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基于外康普顿模型,通过对193个伽玛射线空间望远镜探测的平谱射电类星体的外光子场进行研究,结果表明:(1)逆康普顿散射峰值的光度和同步辐射峰值的光度之比LIC/LS与逆康普顿峰频率和同步峰频率之比νIC/νS呈负相关;(2)逆康普顿散射峰值的光度和同步辐射峰值的光度之间具有强的相关性,并且log LIC=1.05log LS-1.58;(3)对于大部分Fermi平谱射电类星体,逆康普顿散射峰值的光度大于同步辐射峰值的光度。这些结果说明平谱射电类星体的种子光子除了来自宽线区外,还可能来自其它区域,并且与喷流的运动和磁场以及外部光子的能量密度有关。  相似文献   

北京天文学会主办1983年8月2日一1983年8月8日.在北京大学举行报告题目报告人1.相对论性天体—55斗332.毫秒脉冲星PSR 1 93夕十2抖3.我国的高空科学气球及脉冲星观侧4.脉冲星辐射的几何研究5,强磁场下逆康普顿散射及在脉冲星中的应烤6.脉冲星光学辐射的逆康普顿散射机制夕.脉冲  相似文献   

大量射电脉冲星的偏振观测-包括红偏振和圆偏振,个别脉冲的生直偏振模式,累积脉冲的消偏振现象等-为辐射区的物理状态和辐射提供了非常确切的观测事实,但现有理论对大从观测事实尚无法给出完整的说明,综述了脉冲星的偏振观测特征,并利用逆康谱顿散射模型对这些特性进行了解释。  相似文献   

γ暴余辉的发现是γ暴研究史上的一个重大突破,火球模型几乎可以较好地解释γ暴余辉的观测特性。但在标准的火球模型中,通常只考虑电子的同步加速辐射,没有考虑电子逆康普顿散射的贡献。这里我们详细计算了逆康普顿散射对γ暴余辉的影响,发现在一定的条件下,逆康普顿散射的影响是很重要的,它可以显著地改变辐射能谱,进而改变γ暴余辉的光变特性。  相似文献   

胡剑  徐仁新 《天文学进展》2002,20(2):158-166
简要介绍了近几年来裸奇星研究的一些重要进展,包括裸奇异星表面的电学性质和辐射机制,夸克表面存在的一些可能天体物理后果(如射电脉冲星的漂移子脉冲现象和软γ射线重复源的超Eddington辐射现象)等。这些研究结果对从天文观测上区分中子星和奇异星、证认奇异星的存在具有重要意义。  相似文献   

脉冲星搜寻是对脉冲星、引力波,以及对快速射电暴(Fast Radio Burst,简称FRB)等暂现源进行研究的基础。搜寻不仅可以扩大脉冲星样本,还可以发现极端性质的致密星。这有助于研究致密天体状态方程、星际介质、脉冲星导航、引力波探测等课题。目前,射电望远镜的单次巡天就可以产生百万数量级的脉冲星候选体。面对这些海量数据,仅仅依赖人工识别筛选,已不能满足数据的时效需求,更不能实现数据的实时处理。机器学习、计算机视觉应用等人工智能技术自诞生以来,其理论和技术已日益发展成熟,并已成功运用到脉冲星候选体筛选等射电天文研究领域。首先将介绍现有脉冲星搜寻的人工智能方法,再统计和分析已有脉冲星候选体筛选方法的性能,最后对FAST脉冲星候选体筛选工作进行展望。  相似文献   

旋转射电暂现源是McLauglin等人在2006年采用单脉冲搜寻技术,对Parkes射电望远镜多波束脉冲星巡天数据的处理过程中发现的一类特殊天体。该类天体在绝大多数时间都处于射电宁静状态,偶尔发射特征宽度为毫秒量级的脉冲信号。对其进行长期脉冲到达时间观测发现,其具有类似于脉冲星到达时间特性,但目前还不清楚该天体和脉冲星之间的具体关系。综述了近10年来射电以及其他波段的观测研究和理论模型方面的进展。在射电观测方面,主要介绍观测认证技术(包括零色散滤波、DM搜寻、阈值设定、匹配滤波和效果图检验等)、到达时间以及偏振方面的观测研究进展;在其他波段方面,主要介绍X射线、光学以及近红外波段的观测研究进展。在相关理论模型方面,主要介绍远距离的脉冲星模型,物质与脉冲星磁层相互作用模型以及脉冲星磁层辐射带模型等研究进展。最后将对射电暂现源观测研究进行总结与展望。  相似文献   

