the most abundant species, with the exception of autumn 2006, where high abundances of the cladoceran Penilia avirostris were noticed. Multivariate analysis indicated that zooplankton communities changed from a pre- to a post-drought period indicating the influence of hydrological parameters in communities' structure. The dry period was associated with an increase in zooplankton density, a reduction in seasonality and higher abundance and prevalence of marine species throughout the year. Seasonally, winter/spring communities were distinct from those in summer/autumn. Spatially, salinity-associated differences between upstream and downstream communities were reduced during the drought years, but during the post-drought year, these differences were detected again.  相似文献   

Intertidal microphytobenthos (MPB) were investigated monthly from August 2006 to March 2008 at four different sites in the sand flats of Nakdong River estuary, Korea. Samples of surface sediment (ca. 1 cm) were collected, and chlorophyll a was extracted as biomass estimation. Species identification and enumeration were carried out by light microscopy, assisted where necessary by scanning electronic microscopy. Biomass varied between 0.47 and 16.58 μg cm−3, abundance changed from 5.25 to 414.75 × 103 cells cm−3, while the Shannon diversity indexes ranged between 0.69 and 2.35 H′. Thirty-nine MPB taxa were identified, primarily composed of epipelic diatoms, among which Amphora and Navicula were the most abundant genera. Based on the biomass, abundance, species composition and their dynamics, MPB assemblages of sampling sites were grouped into three distinct communities corresponding to their sediment composition characteristics. Multivariate correlation analysis revealed that biomass was positively related to mud and very fine sand, negatively related to fine and medium sand, but not significantly related to environmental factors such as pore water nutrients, light intensity and salinity, which fluctuated rapidly during emersion period. Cluster analysis corroborated the division of MPB communities according to site types on seasonal scales, and also showed seasonality between sites by cluster of all summer groups. Principal component analysis identified that variability in species composition was significantly affected by mud, very fine sand, fine sand, light intensity, and sediment temperature. This study suggests that sediment composition plays an important role in the functioning of intertidal MPB communities in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

长江口海域是受人类活动以及自然变动多重压力影响下的典型水域。为研究长江口海域浮游动物群落动态, 作者基于1998~2011年每年5月(春季)和11月(秋季)长江口海域(30°30′~32°00′N、121°00′~123°20′E)浮游动物调查资料, 利用多元统计分析方法, 开展了该水域浮游动物群落结构分析。基于物种组成及相对丰度进行聚类, 春、秋季长江口海域的浮游动物可分为3个群落: A(淡水/半咸水群落、B(过渡群落)、C(外海群落)。群落的地理分布与海域的盐度梯度分布相对应, 其中: 浮游动物群落A与群落B的地理分界一般在盐度等值线14~18, 群落B与群落C的地理分界一般在盐度等值线24~28。淡水种以及半咸水种只在群落A中占优势; 水母类只在群落C中优势度值较高。比较分析1998~2011年各群落的物种多样性的年间变化, 发现秋季群落A的物种多样性呈现显著升高的趋势, 而群落B的物种多样性呈现显著降低的趋势; 春季, 群落B的物种多样性呈现显著升高的趋势, 而群落C则呈现显著降低的趋势。  相似文献   

浙江沿岸海域虾类优势种空间生态位分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
生态位与种间竞争、资源利用密切联系,体现了物种在群落中利用资源的能力。为探明浙江沿岸海域虾类分布格局的形成和影响因素,通过相对重要性指数确定了虾类群落优势种,分别采用Levins公式和Pianka指数计测了虾类优势种生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并通过典范对应分析(CCA)研究生态位分化情况。结果表明:研究海域共出现13种虾类优势种,根据生态位宽度大小将研究海域内的虾类优势种分为3类,细巧仿对虾、细螯虾、鲜明鼓虾和中华管鞭虾属于第一类群,以上4种虾类的空间生态位宽度较宽;日本鼓虾、哈氏仿对虾、鹰爪虾、中国毛虾和葛氏长臂虾属于第二类群,这5种虾类空间生态位略低于第一类群,但其生态位仍相对较宽;戴氏赤虾、脊腹褐虾、东海红虾和大管鞭虾这4种虾类的空间生态位较窄,属第三类群;生态位重叠指数变化范围在0.00~0.78,将重叠指数按照大于0.6、0.3~0.6和小于0.3划分为重叠度较高、重叠度较低和重叠度低3个重叠度等级,结果表明,虾类优势种生态位重叠以较低和低2个等级为主;虾类分布受水深、底层溶解氧和底层盐度的影响较大,受水温影响较小。虾类群落优势种空间生态位与生活习性、种间竞争、摄食以及海洋环境因子等多种因素有关。  相似文献   

刘霜  张继民  冷宇  崔文林 《海洋通报》2013,32(4):383-388
根据2004 年-2010 年5 月和8 月共13 个航次对黄河口附近海域24 个站位的海水化学调查资料,研究了该海域的 无机氮、活性磷酸盐和活性硅酸盐等营养要素的行为及年际变化。结果表明,无机氮中硝酸盐浓度与盐度呈显著负相关;7 年间,无机氮浓度略有下降,磷酸盐和硅酸盐浓度呈波动趋势,2008年以前铵盐浓度上升趋势明显;由于无机氮浓度相对过 高造成该海域属于磷限制潜在性富营养状况。  相似文献   

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