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根据X射线衍射(XRD)分析发现: A Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6(A=K+、H3O+)系列铁钒的XRD数据十分相近,难以用XRD区别,需通过能谱(EDS)辅助分析,才能区分此类铁矾。另外,此类铁矾的003和107面网间距d随K+含量增大而增大,且呈一元三次方程的关系;而033和220面网间距d随K+含量增大而减小,呈一元二次方程的关系。对该现象从铁矾晶体结构方面进行解释:K+、H3O+离子位于较大空隙中,且沿着Z轴方向排列,当K+、H3O+离子之间相互替换时,会导致该铁矾晶体结构在Z轴方向有较明显的变化。  相似文献   

The solubility of Fe-ettringite (Ca6[Fe(OH)6]2(SO4)3 · 26H2O) was measured in a series of precipitation and dissolution experiments at 20 °C and at pH-values between 11.0 and 14.0 using synthesised material. A time-series study showed that equilibrium was reached within 180 days of ageing. After equilibrating, the solid phases were analysed by XRD and TGA while the aqueous solutions were analysed by ICP-OES (calcium, sulphur) and ICP-MS (iron). Fe-ettringite was found to be stable up to pH 13.0. At higher pH-values Fe-monosulphate (Ca4[Fe(OH)6]2(SO4) · 6H2O) and Fe-monocarbonate (Ca4[Fe(OH)6]2(CO3) · 6H2O) are formed. The solubilities of these hydrates at 25 °C are:   相似文献   

In a recent study, sulphate-bearing green rust (GRSO4) was shown to incorporate Na+ in its structure (NaFeII6FeIII3(OH)18(SO4)2(s); GRNa,SO4). The compound was synthesised by aerial oxidation of Fe(OH)2(s) in the presence of NaOH. This paper reports on its free energy of formation .Freshly synthesised GRNa,SO4 was titrated with 0.5 M H2SO4 in an inert atmosphere at 25 °C, producing dissolved Fe2+ and magnetite or goethite. Solution concentrations, PHREEQC and the MINTEQ database were used to calculate reaction constants for the reactions:

The stable boron isotope ratio (11B/10B) in marine carbonates is used as a paleo-pH recorder and is one of the most promising paleo-carbonate chemistry proxies. Understanding the thermodynamic basis of the proxy is of fundamental importance, including knowledge on the equilibrium fractionation factor between dissolved boric acid, B(OH)3, and borate ion, B(OH)4 (, hereafter α(B3-B4)). However, this factor has hitherto not been determined experimentally and a theoretically calculated value (Kakihana and Kotaka, 1977, hereafter KK77) has therefore been widely used. I examine the calculations underlying this value. Using the same spectroscopic data and methods as KK77, I calculate the same α(B3−B4) = 1.0193 at 300 K. Unfortunately, it turns out that in general the result is sensitive to the experimentally determined vibrational frequencies and the theoretical methods used to calculate the molecular forces. Using analytical techniques and ab initio molecular orbital theory, the outcome for α(B3-B4) varies between ∼1.020 and ∼1.050 at 300 K. However, several arguments suggest that α(B3-B4) ? 1.030. Measured isotopic shifts in various 10B-, 2D-, and 18O-labeled isotopomers do not provide a constraint on stable boron isotope fractionation. I conclude that in order to anchor the fundamentals of the boron pH proxy, experimental work is required. The critics of the boron pH proxy should note, however, that uncertainties in α(B3-B4) do not bias pH reconstructions provided that organism-specific calibrations are used.  相似文献   

Silicic acid and the hexa-aqua of Al3+ are fundamental model aqueous species of chemical importance in nature. In order to investigate their hydroxyl dissociation mechanisms, Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) simulations were carried out, which allow treating the solutes and solvents on the same footing. The method of constraint was employed to trigger the reactions by taking coordination number as the reaction coordinate and the thermodynamic integration was used to obtain the free-energy profiles. The approximate transition states were located and the reactant and product states were also characterized. The free-energy changes of dissociation are found about 15.0 kcal/mol and 7.7 kcal/mol for silicic acid and Al-aqua, respectively. From the simulation results, the first pKas were calculated by using two approaches, which are based on the pristine thermodynamic relation and the RDF (radial distribution function)-free energy relation, respectively. Because of more uncertainties involved in the RDF way, it is suggested that the pristine way should be favored, which shows an error margin of 1 pKa unit. This study provides an encouraging basis for applying the present methodology to predict acidity constants of those groups that are difficult to measure experimentally.  相似文献   

