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We have searched for CO outflows in eight embedded IRAS sources located in the Taurus molecular cloud using the 45m telescope of Nobeyama Radio Observatory. We have detected CO wing emission in four of these sources. CO outflow associated with TMC1A (04365+2535) is strong and spatially compact (radius 0.04 pc). The dynamical timescale of 2.5 × 103 yr suggests this outflow is the youngest one in Taurus.We have combined our data with previously published survey data and have analyzed the physical properties of the outflow sources. We found that 12 out of 16 embedded sources ( 75 %) have CO outflows associated with them; this indicates that almost all stars experience a phase of molecular outflow in their embedded stage. The IRAS color of the outflow sources suggests that the outflows appear in considerably early phase of the evolution of YSOs, that is, as early as YSOs became observable with IRAS and that visible outflow sources are in a transient phase of evolution between embedded sources and visible T Tauri stars without outflow. Visible outflow sources are systematically more luminous than visible no-outflow sources, while embedded outflow sources have comparable luminosities with visible no-outflow sources. Such luminosity function suggests that the YSOs with outflow undergo mass accretion and increase their stellar mass as they progress from embedded sources to visible outflow sources. Typical mass accretion rate derived from the bolometric luminosity is 2 ×10–6 M yr –1. The timescale for mass accretion to acquire typical stellar mass, 0.5 – 0.8M , is 2.5 – 4 × 105 yr.  相似文献   

With the equations of neutrino heat conductivity being used, the neutrino light curve is calculated for the spherically symmetrical collapse of an iron-oxygen 2M star (Figure 1) up to the formation of a hot hydrostatically equilibrium neutron star. The total energy, radiated in the form of muon and electron neutrinos, is 5.8×1053 erg (0.16Mc 2). The mean neutrino particle energy is 12 MeV for all the time the collapse proceeds. The maximum neutrino luminosity value is equal to 3×1053 erg s–1. For a 10M star collapse, the luminosity maximum 3×1054 erg s–1 takes place just at the moment of the formation of a black hole inside the collapsing star. The total radiated energy in this case is about 0.08Mc 2. The set of calculations, allowing for the deposition of momentum by means of neutrino-nuclear coherent scattering, brings us to a conclusion that the envelope outburst is only possible if the scattering cross-section is 50 times larger than the value experimentally accepted (inequality 20)).  相似文献   

The detailed evolution of low-mass main-sequence stars (M < 1M ) with a compact companion is studied. For angular momentum loss associated with magnetic braking it is found that about 10–11–10–12 M yr–1 in stellar wind loss would be required. This wind is 102–103 times stronger than the solar wind, so we believe here magnetic stellar wind is insufficient. It is well known that there is mass outflow in low-mass close binary systems. We believe here that these outflows are centrifugal driven winds from the outer parts of the accretion disks. The winds extract angular momentum from these systems and therefore drive secular evolution. Disk winds are preferred to winds from the secondary, because of the lower disk surface gravity.  相似文献   

An analysis of the results of observations of the symbiotic star Z And has shown that no definite model can be derived at present on their basis. If the hot component is essentially an accreting white dwarf with a hydrogen-burning shell source, then the gas envelope must be optically thin for Lc-emission and itsT e must be in the neighborhood of 2.6×104K. And if the hot component is a Main-Sequence star with an accretion disk around it, then it is classified with red dwarfs. The electron temperature of the gas envelope must be 1.5×104K. The luminosity of the hot component at the minimum of its visual brightness is only a few times lower than its Eddington limit. Therefore, as the accretion rate goes up, the initial increase in its brightness (U1 m .5), unaccompanied by any perceptible changes in the spectrum of Z And, will be followed by disintegration of the regular disk and flare of the star in the visible range. In the same model, partial eclipses of the hot source must occur. They seem to be observable on the star's light curve in theU band. Substitution of a solar-type star for the first-named component in the binary red dwarf + red giant system will lead to a significant decrease in the excitation of the combination spectrum.  相似文献   