耀变体(blazar)的X射线辐射位于同步辐射的尾部及逆康普顿辐射的前部分,因此其辐射起源较为复杂.耀变体从射电到X射线波段辐射的谱能分布(SED)可用抛物线函数近似拟合.若将该拟合所得拟合曲线近似视为耀变体的物理谱,分析费米(Fermi)耀变体的X射线辐射,则结果表明:耀变体的X射线辐射包含同步辐射和逆康普顿辐射2个成份,并可用该拟合线将X射线的同步辐射和逆康普顿辐射成份进行简单分离;源的同步峰频越高,其同步辐射成份越多,而其逆康普顿辐射成份越少;在X射线1 keV处,对于平谱射电类星体(FSRQ)、低同步峰BL Lac天体(LBL)和高同步峰BL Lac天体(HBL),其同步辐射成份占总辐射的比例分别为17%、27%和73%;同步峰频与X射线1 keV处同步辐射流量密度有强正相关,而与逆康普顿辐射流量密度无相关;在X射线波段,LBL的辐射机制与FSRQ的类似.  相似文献   

有一些射电源同时观测到射电辐射和紫外-X射线辐射,某些作者认为这两种辐射起源于同步一自康普顿效应。本文给出该效应中同步射电谱与康普顿紫外-X射线谱的一系列相关性。分析这些相关性,可以提供一些半定量的理论判据,用以检验同步一自康普顿效应的正确性。这种分析也有利于估计源的各种物理参量。  相似文献   

脉冲星是演化末期的大质量恒星经过核坍缩形成的产物,它们在天体物理学、粒子物理学和卫星导航等方面具有重要的应用。自脉冲星发现50年来,其观测和理论研究取得了巨大进展。脉冲星主要在射电波段被探测到,部分脉冲星也有X射线和γ射线等波段的辐射,它们的信息非常丰富。根据其不同的观测特征可以把脉冲星分为多种类型。主要对射电、X射线以及γ射线波段的特殊类型脉冲星,包括旋转射电暂现源、间歇脉冲星、态转换X射线脉冲星、磁星、暗X射线孤立中子星、中心致密天体以及γ射线脉冲星的基本性质及其研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

VLBI是进行高分辨率脉冲星观测研究的重要手段.脉冲星信号是非常微弱的脉冲序列,其VLBI观测面临多种挑战.在数据相关过程中采用有效技术提取脉冲星信号可提高观测成功率和精度.DiFX(Distributed FX-style Software Correlator)是目前国际上流行的开源软件相关处理机,它采用非相干消色散技术和“脉冲星数据分箱技术”(Pulsar Binning),在脉冲星VLBI观测数据的相关处理方面具有优异的性能.介绍了DiFX的构架,安装、调试方法,并对利用DiFX处理脉冲星VLBI观测数据的进展情况进行论述.利用单机环境下的DiFX,在普通模式和Pulsar Binning模式下对中国VLBI网(CVN)第一次脉冲星观测数据进行相关处理;利用德国马普射电天文研究所集群计算环境下的Bonn-DiFX,在Pulsar Binning模式下对流量仅有2.6 mJy的毫秒脉冲星PSRJ1022+1001的欧洲VLBI网(EVN)观测数据成功进行相关处理.最后,对使用DiFX处理脉冲星观测数据情况进行总结,并展望了今后CVN开展脉冲星观测研究的前景.  相似文献   

相控阵馈源(Phased array feeds, PAFs)接收机作为下一代微波接收机,为大口径射电天文望远镜的射电干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)缓解工作带来了新的解决方法. PAFs接收机对射电望远镜焦平面的电磁波进行空域采样,返回时域阵列信号,使用最小方差无失真响应(Minimum Variance Distortionless Response, MVDR)波束合成器可以自适应地识别RFI的方向,同时抑制RFI在输出信号中的功率,从而达到提升射电望远镜灵敏度的效果.仿真结果表明MVDR波束合成器对有源高能量的射电干扰有很强的识别能力和一定程度的缓解能力,同时,该波束合成器对各阵元信道中加性噪声累积引起的无源干扰有很强的抑制能力,因此, PAFs接收机的MVDR波束合成器可以增强日益复杂电磁波环境下射电望远镜的抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

