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The Geological Survey’s Framework Report on the Old Red Sandstone of the Anglo-Welsh region includes a proposal for a new formational name, the Cwmffrwd Formation, for the basal formation of the Daugleddau Group in Carmarthenshire, S. Wales.The name is preoccupied by the Early Ordovician Cwmffrwd Member of the Carmarthen Formation and a new name, the Green Castle Sandstone Formation is proposed for the Cwmffrwd Formation.  相似文献   

An outcrop dataset from the early Eocene Sunnyside Delta Interval of the Green River Formation in the Uinta Basin, Utah, USA, documents alluvial channel lithosomes. The abundance of Froude supercritical-flow sedimentary structures, together with an abundance of high-deposition-rate sedimentary structures, in-channel bioturbation and pedogenic modification, in-channel muds and thick soft-clast conglomerates, identify these lithosomes as deposits of variable-discharge rivers. These recognition criteria are part of an emerging facies model for variable-discharge rivers. This facies model, however, yet lacks robust recognition criteria for macro-scale or bar-scale stratal patterns of variable-discharge rivers. This study presents a dataset that corroborates some known stratal patterns and provides examples of hitherto unknown bar-scale stratal patterns of variable-discharge rivers, including: (i) low-angle downstream-accretion sets that may form as washed-out sheets in high sediment supply conditions or downstream of hydraulic jumps; (ii) high-angle upstream-accretion sets that imply deposition from systematically upstream-migrating channel-scale hydraulic jumps (cyclic steps); (iii) concave-up, upward-flattening high-angle downstream-accretion sets that are consistent with aggradation in channel-scale hydraulic-jump scours; (iv) upstream-accretion and lateral-accretion sets that may be linked to high-magnitude flood reworking of point bars; and (v) aggradation or vertical-accretion sets of ambiguous origin. These unconventional stratal patterns are compared to the established bar strata, such as those formed by point bars and braid bars and a discussion is provided on formative conditions for the here documented unconventional strata. This work highlights a need for further studies on the effect of discharge variability on bar formation and on the link between river morphology and bar types.  相似文献   

在野外地质考察、岩心观察和大量测试数据分析的基础上,对我国东北地区桦甸盆地始新统桦甸组和美国犹他盆地始新统绿河组油页岩中类异戊二烯烷烃、甾类和萜类等生物标志化合物特征进行了详细的对比研究,并探讨其对两地油页岩在有机质来源及古沉积环境上的差异指示意义。结果表明:在GC谱图上,桦甸油页岩Pr/Ph为1.47~2.03,具姥鲛烷优势;而绿河油页岩Pr/Ph为0.34~0.44,具植烷优势。GC-MS分析表明:桦甸油页岩规则甾烷C27-C28-C29呈反"L"型分布,∑(C27+C28)/∑C29为0.63~2.52;绿河油页岩规则甾烷C27-C28-C29呈钝角不对称"V"型分布,∑(C27+C28)/∑C29为0.96~1.20。桦甸油页岩萜类化合物中萜烯>ββ构型霍烷>αβ构型霍烷,以C29萜烯占优势;绿河油页岩中五环三萜烷>三环萜烷>四环萜烷,并检出丰富的γ-蜡烷和β-胡萝卜烷。两地油页岩生物标志化合物特征参数的对比分析揭示:桦甸油页岩为水生生物和高等植物双重生源,但细菌及藻类等水生生物的贡献较大,主要形成于弱还原淡水沉积环境;绿河油页岩有机质来源主要为细菌和藻类等水生生物,主要形成于强还原咸水沉积环境。  相似文献   

