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The dissolution kinetics of five chemically complex and five chemically simple sodium silicate glass compositions (Na-Si±Al±B) were determined over a range of solution saturation values by varying the flow-through rates (1-100 mL/d) in a dynamic single-pass flow-through (SPFT) apparatus. The chemically complex borosilicate glasses are representative of prospective hosts for radioactive waste disposal and are characterized by relatively high molar Si/(Si + Al) and Na/(Al + B) ratios (>0.7 and >1.0, respectively). Analysis by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) indicates that the fraction of ivB to iiiB (N4) varies from 0.66 to 0.70. Despite large differences in bulk chemistry, values of δ29Si peak shift determined by MAS-NMR varies only by about 7 ppm (δ29Si = −94 to −87 ppm), indicating small differences in polymerization state for the glasses. Forward rates of reaction measured in dynamic experiments converge (average log10 rate [40 °C, pH 9] = −1.87 ± 0.79 [g/(m2 d)]) at high values of flow-rate (q) to sample surface area (S). Dissolution rates are independent of total Free Energy of Hydration (FEH) and this model appears to overestimate the impact of excess Na on chemical durability. For borosilicate glass compositions in which molar Na > Al + B, further addition of Na appears to stabilize the glass structure with respect to hydrolysis and dissolution. Compared to other borosilicate and aluminosilicate glasses, the glass specimens from this study dissolve at nearly the same rate (0-∼56×) as the more polymerized glasses, such as vitreous reedmergnerite (NaBSi3O8), albite, and silica. Dissolution of glass follows the order: boroaluminosilicate glass > vitreous reedmergnerite > vitreous albite > silica glass, which is roughly the same order of increasingly negative 29Si chemical shifts. The chemical shift of 29Si is a measure of the extent of bond overlap between Si and O and correlates with the forward rate of reaction. Thus, dissolution appears to be rate-limited by rupture of the Si-O bond, which is consistent with the tenants of Transition State Theory (TST). Therefore, dissolution at far from equilibrium conditions is dependent upon the speed of the rate-controlling elementary reaction and not on the sum of the free energies of hydration of the constituents of boroaluminosilicate glass.  相似文献   

Steady-state element release rates from crystalline basalt dissolution at far-from-equilibrium were measured at pH from 2 to 11 and temperatures from 5 to 75 °C in mixed-flow reactors. Steady-state Si and Ca release rates exhibit a U-shaped variation with pH where rates decrease with increasing pH at acid condition but increase with increasing pH at alkaline conditions. Silicon release rates from crystalline basalt are comparable to Si release rates from basaltic glass of the same chemical composition at low pH and temperatures ?25 °C but slower at alkaline pH and temperatures ?50 °C. In contrast, Mg and Fe release rates decrease continuously with increasing pH at all temperatures. This behaviour is interpreted to stem from the contrasting dissolution behaviours of the three major minerals comprising the basalt: plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. Calcium is primarily present in plagioclase, which exhibits a U-shaped dissolution rate dependence on pH. In contrast, Mg and Fe are contained in pyroxene and olivine, minerals whose dissolution rates decrease monotonically with pH. As a result, crystalline basalt preferentially releases Mg and Fe relative to Ca at acidic conditions. The injection of acidic CO2-charged fluids into crystalline basaltic terrain may, therefore, favour the formation of Mg and Fe carbonates rather than calcite. Element release rates estimated from the sum of the volume fraction normalized dissolution rates of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine are within one order of magnitude of those measured in this study.  相似文献   