We analyze the spectra of DR Tau in the wavelength range 1200 to 3100 Å obtained with the GHRS and STIS spectrographs from the Hubble Space Telescope. The profiles for the C IV 1550 and He II 1640 emission lines and for the absorption features of some lines indicate that matter falls to the star at a velocity ~300 km s?1. At the same time, absorption features were detected in the blue wings of the N I, Mg I, Fe II, Mg II, C II, and Si II lines, suggesting mass outflow at a velocity up to 400 km s?1. The C II, Si II, and Al II intercombination lines exhibit symmetric profiles whose peaks have the same radial velocity as the star. This is also true for the emission features of the Fe II and H2 lines. We believe that stellar activity is attributable to disk accretion of circumstellar matter, with matter reaching the star mainly through the disk and the boundary layer. At the time of observations, the accretion luminosity was Lac ? 2L at an accretion rate ?10?7M yr?1. Concurrently, a small (<10%) fraction of matter falls to the star along magnetospheric magnetic field lines from a height ~R*. Within a region of size ?3.5R*, the disk atmosphere has a thickness ~0.1R* and a temperature ?1.5 × 104 K. We assume that disk rotation in this region significantly differs from Keplerian rotation. The molecular hydrogen lines are formed in the disk at a distance <1.4 AU from the star. Accretion is accompanied by mass outflow from the accretion-disk surface. In a region of size <10R*, the wind gas has a temperature ~7000 K, but at the same time, almost all iron is singly ionized by H I L α photons from inner disk regions. Where the warm-wind velocity reaches ?400 km s?1, the gas moves at an angle of no less than 30° to the disk plane. We found no evidence of regions with a temperature above 104 K in the wind and leave open the question of whether there is outflow in the H2 line formation region. According to our estimate, the star has the following set of parameters: M* ? 0.9M, R* ? 1.8R, L* ? 0.9L, and \(A_V \simeq 0\mathop .\limits^m 9\). The inclination i of the disk axis to the line of sight cannot be very small; however, i≤60°.  相似文献   

Our goal is to study the regime of disk accretion in which almost all of the angular momentum and energy is carried away by the wind outflowing from the disk in numerical experiments. For this type of accretion the kinetic energy flux in the outflowing wind can exceed considerably the bolometric luminosity of the accretion disk, what is observed in the plasma flow from galactic nuclei in a number of cases. In this paper we consider the nonrelativistic case of an outflow from a cold Keplerian disk. All of the conclusions derived previously for such a system in the self-similar approximation are shown to be correct. The numerical results agree well with the analytical predictions. The inclination angle of the magnetic field lines in the disk is less than 60°, which ensures a free wind outflow from the disk, while the energy flux per wind particle is greater than the particle rotation energy in its Keplerian orbit by several orders of magnitude, provided that the ratio r A/r ? 1, where r A is the Alfvénic radius and r is the radius of the Keplerian orbit. In this case, the particle kinetic energy reaches half the maximum possible energy in the simulation region. The magnetic field collimates the outflowing wind near the rotation axis and decollimates appreciably the wind outflowing from the outer disk periphery.  相似文献   

We explore an accretion model for low luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that attributes the low radiative output to a low mass accretion rate, , rather than a low radiative efficiency. In this model, electrons are assumed to drain energy from the ions as a result of collisionless plasma microinstabilities. Consequently, the accreting gas collapses to form a geometrically thin disk at small radii and is able to cool before reaching the black hole. The accretion disk is not a standard disk, however, because the radial disk structure is modified by a magnetic torque which drives a jet and which is primarily responsible for angular momentum transport. We also include relativistic effects. We apply this model to the well known LLAGN M87 and calculate the combined disk-jet steady-state broadband spectrum. A comparison between predicted and observed spectra indicates that M87 may be a maximally spinning black hole accreting at a rate of ∼10−3 M  yr−1. This is about 6 orders of magnitude below the Eddington rate for the same radiative efficiency. Furthermore, the total jet power inferred by our model is in remarkably good agreement with the value independently deduced from observations of the M87 jet on kiloparsec scales.  相似文献   

During the period 1979–1999, we investigated the hyperfine structure of the H2O supermaser region located in the core of the molecular cloud OMC-1 in Orion KL. The angular resolution is 0.1 mas, which corresponds to 0.045 AU. The detected structure, which consists of a central object, an accretion disk, a bipolar outflow, and an envelope, corresponds to the initial formation stage of a low-mass star. The accretion disk is at the stage of separation into groups of concentric rings. The bipolar outflow is a neutral, highly collimated jet of accreted material that includes H2O molecules and dust grains in the icy envelope. The injector is a bright compact source with a size <0.05 AU and a brightness temperature Tb≈1017 K. The velocity of the bipolar outflow is v≈10 km s?1. The rotation velocity of the jet is vrot≈1.5 km s?1. The jet has the shape of a conical helix due to the precession of the rotation axis. Occasionally, dense blobs (comet-shaped bullets) are ejected. The envelope amplifies the radio emission from the structures in a ~0.5 km s?1 maser window band with velocities v≈7.65 km s?1 by more than two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Simulation calculations have been made to examine the modification effect of a hot X-ray photon field on a-ray spectrum by the photon-photon pair production and inverse Compton scattering processes. The Cyg X-3 system was used as a paradigm. It is shown that a-ray spectrum can change significantly when passing through the ambient keV X-ray photon field of an accretion binary source. For Cyg X-3, a significant amount of r-rays originated near the central source in the range of 102-104 MeV could be absorbed by the extended X-ray photons from accretion disk corona in a high X-ray luminosity state and, on the other hand, the inverse Compton effect of secondary electrons could cause a considerable increase in intensity of-rays between ~ 10 MeV and ~ 50 MeV. The relevance of the absorption effect for observations is discussed.  相似文献   