The Piceance Creek basin formed as a continental foreland basin ca 53 to 48 Ma in the early to middle Eocene. On a global basis, the basin contains one of the richest oil shale resources known, where the profundal oil shale deposits, kerogen‐rich mudstones (clay and carbonate), exist over most of the basin. Despite its economic importance, the evolution of the Piceance Creek basin is still somewhat unclear. Based on facies association analysis, depositional trends, and gamma ray and Fischer assay data, six evolutionary lake stages are recognized: (i) fresh lake; (ii) transitional lake; (iii) highly fluctuating lake; (iv) rising lake; (v) high lake; and (vi) closing lake. Lake stages are composed of depositional units and characterize large‐scale changes in sedimentological patterns, depositional trends and fluctuations in the oil shale richness related to changes in climate and tectonics. Lake stage evolution is also consistent with the global Eocene climate trend. Stage 1 formed prior to the Eocene climate optimum. At the beginning of the Eocene climate optimum, a saline‐restricted lake formed (Stage 2) and evolved into the highly fluctuating lake (Stage 3) indicating rapid climate changes during the peak of the Eocene climate optimum. This stage was followed by the rising and high lakes (Stages 4 and 5) after the climate optimum and during a change to a more humid climate. The closing of the lake (Stage 6) was caused by increased sand input from the north, indicating the influence of both tectonics and climate. Based on depositional trends and climate evolution, it is suggested that, during the arid climate, laterally heterogeneous highly cyclic depositional units dominate, whereas, during the humid climate, depositional units form laterally continuous sediments that can be traced over long distances.  相似文献   

Sandstone bodies in the Sunnyside Delta Interval of the Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, previously considered as point bars formed in meandering rivers and other types of fluvial bars, are herein interpreted as delta mouth‐bar deposits. The sandstone bodies have been examined in a 2300 m long cliff section along the Argyle and Nine Mile Canyons at the southern margin of the Uinta lake basin. The sandstone bodies occur in three stratigraphic intervals, separated by lacustrine mudstone and limestone. Together these stratigraphic intervals form a regressive‐transgressive sequence. Individual sandstone bodies are texturally sharp‐based towards mudstone substratum. In proximal parts, the mouth‐bar deposits only contain sandstone, whereas in frontal and lateral positions mudstone drapes separate mouth‐bar clinothems. The clinothems pass gradually into greenish‐grey lacustrine mudstone at their toes. Horizontally bedded or laminated lacustrine mudstone onlaps the convex‐upward sandstone bars. The mouth‐bar deposits are connected to terminal distributary channel deposits. Together, these mouth‐bar/channel sandstone bodies accumulated from unidirectional jet flow during three stages of delta advance, separated by lacustrine flooding intervals. Key criteria to distinguish the mouth‐bar deposits from fluvial point bar deposits are: (i) geometry; (ii) bounding contacts; (iii) internal structure; (iv) palaeocurrent orientations; and (v) the genetic association of the deposits with lacustrine mudstone and limestone.  相似文献   

北部湾盆地乌石凹陷东区流沙港组三段岩性相对复杂,沉积差异大,横向变化快,连通性差,深入研究流沙港组三段沉积物源和沉积特征对油气勘探开发具有一定的指导意义。在系统的岩心观察与精细描述基础上,结合测井、地震和分析化验资料,针对研究区流沙港组三段沉积物源、沉积相类型及展布特征展开研究。综合分析认为,流沙港组三段物源来自于北部高地势地区,发育相对近物源的水进型扇三角洲沉积,砂体厚度较大,相带窄,相变快,其中三角洲前缘可进一步划分为水下分流河道、河口坝、席状砂、分流间湾等4种沉积微相;在物源分析、井震约束的基础上,依据井震结合含砂率等值线,同时结合测井平面相、地震反射结构、地震构型信息等,综合绘制研究区沉积微相平面展布图,确定了研究区流沙港组三段"大前缘小平原"的沉积特征,并最终建立了该区扇三角洲沉积模式,为乌石凹陷东区流沙港组三段油气勘探开发和储量计算提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

湖相深水细粒沉积岩中的软沉积物变形构造主要发育在泥岩和泥晶碳酸盐岩为主的地层中,大部分因为发育规模小(镜下尺度),在岩心观察中很容易被忽略掉。本文以沧东凹陷G108-8井孔店组二段(孔二段)细粒沉积岩为研究对象,通过密集的镜下观察和精细岩心描述,识别出同沉积微断裂、液化岩脉、微褶皱变形、微重荷变形和杂乱变形等多种类型的软沉积物变形构造。研究区深水细粒沉积岩中的软沉积物变形构造总体表现为规模小、垂向无明显重力流砂体伴生、原地成因、沉积纹层发育等特点。从应力调节方式的角度考虑,可以将软沉积物变形构造的形成机制划分为上覆应力卸载、侧向应力挤压和层内应力释放等3种类型,不同的形成机制分别是对不同沉积环境变化的响应。通过湖相深水细粒沉积岩软沉积物变形构造的研究,可以恢复古沉积环境变化、预测重力流方位,对深水细粒沉积岩的油气勘探也具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