Steady-state silica release rates (rSi) from basaltic glass and crystalline basalt of similar chemical composition as well as dunitic peridotite have been determined in far-from-equilibrium dissolution experiments at 25 °C and pH 3.6 in (a) artificial seawater solutions under 4 bar pCO2, (b) varying ionic strength solutions, including acidified natural seawater, (c) acidified natural seawater of varying fluoride concentrations, and (d) acidified natural seawater of varying dissolved organic carbon concentrations. Glassy and crystalline basalts exhibit similar rSi in solutions of varying ionic strength and cation concentrations. Rates of all solids are found to increase by 0.3-0.5 log units in the presence of a pCO2 of 4 bar compared to CO2 pressure of the atmosphere. At atmospheric CO2 pressure, basaltic glass dissolution rates were most increased by the addition of fluoride to solution whereas crystalline basalt rates were most enhanced by the addition of organic ligands. In contrast, peridotite does not display any significant ligand-promoting effect, either in the presence of fluoride or organic acids. Most significantly, Si release rates from the basalts are found to be not more than 0.6 log units slower than corresponding rates of the peridotite at all conditions considered in this study. This difference becomes negligible in seawater suggesting that for the purposes of in-situ mineral sequestration, CO2-charged seawater injected into basalt might be nearly as efficient as injection into peridotite.  相似文献   

Quantification of silicon and calcium recycling by plants is hampered by the lack of physico-chemical data on reactivity of plant litter in soil environments. We applied a laboratory experimental approach for determining the silica and calcium release rates from litter of typical temperate and boreal plants: pine (Pinus laricio), birch (Betula pubescens), larch (Larix gmelinii), elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.), tree fern (Dicksonia squarrosa), and horsetail (Equisetum arvense) in 0.01 M NaCl solutions, pH of 2-10 and temperature equals to 5, 25 and 40 °C. Open system, mixed-flow reactors equipped with dialysis compartment and batch reactors were used. Comparative measurements were performed on intact larch needles and samples grounded during different time, sterilized or not and with addition or not of sodium azide in order to account for the effect of surface to mass ratio and possible microbiological activity on the litter dissolution rates. Litter degradation results suggest that the silica release rate is independent on dissolved organic carbon release (cell breakdown) which implies the presence of phytoliths in a pure “inorganic” pool not complexed with organic matter. Calcium and DOC are released at the very first stage of litter dissolution while Si concentration increases gradually suggesting the presence of Ca and Si in two different pools. The dry-weight normalized dissolution rate at circum-neutral pH range (approx. 1-10 μmol/gDW/day) is 2 orders of magnitude higher than the rates of Si release from common soil minerals (kaolinite, smectite, illite). Minimal Ca release rates evaluated from batch and mixed-flow reactors are comparable with those of most reactive soil minerals such as calcite and apatite, and several orders of magnitude higher than the dissolution rates of major rock-forming silicates (feldspars, pyroxenes). The activation energy for Si liberation from plant litter is approx. 50 kJ/mol which is comparable with that of surface-controlled mineral dissolutions. It is shown that the Si release rate from the above-ground forest biomass is capable of producing the Si concentrations observed in soil solutions of surficial horizons and contribute significantly to the Si flux from the soil to the river.  相似文献   

Mineral weathering in soils is an important source of many nutrients to forest ecosystems. Apatite, a Ca phosphate mineral, occurs in trace amounts in virtually all igneous and metamorphic rocks and is often found as small mineral inclusions in more weathering-resistant silicate minerals. To better understand the distribution of apatite in soils and its exposure to soil solutions, a sequential extraction method was developed to selectively dissolve minerals from soils so that the amount of apatite in contact with soil solutions versus that armored by silicate minerals could be quantified. The use of three molarities of HNO3 (0.01, 0.1 and 1 M) at three temperatures (0, 10, or 20 °C) was explored and it was found that apatite congruently dissolved in 1 M HNO3 at all three temperatures, but did not completely dissolve in weaker HNO3 solutions. Soil horizons, glacial till (i.e., soil parent material), and individual minerals separated from till collected from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH, were subjected to a 4-step sequential extraction. Chemical analyses of the extracts indicate that 1 M NH4Cl (pH 7; 20 °C) removes exchangeable ions, 1 M HNO3 at 20 °C primarily dissolves apatite in contact with solutions, 1 M HNO3 at 200 °C primarily dissolves biotite and chlorite (and apatite armored by them), and a mixture of concentrated HNO3, HCl, and HF at 200 °C dissolves the more refractory minerals including muscovite, alkali feldspar, plagioclase feldspar and quartz (and apatite armored by these minerals). This extraction method was applied to soil profiles from HBEF to demonstrate that it could be used to interpret the abundance of apatite and other minerals as a function of depth. Approximately 70% of the apatite in the HBEF soil parent material is exposed to soil solutions; the remaining 30% is armored in more weathering-resistant micas and feldspars. In the upper soil horizons, the only apatite that has not been weathered from the soil occurs as inclusions in micas and feldspars and thus the rate of dissolution of apatite in weathered soil horizons is controlled by silicate mineral dissolution.  相似文献   

Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) is one of the common rock-forming minerals in many geological media, in particular in clayey layers that are currently considered as potential host formations for a deep radioactive waste disposal facility. Magnesium in solution is one of the elements known to potentially enhance the alteration of nuclear glasses. The alteration of borosilicate glasses with dolomite as a Mg-bearing mineral source was investigated for 8 months in batch tests at 90 °C. Glass composition effects were investigated through two compositions (SiBNaAlCaZrO and SiBNaAlZrO) differing in their Ca content. The Ca-rich glass alteration is slightly enhanced in the presence of dolomite compared to the alteration observed in pure water. This greater alteration is explained by the precipitation of Mg silicate phases on the dolomite and glass surfaces. In contrast, the Ca-free glass alteration decreases in the presence of dolomite compared to the alteration observed in pure water. This behavior is explained by Ca incorporation in the amorphous layer (formed during glass alteration) coming from dolomite dissolution. Calcium acts as a layer reorganizer and limits glass alteration by reducing the diffusion of reactive species through the altered layer. Modeling was performed using the GRAAL model implemented within the CHESS/HYTEC geochemical code to discriminate and interpret the mechanisms involved in glass/dolomite interactions. Magnesium released by dolomite dissolution reacts with silica provided by glass alteration to form Mg silicates. This reaction leads to a pH decrease. The main mechanism controlling glass alteration is the ability of dolomite to dissolve. During the experiment the quantities of secondary phases formed were very small, but for longer time scales, this mechanism could supply sufficient Mg in solution to form large amounts of Mg silicates and sustain glass alteration. The ability of the GRAAL model to reproduce the concentrations of elements in solution and solid phases regardless of the amount of dolomite and the glass composition strongly supports the basic modeling hypothesis.  相似文献   

Compression of MgSiO3 glass in a 6/8 multianvil apparatus to 10.0 ± 0.5 GPa results in demonstrable changes in density and silicon coordination. Under high-pressure, samples were heated over a range of temperatures from 300 to 773 K, quenched to room temperature and decompressed at rates of 10.4 and 0.08 GPa/min. Recovered glasses have bulk densities that are 2.6-11.0% higher than the non-compressed glass. 29Si MAS NMR spectra of compressed glasses show narrowing of the [4]Si peak resulting from a reduction in the spread of the Si-O-Si bond angle distribution. After heating and rapid decompression, 29Si MAS NMR spectra of recovered glasses exhibit peaks assignable to [4]Si, [5]Si, and [6]Si with relative fractions of 0.945, 0.045, and 0.008, respectively. These changes in Si coordination and in Si-O-Si bond angle distribution with pressure only represent part of the structural changes associated with permanent densification of heated and unheated samples. The abundance of [6]Si is found to be insensitive to decompression rate, while [5]Si reverts to [4]Si on slow decompression at room temperature. These observations demonstrate that high-coordinated silicon species in MgSiO3 glass are formed on compression below glass transition temperatures and that pressure-induced structural changes can be preserved with rapid decompression. The ease with which [5]Si reverts to [4]Si during decompression suggests that the conversion of [4]Si → [5]Si principally involves short-range atomic displacement. The reversible and irreversible features of densification of MgSiO3 glass, provide insights into the fundamental structural and rheological properties of refractory silicate melts similar to those found in the Earth’s mantle.  相似文献   

