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Equilibrium and kinetic Fe isotope fractionation between aqueous ferrous and ferric species measured over a range of chloride concentrations (0, 11, 110 mM Cl) and at two temperatures (0 and 22°C) indicate that Fe isotope fractionation is a function of temperature, but independent of chloride contents over the range studied. Using 57Fe-enriched tracer experiments the kinetics of isotopic exchange can be fit by a second-order rate equation, or a first-order equation with respect to both ferrous and ferric iron. The exchange is rapid at 22°C, ∼60-80% complete within 5 seconds, whereas at 0°C, exchange rates are about an order of magnitude slower. Isotopic exchange rates vary with chloride contents, where ferrous-ferric isotope exchange rates were ∼25 to 40% slower in the 11 mM HCl solution compared to the 0 mM Cl (∼10 mM HNO3) solutions; isotope exchange rates are comparable in the 0 and 110 mM Cl solutions.The average measured equilibrium isotope fractionations, ΔFe(III)-Fe(II), in 0, 11, and 111 mM Cl solutions at 22°C are identical within experimental error at +2.76±0.09, +2.87±0.22, and +2.76±0.06 ‰, respectively. This is very similar to the value measured by Johnson et al. (2002a) in dilute HCl solutions. At 0°C, the average measured ΔFe(III)-Fe(II) fractionations are +3.25±0.38, +3.51±0.14 and +3.56±0.16 ‰ for 0, 11, and 111 mM Cl solutions. Assessment of the effects of partial re-equilibration on isotope fractionation during species separation suggests that the measured isotope fractionations are on average too low by ∼0.20 ‰ and ∼0.13 ‰ for the 22°C and 0°C experiments, respectively. Using corrected fractionation factors, we can define the temperature dependence of the isotope fractionation from 0°C to 22°C as: where the isotopic fractionation is independent of Cl contents over the range used in these experiments. These results confirm that the Fe(III)-Fe(II) fractionation is approximately half that predicted from spectroscopic data, and suggests that, at least in moderate Cl contents, the isotopic fractionation is relatively insensitive to Fe-Cl speciation.  相似文献   

We have determined the extent of Se isotope fractionation induced by reduction of selenate by sulfate interlayered green rust (GRSO4), a Fe(II)-Fe(III) hydroxide-sulfate. This compound is known to reduce selenate to Se(0), and it is the only naturally relevant abiotic selenate reduction pathway documented to date. Se reduction reactions, when they occur in nature, greatly reduce Se mobility and bioavailability. Se stable isotope analysis shows promise as an indicator of Se reduction, and Se isotope fractionation by various Se reactions must be known in order to refine this tool. We measured the increase in the 80Se/76Se ratio of dissolved selenate as lighter isotopes were preferentially consumed during reduction by GRSO4. Six different experiments that used GRSO4 made by two methods, with varying solution compositions and pH, yielded identical isotopic fractionations. Regression of all the data yielded an instantaneous isotope fractionation of 7.36 ± 0.24‰. Selenate reduction by GRSO4 induces much greater isotopic fractionation than does bacterial selenate reduction. If selenate reduction by GRSO4 occurs in nature, it may be identifiable on the basis of its relatively large isotopic fractionation.  相似文献   