In recent years,with the development of terrestrial sequence stratigraphy,more attention has been focused on the study of the terrestrial lacustrine sequence stratigraphic model globally. Different viewpoints are preferred by researchers.Under the guidance of the theory of sequence stratigraphy,the findings of this paper indicate that climate is a major factor controlling the formation of the fourth-order sequence,based upon the study of the sequence stratigraphy in the Green River Formation of the Uinta...  相似文献   

碳酸盐胶结特征不仅反映了成岩环境,而且可表明成岩阶段及其对储层质量的影响。综合运用岩石学、矿物学和地球化学等方法,对莱州湾凹陷北洼古近系沙三段砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物的分布规律、形成环境、物质来源、沉淀温度以及其对储层物性的影响进行了系统研究。结果表明:沙三段发育两期碳酸盐胶结物,分别为形成于埋藏早期的菱铁矿和隐晶方解石,以及成岩作用中后期形成的方解石、白云石、铁方解石和铁白云石,其中方解石是最主要的胶结物类型。碳酸盐胶结物形成于埋藏作用中后期的高盐度流体环境,与有机质脱羧作用相关,有机碳是最主要的碳来源,Ca2+是长石的溶蚀和粘土矿物转化的产物。包裹体均一温度研究结果表明,碳酸盐胶结物在油气充注的同时或之后形成。形成于成岩作用早期的碳酸盐胶结物在一定程度上增强了岩石骨架颗粒固结和抗压实能力,同时也是后期有机酸溶蚀的主要对象,对储层物性起到促进作用;溶蚀作用之后形成的碳酸盐胶结物占据粒间孔隙和部分溶蚀孔隙,对储层物性起到破坏作用。  相似文献   

In recent years, with the development of terrestrial sequence stratigraphy, more attention has been focused on the study of the terrestrial lacustrine sequence stratigraphic model globally. Different viewpoints are preferred by researchers. Under the guidance of the theory of sequence stratigraphy, the findings of this paper indicate that climate is a major factor controlling the formation of the fourth-order sequence, based upon the study of the sequence stratigraphy in the Green River Formation of the Uinta basin in the USA. It also divides the fourth-order sequence in the terrestrial lacustrine basin into two system tracts: the wet (rising) half-cycle and the dry (falling) half-cycle, establishing a new-style fourth-order sequence stratigraphic model for the terrestrial lacustrine basin, that is, the climate-genetic sequence stratigraphic model. As a result, the theory of sequence stratigraphy is greatly enriched.  相似文献   

本文在对松辽盆地晚白垩世青山口组—嫩江组一段介形类壳饰?壳形类型划分的基础上,对研究层位12 种壳饰类型与9 种壳形类型的介形类可能生活的环境及其变化特征进行了探讨?研究表明,松辽盆地晚白垩世刺状壳饰的介形类生活的最佳环境为深湖—半深湖相环境;瘤状壳饰的介形类适宜生活于水质清?矿化度较高?pH值也较高的浅湖—半深湖相环境;深蜂孔?饰边?长瘤或隆脊壳饰的介形类生活于深湖—半深湖相环境;浅蜂孔?网状?细纹?细脊壳饰的介形类主要生活于滨浅湖相环境?三角形?长方形壳形的介形类生活于深湖—半深湖相环境;低梯形?五边形壳形的介形类部分种类生活的环境为深湖相环境,另外一些种类生活于半深湖—浅湖相环境;高梯形壳形的介形类一般适宜的环境为浅湖相环境;椭圆形壳形的介形类基本生活于滨浅湖相环境;肾形壳形的介形类一般生活于浅湖—半深湖相环境?青山口组一段的介形类群以适应深湖—半深湖相的具饰边壳饰?低五边形壳形的介形类为主;青山口组二?三段介形类的壳饰与壳形类型虽然丰富多样,但与湖泊沉积环境变化也具有很好的对应关系;姚家组介形类的壳饰均以适应浅水相环境的浅蜂孔?细脊壳饰为主,壳形以椭圆形占绝对优势为特征,后期随着湖泊水深增大,出现了少量反映较深水相环境的深蜂孔壳饰与三角形和长方形壳形类型;嫩江组一段介形类的壳饰类型较少,以深蜂孔与浅蜂孔类型为主,壳形类型相对较多,椭圆形?长肾形?长方形?三角形?低梯形类型均有一定含量?  相似文献   