We have taken a systematic approach utilizing advanced solid-state NMR techniques to gain new insights into the controversial issue concerning the dissolution mechanisms of water in aluminosilicate melts (glasses). A series of quenched anhydrous and hydrous (∼2 wt% H2O) glass samples along the diopside (Di, CaMgSi2O6)—anorthite (An, CaAl2Si2O8) join with varying An components (0, 20, 38, 60, 80, and 100 mol %) have been studied. A variety of NMR techniques, including one-dimensional (1D) 1H and 27Al MAS NMR, and 27Al → 1H cross-polarization (CP) MAS NMR, as well as two-dimensional (2D) 1H double-quantum (DQ) MAS NMR, 27Al triple-quantum (3Q) MAS NMR, and 27Al → 1H heteronuclear correlation NMR (HETCOR) and 3QMAS/HETCOR NMR, have been applied. These data revealed the presence of SiOH, free OH ((Ca,Mg)OH) and AlOH species in the hydrous glasses, with the last mostly interconnected with Si and residing in the more polymerized parts of the structure. Thus, there are no fundamental differences in water dissolution mechanisms for Al-free and Al-bearing silicate melts (glasses), both involving two competing processes: the formation of SiOH/AlOH that is accompanied by the depolymerization of the network structure, and the formation of free OH that has an opposite effect. The latter is more important for depolymerized compositions corresponding to mafic and ultramafic magmas.Aluminum is dominantly present in four coordination (AlIV), but a small amount of five-coordinate Al (AlV) is also observed in all the anhydrous and hydrous glasses. Furthermore, six-coordinate Al (AlVI) is also present in most of the hydrous glasses. As Al of higher coordinations are favored by high pressure, AlVIOH and AlVOH may become major water species at higher pressures corresponding to those of the Earth’s mantle.  相似文献   

A new approach was developed to measure the water content of silicate glasses using Raman spectroscopy, which is independent of the glass matrix composition and structure. Contrary to previous studies, the compositional range of our studied silicate glasses was not restricted to rhyolites, but included andesitic, basaltic and phonolitic glasses. We used 21 glasses with known water contents for calibration. To reduce the uncertainties caused by the baseline removal and correct for the influence of the glass composition on the spectra, we developed the following strategy: (1) application of a frequency-dependent intensity correction of the Raman spectra; (2) normalization of the water peak using the broad T–O and T–O–T vibration band at 850–1250 cm−1 wavenumbers (instead of the low wavenumber T–O–T broad band, which appeared to be highly sensitive to the FeO content and the degree of polymerization of the melt); (3) normalization of the integrated Si-O band area by the total number of tetrahedral cations and the position of the band maximum. The calibration line shows a ±0.4 wt% uncertainty at one relative standard deviation in the range of 0.8–9.5 wt% water and a wide range of natural melt compositions. This method provides a simple, quick, broadly available and cost-effective way for a quantitative determination of the water content of silicate glasses. Application to silicate melt inclusions yielded data in good agreement with SIMS data.  相似文献   

The surface chemistry of natural wollastonite, diopside, enstatite, forsterite, and albite in aqueous solutions was characterized using both electrokinetic techniques and surface titrations performed for 20 min in batch reactors. Titrations performed in such reactors allow determination of both proton consumption and metal release from the mineral surface as a function of pH. The compositions, based on aqueous solution analysis, of all investigated surfaces vary dramatically with solution pH. Ca and Mg are preferentially released from the surfaces of all investigated divalent metal silicates at pH less than ∼8.5-10 but preferentially retained relative to silica at higher pH. As such, the surfaces of these minerals are Si-rich and divalent metal poor except in strongly alkaline solutions. The preferential removal of divalent cations from these surfaces is coupled to proton consumption. The number of protons consumed by the preferential removal of each divalent cation is pH independent but depends on the identity of the mineral; ∼1.5 protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Ca atom from wollastonite, ∼3 protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Mg or Ca atom from diopside or enstatite, and ∼4 protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Mg from forsterite. These observations are interpreted to stem from the creation of additional ‘internal’ adsorption sites by the preferential removal of divalent metal cations which can be coupled to the condensation of partially detached Si. Similarly, Na and Al are preferentially removed from the albite surface at 2 > pH > 11; mass balance calculations suggest that three protons are consumed by the preferential removal of each Al atom from this surface over this entire pH range. Electrokinetic measurements on fresh mineral powders yield an isoelectric point (pHIEP) 2.6, 4.4, 3.0, 4.5, and <1, for wollastonite, diopside, enstatite, forsterite, and albite, respectively, consistent with the predominance of SiO2 in the surface layer of all of these multi-oxide silicates at acidic pH. Taken together, these observations suggest fundamental differences between the surface chemistry of simple versus multi-oxide minerals including (1) a dependency of the number and identity of multi-oxide silicate surface sites on the aqueous solution composition, and (2) the dominant role of metal-proton exchange reactions on the reactivity of multi-oxide mineral surfaces including their dissolution rate variation with aqueous solution composition.  相似文献   