We present the results of our study of the X-ray spectrum for the source X-6 in the nearby galaxy M33 obtained for the first time at energies above 10 keV from the data of the NuSTAR orbital telescope. The archival Swift–XRT data for energy coverage below 3 keV have been used, which has allowed the spectrum of M33 X-6 to be constructed in the wide energy range 0.3–20 keV. The spectrum of the source is well described by the model of an optically and geometrically thick accretion disk with a maximum temperature of ~2 keV and an inner radius of ~5 cos?1/2θ km (where >θ is the unknown disk inclination angle with respect to the observer). There is also evidence for the presence of an additional hard component in the spectrum. The X-ray luminosity ofM33 X-6 measured for the first time in the wide energy range 0.3–20 keV is ~2 × 1038 erg s?1, with the luminosity in the hard 10–20 keV X-ray band being ~10% of the source’s total luminosity. The results obtained suggest that X-6 may be a Z-source, i.e., an X-ray binary with subcritical accretion onto a weakly magnetized neutron star.  相似文献   

Spherically symmetric, steady-state, optically thick accretion onto a nonrotating black hole with the mass of is studied. The gas accreting onto the black hole is assumed to be a fully ionized hydrogen plasma withn 0=108 cm–3 andT 0=104 K far from the black hole, and a new approximate expression for the Eddington factor is introduced. The luminosity is estimated to beL=1.875×1033 erg s–1, which primarily arises from the optical surface (1) ofT104 K. The accretion flow is characterized by 1 and (v/c)10. In the optically thin region, the flow remains isothermal, and the increase of temperature occurs at 1. The radiative equilibrium is strictly realized at (v/c)10.  相似文献   

We interpret the puzzling-ray bursts as emitted by cooling sparks from the surface of spasmodically accreting, old neutron stars. Their spiky, anisotropic radiation is oriented w.r.t. the galactic disk via interstellar accretion, whose orbital angular momentum tends to counteralign with the galactic spin; in this way, larger source numbers in directions of the galactic disk are compensated by smaller beaming probabilities, resulting in a near-isotropic arrival distribution, as observed by BATSE. The source distances range between 10 pc and 500 pc. Their radiated energies are of order 1035 erg, corresponding to accreted clumps (blades) of typical mass 1015 g per burst. Magnetic surface field strengths range between 1010 and 1012 G, somewhat weaker than those of newborn neutron stars.  相似文献   

We report the first detection of a water megamaser in a radio-loud galaxy, 3C 403, and present a follow-up study using the VLA. 3C 403 has been observed as a part of a small sample of FR II galaxies with evidence of nuclear obscuration. The isotropic luminosity of the maser is 1200 L. With a recessional velocity of cz 17680 km s–1 it is the most distant water maser so far reported. The line arises from the densest (> 108 cm–3) interstellar gas component ever observed in a radio-loud galaxy. Two spectral features are identified, likely bracketing the systemic velocity of the galaxy. Our interferometric data clearly indicate that these arise from a location within 0.1 (110 pc) from the active galactic nucleus. We conclude that the maser spots are most likely associated with the tangentially seen parts of a nuclear accretion disk, while an association with dense warm gas interacting with the radio jets cannot yet be ruled out entirely.  相似文献   

We explore an accretion model for low luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that attributes the low radiative output to a low mass accretion rate, , rather than a low radiative efficiency. In this model, electrons are assumed to drain energy from the ions as a result of collisionless plasma microinstabilities. Consequently, the accreting gas collapses to form a geometrically thin disk at small radii and is able to cool before reaching the black hole. The accretion disk is not a standard disk, however, because the radial disk structure is modified by a magnetic torque which drives a jet and which is primarily responsible for angular momentum transport. We also include relativistic effects. We apply this model to the well known LLAGN M87 and calculate the combined disk-jet steady-state broadband spectrum. A comparison between predicted and observed spectra indicates that M87 may be a maximally spinning black hole accreting at a rate of ∼10−3M yr−1. This is about 6 orders of magnitude below the Eddington rate for the same radiative efficiency. Furthermore, the total jet power inferred by our model is in remarkably good agreement with the value independently deduced from observations of the M87 jet on kiloparsec scales. * This paper has previously been published in Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 310:3–4.  相似文献   

The relation between mass loss rate and pulsation period in carbon Miras is discussed. The dust mass loss rate is very low (about 2 × 10–10 M/yr) up to aboutP = 380 days, where there is a sudden increase. ForP > 400 days there is a linear relation between logM andP. The change in the mass loss rate near 380 days may be related to radiation pressure on dust becoming effective in driving the outflow.  相似文献   