Application of the Fe isotope system to studies of natural rocks and fluids requires precise knowledge of equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation factors among various aqueous Fe species and minerals. These are difficult to obtain at the low temperatures at which Fe isotope fractionation is expected to be largest and requires careful distinction between kinetic and equilibrium isotope effects. A detailed investigation of Fe isotope fractionation between [FeIII(H2O)6]3+ and hematite at 98°C allows the equilibrium 56Fe/54Fe fractionation to be inferred, which we estimate at 103lnαFe(III)-hematite = −0.10 ± 0.20‰. We also infer that the slope of Fe(III)-hematite fractionation is modest relative to 106/T2, which would imply that this fractionation remains close to zero at lower temperatures. These results indicate that Fe isotope compositions of hematite may closely approximate those of the fluids from which they precipitated if equilibrium isotopic fractionation is assumed, allowing inference of δ56Fe values of ancient fluids from the rock record. The equilibrium Fe(III)-hematite fractionation factor determined in this study is significantly smaller than that obtained from the reduced partition function ratios calculated for [FeIII(H2O)6]3+ and hematite based on vibrational frequencies and Mössbauer shifts by [Polyakov 1997] and [Polyakov and Mineev 2000], and Schauble et al. (2001), highlighting the importance of experimental calibration of Fe isotope fractionation factors. In contrast to the long-term (up to 203 d) experiments, short-term experiments indicate that kinetic isotope effects dominate during rapid precipitation of ferric oxides. Precipitation of hematite over ∼12 h produces a kinetic isotope fractionation where 103lnαFe(III)-hematite = +1.32 ± 0.12‰. Precipitation under nonequilibrium conditions, however, can be recognized through stepwise dissolution in concentrated acids. As expected, our results demonstrate that dissolution by itself does not measurably fractionate Fe isotopes.  相似文献   

The dramatic decline in aqueous Ni concentrations in the Archean oceans during the Great Oxygenation Event is evident in declining solid phase Ni concentrations in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) at the time. Several experiments have been performed to identify the main removal mechanisms of Ni from seawater into BIFs, whereby adsorption of Ni onto ferrihydrites has shown to be an efficient process. Ni isotopic measurements have shown limited isotopic fraction during this process, however, most experiments have been conducted in simple solutions containing varying proportions of dissolved Fe and Ni as NO3 salts, as opposed to Cl salts which are dominant in seawater. Further, Archean oceans were, before the advent of siliceous eukaryotes, likely saturated with amorphous Si as seen in the interlayered chert layers within BIFs. Despite Si being shown to greatly affect the Ni elemental partitioning onto ferrihydrite solids, no studies have been made on the effects of Si on the Ni isotope fractionation. Here we report results of multiple coprecipitation experiments where ferrihydrite precipitated in mixed solutions with Ni and Si. Ni concentrations in the experiments ranged between 200 and 4000 nM for fixed concentrations of Si at either 0, 0.67 or 2.2 mM. The results show that Si at these concentrations has a limited effect on the Ni isotope fractionation during coprecipitation of ferrihydrite. At 0.67 mM, the saturation concentration of cristobalite, the isotopic fractionation factors between the precipitating solid and experimental fluid are identical to experiments not containing Si (0.34 ± 0.17‰). At 2.2 mM Si, and the saturation concentration of amorphous silica, however, the Ni isotopic composition of the ferrihydrite solids deviate to more negative values and show a larger variation than at low or no Si, and some samples show fractionation of up to 0.5‰. Despite this seemingly more unstable fractionation behaviour, the combined results indicate that even at as high concentrations of Si as 2.2 mM, the δ60Ni values of the forming ferrihydrites does not change much. The results of our study implicate that Si may not be a major factor in fractionating stable Ni isotopes, which would make it easier to interpret future BIF record and reconstruct Archean ocean chemistry.  相似文献   

Molybdenum (Mo) isotopes have great potential as a paleoredox indicator, but this potential is currently restricted by an incomplete understanding of isotope fractionations occurring during key (bio)geochemical processes. To address one such uncertainty we have investigated the isotopic fractionation of Mo during adsorption to a range of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, under variable Mo/Fe-mineral ratios and pH. Our data confirm that Fe (oxyhydr)oxides can readily adsorb Mo, highlighting the potential importance of this removal pathway for the global Mo cycle. Furthermore, adsorption of Mo to Fe (oxyhydr)oxides is associated with preferential uptake of the lighter Mo isotopes. Fractionations between the solid and dissolved phase (Δ98Mo) increase at higher pH, and also vary with mineralogy, increasing in the order magnetite (Δ98Mo = 0.83 ± 0.60‰) < ferrihydrite (Δ98Mo = 1.11 ± 0.15‰) < goethite (Δ98Mo = 1.40 ± 0.48‰) < hematite (Δ98Mo = 2.19 ± 0.54‰). Small differences in isotopic fractionation are also seen at varying Mo/Fe-mineral ratios for individual minerals. The observed isotopic behaviour is consistent with both fractionation during adsorption to the mineral surface (a function of vibrational energy) and adsorption of different Mo species/structures from solution. The different fractionation factors determined for different Fe (oxyhydr)oxides suggests that these minerals likely exert a major control on observed natural Mo isotope compositions during sediment deposition beneath suboxic through to anoxic (but non-sulfidic) bottom waters. Our results confirm that Mo isotopes can provide important information on the spatial extent of different paleoredox conditions, providing they are used in combination with other techniques for evaluating the local redox environment and the mineralogy of the depositing sediments.  相似文献   

