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卢炬甫 《天文学进展》2001,19(3):365-374
在已知的四种黑洞吸积盘模型中,Shapiro-Lightman-Eardley(SLE)盘是不稳定的,细(Slim)盘研究得还不够,较为成功的是最早建立的Shakura-Sunyaev盘(SSD)和近年成为热点的径移主导吸积流(ADAF)。SSD和ADAF看来分别适用于吸积流中离黑洞较远和较近的区域,故二者的结合即ADAF+SSD模型有望对黑洞吸积流作出较为完整的描述,但这个结合模型也还有不少未解决的问题。  相似文献   

曹新伍  张家铝 《天文学报》1993,34(4):366-373
本文采用了多方物态方程p=kρ^(1+1/n)研究了在黑洞附近跨声速α吸积盘的径向线性稳定性,在导出扰动色散关系时考虑了吸积流的径向运动速度,结果表明粘滞系数α存在一上限αc,当α>αc时,吸积流是不稳定的,αc与多方指数n及吸积流的径向速度vr有关。  相似文献   

用标准的龙格-库塔法求解描述黑洞吸积流的基本方程组,没有引入任何附加的能量转移机制和外边界条件,结果表明在强粘滞情况下标准薄盘可以向径移主导吸积流转变。  相似文献   

从流体动力学方程出发,用微扰法得出含平流双温吸积盘的径向,环向不稳定性的色散方程,并对平流和径向粘滞力对双温吸积盘的影响进行了较详细的讨论。结果表明:平流和径向粘滞力对声模有较大的影响,且不改变粘滞模和热模的稳定性质。而环向扰动对吸积盘的各种模有着较明显的作用,这一模型有利于解释活动天体的周期和准周期光变现象。  相似文献   

本文以声速点的物理量作为边界条件,积分流体力学方程组,给出了几何薄光学厚的黑洞吸积盘的温度分布.结果表明在这种吸积盘的内缘温度将急剧下降.另外,我们发现几何薄光学薄气体压为主的α-律吸积盘是热不稳定的.  相似文献   

在考虑径向对流和不同光学厚度的基础上,我们采用一般的辐射致冷假设;在统一的框架内考察了吸积盘的整体结构.对α模型,我们发现在不同的盘区存在不同的整体结构.在吸积率较低时,存在三种类型解:光学厚的局部辐射致冷解;光学薄的局部致冷解;光学薄的对流致冷解.这些解在盘内较大范围内都存在且互不交叉.但在吸积率较高和粘滞系数较大时,两种局部致冷解会相互交叉,而对流为主的解在所有盘区都稳定存在.另一方面,在吸积率较高和粘滞系数较小时,两种光学薄解会相互交叉,而光学厚和局部致冷为主的解在所有盘区都存在.  相似文献   

在考虑径向对流和不同光学厚度的基础上,我们采用一般的辐射冷假设,在统一的框架内考察了吸积盘的整体结构,对α模型,我们发现在不同盘区在不同的整体结构,在吸积率较低时,存在三种类型解,光学厚的局部辐射冷解,光学薄的局部致冷解,光学薄的对流致冷解,这些解在盘内较大范围内都存在且互不交叉,但在吸积率较高和粘滞系数较大时,两种局部致冷解会相互交叉,而对流为主的解在所有盘区都稳定存在,另一方面,在吸积率较高和  相似文献   

Blandford—Znajek过程对黑洞吸积盘演化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本详细讨论了在Blandford-Znajek过程中吸积盘中心黑洞的角动量和质量的总变化率与质量吸积率和能量提到率之比β=M+/M-关系,在此基础上讨论了BlandfordZnajek过程对黑洞吸积盘内边缘半径rms演化的影响,并在此过程中中心黑的熵总是增大的。  相似文献   

计算了粘滞演化阶段原太阳吸积盘结构。采用稳态标准吸积盘模型来描述盘中湍动粘滞;忽略其径向能量传输,将垂直结构作为一维问题处理。假设盘作Keplerian较差旋转,处于流体力学平衡和局域热平衡,盘由粘滞耗散加热,能量通过对流和辐射向外传输。结果表明,对温度敏感的不透明度是决定盘结构的重要因素;原太阳吸积盘为冷的薄盘,盘中热对流不稳定性由外而内,由上而下地终结;行星的形成应首先开始于对流终结的区域。  相似文献   

本文在Thorne工作的基础上讨论了吸积盘中黑洞的有关参量的演化,以及由Schwarzschild黑洞吸积盘向Kerr黑洞吸积盘演化过程中对吸积盘辐射通量的影响,最后针对几个典型的辐射过程,分别讨论了黑洞吸积盘在牛顿框架中的温度分布方程与广义相对论的温度分布方程的热不稳定性,并给出此类问题的热不稳定性的判据。  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on the evidence for a bimodality in the luminosity believed to be associated with the accretion process in AGN. In particular, it will be stressed that this behavior does seem to be present in an analogous way both in radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN, as inferred from samples selected in an independent way. The found bimodality can be naturally – although not uniquely – interpreted in the frame of the ADIOS solution for radiative inefficient accretion flows. The (so far) qualitative analogy with the behavior of XRB provides an interesting perspective to find a unique framework for the accretion and jet production in accreting black hole systems.  相似文献   

