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The geochemical behaviors of Be and Al in ocean waters have been successfully studied in recent years using natural, cosmogenic, radioactive10Be and26Al as tracers. The present day dissolved concentrations and distribution of the stable and radioactive isotopes of Be and Al in ocean waters have revealed their short residence times and appreciable effects of exchange fluxes at the coastal and ocean-sediment interfaces. It follows that concentrations of these particle-active elements must have varied in the past with temporal changes in climate, biological productivity and aeolian flux of continental detritus to the oceans. We therefore investigated the feasibility of extending the measurements of Be and Al isotope concentrations in marine systems to the 103–106 y BP time scale. We report here the discovery of significant amounts of intrinsic Be and Al in marine foraminiferal calcite and coral aragonite, and of Al in opal (radiolarians) and aragonite (coral), which makes it possible to determine10Be/Be and26Al/Al in oceans in the past. We also report measured10Be/9Be in foraminiferal calcite in Pacific Ocean cores, which reveal that the concentrations and ratios of the stable and cosmogenic isotopes of Be and Al have varied significantly in the past 30 ky. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Most Tibetan lakes are surrounded by conspicuous regressive shorelines attesting to high-water levels in the past. Concentrations of the in situ produced cosmogenic radionuclide 10Be in bedrock from the three highest terraces surrounding Sumxi Co, situated in Western Kunlun, indicate that the highest lake-level appeared before 10,000–11,500 yr, and most likely between 11,000 and 12,800 yr. Younger ages for the two lower terraces imply regression of Sumxi Co during the early-mid Holocene. The concurrency of the highest lake-level with orbitally induced maximum northern hemisphere summer insolation suggests that the increase in water supply to Sumxi Co was most likely associated with increased recharge from melting glaciers. We conclude that the enhanced Indian monsoon during the early Holocene did not penetrate the Tibetan plateau and affect the northwestern part of Tibet significantly.  相似文献   

宇宙成因核素10Be示踪古地磁场的研究在海洋和冰芯研究中得到了广泛应用,然而受黄土来源及沉降过程的复杂性制约,运用中国黄土10Be示踪古地磁场变化的研究直到近年来才取得突破进展.综述了黄土10Be的研究现状并指出将其应用于地磁场示踪研究存在的关键问题,重点介绍了为分离黄土10Be浓度记录所包含的气候因素和地磁场影响因素而建立的LGM分离方法、剩磁矫顽力估算模型方法和平均值概念方法.各种创新数理方法的建立基本解决了黄土10Be示踪古地磁场的科学难题,使黄土10Be示踪古地磁场变化研究成为可能.  相似文献   

An increase in the cosmogenic beryllium-10 content of the Orca basin sediments due to the flooding of the Gulf of Mexico (GM) by meltwaters during the late Wisconsin interglacial is reported. A strong negative correlation (γ =-0.99) betweenδ 18 O (in the range o f-1.5‰ to +0.5‰) and10Be/Al ratio is seen. During intense flooding reflected by a decrease in δ18O by ∼ 2‰, this correlation may not hold as some of the sediments with low10Be/Al ratio and deposited on the shelf and slope regions of the GM during the earlier glacial period would also be washed into the basin. The deposited sediment would then be a mixture with a10Be/Al ratio lower than expected from the correlation  相似文献   

原地宇宙成因核素10Be和26Al的暴露年龄测定是近年来发展较快的测年技术,已在地学研究中得到广泛应用。该方法需要选用经一系列前处理过程获得的纯净石英作为待测样品,制备成BeO和Al2O3以供加速器质谱仪测量。因此获得高纯度的石英样品,是该测年方法的关键环节之一。本研究在已有报道的石英提纯化学流程的基础上,尝试对流程进行部分优化,通过实验对比不同粒径组分、不同固液比水浴振荡器和滚筒HF-HNO3蚀刻效果,确定使用HF-HNO3(1%或2%,固液比15.0 g/L)滚筒加热法刻蚀样品以去除铝硅酸盐,多钨酸钠重液分离样品中的石英和其他组分。优化的分离纯化流程应用于处理采自祁连山北缘河流阶地含石英的岩石样品,经纯化的石英纯度可达98%以上,Al的含量小于200μg/g,表明采用优化的提取流程获得了高纯度的石英样品,可以满足10Be和26Al暴露测年所需样品要求。  相似文献   