微观孔隙结构是页岩储层研究的重点,而扫描电镜方法无法识别机械抛光中由于页岩硬度差异所造成的不规则形貌。本文利用氩离子抛光-扫描电镜方法对四川威远区块九老洞组页岩进行研究,发现了三种孔隙类型:1无机孔以粒间孔和黏土矿物层间孔为主,同时发育晶间孔和生物孔,孔径主体100~500 nm;2有机孔受控于热成熟度或有机黏土复合体,孔径范围数十纳米至数微米;3微裂缝包括成岩收缩裂缝、高压碎裂缝、构造裂缝和人为裂缝,缝宽数微米,缝长数微米至数十微米。研究表明无机孔和微裂缝是九老洞组页岩气的主要储集空间。  相似文献   

昌潍坳陷潍北凹陷烃源岩分布在孔二段(即始新统孔店组二段),包括暗色泥岩、灰质泥岩和油页岩3种类型,前人对灰质泥岩和油页岩的生烃贡献未进行深入研究。利用有机地球化学方法结合热模拟实验对潍北凹陷各种类型烃源岩品质进行分析,研究表明油页岩和灰质泥岩有机质丰度较高、干酪根类型主要为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1型,为优质烃源岩;暗色泥岩有机质类型和丰度较差,基本为无效烃源岩。优质烃源岩集中分布在孔二上亚段下部和孔二中亚段上部的油页岩和灰质泥岩中,平面上分布在瓦城断阶带东部和灶户鼻状构造带,与已发现油气藏具有良好的对应性。古生物学标志、古盐度及古氧相分析表明孔二段烃源岩形成于内陆咸化湖泊沉积环境。郯庐断裂带左—右旋转换期构造活动强度较弱和晚古新世到早始新世期间发生的大陆分离事件造成的温暖湿润气候促成了优质烃源岩的发育。  相似文献   

珠江口盆地L凹陷始新统文昌组处于勘探初期,钻井资料较少且分布不均,基于多井多资料的常规沉积相研究方法受到限制,对于层序地层和沉积体系没有系统研究,本次研究充分利用地震、测井以及岩心资料,在全区开展地震相研究工作,井震结合对沉积相展布进行研究,建立裂陷期文昌组沉积演化模式。结果表明: L凹陷裂陷期文昌组划分为3个三级层序,8个体系域;根据三级层序体系域内部地震反射外部形态和内部反射特征差异,识别出充填、席状、楔形、块状、丘形5种地震相类型;通过分析岩心相、测井相以及各种地震相特征,井震结合将地震相转为沉积相,识别出辫状河三角洲、扇三角洲、湖相等沉积相;初始裂陷期为小盆小湖模式,凹陷分割性较强,主要为近源扇三角洲粗碎屑沉积,强烈裂陷早期为大盆浅湖模式,洼陷连通,主要为辫状河三角洲沉积,强烈裂陷中晚期为大盆深湖模式,主要对应半深湖泥岩沉积,弱裂陷期主要为大盆浅湖模式,主要对应大规模长轴辫状河三角洲充填沉积体系。  相似文献   

滩坝储层是近年来油气勘探、开发的重点目标之一。板桥凹陷沙二段发育典型的厚层湖泊滩坝砂体,单砂体平均厚10余米,垂向上通常累积成厚数十米、内部夹层发育的复合滩坝砂体。根据研究区滩坝砂体的沉积特征、平面形态和发育位置,将滩坝砂体细分为坝中心、坝侧翼、坝间、近岸滩、远岸滩5种微相类型。在古构造、沉积环境等综合研究的基础上,指出该区厚层滩坝砂体是物源、水动力和同生断层在时间和空间上有机结合、共同控制的结果。来自南部的辫状河三角洲砂体作为主力物源为板桥凹陷滩坝沉积提供了物质基础。凹陷缓坡带具有大面积的水动力作用区,控制着滩坝的规模和分布,波浪能量的变化影响着滩坝砂体的相分异。同生断层是板桥凹陷发育厚层滩坝砂体的主导因素。一方面,同生断层控制物源的分配,在断层下降盘具有充足的砂体供应,同时,断面的陡坎部位形成持续的水动力高能环境,并长期接受波浪作用,逐渐形成厚度较大的滩坝砂体;另一方面,同生断层的活动性增加了下降盘基准面上升的概率,为滩坝沉积提供了时间条件,滩坝砂体不再因短期基准面的频繁变化而层层错叠,而是在纵向上连续厚层堆积。断层下降盘是厚层滩坝砂体的有利发育部位,并极易形成构造-岩性圈闭,有利于油气聚集、成藏。  相似文献   

