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Carlos Calcáneo-Roldán Ben Moore Joss Bland-Hawthorn David Malin Elaine M. Sadler 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,314(2):324-333
Deep images of the Centaurus and Coma clusters reveal two spectacular arcs of diffuse light that stretch for over 100 kpc, yet are just a few kiloparsecs wide. At a surface brightness of m b ∼27–28 mag arcsec−2 , the Centaurus arc is the most striking example known of structure in the diffuse light component of a rich galaxy cluster. We use numerical simulations to show that the Centaurus feature can be reproduced by the tidal debris of a spiral galaxy that has been tidally disrupted by the gravitational potential of NGC 4709. The surface brightness and narrow dimensions of the diffuse light suggest that the disc was corotating with its orbital path past pericentre. Features this prominent in clusters will be relatively rare, although at fainter surface brightness levels the diffuse light will reveal a wealth of structure. Deeper imaging surveys may be able to trace this feature for several times its presently observed extent, and somewhere along the tidal debris, a fraction of the original stellar component of the disc will remain bound, but transformed into a faint spheroidal galaxy. It should be possible to confirm the galactic origin of the Centaurus arc by observing planetary nebulae along its length with redshifts close to that of NGC 4709. 相似文献
Shannon Whitlock Duncan A. Forbes Michael A. Beasley 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2003,345(3):949-959
We present wide-area UBRI photometry for globular clusters around the Leo group galaxy NGC 3379. Globular cluster candidates are selected from their B -band magnitudes and their ( U − B ) o versus ( B − I ) o colours. A colour–colour selection region was defined from photometry of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. We detect 133 globular cluster candidates, which supports previous claims of a low specific frequency for NGC 3379.
The Milky Way and M31 reveal blue and red subpopulations, with ( U − B ) o and ( B − I ) o colours indicating mean metallicities similar to those expected based on previous spectroscopic work. The stellar population models of Maraston and Brocato et al. are consistent with both subpopulations being old, and with metallicities of [Fe/H]∼−1.5 and −0.6 for the blue and red subpopulations, respectively. The models of Worthey do not reproduce the ( U − B ) o colours of the red (metal-rich) subpopulation for any modelled age.
For NGC 3379 we detect a blue subpopulation with similar colours, and presumably age/metallicity, to that of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. The red subpopulation is less well defined, perhaps due to increased photometric errors, but indicates a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]∼−0.6. 相似文献
The Milky Way and M31 reveal blue and red subpopulations, with ( U − B )
For NGC 3379 we detect a blue subpopulation with similar colours, and presumably age/metallicity, to that of the Milky Way and M31 globular cluster systems. The red subpopulation is less well defined, perhaps due to increased photometric errors, but indicates a mean metallicity of [Fe/H]∼−0.6. 相似文献
We study the effect of contamination by interlopers in kinematic samples of galaxy clusters. We demonstrate that without the proper removal of interlopers the inferred parameters of the mass distribution in the cluster are strongly biased towards higher mass and lower concentration. The interlopers are removed using two procedures previously shown to work most efficiently on simulated data. One is based on using the virial mass estimator and calculating the maximum velocity available to cluster members and the other relies on the ratio of the virial and projected mass estimators. We illustrate the performance of the methods in detail using the example of A576, a cluster with a strong uniform background contamination, and compare the case of A576 to 15 other clusters with different degree of contamination. We model the velocity dispersion and kurtosis profiles obtained for the cleaned data samples of these clusters solving the Jeans equations to estimate the mass, concentration and anisotropy parameter. We present the mass–concentration relation for the total sample of 22 clusters. 相似文献
Neil Trentham & Bahram Mobasher 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,299(2):488-498
We present the K -band (2.2 μm) luminosity functions (LFs) of the X-ray-luminous clusters MS1054–0321 ( z = 0.823), MS0451–0305 ( z = 0.55), Abell 963 ( z = 0.206), Abell 665 ( z = 0.182) and Abell 1795 ( z = 0.063) down to absolute magnitudes M K = −20. Our measurements probe fainter absolute magnitudes than do any previous studies of the near-infrared LFs of clusters. All the clusters are found to have similar LFs within the errors, when the galaxy populations are evolved to redshift z = 0. It is known that the most massive bound systems in the Universe at all redshifts are X-ray-luminous clusters. Therefore, assuming that the clusters in our sample correspond to a single population seen at different redshifts, the results here imply that not only had the stars in present-day ellipticals in rich clusters formed by z = 0.8, but that they existed in as luminous galaxies then as they do today. Additionally, the clusters have K -band LFs which appear to be consistent with the K -band field LF in the range −24 < M K < −22, although the uncertainties in both the field and cluster samples are large. 相似文献
Duncan A. Forbes G. K. T. Hau 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,312(4):703-711
We present wide field-of-view near-infrared imaging from the NTT and very deep optical imaging from the HST of the young merging galaxy NGC 3597. The morphology of the galaxy and the properties of the newly formed protoglobular clusters (PGCs) are examined. Our K -band data reveal the presence of a second nucleus, which provides further evidence that NGC 3597 is the result of a recent merger. Combining new K -band photometry with optical photometry, we are able for the first time to derive a unique age for the newly formed PGCs of a few Myr. This is consistent with the galaxy starburst age of ≤10 Myr. From deep HST imaging, we are able to probe the luminosity function ∼8 magnitudes fainter than normal, old globular clusters, and confirm that the PGCs have a power-law distribution with a slope of ∼−2. 相似文献
Y. Ascasibar R. Sevilla G. Yepes V. Müller S. Gottlöber 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,371(1):193-203
