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探讨了城市住宅房地产项目的价值趋向及其影响因素,并试图寻求将分析成果辅助应用于住宅建筑设计的方法,为住宅规划和建筑方案的设计提供指导和优化的方法。  相似文献   

从住宅建筑设计角度引导绿色生活方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活方式对节能的作用不可低估,笔者就如何在住宅设计中分析居住者的使用要求与行为模式,为居住者塑造适合绿色生活方式的居住空间,达到住宅节能,做一些探讨.  相似文献   

当前,工业化住宅是国内工程建设关注的热点,各种名称和定义并存,如装配式住宅、PC预制混凝土住宅、模块化建筑等。住宅产业化定义的多样性,表明国内对住宅产业化本质认识、理解和概念模糊,甚至产生了“住宅产业化=预制装配率”的局限性理解。  相似文献   

我国正处于工业化、城镇化、信息化和农业现代化快速发展的历史时期,人口、资源、环境的压力日益凸显。为探索可持续发展的城镇化道路,在党中央、国务院的直接指导下,我国先后在天津、上海、深圳、青岛、无锡等地开展了生态城区规划建设,并启动了一批绿色建筑示范工程。建设绿色生态城区、加快发展绿色建筑,不仅是转变我国建筑业发展方式和城乡建设模式的重大问题,也直接关系群众的切身利益和国家的长远利益。为深入贯彻落实科学发展观,推动绿色生态城区和绿色建筑发展,建设资源节约型和环境友好型城镇,实现美丽中国、永续  相似文献   

随着人们对于居住环境的需求不断增大,选择园林规划合理,且整体布局舒适的小区是一种普遍的趋势。本文就从城市住宅小区园林的合理规划方面进行了深入介绍和分析,仅供参考。  相似文献   

住宅设计应“以人为本”,充分考虑安全卫生、安静私密的生理和心理要求,提供功能和尺度适宜的居住空间。还应该注重生态环境和可持续发展,要实现人。洼化的设计目标,提供大量高质量高舒适度的住宅产品,就必须走产业化的道路,建筑师有责任和义务积极参与和推动这一进程,起到促进住宅产业化龙头作用。  相似文献   

2002年至2004年,是上海现代建筑设计集团《十年发展战略和新一轮三年发展规划》设定的第一个三年发展阶段。在有利的宏观经济形势的推动下,现代集团紧抓机遇,生产经营连创新高,技术质量和科技进步明显提高,到2003年底,不仅全面实现了“提前一年完成三年生产经营目标”的要求,同时,还提前整整一年,基本完成了2002至2004年整个三年规划的各项目标。  相似文献   

2007年11月13日,中国房地产及住宅研究会住宅设施委员会第五届理事会换届大会暨2007年年会在北京海特饭店隆重召开,大会历时两天,在充分征求会员单位意见基础上,选举产生了中国房地产及住宅研  相似文献   

关键词 绿色设计 低碳技术 为促进我国绿色建筑(住宅)规划设计水平的提高和低碳技术的应用,提供绿色低碳技术交易、洽谈、合作的交流平台,住房城乡建设部科技发展促进中心与中国勘察设计协会将于2013年10月23日~26日在海南省海口市联合主办“绿色建筑设计和低碳技术应用创新交流会”。  相似文献   

正积淀技术传承筑梦创意设计民用建筑设计领域全专业综合解决方案提供者随着现代社会的高速发展和人民生活水平的提高,建筑,特别是民用公共建筑的意义不再是单纯的实用。作为文化的传承者,它承载着对和谐社会、绿色环境、品质生活、创意经济、现代科技的向往,传递着种种情感和信念。中国航空规划建设发展有限公司建筑设计研究院(以下简称"中航建发建筑院"),在建筑方案的创作上,由国内知名建筑师担纲,基于现代设计和艺术的变迁,深入渗透到了人类工作、生活的各个层面,经过不断的创新和发展,形成了文化教育、科技博览、体育健身、酒店办公、地产人居5大强势业务领域。同时,该院积极践行公司战略,工程总承包业务持续稳定发  相似文献   

Summary Results of instrumentation, test mining and computer aided stability analyses were combined to design the most stable gate road layout for two-seam longwall mining at the Plateau Mining Company. Five layouts were evaluated; these layouts used a combination of yield and/or large pillars with either three-entry or two-entry development systems.A layout which used a yield pillar within a two-entry development system resulted in the most stable gate roads for two-seam mining. Another layout using a yield and large pillar was shown to be most stable for single-seam mining of the top seam, but it was unsuitable for two-seam mining because of seam interaction problems.The size of the yield pillar was determined by satisfying several design requirements, as well as by limited test mining; test results showed good, medium-term stability for the yield pillars, with a possible need for rib control. It was shown that the yield pillars might be effective in controlling the floor heave, and could minimize interaction problems in two-seam mining.  相似文献   