Although sequence stratigraphic concepts have been applied extensively to coarse-grained siliciclastic deposits in nearshore environments, high-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis has not been widely applied to mudstone-dominated sedimentary successions deposited in more distal hemipelagic to pelagic settings. To examine how sequence stratigraphic frameworks can be derived from the facies variability of mudstone-dominated successions, the Tununk Shale Member of the Mancos Shale Formation in south-central Utah (USA) was examined in detail through a combination of sedimentological, stratigraphic and petrographic methods. The Tununk Shale accumulated on a storm-dominated shelf during the second-order Greenhorn sea-level cycle. During this eustatic event, the depositional environment of the Tununk Shale shifted laterally from distal middle shelf to outer shelf, then from an outer shelf to an inner shelf environment. At least 49 parasequences can be identified within the Tununk Shale. Each parasequence shows a coarsening-upward trend via upward increases in silt and sand content, thickness and lateral continuity of laminae/beds, and abundance of storm-generated sedimentary structures. Variations in bioturbation styles within parasequences are complex, although abrupt changes in bioturbation intensity or diversity commonly occur across parasequence boundaries (i.e. flooding surfaces). Due to changes in depositional environments, dominant sediment supply and bioturbation characteristics, parasequence styles in the Tununk Shale show considerable variability. Based on parasequence stacking patterns, eleven system tracts, four depositional sequences and key sequence stratigraphic surfaces can be identified. The high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework of the Tununk Shale reveals a hierarchy of stratal cyclicity. Application of sequence stratigraphic concepts to this thick mudstone-dominated succession provides important insights into the underlying causes of heterogeneity in these rocks over multiple thickness scales (millimetre-scale to metre-scale). The detailed sedimentological characterization of parasequences, system tracts and depositional sequences in the Tununk Shale provides conceptual approaches that can aid the development of high-resolution sequence stratigraphic frameworks in other ancient shelf mudstone successions.  相似文献   

Abundant scratching traces are described from the Early Triassic Kockatea Shale Formation in the Northampton area of the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia. Except for the Radichnus trace that represents grazing of a possible decapod mecochirids, Scalpoichnus minchinensis igen. and isp. nov. is established to accommodate other scratching sculptures, which might have been produced by arthropods that share similar feeding behaviours to those of decapods. These arthropod traces occurred on a mat‐bound substratum defined by wrinkle structures. Microbial mats may have served as food resources for trace‐makers feeding on the substratum. Furthermore, microbial envelopes functioning as a sole veneer in early diagenesis acted as a crucial role for the preservation of those shallow‐tiered engraving traces. Abundant arthropod traces indicate frequent grazing activities probably by decapods or organisms having similar feeding habits upon microbial mat‐bound substratum, implying that the deposit‐feeders or omnivores survived on the matgrounds in the aftermath of the end‐Permian mass extinction in Gondwanaland. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地莱州湾凹陷垦利油区沙三上亚段是目前中深层油气勘探开发的重点主力含油层系。综合研究区沉积背景,以三维地震资料、岩心及测井资料为依托,结合地震沉积学研究,开展了垦利油区沙三上亚段辫状河三角洲沉积特征及演化规律研究。结果表明,莱州湾凹陷垦利油区沙三上亚段沉积期,发育以莱北低凸起、垦东凸起及潜在物源区潍北低凸起供源形成的辫状河三角洲沉积体系。研究区辫状河三角洲平原砂体以细—中砂岩为主,前缘砂体以粉—细砂岩为主,分选性中等较好。牵引流性质的沉积构造十分发育,多见生物扰动构造,反映三角洲前缘动荡的水体环境。顺物源方向发育斜交前积反射地震相,垂直物源方向识别出多期丘状反射地震相。综合古地貌、沉积特征及振幅属性切片,明确研究区沙三上亚段以北部物源莱北低凸起供源为主导,沉积中块及沉积东块为主体沉积区,莱北低凸起供源的三角洲呈后退趋势,其展布面积大(95~130 km2)。沉积西块及东块为多物源供给区,来自垦东凸起的三角洲前缘沉积逐渐萎缩,来自潍北低凸起的三角洲区前缘沉积逐渐向湖盆中央推进。上述沉积展布及演化规律为进一步精细勘探开发提供了沉积地质基础。  相似文献   