With previous two-dimensional (2D) simulations based on surface-specific feldspar dissolution succeeding in relating the macroscopic feldspar kinetics to the molecular-scale surface reactions of Si and Al atoms ( [Zhang and Lüttge, 2008] and [Zhang and Lüttge, 2009]), we extended our modeling effort to three-dimensional (3D) feldspar particle dissolution simulations. Bearing on the same theoretical basis, the 3D feldspar particle dissolution simulations have verified the anisotropic surface kinetics observed in the 2D surface-specific simulations. The combined effect of saturation state, pH, and temperature on the surface kinetics anisotropy has been subsequently evaluated, found offering diverse options for morphological evolution of dissolving feldspar nanoparticles with varying grain sizes and starting shapes. Among the three primary faces on the simulated feldspar surface, the (1 0 0) face has the biggest dissolution rate across an extensively wide saturation state range and thus acquires a higher percentage of the surface area upon dissolution. The slowest dissolution occurs to either (0 0 1) or (0 1 0) faces depending on the bond energies of Si-(O)-Si (ΦSi-O-Si/kT) and Al-(O)-Si (ΦAl-O-Si/kT). When the ratio of ΦSi-O-Si/kT to ΦAl-O-Si/kT changes from 6:3 to 7:5, the dissolution rates of three primary faces change from the trend of (1 0 0) > (0 1 0) > (0 0 1) to the trend of (1 0 0) > (0 0 1) > (0 1 0). The rate difference between faces becomes more distinct and accordingly edge rounding becomes more significant. Feldspar nanoparticles also experience an increasing degree of edge rounding from far-from-equilibrium to close-to-equilibrium. Furthermore, we assessed the connection between the continuous morphological modification and the variation in the bulk dissolution rate during the dissolution of a single feldspar particle. Different normalization treatments equivalent to the commonly used mass, cube assumption, sphere assumption, geometric surface area, and reactive surface area normalizations have been used to normalize the bulk dissolution rate. For each of the treatments, time consistence and grain size dependence of the normalized dissolution rate have been evaluated and the results revealed significant dependences on the magnitude of surface kinetic anisotropy under differing environmental conditions. In general, the normalized dissolution rates are strongly dependent on grain size. Time-consistent normalization treatment varies with the investigated condition. The modeling results suggest that the sphere-, cube-, and BET-normalized dissolution rates are appropriate under the far-from-equilibrium conditions at low pH where these normalizations are time-consistent and are slightly dependent on grain size.  相似文献   

