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Piera  Spadea  Massimo  D'Antonio 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):7-25
Abstract The Southern Uralides are a collisional orogen generated in the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous by the collision of the Magnitogorsk island arc (MA) generated in the Early to Middle Devonian by intra‐oceanic convergence opposite to the continental margin, and the continental margin of the East European craton. A suture zone of the arc to the continental margin, the Main Uralian Fault (MUF), is marked by ophiolites and exhumed high‐pressure–low‐temperature metamorphic rocks of continental origin. The pre‐orogenic events of the Southern Urals and their geodynamic setting are traced by means of fluid‐immobile incompatible trace elements (rare earth elements and high field strength elements) and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope geochemistry of the MA suites, in particular the protoarc suite with boninites and probably ankaramites, and the mature arc comprised of island arc tholeiitic (IAT) suites, transitional IAT to calc‐alkaline (CA), and CA suites. The MA volcanics result in genetically distinct magmatic source components. In particular, depleted normal‐mid‐oceanic ridge basalt‐type mantle sources with various enrichments in a slab‐derived aqueous fluid component are evident. The enriched component is not involved in significant amounts, as testified by the rather radiogenic Nd isotopes and unradiogenic Pb isotopes. Further information on the pre‐orogenic events is provided by the Mindyak Massif metagabbros derived from diverse gabbroic protoliths that were affected by oceanic rodingitization, and subsequently by a high‐temperature (HT) metamorphism related to the development of a metamorphic sole. The HT metamorphism has the same age as the protoarc volcanism, and constrains the initiation of subduction at approximately 410 Ma. Consequently, the maximum timespan between initial intra‐oceanic convergence and final collision is approximately 31 my, a duration consistent with that of present‐day ongoing collisions in the western Pacific. The characteristics of early volcanism and the traces of a metamorphic sole provide useful criteria to attribute most MUF ophiolites to the Tethyan type with a complex pre‐orogenic evolution.  相似文献   

Seismicity and the subduction process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is considerable variation between subduction zones in the largest characteristic earthquake within each zone. Assuming that coupling between downgoing and upper plates is directly related to characteristic earthquake size, we have tested for correlations between variation in coupling and other physical features of subduction zones: the lateral extent and penetration depth of Benioff zones, age of subducting lithosphere, convergence rate, and back-arc spreading. Using linear multivariate regression, coupling is correlated with two variables: convergence rate and lithosphere age. Secondary correlations within the data set are penetration depth versus lithosphere age, and lateral extent versus convergence rate. An important additional correlation is that back-arc spreading is found to be associated with subduction zones where coupling is low (those characterised by small earthquakes). Taken together, the observed correlations suggest a simple qualitative model where convergence rate and lithosphere age determine the horizontal and sinking rates, respectively, of slabs: these parameters influence the seismic coupling in the subduction zone. In the limit of a fast sinking rate and slow convergence rate, back-arc spreading occurs and thereby appears to be a passive process.  相似文献   