原地生成宇宙成因核素^10Be和^26Al样品采集及处理   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
着重介绍原地生成宇宙成因核素^10Be和^26Al理想样品的特点、野外采集注意事项、实验室分离与纯化以及加速器质谱测量用靶样制备等。  相似文献   

原地宇生核素26Al/10Be埋藏测年法是最近十多年涌现的测年新技术之一,广泛应用于地貌演化、古人类等研究领域,Al回收率及其纯度很大程度上决定着年代结果的精度.美国Purdue大学现用Al分离纯化程序有一些步骤尚待完善.本文通过条件实验,对该程序提出如下修改建议:①用38 ~ 75 μm阴离子交换树脂取代原用的75 ~ 150 μm树脂,以减少淋洗液(0.05 mol/L草酸-0.5 mol/L盐酸)体积并实现Al与主要干扰元素Fe、Ti的定量分离;②用阳离子交换法从草酸-盐酸中提取Al,以规避较为冗长的化学法破坏草酸.模拟样品的分析结果表明,经改进的两步骤可实现Al近于定量的回收,全流程Al回收率达91%-+5%,纯度为98%.  相似文献   

任静  李超  刘宇平  武振坤  任磊 《岩矿测试》2018,37(3):275-282
经历反复埋藏暴露演化过程的河流阶地样品,难以用常规方法将原生宇宙核素10Be、26Al有效分离。本文在前人实验方法基础上,使用人工挑选、磁选仪分选及酸洗方法,分离样品中碳酸盐、含铁矿物及大气生成的10Be,进一步优化了石英提纯实验流程。结果表明:长度为9 cm、内径为1 cm的阴离子交换树脂装置匹配4 mol/L氢氟酸淋滤液,可将B、Mg、Ca、Cr、Fe、Mn、Ni、Ti和Be、Al有效分离,Be、Al回收率分别可达95.7%、85.7%。阳离子交换树脂能有效分离Be、Al,两元素回收率均达到85%。获得10Be/9Be和26Al/27Al流程空白分别为2.19×10-15和1.63×10-15。优化后的实验方法显著提高了河流阶地样品中原生宇宙核素10Be、26Al的纯化效率,且10Be/9Be和26Al/27Al流程空白数值与国内外实验室具有可比性。采用本方法获得了成都平原冲积物10Be、26Al暴露年龄分别是76.36±9.51 ka和69.44±14.13 ka,为评价龙门山前缘隐伏断裂构造特征和活动性提供了年代学依据。  相似文献   

昆仑山垭口地区"望昆冰期"冰碛宇宙成因核素10Be测年   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
昆仑山垭口地区是东昆仑山现代冰川作用中心之一,在第四纪冰期间冰期旋回中保留了多套较为完整的冰川沉积.位于垭口盆地西侧山脊上的望昆冰碛,是本区已知最老的冰川沉积.应用宇宙成因核素10Be暴露年龄方法对望昆冰碛进行年代测定,5个样品中有4个介于(56.9±5.6)~(38.2±3.5)ka BP之间,相当于MIS3阶段,明显年轻于前人所测ESR和古地磁年代,且与地貌系列不符.这一结果不能代表望昆冰碛的实际年代,而应为所测漂砾后期暴露的年代,反映了MIS3阶段昆仑山垭口地区曾遭受过强烈地表剥蚀过程.望昆冰碛10Be暴露年龄显著地年轻,表明应用宇宙核素暴露年代测定冰碛物形成时代具有复杂性,应充分考虑后期剥蚀等地表过程,并应使用其他测年方法进行相互验证.  相似文献   