低温环境下铁同位素分馏的若干重要过程   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
详细了解同位素分馏的过程与机理是运用稳定同位素体系解决科学问题的关键.本文对沉淀、溶解、吸附、氧化、还原、生物等过程中的Fe同位素分馏研究结果进行了系统总结.在沉淀过程中,优先沉淀轻同位素;在吸附过程中,Fe(Ⅲ)矿物优先吸附重同位素;氧化还原过程中,Fe的化合价越高,Fe同位素组成越重.  相似文献   

Photoautotrophic bacteria that oxidize ferrous iron (Fe[II]) under anaerobic conditions are thought to be ancient in origin, and the ferric (hydr)oxide mineral products of their metabolism are likely to be preserved in ancient rocks. Here, two enrichment cultures of Fe(II)-oxidizing photoautotrophs and a culture of the genus Thiodictyon were studied with respect to their ability to fractionate Fe isotopes. Fe isotope fractionations produced by both the enrichment cultures and the Thiodictyon culture were relatively constant at early stages of the reaction progress, where the 56Fe/54Fe ratios of poorly crystalline hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) metabolic products were enriched in the heavier isotope relative to aqueous ferrous iron (Fe[II]aq) by ∼1.5 ± 0.2‰. This fractionation appears to be independent of the rate of photoautotrophic Fe(II)-oxidation, and is comparable to that observed for Fe isotope fractionation by dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria. Although there remain a number of uncertainties regarding how the overall measured isotopic fractionation is produced, the most likely mechanisms include (1) an equilibrium effect produced by biological ligands, or (2) a kinetic effect produced by precipitation of HFO overlaid upon equilibrium exchange between Fe(II) and Fe(III) species. The fractionation we observe is similar in direction to that measured for abiotic oxidation of Fe(II)aq by molecular oxygen. This suggests that the use of Fe isotopes to identify phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidation in the rock record may only be possible during time periods in Earth’s history when independent evidence exists for low ambient oxygen contents.  相似文献   