Yavapaiite, KFe(SO4)2, is a rare mineral in nature, but its structure is considered as a reference for many synthetic compounds in the alum supergroup. Several authors mention the formation of yavapaiite by heating potassium jarosite above ca. 400°C. To understand the thermal decomposition of jarosite, thermodynamic data for phases in the K-Fe-S-O-(H) system, including yavapaiite, are needed. A synthetic sample of yavapaiite was characterized in this work by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermal analysis. Based on X-ray diffraction pattern refinement, the unit cell dimensions for this sample were found to be a = 8.152 ± 0.001 Å, b = 5.151 ± 0.001 Å, c = 7.875 ± 0.001 Å, and β = 94.80°. Thermal decomposition indicates that the final breakdown of the yavapaiite structure takes place at 700°C (first major endothermic peak), but the decomposition starts earlier, around 500°C. The enthalpy of formation from the elements of yavapaiite, KFe(SO4)2, ΔH°f = −2042.8 ± 6.2 kJ/mol, was determined by high-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. Using literature data for hematite, corundum, and Fe/Al sulfates, the standard entropy and Gibbs free energy of formation of yavapaiite at 25°C (298 K) were calculated as S°(yavapaiite) = 224.7 ± 2.0 J.mol−1.K−1 and ΔG°f = −1818.8 ± 6.4 kJ/mol. The equilibrium decomposition curve for the reaction jarosite = yavapaiite + Fe2O3 + H2O has been calculated, at pH2O = 1 atm, the phase boundary lies at 219 ± 2°C.  相似文献   

The solubility of crystalline Mg(OH)2(cr) was determined by measuring the equilibrium H+ concentration in water, 0.01-2.7 m MgCl2, 0.1-5.6 m NaCl, and in mixtures of 0.5 and 5.0 m NaCl containing 0.01-0.05 m MgCl2. In MgCl2 solutions above 2 molal, magnesium hydroxide converted into hydrated magnesium oxychloride. The solid-liquid equilibrium of Mg2(OH)3Cl·4H2O(cr) was studied in 2.1-5.2 m MgCl2. Using known ion interaction Pitzer coefficients for the system Mg-Na-H-OH-Cl-H2O (25°C), the following equilibrium constants at I = 0 are calculated:

Lead- and Pb-As-jarosites are minerals common to acidic, sulphate-rich environments, including weathering zones of sulphide ore deposits and acid rock or acid mine drainage (ARD/AMD) sites, and often form on or near galena. The structures of these jarosites are based on linear tetrahedral-octahedral-tetrahedral (T-O-T) sheets, comprised of slightly distorted FeO6 octahedra and SO42− (-AsO43− in Pb-As-jarosites) tetrahedra. To better understand the dissolution mechanisms and products of the break down of Pb- and Pb-As-jarosite, preliminary batch dissolution experiments were conducted on synthetic Pb- and Pb-As-jarosite at pH 2 and 20 °C, to mimic environments affected by ARD/AMD, and at pH 8 and 20 °C, to simulate ARD/AMD environments recently remediated with slaked lime (Ca(OH)2). All four dissolutions are incongruent. Dissolution of Pb-jarosite at pH 2 yields aqueous Pb, Fe and SO42−. The pH 8 Pb-jarosite dissolution yields aqueous Pb, SO42− and poorly crystalline Fe(OH)3, which does not appear to resorb Pb or SO42−, possibly due to the low solution pH (3.44-3.54) at the end of the experiment. The pH 2 and 8 dissolutions of Pb-As-jarosite result in the formation of secondary compounds (poorly crystalline PbSO4 for pH 2 dissolution; poorly crystalline PbSO4 and Fe(OH)3 for pH 8 dissolution), which may act as dissolution inhibitors after 250 to 300 h of dissolution. In the pH 2 dissolution, aqueous Fe, SO42− and AsO43− also form, and in the pH 8 dissolution, Fe(OH)3 precipitates then subsequently resorbs aqueous AsO43−. The dissolutions probably proceed by preferred dissolution of the A- and T-sites, which contain Pb, and SO42− and AsO43−, respectively, rather than Fe, which is sterically remote, within the T-O-T Pb- and Pb-As-jarosite structures. These data provide the foundation necessary for further, more detailed investigations into the dissolution of Pb- and Pb-As-jarosites.  相似文献   