A model for the formation of superdense gaseous cores by accretion in the nuclei of disk galaxies has been proposed. Equations for radial flow of gas into the nucleus in the presence of aweak galactic magnetic field have been solved, and time scales for the accretion of an exploding mass in the nucleus (109 M ) have been obtained under several different situations in the absence of any rotation. The time scales are found to lie in the range between a few times 107 yr and 108 yr. Such time scales have been proposed by some authors for repeated explosions in the nuclei of galaxies; they have also proposed that spiral arms in disk galaxies are repeatedly formed and destroyed over such time scales. It is shown that the presence of rotational velocities in the infalling gas practically destroys the efficiency of the accretion process unless such velocities are dissipated by frictional forces within the system. Viscosity of gas is the most obvious dissipative agent. The problem of accretion of a rotating viscous gas will be discussed in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

The neutrino luminosity by the ordinary URCA process in a strongly magnetized electron gas is computed. General formulae are presented for the URCA energy loss rates for an arbitrary degree of degeneracy. Analytic expressions are derived for a completely degenerate, relativistic electron plasma in the special case of neutron-proton conversion. Numerical results are given for more general cases.The main results are as follows: the URCA energy loss rates are drastically reduced for the regime of great degeneracy by a factor up to 10–3 for 1, andT 910, where =H/H q ,H q =m 2 c 3/eh=4.414×1013 G. In the non-degenerate regime the neutrino luminosity is enhanced approximately linearly with for the temperature range 1T 910. Possible applications to white dwarfs and neutron stars are briefly discussed.We have been recently informed that in Gamow home-dialect (Odessa dialect) URCA means thief — (Private communication from Prof. G. Wataghin).  相似文献   

We consider the problem of dust grain survival in the disk winds from T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars. For our analysis, we have chosen a disk wind model in which the gas component of the wind is heated through ambipolar diffusion to a temperature of ~104 K. We show that the heating of dust grains through their collisions with gas atoms is inefficient compared to their heating by stellar radiation and, hence, the grains survive even in the hot wind component. As a result, the disk wind can be opaque to the ultraviolet and optical stellar radiation and is capable of absorbing an appreciable fraction of it. Calculations show that the fraction of the wind-absorbed radiation for T Tauri stars can be from 20 to 40% of the total stellar luminosity at an accretion rate ? a = 10?8-10?6 M yr?1. This means that the disk winds from T Tauri stars can play the same role as the puffed-up inner rim in current accretion disk models. In Herbig Ae stars, the inner layers of the disk wind (r ≤ 0.5 AU) are dust-free, since the dust in this region sublimates under the effect of stellar radiation. Therefore, the fraction of the radiation absorbed by the disk wind in this case is considerably smaller and can be comparable to the effect from the puffed-up inner rim only at an accretion rate of the order of or higher than 10?6 M yr?1. Since the disk wind is structurally inhomogeneous, its optical depth toward the observer can be variable, which should be reflected in the photometric activity of young stars. For the same reason, moving shadows from gas and dust streams with a spiral-like shape can be observed in high-angular-resolution circumstellar disk images.  相似文献   

We studied the intermediate polar TVCol during and after its flare in November 1982 observed in the ultraviolet range with the International Ultraviolet Explorer. Two spectra revealing the variations of emission lines at different times are presented. We have estimated a new value of the reddening from the 2200 Å absorption feature, E (B ? V ) = 0.12 ± 0.02, and calculated the line fluxes of C IV and He II emission lines produced in the outer accretion disk. The average ultraviolet luminosity of emitting region during and after the flare is approximately 4 × 1032 erg s?1 and 9 × 1030 erg s?1, the corresponding average mass accretion rate is nearly 3 × 1015 erg s?1 (4.76 × 10?11M yr?1) and 5 × 1013 erg s?1 (7.93 × 10?13M yr?1), and the average temperature of the emitting region during and after flare is estimated to be of about 3.5 × 103 K and 2 × 103 K. We attribute this flare to a sudden increase in the mass accretion rate leading to the outburst activity.  相似文献   

Spectroscopy from the Infrared Space Observatory ISO has for the first timeprovided the sensitivity to exploit the diagnostic power ofmid-infrared fine structure lines and PAH features for the study ofultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIR >1012 L ). We report on observations obtainedwith SWS, ISOPHOT-S, and the CVF option of ISOCAM. From both fine structure lines and PAH features, we find that the majority of ULIRGs is predominantlypowered by star formation. Our total sample of about 75 ULIRGs allows tosearch for trends within the class of ULIRGs: The fraction of AGNs increaseswith luminosity above 3 × 1012L but there is no obvioustrend for ULIRGs to be more AGN-like with more advanced merger phase.  相似文献   

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