Iron isotopes fractionate during hydrothermal processes. Therefore, the Fe isotope composition of ore-forming minerals characterizes either iron sources or fluid histories. The former potentially serves to distinguish between sedimentary, magmatic or metamorphic iron sources, and the latter allows the reconstruction of precipitation and redox processes. These processes take place during ore formation or alteration. The aim of this contribution is to investigate the suitability of this new isotope method as a probe of ore-related processes. For this purpose 51 samples of iron ores and iron mineral separates from the Schwarzwald region, southwest Germany, were analyzed for their iron isotope composition using multicollector ICP-MS. Further, the ore-forming and ore-altering processes were quantitatively modeled using reaction path calculations. The Schwarzwald mining district hosts mineralizations that formed discontinuously over almost 300 Ma of hydrothermal activity. Primary hematite, siderite and sulfides formed from mixing of meteoric fluids with deeper crustal brines. Later, these minerals were partly dissolved and oxidized, and secondary hematite, goethite and iron arsenates were precipitated. Two types of alteration products formed: (1) primary and high-temperature secondary Fe minerals formed between 120 and 300 °C, and (2) low-temperature secondary Fe minerals formed under supergene conditions (<100 °C). Measured iron isotope compositions are variable and cover a range in δ56Fe between −2.3‰ and +1.3‰. Primary hematite (δ56Fe: −0.5‰ to +0.5‰) precipitated by mixing oxidizing surface waters with a hydrothermal fluid that contained moderately light Fe (δ56Fe: −0.5‰) leached from the crystalline basement. Occasional input of CO2-rich waters resulted in precipitation of isotopically light siderite (δ56Fe: −1.4 to −0.7‰). The difference between hematite and siderite is compatible with published Fe isotope fractionation factors. The observed range in isotopic compositions can be accounted for by variable fractions of Fe precipitating from the fluid. Therefore, both fluid processes and mass balance can be inferred from Fe isotopes. Supergene weathering of siderite by oxidizing surface waters led to replacement of isotopically light primary siderite by similarly light secondary hematite and goethite, respectively. Because this replacement entails quantitative transfer of iron from precursor mineral to product, no significant isotope fractionation is produced. Hence, Fe isotopes potentially serve to identify precursors in ore alteration products. Goethites from oolitic sedimentary iron ores were also analyzed. Their compositional range appears to indicate oxidative precipitation from relatively uniform Fe dissolved in coastal water. This comprehensive iron isotope study illustrates the potential of the new technique in deciphering ore formation and alteration processes. Isotope ratios are strongly dependent on and highly characteristic of fluid and precipitation histories. Therefore, they are less suitable to provide information on Fe sources. However, it will be possible to unravel the physico-chemical processes leading to the formation, dissolution and redeposition of ores in great detail.  相似文献   

Inverse kinetic isotope fractionation during bacterial nitrite oxidation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Natural abundance stable isotopes in nitrate (), nitrite (), and nitrous oxide (N2O) have been used to better understand the cycling of nitrogen in marine and terrestrial environments. However, in order to extract the greatest information from the distributions of these isotopic species, the kinetic isotope effects for each of the relevant microbial reactions are needed. To date, kinetic isotope effects for nitrite oxidation and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) have not been reported. In this study, the nitrogen isotope effect was measured for microbial nitrite oxidation to nitrate. Nitrite oxidation is the second step in the nitrification process, and it plays a key role in the regeneration of nitrate in the ocean. Surprisingly, nitrite oxidation occurred with an inverse kinetic isotope effect, such that the residual nitrite became progressively depleted in 15N as the reaction proceeded. Three potential explanations for this apparent inverse kinetic isotope effect were explored: (1) isotope exchange equilibrium between nitrite and nitrous acid prior to reaction, (2) reaction reversibility at the enzyme level, and (3) true inverse kinetic fractionation. Comparison of experimental data to ab initio calculations and theoretical predictions leads to the conclusion that the fractionation is most likely inverse at the enzyme level. Inverse kinetic isotope effects are rare, but the experimental observations reported here agree with kinetic isotope theory for this simple N-O bond-forming reaction. Nitrite oxidation is therefore fundamentally different from all other microbial processes in which N isotope fractionation has been studied. The unique kinetic isotope effect for nitrite oxidation should help to better identify its role in the cycling of nitrite in ocean suboxic zones, and other environments in which nitrite accumulates.  相似文献   