Phosphoinnelite, an analogue of innelite with P > S, has been found in a peralkaline pegmatite vein crosscutting calcite carbonatite at the phlogopite deposit, Kovdor pluton, Kola Peninsula. Cancrinite (partly replaced with thomsonite-Ca), orthoclase, aegirine-augite, pectolite, magnesioarfvedsonite, golyshevite, and fluorapatite are associated minerals. Phosphoinnelite occurs as lath-shaped crystals up to 0.2 × 1 × 6 mm in size, which are combined typically in bunch-, sheaf-, and rosettelike segregations. The color is yellow-brown, with vitreous luster on crystal faces and greasy luster on broken surfaces. The mineral is transparent. The streak is pale yellowish. Phosphoinnelite is brittle, with perfect cleavage parallel to the {010} and good cleavage parallel to the {100}; the fracture is stepped. The Mohs hardness is 4.5 to 5. Density is 3.82 g/cm3 (meas.) and 3.92 g/cm3 (calc.). Phosphoinnelite is biaxial (+), α = 1.730, β = 1.745, and γ = 1.764, 2V (meas.) is close to 90°. Optical orientation is Z^c ∼ 5°. Chemical composition determined by electron microprobe is as follows (wt %): 6.06 Na2O, 0.04 K2O, 0.15 CaO, 0.99 SrO, 41.60 BaO, 0.64 MgO, 1.07 MnO, 1.55 Fe2O3, 0.27 Al2O3, 17.83 SiO2, 16.88 TiO2, 0.74 Nb2O5, 5.93 P2O5, 5.29 SO3, 0.14 F, −O=F2 = −0.06, total is 99.12. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of (Si,Al)4O14 is (Ba3.59Sr0.13K0.01)Σ3.73(Na2.59Mg0.21Ca0.04)Σ3.04(Ti2.80Fe 0.26 3+ Nb0.07)Σ3.13[(Si3.93Al0.07)Σ4O14(P1.11S0.87)Σ1.98O7.96](O2.975F0.10)Σ3.075. The simplified formula is Ba4Na3Ti3Si4O14(PO4,SO4)2(O,F)3. The mineral is triclinic, space group P or P1. The unit cell dimensions are a = 5.38, b = 7.10, c = 14.76 ?; α = 99.00°, β = 94.94°, γ = 90.14°; and V = 555 ?3, Z = 1. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder pattern [d, ? in (I)(hkl)] are: 14.5(100)(001), 3.455(40)(103), 3.382(35)(0 2), 2.921(35)(005), 2.810(40)(1 4), 2.683(90)(200, 01), 2.133(80)( 2), 2.059(40)(204, 1 3, 221), 1.772(30)(0 1, 1 7, 2 2, 2 3). The infrared spectrum is demonstrated. An admixture of P substituting S has been detected in the innelite samples from the Inagli pluton (South Yakutia, Russia). An innelite-phosphoinnelite series with a variable S/P ratio has been discovered. The type material of phosphoinnelite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Original Russian Text ? I.V. Pekov, N.V. Chukanov, I.M. Kulikova, D.I. Belakovsky, 2006, published in Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 2006, No. 3, pp. 52–60. Considered and recommended by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, Russian Mineralogical Society, May 9, 2005. Approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, International Mineralogical Association, July 4, 2005 (proposal 2005-022).  相似文献   

Ulf Hålenius  Klaus Langer 《Lithos》1980,13(3):291-294
Six natural chloritoid crystals with Fe2+ and Fe3+ contents ranging from 4.15 to 12.81 and from 0.411 to 0.849g-atoms/l, respectively, as determined by means of microprobe and Mössbauer techniques, served as reference material to develop non-destructive microscope-spectrophotometric methods for quantitative Fe2+ – Fe3+ determinations in chloritoids from unpolarized spectra of (001) platelets. Fe2+ concentrations in g-atom/l can be obtained from [ [Fe3+]=C1xD1/t where D1 = log10(I0/I at 28,000 cm-1 and t=crystal thickness in cm; C1 is a conttant that may be influenced somewhat by experimental conditions and is found to be 0.002289 with the experimental set-up used in this study. Fe2+ concentrations in g-atom/l can be obtained from [Fe2+]=C1xD1/D1-C3 with D2=log10(I0/I) at 16,300 cm?1 and constants C4 = 45.36 and C5 = 3.540. Due to the uncertainties in absorbance measurements, D1 and D2 and the thickness measurements, the accuracies are ±0.05 and ±0.15 g-atom/l for [Fe3+] and [Fe2+], respectively. The determinations may be carried out on chloritoid grains in normal thin sections with an areal resolution of ~10 μm.  相似文献   