The development of an accurate analytical procedure for determination of dissolved water in complex alumino-silicate glasses via micro-Raman analysis requires the assessment of the spectra topology dependence on glass composition. We report here a detailed study of the respective influence of bulk composition, iron oxidation state and total water content on the absolute and relative intensities of the main Raman bands related to glass network vibrations (LF: ∼490 cm−1; HF: ∼960 cm−1) and total water stretching (H2OT: ∼3550 cm−1) in natural glasses. The evolution of spectra topology was examined in (i) 33 anhydrous glasses produced by the re-melting of natural rock samples, which span a very large range of polymerisation degree (NBO/T from 0.00 to 1.16), (ii) 2 sets of synthetic anhydrous basaltic glasses with variable iron oxidation state (Fe3+/FeT from 0.05 to 0.87), and (iii) 6 sets of natural hydrous glasses (CH2OT from 0.4 to 7.0 wt%) with NBO/T varying from 0.01 to 0.76.In the explored domain of water concentration, external calibration procedure based on the H2OT band height is matrix-independent but its accuracy relies on precise control of the focusing depth and beam energy on the sample. Matrix-dependence strongly affects the internal calibrations based on H2OT height scaled to that of LF or HF bands but its effect decreases from acid (low NBO/T, SM) to basic (high NBO/T, SM) glasses. Structural parameters such as NBO/T (non-bridging oxygen per tetrahedron) and SM (sum of structural modifiers) describe the matrix-dependence better than simple compositional parameters (e.g. SiO2, Na2O + K2O). Iron oxidation state has only a minor influence on band topology in basalts and is thus not expected to significantly affect the Raman determinations of water in mafic (e.g. low SiO2, iron-rich) glasses. Modelling the evolution of the relative band height with polymerisation degree allows us to propose a general equation to predict the dissolved water content in natural glasses:

In light of recent work on the reactivity of specific sites on large (hydr)oxo-molecules and the evolution of surface topography during dissolution, we examined the ability to extract molecular-scale reaction pathways from macroscopic dissolution and surface charge measurements of powdered minerals using an approach that involved regression of multiple datasets and statistical graphical analysis of model fits. The test case (far-from-equilibrium quartz dissolution from 25 to 300 °C, pH 1-12, in solutions with [Na+] ? 0.5 M) avoids the objections to this goal raised in these recent studies. The strategy was used to assess several mechanistic rate laws, and was more powerful in distinguishing between models than the statistical approaches employed previously. The best-fit model included three mechanisms—two involving hydrolysis of Si centers by H2O next to neutral (>Si-OH0) and deprotonated (>Si-O) silanol groups, and one involving hydrolysis of Si centers by OH. The model rate law is

Steady-state muscovite dissolution rates have been measured at temperatures from 60 to 201 °C and 1 ? pH ? 10.3 as a function of reactive solution K, Si, and Al concentration. The pegmatitic muscovite used in these experiments has a composition consistent with (Na0.09, K0.86)Fe0.05Al2.92Si3.05O10(OH1.95, F0.06). All experiments were performed in titanium mixed-flow reactors. All experiments were performed at far-from-equilibrium conditions with respect to muscovite. All reactive solutions were undersaturated with respect to secondary product phases other than for some experiments which were supersaturated with respect to bohemite and diaspore; steady-state dissolution was stoichiometric for all experiments that were undersaturated with respect to these phases.The variation of rates with reactive solution composition depends on the solution pH. At pH ? 7 rates were found to decrease significantly with increasing reactive fluid Al activity but be independent of aqueous SiO2 activity. pH < 7 rates measured in the present study from 60 to 175 °C are consistent with

Estimation of the framework connectivity and the atomic structure of depolymerized silicate melts and glasses (NBO/T > 0) remains a difficult question in high-temperature geochemistry relevant to magmatic processes and glass science. Here, we explore the extent of disorder and the nature of polymerization in binary Ca-silicate and ternary Ca-aluminosilicate glasses with varying NBO/T (from 0 to 2.67) using O-17 NMR at two different magnetic fields of 9.4 and 14.1 T in conjunction with quantum chemical calculations. Non-random distributions among framework cations (Si and Al) are demonstrated in the variation of relative populations of oxygen sites with NBO/T. The proportion of non-bridging oxygen (NBO, Ca-O-Si) in the binary and ternary aluminosilicate glasses increases with NBO/T. While the trend is consistent with predictions from composition, the detailed fractions apparently deviate from the predicted values, suggesting further complications in the nature of polymerization. The proportion of each bridging oxygen in the glasses also varies with NBO/T. The fractions of Al-O-Si and Al-O-Al increase with increasing polymerization as CaO is replaced with Al2O3, while that of Si-O-Si seems to decrease, implying that activity of silica may decrease from calcium silicate to polymerized aluminosilicates (XSiO2=constant). Quantum chemical molecular orbital calculations based on density functional theory show that a silicate chain with Al-NBO (Ca-O-Al) has an energy penalty (calculated cluster energy difference) of about 108 kJ/mol compared with the cluster with Ca-O-Si, consistent with preferential depolymerization of Si-networks, reported in an earlier O-17 NMR study [Allwardt, J., Lee, S.K., Stebbins, J.F., 2003. Bonding preferences of non-bridging oxygens in calcium aluminosilicate glass: Evidence from O-17 MAS and 3QMAS NMR on calcium aluminate glass. Am. Mineral.88, 949-954]. These prominent types of non-randomness in the distributions suggest significant chemical order in silicate glasses that leads to a decrease in silica activity coefficient and will be useful in modeling transport properties of melts.  相似文献   