We studied stable iron isotope fractionation during dissolution of a biotite and chlorite enriched mineral fraction from granite by HCl and 5 mM oxalic acid in a pH range of 4-5.9. Batch experiments covered a time period from 2 h to 100 days and were performed at initial potassium concentrations of 0, 0.5, and 5 mM to induce different levels of biotite exfoliation. All experiments were kept anoxic to investigate solely the dissolution step without the influence of oxidation and precipitation of secondary Fe oxyhydroxides. Oxalic acid increased the release of Fe by a factor of ∼15 compared with the HCl experiments. Addition of 0.5 mM K to initial solutions in proton-promoted dissolution decreased the release of Fe by 30-65% depending on the dissolution stage. In ligand-controlled dissolution, K reduced the Fe release only to a minor extent. All solutions of the early dissolution stages were enriched in light Fe isotopes by up to −1.4‰ in δ56Fe compared with the isotopic composition of biotite and chlorite mineral separates, which we explained by a kinetic isotope effect. In proton-promoted dissolution, early released fractions of K-enriched experiments were significantly lighter (−0.7‰ to −0.9‰) than in the initially K-free experiments. The evolution of Fe isotope ratios in solution was modeled by a linear combination of kinetic isotope effects during two independent dissolution processes attacking different crystallographic sites. In ligand-controlled dissolution, K did not influence the kinetic isotope effect and the Fe isotope composition in solution in the late dissolution stages remained slightly lighter than the bulk composition of the biotite/chlorite enriched mineral fraction. This study demonstrates that the initial Fe weathering flux should be enriched in light Fe isotopes and that Fe isotope data in combination with dissolution kinetics and stoichiometry provide new insights into dissolution mechanisms.  相似文献   

A <2.0-mm fraction of a mineralogically complex subsurface sediment containing goethite and Fe(II)/Fe(III) phyllosilicates was incubated with Shewanella putrefaciens (strain CN32) and lactate at circumneutral pH under anoxic conditions to investigate electron acceptor preference and the nature of the resulting biogenic Fe(II) fraction. Anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), an electron shuttle, was included in select treatments to enhance bioreduction and subsequent biomineralization. The sediment was highly aggregated and contained two distinct clast populations: (i) a highly weathered one with “sponge-like” internal porosity, large mineral crystallites, and Fe-containing micas, and (ii) a dense, compact one with fine-textured Fe-containing illite and nano-sized goethite, as revealed by various forms of electron microscopic analyses. Approximately 10-15% of the Fe(III)TOT was bioreduced by CN32 over 60 d in media without AQDS, whereas 24% and 35% of the Fe(III)TOT was bioreduced by CN32 after 40 and 95 d in media with AQDS. Little or no Fe2+, Mn, Si, Al, and Mg were evident in aqueous filtrates after reductive incubation. Mössbauer measurements on the bioreduced sediments indicated that both goethite and phyllosilicate Fe(III) were partly reduced without bacterial preference. Goethite was more extensively reduced in the presence of AQDS whereas phyllosilicate Fe(III) reduction was not influenced by AQDS. Biogenic Fe(II) resulting from phyllosilicate Fe(III) reduction remained in a layer-silicate environment that displayed enhanced solubility in weak acid. The mineralogic nature of the goethite biotransformation product was not determined. Chemical and cryogenic Mössbauer measurements, however, indicated that the transformation product was not siderite, green rust, magnetite, Fe(OH)2, or Fe(II) adsorbed on phyllosilicate or bacterial surfaces. Several lines of evidence suggested that biogenic Fe(II) existed as surface associated phase on the residual goethite, and/or as a Fe(II)-Al coprecipitate. Sediment aggregation and mineral physical and/or chemical factors were demonstrated to play a major role on the nature and location of the biotransformation reaction and its products.  相似文献   

The determination of electrophoretic mobility and zeta potential was used as a diagnostic tool, alongside kinetic experiments, to delineate between three plausible mechanisms for the heterogeneous oxidation of Fe(II) by dissolved oxygen. One of these mechanisms is dependant on the positive surface charge that exists on Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxide surfaces at pH values below the Iso-Electric Point (IEP). However, this mechanism can be disputed as catalysis is observed on Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxide surfaces above the IEP despite a negative zeta potential. As well as an IEP shift an overall reduction of the magnitude of the zeta potential is observed in samples of field Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxide collected from the Taff Merthyr mine water treatment site in South Wales, UK. Low zeta potentials determined in mine water treatment systems will have beneficial effects for particle coagulation and settling in passive mine water treatment systems.  相似文献   