The magmatic province of the northern Lhasa Terrane includes an Early Cretaceous (120–130 Ma) plutonic event, and a Late Cretaceous (80–110 Ma) volcanic event. The plutonic association constitutes an older suite of granodiorites, monzogranites and tonalites and a younger peraluminous leucogranite facies. Plutonism occurred about 20 Ma after obduction of the Banggong ophiolite, following closure between the Lhasa and Qiantang Terranes.The earlier suite is of broadly calc-alkaline in composition but differs from arc-related magmas in that only more evolved compositions are represented (SiO2 > 58%) and Rb/Zr ratios are elevated relative to the Gangdese batholith to the south. Trace-element and isotopic constraints are consistent with derivation from a Late Proterozoic amphibole-bearing crustal source requiring temperatures > 950°C during anatexis. The leucogranites require a pelitic source which is tentatively identified as the Nyaingentanglha basement exposed south of the plutonic province. Unlike the High Himalaya leucogranites, trace elements and field relations require a high degree of melting at source (> 50%) suggesting fluid-absent melting at temperatures > 850°C. Such high crustal temperatures indicate convective heat transfer from the mantle.Thermal constraints together with a tectonic setting of post-emplacement uplift followed by a marine transgression in the northern Lhasa Terrane can not be reconciled with a model of tectonically thickened crust but are consistent with post-collision attenuation of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Two large shallow earthquakes occurred in 1942 along the South American subduction zone inclose proximity to subducting oceanic ridges: The 14 May event occurred near the subducting Carnegie ridge off the coast of Ecuador, and the 24 August event occurred off the coast of southwestern Peru near the southern flank of the subducting Nazca ridge. Source parameters for these for these two historic events have been determined using long-periodP waveforms,P-wave first motions, intensities and local tsunami data.We have analyzed theP waves for these two earthquakes to constrain the focal mechanism, depth, source complexity and seismic moment. Modeling of theP waveform for both events yields a range of acceptable focal mechanisms and depths, all of which are consistent with underthrusting of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate. The source time function for the 1942 Ecuador event has one simple pulse of moment release with a duration of 22 suconds, suggesting that most of the moment release occurred near the epicenter. The seismic moment determined from theP waves is 6–8×1020N·m, corresponding ot a moment magnitude of 7.8–7.9. The reported location of the maximum intensities (IX) for this event is south of the main shock epicenter. The relocated aftershcks are in an area that is approximately 200 km by 90 km (elongated parallel to the trench) with the majority of aftershocks north of the epicenter. In contrast, the 1942 Peru event has a much longer duration and higher degree of complexity than the Ecuador earthquake, suggesting a heterogeneous rupture. Seismic moment is released in three distinct pulses over approximately 74 seconds; the largest moment release occurs 32 seconds after rupture initiation. the seismic moment as determined from theP waves for the 1942 Peru event is 10–25×1020N·m, corresponding to a moment magnitude of 7.9–8.2. Aftershock locations reported by the ISS occur over a broad area surrounding the main shock. The reported locations of the maximum intensities (IX) are concentrated south of the epicenter, suggesting that at least part of the rupture was to the south.We have also examined great historic earthquakes along the Colombia-Ecuador and Peru segments of the South American subduction zone. We find that the size and rupture length of the underthrusting earthquakes vary between successive earthquake cycles. This suggests that the segmentation of the plate boundary as defined by earthquakes this century is not constant.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The acoustic emission (AE) patterns observed in laboratory conditions at the initiation of fracture in rock samples by fluids of different...  相似文献   

Modeling of multimode surface wave group velocity dispersion data sampling the eastern and the western Ganga basins, reveals a three layer crust with an average Vs of 3.7 km s?1, draped by ~2.5 km foreland sediments. The Moho is at a depth of 43 ± 2 km and 41 ± 2 km beneath the eastern and the western Ganga basins respectively. Crustal Vp/Vs shows a felsic upper and middle crust beneath the eastern Ganga basin (1.70) compared to a more mafic western Ganga basin crust (1.77). Due to higher radiogenic heat production in felsic than mafic rocks, a lateral thermal heterogeneity will be present in the foreland basin crust. This heterogeneity had been previously observed in the north Indian Shield immediately south of the foreland basin and must also continue northward below the Himalaya. The high heat producing felsic crust, underthrust below the Himalayas could be an important cause for melting of midcrustal rocks and emplacement of leucogranites. This is a plausible explanation for abundance of leucogranites in the east-central Himalaya compared to the west. The uppermost mantle Vs is also significantly lower beneath the eastern Ganga basin (4.30 km s?1) compared to the west (4.44 km s?1).  相似文献   

Serge E.  Lallemand 《Island Arc》1996,5(1):16-24
Abstract According to new estimates, more than 2 km3 of terrestrial material is transported every year with the subducting lithospheric plates to depths greater than 20-30 km. A comparable amount of subducted material is partly restored to the nearby margins through underplating, diapirism or forearc volcanism; partly rejuvenated through arc and back-arc magmatism; and the rest is recycled into the deep mantle. This study emphasizes the connection between the consumption of some arcs and the intensity of arc volcanism. In many cases (Japan, Peru, Izu-Bonin, Guatemala), interruption in tectonic erosion of the margin is followed by a hiatus of arc volcanism. The delay between the presumed cause (i.e. absence of subducted arc-type crust) and the response (i.e. lack of explosive volcanism) corresponds to the time required for the subducting slab to reach the melting depth (i.e. 2-4 million years). Alternately, intense tectonic erosion of the margin is followed by paroxysms of arc volcanism. Crustal contamination of volcanic rocks may be caused directly by magma sources which may contain arc material derived from the subcrustal erosion of the margin.  相似文献   

<正>1. Fluid metasomatism in subduction zones Subduction zones are the key tectonic setting that links Earth’s surficial sphere to deep sphere(Zheng and Chen,2016). Fluid action occurring in subduction zones is closely related to many important geological processes such as volcanic and seismic activity, the migration, enrichment and mineralization of metallogenic elements, mass transport and crust-mantle material cycling,  相似文献   