以海南省东部某典型地区市县级农业地质普查为例,介绍了基于MapGIS的Lable点法样点布置方法。该方法首先将海南省第二次土地利用调查的26个土地利用小类归并成水田、旱地、果园、其他园地、林地、建设用地、滩涂、交通用地、水面、其他土地共10大类,图斑总数由9932个归并为4257个;然后将归并后的图斑按照面积大小划分为代表性依次降低的A、B、C三个级别;样点布置过程中,A级图斑采用传统500 m×500 m网格化方法布置样点,B级图斑采用基于MapGIS的Lable点法布置样点,C级图斑不布置样点。软件自动布置样点后,经必要的人工调整,在174 km2的工作区共布置1610个采样点,样点密度达9.25个/km2,符合农业地质调查相关规范要求。方法有效性验证显示:与传统单一的333 m×333 m网格化样点布置方法相比,该方法布置的样点在可采性、代表性、准确性、合理性四方面都有显著优势,值得推广应用。  相似文献   




Most coal mines in China use the longwall mining system. High stresses are frequently encountered around development entries at deep mines. This paper presents an alternate longwall mining layout for thick coal seams to minimize ground control problems. In a conventional longwall panel layout, development entries on both ends of the panel are located along the floor, and a coal pillar (chain pillar) is left between adjacent panels to ensure stability. Gateroads on either end of a longwall panel using the layout proposed in this paper are located at different vertical levels within a thick coal seam or in a geologically split coal seam for improved stability. The headgate entry/ies are driven along the floor while the tailgate entry/ies are driven along the roof. Therefore, a longwall face has a gradually elevated or curved section on one end of the panel. For the adjacent panel, the development entry may be located directly below the development entry of the previous panel or may be offset horizontally with respect to it. Based on physical and numerical modeling approaches, it is demonstrated that the stress environment for development entries employing the longwall layout is significantly improved; ground control problems are therefore minimized.  相似文献   

各位领导、各位专家、同志们: 很高兴参加全国工程咨询设计行业发展高峰论坛。在这里我谨代表建设部工程质量安全监督与行业发展司对此次高峰论坛的召开表示热烈祝贺。[第一段]  相似文献   

在安徽省公路勘测设计院信息化管理水平现状的基础上,通过运用先进的管理理念和软件技术,建立了一套多专业集群化协同工作环境,有效提升了勘测设计管理水平;通过研究和挖掘先进的管理理念,结合先进的计算机软件技术,达到整合企业现有的内外部资源,为企业的项目运作和战略决策提供准确而有效的数据信息。  相似文献   

Karst database development in Minnesota: design and data assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Karst Feature Database (KFD) of Minnesota is a relational GIS-based Database Management System (DBMS). Previous karst feature datasets used inconsistent attributes to describe karst features in different areas of Minnesota. Existing metadata were modified and standardized to represent a comprehensive metadata for all the karst features in Minnesota. Microsoft Access 2000 and ArcView 3.2 were used to develop this working database. Existing county and sub-county karst feature datasets have been assembled into the KFD, which is capable of visualizing and analyzing the entire data set. By November 17 2002, 11,682 karst features were stored in the KFD of Minnesota. Data tables are stored in a Microsoft Access 2000 DBMS and linked to corresponding ArcView applications. The current KFD of Minnesota has been moved from a Windows NT server to a Windows 2000 Citrix server accessible to researchers and planners through networked interfaces.  相似文献   

本文介绍了智能型测氡仪器标定装置——HD 5型多功能生态氡室的结构及氡浓度定值的计量过程,并分析了该氡室的性能指标。  相似文献   

青海祁漫塔格金属矿集区具有丰富的矿产资源和广阔的成矿前景,是东昆仑成矿带最重要的铁多金属成矿远景区.为推动矿集区矿产资源的开发利用和可持续发展,从矿产资源条件、技术经济条件及环境影响3个方面,通过评价指标的筛选、指标权重与评价标准的确定以及评价指标的计算等构建了资源开发布局评价指标体系,并对祁漫塔格金属矿集区进行了矿产资源开发布局评价.评价分析结果为:祁漫塔格矿集区11个开发区划单元综合评价平均值为7.0分,矿集区整体开发优势一般;有2个开发区划单元综合评价值在8.0分以上,属于重点优先部署开发区域,分别为夏日哈木多金属矿区和虎头崖—迎庆沟多金属矿区;有7个开发区划单元属于可以部署开发区域,可作为备选区域;另有2个开发区划单元综合评价值低于6.0分,暂不宜考虑开发.  相似文献   

Designing environmentally safe and economically feasible landfills can be a challenging task due to complex interactions that need to be taken into account between landfill size, waste and site characteristics. The main focus of this study is, by interfacing the geographic information systems (GIS) with system simulation models (SSM), to develop a methodology and a landfill design component selection matrix that can enable the determination of landfill design components providing the desired performance with minimal design details. In this paper, the conceptual framework and applications of the developed methodology demonstrating the selection of landfill design components that are suitable for the existing site conditions are presented. The conceptual model defines design variables, performance criteria and design components of a landfill. GIS and SSM are used to handle the site-specific data and to evaluate the landfill performance, respectively. Results indicate that the landfills having the same design characteristics show different performance under different site conditions; therefore, a landfill design that is technically and economically feasible should be selected on the basis of performance.  相似文献   

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