We studied the role of microbial photosynthesis in the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) in a high Fe(II) and high Mn(II) hot spring devoid of sulfide and atmospheric oxygen in the source waters. In situ light and dark microelectrode measurements of Fe(II), Mn(II) and O2 were made in the microbial mat consisting of cyanobacteria and anoxygenic photosynthetic Chloroflexus sp. We show that Fe(II) oxidation occurred when the mat was exposed to varying intensities of sunlight but not near infrared light. We did not observe any Mn(II) oxidation under any light or dark condition over the pH range 5-7. We observed the impact of oxygenic photosynthesis on Fe(II) oxidation, distinct from the influence of atmospheric O2 and anoxygenic photosynthesis. In situ Fe(II) oxidation rates in the mats and cell suspensions exposed to light are consistent with abiotic oxidation by O2. The oxidation of Fe(II) to form primary Fe(III) phases contributed to banded iron-formations (BIFs) during the Precambrian. Both oxygenic photosynthesis, which produces O2 as an oxidizing waste product, and anoxygenic photosynthesis in which Fe(II) is used to fix CO2 have been proposed as Fe(II) oxidation mechanisms. Although we do not know the specific mechanisms responsible for all Precambrian Fe(II) oxidation, we assessed the relative importance of both mechanisms in this modern hot spring environment. In this environment, cyanobacterial oxygen production accounted for all the observed Fe(II) oxidation. The rate data indicate that a modest population of cyanobacteria could have mediated sufficient Fe(II) oxidation for some BIFs.  相似文献   

对辽宁省鞍山一本溪地区经历了绿片岩一低角闪岩相变质的新太古代条带状铁建造中磁铁矿和黄铁矿矿物对的Fe同位素分析结果显示:相对于标准IRMM-014,所有样品的磁铁矿和黄铁矿均显示Fe的重同位素富集;且黄铁矿的Fe同位素比值均大于磁铁矿的Fe同位素比值(ε57Fe黄铁矿ε57Fe磁铁矿),两种矿物的Fe同位素比值之差为△57Fe黄铁矿-磁铁矿=2.23~5.13.黄铁矿富集铁的重同位素表明矿物的Fe同位素组成并不代表其原始沉积的特征,而是在区域变质作用过程中Fe同位素发生了交换的结果.由同位素平衡判别图解可知,在绿片岩一低角闪岩相变质作用中,磁铁矿-黄铁矿间的Fe同位素基本达到了平衡,且在平衡条件下黄铁矿比磁铁矿更富集Fe的重同位素,二者之间的Fe同位素平衡分馏系数α黄铁矿-磁铁矿≈1.000 4‰±0.06‰(2σ).这一研究成果是对变质作用过程中Fe同位素的地球化学行为认识的重要进展.  相似文献   

Characterisation of mass transfer during subduction is fundamental to understand the origin of compositional heterogeneities in the upper mantle. Fe isotopes were measured in high-pressure/low-temperature metabasites (blueschists, eclogites and retrograde greenschists) from the Ile de Groix (France), a Variscan high-pressure terrane, to determine if the subducted oceanic crust contributes to mantle Fe isotope heterogeneities. The metabasites have δ56Fe values of +0.16 to +0.33‰, which are heavier than typical values of MORB and OIB, indicating that their basaltic protolith derives from a heavy-Fe mantle source. The δ56Fe correlates well with Y/Nb and (La/Sm)PM ratios, which commonly fractionate during magmatic processes, highlighting variations in the magmatic protolith composition. In addition, the shift of δ56Fe by +0.06 to 0.10‰ compared to basalts may reflect hydrothermal alteration prior to subduction. The δ56Fe decrease from blueschists (+0.19 ± 0.03 to +0.33 ± 0.01‰) to eclogites (+0.16 ± 0.02 to +0.18 ± 0.03‰) reflects small variations in the protolith composition, rather than Fe fractionation during metamorphism: newly-formed Fe-rich minerals allowed preserving bulk rock Fe compositions during metamorphic reactions and hampered any Fe isotope fractionation. Greenschists have δ56Fe values (+0.17 ± 0.01 to +0.27 ± 0.02‰) similar to high-pressure rocks. Hence, metasomatism related to fluids derived from the subducted hydrothermally altered metabasites might only have a limited effect on mantle Fe isotope composition under subsolidus conditions, owing to the large stability of Fe-rich minerals and low mobility of Fe. Subsequent melting of the heavy-Fe metabasites at deeper levels is expected to generate mantle Fe isotope heterogeneities.  相似文献   