主要讨论宇宙射线成因核素10Be(T 1/2= 1.5Ma)在大洋边缘海洋学尤其是中国近海海洋研究中的应用。在过去的近20年中,在中国开展的10Be研究在黄土堆积年龄及地层对比方面获得了诸多成果,但在海洋方面的应用研究距国际水平仍有一定的差距,尚需进一步加强。综述了海洋环境中10Be作为一个地球化学示踪剂的研究现状,着重介绍10Be在中国东部海域的收支平衡模式以及讨论10Be在太平洋西部边缘海及岛弧地区的应用前景。  相似文献   

Moraines southwest of Lake Yashilkul, Pamir, Tajikistan, were dated using 10Be exposure ages of boulder surfaces. We found evidence for (1) an extensive glaciation ∼60,000 yr ago; (2) a less extensive glacial advance, which deposited a characteristic hummocky moraine lobe with exposure ages ranging from ∼11,000 to 47,000 yr, probably deposited at or before 47,000 yr ago; and (3) lateral moraines with exposure ages of ∼40,000 yr, 27,000 yr and 19,000 yr, respectively. Increasing aridity in the Pamir is most likely responsible for the progressively limited extent of the glaciers during the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Numerous large landslide deposits occur in the Tien Shan, a tectonically active intraplate orogen in Central Asia. Yet their significance in Quaternary landscape evolution and natural hazard assessment remains unresolved due to the lack of "absolute" age constraints. Here we present the first 10Be exposure ages for three prominent (> 107 m3) bedrock landslides that blocked major rivers and formed lakes, two of which subsequently breached, in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan. Three 10Be ages reveal that one landslide in the Alamyedin River occurred at 11–15 ka, which is consistent with two 14C ages of gastropod shells from reworked loess capping the landslide. One large landslide in Aksu River is among the oldest documented in semi-arid continental interiors, with a 10Be age of 63–67 ka. The Ukok River landslide deposit(s) yielded variable 10Be ages, which may result from multiple landslides, and inheritance of 10Be. Two 10Be ages of 8.2 and 5.9 ka suggest that one major landslide occurred in the early to mid-Holocene, followed by at least one other event between 1.5 and 0.4 ka. Judging from the regional glacial chronology, all three landslides have occurred between major regional glacial advances. Whereas Alamyedin and Ukok can be considered as postglacial in this context, Aksu is of interglacial age. None of the landslide deposits show traces of glacial erosion, hence their locations and 10Be ages mark maximum extents and minimum ages of glacial advances, respectively. Using toe-to-headwall altitude ratios of 0.4–0.5, we reconstruct minimum equilibrium-line altitudes that exceed previous estimates by as much as 400 m along the moister northern fringe of the Tien Shan. Our data show that deposits from large landslides can provide valuable spatio-temporal constraints for glacial advances in landscapes where moraines and glacial deposits have low preservation potential.  相似文献   