The aim of this work is to show that, contrary to popular belief, galaxy clusters are not expected to be self-similar, even when the only energy sources available are gravity and shock-wave heating. In particular, we investigate the scaling relations between mass, luminosity and temperature of galaxy groups and clusters in the absence of radiative processes. Theoretical expectations are derived from a polytropic model of the intracluster medium and compared with the results of high-resolution adiabatic gasdynamical simulations. It is shown that, in addition to the well-known relation between the mass and concentration of the dark matter halo, the effective polytropic index of the gas also varies systematically with cluster mass, and therefore neither the dark matter nor the gas profiles are exactly self-similar. It is remarkable, though, that the effects of concentration and polytropic index tend to cancel each other, leading to scaling relations whose logarithmic slopes roughly match the predictions of the most-basic self-similar models. We provide a phenomenological fit to the relation between polytropic index and concentration, as well as a self-consistent scheme to derive the non-linear scaling relations expected for any cosmology and the best-fitting normalizations of the M – T , L – T and F – T relations appropriate for a Λ cold dark matter universe. The predicted scaling relations reproduce observational data reasonably well for massive clusters, where the effects of cooling and star formation are expected to play a minor role. 相似文献
H. Bhringer 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2008,329(2):135-138
StefanoEttori 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2002,330(4):971-976
Recent analyses of Newton-XMM and Chandra data of the cores of X-ray bright clusters of galaxies show that modelling with a multi-phase gas in which several temperatures and densities are in equilibrium might not be appropriate. Instead, a single-phase model seems able to reproduce properly the spectra collected in annuli from the central region. The measured single-phase temperature profiles indicate a steep positive gradient in the central 100–200 kpc and the gas density shows a flat profile in the central few 10s of kpc. Given this observational evidence, we estimate the contribution to the projected-on-the-sky rings from the cluster emissivity as function of the shell volume fraction sampled. We show that the observed projected X-ray emission mimics the multi-phase status of the plasma even though the input distribution is single-phase. This geometrical projection affects (i) analyses of data where insufficient spatial resolution is accessible, (ii) the central bin when its dimension is comparable to the extension of any flatness in the central gas density profile. 相似文献
Peter Anders Uta Fritze-von Alvensleben Richard de Grijs 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2003,284(2):937-940
The observational properties of globular cluster systems (GCSs) are vital tools to investigate the violent star formation
histories of their host galaxies. This violence is thought to have been triggered by galaxy interactions or mergers. The most
basic properties of a GCS are its luminosity function (number of clusters per luminosity bin) and color distributions. A large
number of observed GCS show bimodal color distributions, which can be translated into a bimodality in either metallicity and/or
age. An additional uncertainty comes into play when one considers extinction. These effects can be disentangled either by
obtaining spectroscopic data for the clusters or by imaging observations in at least four passbands. This allows us then to
discriminate between various formation scenarios of GCSs, e.g. the merger scenario by Ashman and Zepf, and the multi-phase
collapse model by Forbes et al. Young and metal-rich star cluster populations are seen to form in interacting and merging
galaxies. We analyse multiwavelength broad-band observations of these young cluster systems provided by the ASTROVIRTEL project.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
A study of the evolution of 377 rich ACO clusters with redshift z < 0.2 is presented. The data concerning galaxies in the investigated clusters were obtained using FOCAS packages applied to Digital Sky Survey I. The 377 galaxy clusters constitute a statistically uniform sample to which visual galaxy/star reclassifications were applied. Cluster shape within 2.0 h–1 Mpc from the adopted cluster centre (the mean and the median of all galaxy coordinates, the position of the brightest and of the third brightest galaxy in the cluster) was determined through its ellipticity calculated using two methods: the covariance ellipse method (hereafter CEM) and the method based on Minkowski functionals (hereafter MFM). We investigated ellipticity dependence on the radius of circular annuli, in which ellipticity was calculated. This was realized by varying the radius from 0.5 to 2 Mpc in steps of 0.25 Mpc. By performing Monte Carlo simulations, we generated clusters to which the two ellipticity methods were applied. We found that the covariance ellipse method works better than the method based on Minkowski functionals. We also found that ellipticity distributions are different for different methods used. Using the ellipticity‐redshift relation, we investigated the possibility of cluster evolution in the low‐redshift Universe. The correlation of cluster ellipticities with redshifts is undoubtly an indicator of structural evolution. Using the t‐Student statistics, we found a statistically significant correlation between ellipticity and redshift at the significance level of α = 0.95. In one of the two shape determination methods we found that ellipticity grew with redshift, while the other method gave opposite results. Monte Carlo simulations showed that only ellipticities calculated at the distance of 1.5 Mpc from cluster centre in the Minkowski functional method are robust enough to be taken into account, but for that radius we did not find any relation between e and z. Since CEM pointed towards the existence of the e (z) relation, we conclude that such an effect is real though rather weak. A detailed study of the e (z) relation showed that the observed relation is nonlinear, and the number of elongated structures grows rapidly for z > 0.14 (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
To date, the study of high-magnification gravitational lensing effects of galaxy clusters has focused upon the grossly distorted, luminous arc-like features formed in massive, centrally condensed clusters. We investigate the formation of a different type of image, highly magnified yet undistorted, in two widely employed cluster mass density profiles, namely an isothermal sphere with a core, and a universal dark matter halo profile derived from the numerical simulations of Navarro et al. We examine the properties of images of extended sources produced by these two cluster profiles, paying particular attention to the undistorted images. Using simple assumptions about the source and lens population, we estimate the relative frequency of the occurrence of highly magnified, undistorted images and the more commonly known giant arcs. 相似文献