Transport of iron (Fe) within hydrothermal and soil environments involves the transferral into aqueous solutions by leaching of complex, polyminerallic rocks. Understanding the isotope fractionation mechanisms during this process is key for any application of the Fe-isotope system to biogeochemical studies. Here, we reacted biotite granite and tholeiite-basalt with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid and 5 mM oxalic acid solutions at ambient temperature. Solution aliquots were recovered over a seven-day period and analysed for major and trace element concentrations and Fe isotopic compositions. In all experiments, Fe initially released into solution was isotopically lighter, with Δ56Fesolution-rock as low as −1.80‰ in the granite-hydrochloric acid system. The oxalic acid experiments showed similar patterns but smaller fractionation. In all experiments, the Δ56Fesolution-rock reduced over time, which would be in line with the formation of a leached layer as proposed before [Brantley S. L., Liermann L. J., Guynn R. L., Anbar A., Icopini G. A., and Barling J. (2004) Fe isotopic fractionation during mineral dissolution with and without bacteria. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta68(15), 3189-3204]. Granite and basalts reacting with hydrochloric acid reached apparent steady-state values of −0.60 ± 0.15‰ and −0.40 ± 0.20‰, respectively, whilst experimental values with oxalic acid were −1.0 ± 0.15‰ and −0.50 ± 0.15‰. During the granite experiments, alteration of biotite to chlorite, followed by dissolution of chlorite, were likely the dominant processes, whilst in the basalt experiments, dissolution of pigeonite was likely the principal source of Fe. Variations in pH during the hydrochloric acid experiments were minimal, remaining below 0.5 at all times. In oxalic acid solutions, the pH increased to over 4, leading likely to precipitation of secondary minerals and adsorption/co-precipitation of Fe onto mineral surfaces. These processes could contribute to the greater fractionation observed in the final stages of the oxalic acid experiments. Our results highlight the importance of mineralogy and fluid composition on the Fe-isotope systematics during weathering. The fractionation processes identified for granites and basalts are in line with those inferred from field observations in soils, sediments, groundwater and hydrothermal deposits and from laboratory studies of single-mineral leaching.  相似文献   

The application of stable Fe isotopes as a tracer of the biogeochemical Fe cycle necessitates a mechanistic knowledge of natural fractionation processes. We studied the equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation upon sorption of Fe(II) to aluminum oxide (γ-Al2O3), goethite (α-FeOOH), quartz (α-SiO2), and goethite-loaded quartz in batch experiments, and performed continuous-flow column experiments to study the extent of equilibrium and kinetic Fe isotope fractionation during reactive transport of Fe(II) through pure and goethite-loaded quartz sand. In addition, batch and column experiments were used to quantify the coupled electron transfer-atom exchange between dissolved Fe(II) (Fe(II)aq) and structural Fe(III) of goethite. All experiments were conducted under strictly anoxic conditions at pH 7.2 in 20 mM MOPS (3-(N-morpholino)-propanesulfonic acid) buffer and 23 °C. Iron isotope ratios were measured by high-resolution MC-ICP-MS. Isotope data were analyzed with isotope fractionation models. In batch systems, we observed significant Fe isotope fractionation upon equilibrium sorption of Fe(II) to all sorbents tested, except for aluminum oxide. The equilibrium enrichment factor, , of the Fe(II)sorb-Fe(II)aq couple was 0.85 ± 0.10‰ (±2σ) for quartz and 0.85 ± 0.08‰ (±2σ) for goethite-loaded quartz. In the goethite system, the sorption-induced isotope fractionation was superimposed by atom exchange, leading to a δ56/54Fe shift in solution towards the isotopic composition of the goethite. Without consideration of atom exchange, the equilibrium enrichment factor was 2.01 ± 0.08‰ (±2σ), but decreased to 0.73 ± 0.24‰ (±2σ) when atom exchange was taken into account. The amount of structural Fe in goethite that equilibrated isotopically with Fe(II)aq via atom exchange was equivalent to one atomic Fe layer of the mineral surface (∼3% of goethite-Fe). Column experiments showed significant Fe isotope fractionation with δ56/54Fe(II)aq spanning a range of 1.00‰ and 1.65‰ for pure and goethite-loaded quartz, respectively. Reactive transport of Fe(II) under non-steady state conditions led to complex, non-monotonous Fe isotope trends that could be explained by a combination of kinetic and equilibrium isotope enrichment factors. Our results demonstrate that in abiotic anoxic systems with near-neutral pH, sorption of Fe(II) to mineral surfaces, even to supposedly non-reactive minerals such as quartz, induces significant Fe isotope fractionation. Therefore we expect Fe isotope signatures in natural systems with changing concentration gradients of Fe(II)aq to be affected by sorption.  相似文献   