Along the continental margin, the tectonic system consisting of trench, island are, back are basin and outer rise is often known as a convergent transitional belt between the oceanic lithosphere and the continental lithosphere. The occurrence, development and activity of trench and outer rise bear closely on the underthrusting process of the oceanic lithosphere. A generalized analytical theory of deflection rheoevolution of lithosphere under subduction is established, and solutions with universal significance have been obtained. Project supported by the Laboratory of Lithosphere Tectonics and Its Dynamics of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China.  相似文献   

On the initiation of subduction zones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of the relation between intraplate stress fields and lithospheric rheology leads to greater insight into the role that initiation of subduction plays in the tectonic evolution of the lithosphere. Numerical model studies show that if after a short evolution of a passive margin (time span a few tens of million years) subduction has not yet started, continued aging of the passive margin alone does not result in conditions more favorable for transformation into an active margin.Although much geological evidence is available in supporting the key role small ocean basins play in orogeny and ophiolite emplacement, evolutionary frameworks of the Wilson cycle usually are cast in terms of opening and closing of wide ocean basins. We propose a more limited role for large oceans in the Wilson cycle concept. In general, initiation of subduction at passive margins requires the action of external plate-tectonic forces, which will be most effective for young passive margins prestressed by thick sedimentary loads. It is not clear how major subduction zones (such as those presently ringing the Pacific Basin) form but it is unlikely they form merely by aging of oceanic lithosphere. Conditions likely to exist in very young oceanic regions are quite favorable for the development of subduction zones, which might explain the lack of preservation of back-arc basins and marginal seas.Plate reorganizations probably occur predominantly by the formation of new spreading ridges, because stress relaxation in the lithosphere takes place much more efficiently through this process than through the formation of new subduction zones.  相似文献   

Wang  Qiang  Tang  Gongjian  Hao  Lulu  Wyman  Derek  Ma  Lin  Dan  Wei  Zhang  Xiuzheng  Liu  Jinheng  Huang  Tongyu  Xu  Chuanbing 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(10):1499-1518
Modern oceans contain large bathymetric highs(spreading oceanic ridges, aseismic ridges or oceanic plateaus and inactive arc ridges) that, in total, constitute more than 20–30% of the total area of the world's ocean floor. These bathymetric highs may be subducted, and such processes are commonly referred to as ridge subduction. Such ridge subduction events are not only very common and important geodynamic processes in modern oceanic plate tectonics, they also play an important role in the generation of arc magmatism, material recycling, the growth and evolution of continental crust, the deformation and modification of the overlying plates, and metallogenesis at convergent plate boundaries. Therefore, these events have attracted widespread attention. The perpendicular or high-angle subduction of mid-ocean spreading ridges is commonly characterized by the occurrence of a slab window, and the formation of a distinctive adakite–high-Mg andesite–Nb-enriched basalt-oceanic island basalt(OIB) or a mid-oceanic ridge basalt(MORB)-type rock suite, and is closely associated with Au mineralization. Aseismic ridges or oceanic plateaus are traditionally considered to be difficult to subduct, to typically collide with arcs or continents or to induce flat subduction(low angle of less than 10°) due to the thickness of their underlying normal oceanic crust(6–7 km) and high topography. However, the subduction of aseismic ridges and oceanic plateaus occurred on both the western and eastern sides of the Pacific Ocean during the Cenozoic. On the eastern side of the Pacific Ocean, aseismic ridges or oceanic plateaus are being subducted flatly or at low angles beneath South and Central American continents, which may cause a magmatic gap. But slab melting can occur and adakites, or an adakite–high-Mg andesite–adakitic andesite–Nb-enriched basalt suite may be formed during the slab rollback or tearing. Cu-Au mineralization is commonly associated with such flat subduction events. On the western side of the Pacific Ocean, however, aseismic ridges and oceanic plateaus are subducted at relatively high angles(30°).These subduction processes can generate large scale eruptions of basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites, which may be derived from fractional crystallization of magmas originating from the subduction zone fluid-metasomatized mantle wedge. In addition,some inactive arc ridges are subducted beneath Southwest Japan, and these subduction processes are commonly associated with the production of basalts, high-Mg andesites and adakites and Au mineralization. Besides magmatism and Cu-Au mineralization,ridge subduction may also trigger subduction erosion in subduction zones. Future frontiers of research will include characterizing the spatial and temporal patterns of ridge subduction events, clarifying the associated geodynamic mechanisms, quantifying subduction zone material recycling, establishing the associated deep crustal and mantle events that generate or influence magmatism and Cu-Au mineralization, establishing criteria to recognize pre-Cenozoic ridge subduction, the onset of modernstyle plate tectonics and the growth mechanisms for Archean continental crust.  相似文献   