Thanks to the excellent performance of FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope), the number of pulsars has increased rapidly. It is very important to analyze the physical parameters of known pulsars. The overall properties of pulsars are studied by analyzing the related physical parameters such as spatial position, period, surface magnetic flux density and so on. A large number of pulsars were detected by FAST near the galactic disk, which reflect the superiority of its detection ability. The diagram of the relationship between the period and the time derivative of period of pulsars has been updated. At present, 57 pulsars have crossed the classical “death line”, and five were discovered by FAST. Finally, the physical parameters of the binary pulsar systems are statistically analyzed, the binary pulsar systems are evolving towards the direction of low eccentricity and the decrease mass of the companion star. Moreover, 9 are located above the “spin-up line”. FAST is making China into the golden age of pulsar discovery, which will further promote the rapid development of pulsar physics.  相似文献   

Power spectra of the timing noise observed in 18 southern pulsars have been derived using a novel technique, based on the CLEAN algorithm. Most of the spectra are well described by a single- or double-component power-law model. Some of these spectra can be interpreted in the context of one or more of the current timing noise models. The results combined with those obtained from the time-domain analyses of the timing activity in these pulsars are used to assess the viability of the various theoretical models of pulsar timing noise.  相似文献   

We present results of our pulsar population synthesis of normal and millisecond pulsars in the Galactic plane. Over the past several years, a program has been developed to simulate pulsar birth, evolution and emission using Monte Carlo techniques. We have added to the program the capability to simulate millisecond pulsars, which are old, recycled pulsars with extremely short periods. We model the spatial distribution of the simulated pulsars by assuming that they start with a random kick velocity and then evolve through the Galactic potential. We use a polar cap/slot gap model for γ-ray emission from both millisecond and normal pulsars. From our studies of radio pulsars that have clearly identifiable core and cone components, in which we fit the polarization sweep as well as the pulse profiles in order to constrain the viewing geometry, we develop a model describing the ratio of radio core-to-cone peak fluxes. In this model, short period pulsars are more cone-dominated than in our previous studies. We present the preliminary results of our recent study and the implications for observing these pulsars with GLAST and AGILE.   相似文献   

This review describes the observational properties of radio pulsars, fast rotating neutron stars, emitting radio waves. After the introduction we give a list of milestones in pulsar research. The following chapters concentrate on pulsar morphology: the characteristic pulsar parameters such as pulse shape, pulsar spectrum, polarization and time dependence. We give information on the evolution of pulsars with frequency since this has a direct connection with the emission heights, as postulated in the radius to frequency mapping (RFM) concept. We deal successively with the properties of normal (slow) pulsars and of millisecond (fast-recycled) pulsars. The final chapters give the distribution characteristics of the presently catalogued 1300 objects.Received: 5 December 2003, Published online: 15 April 2004 Correspondence to: Richard Wielebinski  相似文献   

为了研究脉冲星本质与磁层动力学过程,如何从观测限定脉冲星辐射区域的部位和几何结构是其中一个基本且关键的问题.介绍了目前各种脉冲星辐射区几何限定方法的主要思想和结果,并对其异同和各自的优势作了比较和评述;根据已有的限定结果总结了其对辐射束结构、加速区模型和射电辐射机制等理论问题研究的帮助和启示;从各种方法的发展过程来看,完善能够限定脉冲星多波段辐射区域三维结构的方法,并与辐射区和加速区等理论问题的研究更紧密地结合是该领域的重要发展方向.  相似文献   

Pulsar electrodynamics could be relevant to the physics of stellar surface, which remains poorly understood for more than half a centenary and is difficult to probe due to the absence of direct and clear observational evidence. Nevertheless, highly sensitive telescopes (e.g., China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, FAST) may play an essential role to solve the problem since the predicted surface condition would have quite different characteristics in some models of pulsar structure, especially after the establishment of the standard model of particle physics. For instance, small hills (or “zits”) may exist on solid strangeon star surface with rigidity, preferential discharge, that is, gap sparking, may occur around the hills in the polar cap region. In this work, with the 110-min polarization observation of PSR B0950 08 targeted by FAST, we report that the gap sparking is significantly non-symmetrical to the meridian plane on which the rotational and magnetic axes lie. It is then speculated that this asymmetry could be the result of preferential sparking around zits which might rise randomly on pulsar surface. Some polarization features of both single pulses and the mean pulse, as well as the cross-correlation function of different emission regions, have also been presented.  相似文献   

Influences of the mass, moment of inertia, rotation, absence of stability in the atmosphere and some other parameters of neutron stars on the evolution of pulsars are examined. It is shown that the locations and evolutions of soft gamma repeaters, anomalous X-ray pulsars and other types of pulsar on the period versus period derivative diagram can be explained adopting values of B < 1014 G for these objects if they have smaller mass (e.g. about 0.5 Solar mass) compared to the conventionally adopted values of mass. This approach gives the possibility to explain many properties of different types of pulsar.  相似文献   

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