We report rates of oxygen exchange with bulk solution for an aqueous complex, IVGeO4Al12(OH)24(OH2)128+(aq) (GeAl12), that is similar in structure to both the IVAlO4Al12(OH)24(OH2)127+(aq) (Al13) and IVGaO4Al12(OH)24(OH2)127+(aq) (GaAl12) molecules studied previously. All of these molecules have ε-Keggin-like structures, but in the GeAl12 molecule, occupancy of the central tetrahedral metal site by Ge(IV) results in a molecular charge of +8, rather than +7, as in the Al13 and GaAl12. Rates of exchange between oxygen sites in this molecule and bulk solution were measured over a temperature range of 274.5 to 289.5 K and 2.95 < pH < 4.58 using 17O-NMR.Apparent rate parameters for exchange of the bound water molecules (η-OH2) are kex298 = 200 (±100) s−1, ΔH = 46 (±8) kJ · mol−1, and ΔS = −46 (±24) J · mol−1 K−1 and are similar to those we measured previously for the GaAl12 and Al13 complexes. In contrast to the Al13 and GaAl12 molecules, we observe a small but significant pH dependence on rates of solvolysis that is not yet fully constrained and that indicates a contribution from the partly deprotonated GeAl12 species.The two topologically distinct μ2-OH sites in the GeAl12 molecule exchange at greatly differing rates. The more labile set of μ2-OH sites in the GeAl12 molecule exchange at a rate that is faster than can be measured by the 17O-NMR isotopic-equilibration technique. The second set of μ2-OH sites have rate parameters of kex298 = 6.6 (±0.2) · 10−4 s−1, ΔH = 82 (±2) kJ · mol−1, and ΔS = −29 (±7) J · mol−1 · K−1, corresponding to exchanges ≈40 and ≈1550 times, respectively, more rapid than the less labile μ2-OH sites in the Al13 and GaAl12 molecules. We find evidence of nearly first-order pH dependence on the rate of exchange of this μ2-OH site with bulk solution for the GeAl12 molecule, which contrasts with Al13 and GaAl12 molecules.  相似文献   

Rates of steady exchange of oxygens between bulk solution and the largest known aluminum polyoxocation: Al2O8Al28(OH)56(H2O)2618+(aq) (Al30) are reported at pH≈4.7 and 32-40°C. The Al30 molecule is a useful model for geochemists because it is ≈2 nm in length, comparable to the smallest colloidal solids, and it has structural complexity greater than the surfaces of most aluminum (hydr)oxide minerals. The Al30 molecule has 15 distinct hydroxyl sites and eight symmetrically distinct bound waters. Among the hydroxyl bridges are two sets of μ3-OH, which are not present in any of the other aluminum polyoxocations that have yet been studied by NMR methods. Rates of isotopic equilibration of the μ2-OH and μ3-OH hydroxyls and bound water molecules fall within the same range as we have determined for other aluminum solutes, although it is impossible to determine rate laws for exchange at the large number of individual oxygen sites. After injection of 17O-enriched water, growth of the 17O-NMR peak near 37 ppm, which is assigned to μ2-OH and μ3-OH hydroxyl bridges, indicates that these bridges equilibrate within two weeks at temperatures near 35°C. The peak at +22 ppm in the 17O-NMR spectra, assigned to bound water molecules (η-OH2), varies in width with temperature in a similar fashion as for other aluminum solutes, suggesting that most of the η-OH2 sites exchange with bulk solution at rates that fall within the range observed for other aluminum complexes. Signal from one anomalous group of four η-OH2 sites is not observed, indicating that these sites exchange at least a factor of ten more rapidly than the other η-OH2 sites on the Al30.  相似文献   

Pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl and mimetite Pb5(AsO4)3Cl are isostructural minerals with apatite. Due to their high environmental stability, they have gained considerable attention as metals sequestration agents in water treatment and contaminated soil remediation. Pyromorphite and mimetite can form a continuous solid solution series in near-Earth surface environments. Precipitation of the end members and intermediate members of the series is likely to occur in the areas where the cost-effective in situ immobilization reclamation method, based on phosphate amendments, is applied. In contrast to the widely studied thermodynamic parameters of pyromorphite and mimetite, knowledge of the thermodynamics of their solid solutions is sparse. To supplement the data, a number of compounds from the pyromorphite-mimetite series were synthesized at room temperature using a method to simulate the conditions in the near-Earth surface environments. Afterwards, batch dissolution and dissolution-recrystallization experiments of seven synthesized precipitates were conducted at 25 °C, pH = 2 and in a 0.05 M KNO3 background electrolyte. The experiments were carried out for a period of 6 (dissolution) and 14 (dissolution-recrystallization) months. A plateau in the [Pb] evolution patterns was used to determine equilibrium. All seven dissolutions were congruent, and the ionic activity products (IAP) of the minerals from the pyromorphite-mimetite solid solution series were calculated based on the dissolution reaction: . The IAPs for pyromorphite and mimetite exhibit a significant difference in values over three orders of magnitude between approximately 10−79 for pyromorphite and approximately 10−76 for mimetite. The series appeared to be ideal, and Lippmann and Roozboom diagrams were used for better understanding of its thermodynamics. The results indicated a strong tendency of pyromorphite to partition into the solid phase in the series, which explains some of the naturally observed phenomena. The improvement of the lattice stability of the mimetite due to isostructural phosphate substitutions in anionic sites was observed. The thermodynamic data reported in this study supplement existing databases used in geochemical modeling.  相似文献   

Using fission and alpha track radiography techniques, we have measured partition coefficients (D) for the actinide elements Th, U and Pu between diopsidic clinopyroxene, whitlockite [β-Ca3 (PO4)2] and silicate liquid at 20kbar. Equilibrium partitioning at the crystal-liquid interface is assumed, and corrections for actinide zoning have been applied to the measured D values. Reproducibility for both actinide and minor element D values is carefully examined as a criterion for crystal-liquid interface equilibrium. The data are mostly compatible with interface equilibrium except for experiments at high cooling rates ( ? 30 deg/hr). Partition coefficients for Th/U/Pu of about 0.002/0.002/0.06 are measured for clinopyroxene and 1.2/0.5/3.4 for whitlockite. At an oxygen fugacity of 10?8.5, Pu is much more readily incorporated into the crystalline phases than is U or Th because of the importance of trivalent Pu. The DPu(cpx) is similar to D(cpx) of the light rare earths supporting the concept of Pu/(rare earth) dating.  相似文献   

Although, the kinetic reactivity of a mineral surface is determined, in part, by the rates of exchange of surface-bound oxygens and protons with bulk solution, there are no elementary rate data for minerals. However, such kinetic measurements can be made on dissolved polynuclear clusters, and here we report lifetimes for protons bound to three oxygen sites on the AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)127+ (Al13) molecule, which is a model for aluminum-hydroxide solids in water. Proton lifetimes were measured using 1H NMR at pH ∼ 5 in both aqueous and mixed solvents. The 1H NMR peak for protons on bound waters (η-H2O) lies near 8 ppm in a 2.5:1 mixture of H2O/acetone-d6 and broadens over the temperature range −20 to −5 °C. Extrapolated to 298 K, the lifetime of a proton on a η-H2O is τ298 ∼ 0.0002 s, which is surprisingly close to the lifetime of an oxygen in the η-H2O (∼0.0009 s), but in the same general range as lifetimes for protons on fully protonated monomer ions of trivalent metals (e.g., Al(H2O)63+). The lifetime is reduced somewhat by acid addition, indicating that there is a contribution from the partly deprotonated Al13 molecule in addition to the fully protonated Al13 at self-buffered pH conditions. Proton lifetimes on the two distinct sets of hydroxyls bridging two Al(III) (μ2-OH) differ substantially and are much shorter than the lifetime of an oxygen at these sites. The average lifetimes for hydroxyl protons were measured in a 2:1 mixture of H2O/dmso-d6 over the temperature range 3.7-95.2 °C. The lifetime of a hydrogen on one of the μ2-OH was also measured in D2O. The τ298 values are ∼0.013 and ∼0.2 s in the H2O/dmso-d6 solution and the τ298 value for the μ2-OH detectable in D2O is τ298 ∼ 0.013 s. The 1H NMR peak for the more reactive μ2-OH broadens slightly with acid addition, indicating a contribution from an exchange pathway that involves a proton or hydronium ion. These data indicate that surface protons on minerals will equilibrate with near-surface waters on the diffusional time scale.  相似文献   

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