Stable Fe isotope fractionations were investigated during exposure of hematite to aqueous Fe(II) under conditions of variable Fe(II)/hematite ratios, the presence/absence of dissolved Si, and neutral versus alkaline pH. When Fe(II) undergoes electron transfer to hematite, Fe(II) is initially oxidized to Fe(III), and structural Fe(III) on the hematite surface is reduced to Fe(II). During this redox reaction, the newly formed reactive Fe(III) layer becomes enriched in heavy Fe isotopes and light Fe isotopes partition into aqueous and sorbed Fe(II). Our results indicate that in most cases the reactive Fe(III) that undergoes isotopic exchange accounts for less than one octahedral layer on the hematite surface. With higher Fe(II)/hematite molar ratios, and the presence of dissolved Si at alkaline pH, stable Fe isotope fractionations move away from those expected for equilibrium between aqueous Fe(II) and hematite, towards those expected for aqueous Fe(II) and goethite. These results point to formation of new phases on the hematite surface as a result of distortion of Fe-O bonds and Si polymerization at high pH. Our findings demonstrate how stable Fe isotope fractionations can be used to investigate changes in surface Fe phases during exposure of Fe(III) oxides to aqueous Fe(II) under different environmental conditions. These results confirm the coupled electron and atom exchange mechanism proposed to explain Fe isotope fractionation during dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR). Although abiologic Fe(II)aq - oxide interaction will produce low δ56Fe values for Fe(II)aq, similar to that produced by Fe(II) oxidation, only small quantities of low-δ56Fe Fe(II)aq are formed by these processes. In contrast, DIR, which continually exposes new surface Fe(III) atoms during reduction, as well as production of Fe(II), remains the most efficient mechanism for generating large quantities of low-δ56Fe aqueous Fe(II) in many natural systems.  相似文献   

The production of metallic iron in silicate melts by the chemical reactions, 2Ti3+(melt) + Fe2+(melt) → 2Ti4+(melt) + Fe0(crystal)2Cr2+(melt) + Fe2+(melt) → 2Cr3+(melt) + Fe0(crystal)2Eu2+(melt)+ Fe2+(melt) → 2Eu3+(melt) + Fe0(crystal) has been demonstrated under experimental conditions in a simplified basaltic liquid, Such reactions may occur in lunar basalts and other reduced systems, and, thus, may aid in the understanding of the reduced nature of lunar basalts. The reactions were studied in a glass-forming Na-Ca-Mg-Al-silicate composition at a melt temperature of 1250°C and an imposed oxygen fugacity at the C/CO buffer (1 atm total pressure). Microtitrations of individually-doped samples were used in the quantitative assessment of their redox ratios and for the calibration of visible and near-infrared spectral absorptions. These spectral absorptions were then applied to the evaluation of the mutual redox interactions in dual-doped samples.  相似文献   

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