滩坝储层是近年来油气勘探、开发的重点目标之一。板桥凹陷沙二段发育典型的厚层湖泊滩坝砂体,单砂体平均厚10余米,垂向上通常累积成厚数十米、内部夹层发育的复合滩坝砂体。根据研究区滩坝砂体的沉积特征、平面形态和发育位置,将滩坝砂体细分为坝中心、坝侧翼、坝间、近岸滩、远岸滩5种微相类型。在古构造、沉积环境等综合研究的基础上,指出该区厚层滩坝砂体是物源、水动力和同生断层在时间和空间上有机结合、共同控制的结果。来自南部的辫状河三角洲砂体作为主力物源为板桥凹陷滩坝沉积提供了物质基础。凹陷缓坡带具有大面积的水动力作用区,控制着滩坝的规模和分布,波浪能量的变化影响着滩坝砂体的相分异。同生断层是板桥凹陷发育厚层滩坝砂体的主导因素。一方面,同生断层控制物源的分配,在断层下降盘具有充足的砂体供应,同时,断面的陡坎部位形成持续的水动力高能环境,并长期接受波浪作用,逐渐形成厚度较大的滩坝砂体;另一方面,同生断层的活动性增加了下降盘基准面上升的概率,为滩坝沉积提供了时间条件,滩坝砂体不再因短期基准面的频繁变化而层层错叠,而是在纵向上连续厚层堆积。断层下降盘是厚层滩坝砂体的有利发育部位,并极易形成构造-岩性圈闭,有利于油气聚集、成藏。  相似文献   

碳酸盐胶结物是川西坳陷须家河组四段砂岩中最常见的成岩矿物。应用激光微区取样碳、氧同位素测试方法,对研究区须四段砂岩中不同类型的碳酸盐胶结物的碳、氧同位素特征进行了精细分析,结合岩相学特征和流体包裹体分析,查明了不同类型碳酸盐胶结物的形成时间和成因机制。研究表明,研究区须四段砂岩中发育Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三期碳酸盐胶结物。第Ⅰ期方解石的δ13CPDB值为-0. 13‰~1. 53‰,δ18OPDB值为-9. 92‰~-6. 41‰;第Ⅱ期方解石的δ13CPDB值为-2. 44‰~1. 85‰,δ18OPDB值为-13. 97‰~-10. 06‰;第Ⅲ期方解石的δ13CPDB值为-5. 34‰~0. 75‰,δ18OPDB值为-16. 55‰~-14. 44‰,第Ⅲ期白云石的δ13CPDB值为-0. 97‰~-0. 81‰,δ18OPDB值为-13. 32‰~-12. 91‰。从早期到晚期,碳酸盐胶结物的碳、氧同位素均表现为逐渐变轻,说明其沉淀温度逐渐升高,受有机流体影响逐渐加深。第Ⅰ期碳酸盐胶结物形成于晚三叠世末,储层处于浅埋藏阶段,是从早期过饱和碱性孔隙流体中直接沉淀出来的,其“碳”源主要来自沉积水中溶解的CO32-。第Ⅱ期碳酸盐胶结物形成于早侏罗世,沉淀温度约45~70℃,其形成有少量有机流体的参与,有机轻“碳”、原始孔隙水中溶解的“碳”以及少量溶蚀作用释放出的重“碳”共同为该期碳酸盐胶结物提供“碳”源。第Ⅲ期碳酸盐胶结物形成于晚侏罗世,沉淀温度约100~140℃,其成因与有机酸性流体关系密切,有机成因的轻“碳”和部分由溶蚀作用释放的重“碳”是该期方解石的主要“碳”源;而该期白云石的沉淀受砂岩中碳酸盐岩岩屑溶蚀的控制更明显,由溶蚀作用产生的重“碳”是其主要“碳”源。  相似文献   

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