The appearance of superluminal radio knots follows drops in the X-ray flux in the FR1 radio galaxy 3C 120 and possibly the FR2 source 3C 111. This corresponds in a very general way to the behavior of the X-ray binary GRS 1915 + 105, but the light curves of the microquasar are much richer in detail. Starting in 2003.7, the character of the radio and X-ray light curves of 3C 120 changed, perhaps signaling a new stage of activity. I discuss here what one might expect when a microquasar is scaled up to AGN dimensions, and compare this with what we see in 3C 120. There is a mismatch between expectations and observations.  相似文献   

The current paradigm of high energy spectroscopy tells us that light emitted from a wide variety of objects has its origin close to the black hole event horizon. As such, these photons are subject to general relativistic effects such as light-bending, gravitational lensing and redshift, time-dilation, etc. These gravitational effects are well-understood from a theoretical standpoint and therefore, provide a natural mechanism to test the properties of strong gravitational fields. To this end, we have developed a new (semi-analytic) strong gravity code, capable of describing the contribution of photons that perform multiple orbits of the hole. We apply this code to a simple Keplerian accretion disk in order to understand the role played by the angular emissivity, black hole spin and higher order images in forming the line profile.  相似文献   

矮新星AB Dra中的吸积盘模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宗云  丁月蓉 《天文学报》1995,36(4):385-393
对矮新星AB Dra的最小二乘拟合表明,黑体吸积盘模型预言的连续谱能粗略地拟合该星在爆发期间的IUE观测,较小的偏差可以归因于光学薄气体的复合辐射或/和热斑的黑体辐射,拟合给出了一组吸积盘参量的合理值。  相似文献   

We fit the spectra of Cyg X-1 using two component advective flows with Keplerian accretion disks on the equatorial plane surrounded by sub-Keplerian disks when standing shocks are present. The soft photons generated by the bremsstrahlung and synchrotron processes in the sub-Keplerian flow, as well as the multi-colour black body emission from the Keplerian disk are Comptonized by the thermal and non-thermal electrons. By varying Keplerian and sub-Keplerian rates we are able to reproduce the observed soft and hard states as far as X-ray region is concerned and ‘low γ-ray intensity’ and ‘high γ-ray intensity’ states as far as the soft γ-ray region is concerned. We also find two pivotal points where the spectra intersect as is observed in Cyg X-1.   相似文献   

Naturally occurring water vapor maser emission at 1.35 cm wavelength provides an accurate probe for the study of accretion disks around highly compact objects, thought to be black holes, in the centers of active galaxies. Because of the exceptionally fine angular resolution, 200 microarcseconds, obtainable with very long baseline interferometry, accompanied by high spectral resolution, <0.1 km s-1, the dynamics and structures of these disks can be probed with exceptional clarity. The data on the galaxy NGC 4258 are discussed here in detail. The mass of the black hole binding the accretion disk is 3·9 × 107 M. Although the accretion disk has a rotational period of about 800 years, the physical motions of the masers have been directly measured with VLBI over a period of a few years. These measurements also allow the distance from the earth to the black hole to be estimated to an accuracy of 4 per cent. The status of the search for other maser/black hole candidates is also discussed.  相似文献   

We calculate the amount of angular momentum that thermal photons carry out of a viscous black hole accretion disk, due to the strong Doppler shift imparted to them by the high orbital velocity of the radiating disk material. While thermal emission can not drive accretion on its own, we show that along with disk heating it does nonetheless result in a loss of specific angular momentum, thereby contributing to an otherwise viscosity‐driven accretion flow. In particular, we show that the fraction of the angular momentum that is lost to thermal emission at a radius r in a standard, multi‐color disk is ∼0.4rs/r, where rs is the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole. We briefly highlight the key similarties between this effect and the closely related Poynting‐Robertson effect (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

观测表明, 黑洞双星的B型准周期振荡(Quasi-Periodic Oscillation, QPO)频率与幂律通量之间存在正相关性. 试图基于阿尔文波振荡模型定量解释该相关性. 标准薄吸积盘辐射通量极大值处的阿尔文波振荡产生QPO. 标准薄盘上的软光子与冕或喷流基部的热电子介质发生逆康普顿散射产生幂律通量. 通过吸积率的连续变化, 得到QPO频率与幂律通量关系的分析解和数值解. 模拟得到的相关性在合理的参数范围内与观测值相吻合. QPO频率与幂律通量的正相关性可以理解为, 较强的磁场导致较高的阿尔文波频率和较高的电子温度从而得到较高的幂律通量. 结果表明B型QPO可能与吸积盘或喷流中的环向磁场的活动有关.  相似文献   

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