Kenshiro  Otsuki 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):51-63
Abstract The Izanagi plate subducted rapidly and obliquely under the accretionary terrane of Japan in the Cretaceous before 85 Ma. A chain of microcontinents collided with it at about 140 Ma. In southwest Japan the major part of it subducted thereafter, but in northeast Japan it accreted and the trench jumped oceanward, resulting in a curved volcanic front. The oblique subduction and the underplated microcon-tinent caused uplifting of high-pressure (high-P) metamorphic rocks and large scale crustal shortening in southwest Japan. The oblique subduction caused left-lateral faulting and ductile shearing in northeast Japan. The arc sliver crossed over the high-temperature (high-T) zone of arc magmatism, resulting in a wide high-T metamorphosed belt. At about 85 Ma, the subduction mode changed from oblique to normal and the tectonic mode changed drastically. Just after this the Kula/Pacific ridge subducted and the subduction rate of the Pacific plate decreased gradually, causing the intrusion of huge amounts of granite magma and the eruption of acidic volcanics from large cauldrons. The oblique subduction of the Pacific plate resumed at 53 Ma and the left-lateral faults were reactivated.  相似文献   

The basaltic ocean crust, metasomatized and metamorphosed during and after generation at the ocean ridge, contains H2O stored in minerals and pore fluid. Phase equilibrium data establish the conditions for dehydration, and the conditions for melting of amphibole-gabbro or amphibole-quartz-eclogite, or for quartz-eclogite or mantle peridotite if aqueous fluids are available. But there is no concensus about the temperature distribution through the subducted crust, or within the overlying mantle wedge. Therefore, a variety of magmatic models can be derived from the experimental data. According to some calculations, endothermic dehydration reactions in the depth interval 75–125 km cool the oceanic crust to such an extent that it cannot be a major source of magmas; instead, concentrated aqueous fluids released from the crust generate magmas in the overlying peridotite. However, according to most existing thermal models, if temperatures in ocean crust are cool enough to prohibit melting of amphibolite, then temperatures in the mantle above the main sources of expelled fluids are too low for hydrous melting. The ocean crust appears to be effectively dehydrated by 100–125 km depth. Dense hydrous magnesian silicates are not likely candidates for deeper H2O transport. The extent to which H2O can be fixed in metasomatic phlogopite in crust or mantle is a significant but undetermined factor. Experimental data on minerals and liquid compositions do not support the concept of primary magmas for andesites and associated lavas from mantle or subducted crust. Complex, multi-stage processes appear to be more likely, which is consistent with recent interpretations of geochemical data.  相似文献   

王克林 《地球物理学报》2021,64(10):3452-3465



Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—We present the results of laboratory studies of slope failure criteria by dynamic impulse loading in the range of peak ground velocities (PGV)...  相似文献   

A Newtonian fluid model is proposed to describe the oblique subduction of a planar 2-D slab. The slab is assumed to subduct in response to the ridge push force exerted along the trench, the slab pull force at the downdip of the slab, the gravitational body force within the slab, and the frictional resistance force at the upper surface of the slab. Because the slab motion along strike is being resisted by the frictional resistance at the interplate coupling area while the slab motion along the trench normal is being maintained by the gravitational pulling, the slab turns gradually toward the trench normal direction as it subducts. This model offers an alternative explanation for earthquake slip partitioning, the observation that the earthquake slip vectors deflect away from the relative plate motion direction toward the trench normal direction along most of the oblique subduction zones worldwide. Numerical models suggest that slip partitioning caused by slab deformation could be as much as 30% at 100 km downdip of the slab. The slab viscosity, the plate coupling width, the interplate resistance coefficient, the slab pull force, and the gravitational body force are all important in determining the geometry of the slab subduction.  相似文献   