The absence of a production rate calibration experiment on Greenland has limited the ability to link 10Be exposure dating chronologies of ice‐margin change to independent records of rapid climate change. We use radiocarbon age control on Holocene glacial features near Jakobshavn Isbræ, western Greenland, to investigate 10Be production rates. The radiocarbon chronology is inconsistent with the 10Be age calculations based on the current globally averaged 10Be production rate calibration data set, but is consistent with the 10Be production rate calibration data set from north‐eastern North America, which includes a calibration site nearby on north‐eastern Baffin Island. Based on the best‐dated feature available from the Jakobshavn Isbræ forefield, we derive a 10Be production rate value of 3.98 ± 0.24 atoms g a?1, using the ‘St’ scaling scheme, which overlaps with recently published reference 10Be production rates. We suggest that these 10Be production rate data, or the very similar data from north‐eastern North America, are used on Greenland. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘亮  翟羿杰  张威  初智豪 《冰川冻土》2022,44(4):1283-1297
对北美洲晚第四纪冰川10Be暴露年代进行汇编与聚集程度置信等级划分,构建了北美洲各区域的冰川演化序列,并进一步对比和分析了冰川演化序列对高分辨率气候事件的响应情况,使用较好和中等聚集程度的暴露年代漂砾组对北美洲各区域进行冰期划分。结果表明:北美洲冰川序列横跨6个深海氧同位素阶段(marine isotope stage,MIS),保守估计至少在MIS 6/5、MIS 4/3、MIS 2时期出现了规模性冰进,其记录可信区间为约150 ka至今。末次冰盛期(Last Glacial Maximum,LGM)之前的冰川演化存在区域性,这可能与劳伦泰德冰盖的大气效应存在一定的相关性。LGM的冰川达到最大范围的时间不同步,揭示了不同地区冰川演化的影响因素不尽相同。LGM以来的冰川作用对于高分辨率气候事件,如海因里希事件1(Heinrich Stadial 1,HS1)、B-A事件(B?lling-Aller?d,B-A)、新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas,YD)的响应存在同步性。对于全新世更高分辨率的邦德事件(Bond),北美洲的冰川10Be暴露年代同样具有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclide concentrations measured on abandoned fan surfaces along the Mojave section of the San Andreas Fault suggest that sediment is generated, transported, and removed from the fans on the order of 30-40 kyr. We measured in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, and in some cases 26Al, in boulders (n = 15), surface sediment (n = 15), and one depth profile (n = 9). Nuclide concentrations in surface sediments and boulders underestimate fan ages, suggesting that 10Be accumulation is largely controlled by the geomorphic processes that operate on the surfaces of the fans and not by their ages.Field observations, grain-size distribution, and cosmogenic nuclide data suggest that over time, boulders weather into grus and the bar sediments diffuse into the adjacent swales. As fans grow older the relief between bars and swales decreases, the sediment transport rate from bars to swales decreases, and the surface processes that erode the fan become uniform over the entire fan surface. The nuclide data therefore suggest that, over time, the difference in 10Be concentration between bars and swales increases to a maximum until the topographic relief between bars and swales is minimized, resulting in a common surface lowering rate and common 10Be concentrations across the fan. During this phase, the entire fan is lowered homogeneously at a rate of 10-15 mm kyr−1.  相似文献   

We report the first direct ages for late Quaternary glaciation on the North Island of New Zealand. Mt Ruapehu, the volcanic massif in the North Island's centre, is currently glaciated and probably sustained glaciers throughout the late Quaternary, yet no numeric ages have been reported for glacial advances anywhere on the North Island. Here, we describe cosmogenic 10Be ages of the surface layers of a glacially transported boulder and glacially polished bedrock from the Tararua Range, part of the axial ranges of the North Island. Results indicate that a limited valley glaciation occurred, culminating in recession at the end of the last glacial coldest period (LGCP, ca. 18 ka). This provides an initial age for deglaciation on the North Island during the last glacial–interglacial transition (LGIT). It appears that glaciation occurred in response to an equilibrium‐line altitude (ELA) lowering of ~1400 m below the present‐day mean summer freezing level. Ages for glaciation in the Tararua Range correspond closely to exposure ages for the last glacial maximum (LGM) from the lateral moraines of Cascade Valley in the South Island, and in Cobb Valley, in northern South Island. The corollary is that glaciation in the Tararua Range coincided with the phase of maximum cooling during MIS 2, prior to the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR), during the LGCP. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在已有实验流程基础上,建立并优化了石英样品中Be和Al提取、纯化等实验流程,设计的流程条件实验包括实验试剂、器皿和离子交换柱选择、离子交换树脂分离Be和Al时酸浓度选择等。结果表明,选择钢铁研究总院研制的9Be标准溶液作为10Be样品制备的载体;使用一次性实验器皿;选用4 cm规格的离子交换柱;用0.05 mol/L草酸和0.75 mol/L盐酸混合溶液洗脱吸附于阴离子树脂上的Al,可有效提取、纯化样品中的Be和Al。加速器质谱(AMS)测量结果显示,13组化学空白的10Be/9Be和26Al/27Al比值平均值分别为7.48×10-15和1.96×10-15,与国内已有宇宙成因核素实验室的结果(5×10-15~8×10-15)具有可比性。电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)的测量结果表明,Be、Al回收率分别达90%和60%。基于新建立的实验流程分析了祁连山北侧金佛寺的一个岩石样品,获得了10Be和26Al的暴露年代分别为(10.7±1.0) ka和(10.0±1.2) ka,与前人研究结果一致。  相似文献   

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