The dissolution rate of illite, a common clay mineral in Australian soils, was studied in saline-acidic solutions under far from equilibrium conditions. The clay fraction of Na-saturated Silver Hill illite (K1.38Na0.05)(Al2.87Mg0.46Fe3+0.39Fe2+0.28Ti0.07)[Si7.02Al0.98]O20(OH)4 was used for this study. The dissolution rates were measured using flow-through reactors at 25 ± 1 °C, solution pH range of 1.0-4.25 (H2SO4) and at two ionic strengths (0.01 and 0.25 M) maintained using NaCl solution. Illite dissolution rates were calculated from the steady state release rates of Al and Si. The dissolution stoichiometry was determined from Al/Si, K/Si, Mg/Si and Fe/Si ratios. The release rates of cations were highly incongruent during the initial stage of experiments, with a preferential release of Al and K over Si in majority of the experiments. An Al/Si ratio >1 was observed at pH 2 and 3 while a ratio close to the stoichiometric composition was observed at pH 1 and 4 at the higher ionic strength. A relatively higher K+ release rate was observed at I = 0.25 in 2-4 pH range than at I = 0.01, possibly due to ion exchange reaction between Na+ from the solution and K+ from interlayer sites of illite. The steady state release rates of K, Fe and Mg were higher than Si over the entire pH range investigated in the study. From the point of view of the dominant structural cations (Si and Al), stoichiometric dissolution of illite occurred at pH 1-4 in the higher ionic strength experiments and at pH ?3 for the lower ionic strength experiments. The experiment at pH 4.25 and at the lower ionic strength exhibited lower RAl (dissolution rate calculated from steady state Al release) than RSi (dissolution rate calculated from steady state Si release), possibly due to the adsorption of dissolved Al as the output solutions were undersaturated with respect to gibbsite. The dissolution of illite appears to proceed with the removal of interlayer K followed by the dissolution of octahedral cations (Fe, Mg and Al), the dissolution of Si is the limiting step in the illite dissolution process. A dissolution rate law showing the dependence of illite dissolution rate on proton concentration in the acid-sulfate solutions was derived from the steady state dissolution rates and can be used in predicting the impact of illite dissolution in saline acid-sulfate environments. The fractional reaction orders of 0.32 (I = 0.25) and 0.36 (I = 0.01) obtained in the study for illite dissolution are similar to the values reported for smectite. The dissolution rate of illite is mainly controlled by solution pH and no effect of ionic strength was observed on the dissolution rates.  相似文献   

Dissolution rates of sediments obtained from the Oued Cherf reservoir were measured in closed-system batch reactors at 25 °C in fluids sampled concurrently from the same locations as the sediments. The BET surface areas of the sediments ranged from 16 to 45 m2/g and consisted primarily of quartz, calcite, and clay minerals. After a brief initial period, release rates of Si, Mg, Ca, Cl, SO4, and NO3 from these sediments are approximately linear with time over the course of the experiments, which lasted from 3 to 5 months. BET surface area normalized Si release rates ranged from 10–17.4 to 10–18.4 mol/cm2/s. These release rates match closely Si release rates from quartz and clay minerals determined from laboratory dissolution rates reported in the literature. This coherence suggests that laboratory measured silicate dissolution rates can be used with confidence to predict the dissolution behavior of sediments in natural surface waters.  相似文献   

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