The Neogene is an important period for studying the onset of subduction, with numerous subduction zones forming in the western Pacific, including the Ryukyu, Manila, Philippine, North Sulawesi, Halmahera, New Britain, Solomon, and New Hebrides subduction zones. However, studies on these subduction zones are relatively independent, so it is important to conduct systematic comparative studies. In this paper, we review the initiation models of Neogene subduction in the western Pacific, with the thr...  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and refraction data off Washington and Oregon are used to determine the style of sediment deformation and to infer the physical properties of accreted sediments on the lower slope. Onshore-offshore seismic refraction data off Washington are used to determine the location of the trench, or where the plate bending starts.We find that off Washington the subduction zone is characterized by a trench whose physiographic expression is buried under several kilometers of sediments and is tens of kilometers landward of the lower slope, which is accreting seaward as the result of the offscraping of sediments.Seismic reflection data support previous observations that offscraping occurs along seaward and landward dipping thrust faults. Refraction data indicate that a sediment package thrust up along a seaward dipping fault (off Washington) was not measurably changed in velocity with respect to a Cascadia basin section. However a package uplifted by thrusting along a landward dipping fault (off Oregon) did have increased velocity. It is suggested that the increased velocities off Oregon could be the result of erosion and exposure of more deeply buried and compacted sediments, rather than the result of dewatering due to tectonic stress. Off Washington the sensitivity of velocity to porosity and resolution of the seismic method does not preclude dewatering due to tectonic stress, but it does limit the degree of dewatering.In the deeper parts of the lower slope section off Washington and Oregon velocities as high as 3 to 4 km/sec are found. Heat flow data indicate that the temperatures in this high velocity regime are greater than 100°C. It is hypothesized that lithification related to clay diagenesis may be partly responsible for the high velocities, rather than simply compaction. It also appears that the high velocity sediments are subducted while the unlithified low velocity sediments are offscraped.  相似文献   

Yan  Zhiyong  Chen  Lin  Xiong  Xiong  Wang  Kai  Xie  Renxian  Hsu  Hou Tze 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(8):1069-1091
Flat subduction refers to low-angle(10°) or sub-horizontal subduction of oceanic slabs. Flat subduction is only recognized in ~10% of present-day subduction zones, but its impact on the behavior of the overriding plate is particularly strong.For example, flat subduction zones are typically associated with stronger earthquakes. The deformation caused by typical flat subduction will transfer from the trench to the overriding continental interior and form a broad magma belt. The formation mechanism of flat subduction has been linked to the relative buoyancy of subducted oceanic plateaus, overthrusting of the overriding plate, hydrodynamic suction, and trench retreat. However, these mechanisms remain debated. This paper systematically analyzes and summarizes previous studies on flat subduction, and outlines the possible geological effects of flat subduction, such as intracontinental orogeny and magmatism. Using examples from numerical modeling, we discuss the possible formation mechanisms. The most important factors that control the formation of flat subduction are associated with overthrusting of the overriding plate and the arrival of an oceanic plateau at the subduction zone. In addition, trench retreat is necessary to enable flat subduction. Hydrodynamic suction contributes to the reduction of the slab dip angle, but is insufficient to form flat subduction. Future numerical modeling of flat subduction should carry out three-dimensional high-resolution thermo-mechanical simulation, considering the influence of crustal eclogitization(negative buoyancy) and mantle serpentinization(positive buoyancy) of oceanic lithosphere, in combination with geological and geophysical data.  相似文献   

The seismogenic zone of subduction thrust faults   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract Subduction thrust faults generate earthquakes over a limited depth range. They are aseismic in their seaward updip portions and landward downdip of a critical point. The seaward shallow aseismic zone, commonly beneath accreted sediments, may be a consequence of unconsolidated sediments, especially stable-sliding smectite clays. Such clays are dehydrated and the fault may become seismogenic where the temperature reaches 100--150°C, that is, at a 5--15 km depth. Two factors may determine the downdip seismogenic limit. For subduction of young hot oceanic lithosphere beneath large accretionary sedimentary prisms and beneath continental crust, the transition to aseismic stable sliding is temperature controlled. The maximum temperature for seismic behavior in crustal rocks is ~ 350°C, regardless of the presence of water. In addition, great earthquake ruptures initiated at less than this temperature may propagate with decreasing slip to where the temperature is ~ 450°C. For subduction beneath thin island arc crust and beneath continental crust in some areas, the forearc mantle is reached by the thrust shallower than the 350°C temperature. The forearc upper mantle probably is aseismic because of stable-sliding serpentinite hydrated by water from the underthrusting oceanic crust and sediments. For many subduction zones the downdip seismogenic width defined by these limits is much less than previously assumed. Within the narrowly defined seismic zone, most of the convergence may occur in earthquakes. Numerical thermal models have been employed to estimate temperatures on the subduction thrust planes of four continental subduction zones. For Cascadia and Southwest Japan where very young and hot plates are subducting, the downdip seismogenic limit on the subduction thrust is thermally controlled and is shallow. For Alaska and most of Chile, the forearc mantle is reached before the critical temperature, and mantle serpentinite provides the limit. In all four regions, the seismogenic zones so defined agree with estimates of the extent of great earthquake rupture, and with the downdip extent of the interseismic locked zone.  相似文献   

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